Can Rie Make Boba Fancy? • Tasty

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hi i'm ria today a friend will be challenging me to take a popular food and make it fancy who's the friend it's jasmine let's see what she wants me to make fancy today hey riya it's me jasmine it's boba you know me i love boba i love drinking it i love eating it i'll have it in any size preferably an extra large to me boba is not a trend it is a way of life i've seen people do a lot of unique takes on boba so i have pretty high expectations but you're really after all so i'm very much looking forward to what you're going to come up with good luck and goodbye boba i had a boba before i like boba but i'm not a huge fan of jasmine i have a tripophobia trypophobia it's if you see something small round thing bunch of it makes me uncomfortable and boba eats kind of have that vibe i like kind of gummy texture i like the chew i think jasmine is a tough guest to please because she loves boba one halloween she dress up like boffa too i think she want to be a boba this is fine right now it just makes me uncomfortable i'm not gonna cry right [Applause] so this is made with tapioca starch if it's not cooked it's quite hard there are a lot of people making cool stuff with boba i feel like jasmine has seen it all so it's gonna be pretty hard to impress her with something new but i have some ideas and i'm excited to make it fancy right here's what i got eggs milk half and half coconut flour almond flour white chocolate and citric acid from the pantry i got black tea apple cider vinegar gelatin powder canola oil sugar coconut oil baking soda salt cocoa powder food coloring espresso powder lemon extract and vanilla extract alright let's get started make it fancy boba edition before we start we have new merch make you fancy apron you can find it make it [Music] you can find at i have three and a half tablespoons of gelatin glue this you have to bloom it with cold water first about five minutes and meanwhile put water and sugar and citric acid citric acid is for flavoring and also to make clear jelly you don't want to boil this so this is start getting a little bubble and steamed so i'm going to take off from the heat and add bloomed gelatine lightly whisk lemon extract 1 teaspoon and i learned making other video the cap is actually 1 teaspoon so you can use the cap gelatin is completely dissolved to use large pitchers so i don't spill adding to round glass bowl i'm gonna lay this down to room temperature and chill in a refrigerator about one hour i took out this gelatin dome and i have yellow colored boba pearl it's already cooked kind of want to put in the center so using a stick kind of push until where you want it to be we put this in a refrigerator about one hour and a half so it's kind of semi-settled if it's too still runny and if the pearl is sinking you can put it in the freezer about five to ten minutes so things are kind of floating in the middle i want to set this gelatin dome fully set it will take about six hours to overnight to be safe i'm going to wait overnight and i will see you tomorrow 24 hours later we are back we are well rested there are plenty of things to do so let's get started one tablespoon gelatine powder you know what you have to do bloom gelatin and wait about five minutes heat half cup of milk and sugar you don't want to boil milk either you just want to kind of let the sugar melt it start getting like little bubbles i'm gonna take off from the heat add broom the gelatine melt make sure the gelatin is completely dissolved and then add rest of the milk half cup so i'm adding white food coloring makes the other color pops or side of the cup and the rest of the mixture in different cup two three drops of green food color into one third cup of milk mixture three drops of pink it matches your spatula yeah so it doesn't stain that was all coordinated did you realize green was green this is still a little bit too warm so i'm going to cool down to room temperature and move on to next step bloom gelatin with black tea lightly whisk and i'm going to heat up more black tea and sugar and you want to heat it up but you don't want to boil make sure all the sugar is melted right now there is a boba shortage i heard about this was it the ship that caused it i think it's because jasmine is eating too much bubba mean it's a problem sugar has melt set aside and put back the bloomed gelatin gelatin is melted add half and half creating boba flavor but jelly form i'm going to put boba pearls on the bottom of cake pans i just cook this boba according to the package and pour over milk tea mixture and i'm going to set this in the refrigerator until set about five hours and we have plenty more things to make it fancy it's room temperature now and we have jelly dome and it has a yellow boba pearls inside i have special tools it's almost look like a surgery and we also have a syringe what if we make something like non-edible like i made fancy but it's not food take out all the air pull so i have only one shot i cannot make mistakes so please send me strings maybe my hands are gonna shake i'm making a little petals i think this one was popular and i always wanted to try so what i'm trying to do is insert this part and inject so i'm making kind of like petal oh but it's going it's it's it's pretty as you can see from the top everything is covered with pink so i cannot see so i'm putting in a freezer about one minute and come back and we're going to keep going so the top layer colored gelatin is set so i can easily peel off it to look like a slime it looks good about doesn't look like a perfect flower shape so i'm going to fix it hopefully same thing gelatin in a slinch nice okay it's looking good like spill happens so it's still a little bit difficult it's kind of guessing like i clean the top so i'm going to one more round with pink the flower petal doesn't look even so i'm going to put more petal i think this is good all right here's what it looks like right now move on to leaf want to put like four or five leaves yes that's pretty yes i had one shot i'm happy what it turned thank you so much for sending me strengths it worked and i'm going to set this in the refrigerator about one hour and while it's chilling i'm going to do more stuff i have one cup water and i have boba pearls bring this to a boil and cook for 15 minutes is this triggering this one it's not too bad i think once you put in a mesh sieve it's a little bit too much water came to a boil it smells good and it's becoming a little bit like something makes me uncomfortable because it absorbs the water and it become a little bit big and it's expanded and there is no space so it's yeah let's get put in a blender so i don't need to see it i'm fine i just don't want to see something like frog egg don't google cover and you want to blend until smooth adding 3 4 cup of almond flour 1 egg 2 tbsp of coconut flour 6 tablespoons of milk 2 tablespoons of canola oil half cup of sugar half teaspoon of baking soda half teaspoon of espresso powder 6 tablespoons of cocoa powder three quarter teaspoon of apple cider vinegar half teaspoon of vanilla extract quarter teaspoon of salt blender cake blend everything i realized i didn't put water because blender was struggling quarter cup of water so water's in and let's blend i'm making gluten-free cake so you can make a lot of gluten-free cake in blender because gluten doesn't form don't use blender when you're making regular cake because it will ruin cake's texture it's gonna be very gummy scrape the side make sure everything is blending in smells so good so i have six inch cake pan cut out six inch parchment paper spray the pan and pour chocolate cake batter instead of tapioca flour i use the boba pearls because it made with tapioca bake this at 350 for 35 to 40 minutes or do the toothpick test and comes out clean it's ready the chocolate cake is baked and cold and i'm going to cut them you put this in a cake board so it's easier to transfer and this is my boba milk tea mousse just want to make sure i can remove this from the pan easily so i'm kind of scraping the side and flip i'm going to put hot water bowl right here to something yes all right so it looks good this is the jelly dome i made earlier and i'm gonna just peel off extra jelly on the surface so my cake and milk jelly is assembled and i'm going to take this off from tomorrow since gelatin melts in a high heat putting this in a warm water give a pass my little jelly baby push the side i'm just trying to release the jelly from the mold all right we only have one shot i'm spreading my leg so i have a better balance oh my god look at this don't break yes i did it mom [Laughter] it could break in half and this is two days process so i didn't want to make it like four days process for everyone's sake this is beautiful from the top the cider is not fancy so let's make it fancy to hide imperfection i'm going to use white chocolate and coconut oil when you are doing some chocolate decoration coconut oil helps to set make sure i use double boiler so sugar doesn't burn chocolate has melted pour this into piping bag cut the tip from here it's kind of free foam and i'm kind of going saku i think a little bit of like gap looks nice this film is called acetate it's very flexible plastic so it's very helpful when you're making decoration you can see the white chocolate color is becoming a little bit opaque and it's now ready to going to press against and gently press so it will stick together i'm going to put this in the freezer about five minutes so chocolate will set and stick together and we will see the moment of juice send me strength i take off my cake with color from the freezer and moment of truth a little bit yes and we are done boba jelly flower cake very fancy let's see what jasmine thinks hi jasmine hi so i made a mini version for you what what that is insane really your brain works in just like crazy ways this is beautiful i i did not expect this at all i mean i was expecting something very fancy and very extravagant each layer had some bobei net bob in each layer good do you want to cut the slice oh my goodness it's kind of scary right it's like it's like so delicate and like i kind of don't even want to cut it because it's so beautiful nice nice slice all right so i also got my slice bacho cheers [Music] cheers is insane so jasmine did i make this fancy you 100 made this super super fancy so there's one thing left to do do you remember it's been a while of course i remember three two one make it you
Channel: Tasty
Views: 1,762,243
Rating: 4.9733005 out of 5
Keywords: K_fe, Tasty, baking, boba, breakfast, breakfast recipes, buzzfeed, buzzfeed tasty, cooking, dessert, dinner, dinner recipes, easy breakfast recipes, easy cooking, easy recipes, eating, food, food porn, fun recipes, healthy breakfast recipes, how to, how to bake, how to cook, kid-friendly, kid-friendly recipes, lunch, lunch recipes, make it fancy, make it fancy rie, make it fancy tasty, quarantine, quarantine recipes, rie, rie make it fancy, rie tasty, social distancing, tasty recipes
Id: 4tHk8jJic3k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 57sec (957 seconds)
Published: Sun May 16 2021
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