I Made A Giant Chicken Parm-Stuffed Garlic Bread • Tasty

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will you come out he's having a hard time letting go it kind of feels like i'm making mochi get ready for the burial [Music] listen hey i'm alvin welcome back to tasty's making a big the show where i make giant versions of some of america's most beloved foods and fun fact this year is tasty's fifth anniversary it's been five years since we've started this crazy food adventure and to celebrate i'm gonna be making a giant chicken parmesan stuffed garlic bread which is a video that i made a while back i think it's gonna be a lot of fun so let's get started okay so to start i'm gonna make the giant garlic bread from scratch and that means making fresh bread as you guys can see this is a starter he's been starting for 24 hours now usually people name their starter i think i might get too emotionally attached if i do so i'm just gonna he's gonna just nameless here and to start off i'm going to mix the yeast with the water yeast needs time to get bubbly and it'll do its thing over there and into this big bowl i got the flour and some salt i'm just gonna mix this guy up he's getting gassy okay let's hop this guy open oh that smell is definitely something come on get out of your little box look at that all right can you come out like this will you come out oh he's coming out he's having a hard time letting go that's okay we all do sometimes all right this guy's all done okay so now i'm gonna mix this with the flower you know what i'm just going to use my hands for a little bit this is quite soft it kind of feels like i'm making mochi the goal is to get kind of a shaggy dough getting flour everywhere i think this guy is pretty much ready to go in all that yeast look at those bubbles start to get that incorporated this might take me a while i'll be right back okay so it's like kind of coming together it's like a sticky shaggy mass and because this is tasty's fifth birthday episode i thought i might share a couple stories from what it was like you know being here since the beginning so fun fact this chicken parmesan garlic bread video i made it a long time ago and it was actually just me in here on like a sunday night i was like ah this is just another tasty video and then i just made it didn't think much of it i did pretty well and now i guess i realize all my best ideas come to me on the weekends when i'm not working is that weird or is that normal i think this is kind of there this is gonna be kind of messy are you gonna come out please come out okay that's i probably could have done better job of that this is not too far away from the course i feel a little bit better about that now it's very sticky you know i think i'm gonna wash my hands i'm gonna wrap saran wrap around this let it proof for 45 minutes and clean up this entire table because i am a mess oh look tasty's fifth birthday whoa so this guy has been proofing for like 45 minutes it's time to punch some of the air out which is always pretty fun because i like punching things oh uh i'm not aggressive i promise at this stage the top is ugly so this is the fold step so back to more reminiscing about tasty we started to explore more cinematic videos on youtube and one of the ones that i've been most proud to work on is a video called the magic of bread making where this french baker goose owns a little bakery in brooklyn called lip primary and i remember editing the sequence where he was folding the dough and i remember that being some of the most satisfying shots i've ever seen even though i'm not as good as he is this part definitely reminds me of him go check it out so once you've got all those ugly little bits kind of shambled together you get to go underneath and flip the whole thing big baby look at that now that he has been folded and shaped a little bit better it's like a butt very firm went to the never mind um go to sleep dude okay so while the bread finishes proofing i'm gonna fry the chicken in the original video it's a chicken breast that is you know cut up into small pieces breaded and then fried since we're making it big we're not gonna cut up the chicken we're gonna use the whole chicken breast salt some pepper but you can't just put only salt and pepper on chicken come on guys like uh onion powder garlic powder paprika seasoned chicken should basically be a different color to all those crevices there you go see now the chicken doesn't look like chicken anymore that's when you know it's been seasoned correctly trying to get all the seasoning off of the pan the chicken has been properly seasoned so we're breading it with the flour the eggs and the bread crumb pretty classic setup just like we did in the original tasty video shake off excess flour into the egg same with you and we'll flip into the breadcrumbs and we're gonna cover it completely make sure we can get all the good parts covered let's put them over here to rest i'll do the other dude get ready for the burial it reminds you of the times my friends buried me in the sand one time at the beach and then they forgot about me all right allen be careful i think that'll pull a little too much but that's fine if you're at home don't do what i just did be a little savory don't put in two at the same time i got a little excited but you don't want the oil to be too close to the top the goal is just to get a good looking shell on the top it's a little crispy that's all good nice drain over here this guy and drain over here i'm gonna bread and fry the other two these aren't fully cooked the outside is so once i finish frying all four of these i'm gonna put them in the oven just to finish cooking all the way through excuse me i have some more chicken to fry so this guy has been proofing for another 45 minutes and he has gotten quite a large i'm gonna do the whoosh oh that was less dramatic than i thought oh baby look at that okay let's press into it get all those little bubbles out wow you can hear the gas coming out and then fold the top third over down and then seal it in the bottom third over seal to make sure that this gets a nice oblong shape and repeat that kind of like a nice yule log just kidding i don't know how yule logs are made so we're gonna go and roll and it's very fun to play with kind of reminds me of the giant donut episode that i did for making a big that was not that great but that's okay this is a very large reptile this is the biggest bread we can make because this is the biggest tray that can fit in the oven that we have so i'm gonna let this guy proof for another 45 minutes until it gets bigger one last time and then he's gonna go into the oven so throw up my dude okay so the chick is all cooked and you can't have garlic bread without garlic butter so i'm just gonna make a lot of garlic butter which we'll start with who is butter who knew the amount of times i've made garlic butter for a tasty video is probably in upwards of like 50. back in the day when i was coming up with a lot of these recipe video ideas i would almost have this weird spreadsheet thing where i had a column of like popular food items and terms like garlic butter chicken steak mozzarella sticks onion rings all those things and on the other side i would have another 20 and i would almost play this mix and match game where i would like try to combine two random phrases to see if they work chicken parmesan and garlic bread actually came out of those two okay so the butter is frothing time for the garlic just to get the aromas going i've made this so many times but it always smells amazing oh man all right so i'm going to take this guy off the heat yeah i don't want to get too much color on it because we're still going to put it in the oven later i'm going to add some parsley this is a good old tasty garlic butter recipe okay so i think the bread looks pretty much ready so i think it's time to roll out and bake this giant loaf of bread for this chocolate bread so that way this garlic butter has a home so wow smells amazing this is the final look of the bread before he goes into the oven i'm gonna score the top one two three four five and six i'm gonna bring him to the oven let's go come on vamanos everybody let's go this is a heavy boy well hey look you jiggle too much sparta all right and here you go big buddy all right goodbye dude see you until you are big again okay so this is how the bread came out it is a beautiful looking and smelling loaf very proud of it he grew up to become a very fine bread boy oh there little buddy in the original video the normal sized bread is cut into sections and hollowed out so i'm going to be doing that but on a very large scale there's a scene ratatouille where chef colette says you can tell a loaf of bread is good not by the smell but by the sound hopefully this bread is good oh yeah that's a good bread listen [Music] music to my ears sorry i had a lot of fun doing that and the next step is to hollow it out just like in the video to make room for the chicken there really is nothing quite like freshly baked bread it's hot look at that it's wow this is steamy you can see that's one i'm watching you that's kind of scary don't do that oh this bread is so good oh it smells amazing i want to do these for the rest of these pieces i'll be right back okay so all of these have been hollowed out you can tell and i'm going to start the chicken stuffing process putting a whole chicken breast in here so let's see how we're gonna do this and just start stacking wow this is going to be one tasty meal see all those gaps that's gotta be filled with the cheese let's do another one let's trim off a little bit that's fine please fit that's a tight fit yeah vertical might be the way to go some cheese in there yep okay so every single one of these pieces has been stuffed with chicken and cheese and just like the video last part is to transfer them onto a tray and brush them with garlic butter to seal the ends we got the tips make sure all the little cracks and crevices wrap them up and this guy is ready for the oven and this is where all the magic is gonna happen so off you go okay here we go let's take this guy out let's see how are you doing big guy whoa this is the good stuff okay come on nice and we have uh some nice marinara sauce here to go with the garlic bread and just for you guys a nice big old cheese pull oh hello there that's nice okay i think it's time to eat all right look at this beautiful guy that is quite large i have to knife and fork this guy oh that's crispy oh my god it smells so good geez i'm not even kidding a little bit of sauce whoa it tastes better than the video of it i made a while ago that's crazy i'm gonna keep eating this please excuse me for a moment okay so you guys are probably wondering what's gonna happen with all this garlic bread and all this chicken and honestly you know i wanted to be able to share this with friends and people that i like to feed but unfortunately that can't happen this time so if you excuse me i have a lot of garlic bread and chicken to consume so i will see you guys next time yay [Music] cut the video [Music] you
Channel: Tasty
Views: 3,506,953
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: K_fe, Tasty, alvin, alvin tasty, baking, big food, breakfast, breakfast recipes, buzzfeed, buzzfeed tasty, chicken parmesan, cooking, dessert, dinner, dinner recipes, easy cooking, easy recipes, eating, food, food porn, fun recipes, giant food, how to, how to bake, how to cook, how to make chicken, italian food, kid-friendly, kid-friendly recipes, lunch, lunch recipes, making it big, making it big alvin, quarantine, quarantine recipes, social distancing, tasty recipes
Id: dQsTUyZYyOw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 39sec (759 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 05 2020
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