100 YouTubers Controlled My Stream. It Was Cursed.

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I asked 100 Youtubers to give me an idea of something to do on stream for example I asked streamer xqc what I should do and he replied within 5 minutes which has never happened in our history of conversations and said take an Autism test that's all he said he said take an Autism test and then he stopped replying to me but xqc is not the only one who gave ideas we had a bunch of other ideas for example we had an idea from Chad who said get shot with a paintball pay money wubby asked me to cry on stream poke main told me to twerk these are all real ideas from YouTubers you might recognize and we have a hundred of them instead of just doing these ideas one by one I'm going to add all these ideas to marbles whichever one wins is the thing that we do and then to make things a little bit spicier I'm going to add one marble at the very end that just says end stream and if that marble pops up then we are done with our show I don't care if it's the first marble or if it's the last marble I will abide by by the rules as given to us by the marble gods that make sense so many of them had [ __ ] terrible ideas like genuinely horrible I know extra Emily's is really bad oh it's so bad point [Music] grow so I'll give you a bit of a leak I I was really scared of extra Emily's because hers is drink toilet water but we don't have to do that luckily Point crows pluck two nose hairs the hair in your nose no is longer than the hair on your head it's not true that's actually not well it's mostly not true it's in some areas it's true in some areas it's true ah did you get it yeah I got it do you see it oh my gosh you actually got one proof oh it made me cry instantly oh that was so many more than one all right well challenge accomplished challenge accomplished honestly no I don't have to eat them chat what a move by Ian okay this why SL far I don't know he cheated I think wait what the [ __ ] I I can't do this you want to know what Ian hex from smos asked me to do chat he asked me to do a flip I can't do a flip are you thinking what I'm thinking the challenge is to do a flip in my room bro I'm going to [ __ ] end it all that counts I technically was in the air and then flipped before I landed on the ground it was not a roll because it went from aerial to floor next idea thank you Ian Ian heo from smos oh this is good for chat Chad is amped about this one Aiden wow screwed you guys out of $1,000 I'd be really upset at Aiden if it were me I would not [ __ ] with Aiden anymore Aiden in His Infinite Wisdom thought it'd be a really good idea if I went live and reacted to economics explained on stream and tried to debunk anything they talked about in their videos I don't get to pick the [ __ ] ideas I think this idea sucks Indonesia will be the third or fourth largest economy in the world by the middle of this Century according to economic projections I looked up if PWC projections are accurate and the first thing that comes up is a PWC article from PWC that says they're 95% accurate so look it might just be true folks this is Mogul mail uh in response to economics explained I've been tasked by uh Aiden to uh respond to your video about how Indonesia could overtake the US by 2050 uh to for starters all the data was pulled from pwc's projections for 2050 and then went further than even the projections did to propose that Indonesia would be third over us which again in the model itself was less than likely they expected us to land over Indonesia but just to poke a small hole in some of the trust no is this our only sharpener yeah you want a blade timer on the clock ready give me pencil this is slower than if I did it by hand it's it automatically stops because it thinks it's sharp this is ridiculous no I think I jammed it no nub time with a little bit of a scam uh and by a little bit I mean a huge [ __ ] scam pay money wubby is first his challenge is very simple cry did I get one I got one I got a tier that counts that's a tier okay so the winner was pokem Mane she asked me to twerk on stream [Music] that was [ __ ] okay all right let's not get judgy all right let's not get all let's not pretend all of a sudden we're we're connoisseurs of twerking so this challenge is to dub over an old anime I have the scene for you Yingling I'm going to play this for you uninterrupted and I would like for you to play the role of the boy and I'll play the role of the girl for context we're friends and I'm in a coma ah it's so cold I'm going to [ __ ] who's that touching me I'm going to pull the cord if you don't wake the [ __ ] up right now please I'm not crying I'm whispering yeah what happens in the scene Yingling is I'm listening we're two friends right I'm in a coma so you come in you want me to wake up but then you jerk off over my kom's body wait is that what he was doing that's what he does bro why are there Thorns here wait germa touchdown time germa wins well I asked germa to give me an idea to do on stream and he said do a meditation guide with chat move into a comfortable position get in com get get in a comfortable position and gently close your eyes close your eyes and shift tune into your body noticing how it feels sending love into those areas put love into your body Nick thank your body for taking such good care of you thank you now focus on on something that you can do today whether it's for yourself or for someone else you're interrupting him here I'll do this I will just say what the guy says I'll do I'll be the guide I want you to take a deep breath in hold it at the top and release I want to do that again but this time as you breathe in I want you to imagine everything that you've been stressed about over the past 24 hours as we release we're not just releasing our breath we're releasing those things just focus on your breath and let's let these next couple minutes be our vulnerable minutes this time when we breathe in we're going to want to try to breathe in visualizing our toes and have the energy from your toe move up your body visualize your fingers do you feel them tingle tingly little fingers I tingly little fingers one final breath in keep holding it we're going to count down and when I'm done you can breathe out [Music] 1,000 missed missed does anybody make it give Chad a th000 loses to Scara what is this yes I asked Scara who I thought I was cool with what I could do on stream and he suggested that I shotgun a Celsius until my heart explodes which I feel like is [ __ ] up why does he want my heart to explode man to be wide awake you're about to be wired as [ __ ] should I do two that's so bad for you 400 Mill gram of caffeine within like 10 seconds I've never seen them be like no actually don't I don't think I should do it so you're handing it off to me what just like throw up my heart's going to explode um I chugged to Celsius will I be okay super TF is in first Seth Everman wins oh my gosh I don't know how the [ __ ] that happened I tweeted out different ideas to do you guys might know Seth Everman the bald guy uh he gave me this idea to goon what many you guys might think about is gooning in terms of of goon caves and goon commanders in the great nation of Australia goon is a type of boxed wine and so to be able to goon on stream rather than try to jerk my dick off without coming we're going to be drinking some bag wine no commanders here today just some good old goons sacks with some aussy loving Americans and if anyone is saying boo you're basically just saying you want me to jerk off on stream I did just chug two Celsius this can't be good for my heart but yeah your heart is probably in pain now no officially in success sucessfully gooned on stream hopefully Seth everman's happy and didn't want to see me jerk my dick but Seth if that's what you wanted I apologize uh and we move on to our next marble wait I forgot I asked Leo the head of YouTube gaming for an idea and did he give you one yeah what did he say have you played balers gate [Music] no [Music] I've come to S oh my God yes yes bring out the bag of the Goon it's time to goon do not look at the pornographic images that my body is covering this is purely because my boss the head of YouTube gaming asked me to but I do not agree with what is on screen do not ban me Neil or Susan wi jitsy you awaken pain your back your hands even your tongue it's time to rise so we piped W dude Mike in first Oh I thought the red thing was I know how he loses this he doesn't he wins I think he just wins yeah all right I got to do this thank you guys for watching you guys are my friend and I love you okay could it have been a little more genuine I did my best what squeaks won how uh just so everybody knows squeak's punishment is not one that we are allowed to talk about but we are going to do it regardless we're supposed to go through here into the TP and then wait no they don't go oh they don't want to go through the TP xqc oh my gosh I asked 100 streamers and YouTubers for an idea of what to do on stream uh and the ideas as you can tell so far I've been very very uh different however xqc specifically asked me to take an Autism test he never messages me back he replied within 5 minutes when I asked him for an idea so here we are I am going to take this Autism [Music] test five what does that mean I don't know the aq10 doesn't offer a lot of insight as it outputs a single score according to the test scores of six or higher are indicative of autism okay so I'm not really close right I'm not I mean it says six or higher it say six or higher that's five that's a five so I'm not six or higher yep I'm on your side yeah right it feels like you're being weird about it Grand poo Bear's on Pace Carl I did ask my good friend Carl Jacobs what I should do on stream and he's kind of a Content guy so I figured he'd come up with a good idea uh what Carl asked me to do was to give Carl $100 hey Carl love the stream keep it upo I just sent you $100 on Twitch oh yeah cool all right oh no moist critical is actually really hard uh well it looks like there's no way he stops oh it's actually so hard yo there's no way he stops a oh this is actually so [ __ ] let me see I have to do 200 push-ups in 15 minutes in 15 [Music] minutes [Music] I don't know if he's going to make it through the rest of the stream oh no is she going to fall through wow daily do all right daily dose of Internet daily dose did not want me to do 200 push-ups or drink alcohol he just wanted me to react to daily dose of Internet hello everyone this is your daily dose of Internet the end's right there it looks like nre's going to get it yep there it is do we have this I do have this and it's a problem I bought in 1,000 piece F puzzle nre's punishment was an all-white puzzle you got a 1,000 piece all-white puzzle bro we are not going to play with an allwhite puzzle you don't want to do the all white puzzle with me [ __ ] no oh Michelle one all the way to the end coffeezilla wow what a snipe by coffeezilla coffeezilla had an interesting idea coffee zilla's idea was Smashbox why was it coffee zilla's idea I don't know I don't know I don't think he likes me however we do not have two controllers and I would not slap Nick Yingling here's my game plan I'm going to play Super Smash Brothers Melee online I'm going to do a best of one and for every stock that I lose Nicki lincol slap me so if I lose all four stocks it's four slaps and if it's no stalks then it's no slaps does that sound [Music] fair all right good start baby oh [ __ ] oh wait oh my oh my gosh wait a minute oh this guy doesn't even play the game I don't even play the game I don't even play the game holy [ __ ] I oh he's rolling now no no put that away no this is good [Music] no [ __ ] that was stupid why are you doing this all right chose your character I'm one say GG's that's a good one all right dude these guys are asking for [ __ ] blood Max does too oh [ __ ] what oh my what the where the [ __ ] jat I don't think we should do the jat one that we're talking about sit in an idling car in your garage and see what happens basically it was kill yourself or I could sit in a well ventilated garage and do it for a while and not die I could use my Subaru sandar to effectively kill myself there's actually a good amount of easy ones which makes me feel a little better that we just haven't gotten I just really need food I don't think I can do Elena's to be honest oh no and Elena takes the the one thing I just said I don't know if I can do and Elena takes the Le D she like just [ __ ] ran too oh God she just ran oh maybe she gets blasted right here no no no [ __ ] dude you can't do this so this is Elena shinohara she is a I think Olympic level rhythmic gymnastic person gymnastic gymnastic ey Gast gist ay a rhythm Mission oh wow oh gymnast that's it right on try to keep your feet right on the ground when you're [Music] wait oh just a free fall St typical St St again uh all right the punishment for stanes is I have to trim this bonsai tree kind of want to trim the outside a bit right less is more with Bonsai in a way still a bit tall might be able to just mush them down a bit all right I think I need to cut off some of you give me a [Music] spin dude that's so [ __ ] up I can't believe that's what you did it looks good good bro Young Nut Young Nut oh wait his is kind of funny wait what is his this seems bad I agree there's only three people here it's me you or Chad did he give you guys a good kiss or I think void wins yeah yep void wins the Free Fall typical [Music] [Music] void [Music] oh Jesus man that was a good one that is not how I would have phrased it but we did do the challenge which was stare at the camera for 3 minutes straight next foosley sucks there's nothing but boost pads here l no cuz she could fly off get get this stuff man Zoro where are your swords what Michael Reeves one all right well Michael Reeves is the winner of the next one and he wanted me to do something with a bar of soap oh extra Emily and Connor fighting for oh wait that's huge for you no this is good this one is eat seven cabbages which in a way is good first things first take a look at this penis that's a pretty well-carved dickan ball dude I can't I can't eat seven cabbages is the Cabbage making you feel anything making my jaw a bit sore I'm thinking of number one through 15 ready 3 2 one go dude I after I say go dude why do you do that just okay okay think of a new number between uh 15 okay 3 2 1 go dude after go [Applause] cutie hello you're marble one and I'm wondering what you want the challenge to be oh God you know what I'm gonna be a selfish [ __ ] and I'm gonna say end your [ __ ] stream whoa I hang out with my boyfriend for like four months I just want to night with hims please all right if it's your wish I'll do it I'll end the stream oh yingo we are [ __ ] saved by cutie Cinderella dude we went through over 50 we did a lot I feel good about it you know what in just for the hell of it can you pull out the LIF straw dieo I don't want to do it you got to do it man I don't want to do it you offered to do it yeah it's cuz I scamed so much to it we didn't scam we did everything right oh and the [ __ ] stre [Music] man
Channel: Ludwig
Views: 1,692,889
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ludwig, ludwigahgren, ahgren, gaming, chat, stream, decides, lud
Id: sIM0tqlFieo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 42sec (1362 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 30 2023
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