I Made an AJR Song Without Hearing it

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hi guys happy little day today now today I want to make a song that sounds just like AJR without hearing it the whole time I'm was going to type stuff in and hope it sounds like it but I'm not going to hear it you guys are the only ones that are going to hear it the whole time and then at the end of the video I'm going to listen to the song and react to it and we can really reflect on our choices today last week I made a video about making an &m song without being able to hear it so check that out but anyway let's just get started God damnn it I asked Instagram what do you think needs to be in an AJR song what does every AJR song have let me tell you guys you really didn't hold back let me tell you guys you really don't like these guys bad everything I'll tell you what it doesn't have talent loud ass trumpets trumpets they all sound the same dog shitness yeah we're going to try to include all these things in the song today get it really close to the point where AJR hear it and they're not even going to know it wasn't them doing it all right all right before we continue you first of all oh oh she looks like she just rolled out of bed oh she looks like someone just crapped her out and just plopped her right here in front of this goddamn it camera isn't that embarrassing I don't care you're not supposed to see me you're not supposed to see me like this you're not supposed to see me while I'm editing my videos but I don't really care number two guys L lay off let's let's be nice all right AJR not everyone's cup but God you guys really don't like these guys before you comment anything mean about AJR people who listen to AJR just shove it it's fine to like AJR nothing wrong with that fine not to like AJR it's fine to say why you don't like him but just just before you comment things on the video I just want to say like it's like don't don't be too me that's all that's all I wanted to say okay let's just start first with the beat we got to find something silly maybe uh like a silly sample that's looking pretty good that's looking pretty good to me what do you think we go on top of that we're going to need some big orchestral type stuff some Sinister stuff guys a brass stack that'll do you guys have any thoughts on this now we got to stack it more brass more brass this one's in D Minor so according to what that means I think we got to P it down too to make it the same Key C minor maybe we're going for like a some type of the world's smallest violin type deal with this a song something a little sad something a little Melancholy about maybe how they got bullied or something you think I'm cool now Joseph you think I'm cool now Joseph how about now look Joseph I'm playing on stage you think I'm cool now Joseph kind of something like that what do you think this one's a brass Loop of Victory so a lot of you guys were like AJR it's got to be sad it's got to be really Melancholy up in there yeah sometimes they're sad but they're Whimsical in a childlike way they also celebrate their victories you know like I got to go on stage Joseph you think I'm cool now you used to really pick on me say my hat smelled so bad you made fun of me wearing the same hat every day you said oh man that hat must really stink in there I said yeah you're going to see me wearing this hat on stage one day in the arena tour how about that Jo if you think I'm cool now Joseph I think that there's a I think there's some victory in something like that it's a long sample D [Music] Minor you know one thing about AJR is the real experimental call them what you want whether you love AJR you hate him can you name another godamn IT band that sounds like AJR you just can't can't doesn't matter if that's a good or bad thing you just can't because no one's trying the stuff they're doing no one's doing trumpet on top of a jersey beat [Music] nobody does that sound like a jersey beat to you guys I sure hope it does we need like a DubStep drop here's a here's a drum Loop full of energy got to be something in there right that that looks like it has a lot of energy to me one thing about these guys are very childlike is that childlike enough how about this what about this that's got to be close right your guys are going to be like that hurts it hurts I'm going to be like uh yeah I don't know not my fault it's just not my fault key [Music] change really hope that's good how about we have some more silly stuff and sprinkle it along that's that looks silly what I think this the Los Angeles Zoo or something what what AJR thans for getting the goddamn it Safari or something it's not an AJR song without a little bit of modulation ever heard of it little little concept for you guys just a fancy way to say oh what if we just made the song like a bunch of different Keys oh interesting well technically uh yeah I guess maybe that you could say that's modulation but what if you went along the lines of more something like a direct modulation you know you didn't skip around on so much you just went up chromatically in the scale of keys I don't want to you guys are probably over here like well what do you think of AJR what do you think of AJR do you hate them or do you love them I feel like there's going to be some AJR haters in this video there's going to be some AJR lovers in this video and no matter what I say someone's going to get pissed off so here's what I'm going to tell you is my honest opinion of AJR it's not music that I would go on my way to choose in order to like enjoy in an unironic sense but I think some some people like AJR these three brothers who've bound together to make the most ridiculous stuff I feel like I know so much about them and their sound and have listened and consumed so much of their music to the point where I can't say that I hate them I can't because I kind of love them in a way I love how ridiculous they are and even though I don't I don't think they're really like music I like they're so insane that I would much rather make music that is this insane and this unhinged and this kind of just annoying than make something mid 100% any single day I would rather be thirsty I'd rather be known for Thursday thsy Thursday yod he who then make something mid and that's the bottom line all the AJR haters you just don't get it and that's fine we're all still thinking about AJR you're clicking on this video cuz you might hate them or you might love them and if if you hate them guess what you're still clicking on this video it's still a name of a band that you still know you still know and you're like you know what I want to see how this comes out because I think they're just garbage you're a fan in a way you would never go out of your way to watch a video of me making a song impersonating someone who's mid because who cares you've never heard anything like this [Music] before they never added anything like this in there I just feel like if I were AJR I would add some more grit to the songs but still keep the sort of spontaneous childlike nature something like this no maybe something like this no I want something like this no I want something really long that's got to be good right that's got to be what I'm looking for yeah as I used to say uh remember that one thing where people like oh more cowbell more cowbell remember that that's from something oh the song needs more cowbell you guys remember that maybe some of you remember that that's something how about more [Music] chainsaw my marker is running out of juice because I got just so many ideas I'm just full of profound ideas on my ideas person I write so much on my whiteboard about all the different ideas I have that's running out of juice ever think of that everyone's over here like you don't have any jokes anymore you don't have any ideas anymore I actually have so many ideas that I can't even write them all because my markers out of juice writing all my ideas down sorry so they're very childlike they I think we can all agree on that they're very childlike and have a lot to say about being children they also really like to talk about their parents probably like oh Mom and Dad said that we could have something they like to talk about childlike things like um going to the park the playground sometimes they like to get a little edgy though like to take that childlike sort of energy and and transform it into like a rebellious childlike energy like o I'm not I I I take a I smoke weed can't go to the why you can't go to the sleep why you can't go one day I want to live in a big big house big old house with a cat and a dog because because because they said [Music] so damn it I suck at this you can't go to the playround why you can't go to the sleep why you said the basketball hoop by the pool we can play horse in the pool with my lovely wife my little wife my big big brother wife my big big brother you go to the you can't go to the sleepover why you can't go and now we're going to add the piano section the introspective section sleep over why all right guys let's have a listen you can't go to the you can't go to the you they said no just because I don't want to go by the R I hate buies in school want to live in a big house big old house with a cat and a dog I want to see me be someone big old spous I want a house with a bu in the back and a swing [Music] set and a trampoline and a basketball hoop by the pool we can play horse in the pool with my lovely wife my wife my brother brother you can't go to the playground boy you can't go to the sleepover Bo you can't go why all I want to know is why you can't go to the you go to Bo you why [Music] why [Music] [Music] can't go to the fny can't go to the sleepover why can't CU I said so why I wouldn't know [Music] why hold on why is the second half of the beat kind of [Music] insane you [Music] the first half of the beat let's just let's not even beat her around the bush it's rough old house with a kind of dog I want to I wonder if it would sound like AJR if we like took their vocals and put it in the song I belied in God back inade he could smoke an on a school day remember I don't think you all right guys we can just be honest with each other I don't think it sounds godamn it anything like an AJR song this first part's believable though let me know what you guys think of this series I think it's fun I was looking through a lot of your feedback in the Eminem episode and a lot of people people are saying that I should consider trying to do this live on Twitch and then taking people's suggestions in the chat and I really really want to do that that does sound a lot of fun I just need to get a better computer because I have this PC which I would stream off of but I can't put Logic on the PC because it's a PC yeah thank you guys so much for watching your support means a lot I'm so excited for the new year I have a lot of fun stuff coming out then you know I've got a lot more new music Dev lemons music coming out it's going to be awesome queef jerky is going to drop an album it's going to be great and I'm going to keep doing funny stuff I really want to figure out how to do more funny stuff I really enjoy doing commentary but I also really want to do more funny stuff too I don't know anymore guys I'm really just talking at this point but anyway thank you so much for watching and I'll See You Again eventually bye
Channel: Dev Limes
Views: 89,299
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: i made a song without hearing it, we made a song without hearing it, making a song on mute, i made a song on mute, making a song without hearing it, making a song on mute challenge, we made and dropped a song without hearing it
Id: nwgoc8ZUGUQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 51sec (891 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 19 2023
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