The Queef Jerky Rave Disaster

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let's just face it guys the only solution anyone in their mother has to getting your music heard nowadays is you got to make content content now tomorrow tonight but turns out if you make too much content all of a sudden you're just a Tik tocker musician turns out if you make too much content all of a sudden you're just a YouTuber musician turns out if you use cheap gimmic to get your music heard because you can't think that your music stands on its own all a sudden you're not a real musician all of a sudden cuz my music's not good just means I'm not a real musician cuz I have to get someone to throw a hammer at me to get people to listen to my junk turns out I'm leaning too much the content stuff and now no one in the industry takes me seriously God damn it I'm wearing a green shirt I just realiz I need to make the music industry take me more seriously as a super serious artist said that they can put me in the new music Friday they can put me in the Grammys let me in the vote in the Grammys for once I got to put some videos online of me doing music to show people that I have a skill that I know how only problem is I don't I don't play an instrument so I got to become a professional DJ I don't know in today's world everyone in their mother is trying to make the song of the summer but if you want to make make it in this industry you need to really want it and I want it so I'm going to do whatever it takes to make my music stand out this is song of the now right now so this is how I'm going to do it I got a book a DJ Gig I got to learn how I got to get a video of me nailing a sick transition like just a crazy transition between two songs something that goes down in the books maybe even doing a mashup that's just gets the people moving people are going crazy at this party most popular guy there posted online million likes everyone's like wow she actually she is a musician so the thing is I only got one week to become a professional because my friend Alice asked me the other day like if I DJ if I could DJ her party and I was like yeah yeah I can DJ your party sure I can DJ your party can't be that hard right uh only problem is I'm on the lineup with like Dylan Brady I'm on the lineup with people who know how to DJ so so if I don't know how to DJ everyone's going to be able to tell because everyone else is going to be really good but I'm thinking it can't be that hard right I got a week I can figure it out in like a week I away AF a breaking sit there yeah guys it turns out it's actually really hard if I'm being honest with you guys I'm a little scared so now I'm thinking okay maybe if I just picked a bunch of songs that were in the same key around the same tempo I could pull it off I could make the nastiest mashup of your life and it wouldn't be that hard so I changed my set entirely and picked a whole new batch of songs that would hopefully make more sense [Music] together oh God damn it this is not good I'm going to embarrass myself at this party Alice is going to hate me and Dylan's going to think I suck I could take the easy way out I could make a pre-recorded set I could just start playing songs off this little startup called Spotify but you know what Mark Zuckerberg didn't make Facebook on Wix Caso didn't make the Mona Lisa on canva Steve Jobs didn't invent the iPhone by just like a I don't know buying another phone I don't know if I want to be a professional I need to want this I need to push myself to actually learn how so now I'm over here messaging everyone and my mother like God do any of you guys know how any of you guys can come over and teach me how someone got to help me and just like that here comes janden to the rescue to teach me how to DJ start out the Night by showing him where I am in my DJ [Music] Journey [Music] there's just so much stuff I had no idea turns out you're supposed to wear headphones turns out people know how to make the songs transition into each other because they can hear the song playing in their headphones before they hear it play it out loud I'm over here like what the hell that's how they did it this whole time so then I decided I should give it a try with the [Music] headphones [Music] I literally have no idea why this is so hard for my brain to understand like how to build the songs and the and the tension and make the songs like transition into each other well like Nick over here is doing all these tricks and I can't even figure out how to make the songs transition into each other I you're supposed to make them build apparently apparently the song's supposed to build oh got to ease into it at this point I only had like two days left before the show and let's just say yeah I was getting a little nervous but the nail in the coffin is when Alice's manager text me and and she's like oh by the way like you'll be on the CDJ 3000s in the Pioneer Nexus mixer I'm like oh yeah no that's great thank you yeah no like whatever that is yeah no like is that different from the tractor yeah let's just say that's different from the tractor I text johnen I'm like johnen what's that he brings me to this place he shows me I'm like I have to learn on this thing I have to play on this thing this whole time this was the night before the show now at this point the night before the show I'm like God damn it there's no I got to bring the tractor and just see if they'll let me use it all right guys it's the day after the show I am exhausted got my little thing on I just put a face mask on just finished doing little face mask ever heard of it whatever I'm filming this to tell you the story of how the show went because I had this whole plan to get all this footage like the day of I was going to get all this footage of me practicing footage at the venue footage of the party you know really paint the picture for you guys visually but I was so frazzled that day because I really had to learn how that I I didn't get that much I got a lot of footage of the DJ set but other than that there's bll of nothing really so I'm going to run through the whole streamline of events with you guys little story time format because you're really not going to believe what happened at this party so the day of the show I'm practicing all day me and Nick are practicing for hours and hours before the show that is quite literally all I did on the day of the show was DJ from the [Music] couch so after practicing all day we show to The Venue like two 2 and a half hours before our set because we wanted to set up we needed to set up our tractor cuz we couldn't do it on the normal thing apparently this is what people normally use no idea none of the YouTube V videos telling me that no one on YouTube but these tutorials telling me that that's what I'm supposed to know how to do it on not the tractor and the venue itself is massive that's another thing there's so many things that like when I agreed to do this I didn't really conceptualize in my head until I literally got to The Venue like how big of a venue knew this was going to be so Jen's on stage first he's going crazy up there danden is DJing what the hell Jen's also DJing this but while he's up on stage Alice comes up to me literally like 20 minutes before we're about to go on that stage and she's like oh yeah by the way Skrillex is DJing tonight too I'm like no he's not what do you mean Skrillex so what do you mean queef jerky's opening for Skrillex so this whole night I'm like God damn it now we a scr so I was like you know what at this point I really just have to go up there and be really confident and own it if I do a bad job I make it look like I meant to do that I did it on purpose I do bad things on purpose even I really just own it I lean into how bad I am because at this point I need to do what I'm good at and that's performance art so I went up on that stage and I performed like it was an [Music] [Music] [Applause] art [Applause] [Music] I was just doing crazy stuff up there I did some good stuff like a lot of the stuff sounded good you know we got off that stage and a lot of people told us like that was really good so before you go commenting wow you suck and like you're a piece of junk can't believe you did that ruin the show I didn't ruin the show everyone thought it was great but I did do something really messed up so how Nick and I did it is like we would just switch off every other song or so he would just do a couple transitions between some songs I do a couple we go on and off right so at one of the points where I wasn't doing the songs I was just standing in front of the big dog turntables the big DJ turntables and I thought oh this will be funny if I just make it look like I'm doing it too oh this would be funny if I just like touch touch it [Music] [Applause] [Music] right is there something wrong with me so basically this DJ said it actually goes great everyone loves it The Crowd Goes Wild the person who DJs after us is amazing I'm just like oh my God why can't we do that Alice is incredible the the the room like shifted in energy when Alice went up there like it was truly such a wild experience so while Alice is on stage I see Dylan and Skrillex walk in and I'm like oh so they didn't see see the queef jerky set honestly thank God cuz I'm over here like honestly if I were to pick for them to see a queef jerky DJ set I'd rather them see one where we knew how before we went up there like what do you guys think of my moral compass be honest with me in the comments be honest about the moral compass in the comments I accepted this gig under the impression that yeah no we know how to DJ we can DJ sure yeah no we we can we can DJ more like oh yeah no we can learn how in a week and then we get this gig and we go up there and we're just bumbling idiots up there for 45 minutes and then all of a sudden we're we're opening for Skrillex like what do you mean like we're not like we're not what do you mean I didn't know how to DJ a week ago and and now I'm opening for Skrillex basically this story has a pretty anti-climatic resolution because I got the clips I wanted I tried a bunch of different ways to post it online to show people that yeah I am a professional musician I don't just use cheap gimmicks to promote my music look I can do something every single one tanked like they're tanked so bad that they might not even still be up there by the time you guys watch this video so at the end of the day even though I didn't prove to the music industry that they should be taking me seriously if anything I I really think I I backpedal a lot I think they're taking me a lot less seriously after that DJ set especially cuz I didn't even think to play any of my own music at all during the DJ set I'm like oh wouldn't that have been a good idea to play my own damn music you can look at this a couple ways you can look at this as I'm a lying piece of crap I don't deserve to open for Skrillex I don't deserve anything I should just give up or you could look at it as I'm a go-getter oh she knows how to fake it till she makes it cuz not only did I fake it but I faked it and made it in the same night I did both both at once that's hard to do what the what no what is this what is that and I'm not even kidding when I say this I already got another gig booked so did I prove to the internet that I'm a professional musician not in the slightest no one gave a damn but did I become a professional DJ in the span of a week I did so even though I'm a professional DJ even though I have an entirely new career that I could totally just do that I'm still over here like got to figure out how to get this music career off the ground nothing's working running out of options maybe I should start paying attention to what the celebrities are doing may we just do what they're doing oh L Del way worked at Waffle House the other day maybe I should just go get a job at Waffle House thank you guys for watching I got a new song that's out it's already out go check it out it's called give Mom a hug I'll play a snippet at the end of this my God I also forgot to mention this while I was recording this video but there is literally a new queef jerky song coming out this Friday February 23rd and it's scary and let me know what you guys think you know I really want to make it in this industry I really want this just got to figure out how to do it I just want it so badly I'm not going to stop until I stop wanting it that's not going to happen though cuz I'm always going to want it and then eventually I'm going to get it so if you guys got any ideas on how to do that let me know it's really fun oh God I love you guys okay uh I don't know bye
Channel: Dev Limes
Views: 133,092
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5QR6N5b3zQw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 44sec (884 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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