Minecraft, But You are INFECTED

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the virus has been infecting our world mutating blocks mobs and even players to turn against humanity where did this virus begin from or better yet who created the virus here we go I finally managed to get my infection potion let's sneak up on sharks I think he's inside his house here place my ladder so I can climb up on his roof and I maybe look inside his window think he's gone to sleep summer mine is roof and drop that let me go and now time to run away oh it's another morning which means it's more time to go and get more loot than what wait a second are those skulks wait wait they're following me wait a second huh hold up something ain't right about this yo every block I step on wait what is that and wait what's at the top of my screen infected wait what do you mean infected this is the sword wait I've never heard of anything as the infected sword before uh what exactly is this whoa wait where am I going wait I'm falling wait help me oh my God oh my God wait a second wait a second wait a second wait a second I'm floating back up I'm floating back up yo chill chill chill what is happening right now being trapped in the voids seems like a useless place to be but for some reason I felt like something else was going on oh I'm so excited for this look XP farm that I just I'm not fully completed it just yet a little bit of things I need I want to add kind of like a hopper down here maybe with some chests in here so I don't have to come down here and actually collect all of the XP but look at this I honestly I don't even know if this fully works I I don't know how to completely make a perfect XP farm but you know what like a little it looks pretty good so far it looks pretty dang good am I am I am I seeing that correctly there's there's like a skulk on the top there wait what wait I didn't I didn't go in there so there's no absolute way that that could be a skunk block though that doesn't actually make any sense wait wait wait wait wait hold up hold on there's skulk in here too it's called Mogi real quick okay pick up pick up pick up come On Monkey pick up Hey Kevin OG yes uh issue I I don't know if I did something wrong or not but I I created a XP farm and now there's skunk block there's a skunk block on top of it and now like the oh oh there's another skunk block like like everything's starting to turn into skunk block oh I don't I don't know bad boy then maybe maybe there's like a deep dark biome somewhere cause causing an issue yeah yeah yeah okay yeah that makes sense okay all right yeah I just I just wanted to ask because I wasn't completely sure oh okay yeah yeah that's uh yeah yeah I'm pretty sure it's not okay thanks moogie yeah no problem bye bye all right and with these last potions here thing put them right there right there and boom meteorite potion let's go oh this is gonna cause havoc now that the XP form is actually completed now I think it's time we go do some with mining or something and like I I don't know what to do because I feel like I've done everything in Minecraft I want to do something different for once okay with this meat here I potion I'm gonna go in this all right sick all right take off my torches now we gotta sneak up to Kevin's face I'm gonna drop this on him let's go it's back here and let's just uh do this he doesn't know what's going on I can easily destroy this and now I drop this right there and boom oh what was that hello oh okay what was that is my roof skulking out wait is there a ghost near me hey is there a ghost near me uh I've watched Ghostbuster Ghostbusters 69 times you can't do anything wait what the heck is going on what the heck is that I've been stuck in the void the entire time and I have no idea why I'm even down here but it seems like I've been majorly infected I mean the infected bar at the top of the screen is more than halfway oh my gosh my skin what happened to me we all know it's physically impossible to break bedrock I think the only chance of me getting out of here breaking these skalk blocks oh my God we can get out of here and oh my god I think I'm back wait am I back yes I am that's the void okay now I can get out of this place but I have to be careful though oh my God a sign of life this is the best place I need to be at wait a second okay the infected sword what is this sword even doing the first oh what oh my God wait a second it shoots infected things what oh my God that's kind of insane I'm not gonna lie what is that is that an infected that wait a second wait what would happen if I shoot that bat Ed wait I'm up I'm a bat now wait a second that means I can get out of this cave oh my gosh wait this is amazing this is amazing I have no idea what's gonna happen when the infection bar goes full but it's more than halfway there already oh wait a village okay wait this could be huge oh my God guys look at me I'm almost fully infected bat what if I could infect the Golem hey buddy listen I don't want to do this to you wait hello oh wait wait the Golem's massive hey hey hey hey hey hey don't hurt me I didn't do anything to you I didn't mean to this Golem's massive oh my God we think Golem's also infected it's eating away at the world uh guys I've never seen a Golem like this before wait what's it doing it's attacking its own villagers oh my gosh this is bad this is bad the virus is spreading to mobs and animals how do I stop this thing wait wait I can't see I can't see I can't see I can't see like all the blocks are changing as I walk none of this makes any sense animals oh hello Mr Cow I've never had a cow actually walk up to me before hello what the heck what is that oh the ticket too what the heck oh whoa wait what the heck wait hold on I'm looking like a skunk block too what the heck Hey Kevin knock knock wait moogie what's up where are you hey there you are hello yeah oh dude look at me oh you you look good Kevin you got a new dress no I don't look good I look like skulk dude oh look every time I walk it changes my path to skulk oh you look so funny I think I can help you though I think I can help you yeah okay okay help me then please yeah yes please okay say the word say the word Kevin say the word uh uh please help me with someone oh thank you thank you thanks Boogie yeah don't worry no worries anytime what are you Char yo okay what the heck monkey no change it back no okay dude change it back come here monkey I can't even get up blocks dude hey dude yo seriously Chase is back right now dude you look so funny I'm still blind I can't see I still can't see uh wait wait what wait a second I'm at Kevin's Basin there's smoke wait a second where's Mogi going wait I didn't know bogey or Kevin were here it is something something's not right about this I think it'll be a smart Play If I become the bat for a little bit something doesn't seem right Mogi went down in there okay now wait a second did he press oh oh look right here oh my God wait what is this wait is this some sort of secret base that bogey has set up and we follow that sir did I just have to press this and boom wait what was that this is a pretty dangerous potion like against what I'm gonna do so I think it's probably best for me to lock this away wait the world is 163 infected wait mogi's the one that's behind this all I knew something wasn't right but why Mogi gotta open up this there we go and with my ball Here video boom wait you open the door over there wait is that a secret chest oh my God wait I need to get in there I need to see what that is oh God I gotta hide I gotta hide he's leaving he's leaving he's leaving okay wait a second he has something back there now I saw him open this wait what is this oh he really does have secret entrances what exactly is this this is the restore potion wait a second this might restore everything in the world I only have one chance to throw this potion and if I miss we're screwed there's only one of them it's not like I can duplicate them or something wait a second I need to go back up to the surface I need help Kevin right now with only one potion to my disposal I can't miss my shot or else we'll be doomed forever ah there's Kevin of all of it there will be no skulk left there will be zero boo okay stop I stop uh this is fine I can't get out seriously can you can you let me out please I fell but it's still fun Kevin huh why why dude okay stop like I'm stuck in this hole I can't do anything oh why did you decide to get stuck in the first place maybe I'll help you out a little bit you know thank you so thank you thank you so Kevin you you like this right you're really like this I like this do you like it I hate this dude I'm trying to get rid of this look I'm gonna Heaven I worked really hard on this I'm infecting the whole world because come on you gotta like it why are you infecting the whole world it says revenge on you in charge it's so funny wait wait wait wait wait stop stop stop stop stop sharks here too yeah is he a part of this well I mean he he's the virus of this whole thing he's doing spreading it that's it started all of this oh hey Kevin do you like this too there's a potion behind you Hey Kevin what the heck is here like this huh wait a second look oh my God wait what's that it was like a meteor or something okay desperately I need food there we go wait a second oh my God I must not be the only one that's infected look at all this Kevin's base it's destroyed oh see monkey I see Moki yeah I see Mogi clear as day right there wait a second is that Kevin wait why is Kevin tiny Kevin's infected too hey this is my time to shine I gotta go after him right now okay stop wait wait what is this monkey let me down you you could stop me this isn't funny Kevin this isn't me I've been a test subject the entire time it's all Mogi said you're helping spread the virus yeah no he made me the virus I didn't do this dude he gave me the virus too I know and you're tiny how weird oh you think I'd expect this dude I manufacture this there is no way you think you can stop me oh really is that so well what about this wait like this movie ah no oh why would you do this Kevin did you look at this we're back to normal no Mogi would you look at this you really thought you were gonna be able to stop us weren't you uh we can talk about this oh yeah yeah we can talk about this we can we can talk about this guy hey guys can you fix me I'm so small
Channel: Shark
Views: 436,121
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, shark, 09sharkboy, challenge, funny, minecraft pe, shark pe, minecraft mods, mods, minecraft but you infect the world, infect the world minecraft, infect the world in minecraft, infect minecraft, minecraft infect mod, minecraft infection mod, minecraft but you infect the world mod, minecraft infect, minecraft infection, minecraft infect the world
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 12sec (672 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 09 2022
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