Teammates Are AMAZING in Forts

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so intern and i have been destroying each other a lot in forts lately but today we're going to be doing something a little bit different instead of launching the cores of dead stars at each other and blowing up our bases we're actually going to be working on the same team that's right we've grouped up together and we will be trying to attack the shore in this land invasion we're on the boats in the water and we have to take out the mountain base now will we be able to do that or will the enemy use their gigantic cannons to take us out first so let's see what happens hey intern what do we have going on here we have teams we're we're on a team we're on the same team we are me and you we have to we're doing the d-day thing we're we're storming the beach and then attacking whatever's up there wow i was fighting to us working together oh there's first time for everything oh nice shot just like shot okay okay you shoot those up there then i'll shoot these up there and i missed but you hit oh oh hits okay they can fight your big boy i don't like this uh-huh they can okay does that thing no no no no no no no nice oh nice defense yeah what about the airplanes we have airplanes what else do we have um we have a lot of missiles you're firing i'll shoot a missile never mind we don't have power uh maybe we should think about that whoa look at them go nice nice oh there's a big nuke in there too oh oh they got most of them you just just kind of wasted all of our energy oh no i didn't they're burning now see birding's fun there's also a deck on the small boat too which is fun oh nice see that's why we have mortars so you can go if you pop the mortar then they they waste their stuff they do and then we shoot again also i just blew up the front of the boat you blew up the front of my boat uh are you the big boat or the small boat we're the same team why are they shooting us in turn i don't know why aren't we defending we don't we aren't doing much anything we don't we have a case we need technology we do we not have technology we don't have purple technology purple okay well build technology i'm building technology what else we need some devices for storage storage capacity are you just blowing that seems pretty good are you planning uh a bit short yeah i'm trying to but the good news is they just use their energy shield yeah that's exactly the good news which one should we take out first oh they got two of them you know ah did you see what i did there i didn't want that to hit so i blew it up oh come on man those bombs didn't spawn they didn't how's that did it nailed it oh because it's too far here we go okay this might be good this might be very good oh that was pretty good i'll take that oh man maybe that front deck gun doesn't need a door or the airport or tacos ow well there goes our more mortars um i think we need some flat cannons in turn that's what i got the purple technology for hey look a flat cannon oh i found it we have flakkens did you do you make it uh yeah right there okay i'm gonna make one right i don't know right here that's good i'm also gonna make some cover for a sniper because it's a bit drafty right now it is he kind of got blowed his face up uh-huh okay we still have one mortar yep that's because the other ones blew up look at us we're doing teammate things and they said it could never be done oh my word munitions okay i'll build the munitions plan oh goodbye sniper oh my airport wow okay well we still have our flat gun uh-huh why we need more we have another one another one we're gonna oh my word you know what maybe it's a good idea that um those things went because then we can put in uh where is it what are you thinking are you making words right now i'm trying to make words but where why can't we make that oh because we don't have uh wait what just exactly what i said you're not making words right now there's no why can't i make an energy dome no words coming out of your mouth all it's just words thinking that they're words but they're not well i can't make an energy dome for some reason because it's just finished and you should be able to do it as soon as the finishing thing gets finished but it's not finished yet see now who's trying to make words everybody knows exactly what i'm saying okay no i have a better idea shot spot okay deck cannons ready get set aim and fire beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful oh good that they're using that because i just launched some missiles oh you have missiles good i do i still miss those oh that one hit nice hit we did it oh the missiles are going in there oh that second one though okay i have an idea in turn do you remember when you and me played this solo like the two of us uh yeah we did some things in the game and one thing i remembered is that if we do a little bit of this in our lives then we can just we can make like a road over to the right and by right i totally mean the left and by the left oh yeah i see what you mean except that's being destroyed yeah because i not the best bob the builder there's so many flat guns now uh-huh i did it i built them all really good okay that's cool way too cool for second grade then down got it oh oh i touched that those are good hits did you touch it you got him yeah okay are we doing all right over here do we have a sniper yeah yeah we're doing okay we can do this oh hey look there's a thing i always wanted tacos energy dome there we go there we go yeah yeah yeah yeah i want it like that please don't please don't fire it's firing both of them wow okay well you know what we'll just put the second one down range and then this one oh this could be good is that good oh did i do good oh nice hit nice that was a good double good oh so then we can do this again and we can do that again we can do these can i not do those where's regular swarm missiles out here in turn very good hits oh they have a cannon in the back do they they do it's big and nasty and scary where's the back at the the back of the back the back of the back i don't see any cannons back there well they covered it up now oh well then that's why i can't see it it's because it's covered i like the sound of this thing that i'm making how did that work what did you make what is that see where the airport used to be yeah you're building something yeah orbital laser is my guy oh my goodness oh yeah i know how much you like them i don't know how much you like using them against me but we won't talk about that right now we're on teams we're frenzies today okay well those deck cannons are lined up very nicely why didn't they ah that's annoying uh-oh all over black on that the initial stuff here is like nope we're not allowing any sort of stupid to happen okay those warheads almost did the stupid huh yeah yeah uh that one's derping out but it's still a hit that was a good nuke i'll take that another energy dome is gone neat background bracing background bracing a little background racing up top mortars borders where they are oh nice mortar shot my guy are you seeing what i'm doing in the front oh you're storming the beaches did you see that i'm building i'm building oh that was a big sound there's gonna be settings that these two make hey i have an idea oh hey i can put an ammo for this now i'm gonna put in a lot of ammo for the orbital laser cannon oh yes this black is nice this is very nice it's doing the work oh yeah yeah you launched those two i'm on launch the back too okay i'm just gonna try to get the mortars timed right that mortar should have been perfect for getting all these warheads are going to be perfect oh wow they're not are they out of power they don't have the things in the front anymore because we blew them up oh no they used our defenses against us hey but you know what else i got did you see that i built one of these oh my uh-huh that's good those are good whoa okay good good oh the top one missed i think we have the the high ground now anakin i mean we're taking the high ground do we use regular swarm missiles to light things on fire or should i upgrade these to nukes um i like light swarm missiles so they can be distracted i think the nukes do more damage don't they oh they do but they're also like one and done oh those are very good heavy mortars oh yeah okay so we need to do like a whole volley at once we need to plan our brains properly okay you firing those i'm gonna fire these i'm gonna fire this okay right in there okay do we have these two dialed in too uh the top one needs to be lowered a bit okay oh nice swarm uh that might not hit oh oh it's right in the middle oh okay hello cannon oh her deck gun he's like hey how are you and then boom ah yes oh you got it okay that was good oh the nukes are going right in the hole oh the reactor is right there is it i don't see it it's right about they're bearish oh wow that's a beautiful shot oh didn't do it what if i just shoot the reactor with a flat gun it's just a sniper no like a flat gun [Laughter] just poking it this one's ready again oh we didn't upgrade these why didn't we upgrade these oh yeah that's a good point i'm gonna upgrade the one in the tiny boat too tiny boat the tiny tiny boat okay i think the door is open to just you know launch a couple warheads at it yeah some of these too we pretty much got rid of half of it uh-huh please don't blow everything up all that's left is the balcony back the back of the back to back backpack can we light it on fire we need to we need i think we can but i need to re-aim the mortars i just need a little bit of flame on there and then it'll just burn everything mm-hmm yay i burned it hey we did it i want to see the fire go down into that tunnel go down now do you hear them crying because they're on fire yeah it's a wonderful sound it is you got your marshmallows well goodbye the mortars can't get any farther uh oh yeah that's the problem now what are they gonna do with their background there uh yeah maybe we should just you know get rid of them how are we gonna get rid of them oh yes go down into the tunnel yay it's working did you is our uh orbital laser cannon ready you know what i'm glad you asked because it is you shot us we just got attacked okay wait okay we got these ready that might be yeah test their defenses oh nice not bad huh i think this is a good angle oh ooh that might be a bit powerful oh that is very powerful oh and turn you overshot it well that's okay because i'll definitely get in next time okay you know what we have to see because i have more ammo to make hold up hold up we need to hold up i'm getting rid of our friend here i don't know what his name is but i don't really what friend the one on the deck because we have to put boats in the front goodbye sniper man but but we are boats we have to put a blah blah blah but now how are we going to launch the swarm missiles um it doesn't matter build an airplane cannon can hit ooh oh almost what did you do almost the cannon in the front can almost hit oh and this is definitely going to hit in intern yes did you just hit him that's what i did ready oh yeah open the death star oh i got it they must have a second one in there yeah look at all that they have to fire that was a beautiful strike i'm proud of myself also look at the fire going down underground that's fun i know it's like a fuse and that's burning the mines that were down there what do they call it why can't i place the airplanes up front on the boat to make it an aircraft carrier boat i mean i don't know but i found the upgrade button for the laser oh what does that do for you i think it makes it so like you know laser hurts more laser gives it the big hurts big megahertz megahertz okay which airplanes are we going for the thunderbolt ammo or the nighthawk i like the nighthawk okay even though i've never hit with it before i what time i always just turned with this it was funny yeah and then one time i hit you with it and it just went through one layer of wood and kept going uh-huh because your boat was already scraps at that point oh my boat's never just scraps hey look you're both scraps they blew up my stupid thing you dumb dum-dums that makes the mad oh wow you went in the overdrive press is the wrong button that's fine i'm gonna have to build another boat again i like how they're just like screw that airplane very specifically we haven't built anything else up we just want to blow you up and why didn't the flat cannon blow up the mine bomb you're dumb pile of dumb [Laughter] because that's a cannon shot my guy maybe they're like that maybe we'll just fire back in in series here that's a really good shot yeah it's like christmas except the worst christmas present ever it makes me sad panda inside that they blew up my thing twice yeah maybe get it in a different spot no you're not my real dad can't tell me what to do hmm i see yes building an airport in the same spot will surely make it last longer oh no they blew up the then laser laser got blown up that was fantastic i was gonna use that i'm trying to figure out where to put my oh i was gonna do that too this is retaliation strike one two oh beautiful that's my airplane they keep blowing up our stuff why did i do that oh oh that would work we need we need we need drastic countermeasures we do we need to stop farting around i feel like i'm not sure that sniper in the front is going to be able to aim right no that attitude he totally cannot aim right he's worthless i'm deleting him no don't delete him he was so young we have a better one oh okay tell that to his parents hey uh your kid wasn't good enough so we deleted him then we we've replaced them with a clone whoa okay looking good just a little friendly fire not too bad looking good looking that is such a long distance it is but it works it didn't do anything we wow that can it almost did that was cool do these work and the that was not the good spot i hijacked it did you did you do it right i don't know okay you took it over so i can actually re-aim properly so that's good front ones don't work anymore well you blew up their uh missile towers good oh looking good looking good oh good you got rid of the cannon pesky cannon but you know what did you see what i built in turn oh i see you're doing some clever portal thinking there i know i'm thinking of portals it's gonna be a little scary for one oh don't worry i'm just gonna build it right in the way of your sniper oh why because he needs to be somewhere high up in the sky like a bird or a plane and super super bird man are you thinking with portals okay ready i'm gonna let you think with portals i'm gonna think with lasers is so hard to think sometimes oh there we go [Laughter] shut up shut your mouth in turn you almost sent it right to a clip i didn't send it [Laughter] what do you do i don't my tower isn't big enough leave me alone no no never mind okay i'm going to build my tower out of the background crazy no no no no we need another tower somewhere else uh we don't you're not allowed to use this anymore okay laser time wait oh you're building a normal laser uh-huh okay here we go here we go bill's gonna work this time building a noodle of death up here shut up again okay you know what i got it i got it everything's fine yeah there you go it's strapping it together just putting the duct tape on it this is how uh real airports work by the way this is the pisa international airport yep just don't you get rid of a a warhead silence yeah that was that was important but why so we can drive airplanes but you're gonna drive them into a cliff so let's just you know use a warhead and those things those are kind of fun where is oh yeah i forgot you blocked the sniper because you're no idea oh well just let's turn that back into it just turn that into regular background bracing and then that is exactly what i'm doing my tower of coolness is going to work really well is that what they call it these days it is you ready okay and fire [Music] oh that's looking pretty good it's actually functioning pretty good and overshadowed yeah that's okay about that okay we i got it my brain worked this time those were practice airplanes you just have to wait for 17 more minutes until all the rest of these are ready to go all right i don't know what orbital laser mark 2 does but it sounds exciting really i like exciting but look at all the stealth bombers i have been making underneath of the ship oh my i'm kind of scared that they're gonna find out that there's stealth bombers here yeah or figure out like hey i can set that awkward tower on fire or i can shoot something into that portal and it will go deep inside of our ship right underneath the reactor and blow everything up there's a guiding arc on the laser now is there and i tell you what wait for my airplanes to be ready well then fine but if i lose that laser again i'm blaming you if you you lose the lid why i don't understand they shoot at us i thought i heard something nope that was me shooting at them because they're trying to get cannons back which are bad news for us wait they're getting cannons back i think they are fire the cannons fire all the cannons oh it's looking good yeah those are good cannons nothing's actually up there nothing's actually anywhere there we just shelled them really bad now okay look how many airplanes i have oh boy sucks that they only build one at a time though but are you uh are you gonna launch it uh after they're all built just spamming planes out like 70 of them at once is this what we're doing now i don't know watch any yellow bar fill on each individual plane i feel like we should just hum the jeopardy music to each other for the next 10 minutes [Music] and three two one test here we go nighthawk activate trial number one uh let's say no night hawk to activate trial number two intern fire your orbital laser cannon oh fire nz lasers oh it's on fire i love putting things on fire if that attaches to a plane i'm going to be kind of you your plane blew on my laser my plane didn't blow it up your blazer ran into my plane wow those nighthawks do a lot of damage yeah and i want to see how much damage my laser okay i'll let you laser now because i destroyed half their base oh there's the laser you missed though intern we already destroyed that base that was there well we didn't get those missile silo through that missile silo in particular so is this our life now waiting shelling i don't even know if any of these are still lined up anymore i don't either looks like the front one probably is not lined up yeah well i mean the path to the thing is as clear as it's gonna get good thing we have a nice portal tower for our airplanes right and now the cannon is useless yeah hey they're gonna are they rebuilding it though uh yeah they are sometimes the computer's got a real bad case of the dumbs yeah like they're building but not repairing yeah the only thing he wants to do is just build up the stuff that he did i wonder if his name is bob it could be do you think bob like missiles i don't know my name's not bob but i like missiles we'll send all of our friends together [Applause] good missile strike okay i've got two more nighthawks ready okay i've almost got one laser ready i don't wanna i don't wanna blow up your laser i do but i don't oh good man that does so much fire damage it does and he's not smart enough to put it all out right away and another one should be the same spot [Music] oh oh i think we found the reactor oh we did please put it out don't let it burn everything down we have over the laser cannons to use yet okay fire's going out uh oh oh there it goes i see that guys do you see it yeah okay it's up to you in turn you're our only hope okay you know what trash everything else for lasers that's being built because i know where to put this focus laser now did you have to upgrade the ammo yeah i did wow oh i built one of these earlier i forgot to use it which a lot of good it does it's our space program in turn man i feel really bad for that pilot then yeah i go to space never come back home all right right about there oh is it gonna work i think that's looking beautiful oh that might be a little oh oh that's directly that's perfect some of the death star right down on it oh i didn't hit it though wait what i have an idea summon the night talk attack with these things dude find it oh it was perfect a little bit off my laser was okay yoda oh there it is there it is there it is there's no stops now i feel bad for them actually that might be a little bit early beautiful hit hopefully they don't build everything because we used up all of our fun stuff we did and now we have all this fun stuff on the beaches that is pointless yeah because it doesn't reach well at least the deck cannons are looking pretty good still yeah i did the front one oh that's a perfect shot oh yeah look at that they're not too perfect uh that was a really bully this warhead hits what did you just fire and what did you do there it is i want to show warhead but it might hit the cliff i won't lie because it's guys that was weak that was a terrible shot in turn well that's all that warhead can do now because the sniper doesn't sit tall enough oh i have an idea i have an idea does your idea have to do something with the idea that i have about putting the sniper higher uh yeah i did put it higher but then if it's higher does it go down to electric avenue how can you go down if you're going higher that's that's the entire song well that's a song that i've never heard you've never heard cat scratch fever no oh my word you uncultured spine hey listen i don't listen to well i can't say that oh but now i have a laser again oh you do so hopefully this will find the last reactor i don't even have to re-aim it because the last shot was so perfect oh wow you just threaded it right here yeah and now find it find that reactor wow i just shaved it down from the top i do see it hey you found the reactor look how smart you are yeah aim fire ready get set aim fire ready get set aim fire wow oh yes that's beautiful you reloaded the ship with planes again i did i mean i did did you know that i made so many planes that you don't even know how to play the plane anymore oh yeah that was right on it oh it's so weird we got another deckhand in firing though oh no they put out the fire oh don't worry it was always burning as the world was turning okay bye and i'd also like to thank the patreon and youtube supporters especially alan h apollo bunny auto dave beanater ben dickie j tahibius destructo man eagle arc max or spencer t vc engineer whip it good baron fox sarnoff deegan jason amral whiskey spider sacks joe b fury arrow doug rules 2.0 nerdy geek skunk chests accordion link here bread and lewis
Channel: Blitz
Views: 1,367,014
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, blitz forts, forts blitz, forts gameplay, forts game, forts new update, forts update, forts ships, forts ship, forts planes, forts plane, forts warship, forts new, forts high seas, forts high seas dlc, forts high seas multiplayer, forts multiplayer, forts multiplayer blitz, forts interndotgif, interndotgif forts, forts steam key, forts ships dlc, forts intern
Id: o0lyCuQGHJI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 46sec (1666 seconds)
Published: Mon May 02 2022
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