Pokémon Facts that sound Fake but are ACTUALLY True

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i have covered so many random facts about pokemon on this channel with some of those facts maybe sounding a little bit too crazy to be true and that's inspired me to make a video full of pokemon facts that might sound fake at first but are a hundred percent real some of these facts you guys are bound to already know but they're worded in a way that would sound off if you didn't already know about them so here are some pokemon facts that might sound fake but are actually true starting with skiddo is based on a bike and gogo is based on a motorcycle yes they are based on goats as well but with their horns acting like handlebars and how you ride them in the games they are also based on bikes and motorcycles japan's least favorite pokemon of all of them is one that is inspired by one of the three wise monkeys specifically here's no evil whose fiery-like appearance is somewhat similar to an active volcano with japan's all-time favorite pokemon being a weird shaped frog with its tongue wrapped around his face yes looking at them it does make more sense but on paper it really doesn't sound right cosmoym is tied with celestia as the heaviest pokemon ever weighing at almost as much as an entire car on the other hand ash is probably the strongest human in the pokemon universe and probably our universe as well these two pokemon that both look like dragons and are based on dragons are not dragon type yes all these pokemon are dragon type pokemon is a kids game in which you are able to force creatures to mate and make babies more than minutes of each other ghost type pokemon are immune to giant explosions beams of energy powerful strikes and sounds yet are weak to a lick mewtwo one of the most powerful pokemon in existence strong enough to effortlessly beat other strong pokemon he is also weak to alec and bucks he's weak to bugs as well you can sing the pokemon theme to the tune of amazing grace on the other hand you can also sing amazing grace to the tune of the pokemon theme now i'm not gonna try that myself or play anything because i don't want this video to get claimed or whatever but if you don't believe me why didn't you sing it for yourself apparently liquor tongue's dex number is 108 because a quote from one of the people who worked on the generation 1 games 108 in japanese is hakuhachi it rhymes with shakuhachi a traditional recorder like instrument which is also slang for draw your own conclusion no one involved in development would admit it of course yeah i probably wouldn't believe that either this pokemon who is claimed to be the guardian of the sea is shown to be mostly flying by water or in water learns countless water type moves and as even represented in the games many times to be associated heavily with water is not water type this pokemon is not a pikachu it's a ditto this pokemon is not a pikachu or a ditto zorowak this pokemon is not a pikachu or titto or zorowok this is aurora this pokemon is not a ditto or a zoroark or a zorowa it's pikachu this pokemon is not a sceptile this is zatu for alligator's name is not spelled correctly that is because in the gen 2 games pokemon names had a 10 character limit and so in order to fit for alligator's name they had to get rid of a letter which is why the ender for alligator's name is spelled like this there are more ways to sort a pokemon tcg deck than there are atoms on earth it's estimated that there are around this many atoms on earth whereas the total number of ways to order a 52-card deck is 52 factorial meaning the total number for a pokemon deck would be 60 factorial which in comparison looks like this this number is so insanely big that if you shuffle that deck of cards well it will go into an order that it has never been before or ever will again there are more fake flamingos on earth than real ones and if you thought that was impressive there are more fake pokemon on earth than real ones if you ate dirt from one of alakazam's spoons it would taste delicious and that is because according to the pokedex anything that you eat from an alakazam spoon becomes delicious anything you want to fill out the official release of pokemon this is close to our current year than it is to the 1970s that's not good it is possible for a pokemon to change gender specifically azuro in generation 3 there was a small chance that azural would change gender if it evolved that is because the zoro's gender difference and the marrow's gender difference are both different however this was fixed in future games chat at one point was the only non-mythical non-legendary pokemon to be banned from official formats no this isn't because it was too powerful it is because in past generations the player was able to record themselves thanks to chat signature move chatter making shadows cry when it comes out the poke ball being whatever was recorded leading to inappropriate words happening quite often you were not able to trade akoff agrigus on the gts without nicknaming it that is because coprogriga's name contains a certain word and due to the censorship the gts had preventing people from trading pokemon with offensive nicknames giving a different name to this pokemon was the only way you were trading online do you know what the rarest pokemon card is it's not a charizard it's not the illustrator pikachu instead it is a card called number one trainer while the illustrator pikachu card is a contender for being the most valuable pokemon card the number one trainer card is rarer since there are only seven copies of it in existence there are also multiple versions of the number one trainer card depending on the year and world championship it was given and since they are only given to the world champion it definitely makes them among the rarest it's common knowledge by now that charizard is not as tall as you think being a measly five foot seven but there are even worse cases than that for example salamance is four foot eleven this coolest dragon from gen three is less than five foot in comparison a dratini is five for eleven this thing is taller than both salamance and charizard now that's kind of embarrassing sheldor and cloister move backwards don't believe me apparently this is how some clams move about the move splash isn't water type the mood dragon ascent isn't dragon type the move rock climb isn't rock type and all the moves that have spike in the name are all different types that's pretty inconsistent which pokemon do you think is able to deal the single most amount of damage to a pokemon in a pokemon game not including one hit ko moves and how much damage do you think the single strongest hit would deal you'd think it might be a legendary pokemon with the highest stats using the strongest move well that's not the case because the pokemon that is able to deal the most amount of damage is shuckle yeah chuckle now i'm sure some of you probably already knew this but how exactly does shuckle land the most damaging hit in all of pokemon well it's complicated let's just say that this setup would not only never happen in an actual pokemon battle it's pretty ridiculous how you can't even do the setup in the current generation you can only perform it in generation six and you need a very specific shuckle with the move mimic which is only available in fire red and the green the setup itself is actually pretty cool so if you want to know exactly how it goes and how shuckle is able to deal the most amount of damage out of any pokemon i'll link you to a video that dobbs made explaining exactly how this is possible and if you're wondering what's the exact number is that shackle can deal if you pull off the setup correctly shucker will deal a total of 721 898 9881 damage meaning in order to survive this hits the opposing pokemon has to have a total of 721 million 898 982 points of health that is insane who is the biggest poker tuber on youtube you might have an idea of who it could be but in case you didn't know the answer to that question is mr beast i mean he was kind of a pokemon youtuber at one point not really but basically if you go back to his older videos he did quite a few pokemon battle videos on showdown meaning at one point he probably was thinking about being a pokemon channel although obviously not anymore the best pokemon game freak has made is inferno i know i know it sounds fake but it's actually a fact lucario is a very close second though and the last pokemon related fact in this video that i'm going to be covering is i am officially the 16th best pokemon channel on youtube at one point i was 22 but i've moved up and those are some pokemon facts that might sound fake but again are completely true yes all of them are true every single one i didn't make any of them up and since you guys seem to like me covering random facts about pokemon if i can think of any more i'm definitely done to do this again and please do leave a like if you did enjoy the video and want to see more like them subscribe and ring the bell for more pokemon content in the future and until next time thank you so much for watching
Channel: TheAuraGuardian
Views: 692,369
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, theauraguardian, pokemon facts that make no sense, pokemon facts you didnt know, pokemon facts that sound fake, facts that sound fake but are true, pokemon tcg, pokemon cards, shiny pokemon facts, pokemon trivia, facts about pokemon, game freak
Id: 8Qtl7UbKJVE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 0sec (660 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 09 2021
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