The best MrBeast video ever released | Ludwig Reacts

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all right let's see it behind me are 100 people and they range from the H1 all the way through age 100 and I've trapped let's go 27. I'm rooting for 27 I'm rooting for 33 and I'm rooting for one I want the one-year-old to win my daughter's turning three this Saturday Emery Daddy loves you this is for you 69 feeling fine he looks 69. not like he looks 69 years old he just embodies the number and I got winning on my mind so we'll be monitoring their every move and one of the first things I noticed was that the kids had a crazy strategy my strategy is to make a lot of noise so people like don't get any sleep and they really want to get out and I can't believe it but it's working the old people were not having it and they started leaving right away okay well look I don't think that's why they left uh look I I know sometimes they do a little bit of Storytelling for the video they're going out in wheelchairs this is not for me yelling they should not be here this is like this is like hey I need people one from 100 and it's like okay we can get the 100 year old for five minutes this is somebody's grandmother she needs to go instantly back to get like a bunch of shots in in lie down in a bed she cannot be here Jimmy I want a physical 100 I don't know if you guys know this show it's a Netflix show I think it's a Korean like athletic Netflix show that's basically like a battle royale but for like strength I want that but for this challenge that's what I thought this understand now that'd be a little hard so let's just put them in a box he would last the longest I wanted them to do like physical activities I wanted to see the 100 year old do a 100 meter dash you know how many polyps are you doing two-year-old that's what I wanted to see I have good news for you you've survived longer than the one-year-old yeah come on do you think this will be easy I am a World War II veteran big penis I appreciate your service thank you that's crazy do you guys think about how crazy this is this person's a hundred years old that's so many years that is uh like for context over 35 of America's lifespan it's over 40 percent of America's lifespan that is like a lot of I like keeping it honest I'm really bored and I miss my dog that is the most 16 year old thing I've ever heard these are caricatures of their own age they just said like everything you would expect somebody who is 98 and 16 year old to say here's some money for playing oh are you serious but some people were more determined to stay was that just for the 16 year old or did the 98 year old get that I don't need a strategy I'm good till Christmas [Music] started day two and only sorry sorry I know I'm pausing a lot I just I'm having trouble wrapping my head around like imagine you're Mr Beast you wake up you go to the office for work or you wake up in the office I don't know what the [ __ ] he does and then you go downstairs and you're like you're like sipping coffee and then you're like uh Craig how are um how are the people one through 100 doing it's like oh Jimmy they're on day four the 73 year old left like what [ __ ] job is happening here from a logistics standpoint this is crazy you're going into a room and you're like who do we lose today well the 12 year old [ __ ] himself uh he was really embarrassed about it because he hadn't [ __ ] himself since he was six so he's out 53 year old she just got called for jury duty crazy it's the start of day two do you want to keep going or do you want to get out I think I want to quit it's something my family will never forget you find a World War I feel like this can't be on the list he has to have just said that bro you are a hundred okay this won't be top 50 on the list you were in World War II dude married kids grandkids being in a Mr B's video for 30 seconds can't be top 50. you've done way too much so I'm gonna give them an opportunity to take this challenge to the next level and it's time for a vote in each of your rooms you'll notice a green button and a red button and if a majority of you press the green button we'll do a challenge but that will eliminate a bunch of you the majority of you press the red button we won't and we'll just continue as usual I chose red why take unnecessary risks oh such a 56 year old thing to say I imagine most people under the age of 30 would press green green as we do a challenge red okay okay never mind the 82 year old did it the game is Monty but we made it slightly bigger a ball is placed under one of these three cups Nolan Chandler start moving them around whoever remembers where the ball is stays in the game what's that over there you are unbelievably tricky oh my God Steve how are you falling for that Jimmy pulls up and he's like yo Gramps did you drop this you're out now you lose all your money gosh what's that over there not not falling for that it worked on the 82 year old do you have any idea he was 82 he looked great for 82. I guess it's up to chance but some people three year olds can talk right three-year-olds can talk imagine if 98 if a 98 year old died on set I've thought about this I didn't want to say it out loud but I do feel like there is a risk putting people 1 through 100 in a room for over a week like I feel like statistics say that one person will die I just feel like statistic I don't know the math I just feel like statistically that is the case do you think if somebody dies this video comes out no way right oh that's a scandal there's friction between these two groups he told me read she told me the truth these are the people he's been talking to the whole time were here and they told him the wrong color her and I were just playing with him giving him the wrong color we were just having fun with them they took it the wrong way well I mean let's not mint's words here like we were playing with them we told them the wrong color they put in the wrong color they got eliminated from a challenge for over 500 000 now they're upset it's not exactly like a prank bro you did [ __ ] dupe them out of money it's good because you're self-interested but it makes you want to get out no it doesn't right why I can't hear you oh God oh my God yeah I wouldn't last I wouldn't lie you know what they did a huge service by having all the booths be numerical one two three four five six seven eight and so on if it was random and me as a 27 year old I had to sit next to a [ __ ] 13 year old I couldn't handle it this guy right here I would have reparably changed the course of his life by offering myself in that boost I wouldn't do that I wouldn't do that but caused more people to leave you each have a piece of paper and a Sharpie I want you all to write a number of one of the remaining contestants on that paper whoever gets the most votes is eliminated what a targeted challenge this is in the last challenge there was a lot of lying people that were lied to are going to vote out the out wow wow valuable life lessons for men or beast I would vote out the 10 year old straight up I don't want no kids in my game get them out of there 74 she's not a very grateful person somebody needs to go would be her what to draw that conclusion are you looking at this seven year 74 year old woman in a booth being like she's not grateful what it feels like a stretch the results are in and it was actually scarily close within two votes the loser is 74 with 14 votes one down now we need to do that nine more times oh my God we all just basically came to a consensus at the same time that Ted needs to go [Laughter] yeah yeah get out 10. yeah whoa get that kid out of there like he literally voted for me and it didn't do anything to him right there if he stayed the whole time he could win the 10 year old's my favorite I really hope he stays in not 100 sure but I think he voted for me three two all right everyone show your vote to the camera oh my gosh that is a lot of tests I'm sorry little man this is officially the first decade eliminated you guys dude I actually think this might traumatize me if I was a 10 year old like I think I might cry if 40 people of all age groups and generations agreed that I shouldn't win like that would be some irreparable harm and distrust that was sewn into my body well that's in this entire boat because the only reason they voted you out was because they were scared I felt so bad for ten I invited him on stage with me to co-host the rest of the challenge oh he's probably gonna kick me out okay I need every single one of you to vote for 14. oh poor 14 poor 14. you gotta know most dangerous person in that building's 10. we have to think in terms of who's the biggest threat I don't I don't know what has to happen in your life to just be set on a soul patch and am I being a soul patch guy in trying to keep my mustache going and that's like I'm thinking about this every time I see his face the 50 year 50 or by far 73 is also one of those bad apples 73 15 votes they got a pretty big power block right there oh my God the 50s might single-handedly take out everybody in their 70s 71. what the [ __ ] what is this order 66 [ __ ] just a bunch of 50 year olds whipping up votes with each other trying to eliminate the 70 year olds holy [ __ ] 71 got 15 votes I've never been so threatened by 50 year olds it's kind of scary are we lost some good friends hate to see them go [Music] oh I liked him I feel so sorry for you 69 you've been voted out look at what you've done I'm actually seeing a lot of 96 so let's go hear what she has to say she's very close to being eliminated great this is what you want I'm happy dude she's so cute the fact that she's sweet tells me that I know her grandkids miss her at home what a [ __ ] cope you piece of [ __ ] go [ __ ] cope while you're kicking her out be a villain you're doing villain [ __ ] be a villain you all the 50 year olds are [ __ ] and you're all irredeemable in the context of this video you can't start coping about how she misses her [ __ ] grandkids she would walk out the goddamn booth and let's see who you Savage's dog piled on show the numbers over half of you voted for 96. I don't understand you people she's not the biggest threat here for everything you know it's the way it is and I'm happy you know it's what everybody wants and that's what's important this is the perfect eat [ __ ] and die your soul patch looks terrible oh I'm sorry I'm getting upset it is a video it is a contest they're trying to win money there's power in grouping up I just don't understand the rationale for kicking out a 96 year old but okay I think they all get like 10K if they lose it's time for another challenge vote I know for 100 I can win if I do no challenges the rest of the time I vote Yes or challenge my chances are getting better and better dude is 94 and just chilling I think it makes sense to vote for a challenge just because I would prefer for it to be over quicker inside of each of your cubes it's a Jenga Tower we're in a pool blocks out one at a time and if your Tower Falls you're eliminated we're gonna keep doing this until there's only 10 people remaining pull the second block out [Music] looks like no one has been eliminated yet let's do another one so it's not even Jenga it's just pull out just lost oh my gosh I called it you are 39 a 94 year old is doing this come on you can cheat nobody's on your booth I'm so nervous so am I this is a bad poll yeah these dumbass 50 year olds don't know how to play Jenga [ __ ] dumbass I can't touch oh and remember we're doing this until there are 10 people left I don't have a glove on oh [Music] [Music] what are you doing you can't be trusted no no what are you doing you can't be trusted oh I bumped into the thing yeah I noticed Carl I noticed I can't believe this hasn't hit the ground I know what bro your Tower is tilted 30 times I can't look I can't I gotta look I can't look I gotta look come on Brenda think about the backyard Jenga backyard Jenga don't have Jimmy about that why don't you look over is the final elimination I can't believe it I'm top ten if Mom wins the 500 000 we are going to Disney World I don't want any 50 year olds to win it I'm sorry do you want a challenge absolutely yes or no yes yes or no yes we're doing a challenge wow in our squeak games video you guys love the marble game so we brought it back the marble game did I love that by the end of 30 minutes only the person with 20 Marvels moves on these guys just wanted to get it over with this is a 500 000 coin flip Yo cool [ __ ] shot oh ladies and gentlemen I'm so sorry did it says if you make it into any bucket you win right ice in the veins 23 ice in the veins baby yes that is a Collegiate beer pong player oh my God count them up 20. got 10 blue nine red you're missing a marble can you count again 19. you are one short there's only seven minutes left so if you care for this man you should find it where is it oh that's what I would do that's smart I would swallow one I would swallow a marble and I would say you better follow me when I take a [ __ ] or you're or you're out that's it that's genius what are you gonna do I swallowed this you will have to touch what my colon has touched you [ __ ] you're currently at 18 Marbles and you're two marbles how the [ __ ] did you lose RPS so many times you're down to two marbles oh sorry I shouldn't laugh how are you that bad though that's crazy like it it should be pretty neck and neck whoa there might be a comeback it might be I found it really yeah it was in my bed sheet he has one more marble if you win with that one Marvel that'd be crazy why not I thought that was it that's it oh we can officially stop out now oh that feels so bad this keeps going back and forth I can't believe this guy's still here rock paper scissors is such a dumb game if you're doing one marble at a time like you need higher Stakes remember he said we both go home so what if it's gonna have to decide a different game rock paper scissors for half a minute in this bad too okay this is for all the marbles we're gonna do All or Nothing what what a [ __ ] scam artist no what do you mean it's 14-6 all or nothing my dick and balls let's do it for maybe a heightened amount of marbles let's do it for six marbles does that sound fair this is for all the marbles yeah but you have 14 Marbles and he has six why are you gambling All or Nothing a minute and a half hurry up rock paper scissors turn [Music] I want I want the 54 year old to live a great life I want him to burn in this game I want him to burn he is a Villain Like I have never seen before okay we're done to the last two it was the same position as this only a couple minutes ago and the thing is the minute ago it was me is there anything you want to say to each other wait she's losing now what the what the [ __ ] what a comeback holy [ __ ] that that is impressive that is an impressive display of rock paper scissors skills it's okay congratulations yeah I lost to an amazing person it's really hard to feel bad for them it's really hard to feel bad for them when they have to hold money like like this never in my life have I had enough money where I've had to go like this you know generally like this is like this is fine you know but if you if you have to hold like like a cradle it like a baby I don't feel bad for you you're fine you're doing great the only people left are 23 40 43 52 and 54. let's go 23. X's these were all cubes like mine at the start today is my daughter's birthday I'm just hitting home now that I'm not gonna be there that's sad when we started there was a hundred of you and now we're down to five do you want to reduce it even further with the challenge yes all right but you guys chose this in this challenge the 95 contestants who have already left will vote and the three of you with the most votes are gone wow I feel like it should be the other way where they vote who continues on rather than a vitraulic vote but I get it do you think the people that were eliminated liked you no what's not delay let's find out we literally every single one of the 95 eliminated people who they want gone heart's about to jump out of my throat how many votes does it say you got Joe 10 which is not enough to be eliminated which means only one of these four cubes remains so I'm dive with this stuff you wanna handle it you got it 23 yes you were in fact eliminated no I don't mind this but this feels a bit anticlimactic as the final five but I get it I don't even see that the rest of the people voting one of them do you think it's you I hope so that didn't sound confident you received 15 votes oh this is brutal I'm not gonna lie losing out on that was crushing after spending roughly seven years 15 votes is enough to get eliminated Enterprise and not getting it it hurts and now the two of you all right we'll come over here this is dance very tense 54. I got the most votes I know wait how'd you know that I don't trust the man over there at all you're a dog big boy okay well yeah that makes sense I just know yeah you did you got 37 votes oh my God okay with five options 37 votes is a huge plurality that is that is woof 37 which means 52 you passed this was a once in a lifetime chance I've got a 50 chance of winning half a million dollars foreign she's very sweet 52 is very sweet it's tough to know who to root for because 52 is very sweet but 40 also has his daughter's birthday which is very sweet so there's there's good reasons to root for both here I have one last I do intrinsically hate 52 for being in the 50-year age range because they were a cabal is really the right way to put it they were a cabal what is this right here that's for my my daughter today's her birthday yeah well let's see what comes through the curtains oh to see oh dude I was like she is old man I don't know very much loose we're proud of you you can do this this is the fair that was a 54 year old camera angle 52. I couldn't ask for anything else that was my everything right there well you're lying very sweet message but you're gonna try to ask for the half a mill let's I mean let's keep it a stack it's not like you're gonna walk out with her it's a lot more feasible now in my mind because it's not me versus 98 other people it's me versus one person all the exact cubes with people in them and everybody's gone now and it's just Joe and I another day here it's not gonna make somebody quit to come down to something actually forcing one of us to leave I give them a chance to say no to a challenge but oh my what should we do can't believe they chose a challenge and otherwise they'd just be here forever we're taking a half a million dollar Gamble inside one of these briefcases is to check for five hundred thousand dollars and everyone on set is blindfolded including the cameraman well I mix up the cases I promise this will make sense in just a minute the briefcases are now mixed I bet there's a bowl inside it's a challenge you can step out of your cubes and meet in the middle half a million dollars flip a coin to decide who gets the look inside of their briefcase making them the only person on set that knows where the money is it's a game of bluff free that's right because then it's up to the other person to choose which briefcase they want to take home heads or tails heads Tails whenever you're ready look inside your briefcase I don't even want to know what's in there I can't stand the burden 52 now has to decide whether she's going to keep her briefcase or steal his Joe do you have 500 000 in your briefcase yes Joe are you lying what do you think was there anything else in the briefcase other than the money I saw the Mr Beast logo you saw a check in there yes Jim are you honors you spent enough time man what do you think this is so nerve-wracking half a million I don't think he saw [ __ ] I don't think or take his he's got nothing in that case he's got nothing in that case decision when he's got nothing no in your head so nervous I'm I'm actually my heart speaking I'm actually feeling anxious for you guys and you swear that their money is in your case yes I don't think it's in there I think I'm going to pick my case you're going to keep this locked in all right Joe what is inside your briefcase [Music] he won and he was honest [Music] oh my God he told the truth and he got it wow good guys can't win so it pays off to be honest wow [Music] ten thousand dollars in your family a trip to Disneyland uh a little bit of a downgrade from Disney World wow good ending good video good vid that might be his best video ever I think it's straight up might be the best one I think it's better than squid game because it's not derivative I mean it has derivative aspects but it's more original
Channel: Ludwin
Views: 812,742
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ludwig, twitch, clips
Id: nNhz63s2iQY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 59sec (1499 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 07 2023
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