I Made A $642,777 Ring and Became KING in Hydroneer

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uh yes welcome back to City's skylines where we're gonna become the king of Bridgeport this little city over here yes look at this right here there are brand new tokens in the game I have 53 of them and we use those tokens to buy the tier three stuff unfortunately there's no drill in here which is kind of annoying to me but we do have a shovel a pickaxe and a rake as well as this weird prospecting helmet so I want to make sure I've got enough money 10 000 that should be a good amount so we'll just run over a pedestrian until he bounces and falls on the ground and then I wanted to hit him again but I can't so I'm hoping if I take this stunk of money down to the store down to the store right over here I should be able to find yeah there's tier three stuff here okay I didn't remember through us oh there's money here nice 15 grand hopefully that's enough to buy all of these parts oh 2500 the core Stone Masterwork design I need one drill piece then I need one Harvester yep yep yep yep yep and I do I need this do I need the intake I mean it's seven hundred dollars so I'll just buy it okay four thousand three hundred and thirty seven now this takes 500 gold and 800 core Stone to make one of these Harvesters or miners whatever it is so if I drive my way over to my base I can see how much treasure that we've been mining oh that beautiful course though and look at that nice bowl of tomato bisque right there all right let's make that bar let's see how big this bar is where did my scale go did I not I thought I had a scale it was right there at one point did I move it in the basement it could be in the basement I don't know why I would have brought it in the basement though also I nuked a giant hole down here this is all beautiful tier three rock that we're gonna mine up ah there it is I knew I left you somewhere you silly fella just hiding in the ground like that how dare you embarrassing me in front of the viewers all right please be enough okay wait oh so that's 200 we need to wait a little bit longer make some more money and uh melt some nice gems in our tomato soup so I think I'll let this soup and my other things keep going I'm not actually sure how much gold is here it might be a lot because I actually haven't used it at all a lot and I keep saying actually oh wow 18 000 pounds of gold do you even lift bro okay that should be plenty enough to uh let anything else happen so as I said in the intro I kind of want to become the king now if you see on the left side by Bastion keep a little arrow pointing right to the yellow exclamation point yes there's a king's quest in the game now and we're gonna attempt to do that all I need to do is drive inconspicuously through the hydro River I don't know we should name the river maybe River Blitz Blitz the river that doesn't make any sense oh do you see that sweet mountain climbing skill though and if I drive up on this rickety Old Bridge up to the top one of these guys have a quest I think hello sir do you have a quest of course you can grab me this um that might be it whatever I'll take it anyway 115 weight Emerald to Herbert and Bastion keep but I really think that Quest is gonna be in here one of these two nerds has the king quest line oh this might be a 200 weight bar hmm or you what do you got yeah this one probably that's 805 Prospect Guild doubloons all right so I'm hoping I still have money and there's no money in there I need a saw I need to get a saw I'll just eat myself over the cliff oh beautiful and cross my fingers that I've yeah I got plenty of money in there all right give me a saw I need that because they're not there it is I need the tool rack just just I'm gonna steal that real quick we'll just drive over another pedestrian and slide right into the DMS that's what I named this base this is the DMS this is my name in my city so we can slide it in the DMS anytime we want to can we hang up the saw in there maybe oh yeah but mainly I'm most excited about this so I don't accidentally pick up everything like I have been doing for the last 18 hours of this world you think that I would have bought this Hammer before but no I am the lazy sometimes I just like the conveyor belts walking me too it makes it so much easier than actually using my legs so if the quest says I need a 200 weight gold bar uh dagger that means I've gotta cut this thing in half and then after it's cut in half I need to cut it in half and then cut that in half and eventually I'll get close enough that I don't care anymore so we'll turn this thing on to a dagger we'll grab that proper Hammer a screwdriver what's that for oh that's gemstones in half that's handy okay we will plop that right into there take the hammer go bunk need 300 that should work now I need an emerald hello anyone got an emerald do you have an emerald do you have Onyx oh Emerald would be in the first one okay can I have it connect got it and the Emerald's pretty big quite large indeed we only need 15 weight Emerald this is interesting too if I cut it in half the price changes slightly actually I don't know why that's interesting it's it's really not that interesting but I do have one worth about 21 and a half now so we can sell that to Herbert all right herb here is your thing there you go it looks good I promise thank you oh you're welcome sir give me that I'm hoping these stack like regular coins do oh beautiful but I'm really interested in shanking this man unfortunately it's not a real dagger it's a ceremonial thing here you go sir specific oh you like you're welcome oh okay did we get into the kingdom here oh this is cool I didn't know this door opened oh do you need something oh balls please don't be the gold quests because I don't really want to spend the next eight hours building up enough beet root and broccoli to feed the entire Bastion keep oh well we're gonna have to do it anyway so I'll build up a little irrigation system and then dig a few holes and I'll plant some crops in there yeah yeah also this one pipe is broken oh because there were two pipes there that's why it's broken so I'll wait for these little Beauties to grow up I'm gonna work on the next stage of the quest which is this one 400 weight core storm bar thousand gold and 5 000 iron but I get 18 000 Prospect Guild doubloons so let's see how big of a core Stone bar we have now hopefully it's big enough oh 100 so if I cut that in half that's fantastic that's exactly what we need we will shove that back down in here good and then I mean this is this is probably gonna be oh wait we have those bars over here what was it gold we need a thousand gold so I don't know which one was which here you sit in the fire get nice and toasty we have a thousand gold that's 2400 so this one the thousand that's the opposite that one's nine thousand come on Gold Bar be right for and okay there's a thousand cool then we need a five thousand silver bar I have no idea no I big idea how the big idea this thing's gonna be 42 000 neat and this needs to be five so we cut in half that'll be 20 if I cut that in half it'd be ten and then back again which would be five come on magical five ball hey five thousand three hundred that's beautiful we'll just toast those up nice and warm we have all three of the ores gonna go there really interested to see what this uh thing looks like though because it's all three Metals into one alloy actually wouldn't be an alloy because they're all independent but doink oh wow that's pretty sick I like that so I'll bring the stabby boy back over here to Dingus and hopefully he takes it do you like that do you like oh that's not right what what oh did I do it back I did it backwards the butt end is supposed to be made out of the core style in the middle oh you're kidding me I'm gonna stab you with it man hopefully I can sell it on the stocks though all right whatever wait no never mind he just wants gold bars and I sell it here yeah oh wow 128 000. that's expensive juice I really also need a green exclamation point because we have to make food for some people to get those tokens where did my money go so I'm gonna have to complete a few of these annoying food quests like four tomatoes in a soup bowl and of course I'm gonna have to reforge this sword of Destiny 433 that's still good enough so core Stones won and then the gold is two core stone gold iron got it four stone hopefully that's gold and then I run neat smash I'm also hoping that some of these tomatoes are ready they are so I can cut them pot them water them and then cook them all right we got a nice bolo Tomatoes soup we'll just dump it into there is that enough okay just that made this so I'll give this cup of soup back to our friend here me this yeah there you go oh delicious thank you what is Reet gradley broth that doesn't even make words all right 32 money now I just have to do a bunch more of those quests so I can unlock broccoli I could also take the reforged blade of villanial back to its source and give it to Aragorn he's like yeah this is what I want oh dang dude thanks for the big stunks of prospecting doubloons appreciate you three hours later so after about three hours worth of farming I think I finally have enough beet roots that I've just been combining into this pile you know it really sucks because well they weigh about you know 1.6 each and if I have to make up my soup with 300 beetroot weight that means they need like a whole bunch of Beats and I've got a lot growing because it's been literally hours and I'm just sick of this farming stuff there's a reason I didn't make a video about the farming stuff before so I think I just need one more in here if I do a little stabby stab droppy drop grab grab drop you drop again picky upy Yuppie and yeah 301-31 perfect all right so we'll slap that in here that's not what I wanted why did I not I bought that hammer and I didn't even put it in okay whatever um let's just fill this up with water yeah just like that drop it up on heat drop Drop It Like It's Hot and then we patiently wait for Mega soup come on Mega soup and we'll dump Omega soup into the bowl and somehow that's 600 pounds of beaten broccoli disgusting I don't even remember where this went anymore oh yeah I was in the castle hopefully this bowl of soup is enough to feed the castle for an entire year please work oh oh they ate it yes oh thanks oh two seven four thousand I can't even words I'm so excited okay cool now I can come up here and take another Quest oh a fish a scallywag oh pecker but the king's up there and I could defeat him next so that's cool and after about 20 minutes of fishing I caught my first Lobster and a whole bunch of other fish I don't know if this one's gonna be big enough and the only way I can tell is by bringing it back to the people actually I could put it on one of those scales but I don't have one on this side of the map and I don't have enough money to buy one on this side of the map so I figured it was better to carry up a nice raw Lobster up to the tippity top and be like hey bro do you want this oh is it big enough nope oh I hate you and always humanly possible that a human can hate another whatever you are are you a human you're kind of like short for you I don't I don't know you know what you can have that so why don't I just buy another stupid dumb scale from the stupid dumb store and I've been playing this game for four hours already today maybe five I don't even know time no longer matters oh glorious thing how much do you weigh 1.07 are you kidding me oh that's so dumb it needs to be 1.6 I think so I guess I'll bring the dumb scale back to the dumb dock oh come on just stand up normal like a normal scale and then I'll fish for another hour until I catch another Lobster that's big enough finally after catching one more teeny tiny Lobster we have a big chunky boy hey chunky boy I'd like for you to weigh more than one oh yeah 3.8 that's a big fella now hopefully my friend upstairs here has a shellfish allergy and while he eats this he gets anaphylactic shock and dice thank you or not a thousand money it's not worth it but what does the king have to offer would you mind oh what what do you want a ring made out of made out of goop it's kind of a different figure it's like a child King cloudy and Barr and wait 2 000 that's not bad and 700 weight Onyx I should have more than that a reward of question marks you know what let's just uh grab me legs and then grab me a car and then I will go and drop I just teleported halfway across the map oh right sliding back oh into the DMS again and let's see what we have we need what was it Onyx and let's see we need yeah 2 000 claudium and 700 Onyx let's see what we've got cloudium you will be first please be more than 2 000 please be more than two thousand oh that's it like four thousand oh my voice just died yeah four thousand eight hundred sweet all right we're gonna cut that in half and that'd be 2 400 right yeah two thousand four hundred so if I cut that nap that's 12 and then six and four okay so my maths are properly if we grab a 12 plus a six yeah that's 15 and then this one should be real close come on oh okay that's not quite it okay so if I put that one on and this one on does it work maybe it's gonna be real close if it doesn't there's already some others in there already come on two thousand oh one 9-3 are you for real for real all right these two together by your powers combined you shall be what my heart desires for the ring to rule the kingdom we're gonna Forge it in the heart of mountain Doom if you were wondering okay then I need this in here all right then I guess I'll just throw these back all right I gotta double make sure double make sure it's the right one okay 2012 Good Year and we're gonna see what we can do with the Onyx all right little Onyx friend let's see we need to make you 700 how big are you okay 1100 so if I divide that in half that's 500 and I need to use the Chisel so 550 and then like 275 and 550 Plus 275 is 80. that's too much let's do that okay 689 and then I think this will work all right that says 723 that's fine with me let's just go ahead and reforge this thing come on buddy all right cool let me in I want you Open Door got it please be seven hundo 727 so we need a ring bar in slot a and then this is slot B oh I hope this works pick it up and smash it all right there's an onyx ring let's see what the value of it is 600 and 142 000. well this better be a good reward hot dang that's an expensive ring where'd my ring go sit under here okay there it is oh oh that was scary 600 000 ring for delivery let's just say I'm really glad that I built up that whole automated system and I have enormous amounts of time to waste by building this hello sire I need to yeah I do come on here you go a favor oh is that it was that it oh thanks you oh dirt wand creates dirt chunks inside dig sites wait hold on what does this do I got a secret wandy boy all right I gotta know what the Duan does I'm in a dig site oh interesting I can just make dirt can I do that with a shuffle um I don't know if that was worth it but uh now I get to make giant bridges of stupidity and that was five hours of my day so thanks for watching and keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time I'd like to thank all of my patrons and channel members including Auto day Ben Dickie J Teddy ipius ninja General Harris Trend damn starting off maxer Ralph VC engineer whip it good sir cars more X Spencer T whiskey endless splatter sex Doug rules skunk chess Corian Brad Dalton z secunder d Grayson Aurora monkey Kyle V Zane W Mr one codino ah and fussy badge nine
Channel: Blitz
Views: 424,493
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, blitz hydroneer, hydroneer blitz, hydroneer gameplay, hydroneer ep 1, hydroneer mods, hydroneer mod, hydroneer gems value, hydroneer modded, hydroneer multiplayer, hydroneer intern, hydroneer coop, hydroneer multiplayer update, hydroneer, hydroneer machines, hydroneer sorting machines, hydroneer 2.2, hydroneer tier 3, hydroneer update, hydroneer new update, hydroneer corestone, hydroneer core stone, hydroneer king, hydroneer ring
Id: awFDo1AX5tM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 27sec (987 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 28 2023
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