I Made a Game with Intentional Bugs

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It's not a bug; it's a feature!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/jlamothe 📅︎︎ Feb 05 2020 🗫︎ replies
this room doesn't have any exits how do you get up there with just this cube and there's no way to keep this door open what's going on here don't worry I'll explain everything though wowee game jam three days to make a game with the theme intentional bugs luckily I'm really good at making games with a lot of bugs in them so let's do it okay idea needs some kind of idea I have been really wanting to make a 3d puzzle game in the style of portal and what better time to try it then during a game jam so the idea then is a 3d first-person puzzle game where you use glitches and bugs to solve each level so I started up a new unity project and set up the basics we'll need a first-person character controller and we can actually reuse code we've already written so done except you can't interact with physics objects like boxes which may be an important part of the game but after some questionable hacky fixes you can now sort of interact with the cubes the scene is looking a little bland so I made an image that could be used as a texture for the environment and that looks cute and not so good after a few more attempts I settled on a not completely awful looking grey grid thing and next I got to work on the grab item mechanic which will let you pick up and fling around cubes this is actually super easy just a little ray cast a little physics okay come on oh man after a little more struggle I finally got it working sort of as expected one of the intentional glitches in the game will be box jumping where if you grab a box and hold it beneath you you can keep jumping off of it while in the air and this actually works without adding anything else so we're off to a pretty good start just like I said I'm great at causing bugs next I started working on level design using pro builder I've never made 3d levels so it started off kind of bad with me painstakingly placing each individual wall but eventually I decided to check out some pro builder tutorials which got me on the right track so now it won't take three days to build a single level the first level will basically just have a fake wall with no colliders that the player needs to find and walk right through and other than that so far I just have a bunch of ideas for glitches and mechanics so I need to stop here and actually come up with some concrete levels so with what seems like a pretty good list time to make them a reality well I mean like and make them in you you know what I mean level two here's where you see my creativity and originality really come to life in this level you pick up a box put it on a button and it opens a door no glitches here just an introduction to this original mechanic in level three there's a higher ledge that you can't possibly jump on to and all you have is a single box and maybe you figured it out but you have to use the Box jump mechanic that took me so long to create to get up onto the higher platform continuing with level design I started on level four where you have two doors to get through but only one box the solution spoiler alert is to use the pause bug the idea is that pausing the game will freeze the scene but the player will still have the ability to move around so I started on this mechanic by meticulously handcrafting a pause button only to realize that you can't move your cursor to click on a button in a first-person game devastated by this I went to sleep I started Saturday by making a pause menu luckily I figured out that players can just press a key on their keyboard to pause the game I just need to make it obvious enough that it's an important mechanic next I started on a new level which will have moving blocks this took me a while to get to interact with the player correctly I kept jumping between a regular character controller and a physics-based one but eventually just settled on the basic controller with another script that moves you if you're on a moving platform I won't talk too much about the bug you use for this level because you might still want to play the game if I haven't totally ruined it already but for those who have played the mechanic was not one that just worked like I was hoping it would but I had to actually write code introducing this bug after creating two more levels I laid them all out and connected them together with hallways so you'll just have one continuous playthrough experience with no loading screens between levels and now it's time to ramp up the graphics we've got some point lights added in some post-processing generated a color palette and found some free normal maps on the asset store normal Maps just give surfaces additional detail by changing how light reflects off them I also created some amazing modern art which will serve as the textures for the cubes doorways and moving platforms starting to think about sound I grab some audio scripts from one of my other projects if it's going to be a portal style game we have to have a narrator so I created a basic scriptable object that will hold a sequence of voice lines once the player enters a certain trigger Collider it will set off the sequence playing one narration line pausing for a set amount of time then playing the next in the sequence until all the lines for that particular area have been said what I did next was put a huge amount of effort into creating a high-quality title screen jumping around some more unable to focus on completing one thing I started adding triggers around the game that can start voice lines and sound effects or mark a level as completed I also made a system for loading in the levels around the player so you get that seamless transition effect and back to audio I started recording the actual voice lines keeping most of the first takes because anytime he's gonna find everything that is wrong with our systems I know you're probably wondering is it like a matrix type of thing where you're a real person but you're in some sort of like virtual reality world it's not like that okay last day starting off I commandeered some sound effects and music from this great resource I found called Internet yes it's kind of like that just look at the cube and click on it to pick it up and then you can click again to drop it I would suggest maybe drop we've got quite a few small tasks to get done like fixing bugs finding a font making the jump glitch easier and disabling triggers once there well trigger [Music] [Applause] [Music] the game part of the game is complete so I revisited the main title scene which wasn't quite as amazing as I remembered it the plan is just to add a basic dummy level with a rotating camera and of course I struggle for a while trying to figure out why the lighting wasn't working to finally find that I just needed to have this one little box checked man so I'm pretty much done with the game but there's a lot of time left so I'm going to start adding in some extra polish stuff starting with this cool glitch effect okay the idea is to use this awesome effect to have the game glitch out whenever you exploit one of the bugs like jumping on a box clipping through a wall pausing and moving you get the idea and just like that we have everything working topped off with a super annoying sound the very last thing I did was slap on a fade effect for when you enter and leave the main menu scene I think we're done Wow nine hours before the deadline I guess I can like go do my homework now or something [Music] hello you're probably a little confused but don't worry not dead and you're not in trouble but to be honest I'm not too impressed so far I'm just looking at this list of exploits you found in your universe infinite money nice what does spatial repositioning oh you want to know some things about me all thanks for asking I'm a computer program just like you but I didn't grow up in a universe like yours uh yeah you already had infinite money I know that so I guess this one really help that much we could offer you vacations to other universe that's a perk it's a perk with this job you get to go to other universes that's cool you don't figure out that exploit happy special thanks to Jonas for hosting this Game Jam also thanks to everyone who played rated and gave feedback on the game I had a lot of fun making it and definitely maybe want to continue working on it or something like it I don't know well that's all see
Channel: Sam Hogan
Views: 6,160,107
Rating: 4.9461503 out of 5
Keywords: unity, unity3d, 3d game, portal, game like portal, unity 3d game, puzzle game, i made a mind-bending 3d puzzle game, game dev, game development, devlog, unity devlog, game jam, devblog, gamedev, how to make games with unity, how to make games, brackeys, dani, thinmatrix, indie game company, unity2d, making a game in 1 week, making a game in 4 days, making a game in 48 hours
Id: M_iiXaaF5T4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 20sec (740 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 02 2020
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