Can Rie Make Skittles Fancy? • Tasty

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hi I'm Maria today a friend will be challenging me to take a popular food and make it fancy today's friend is Alex let's see what she wants me to make fancy today hey Ria it's Alex so today I'm going to challenge you to make one of my favorite Sweet Treats fancy and that is Skittles they're cute they're colorful they are sweet and sour if there's anyone who can do this it's you I believe in you and I can't wait to see what you make good Skittles I think I had one of their varieties if Alex eats a candy I think she will be skittled it's very colorful Bold Flavor they have grape lemon green apple strawberry orange they say that but they usually don't taste like that let's try green oh it's a little chewy I thought it was hard candy it's not bad grape tastes a little like cough syrup I like chewy texture I like the harder shell I like the flavor of green and yellow I think it's going to be fun to play around with Alex is one of my best friends so I'm excited to make it fancy all right here's what I got raspberry kumquat strawberry lemon egg butter heavy cream milk and buttermilk from the palm tree I got powdered sugar condensed milk vanilla extract through the coloring salt baking soda flour sugar and vodka alright let's get started Skittles it's upside down make it fancy Skittles so first I'm going to separate Skittles by color I feel like I've seen Alex doing this for Eye Joe you could but I don't remember which candy she used right so I separated Skittles by color and quarter cup of water quarter cup of Skittle and I'm going to melt this kind of gives me the phobia I think anything around with Cuba if something all together makes me uncomfortable yeah it's very artificial smell mosquito is completely melted so I'm going to put in a bowl clean the pan do the same thing with green and purple two and a half cup of heavy cream and one can of condensed milk start with lower speed because it is very liquidy once it's a little bit thicker Go full blast until stiff peak like this yeah this is easy ice cream recipe divided into three bowls were invented Skittles is made by Mars so I think it's England it seems like American can be somehow 1973 I always miss like one year add two tablespoons each melted Skittles and a Skittle is so bright if you mix together with like white cream the color kind of disappeared so I'm gonna use a little bit of food color same thing with green and purple I think I'll include like it because she likes black color and she likes Skittles and she likes ice cream put this ice cream into cake pan but I line cake pan with plastic wrap so when you take it out it's easier you also want to use a little bit oil underneath it I tend to like a little bit muted color than loud color it's easy on the eyes freeze this at least six hours preferably overnight we have a table freezer I'm going to put in a tub freezer so I can show cut the thyme while it's freezing I'm going to use mosquitoes with alcohol I have Boca use one cup one cup with a load of vodka uh half cup of Skittles I'm using yellow lemon flavor for this bring it to simmer Skittle infused vodka I like using brandy or Rum for pastry but this is some special thing for Alex once Skittles are starting break down cover remove from the heat let it dissolve completely let it sit until it comes down to room temperature it takes about 30 minutes I have one stick butter room temperature one and a half cup of sugar cream this together adding room temperature Egg one by one because butter is room temperature so if you put cold egg it will separate and make sure everything is incorporated before adding another egg pressing is incorporated so two and a half cup of flour half teaspoon of salt one teaspoon of baking soda just mix well lemon and I'm going to zest use whole lemon half cup of Buttermilk lemon juice in here I'm squeezing over my hands so I can catch seeds did you notice if there were more yellows oh I always notice like the color balance is very inconsistent I have half cup of Skittles Boca and mix with buttermilk and lemon juice next I'm gonna add wet and dry ingredients alternate starting with dry so the reason why we alternate if you put dry ingredients and wet ingredients all together you tend to over mix it and I'm adding one teaspoon of vanilla thank you I have two eight inch cake mold lined with parchment paper and glazed divide cake butter into two pounds I just wanted to make it bake this at 350 for 25 minutes to 30 minutes and do the toothpick test and when toothpick comes out clean it's ready just a reminder if you want to check out our apron go to okay so I'm going to make butter cream frosting I have six sticks of unsalted room temperature butter a lot of butter and powdered sugar that's why you don't eat bar steak every day so I'm going to use the 48 ounce powdered sugar and you want to add powdered sugar little by little scraping sides and blade once in a while I think Skittle is something you would eat without thinking anything like go to movie theater watching and eat like popcorn all right so I used up all the sugar [Music] the bottom is a little bit crumbly so I'm going to add a little bit of milk to make it smoother but make sure milk is room temperature because butter it's room temperature if you use cold milk it will cuddle and I'm adding three teaspoon of vanilla extract for flavor looks nice and smooth so time to move on we use all five colors and this is the last one a quarter cup of red skittles and you want to process until it becomes very fine almost like a sand you use the little mesh sieve just want to use the fine powder look like a crystal add one tablespoon Skittle powder I think it's a little bit muted red so I'm going to use food color to help the color pop great do you remember the first time you met Alex yes I started walking for tasty three months earlier than Alex and Alex joined as an intern she was very outgoing and it's kind of like opposite personality than me so I was a little bit scared of her but we you know get to know each other well and now you know we are very close friend so don't judge people from their first impression is what I learned all right I think this is good and I'm gonna paint other other cream one with yellow okay here it's done last one is orange I think I like this color better because it's a little bit muted with white buttercream so it looks good so I divided buttercream into three balls and I kept a little bit for crumb coat I have baked and cooled the cake and crumb coat vanilla buttercream frosting you put the slated knife in a half way cutting it until it is two even layers we are making four layouts total and this is the ice cream we made earlier and the second layer with orange thought layer easy to handle it's super Frozen last one so this is a little bit uneven but I can use buttercream to make it even so I'm going to stir crumb coat so I can Frost cake better it work fast because this is ice cream cake so you don't want it to melt crumb coat it's like a primer when you're painting wall so it doesn't need to be perfect and I'm going to freeze this for an hour one hour later so we have tinted buttercream and I'm going to decorate cake start with yellow I'm gonna just pipe kind of going for two like thick ring around the cake and orange and pink put leftover frosting and use Bowl scraper and scrape that I have hot water in a bowl make it warm so it's butter so it's kind of melty it's the hot temperature all right size looks good spread the Gap when you decorate cake I like to use little spatula so you can control more so tops looking good sides are looking great but we still have more step left because it's Alex I put in a nice cake stand but I think the bottom is a little bit uneven so I'm going to use leftover buttercream and pipe and hide some imperfection and I have some Samplers I'm going to decorate so decoration is freestyle you can use any fruits you have I have strawberries raspberries and kumqua so the decoration is mimicking Skittles flavor and we are done [Music] rainbow Skittles Shoppe cake very fancy but we have to see what Alex thinks let's call her up [Music] Alex welcome back to make you fancy I sent you a mini version you sent me what mini version I can't hear you I think I'm thinking oh okay great what happened we are waiting Alex please calling us back I think just like how Wi-Fi is not working well hello oh my God [Music] it looks so good because of BuzzFeed roll on the stage we have to keep the distance apart all right so glad to see her wow thank you what do you think it's beautiful yeah it looks like a sunset almost look like you foreign I was thinking I think it's been a couple years and we gotta update your dance okay so can you call your graph make it fit make it fancy make you fancy I got together oh that was great all right what do you got for me cake you have a way over eating okay no I want to go in the middle I got the whole thing I'm not gonna cut it wow this is a dream come true Alex always eat her cake from the middle the middle is better are you upset that I'm doing this no wow is it like Ice Cream dude people are gonna come after me for doing this to your cake but like oh well she told me I could yeah oh it's so good congratulations for making me a good cake thank you I asked for Skittles she solved the riddle the cake wasn't little I ate the middle surprise read a she made it fancy you are so talented all right so we have one last thing to do I know what it is it's our tradition make it fancy [Music]
Channel: Tasty
Views: 1,491,789
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: K_fe, Tasty, baking, breakfast, breakfast recipes, buzzfeed, buzzfeed tasty, cooking, dessert, dinner, dinner recipes, easy breakfast recipes, easy cooking, easy recipes, eating, food, food porn, fun recipes, healthy breakfast recipes, how to, how to bake, how to cook, kid-friendly, kid-friendly recipes, lunch, lunch recipes, make it fancy, make it fancy tasty, quarantine, quarantine recipes, rie mcclenny, rie mcclenny japanese, rie mcclenny tasty, tasty, tasty recipes
Id: 60cjZnQDmSQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 5sec (845 seconds)
Published: Sun May 30 2021
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