I Made "Get Got" by Death Grips Without Hearing It

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hi guys happy little day say now welcome to another episode of this junk where I make a song and I can't hear it the whole time today we're going to do a very highly requested band I'm going to make a deathgrip song with my computer completely on mute I cannot hear what I'm doing the entire time and then at the end of the video we're going to listen to this song and see how close I got how close I got to the original this one's going to be the hardest one yet I can just smell it there were two songs I was so torn between for this video so I posted a poll on my Instagram I was like which song do you think I should do on mute should I do get got or should I do you think he loves you for his money but I know what he really loves you for he loves you for your leopard skin print hat and get got one by a by a pinch all right guys I'm going to listen to the song one time before I meet my my computer get a refresher take some notes on it okay is that a crime I get to listen to the song once before I turn all the sound off is that a crime sue me for that crime if that's a crime God Slow Down slow down this is a bad idea guys this is going to be like horrible I kind of gave up on the notes for this one all right guys the computer's on mute can't hear a damn thing that's right not a single thing let's start out with that noise I feel like this could work something about that tells me that could work if we speed it up it looks like it's fast enough definitely does and if I look up Death Grips and that's like the first thing that comes up get God's like their most favorite song like it's everyone's fan favorite song that's going to be close enough [Music] right see the nice thing about this death grip song is like I don't even need to take that many notes on it I don't even need to take take that many notes on any death GP song I try to make without hearing it because I just know them that well I just listen to them that much I know them that well in [Music] my high pitched fast guitar solo no fine settle for fast guitar solo if they don't have anything high pitched in a major key really nothing fine guitar solo we can just make it fast and we can make it high pitched Jesus Christ I'm thinking this one might be a good one cuz it's already close to G major it's pretty dang close it's a guitar solo Cliff Cliffs of Dover already a fast song it's nothing but guitars I'm thinking that's what they're talking about here I'm thinking can't go wrong with this this one Probably sounds just like Death Grips oh okay see this is kind of fun because there's no BPM so I have no idea what tempo it's supposed to be in it's really off on guard and there's one thing about Death Grips is that they're off on guard they don't play by the rules they just do their own stuff so I could just use this I'm thinking what if we take this we pitch It Up by like 24 and then we quantize it by the eighth note just to really make sure that's probably good oh all of a sudden it's brighter in here oh all of a sudden I put the lights on it's like this whole time I forgot to put the lights on all of a sudden the lights are on wake up everyone wake up wake up this thing I bet would happen probably here at this point guys I'm just going to make stuff up I'm just going to guess oh so this thing I wonder if we should put a tremolo on it a little tremolo on this thing I think this thing could use one thing and that's a trolo on that thing a little eighth note trolo maybe a 16th note trolo with no smoothing I don't know if it's just me something about this kind of looks like it's missing something I don't really know what it's missing but it looks like it's actually as a matter of fact it looks like it's missing a lot of things g g blood rush in my head popping off the to five Dragon volume blast and ball on at also guys quick update on the situation we're pretty overdue for an update a lot has happened since I talked to you about this last these two are still fighting it's not looking good they really they can't even sit on the same shelf it's like kind of annoying these two are best friends they're not married yet but that's okay I think it's fine makes sense they're babies they're not going to get married these two are best friends they don't want anything to do with these two anymore I know they used to they kind of used to be like acquaintances but it's not really they kind of just grew apart nothing that there can't stay inside hit the body sleep the priv who drove this car I'm still alive these two brother and sister obviously you know you mix siblings with business things aren't going to go well naturally there's going to be fights but it's been fine so far because they've been doing really well their new job at Dairy Queen they've been loving it actually hanging out with these two after work sometimes they go to the bar and get a sip after work it's fun stop stop stop stop stop st so many ways skin the frame remember when first got Strang now I just think that life obey so what comes next right away right away right away right away right away couple new additions to the family these two really made themselves comfortable today really made themselves comfortable ever since they showed up yesterday making themselves really comfortable with these two I'm a little too comfortable actually I'm like you guys are too close you're going to outnumber me and overthrow the house I can't have you overthrow the house and I especially cannot have you put these two on the same goddamn shelf again it's not going to happen it's not going to happen keeping a close eye on them because it can't happen they're not going to go on the same shelf they're not going to go in the same one with the same books on it this guy wants nothing to do with anyone so that's update on that um let me know what you guys think if have any questions on that I know I haven't talked about it in a while so uh yeah maybe next time I'll have more to say the all into my head pierced the phone and felt the breeze live my thoughts out then the far skeleton wings no nothing since then it seems been floating thought the next is thre in dreams oh God damn it G man making this song without the sound on was really taking me back to my Glory Days guys my Glory Days where there's nothing else I could listen to except for this this is really only the only thing that my brain really wanted to hear was Death Grips and it kind of altered my brain chemistry honestly there was a huge part of my life where literally all I listen to was Death Grips that's it honestly I was doing some heinous things in my prime time of listening to Death Grips like really heinous stuff stuff I didn't even know you really shouldn't do like when I was in college there was a period of time where my one of my favorite pastimes was playing this game called laser pointer I'd have all my friends come to come to my dorm my dorm I went to school in Boston and if you've never been to Boston there's this park in downtown in like the heart of Boston called the Boston Common it was where one of the public transportation stops was so a lot of people would like get on and off there and my dorm faced this really busy sort of area of the Boston Comon and on like Friday Saturday nights my friends would come over and sometimes like we'd stay up late at night and then like these hammered people would just walk around it's horrible like it's really bad hammered like drunk really drunk people would like walk around and like go in and out of the the tea is what the public transportation is called like the tea stop and there would be times where there' be like three four groups of couples and they'd be like making out in the Boston Common like on this corner of the street and I'd get my laser pointer and I'd point it out at the window and try to like get people to look away and like notice the laser pointer and like see what they'd do if like they saw the laser pointer on the ground but I didn't realize that's like a really bad thing to do like it's I think it's like illegal long after the laser pointer game became a thing that was of the past there was an email blast sent out to the entire dorm building at one point I'm pretty sure that was like Hey whoever's shining their laser pointer out of the window that's like a serious issue and like you will get in serious trouble if we find out it's you it was a really bad thing to do I I don't think you should do that you don't you shouldn't shine a laser pointer at people it's morally not right been floating by the next is thre dreams g g g blood rush in my head the hot popping off [Music] the my it's not like I would try to shine it in anyone's eyes I'm not a monster I wouldn't try to shine in anyone's eyes I wouldn't shine it on people I'd shine it in next to people like on the ground see if they'd notice ooh laser pointer o laser pointer it's like you know you shine a laser pointer at a cat and then chases laser pointer like what happens if I sign in at four groups of drunk couples in the Boston Common making out which one's going to chase the laser first it's not right like it's bad I don't know what what do you guys do you guys got any stories College stories what do you do What's your deal oh she's such a bad person oh she does things that she regrets what do you do it was pretty bad though like that is a horrible thing to do like I've really freaked some people out all right guys I've already kind of accepted defeat with this one I already know it's going to sound nothing like it you guys already you clicked into this video really you clicked into this video thinking I was going to make it sound exactly like get get got by Death Grips yeah that's funny maybe if the Instagram poll would have voted on you think he likes you for your money I know what he really likes you for he likes you for your leopard print skin hat maybe I would have made a song a bit closer to the original but get got there's just no way it's too fast let's [Music] listen g g my heading off to by Dragon volume blast and falling up my brain red light black and Su my m hydroplane massive cat Master l i care boost anything anywhere lose myself I get dist stress looking at wasn't there wasn't there wasn't there wasn't there wasn't there see this this isn't even the right noise this is just a drum beat everything is so loud I mean honestly I kind of nailed like the Vibe my head many way skin the frame remember when first got strange now think of lifee so what comes next right away right away right away right away right away God damn guys this sucks so hard this sucks like total stuff really sucks some stuff you know I looking back if I would have done this one differently I think I would have put more effort into really trying to figure out the structure of the song but that's the thing with like trying to make this song on mute I feel like what helps me a lot when I normally pick a song to make without being able to hear it the whole time is that I can clearly sort of understand the structure and be like okay well this is where the pre-course is going to go and like this is the chorus you know Death Grips it's like okay it's one huge verse and then chorus post chorus one huge verse and then chorus post but it's like so hard to be able to tell how long it's just maybe if you guys would have voted for you think he likes you for your money but I know he really likes you for likes you for your leopard print skined hat maybe it would have sounded a lot better come on New York City get up so let let me know what you think of this one guys I think for my next trick I'm going to do making a song from memory I know I already said that was going to be my next trick but then you guys said to make a deathgrip song on mute and I thought that's a great idea I'm going to do that before I make a song for memory I think my next trick I'm going to make chop sooie by System of a Down for memory that was also a big suggestion I think that's such a good idea but I think I'm going to do the Death Grips thing again except I'm going to make a Death Grips song from memory yeah I think that's going to be really good it's going to sound really good you guys are going to like that so thanks for watching guys if you like this video just give it a like okay subscribe to this channel I upload whatever the hell I want been doing a lot of funny business over here lately it's pretty cool and thank you guys so much for watching thank you for your support it really means a lot to me and thank you guys so much for the support on the music I do make while I can hear it I put out a few new songs recently one of them on the dev lemons project another one on queef jerky pretty cool and you guys have been really nice about them so I think that's really nice thank you guys for being so nice and liking my stuff a lot more new music coming out this year guys on the dev lemons and the queef jerky front lot of new stuff coming out this year I'm really excited to put a lot of junk out that you guys are going to listen to I hope you guys are really nice yeah and I hope you have a really nice night and day yeah I hope you do have a nice night and a day okay uh bye all
Channel: Dev Limes
Views: 96,323
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: EVnafAzfY6I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 7sec (847 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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