The Dev Lemons Tour Disaster

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music fans from around the map have noticed a clear shift in the concert culture Paradigm audience members are doing heinous things like peeing on the floor throwing stuff on the stage strangers are just straight up walking on the stage in Drake's arena show people are even peeing on the floor but every time someone posts a video of a concert gone wrong online it goes mega viral all of a sudden everyone's talking about kid cuy when they threw a water bottle at him in the head all a sudden pink is to talk to the office when someone threw their there's ashes at her so to get my new song in the Billboard top 100 I'm going to hire a criminal to throw something heinous at me during my live show tonight well not tonight in today's world everyone in their mothers trying to make the song of the summer but if you want to make it in this industry you need to really want it and I want it so I'm going to do whatever it takes to make my music stand out this is song of the now right now plan is simple step one book the live show I'm thinking something small something intimate somewhere we I going to play an acoustic set I know what you're thinking that's nice you'll really get the crowd thinking what kind of monster would throw something during the acoustic set can't do a headline show everyone's going to know it's fake doesn't matter how real it looks everyone's going to be like oh that's funny she's just doing another joke I need to open for a band with a bunch of random strangers in their target audience that is my target audience target audience a band with an audience I don't know some like a like a band uh I don't know plain white te's and for my next step I'm thinking I got to find myself the strong arm I got to find myself some guy who has no problem using that strong arm for something to do really bad why am I what's the point of this I have a I literally have a green so for my next trick I'm going to have to find the perfect ammunition for the strong R pra prably something that wouldn't hurt if it hit me in the head but when all said and done you know I I'm willing to take a hit machete no lead pipe I do a lead pipe you know I hate to say guys I kind of miss the notepad it crazy I bring the notepad back in it was kind of crazy I kind of missed not the set ends everyone claps post the video instant million views national news I'll go as far as say world news I think somewhere else in this world's going to post my news everyone learns my stuff everyone knows my name after that they think wow I feel so bad for her I want to make her the next billboard artist new song drops I'm on the billboard after that and that's the plan tonight we're going to make it all happen now so it turns out the Plain White T's already do have a show in Anaheim it's in a few weeks and they already do have an opener but I'm thinking if I just show up and I ask nicely they'll see how bad I really want this and they'll give me a chance well booking the gig was a lot easier than I thought it was going to be now I have plenty of a time to find myself the strong armed criminal my original plan was to put an ad on Craigslist for the strong arm so figured I'd go to my local restaurant you know make myself comfortable there and pull up Craigslist post to ad there use their public Wi-Fi but on my walk there I stumbled upon something perfect the first crime five just some standup guys who want to get into something sinister I actually could not believe what I was seeing but turns out the first crime five have some serious competition because when I was walking down the street I noticed another flyer for some guy who wants to commit his second crime despite Blackjack Jones already having experience I figured why not give the new guys a chance they're going to be hungry for this they're going to be hungry to feel that adrenaline that Rush of committing their first crime so I message first crime five First turns out Salvatore was a strong arm of the group and his rate was pretty affordable I gave him the date and the location and with we locked it in until we did it turns out one of the criminals in the group is also a musician and had his own concert that day and all the guys had planned to go to that instead so I tried haggling them for a bit like come on there's no way all five of you have to be at the show come on just give me just one just give me just Salvatore the strong arm they seemed pretty interested in making it work though and even admired how badly I want this they admired it so much actually that they even offered me the chance to open for their band thumpasaurus instead but after some deep thought I realized you know I do want this but I don't want that I need high risk the higher the risk the higher the reward so I messed the back and said sorry I just want this too bad can't do it I want it not that this so first crime five ended up being a big old done more like no crime nothing so my only chance was Blackjack Jones turns out the QR code on the flyer just took me to a blank website with just a phone number on it yeah hi um I'm looking for someone to commit a crime against me I saw your flyer on the street the other day and I trying to do some crime yeah perfect that's exactly I only committed one crime but I'm going to commit a second one okay that's cool oh I'll throw anything you want at you at anybody really I don't care I just want to do crime oh okay that's pretty cool okay we're going do some crime yeah we're going to do some bad crime it's going to hurt yeah I love crime yes yes okay live gig check strong arm check now I just need to find the perfect thing to throw I need to make sure that the item I pick stands out enough from this normal junk but still looks believable turns out there's a bunch of fake stuff that looks really menacing so I ordered a bunch of fake stuff to test out and see how it looks on camera before the day of the show but when I got the stuff in the mail turns out everything was too small and soft I can't use any of this junk people are going to think I made this crap up they're going to know it looks fake it looks too fake I needed people to feel bad for me so they go check out my stuff I only had 3 days before the Big Show I needed to think fast and find a store near me that had a lot of good fake stuff in it seems like my best option was this place called Alonso all I do is make fake glass perfect so I rushed into Alfonso hoping to God and Jesus too and you know what Mother Teresa while we're at it and you know what throw St Anthony in there hope to him too that all the fake Bureau bottles were not gone I told the king of the castle my plan and let's just say his response was a bit more apprehensive than I thought it was going to be from a distance it's going to hit you yeah [ __ ] that might hurt so I was kind of questioning him back like really you really think it's going to hurt that bad it can't hurt that bad people get bashed in the head with them all the time hard he was like um I think maybe you should hold it to see what you really think it feels like you know kind of see how heavy it is so it gives me the bottle he reaches into display case gives me the bottle see they're not that oh [ __ ] you're going to break his glass that's all right just a show she did she why would you but if it's com from a distance and say like say like it hits like I'm so sorry like it hits like in the edge wrecked your glass that's all good for some reason my instinct was to just immediately Bonk myself on the head with it he was actually really nice about me breaking his stuff almost too nice at that point where I was starting to get a little suspicious like you sure you really don't want me to pay for this stuff and he was like you know what yeah as a matter of fact don't not only do I not want you to pay for it how about I just show you some more stuff how about I give you a gr tour the place show you some more stuff let you hold it turns out I love this place so much I just kept buying stuff stuff I didn't even need for this junk I just wanted some more stuff I walked in looking for one beard bottle two Macs all a sudden I'm walking out with three beer bottles two wine glasses and a and a wine bottle all right guys after I talked to the king of the castle I had to really rethink my strategy I'm thinking here's how it's going to work okay this is a stage right this is me this is uh the stranger I get to play guitar I don't know I didn't even think that far ahead that's the strong arm I'm thinking strong arm starts in the audience oh they like the audience audience over here right when I say my quue for the for the thing strong arm gets on stage climbs up I don't know he can probably climb up can't be that big of a place right he's going to climb up get behind me Bonk me in the head Bonk me in the head right here Bonk right in the back of the head oh my God I got to stop the show guys my head you know what you guys we such a good crowd I'm going to play you one more song you know what I think I can tough it out for one more song they're going to be like no no no go to the hospital go to the hospital they're going to think I'm a total martyr I do a cover to end the show everyone sings along with me I get rushed to the back of the stage and all of a sudden I'm the most popular guy there oh that does hurt yeah let's just say there's no way in hell we were making that happen at that show that night would have made way too much of a mess caused way too much of a panic let's not get too ahead of myself skipped a few chapters let's go back to the beginning of the day I arrived at Chain Reaction actually at the perfect time so perfect that I just walked in there wasn't even security yet they just let me in like I was supposed to be there they even just let me on stage even the plany thought I was supposed to be there they were like okay I guess she's supposed to be here here so I kind of just made myself comfortable let the VIP start pouring in so I can look for someone who hopefully knew how to play guitar I'm like these guys are VIP at least one of them's got to know how also did some strength training while I was back there really wanted to get acquainted with this new item now that we weren't doing Plan B we got to go back to plan A I guess the hammer looks extremely fake but you know I'm thinking with the right angle in the right throw it'll look really real so there's Blackjack Jones you got there bright and early and listened really actively at how to do the job I said aim high you're not aiming high enough if you hit someone in the crowd we're going to get sued that's what the guy told us that's what Kevin told us after that I had plenty of time to find myself a guitar player in the audience turns out I found this guy he was really nice and uh actually had a guitar in the trunk of his car so sent him out there he learned really fast which was nice cuz I did tell him you know you got to learn fast and now sent Blackjack out there bright and early to really get his follow through down because he was not throwing high enough in that backstage area I'm like man you got to throw High I'm serious you cannot hit the wrong guy with that thing and off we go the show went off to a great start it was I was actually kind of menacing how much people were paying attention to my stuff I was like guys I didn't even get anything thrown at me yet you guys are no way you're paying attention to my stuff already man this guy is just menacing I'm watching these videos back over here like really really this is only your second crime as if you don't do this every day Honestly though while I was up there I kept looking around like is it going to throw it is it going to throw it I was getting a little nervous I don't know if he's going to do [Music] it what really all security I'm going to be honest with you guys I was not going for Laughs I was going for gasps so when everyone laughed at me when I got something like horrible thrown at me wasn't sure how to feel about that but regardless I did walk away being the Martyr of the night everyone was like one more song Come On One More song you can't just end it there like all right guys if you really want one more song I guess we can do something we all know I guess we could do a little cover have a little Sing Along come on [Music] guys and there I had it the night couldn't have gone any better the golden moment was caught on film now all I had to do was post it I can only do this once so I had to get it right the pressure was high I kept looking at videos of other people getting hit with stuff on stage until I settled on using the third person to talk about myself to make it look like someone else posted it even though it was going to get posted on my main account also I made the caption about how I confronted the audience for throwing a hammer at me and cut the video off right before I actually said anything so that people would keep watching oh what she going to say what she going to say but then surprise I say nothing once I had everything in order I bit the bullet and just posted the godamn IT thing then immediately realized I accidentally somehow added an invite to Emma's dance recital on the video just have no idea how I did that I had to redo the whole thing which really freaked me out but it didn't actually matter because guess what the post took off immediately that's right and believe it or not everyone believed it and turns out the fact that the audience was laughing at me in the video just made people even feel even more bad for me too people even asked me for the name of the song I was playing which oh it just so happened to be the unreleased song I'm trying to get on the billboard oh that's funny it's only my UNR song oh yeah everything's going right as I planned couldn't be going better overnight the video got hundreds of thousands of views on Tik Tok and Instagram it even made the world news news in France people in my real life are reaching out to me asking if I'm okay everyone's believing it even in my real life they're asking bro that's [ __ ] crazy someone threw a hammer at you I seen that that [ __ ] pissed me off bro I'm sorry about that what the [ __ ] people suck but then the plan started to backfire I had to lie to all my friends about what happened so they don't tell anyone it was fake people are starting to turn on me in the comments saying I suck saying my my gimmick sucks saying that if that was them throwing the hammer they'd throw it a lot harder at me I even lied about it in my YouTube video last week just told a bulb face lie right to all your little faces yeah people just don't know know how to act anymore on a similar note something pretty serious happened at one of my shows recently when I was opening for the plain white teas a few weeks ago an audience member somehow brought a hammer into the venue and threw it at me during my performance guess I sold the performance too hard because everyone believed it and felt really bad for me which made me feel really bad and before I knew it I was just another Dust in the Wind just another stranger getting hit in the head everyone stopped watching my video after the first couple days and I still had a whole week and a half before my song came out where did it all go wrong normally no one hates the artist when they get stuff thrown at them but maybe that's because people threw real stuff at them it's like all a sudden no one gets famous for a video of them getting hit with something they're already famous and then they get hit with stuff after I didn't realize that people would actually get mad at me for lying to them about getting hurt on stage as a joke for sympathy and streams I just wish someone would have told me that and I in my opinion again you're going to do what you do and I'm going to support you no matter what but I do not think this is a good idea at all a terrible idea and I hate it well yeah you know I guess my manager did tell me at that dinner that was a really nice dinner but he didn't tell me hard enough and now I'm the least popular guy here and by the time the song comes out everyone will have forgotten me see yeah that really didn't work people really did not turns out people really don't like when you use a cheap gimmick to try to promote your new song especially when you're relying on people to feel bad for you so I guess let's talk next steps let's talk new strategy got a new strategy for the next one got to try again just got to think of something else going to come up with a shirt already a few steps ahead here I already do have the shirt and it's already on that website you you guys can get one if you want hoping that you know people buy this shirt walk around town with the shirt on people stop them hey that's a cool shirt where'd you get that shirt I like that what's this about what's the story behind this shirt they tell them the story oh it's only about uh the song it's about my new favorite song the shirt is it's like word of mouth but in a different shape oh look I'm up here now oo it's kind of funny I'm up here now all right guys I got to make people take me more seriously people hate the gimmicks so I got to find a way to get people to think of me as a super serious artist I need to make myself stand out as a musician this is where we are right now and uh let's just say we got to we got to go over here we got to get up there now most importantly I got to just keep learning or else I die so don't want to do that yet got a lot of life left in me and you know what guys at the end of the day just because I don't have the billboard placement just because I'm not on the new music fr Friday just because I'm not on the cover of any playlists just because I I'm not even on the Zan low show just because I'm not on YouTube trending it doesn't mean that no one cares there's a lot of people out there who do like the song A lot of people out there who who don't care about the hammer thing and maybe it worked on them I don't know and to you guys I really thank you for your support and your love it really does mean a lot in this journey and I'm just hoping to God and Jesus too that we can keep learning linking and building together you guys are really nice so stay tuned for the next one guys song of the now right now next one I'm going to try something else I got to think of something else if you have any ideas for how to promote my song let me know it might work you know sometimes I just want to give up on this whole thing guys some times I think to myself am I really cut out for this do I really want this how bad do I want it I can't even figure out how to do it okay bye guys
Channel: Dev Limes
Views: 135,189
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: j7xDEs0euno
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 14sec (1094 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2024
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