수백번 색칠해서 만드는 🌈무지개 롤 케이크 달인/ Rainbow Roll Cake Master / korean street food
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Channel: King Food 킹푸드
Views: 8,654,448
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roll cake, Rainbow roll cake, 케이크 달인, cake master, 무지개 롤 케이크, 레인보우 케이크
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 54sec (1254 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Whenever this channel's videos are posted I am always confused by the amount of equipment and floorspace they have versus the total output. It always seems that whatever they make is in fairly small quantities (relative to the space and equipment). Here they end up with 32 rolls over 20 minutes of film; which was probably cut down from several hours. Why? What is the reason for this extreme inefficiency?
Damn that automatic cutting machine looks expensive as hell. And they really could use some assembly line technique for building those colors.
Something about all those egg yolks was either very pleasant or unpleasant. I can’t quite tell.
Best part by far was watching them fill the piping bags with NO DRIPS! WHAT?!
Post to r/asmr They will love it over there.
Sorry about the title. It came straight from the video, but I just spent 20 minutes mesmerized by this process when I should have been sleeping. I hope you are similarly affected.
Looks so good. they are edible right?