Worst Songs of All Time Bracket (with Quadeca)

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now we got downtown by mmore versus the Grinch by Lon woo what a heater of a matchup what's up you're watching hive mind the most fabulous show on the internet my name is R by my fashion forward co-host grden fashion to the front and today we're once again looking for the worst to the worst this is the worst songs bracket 3 64 really bad songs only one can win and we brought a very special guest for this one somebody who knows a lot about bad music but only makes good music himself oh well that's nice and not true but thank you so much we're in for a freaking doozy guys I'll tell you that much calm down brother qua thank you I'm very excited I've been listening to these songs all week it's been the worst week of my entire life yeah and so I'm ready I have a lot I want to get off my chest I think this is going to be a fun one all right before we make sure you like the video subscribe if you want to see more hiv.com for our merch we also have a drop over on cop's website it's linked in the description along with our patreon and our Cameo if You' like to support us or click the join button here on YouTube and become a member he's a member I'm not we also have short form content over on Tik Tok and Instagram reals follow us over there and qua has new music releasing soon very soon get ready as always first round we're going to hear a little clip of the songs and then after that we just play it out first matchup we've got Best Day of My Life by American Authors versus Your Beautiful by James Blunt this is going to be so [Music] hard you know that clip is a really good representation of that song because it ends right about when you can skip the ad it also sounds so much like that Imagine Dragon song it's time never heard of it or can you sing it I don't ever want to let you down that's like the same guitar line that's exactly like that yeah it's it's crazy two bad songs sounded like who would have thought I don't know it just made me happy though you know it made me want to go to the mall and smile you makes me want to commit arson yeah where probably a church or an orphanage or something those still exist yeah face I was [ __ ] high [ __ ] high I love the clean version of this too where it just goes flying high that's better the [ __ ] it's like such like a uh [ __ ] it's like bro stop I love it I actually like that song I know it's like bad singing and all that like it just kind of like Nostalgia tricks me it's a good song yeah it's a fine song it's so much better than I don't know dude I think it's worse it's not I I cannot I cannot you know how many shirts he takes off in the music video like six at least it's like a hundred he just keeps taking off that's sick James Blunt then he's naked at the end brother it's like a four and a half minute strip teas D's better it's better second match up we've got swish swish by Katy Perry versus NL choas [ __ ] me out heaters both of them Nicki Minaj and Katy Perry love that link up and Cho and having sex no better Duo SSH ssh Bish [Applause] that one's sick dude when I was listening to this I was just like okay it's going to suck and then I was like I just fil myself doing this I like oh oh the hook is sick I like it it was kind of early on the Revival of that sound like the early 2000s kind of Club sounds I think it was just like coincided with Katy Perry's very ugly public era like not ugly like that she's beautiful she's a beautiful woman for some reason when I hear this song I can't stop thinking of her dabbing on stage with the OS yeah and wasn't she in like a shark costume or something there's something going on she also went to therapy and when I heard about that I was like yeah keep those emotions inside that's right she also had a little bit of bad blood during that time with Taylor Swift I like both these songs low key SL me out is so crazy and it's so crazy that's his biggest song like I I saw this video where he's like in an arena and like children adults men women alike screaming that like he's like vegan nut like the entire Arena it's like oh my God I kind of do appreciate it but that line is insane put your ass in my face to like get pink eye that's because poop causes pink eye yep I didn't know that until like embarrassingly recent like I never thought of pink eye as embarrassing when I was a kid but as a kid there's poop everywhere right but as an adult you're like what you're a disgusting freak like if your girlfriend gets p guy people are like yo what are y'all doing you know and I'm like no no no no it's nice give it a try once both of these are among the better songs on the bracket in my opinion I think so too I think Swiss swish is just a little worse due to like the era of corniness [ __ ] me out's like still a little fresh and it might end up being more corny but like as of right now I'm like it's kind of it's kind of nasty and cool yeah go swish swish for now yeah I don't feel strongly so let's let's run it next we got Pocket Full of Sunshine by Natasha bingfield versus The Laughing gnome by David Bowie oh my God I'm ready for this [Music] one good see yeah you like this song and what's that about well I don't like it I wouldn't listen to it in my spare time but it's it never stood out to me as like this is one of the worst songs they're just like this is a cute little pop tune yeah I kind of like it too I think it just falls into the overplayed kind of annoying hook like I got a pocket got a pocket full of sunshine like I it can kind of annoy you in a grocery store and this got sent in a few times from people saying that their their parents watched the worst songs bracket 2 with them and were like oh Pocketful Sunshine that song is annoying I can see that it's about cocaine though oh that sense that's sick though she got that bag on her she had a few drinks with the lads next thing you know all night long with Natasha she would burn them lines back brother she had a pocket full of that San Jose speed snow that frenetic French fun powder cocaine it's not really how the game is played sorry sorry sorry that cat man Dew creatine pocket full of Russian racing rice powder that Peruvian Power Aid right on brother Natasha used to be my plug let's go clap it up no no need to CL I had a problem yeah for a good stretch of her career she just went by Natasha ingfield because she was not going to bed [Music] hello is this like a leftover from Labyrinth cuz that's the only way I can justify this I think no this is a man who was doing LSD this is like a guy who was doing a ton of LSD and he was like oh a little laughing gnome and other people on acid were like did he know this was annoying like did he know this was like a tough song to listen to yes okay this is one of my favorites to listen to from from the entire bracket like like one of the most hysterical I was listening on the plane over and I was just dying like like unable to breathe if you haven't listened to the song you got to give it the full College try because you can tell by the end of the song He's just like what the [ __ ] have I done he's like I like it he's like it's like a maniac I love it in a way where I want to see it continuing to the next round you know yeah I think it's much worse than pocket full of sunshine way more annoying and if Unwritten was on here I'd get up and leave by the way Unwritten by Natasha bingfield cuz that could be on the best songs bracket feel the rain on your skin oh that's a banger yeah I love that song no one else can feel it for you next we've got Snake Eyes by demon dice versus money by ailand this is a final matchup what the [ __ ] dude no I don't know where this song came from I know it's really bad but I feel like it feels like one of those things where I'm missing something yeah same like I don't get it it's racist oh is it [ __ ] yeah okay yeah the whole song just like all these SoundCloud rappers they think they're from the hood that's not good it's like one of those you know I have substance I don't rap about money and ho and it's like weird I think she's like a YouTuber Brad was giving me the whole [ __ ] like Chronicles earlier you know cuz I guess he has like a longstanding like lore with him in his audience with demon dice but like I don't want to contribute to a train of hate but this legitimately may be like the worst artist ever yeah I I just know it was requested a ton to be in here and I heard it and was like oh yeah this is bad and I feel like I didn't even want to step into the room and say it was bad because I just don't even know what's going on I will give her some credit though cuz I think she took it down so clearly there was a there was a moment where she's like this you know shouldn't be there I just know it's kind of like gamery nerd core rap which I could you know it has like its its audience and I and I respect that but like holy [ __ ] dude I will say demon dice sounds awesome me like roll a demon dice you know you're shooting demon dice tonight I'm playing a game with Lucifer and I'm losing that's me and the crabs yeah demon on the dice seven everybody loses if this wasn't supposed to be good it's kind of awesome what do you mean by that like if it was supposed to be a joke it's pretty funny sure like to like just sonically funny like to me I'm like I can't believe it sounds this bad and that makes me like kind of think it's cool but I think it was supposed to be good I remember when this came out very clearly yeah because I I did this video as like 10 worst YouTuber lyrics or like songs or whatever and this one it left me speechless the artist behind this I think she was like a child's YouTuber like all the comments in if you go in they're like wow I remember being eight when she dropped this and she was like only making like children's react content and then she made this song where she's like in lingerie and like a private jet like shooting it's just like weird as [ __ ] as like a thing to exist and it is like a concoction of horror there is some humor to it though and Demon dice there's like no joke about it it's just awful yeah as you I kind of like it it's so bad that it's like a great novelty laugh at it like I'd much rather listen to money because Snake Eyes is so hard to get through and for that reason it moves on to the second round the other crazy thing about Snake Eyes is like she's rapping so fast but you can't hear her and it actually saves the song Because when you think when you actually like when I when I could make out the words that she was saying I was like this is not okay you know but like all of it is slurred so it's like it kind of blurs out some of the ideas and all of it is slurs right I wouldn't be surprised I don't know I didn't read the lyrics I literally just listened to it and was like no thanks now we got downtown by mmore versus the Grinch by Lon what a heater of a match [Music] up now this one I have a lot of context for it okay this is McLemore's first single following him winning the Grammy over Kendrick Lamar and it features Melly Mel cool mod and Grandmaster Cass who are like Originators of hip-hop like 70s and 80s hip-hop and then also Eric n the lead singer of Foxy szam which is a Cincinnati band that was kind of like the underground queen of Cincinnati and I mean queen like the band I couldn't believe Eric n was on this song as somebody who's seen foxy szam a few times it like didn't make any sense but this song when it came out was definitely mamore being like let's take it back to the beginning of hip-hop I got to show him I really respect this [ __ ] yeah he he shows them that he knows them that's about it about it he's like look who's with me take that Kendrick like you see those names now don't listen to it you see those names though it wasn't that bad when I listen to it like it was bad but for the first like two or 3 minutes it's kind of like a little endearing like it's a little nice you know I didn't hate it as much as I thought that I would based on you know the the sort of lore that I remember when this era happened Grant made a good point when we were listening to it though he said like what if this was a Bruno Mars song and then it's good and it kind of works that's like what's interesting about it is that Bruno Mars can get away with this sort of thing but because it's mmore and he raps so conversationally that it's t like he doesn't have like a rap voice like he's just talking I walked into the moped store and I'm just kind of like I guess that's good but I don't know it just comes off so odd you know it's corny but I agree I don't hate it you like Hamilton I assume love Hamilton yeah okay yeah my top two R album Inside by Bo burum now this one I have a lot of context for yeah where the [ __ ] did you find this cuz I was listening to this and I clicked on the guy a 100 monthly listeners like where is this so this is another one of those like one hit wonders of the SoundCloud rap era there was a week on Twitter where all anybody could talk about was this yeah and Lon is a rapper from Cincinnati who had this moment and everybody said that when when he was rapping it sounded like he was having an asthma attack yeah I believe there's a music video that has a lot of views there's like fire behind him and he looks crazy his eyes are all wide and he's just like that's really all there is to it and it did get requested a lot to be in worst songs I know that he's doing a lot vocally right yeah but my favorite moment of the song is like about a minute in there's like a new piano that's just completely off key from like I thought I had like an Instagram ad playing and I went to go close my app and then I rewinded and that's just in the song like there just there just begins a second instrumental over the other instrumental and then it just cuts out it's like so weird I think it's better there's more visceral energy to the lon song where downtown is more embarrassing I agree with that but I still think the Grinch should move on if the metric we're using is like which song would I rather listen to after this bracket I could get through the mamore song the lon song I'm like yeah I'm stop turn it off I'm going to go with Grinch I'm going to go with Grinch me too wow okay next we got world's smallest violin by AJR versus Jackie Chan by Tiesto jeo and post Malone that is a great example of a song to torture someone with if you locked me in a room and played that song three times I think I'd put my head through the wall I didn't know you could make the Big Bang Theory theme song worse why does it do that it's doing the exact same thing as The Big Bang Theory theme song Bare Naked Ladies are pioneers it's hard not to follow them if I had a million dollar If I Had a Million Dollar I'd buy you a llama haven't you always wanted a monkey yeah these these real lyrics that's bar naked ladies Eminem sampled them idiot this AJR song the worst thing about it is the storyline of the lyrics it's like so contrived it's like my grandfather like fought in World War II and he was a noble man and I'm a [ __ ] but I'm still sad so I deserve to have somebody who can love me like that's the storyline it's it doesn't like it becomes like a weird plea for love he's like I I deserve love it doesn't make any sense I mean most AJR songs are like that it's a very strange band that I have never heard before we started doing these brackets really I had never heard a single song by them it's crazy that his grandfather fought for the Nazis sorry if I got the story a little wrong you know I I tried not to listen as best I could sui from Japan to kick Jackie why is the song in here it's fine I I think that this song is in here just because like it's such a normal post Malone Melody with just the lyrics are just so not even offensive like it is like a little offensive but just like cringy but so many of his songs are cringy to me I just think it's funny how plain it all is he wasn't even thinking about it when he said it he was doing his taxes while he made this it's just boring so like AJR I think should move on oh of course next we've got School shooters by XXX tentasion and Lil Wayne versus cucko arama MAA by Rod Stewart don't bro that's so real oh man there's so many things I love about this song one of them being that Lil Wayne had no idea who X was when he was alive this is just a postumus song that they tacked Lil Wayne on to and it was not one of the most finished ideas that X had but then like Lil Wayne just WS so on topic about school shootings it's like uncomfortable like it's insane you heard the name of the song was like okay I got it all right all right let's do some Coline stuff I'm going to kill myself in front of the entire class by the way so that's going to be something what else what else can I do that's violent in a school it's just weird to listen to because it's really like you could feel the posture is scrapping it doesn't even feel like a real song that's why it's like a monstrosity to me it's like it just just one of the songs that truly should not exist and it's also weird that the Lil Wayne part is like worse than the X part oh yeah like a lot it like makes the song very bad yeah that's what gets it on this list honestly [Music] for that always makes me think of sex bring in the horns honey I think there's something really special about the old songs on these lists because it's just like Rod Stewart has classics and what the [ __ ] is this song but this is new it's just an old guy oh this is a new this is like last four years or something really yeah yeah someone's like hey Rod uh sex is really selling music today he's like don't worry I got this sex is cool and sex is nice it's like an old man's idea of what sexy music is he's like bring in the big band I think the X song is like uglier than like the Rod Stewart song is kind of fun I just kind of feel like the X song like isn't a real song so it makes me want not move it forward but that's what makes me want to move it forward is like I said it just shouldn't exist it should have never happened and like the Rod Stewart one I could have just ignored I don't know the X song wins for me for sure all right then I guess my opinion uh is void but I maybe I would Tak in the Rod Stewart but either of them are fine next we got a cover Gucci gang by Drake Bell versus my house by FL rer love I I forgot name b why do he say B just what that's what it says on genius so uncomfortable the chord Choice the moodiness of this just didn't need to be it never needed to happen Gucci gang Gucci gang Gucci gang that's how the hook goes yeah this was at a time where Drake Bell got really obsessed with SoundCloud rap even went on no jumper and talked about how much he loved Lil xan and Lil pump and listening to all their music and this is how he paid tribute and threw his hat in the ring um well that was till they turned 18 right he really liked them when they were young Drake Bell also a criminal seems to be an awful person and also his name is not even Drake No his name's Jared what his name is Jared Bell and that's his worst defense I think his worst defense might be this song oh it's so uncomfortable to listen to especially cuz he's singing a child song you know like this is like like a l pump and he's like saying like [ __ ] like it's like H like he's close to the mic it's just everything is like wrong about it it's one of the worst experiences to listen to I mean I've watched too much NBA not to like this song every time it's a home game they show like home team highlights welcome to my house Steph Curry like running Oracle it's awesome it's like a perfect this is a perfect like NFL game here comes the home team welcome to my house FL Rider knew what he was doing it's it's perfect it's like a commercial Sports song shout out to the fans on the jump Bon hey hey there's a little there a guy with the baby hey hey it is so fun it's just so sterile like it's so like there's no Edge to it it's just like a novelty song but it's definitely better than Gucci gang by Drake Bell yeah it is next we got supplies by Justin Timberlake versus rock and roll all night by KISS what was he thinking what a mistake a huge mistake for anybody who's not heard this full song it's produced by farel it's a newer Justin Timberlake song and it's like a sexy song all about doomsday prepping yeah the video is so weird oh I know if you go to the comments on the video it's a real trip literally all the top comments are like he's telling you all about Adrena Chrome it's crazy like this song in the music video itself probably like created qanon they do there is like an Illuminati pyramid in the video it's very like Direct it's like he had like listened to Joe Rogan for 2 years and then just made this song like he says like I'll be a generator turn me on when you need electricity he says we'll be living in The Walking Dead I when he says okay it's like the the least cool ad Li ever he's like okay it's the you'd be like okay that' be kind of cool but he literally goes okay it's like what the [ __ ] is bro cooking this song is like embarrassing I can't believe I had never heard it it's a classic example too of someone who was once so cool so smooth doing something the polar opposite it makes it more painful I'll say another thing about the music video there's a whole unnecessary part where he's just like making out with a girl and I was thinking like he's got a wife yeah and like kids and this is so unnecessary like why did they put this in the video no part of the plot of the video needed this at all and he is just like all over a woman just making out with her and I was like huh wonder what Jessica Beal thinks his wife was like you know do do you really need to do that baby it's my art this is the truth people need to hear this rock and love it I don't if this moves on I'm moving out I do not love it it's just like a rock song about partying exactly by KISS yeah that's what kiss was there for when I was a kid and I saw kiss not like I didn't go to like one of their live shows I mean like I saw what they looked like I really expected the music to be like darker and heavier right but that's like when you hear like OG metal oh yeah that's what I mean like Slayer and [ __ ] and Metallica oh I'm saying like Black Sabbath Judas priests it's like not as hard as you think it should be right it's like the devil it's like Arena Rock still in there you know but with a metal aesthetic yeah the metal Aesthetics just didn't hold up to the music back then but like Kiss I really expected to be a heavy band also this was like heavy and satanic for the time oh I know parents were like oh no not partying all night Jesus well it's easily supplies though easily supplies Jean Simmons tongue is longer than my dick isn't that crazy now we got Panic of the disco's Star Spangled Banger versus Pompei by Basel oh one of the best songs of all time it was Banger in the title yeah I didn't even notice that star spangled Banger [Music] wow what the [ __ ] why is this song The Boys Are Back In Town I hate it for that Reon yeah you know what I mean and the hook sounds like We Are Young by Fun like the hook you would never if you just heard that clip and you've not heard this song you could never imagine what the hook sounds like it's atrocious it is completely separate from the verses like the verses are a different song than the hook and I love Thin Lizzy so it pisses me off right to my bones I like Lizzy no matter what size she is I don't she's got to be thin Canadian with a surprisingly black lead singer surprisingly yeah it's surprisingly it is don't act like it's not it's like Bobby called Bel surprising that he's white there's just things out there that are like that you know you're like HH the guy from thin Liz's black hm that's kind of your reaction I'm not like whoow but it's like oh I didn't know that Andy's Canadian and being bing bing double shocker double shocker yeah Banger I already professed my love for this song in the indie songs bracket but now I can only hear it as a o o jeans are on say I did that yeah that's what you did I did that [ __ ] bro I started a [ __ ] wave and you're just riding it [ __ ] you talking to me I don't know you better get good at surfing [ __ ] just kind of like the greater you [ __ ] I don't know if you can swim but you better learn how cuz you're just riding that wave bitcha dude but if you close but if you close your eyes I mean obviously I'm going to vote for Star Spangled Banger it's so bad I never want to meet the person who like that's their favorite song Oh yeah and you've already met the person whose favorite song is Pompei by bastile it's Riley's that's cool I'm going Panic at the Disco as well next we got baby shark by Pink Fong versus I'm the one by DJ khed featuring quo Justin Bieber Chance the Rapper and Lil Wayne B baby shk kids song I get it's annoying but it's I mean I don't know is there really anything that wrong with it I didn't know it was such like a global thing cuz like I grew up singing this song at summer camp yeah me too shark and then you do mama shark and then you do daddy shark then you do grandpa shark I said this in a video and people said that I was crazy no he did this on swim team like this is a real song that just kind of like everybody knows it and then this is the recording of it that somehow took off and has billions of plays right wow I thought this was the origin no wow I've been singing this at Camp since I was like 6 years old and then when I became a counselor we did it and it was fun and then it had to die like you can't sing it at Camp anymore this is like if a big version of the song There was a great big moose there was a great big moose he liked to drink a lot of juice you know it's just kind of like a song that people know because Camp counselors sing it and other creeps who you know hang out with little kids they sing it to the kids and the kids learn it and love it I wasn't a creep not when you were a kid but I was as counselor I don't know I wasn't there I didn't go to Camp cuz I wasn't a [ __ ] dork it's like a song you'd like grind with someone random on a cruise ship yeah and I play this in the club that's in the cruise ship you been kind of like eyeballing someone at the dining room for the first couple three days and then this song comes on you finally get a little little grind action yeah a little grind action little friction finally some friction but not too much what happens if there's too much I can't bust at C I learned so much about life when I'm next to you this song like I used to like it I relisten to it it's so long like it's really a torture and it's the same beat the whole time it like on recent listen like I actually couldn't stand it I think it's wal to wall fun I'm not even joking I literally the only part I don't like is Justin Bieber's little Melody that is annoying the rest of it though I mean quo is great on it I like Chance the Rapper on it I think the it's it's like awesome and the music video is so funny it's just DJ ked's backyard and they're all there pool party I mean it's exactly what there's a lot of product placement like tons of product placement in the video I literally love this song I don't love it but I like it more than childhood monot monotony and I mean baby shark's worse but I was like surprised at how badly I'm the one has aged but hey just my opinion I'm excited for that cruise by the way yeah I can't wait yeah I cannot [ __ ] wait God if we went on a Cru that'd be so [ __ ] fun oh please can we go on one soon I want the alcohol package though yeah that's fine imagine a Cru bottomless drinks for a week I'm scared of the man you would return as tell you what I'd be [ __ ] liquid that's what happens when you drink a lot yeah yeah I haven't had a solid poop in six months wow all right next we got Jungle by ex ambassadors versus Strut by Steven Seagal the actor Steven Seagal the band actor no longer allowed back into the United States why is that we'll get to it yeah imagine dragons have done irrevocable damage to commercials like godamn this type of song didn't even [ __ ] exist outside of like a few Muse songs in the early 2000s and now it is everywhere and considered like a pop song yeah stomp Rock anthems it is cringe cuz I I also picture the people that feel empowered by this kind of music they don't need to be empowered you know what I mean they're like upper middle class white people with weapons they don't need an empowerment song they're good like if Guitar Hero came back now they would have the worst songs of all time on there because this is the type of song they would have on Welcome to the Jungle you know it's just like someone driving around like their suburb Welcome to the Jungle this is like what a 30-year-old listens to on his way to his weekly paintball yeah get his own he's like got a full camo suit or even worse like an airsoft yeah I like it though oh this feels like I hate crime it lowy is give give me the give me the skinny on why is he not allowed in America he's like an extremist and like he's like on Rodman level he's like in bed with Kim Jong-un oh really yeah he's an insane extremist he's a fake martial artist and when he was an action star when he did have his Heyday he was so bad at like doing martial arts and like acting that he would just kick the [ __ ] out of all the stunt men on his set like he would like break a stunt man's back and be like keep the movie going and talk about someone who is incessant on having sex scenes there's like three different action movies of his where multiple women make not of how huge his [ __ ] is and he like his wife dies and then he sleeps with the nurse he like wakes up out of a coma and she's like what a hog and he's like it's he's just a disgusting Pig of a man and his first line in this song is yeah where does he get off doing this accent let alone the ponytail am I right right that thin little [ __ ] this one's really really offensive don't tell me you're picking jungle well the other song's just like worse for me to listen to like I really don't want to listen to [ __ ] jungle like I'll listen to this cuz it's it like it made me laugh oh it is bad and it's wrong and it shouldn't have happened no I'll pick it you're right be on the wrong side of History it's like a cheap computer regone kind of like it's weird the jungle one isn't like that bad it really is that it's just mid it's bad it's fine I we're going to go with strut but I just I will say I really really hate jungle oh next we got two Titans of Rock Lil Wayne Knockout versus traps headstrong oh this song is hilarious that's the first clip that actually like kind of hurt me to listen to it's so bad Nicki Minaj is on this song doing her singing thing back in the day she was kind of on this wave and uh Lil Wayne just sings about hooking up with white girls and asking them if they like black guys most of the song is about that it's pretty crazy it's insanely bad but this era I like those songs like I just have Nostalgia for Lil Wayne doing guitar music but I get why it's [Music] here that's just a real rock song like a [ __ ] awesome rock song by the way this got requested so much that we had to put it on here and I knew the whole time that I was just going to say like I think this is my favorite song in the bracket really like I [ __ ] love this song but I grew up listening to 1065 The Zone we all understand that the Toledo radio station rock radio station they turned into ESPN Radio eventually get in the zone I just would ride to school listening to this song in my headphones and I was obsessed like this song is hard to me makes me want to put on like Tapout shorts and drink a ripet and like punch my sister in the mouth honestly yeah I was watching a lot of w we when I was listening to music like this um it's bad I'll take Lil Wayne though yeah Lil Wayne's worse young people always hate this song what tell me why I just want to understand it there's just no like beat tags you know there's no like damn you know or like no like there's no prod I don't even know who produced it and that's kind of important in songs that I listen to I want to know who produced it I want to know who was in the room I want to hear ice jingling and a chain jingling nice there's a lot of things that I look for and and forgive me but headstrong just has none of that presents none of that presents nothing new to the table you're forgiven we' got hell as well by wei3 versus Superman by Five for Fighting P please why is it that women shouldn't preach and that I just imagine hobo Johnson listening to this and going man all these new rappers are just my sons bro literally the way that I found this was that it was posted on Twitter with hobo Johnson's got competition yeah and everybody started tagging us and saying worst songs bracket 3 worst songs braet 3 and I was like yeah no yeah this is uh this is Christian I don't know like hardcore influenced hobo Johnson type of song pastor Pastor it's insane we can just move it on the this is another one just because of how old we are we grew up with dads who love this song I [ __ ] with this song I mean I grew up loving this song and F for fighting in general and I had no idea that at the time they were being being clowned on like people were like this guy's voice is so weird this band sucks I was a kid being like man throw on some five for me that [ __ ] spam yeah this song was good like when I was into it I was like I was like all right like it it does its thing corny yeah it's corny little corny but like comparatively like come on you know really humanized uh Ken Jennings who what's Superman's name CL K Clark Kent Ken Jennings the humanized Kendall Jenner what's his name now we got BAS Down Low by Dev versus Usher's OMG featuring will I am good match [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] up I kind of like it yeah it's fine right yeah it's not like offensive see I thought that I was going to show up here and say that and you guys were going to tell me something that made it bad no I think it just got request is that why it's here like why is it here I don't know it's kind of like snuck into the wrong party see this is like my era of nostalgia like this is when I was around you know this is this it makes me uh you know think about like uh what are those glasses with the plastic oh yeah in the middle shutter Shades the shutter Shades I just get big shutter Shades energy listen to this [ __ ] bright colors glow sticks Molly sixth grade dance freaking that's what they used to call it h you know what I'm talking about when you'd have children grinding among each other he's know he knows what I'm talking about they would call it like freaking and they' to like ban freaking from the school dances B we need more sherons to stop this yeah we just called it grinding yeah we would freak a leak we would freak a leak I freaked a leak with some marijuana now is that you taking a white onion otherwise known as a leak and freaking it with marijuana yeah Al leak's a little bigger than a white onion more mild in taste too and then I put tobacco in it smoked a vegetable Sig Health freaking Al leak it's good nice now I'm high nice now I'm high nice now I'm high nice now I'm high uh-oh oh oh my God why is this song in here just the oh it sounds like a whole stadium cheering in like a weird corny way I actually like that part but this song is worse on full listen than I remember it like when you just hear that clip you're like okay we all remember that but when you do the full listen it's a [ __ ] mess there's so many like attempted hooks both these songs are like fine again like they're both kind of inoffensive like 2010 party Vibe thing like whatever OMG is harsher on my ears yeah I'll go OMG cuz the base down low kind of has more authentic swag to it yeah you know I agree last one on the first side we've got Fifi by 69 versus Click Click Boom by saliva I have a hot take about this song let's hear it I think that honestly expectations for 69 were just really high cuz this is just kind of like mid like nothing really happens in this song There's not like a great hook or anything has a Nicki verse it's like whatever if he had dropped this on his original run I feel like people would have been fine with it's just that the expectations were so high because 69 kind of had like bangers like his like early [ __ ] is like at least it's like entertaining like there's a lot happening and it's aggressive and crazy and this was like a different vibe of a song that just didn't have much going for it but it's not like bad in an aggressive way I remember people really liking it though at the time like it was it was his biggest song but people did not like it me never liked six and on you know but I agree like he did have some you know pretty classic bangers and was kind of on an interesting run but yeah it's just mid yeah I agree with that sentiment it's middle of the road he won a 69 like the let me guess you love it I don't love this one of course I love it WWE time though I was hearing this song every goddamn day new metal rapping rocking come on brother I think this is kind of a bad version of it though for sure I like stuff in this genre and stuff with this energy but this felt very like fake and corny version of that yeah you know it was not for me still makes me want to put on my Osiris's and big baggy denim shorts and [ __ ] someone up if you could [ __ ] someone up right now who are you picking I just set myself up you know what I'm talking about me again if you could [ __ ] him up that's not me who would you would it be Joe Biden what would you do to him kiss him that would [ __ ] him up he be so confused Mr Biden awaken something with him he do his next speech he'd be like you ever just feel something you guys want to see my Mitch McConnell impression yeah pushing in real quick y there you go it's pretty good right he's gonna die by the time this video comes out just saying I'll give you 20 bucks if he does don't do a death pool on Mitch mccon pool oh my bad we didn't ring other people in on it this is just straight up manto man you want to get in on this well then it's a pool and then that's I kind of liked that idea when he said don't do that I kind of like but what if we did I'm going Fifi here I'm going Click Click Boom you know what I just thought about we kind of look like Alvin and the Chipmunks right now that's he just he wants to be Alvin this [ __ ] he does which one of us is getting the best head let us know you [Music] know one two or three Alvin Simon or Theodore be do you have a blue shirt you could wear uh no oh my God I feel like Fifi would be more entertaining to move on but I have to be honest with myself and with my audience and I'll say that click click boom is uh is worse yeah it's fine with me I have a bar for in between if you guys want it let's hear the bar I've just been so drained recently I feel like the only two times I'm inspired is when I'm reading the Bible or I'm sitting on the toilet and the other day I was sitting on the John I wrote 316s wow there's a lot of there's a lot of moving pieces there but you know it comes together in the end you don't sound super like that didn't sound super gen C plus it works on a mathematic you don't have to rank it to grade it it works but technically correct yeah it's not blowing my ass off maybe you should try blowing your ass off you might get inspired C minus probably in that range I'll give a C+ I'll be the good cop no such thing as a good cop say no such thing as a good cop second half let's do it first match up we got I'm an island Boy by the island boys versus Closer by the chain smokers seems like the island boys have been getting a little closer lately did they actually make out I inspected it very closely and I can confirmed yeah they made out like for real I mean it's on camera I don't know unless it's some sort of AI deep fake sort of [ __ ] okay now here's the thing I tried to AI them making out way before it happened why it didn't really look realistic why did you do that it was a project we were working on we wereing on you guys were what we just talk about a lot of stuff when you're not around and a lot about our deepest desires you know we're human beings ideas flow and you know between me and Ben it's like it's like a no judgment Zone exactly it's a safe space just for us and for our that right my little kitten okay now this is a judgment zound so let's just let's keep that for don't even say the bedroom the War Room sorry the war room thank You Love is a Battlefield yeah reminds me of my circumcision was lit dude I was getting all cut up G we ain't never getting old and my whole family was like hey [ __ ] was [ __ ] a fire bro uh I already talked about this song in our most streamed songs of all time tier list and I said I like this song I think it's fine feel like I was just never hot enough to really like this song yeah a lot of hot people loved this song and sprayed water on each other to it oh yeah bikini babes slip and slides bouncy houses frat houses sorority houses volleyball team the best looking people on Earth had a great time in the sun to this yeah and I when's my time in the sun with Hy and the chain smokers [ __ ] it's Island Boy it is Island boy I just never felt good-looking enough never thought I'd say these two songs in the same sentence we've got richmen north of Richmond by Oliver Anthony versus loner by JX controversial you can't talk about JX these days oh cuz it Kanye's comments Mexicans can be Jewish it's like a lot CCO with Verde sa Jewish guy's never left Israel goes to Mexico City holy [ __ ] look at the size of their yamakas God if you're 5 fo and 100b fudge rounds bags of fudge rounds this dude is pissed off about taxes holy [ __ ] and hates fat people I like this song I mean yeah I like the melody and like you know the performance and stuff but what it's about is pretty misguided and weird I I literally don't know what to make of it just the whole political context and everything that it's wrapped up in is just such a mind [ __ ] like he went and did an interview and he just says literally the most simply positive thing where he's just like you know I think it's good that uh people are different and diversity is important and uh you know I just hope that we celebrate our differences and don't let them tear us apart and then literally all the comments like I thought we had a good one I thought he was one of us what the [ __ ] dude I don't know I mean The Melodies like he's he has a good voice like I don't know it's just such an weird moment I mean it does not sound like a number one song and that's what's weird about right now is that you can have a song like this or another one that we're going to talk about later that can get to number one based off just the type of person that's paying attention to it yeah it's like a conversation that was so boring that by the time I it got there I was kind of like ah whatever like I don't know like okay yeah I mean it is like fat phobic at times and it's also like seems a little right-wing leaning at times but it wasn't so harsh in One Direction that it needed to be as big of a conversation as it was yeah I'm a little I'm a little confused by the moment you could be sad baby I'm AER I recently found out that a lot of people who are not paying close attention in like the SoundCloud rap era have no idea who JX even is the next industry plan I remember there was like 17 videos it all like blew up like the videos about JX and like who's the secret industry Planet got more total views than his entire career really another strange moment yeah it was like no jumper did a video that was like is this SoundCloud rap's final boss or something like that and as like this guy the truth of it was that there was a viral video of him smoking a blunt in class and he was not a musician but he had this look to him you know he had green hair and like a like a spiky choker on or whatever Bradley scoffern and young Taco of Odd Future Fame Bradley scoffern is Tyler crater's manager they saw that video and flew him out and made music videos for him and tried to plant him it didn't really work because everybody had already seen all of it and they could tell what was going on it took off as a meme and not as an artist and now I I feel bad for JX I do too I do feel bad for him it was a failed experiment that wasn't really his fault you know like I don't know he's just a kid he was probably inspired by all the same [ __ ] that everybody who like they said he was the next that he was inspired by that and then he got thrown into the mix to be that and they failed him they turned him into like a fake version of it no I did read his Spotify bio okay and it did say JX grew up being inspired by the likes of Michael Jackson David Bowie Nirvana W and so like I I mean that comes through baby I'm a loner yeah we're rooting for you though JX come back I don't know if it'll be under the same name but like we we support you here that said wor it's way worse sorry it is worse though yeah written for you though pal now we've got Toyota Tacoma by Cara pig versus Cocaine by brain and Lil Dicky it's to t hot take if this song was sung well I'd be gas it'd be so fire because the lyrics are awesome like I loved it when I first somebody sent this to me and was like this has to be in wor songs 3 I learned the story of it after that apparently this girl was like really pushing this song and would go into Toyota dealerships and play it to the entire staff really wanted it to be in Toyota commercials and stuff uh no they're not putting this in a commercial the singing is so rough Tacoma I kind of have a soft spot for this because it literally just sounds like the local girl in your high school who you know likes playing the guitar and recorded her stuff on garage band and put it on iTunes cuz she learned that you could do that it's like cute enough what is funny uh put put a picture of the cover art on screen oh it's amazing she tried to redefine cover Arts the aspect ratio is like vertical rectangle just say black space like she didn't know how to do a full cover it's just like a iPhone photo it's very weird again it just feels like a kid making like a song it's a little quirky I love a Tacoma too man it's a good looking [ __ ] truck you ever get one did I ever get one yeah you ever get one do I look rich just for a day a rental Tacoma let's go rent some Tacomas after Tac yeah would you date for a Tacoma like if somebody had a Tacoma you would date them for that if my badass [ __ ] rolled up in a badass truck like a Tacoma I put a ring on it let's [Music] go that congales coconut concentrate is that good fantastic I knew exactly what you were referring to yeah due to the alliteration and a country being in there yeah thank you this song is like kind of good right it's not as bad as its reputation cuz it's just been memed to just be known as like one of the pioneering bad songs of our era when you listen to it it's like it's the little Dicky thing it's yeah he's doing his thing whatever I mean like he has a lot of different white people that he uses as euphemisms for cocaine throughout that I think is honestly pretty clever yeah never been done before line up some of that Betsy Ross you should do Molly you should start with Miley and then he says no roll up some of that Marley like it's like like you know like it's like those three in a row like that's pretty it's like I don't know it's clever enough that it gets away with a lot of [ __ ] that's why he's the goat I do like his autotune singing too me too yeah I think he sounds he has a good voice but I I feel like I was going to say it's worse than the Tacoma but I guess the Tacoma just cuz he's so much higher profile like literally the Tacoma thing just feels like a kid but you can't just like you have to get rid of all of that we pick baby shark that was sung by a 6-year-old yeah [ __ ] that guy Let's do let's do Tacoma you know what I mean t Toyota Tacoma is definitely worse all right we got you see me by Childish Gambino versus Among Us in real life by Rebecca zamolo on and as everywhere what was he thinking JIS gito from this era when you go back to it it is hard to imagine that people took him seriously we thought it was edgy though I mean it was edgy but like so cringy the version of it he was definitely like trying to be Kanye and [ __ ] too like he sounds a lot like Kanye on this album but this is like what vocal inflection is this Asian girls everywhere you see like it's weird it's so odd and he says so many questionable things but you tell at the time he was like man nobody's saying [ __ ] like this I don't know I I kind of like listening to these old child being a song sometimes cuz it makes me feel less alone you know cuz I'm like look at like his Evolution like where he was you know I mean I was like 15 when I was kind of doing stuff kind of like this he like 28 yeah but uh it's still like I I I always like seeing the Polar Opposites of an evolution you know yeah and look at him he made one good album ever wow just like you man that's that's true that just sound like Jimmy wo oh my God the piano be it sound just like it I remember syrup sandwiches Grand allowances sit down be humble yeah wow this is an Among Us rap song do we have to grade this on the same scale cuz this is like obviously the dumbest [ __ ] ever it's going to age so poorly it's a rap song about Among Us and it's a YouTubers yeah like it's not a real musician like I don't even there's no way we can we can move Childish Gambino oh no not at all not at all I'm just saying like it doesn't like count as a song no yeah like it was an idea a marketing idea that they had who can we trust it's super sus now we've got am bopi chin up High versus Rockstar by Nickelback oh [Music] yeah dude it's fire like unequivocally like when it first came out I listened to this and was just like this is just sick a party to with my chin up high [ __ ] them all [ __ ] them by yeah so sick it's like it reminds me of like like crayon also just a good song like Nickelback is I don't I mean I get the whole like Oh The Worst Band blah blah blah blah blah but all their hits are hits for a reason people [ __ ] love this song it's a novelty you know it tells a story divorc to Dad and Ed Hardy pants with gel in his hair exactly he asks for a quesadilla on one of the ad libs which I thought was a nice touch when he's describing like what he gets when he's famous he like I just get whatever I want or something and then the ad it's like I'll have one kiss OFA please it's l in the song in this song in Rockstar unless I'm thinking of another one on this [ __ ] bracket I just doubt that it would be in that song I've never heard that can we look it up I think it's the second verse yeah sign a couple autograph so I can eat my meals for free I'll have the quesadilla oh huh so he does Order a case in this okay that's pretty awesome on principle I got to move that one over it's not one of the worst ones on the bracket you know I I just genuinely like the chin up high one and the Rockstar one's just like so it's like I'm going to move that one over same Rockstar leaves a bad taste in my mouth really yeah what the hell I thought we were Nickelback Brothers no no what thought wrong buddy what the hell I hate that [ __ ] it reminds me of when my parents got divorced same here that's why I like it your parents are still the together no you and your I REM it when your parents got divorced it was my fault next we got the Beatles Yellow Submarine versus shebangs by Ricky [Music] martinm submar just cuz it's the worst song in The Beatles catalog doesn't mean it belongs on this list this is a terrible song not yes it is upon let let me let me defend it for you upon relisten like when I was going into it I was like okay yeah Yellow Submarine sucks then I reist to it it's tally really cool it's the Beatles it's got these like cool little like metallic sea sounds it's a little like chummy you know but it just the way it's recorded it really does like create a world like it's just like a different level you know what I'm saying like The Beetles yeah this sh like baby shark to me no no no no in the town where I was born gosh it's awesome I I can't you know what's worse octopus is G Octopus Garden and an octopuses Garden in the sea yeah that song sucks too I'm just saying Yellow Submarine is like some [ __ ] baby [ __ ] well it's Ringo those are all Ringo songs and they [ __ ] suck but like I said the worst Beatles songs are leagues better than anyone's on here's best song I don't think that's true maybe not anyone on here's best song it's not better than like Childish Gambino's best song it's not better than Nickelback's best song that's not true yes it is for you maybe but I think me and the majority of people would say these five words in my head never made it as a wise man Putin hates me scientists [ __ ] can't stand me that's a bad song bad it is a really really bad song I did not even know it existed until William Hung what's that wow you are young man you are God no no you should know about this you went to American Idol yeah you went to American Idol when I was young when you were young William hung was the guy who auditioned it's like the most famous bad audition of American Idol ever and he's Sayang She Bangs Oh She Bang She Bang she go crazy she move she move and then he like got famous from oh I don't even remember that really yeah bad though worse than the Beatles yeah it's I agree I agree all right we've got wind it up by Gwen Stefani versus three years sober by 93 punks honestly aside from the yodhe [ __ ] the rest of the song is pretty fire she was such a bad [ __ ] like when she says [ __ ] like that it goes hard she and Fel were on some crazy [ __ ] back then this part that has just been played is the best part of the song like it's the verses and the weird brid is like so why I [ __ ] myself and call it masturbation yeah I [ __ ] myself and call it masturbation yeah and then it's like very uncomfortable verses it's a shame that this happened cuz I am rooting for Vic mena you know yeah this is this is Vic Mena and Travis Barker by the way for people who don't know that's what 93 punks is this song is embarrassing and tough to listen to so much harder than Gwen Stefani not in a good way next we got Animals by Maroon 5 versus Sweet Caroline by Neil Diamond oh two Classics American Classics here like how can we use his voice in the most annoying you have great range Adam let's make it obnoxious you tonight I was reminded recently we have been coming up with a playlist for our karaoke songs bracket was reminded that she will be loved and Sunday morning exists it makes me hate songs like this even more when I realized they made some actual Classics like songs that are incredible and then they went on to make a lot of bad pop radio music that could all be on this bracket like a lot of it could be on this bracket cuz it's so annoying yeah it turns out Adam's a monster so that makes sense he's not a monster he s he's disgusting Beast of a man I don't get why you keep doing this like you just go hard at him and then you admit that your texts are way worse I'm not saying I'm better but he's a disgusting despicable man I don't get what makes him so despicable like in the grand scheme of things like when it comes to like dramas and like cheating on your wife is not good Riley I didn't say it was I'm just saying you probably think [ __ ] like that's cool no he just didn't kill anybody yet he killed a marriage people would say that's like killing two people it's not I don't think people most people would say that's not true you killed a holy matrimony let's go one thing that makes the song even more uncomfortable is that it's sexual we're like animal like it's like no I don't want to on you tonight it's hard to even think about the words I think of them as like shapes in my head like the way you singing on you tonight like it's just like in a different world I don't know I love it love that I know he probably loves it it makes sense I've like never liked this song but in the in the context of again all these songs it's like a good one in my opinion but whenever it comes on you know like a sporting event or then everybody acts like it's the first time they've heard it in a while even though they hear it every [ __ ] week and sing it the exact same way with the same enthusiasm and it's the same types of people and it's the annoying people that I don't like and even though they do that it's still better than animals so whatever yeah it's a classic I just can't hear it without hearing clinking beers in between it like that's really what it is in public this song is like an invasive plant it's so true it's just everywhere no matter where you look you're going to hear it and white people are going to be singing along to it and I really really can't stand it it's like a close one for me but honestly animals is more like in your- face annoying yes it's a worst song It's a shame what happened to Sweet Caroline cuz I think like if you had the time and the capacity to just listen to it alone it's like a 70 like you know late 7s kind of singer songwriter white guy Anthem but you just are forced to hear it in the most toxic of atmospheres and why is it always received with the exact same enthusiasm every time feel like I'm in a [ __ ] simulation with this [ __ ] dude for real but I didn't know you believed in that [ __ ] yeah yeah oh now we got bones by Imagine Dragons versus Boogie and your butt by Eddie Murphy every week I find a new worst imagin Dragon song like each bracket I'm just like oh this one's definitely the worst one this one sucks like I cannot imagine this song existing as a hit song if it weren't by an already successful band it feels like a royaltyfree song that like Dude Perfect commissioned entertainment I ain't put no boogie in nobody butt that's nasty man what was he cooking the thing with this era of Eddie Murphy is just he's in the studio with Rick James so just Rick James songs being past to Eddie Murphy and Eddie Murphy just kind of like talks and tells jokes over him and sings and does his thing but this one is particularly strange and kind of annoying and I just didn't know it existed honestly and people started commenting it but like the instrumentation is more entertaining and like has a quality to it that is more palatable than anything of Imagine Dragons ever did and if you switch the lead singers on these two songs I mean what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] the hell it doesn't make any sense no it doesn't doesn't now we got Brandon hwood could it be you versus With Arms Wide Open by Creed talk about shutter Shades you know what I'm talking about let's go dance like Lady Gaga I like the melody I'm not going to lie the melody oh need a go go girl yeah what is the anunciation on all of this it's so strange childhood skin being know in 2010 like he heard that and he was like [Music] guys say something dare say something I [ __ ] dare you to say something about that song gas thank you yeah God damn it probably the best song in the bracket it might be welcome to this place With Arms Wide Open one of the best music videos of all time too when they did this at a Cowboys Thanksgiving halftime they gave him Wings zip lined them across the stadium every mom in the nation shed a [ __ ] tear Ben yeah I'm going to play this at my grandfather's funeral didn't that happen like years ago missed opportunities it's definitely the punk rock chick s thank you yeah for sure yeah the guitars on the Creed song sound kind of fire insane everybody just it's just his voice and Scott sta lost his mind and like did a lot of I don't know what he did something you're telling me that was the guy from The Office what that's just for like the folks at home touch sh we won't get it oh okay Scott staff did lose his mind though and abandon his children and he believes in a lot of conspiracies I think he believes that the president lives under a volcano now we got try that in a small town versus hey boy by see you and burn a boy oh God try that being from a small town this kind of [ __ ] pisses me off explain why yeah why cuz we're good people you can try whatever you want once once well if we don't like it who we who's we my small town and I oh your small town yeah okay they judge what you try what anyone tries okay that's not threatening you can try it and if it sucks then we'll see how far you can make it down the road I hesitate to bring this up because I don't want to piss off any small town specifically your small Town there's a lot of like racism surrounding this song like they filmed a music video at a a lynching site oh yeah it's also the State Building yeah they built the state building on a lynching site too no totally I'm not saying that this song is uh more at fault than the history itself you know I'm just saying it didn't avoid all that it has some really like uh poorly placed kind of footage of protests and uh protests from other countries in it footage of like Ukrainian riots Slovenia they're like if these [ __ ] from Slovenia when they're like look what's going on in LA and it's like war zone footage from Slovenia like I'll never move to a liberal State like California this one is actually racist in the way that the Oliver Anthony one is like a little more subtly I mean whatever there's like a million YouTube video Reactions where they're like I don't think this is racist and D but like you know when it's like around here we take care of our own we all know what they're trying to say there also just sonically the song sounds like a Crossfade transition that's just what I Envision I just Envision a bunch of things crossfading into each other like that's what it has going for it yeah I I don't like how the song sounds either no thanks doesn't sound like a perfectly fine example of pop country with good rock and instrumentation not to me at least when those guitars come in that [ __ ] [ __ ] smacks though dated though and it's like the dog whistle tone of pop country that would have really hit in like 2020 it's like if this song came out at the height of covid and like the black lives matter protest the target audience would have loved it and not to say that they didn't love it in this moment but like just feels like kind of late to the party Jason Al one didn't write this song and two got a number one hit with this song so this was number one and it's the exact thing that's happening right now is like when those people get riled up that song goes number one that's just how it works nowadays which is a bummer and we need to figure it out I got to start doing [ __ ] like that dude nope I don't think so wrong way to get a number one do it on the flip side though try that in the big city You country hick [Music] [ __ ] this s what the [ __ ] what the hell seea did chandelier I know like I'm disappointed that she did this what do you mean you're disappoint like you thought C was like a good artist yeah better than thisy boy man I don't know I'm just Bor in burner boy too probably got racks for this [ __ ] bro and I'm proud of him do you think because of the song's called hey boy she's like who's somebody named a boy that I can get on this I'm just postulating yeah I heard that uh boy Genius was supposed to be on it first NBA a young boy passed on it I heard boy in a band was actually supposed to be on it too probably don't know who that is but all the real YouTube folks know that that guy was a bad guy a bad boy everybody likes a bad boy yeah I'm going with hey booy here easily really yep me too I would much rather listen to try that in a small town I all know it I'm going to know the whole time that it's bad and I'm going to know why it's bad and all that stuff but I'd rather hear it in my ears than hey boy catchy hey boys was like one of the hardest to sit through so I mean whatever let's throw it and also I could have a podcast afterwards about the Jason Aline thing I'm not going to have a podcast about hey boy by burn boy Andia yeah next we've got Will i Am featuring JLo and MC Jagger T which stands for the hardest ever versus peaches [ __ ] the pain away is crazyyy so interesting story about how I found this song so I was looking through a list of the worst hit songs of the 2000s to try to find stuff to add to this bracket and I listened to the first half of this song and was like oh okay you know whatever and I was like wait a minute Mick Jagger's on this song where's his part and then I listen to the end of it yeah and oh my God like how did he agree to this well he did it he's just a lunatic but like what the [ __ ] is he doing on this song yeah baby it's not just him though dude yeah I mean the rest of the song is bad it's a mess there's like all these weird slowdowns like the tempo changes like 20 BPM for no reason and it changes back like 5 seconds later it's like a real [ __ ] weird it's like a you sewed a bunch of random people's limbs together and made a person makes no sense teaches of peaches like SE on the beaches fire this one just depends on how you look at it yeah like you can either think it's awesome or you're like musically like what the [ __ ] is going on here I think in both ways you look at it it's pretty [ __ ] cool same it's got a lot of authentic swag As I said previously in this video you know it just feels like really unique there's not another song like this on the list like there's a lot of boilerplate like pop slogs is that you that the slogs yeah slogs but this is like a breath of fresh air again it's like kind of exciting it's just like out there weird I mean it's definitely way better than the wheel I am song for sure now we got Mory kap's huge W versus Beverly Hills by Weezer I feel like I missed something with this one too but it is tough to listen to you know what I found out this morning that I wouldn't have known what same person as demon dice wait really this is their like Alter Ego or something and like they have two projects and I guess both of them are like the worst artist ever I guess they I don't know move them both to the final I do like this one though a little more even though it's like so overtly it's just insane like it's like a real Opus you know and I have to I have to respect the ambition that you know this person is in a completely like weird Lane of their own creation and like just going balls to the wall with it so I do have to respect that sounds like putting your hand in an [Music] outlet why is this one in here I was thinking the same thing but I I think we were just so young when this came out that we weren't being critical about music at all like this was just a hit Weezer song so I was just like oh good but then now I listen to it and I'm like oh yeah this song does suck yeah I guess it's one of those ones that stuck with me though yeah like the other day before I even started listening for this bracket I just woke up with it in my head my eyes opened to the day and I said living in Beverly Hills I live in Gross Point yeah so it made no sense yeah I don't live in Beverly Hills no it's just a catchy [ __ ] 10 you remember Pork and Beans by Weezer love that song too that one's good yeah I feel like the bad era of Weezer is good is is good to us because of just we just grew up with it as kids and we're like yeah it's definitely better than the the Mory kopy song you know like that's like one of the worst ones next we've got 21 Pilots Lane Boy versus dwin and silento dessert one of their best tracks what yep you think this is one of their best songs I've only heard like four so this is one of the better ones yeah got a little Groove to it it's just like what this song is about plus what it sounds like like it's their song about how they should be allowed to rap like there's a line where it says like I didn't grow up in the hood but I know a thing or two about pain and darkness real I mean that's reals fu yeah they're from Columbus bro yeah they're a youth group band from Columbus Ohio turned Grammy winner you got to fight for your white to rap yeah no the sentiment of the song is just so bad dude I do like when it does that drum and vase thing at the end that [ __ ] kind of goes crazy yeah yeah they take a few risks on this one but the hook is like a regga it's weird stay in your lane boy I'm surprised they didn't do a fullon Jamaican accent yeah me too you want me to stay in my Lane well check this accent out walk one 21 Pilots what you going to do with that dessert just the drop on the song being do it's like a scat like scat dubstep Yeah I feel like it's more intentionally silly though and like the serious tone of the 21 pilot song is what makes that so like gagg for me and not in a good way I would rather hear Lane boy though I do like that last part but I think Lane boy should move on in my opinion yeah it's like contextually worse it's just like I just can't believe the drop on that song is just it sounds to me like somebody's just making fun of music like they're like oh yeah what what do you want some music oh yeah dyy I don't need that you know I don't need music give me a book in the news yeah we can do Lane boy all right now we got Florida Georgia Line Cruz versus Frank Sinatra with Baby It's Cold Outside great hook iconic the mix on the song is so bad like like it stood out of like there's no low end it literally is just like all of the instruments at full glass it's really odd it sounds like a nightmare but I like the hook you don't need low-end in country though you know what I mean I mean if there's drums I don't know I like to have them up here you know I like to have the drums up here with me I want them to tickle this song is like I know why it's bad I know people hate it and blah blah blah but every time it comes on I got a soft spot for it and I don't know why in like 5 years this would be like our '90s country like despite this being maybe the worst era of country music ever a couple tracks are always going to stand out in this weird pallet that should have never existed yeah it's going to squeak through we're going to hear this in like 10 years and be like baby you're a song you it just brings back something yeah it's kind of nice in like a terrible awful Twisted way country has a weird way of Aging it ages like no other music you know like I remember 2000's country people being like Oh country's over like it's not it doesn't have the same whatever now you hear before he cheats and you're like That's a classic F song like that's amazing hey what's in that drink no cabs to be had out there did you say what's in that drink yeah wao what the [ __ ] this song the reason it's here yeah is while it is a classic Christmas song it is about a guy Frank Sinatra in this instance trying to convince a woman to stay over in the creepiest there's a lot of creepy Lines Just to be clear he did not write this song I'm 90% sure I don't want to I don't want all the blame to be put on Old Blue Eyes here let's find out who did it and lock them up yeah oh they're probably Dead Oh lock them back up yeah throw their corpse in jail yeah [ __ ] them yeah [ __ ] the corpse in jail yeah yeah tie the corpse up to the wall and let all the inmates come and [ __ ] it yeah what he say that's kind of crazy yeah is that what you want you're an ally this is kind of a tough match up in like the weirdest way it because like the baby's cold outside is kind of like it sounds sick it's just like what it's saying is terrible and has aged awfully but again it's from like you know the 16 1800s or whatever Florida Georgia like that the the song sounds bad but that Hook is so creamy it's just got a creamy hook I kind of feel like Cruz should move on though I don't know feel like it's baby yeah I vote for Baby it's cold outside I just think like the fact that it did sneak through until now where people still listen to it every Christmas and aren't thinking about those lyrics is a testament to like how bad it is kind of like I Saw Mommy kiss in Santa Claus that song's [ __ ] up too yeah cuz Santa's not real and if your kid's hallucinating their mom kissing something that isn't even real like they're [ __ ] up and they're probably on drugs and drugs are a big problem in the use too yeah and yeah specifically painkillers but those won't make you hallucinate so we're talking about some other sort of substance here perhaps LSD or psilocybin more commonly known as shrooms yeah high doses of weed also could do it 2cb you're missing your favorite cam mean nope MDMA the old Benny oh benad dril yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I saw hatman kiss Sing Santa Claus that's two madeup creatures kissing each other creatures yeah let's go baby it's cold out yeah last one in the first round we've got Theory of a Dead Man [ __ ] came back versus Nicholas Fraser why you always lying [ __ ] came almost the Cadence of like a holiday song the [ __ ] came back yeah Holiday by Green Day [ __ ] yeah dude that song makes me nauseous like it is literally the worst Vibe ever it's like the worst Charisma the [ __ ] yeah that's a real [ __ ] swiming it's like the worst Vibe ever like H like that's scaring the hoose you know like literally like I never want to meet the person who this is their favorite song this one yeah this band had that thing that like Buck Cherry had it's like misogyny mixed with a genre that doesn't always have it and they are so Brash with everything they do that the misogyny is like this close to your face while you're listening to the songs and it is like oh God but they don't even care like people listen to it don't even give a [ __ ] they do and they like it yeah like it's clearly novelty but I just feel like the people who are listening to it are like identifying you know what I'm saying they're like yeah yeah stop [ __ ] lying this song's awesome yeah you're making it hard for me yeah it's an interpolation of Too Close by next like a classic R&B song a really good song and this is just like novelty it's used for tons of like reactions it's a good like Tik Tok sound like I it shouldn't be in here I don't see why it's even considered a bad song it's like a joke and it's it's well executed that's what makes Theory of a Dead Man win this match up very easily Earnest misogyny will always be a bad joke song yeah oh wait unless we're doing like best songs then I'm saying like in worst songs bracket Ern it's misogyny will always beat a bad joke song correct and it's a good joke song Too a Vine classic we made it first round completed onto round two all right no more Clips we're in the second round let's play it out American author's Best Day of My Life versus swish swish by Katy Perry best day so easily best day swish swish honestly honorable mention for one of the best songs on the bracket kind of Si all right now we got laughing gnome David Bowie versus Snake Eyes by demon dice Snake Eyes so easily laughing gnome is so funny it it's just David Bo losing his mind now we've got lon's the Grinch versus the world's smallest violin by AJR AJR for me Lon is like bad but like you like we said like a 100 monthly listeners yeah kind of just like a moment because he of an artist maybe actually having a breathing problem and that doesn't feel great being like yeah [ __ ] sucks dude can't breathe I don't think he has a breathing he could how would we know I don't know man he's literally going I like that song I don't even sick it's hard as hell world's smallest violin is actually bad that song sucks dick now we got XXX tasio School shooters with Lil Wayne versus Gucci gang by Drake Bell show me Gucci gang yeah the X song again shouldn't exist but Gucci gang is just so cringy it's like unbelievable there's something mildly entertaining about hearing Little Wayne talk about killing himself in front of his whole class mildly oh my God we got Supply eyes versus Star Spangled Banger I think supplies is worse I don't know dude I hate Star Spangled banger but it's like clean and Polished and supplies is like weird and ugly but the Panic at the Disco on like the clip we heard was like decent but the full song I feel like is so much worse than that I go supplies here I kind of like listening to it more like it's more catchy I've been singing that all week I got supplies but it's it's way worse like Panic at disco has a bunch of songs like that they're whatever supplies like is a doom day prepper pop song by Justin Timberlake like that is an insane sentence he was trying to wake the people up man yeah I'm sticking to my guns supplies go all right whatever he literally says we'll be living in The Walking Dead baby shark versus Strut by Steven Seagal it's got to be strut I mean baby shark made it out of the first round it's like fine but it's a kid song strut is a grown man a grown white man saying give him that punani and it's like 16 minutes long like the baby shark is a sweet minute yeah minute 16 play Baby Shark for a baby and it would make the baby happy if you played Steven Seagal's song for a baby you would ruin a kid's life yeah they'd grow up like fictional Lil Wayne in the XOne you know all right speaking of Lil Wayne We got Lil Wayne Knockout with Nicki Minaj versus hell as well by we3 it's got to be hell as well dude yeah bastor bastor please you're and my mom's in the other room and I'm nine and you're 52 what was bro cooking those stories should be told but not this way not this way I'm really hoping that this is just him doing like a painting a vignette of a story because that makes it so much easier to make fun of yeah totally and I just I would feel bad if not now we got Usher and will I am's OMG versus Click Click Boom by saliva I'm going OMG on it I'm flipping I'm going click click oh oh oh oh oh my God kind I kind of feel like I can at least dance to OMG yeah cck Click Boom is just corny like whatever OMG is a mess but it's a fun mess yeah there's Parts in there that are groovy girl I want to love you down so many ways to love you yeah that is pretty fire Oo we got an interesting match up here Island Boys versus loner I go Island Boys here I think that the melody here is so much worse like I'm an island boy like it goes nowhere it's like it's a left turn into the ocean you know does do that listen to the je like the lyrics bro it's like you could be mad cuz baby I'm a Loner you could be sad baby I'm a Loner why you guys spent 40 minutes defending JX in the first round and now you're going to just keep pushing him on but did JX kiss uh his family members we don't know there's nothing to disprove it true but I don't know I don't know for me it's Island yeah whatever let's do Island Boys yeah Island Boys is just worse I'm sorry like but you bought their nft so I mean I don't know why he thought it was an investment yeah but now he's he's going against his own best interest discount and honestly if they move further in the bracket we could like mention them a few more times and then boom boom boom boom boom then Island coin to the Moon Island coin I got some Island coin everybody's got to try a few get-rich quick schemes yeah I've been getting rich slow for so long I thought I'd try a little shortcut how's it working so far great honestly one of the best investments I've ever made I honestly think there's a worse JC song by the way trapped is worse than is the screaming one the screaming one oh that one's awful Toyota Tacoma versus Among Us in real life I think Among Us in real life is 10 times worse than Toyota Tacoma I agree I enjoyed toyot Toyota Tacoma it's got a narrative it's and it's like there are some weird choices made in the way that this song is sung that are entertaining for me yeah it's based in reality and I know it says Among Us in real life but really it's just about a stupid little video game and I hate video games and it's a sus sus remember when AOC was playing uh Among Us with the Corp that was [ __ ] sick that was [ __ ] I miss that era bro life was simple Rebecca zamolo more like Rebecca zamon you know dumbass shut the [ __ ] up Rebecca yeah hey I think we can all get behind that [ __ ] yeah Rockstar by Nickelback She Bangs by Ricky Martin She Bangs easy yeah so easy a walk right to bang Town she's a walking Banger for the folks at home that's a it's an old classic all right three years so we're by 93 punks versus Animals by Maroon 5 whoa you guys said different things at the same time both very confidently too and both literally the opposite convince me for two seconds okay let me do the opening verse I was a something looking for the something I was a something looking for the heroin I was lost okay yeah you're right it's probably worse I was gone I think there's just a trend of people getting a little too late into their 20s and wanting to recap their youth by doing like Emo music we didn't do Emo music YouTube wasn't part of my youth the Civil War was well it's going to be part of your adulthood too with the way that these number one songs keep coming out you know Bones by Imagine Dragons versus could it be you punk rock chick these songs both [ __ ] suck really bad like this is one of the first really tough matchups in the second round but I'm going to go with bones yeah I feel like bones is Bones is it punk rock chick is at least fun to listen to as a bad song Bon B just sucks like that's it doesn't Imagine Dragons have another song that's like I feel it in my bones that's right it's radioactive yeah yeah that's another one they're always talking about bones these guys they feel it in their bones yeah I got a bone to pick when I'm talking about I got a bone to pick hey boy by CA and bnab boy versus th by Will I Am MC Jagger and JLo I'm going th yeah it's more of an explosive bad song the MC Jagger experiment with Will I Am What the [ __ ] it's like they mix a cat with a frog crog or frat well those are good does give you Brotherhood for life and if you're hot they let you drink for free until you black out and they tie you up and push you down the stairs and light you on fire all so that you can have friends that you pay for mhm and they [ __ ] you in the ass sorry continue you know what my favorite part about living in the frat house was what lots of Windows lots of natural light my favorite part of the frats was the bullying The Bullying just straight up picking on people belittling them right belittling people that were already lesser than or more than whatever I would just use my power to make them feel worse that was my favorite part what was the best bullying you ever did an individual ooh murder of uh Daniel thyman what what yeah we killed a kid dude he could not cut it man couldn't drink for [ __ ] no Riz would hiccup when you gave him a Zin it's like dude you are a [ __ ] how long have zin's been around when were you in a frat last week two weekends ago no dude oh I'm not in the fraternity I was just there bullying and you killed the kid I helped kill a kid yeah what yeah did you hear him he said he had no Riz what was he supposed to do he had no Riz he can't drink for [ __ ] and he would hiccup when you gave him a Zen so you killed him I mean it didn't start off as like hey boys let's murder him but yeah we roughed him up and then once he was unconscious he could no longer defend himself so we just kept stomping it became pretty apparent that he was dead almost took his head off his shoulders I why would you ever say this let alone on camera cuz my brothers dude I did it with the brothers and that kid was a total [ __ ] okay yeah his parents were like we're going to sue the school what I was like I don't even [ __ ] go here I was like I'm just an alumnus [ __ ] I was like no wonder you're such a [ __ ] look at your [ __ ] dad dude was AI I think he's works for a cable company [ __ ] out of here I feel the need to say that I was not in a fret actually uh I just did that for word play earlier I just don't want to be Associated at the current moment yeah I'm not in it either like I said I just went back to hang out at an old stomping ground you know when they say like going back to the stomping grounds it's not like they don't actually stomp there usually well I don't know how to move on from here oh really it was a rest rest of the night a good night though right rest of the night [ __ ] yeah I mean if I could remember any of it let's go come on hello drove myself home too man it's just like so many things he just said but you shouldn't have said on camera let's scroll the next match up because I think we just heard a huge W let's go right on all right Mory kap's huge W versus 21 Pilots Lane boy huge W I didn't even have to think about it yeah Lane boy is kind of gas it's growing on me the more I'm thinking about it in my head oh I actually hate Lane boy I think it's a really bad song but huge W is hard to sit through even if I wanted to sit here and try to say like I couldn't say that like I do not want to hear that song ever again no yeah yeah and Baby It's Cold Outside versus [ __ ] came back [ __ ] came back yeah [ __ ] came back versus trying to convince a [ __ ] to stay [ __ ] it's cold outside I really can't stay [ __ ] there's snow outside sweet 16 American authors's Best Day of My Life versus Snake Eyes by demon dice o yeah I mean Snake Eyes is probably worse but I can't even imagine the American author's song Losing what this going to be the best day of my life that's a torture song playing back to back dude no I know I mean I know demon dice is worse but it's kind of like a louder bad song that's really all it is is like somebody yelling a little louder that their song is bad like best day of my life earnestly was trying to be a good pop song that's on the radio and [ __ ] and in commercials and it did all of that while still being really really bad it's not even close dude the other thing that you're not mentioning is the content of the sakei song it's basically Lane boy but like worse I kind of skipped the content part of it when I was listening to it cuz I just didn't want to know anything more but yeah I know it's it's worse trust me it's worse I just think it's kind of closer than you would think the really funny thing about s guys is that she's talking like she's like in the rap game she's like and all these other rappers all they want to do is talk about but I'm going it's like it's like oh my God I swear to God I didn't even know it was a rap song like it didn't it didn't come across like a rap song to me and I don't want to be a hater to this person they they already have so many haters you know say you like it I love it say you like it because of the content world's smallest violin AJR versus Gucci gang Drake Bell Gucci gang yeah it's Gucci gang for me yeah he says b my B do cocaine I [ __ ] a B I forgot her name SP racks on a new chain he says [ __ ] a little [ __ ] make her [ __ ] wet and with what we know he goes [ __ ] a little [ __ ] got her [ __ ] wet it's like it's my skin crawls incriminating I would play that [ __ ] in court dude your honor supplies versus strut strut strut yeah I think what I run into when I do like there are entertaining bad songs and non- entertaining bad songs and the Steven Seagal one did nothing for me it just sucks and I am entertained by supplies and I couldn't believe that Justin Timber like made a song about that and so it sticks out to me more I feel like also sometimes when you rank songs like this it's like comparing the worst kid in the U7 Little League to like the worst guy in the NBA like the worst guy in the NBA is going to have the most memes made about oh he missed in the big game he's supposed to be good and of course the [ __ ] kid in the Little League sucks yeah it's like Steven Seagal is an actor who made a really bad and and offensive song and I didn't expect him to make anything good Justin Timber Lake has made stuff that I love and then made this really cringy corny weird [ __ ] pop song that was still hit that's why I want it to move on but I understand that it can't yeah I agree I think it's got to be strut hell as well versus Click Click Boom hell as well pastor Pastor please yeah hell as well has to move on here because like Click Click Boom is just like whatever hell as well sounds bad and is weird content it's insane Island Boys versus Among Us in real life Island Boys yeah I think we got to get Rebecca zamolo out of here are we falling victim to the same thing that I just tried to do though maybe because Among Us in real life is definitely worse than I'm an island boy I don't know I kind of agree with what you said last round about Island boy is like the how the melody just takes you to a weird place I think it's terrible song I mean I agree it's bad but Among Us in like you can't sit here and tell me you'd rather listen to Among Us in real life it sounds like a Jimmy Wo song If that [ __ ] comes on in the club bro I'm freaking out I'm freaking freaking people I think intention is important like we have to factor that in like what was the intention of the Rebecca song it was just to make us stupid thing for a YouTube video and fly Soldier was like we need to make a big hit and I feel like that does factor into it you know I think that the island boys probably think more of the song that they made than Rebecca Zola like she doesn't think she made a good song She Thinks She made a dumb thing so that's fine She Bangs versus three years sober three years sober I kind of like the hook and three years sober more so than She Bangs I just really hated listening to that song I think three years sober is worse I mean She Bangs it's like a bad hit song but it's not like the worst thing I've ever heard it's just like whatever it's kind of annoying three years sober like actually shouldn't have happened like Vic mea didn't need to make a Travis Barker Punk project I'm sorry that's so true I just have empathy for Vic and so I was trying to be nice but you're right it's the worst song Let's Move It Bones by Imagine Dragons versus th by Will I Am MC Jagger and JLo th yeah it's got to be I want to vote for bones but th is just like an uglier mess and it just showcases will I im's like cult like ability to bring people that are respected throughout music and just ruin them he's cursed DJ khed lowkey DJ you know really puts into perspective the master masterful work of DJ he's like if DJ khed was an app developer yeah and yeah it's much worse I think that if you pull like certain sections of th they might be the worst song you've ever heard yeah last one in this round we've got Mory Kia's huge W versus [ __ ] came back by Theory of a Dead Man I'm going to go with [ __ ] came back cuz it evokes a more negative visceral response from my biology and we already got the alter ego with the song is probably worse I think I agree huge W is like a mess sonically like so much happens and it's like almost intentional that it's like this big vomit of noise [ __ ] came back is like four power chords and a dude's singing and it's like the content and the way he's singing it is what makes it bad huge W is like we're bad it's bad it's offensive we're crazy [ __ ] came back he's like I got little number for you guys the [ __ ] dumb [ __ ] [ __ ] that dumb [ __ ] you're like Jesus Christ man like doesn't have to be that bad yeah like you can tell there's Talent there yeah like like Theory of a Dead Man could have made good songs but they didn't yeah and kiai like never stood a chance huge W Elite eight Snake Eyes versus Gucci gang this is tough dude I can't lie I will I will submit my vote for Gucci gang here yeah dude I think that it's the same thing it's like the visile reaction for my body Snake Eyes demon dice I can just like turn off like I'm just like whatever Gucci gang I've like showed to people because it's amazing that it exists but it literally makes my skin crawl I'm going to go Gucci gang as well but the hobo Johnson sounded preacher songs got to win in the other matchup cuz I feel like it kind of covers the same ground is demon dice you know what I mean it's just like atrocious in its own unique way and I don't want those two to go up against each other so I'm going to vote for Gucci gang kind of with like the future in mind I've never heard like a condition made on what happens in another strike up a deal like this deal I don't I think we come we cross that bridge when we get to it well you [ __ ] listen to me or I'll throw a fit okay great I agree with what you're saying like I think when I listened to snake eyes and I finished the song it it evoked a holy [ __ ] and the Drake Bell it it evoked like a out of me you know so I don't know it feels worse I'll go Gucci gang I gu well I guess you both voted for that anyways so I'll vote I'll do Snake Eyes just for you know the scorekeeping sake you know and say you like it again love it yeah okay we already made up our mind on this one no we didn't strut versus hell as well hell as well I do think hell as well is worse though I do hell as well is worse he like a strut okay here's here's why here's why if you play strut and hell as well in a room of people and you don't tell them why the songs are playing yeah people won't even notice that strut is on they're not going to be like wait what the hell is that Steven Seagal punani if hell is well comes on they're going to be like what the [ __ ] is happening in here I'm in the waiting room for my dentist Pastor bastor please will be startled yeah like you have to stop and stare at that song yeah hell as well as like going to a nice restaurant sitting down and all of a sudden just being tased but it's like it's like w I'll have the but maybe just maybe okay that was their intention you know evoking emotion say you love it I love it Island Boy versus three years sober three years sober yeah it's three years sober yeah I would much rather listen to Island Boys for some reason I'd rather make out with both of them I've always thought of you as an island boy I've always wanted a three-way make out too I've never done that in my life really that seems like something that you would have done like you know before you hit 12 based on like what I know about your life I was a virgin till a very late age yeah I got it in in a short amount of time and I got out with an STD brother one day I'll write a book about it Memoir called I got out with an st without an STD you said with an STD without well without two okay I got one one time which one I don't know they said they'd never seen anything like it before what did it look like big let's just put it that way what do you mean big in like sometimes you know crabs you got a little crabs herpes you got a little lot of little red bumps this was one big thing like a big Square ah I wish it was like a normal I wish it was a shape that was recognizable yeah oh my God it was almost fractal like and where was it right in the zone right in the money Zone man like was it on on in around oh kind of an all encompassing thing big thing well I hope you're feeling better it's all good now I'm clean as a whistle only happened one time now we got a very tough matchup we've got Will I Am th versus [ __ ] came back the [ __ ] it's yeah the [ __ ] no th is worse like if I didn't speak English and I heard the [ __ ] came back I'd be like kind of a bluesy Jam not the greatest not the flashiest thing doesn't matter what language you speak if you didn't speak English how would you have said all that you said kind of a bluesy Jam not the best all that stuff it seems like you speak English just fine why couldn't you understand this song let's say if I didn't speak like if you showed a France person th and they did know speak in the English they would know how bad it is that's why I go th as well I think it's just yeah harsher on the ears and the lyrics are bad on that one too they're just cringy I agree the sentiment is skin crawling and [ __ ] came back but you have a fair point I I'm fine with that I think it also brings something new to the final four if we're thinking narratively this is crazy psychology yeah all right final four first match up we've got Gucci gang versus hell's well I'll let you go I'll let you go first man I don't want to dictate your opinion there's a song that might win this bracket and if it does it's just going to be it's going to be sad what I don't even know what's happen there's a song that if it wins this bracket it will be sad it's what he said I don't get it either man I don't know what he's talking about what's your vote Ben what was that buddy almost what was that hell as well that's what I thought it is a cover like if this was an original Drake Bell and he like it would be like that that would be the easy W or huge W as the people say but uh it's a cover so it makes me not counted as much but it is transformative content that's true it wouldn't get copyright claimed on YouTube no you know it's not just a straight reaction I believe it to be honestly impressive because it's a cover how bad it can be made without changing a single lyric is what makes it so bad like I'm going Gucci gang for sure you might be right like it is malicious in a way that I feel like the other one the other one has good intentions I'm going hell as well I think there are three or four hobo Johnson songs that are worse than hell as well I don't know dude it's like it's a vocal tone it's like hobo Johnson and 21 Pilots made a song together that's what hell as well is I'll go with Gucci gang okay now we got three years sober versus th I think this is the easiest match up in a minute th th yeah yeah three your sober isn't that bad like I don't think it's final four bad and th does have that quality of someone who was great making something terrible JLo yeah I agree I think she still is great to a lot of people not to Ben Affleck is Jennifer Lopez related to George Lopez yep brother that's your brother mhm no [ __ ] way small world tell when you say that the world ESO also can I just say it's a terrible acronym like it's like yeah I'm the yeah when do the acronym have the first letter of the acronym represents the entire word like the hardest ever the T stands for the it's one of the worst creations of an acronym it's almost like comedically perfect you know yeah yeah it didn't work it didn't catch on no nobody's like I'm the I'm the goat the hardest ever greatest well that sounds kind of sick actually the hardest ever the greatest of all di the dick the hardest ever dick so you love it what are you going to do to me I don't [ __ ] all right this is our final there's going to be a poll in the chat vote for which song you think is the worst song of all time three vote now also please comment some songs for worst songs bracket for we need some help building that bracket out which one of these songs do you think is worse Ben oh no I think they're they're both pretty good I think we kind of [ __ ] this bracket up I I'll go Gucci I go the okay this is so tough because I feel like I am now sort of using the argument like th didn't exist it was just made as a very bad song but I do think it's kind of lopsided like there are parts of that song that are worse than others like it definitely gets worse as it goes the first time I ever heard Gucci gang by Drake Bell I like sprung up and got excited to show people yeah and this is before all the news came out about Dre this was just about like how bad the song was like I had to show people that this cover of Gucci gang existed and to me the thought in my head was like this might be the worst thing I've ever heard if you show someone the Drake Bell's song and go this is the worst song ever people would go for real but if you go the th and you go this is the worst song ever someone might go it's weird it's not the worst though you know like I think you got a little more push back yeah I am going to go with Gucci gang I think that it is one of the worst things that I've ever heard my entire life and deserves to win this bracket so clap it up for Drake Bell great job love you we love you all right hive mind loves you and endorses no no no Drake Bell's Gucci gang wins worst songs bracket three please let us know some bad songs down in the comments and let us know your least favorite song that was on this bracket other than that we'd like to thank quadeca for being here for joining us I like this one a lot it was a fun one thanks for being here with some music coming out that will surely not Beyond one of our worst songs brackets coming up I pay them a lot to not include me it' be really embarrassing stream qua music and other than that make sure you like the video subscribe all the stuff you said at the beginning and Gren go ahead and leave these wonderful people some advice to leave their lives way never try and dance with a cigarette last chance all right this has been IM my TV we love you appreciate you and we'll see you in the next one [Music] by there was one fact ual discrepancy that we wanted to talk about with the song by the way remember it does say from London Ontario down the east coast to Georgia yeah that's not how you'd get there no you would drive through Detroit and then take 75 yep so that that is a bit of a bummer because I wanted to believe everything about this song and it made me question honestly if he even dated someone with a Tacoma y cuz I mean if I can't trust your directions then can I really trust anything about you no of course maybe it was just a Scenic Drive they they hit the east Coast just to do that cuz they had a few places on the way they wanted to see and if that's the case then forgive me Cara but for now I'm going to at least have a little question mark asterisk next to your name yeah are whistles that clean super clean cuz people always say clean is a whistle I imagine if you got [ __ ] refs blowing in them all the time seems like they'd be kind of dirty eventually refs do have the cleanest spit of all the professions it's funny you say that that's how I got the thing to begin with no ref's blown in it [Laughter] oh [Music] w
Views: 916,326
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: worst songs bracket, worst songs of all time bracket, worst songs ever, hivemind, anthony fantano, theneedledrop, fantano, nfr podcast, quadeca, patrick cc, pat cc, jon denton, let’s argue, tom macdonald, hobo johnson, AJR, cringing with whiteboy, punkrockmba, watchmojo, alfo media, turning the tables, dev lemons, ro ramdin, bradtasteinmusic, hivemindtv, imdontai, aux wars, bad song tier list, brad taste, worst songs, terrible songs, brad taste hivemind, quadeca hivemind
Id: mLhVXapepAA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 31sec (6271 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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