My Wife Reacts To Death Grips — The Money Store

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I love that you did I love that so much nice wow I thought the production was fantastic I love the sound of it yeah I just really love that hi I'm Archie I'm Molly and uh today we'll be uh reacting to the money store by Death Grips uh so today's video is going to be a bit different um I'm going to be reacting with Molly cuz I haven't actually heard a full Death Grips album I don't I don't think I've even heard a full death grip song actually um this was kind of your idea wasn't it yeah a lot of people recommended it yeah and they seem to be like a like a Critic favorite yeah a Critic favorite they have a apparently like a big cult following uh I did check out their music maybe once upon a time a few years ago when I first heard about them um I tried I think I skimmed through a few songs and um decided it was not for me at the time uh I've been meaning to go back actually and check it out just because their name gets thrown around a lot uh but we thought it' just be more more fun this way so this album came out in 2012 I think this was the first studio album uh they're from Sacramento California and they make abrasive music okay that's all I know okay so uh we'll just get right into it yeah um this first song is called get got to my heav hot lock popping off the [ __ ] PL clock and WR watch oh Dragon volume blasting bailing out my brain light flash stop I smash from me iwh [Music] [Music] St [Music] midu my head off the [ __ ] that's crazy okay what were your thoughts on that it was different yeah oh it was kind of crazy mhm I enjoyed that actually I enjoyed it it was a lot of fun actually it was very different toon I've heard there was so much [ __ ] going on there yeah there was a lot of stuff going on um I couldn't really pay attention to the lyrics because there was just too much going on that was too frenetic uh to keep up with the lyrics for sure but like yeah wow it was um musically that was fun yeah that was a lot of fun this going to sound super amateurish but the only things I can kind of draw similarities to are like um jpeg Mafia you haven't heard J Mafia not or like yeah yeah or like yeus I guess um like that kind of sort of braive abrasive but with like with rap um yeah no it was great that was a lot I can't even formulate my my thought Tak it was uh pretty frantic um but I like that I don't know yeah yeah yeah I think we'll just move on to the next song the next song is called the fever that's good [Music] yeah I Dr the spraying execution which fings CL through them crawling through them with everything [Music] ICS fever yeah were you feeling that the chorus I thought was really like the I feel like first of all I feel like I maybe I'm not going to try and read the lyrics yeah I I can't I can't even keep keep up with the lyrics there's just too going I don't feel like when I read the lyrics I'm understanding what they're talking about I feel like it's actually interesting because normally in our other reactions you're telling me beforehand what it's about yeah and that allows me to understand the lyrics more when I'm listening to it I have no idea what these songs are about I don't know if it would help if I knew and but really there's Soo much going on in the in the I didn't want to be disingenuous and just like read up and just be like yeah you know sounds of course I I kind of wanted to uh to go in just kind of like experience it just like you m i I love it so far I do just so much [ __ ] going on there's a lot going on yeah the mixing even though it's loud there's still a lot of dynamic in there it's fun yeah and it like it it doesn't say the same like there's different there's a lot of different sections instrumentally I like it I would have to I think his voice and his lyrics will have to be well I mean it'll take more time for me to absorb m but I mean yeah I'm not I have no complaints so far great I have no complaint so far okay so the next song is called Lost [Music] Boys sounds like some Blade Runner type [Music] [ __ ] can it reminds me of The [Music] Prodigy of Lo [Music] I like that it's a the music sounds like kind of lost in some like underground secret underground compound or something right I was going to see like in a dark room or yeah like flashing lights and you're it's just very like cinematic wow and there's sirens and the last song The Last Song the fever that had like siren sound it does it sounds like you're like yeah that's what it feels like anyway that's a great analogy it feels like I'm in a either science fiction movie or some sort of like I don't know but it's it's cool it's really cool I think like I said before I think i' I gain a greater appreciation um upon other lessons when I get into the lyrics and stuff right now I'm just just trying to take also to absorb that one had a little bit more of a more of a slower Groove I guess compared to the other two anyway so I was just kind of like you know bit a little bit more hypnotic but still kind of I really liked it yeah and it did remind me that and the one before it reminds me of The Prodigy it kind of gives me the same it doesn't sound like The Prodigy but the the kind of like image in my head that I get I guess cuz Prodigy kind of had like um some hip-hop drums but electronic kind of thing like I think of like not trying to compare them to to like Chemical Brothers like I love Chemical Brothers I grew up like listening to them in the 90s but obviously this is a bit more messy they're gonna clown me for a s but it's like yeah just kind of loud and full um whereas this is like loud and full also but like more glitchy and and darker yeah glitchy I guess so that was a really good analogy that you you made the mood they was in right okay so the the next song is called blackjack oh my oh my [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] I like this mhm how you feel about that one I think that was my favorite one so far sonically I think I I'm not I'm not sure I don't want to be disrespectful to the other ones cuz those have all been really fun but I felt like when I was listening to that especially the part where it kind of like went glitchy I really like that I can't remember [ __ ] right now everything's so uh it's kind of a going so fast it is at the start of every song I'm like okay I'm going to try and read the lrics yeah and then I'm like wait a second what line are we on I'm like I think we're on this line and it's like five lines ahead I can't take him what he say similar to you I'm just like I think I'm just I'm maybe just not going to I just like looking down because he he he says some words and I'm like okay well that well he says some words and I'm like okay well that makes sense some of the words are pretty like you know in this next one I'm just looking at the next lyrics and there's a or the next set of lyrics and dark dark imagery he's Sayang right yeah yeah that one I liked it might siren again yeah I like kind of like that sounded like a heartbeat in the beginning and the end yeah I think in that one I was thinking more about his voice actually and um I feel like like I I don't know maybe in that one I just uh maybe stuck out a bit more I feel like um maybe not so much in that song but in the other songs his his voice is kind of merged into the instruments like it's not as prominent as like it's an instrument pH it it basically is being used like an instrument so we'll move on to the next one and next song is called hustle bones give a [ __ ] what yeah [ __ ] for this shle B coming out my mouth did not see that coming blood [ __ ] with a play that X hard to the master the [Music] be your life back whe your [Music] whe how you feel about that one these are all a lot and I uh I had my headphones turned up really loud for that one yeah and when it started I got afraid I like that one I like that one that that sampol came out of nowhere the or yeah I didn't expect that yeah I felt like those two parts kind of like they kind of I don't know they kind of I don't want to say they don't belong each contrasted yeah but yeah that was perfect I I didn't I didn't expect that kind of sound because it gives it a bit of a lighter tone I guess um but I mean I mean the uh the syns and the uh and his voice kind of keep it keep it moving keep it dark it's a lot um it's fun yeah it's just there's a there's a lot going on um and I feel bad if anyone wanted us to talk about the lyrics cuz there's absolutely Way's there's no way but I do appreciate the um feel like if you're just vibing out to this then wow I was going to say this is our new morning coffee soundtrack oh that's Andre 3000 3000b I'm enjoying this so far yeah enjoy I didn't I didn't really know what to expect cuz from what you had heard before you you really you thought it was um yeah I mean again like I understand if you just listen to like clips of this and then you were like no that's totally I understand I think I was just kind of breezing through it and I'm like okay well this sounds abrasive and he's kind of yelling I don't understand what he's saying this isn't my cup of tea right um but again back to the Frank Ocean thing uh with blonde for you like you your music taste had changed for you to appreciate blonde more and for me same thing I guess like I've been listening to I mean I don't know what what influence this but uh I don't know I'm feeling it I'm feeling it great so next is I've seen footage [Music] SW [Music] I me ien look I footage I I footage [Music] I'm to get killed for this but it kind of reminds me of pushit by salt and Peppa aop block some kid who step F was hard to Gras what even that crazy [ __ ] see crazy [ __ ] crazy [ __ ] c c so yeah I read before that obviously that it was the most accessible mhm I can definitely see that I feel like uh it was much lighter yeah like the the groove I guess yeah like like I said it feel I felt very like '90s maybe even late ' 80s like early '90s late ' 80s hip-hop I seen footage I don't know if he's talking about like just seeing videos on the internet and now he's like paranoid he's become desensitized not just by the stuff he's seen in real life but also by the footage she's seen online I guess so yeah and annoyed it says may just mean paranoid or it could refer to um noids synthetic cannabis okay I think both would make sense yeah um yeah I kind of that's kind of what I gathered when he said uh he was a describing things like this is the first time I actually caught something in the lyrics um ambulance hidden run over pedestrian in Brazil little tiger boy Soldier twist a c back and kills so I guess he's just talking about stuff he's SE on the internet and I guess yeah that kind of lens to what they were describing of like being desensitized to what you see MH online again that was fun again yeah and some variety more variety like none of these songs really I mean it's hard to remember all of them right now kind of blur into each other yeah but that one had some that one's more distinct obviously I guess for accessible sound I think with hustle bones has the uh the sample so there's some distinguishing features I think will it'll be more memorable when we kind of go through it again at some point yeah I don't know like like I said I might get uh criticize for this in the comments but it kind of reminded me of like early 90s kind of hip-hop like the same kind of I don't know if the flow he was using but the Beet um kind of remind like I said kind of salt and pepper pet or like Funky Cold Medina just reminded me of that sort of hip-hop for some reason but um but yeah yeah okay we'll move on to the next song it's called double helix I like this so far so you want to [Music] know Freon roll J chicken SK system bomb du H back beding for [Music] to know oh wow wow yeah up double helix yeah that was much um there was much less going on there there was still a lot going on yeah there was a lot going on but there was a lot there was less I thought um I like that little what was that I know I don't know how to say Chimes but it's kind of like um sounded like sounded Asian was a sample it sounded like um yeah I really like that part I think that was my favorite song yeah I think so um I like that part where it sounded like it was going to change and it just went back in yeah yeah totally I was like oh is this going to go into something else and even when I went back I wasn't even disappointed yeah I think that one in get God so far like my favorites oh yeah I really like that one I think it had like um I don't know what I'm trying to say here maybe the groove was a bit more like modern hip-hop like it was maybe that's why like the tempo I don't know there was more space I guess mhm um rather than the other stuff where it's just flying at you I mean don't get me wrong obviously there's a lot going on there I really like the 808s and uh I don't think I've mentioned so far was like every song like they put effects on their drums which I really like um oh this is great yeah it sounds I don't know I have no complaints so far I really like this I think it's a lot of fun yeah just trying to think of like where would I play this the gym the gym that's the context I feel like play this in the car you can't just drive to you can't lie on the sofa to this you can't really drink a coffee to this I feel like the gym go for a run or something with yeah yeah we'll move on to the next song called the system blower yeah we Dam BL your system you know what I'm say [Music] oh I love that how I'm coming I'm slinging where I'm what I'm bringing tell you killing [Music] SE high hats but when blacking through your ble system burning to hise system blow system yeah bring about you at it all die but what's up your [ __ ] [Applause] is all over the [Music] system yeah [Music] we to the CH like 18 AIO [Music] Windows wow [Music] well I L that that was amazing yeah that blew me away yeah that was so good yeah there were so many random things in that great there's a lot of um audio interest in this like it doesn't even necessarily have to be musical it works obviously but like it's just interesting sounds they're using sounds very like metallic like icy This One MH in particular but um I love that yeah I thought that was so good I was I was trying to um focus on his flow this time and I was really impressed like he was he was I felt like he was using a different flow on this one so um I'm just trying to like I'm trying to hold on to like anything I can like try to focus on uh cuz there's so much going on cuz it feels like they'll introduce the sound and then they'll introduce another sound like maybe the chorus or the verse and then the chorus so then you you you kind of know when that that sound is going to come back kind of but then they throw in little glitches where it kind of throws you off I like the Glitchy stuff but once once you I kind of grab on to like okay this is what it's going to sound like I'm trying to I'm trying to focus on MC ride and and see how he sounds and how he's flowing I was really impressed with his flow in this one so that I just love the sound of that I thought yeah I really like that I lik the system blow and how it was really yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah hey I'm sold yeah great okay we'll move on to the next one the cage oh I love these intros [Music] yeah his voice sounds a little [Music] different out him SK so fast the be the last my [ __ ] Slayer blood [Music] bur later bullsh I don't know what screaming I'm leaving hey I got that man for sure but tell him why you had to get him [Music] [Applause] [Music] now [Music] [Applause] so I love that you did I love that too much nice um wow I thought the production was fantastic I love the sound of it yeah I just really loved that and there was a line when he said [ __ ] leer rain in Blood Cuz rain in Blood by Slayer oh okay yeah I I I don't I don't know that reference but B Slayer just s and then anyway I just thought it was funny yeah yeah again I was trying to focus on his on his voice cuz like I guess um in the beginning and even towards the end he was I don't know if that was this I don't know if it was him or if it was just another person but like his voice sounded different yeah there were Parts in that song where yeah there I couldn't tell if it was yeah I couldn't tell if it was and then towards the end it got more chaotic and he was screaming more not screaming uh yelling more and uh I was like wow there's a lot of uh vocal diversity in this in this track MH I'm a huge fan of this but uh but here it was like and the last one I think those are my favorites I know I keep kind of changing my favorites but I think those are my favorites yeah I really like that one great a lot fun yeah um and it's kind of a weird compliment but I like that the songs are not super long mhm cuz it's like there's so much coming at you wow if they were long I don't know if I'd be able to handle it yeah there's there's a lot and it's sure I I like them I think and it's like and it's enough to keep you interested and then you're going to want to like come back to it afterwards right so okay and the next song is called punk [Music] we interesting oh P it down H [ __ ] [ __ ] okay [ __ ] let's do this wild through your city [Music] wild break it [Music] I like that I love [Music] that yeah that was a lot that was a lot as well yeah that was a lot that yeah I don't know what it was it was different from that in that song to the other songs I just felt like like there was so I've been lost in every song but in that I was like I don't know where we are in the lyrics at all right I like the introduction yeah that was interesting again another new element like it's it's quite impressive like I'm really impressed with the production yeah and uh we haven't talked about the mixing as well but it's just kind of like like for instance with that one there was a lot of a lot of low sounds like the 808s were just pounding and then um I I don't even know there just there was so much going on but I like how they use kind of like that s there and then it kind of dictated I guess the rhythm of the rest of the song all of this is a lot of fun yeah it is this is quite the experience for sure um I think what it was was when I when I was skimming through it like I think when you skim through the music you don't have the chance to like experience the grooves I guess like to get into the zone and um not saying that maybe that would have made me like it more I I still think it's just my my uh music musical taste has kind of evolved and Incorporated more interesting sounds I guess more diverse sounds I've always liked electronic music like I've liked as much electronic music as I have hip-hop actually this is this is like very aggressive electronic there's a lot of aggression but I'm really enjoying it yeah this is great um okay it's definitely an experience and I honestly I feel like I feel like with some of the other albums we've done it's kind of exhausting sometimes like by the time you're getting to the end yeah you're kind of like not in a bad way but you're kind of tired right but this is really this is really keeping me awake I was going to say yeah so I worked on night shift last night and I kind of have a light headache so I was like okay well let's do this and we'll see what happens hey I'm awake I'm wi awake right now I feel great these guys got me pumped and the next song is called [ __ ] that so let's get right into it impressionistic reference leaden violent oh this one's violent oh wow over one n breaker SL Creator from the hang my [ __ ] no [ __ ] that me with your we [ __ ] as my J off the mo sick as [ __ ] what with all you knew a Bad Brains to them neck bones arrested black MK M dealing P all the way back wear your face like a y cup the percussion is so interesting [Music] yeah that one felt uh quick yeah really quick yeah the drums yeah I really like that that was interesting yeah I don't know I I don't really know what to say I feel like I just keep saying the same things I'm just having a lot of fun with this album definitely felt threatened by the lyrics yeah there were some really graphic things I was like I don't know what he's talking about here well I know what he's talking about here like I don't know exactly what he's talking about but we put them all together it's like okay yeah for sure yeah very angry yeah um okay well we'll move on to the next one yeah uh [ __ ] please [Music] the intros are so good I know it's like my [Music] favorite that [Music] simp low can you go how dirty can you get nasty [ __ ] dve through the dir cut that make it Hur kill it killer kill it h the [ __ ] wh it bur turn down and kick it the shut down we say it again [Music] must [ __ ] blood I ain't going nowhere day and by the freak to the base of the bomb am the darkness creeping through your system the whing everit into [Music] position how' you feel about that one where that sample come from yeah yeah I loved it yeah I loved it too and again like the intros are the intros are so so killer the intros are so good yeah there single one of the intros has been so good the mixing in this one in particular well I mean all obviously but this one I was just kind of noticing even more yeah was so interesting yeah wow yeah I was really impressed by that this has been quite the right it's has been such a fun lesson yeah going on to the last song um it really doesn't feel like like it's gone by really quickly yeah yeah and again like they just really packed it with so much with just so much um I guess we could talk more about that after the album's actually done M uh okay we'll just move on to the last one it's called hacker hey no ins and outs you come out [ __ ] is gone is a different atmosphere still dark going back to the freak you want to see just don't follow me I'm on a journey to the grab your [ __ ] chain and drag you to the bike l i got this pregnant SED by long hair you want a break in the Apple Store [ __ ] [Music] what is [Music] [Applause] [Music] happening out you cat a j to the Head Uber reach you're an a we l most love for most hated I'm a knock on the door we' been waiting for you your bad ideas are the ATM sh my skin leave it for the [Music] hom to swim now we got all the Coconuts [ __ ] babies under each scam beautiful songs the CR cray ult contr crew be sandwiches named after [Music] me wow yeah hacker wow that was go ahead sorry was that the longest song on there that didn't feel long at all it didn't feel long at all and you're right it was the longest song wow this album has gone by so quickly it has it really pushes you forward it does wow what that was so much fun yeah yeah I really like that song also yeah that that felt a bit more dancier than the rest of it um this one kind of felt more like uh Chemical Brothers yeah the lyrics were interesting I don't know if he was talking about like literally somebody being hacked not not like an actual scenario but like yeah just in general like I know your first three numbers I'm in your area your [ __ ] is gone but like wow yeah yeah that was a really exciting album yeah um again uh I guess upon like or once we listen to this yeah more times I'm going to listen to this in the gym yeah yeah and kind of just absorb the lyrics a bit more obviously there's a lot of like anger paranoia um a lot of maybe some violent lines in there do you have what were your stand outs again uh system bler and the cage so some blur in the cage like those two back to back yeah yeah I love those I know I love others but those are the two that I really stuck out my favorites would have to be the first one get got uh double helix for sure that might be my favorite favorite M uh I think it was [ __ ] please that I liked and I like that last one hacker I really I I really that was a great experience that was that was really fun yeah I just really enjoyed I don't know why to see I want to know what kind of music they uh they they personally listen to they personally listen to yeah what inspired them yeah I'm curious to know too like what do you guys listen to if you if you guys are fans of this stuff and you are vibing out to Death Grips um well else Rive it not necessarily like similar music but like I'm just curious would I'm sorry that I couldn't absorb more of the lyrics that didn't really remove from my experience I just had a really good time listening to it yeah I really enjoyed that production I like that there was just there was so many tracks going on at once I like the different effects the different filters but even though it was like a lot it didn't feel like too much like I it was chaotic but I wasn't like oh my God stop like and I think that that was my expectation I thought it was like I guess from what I remember I don't really remember to be honest what what I was ging through the particular sounds or whatever but I just knew that it was abrasive or whatever and there was a lot of screaming I keep seeing screaming but he was he's yelling I think there's a difference but as I said before like once you kind of give it a chance you get into the groove of the song um yeah like it's great really happy about happy we listened to yeah it was a fun experience and hey I'm a fan I'm a fan fan I get it um I get why it's critically claim and you have a huge following yeah must be interesting to see them live I don't know if I'll be there too old for that I don't want to get injured but uh but uh yeah yeah so um again thank you so much if uh thank you so much you made it this far thank you for watching thank you for the recommendation yeah um please like And subscribe if you here for like the hip-hop stuff we're not going to stop doing that there'll be more to come obviously but if there's anything else that you would suggest it doesn't have to be hip-hop or rap or just anything really that you're interested in that you think we're playing the branch out a bit here so yeah yeah thank you so much thanks and we'll see you next time yeah bye bye
Channel: f11
Views: 21,641
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 1k03qcwLtM8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 32sec (2192 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 02 2023
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