I spent $98345539 on BOUNCY BALLS

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so this is a little bouncy ball that's bouncing around and every time it bounces on this pad I make money which I can use to buy more bouncy balls and then if I have enough of them I can merge them so they make more money so we can turn these green ones into a blue one and that makes us $4 per bounce and then if they bounce enough times we can move on to different shaped containers there's also a two times bonus up here which I'm not quite sure what that does but for right now we can add another pad which adds more chances for money it also might make it bounce up to the thing it gets very close to it but it's not quite there yet so we're just going to add more bouncy balls and then we just keep merging up until ooh that green one got the two times bonus which makes it bigger sweet that means it can bounce on the pad a lot more easily we'll just wait for that bonus to end and then merge those two together to make two of these cyan ones and then we could merge them together but I'll get another pad ooh it puts one on the wall neat I'm hoping we can fill this entire container with pads because that would be so much money what also is more money is merging these two together to make a dark blue one which gives us $6 per bounce but he's looking a little lonely right now so we'll just add more balls in there and it's starting to become more expensive to add balls than just to merge them which is interesting to say the least and the times two bonus is way over here and there's no pad hter there so we should probably wait until we can afford a pad and then hopefully it adds under here unless it puts another one on the wall which would be a weird choice but now we can afford it and oh it puts another one on the wall that's not too bad of a spot but it's also not convenient when there's no pad on the floor right here so let's just keep keep buying balls and merging them merge them some more and so far we have 3,000 collected out of the 10,000 that we need so it's actually moving at a pretty neat Pace what's also neat is just getting more balls and then merging them even though this is getting pretty expensive especially adding the new pads that's getting super expensive but merging them all together seems to work and now we have two of these balls that are making $6 so just one more merging there as soon as I find a pad they're both kind of lost there we go now we get them together and they're woo a deep blue and that's making $8 per bounce and thankfully it got to the corner of the box that has all the pads on it and that's making the bar at the top fill up even quicker I like it and just a single bouncy ball by itself is going to get us enough money to buy a new pad I think I'll do that before getting another ball in here and hopefully it goes right here on the floor and no it's on the wall over there that's a choice and a new Peg costs almost $1,000 that is ridiculous but that pad on the wall seems to be working pretty good because a bouncy ball picks the pad there and then bounces way over here we're starting to get some combo bounces going I like it and we're already up to 6,000 out of 10,000 so I'm hoping the next container that we unlock has a lot more convenient bouncing locations which being shaped like that seems possible and what is also nice is we don't have to wait very long to buy a new pad and it's what there's a small one right there ooh okay but it sometimes bounces on two pads at once so that's not a bad thing definitely not where I would have added the next Pad but oh well let's see this this is exactly why I want to pad over here the $8 ball gets lost over here so often and that times two bonus is in the worst spot because there's no balls that can reach there and any a new pad now costs over $1,000 lovely but we need just a few more bounces and there it is we got to 10,000 so we get some free monies there and we get a new container and then is the other one still making money not unless we look at us we'll just ignore that and then get some balls bouncing around in here as many as we can get and then we start merging those so this is like a pyramid shaped container which is interesting wonder if that means we'll get pads on these slanted walls let's buy one and find out o ooh we got a obstacle here which is funneling them towards the pads I like that I also like how cheap the merging is right now because we can do that to quite a few of these balls in a row so we have a lot of them bouncing around and we can still merge them even more to get even more money out of it although we seem to make more money by focusing on this one here so we'll just wait over here collect the funds like we do merge a couple of them together because they make more money for us us and ooh the times two bonus move to a better spot that holds promise and then we can use the funds that we collect over here to fund our operation over here for another pad right away wa what is going on here it's like a container within a container interesting I need to see one of the balls go in there could one of you get over there maybe I just add another ball in there there's also no times two bonus in here which is kind of upsetting it also seems like that there's just a hard Edge right there is this one of those skill shot things you find it like a Midway Carnival thing if so that pad better be worth a lot of of money and that purchase o did it just hit I think it just hit the pad not sure really what it did though but we're just going to merge these two together and then we can oh these are two different ones well a new pad costs 570 so let's bounce back over here and then after a short while we can add a new pad what is that a spinner thing interesting it doesn't look like we get money from H though oh that ball man into there wa look at all that money we're getting oh so that's the point of it that is really good wow I love that oh that is is beautiful right there this is how we get a lot of money wow we already have $11,000 and it sadly escaped but we can get quite a few things with that like a new pad and that's in a really good spot right there and then we can buy some more bouncy balls and quickly merge them together oh that ball was in there again but only for a short while oh there we go more balls are making in there yes we got three of them in there look at the money we're making that is amazing it's too bad they're the low earning balls though but I also don't want to merge them as long as they're in there and okay that was weird the green one just sort of stopped but let's just keep merging the ones that are not in the container and then once the ball gets out of there then we'll merge it but then oh man are we getting all the balls in there at once almost that is looking really good we got $1,000 again already that means a new pad can go in and the locations of these pads are a lot better than the other container look at the speed that we're getting money at we already have $11,000 again and this pad also costs 1,200 to get just like the other one but this one seems to be worth it ooh there's a pad on the wall there this is like one of those weird rooms you see like a Sky Zone or something oh interesting the balls leave the container and then they get replaced interesting I don't think they're supposed to leave they are definitely not supposed to leave here look at how much money they're making me so I can buy a new pad already oh and it's over there kind of blocking the view here that's annoying and then okay all of the green balls are out of container so let's merge them and then once the cyan bounces out out we'll merge that oh but they're both in there and hold on the money is just reversed here I guess the game really didn't think about that these are the things are not supposed to see in games now let's just use all this money that we have to add more balls to The Container so that more of them can get trapped in here oh that is beautiful it's like a hyper Tim Lance of a lava lamp I love it going at ludicrous speeds it'd be kind of cool if we could add another bounce pad into that tiny little thing but I don't think that's the path that that goes at or maybe it is let's add another pad and it goes back there so that makes good use of the obstacle because sometimes the ball gets stuck behind there I still cannot believe how fast we're making money we have $11,000 already and we are already pretty close to unlocking the next container which has obstacles built in it already but let's merge some more up okay that just use one of them to merge please do that again I would like a 1 to1 ratio on conversion but we're not getting that anymore I'm just going to merge all the balls that I have so we can get some high earning ones look at that we're already at 30,000 just like that so we get 9 $6 and then we move on to ooh a weird triangle shape got some balls bouncing in there just bouncing between all of them only on the first entry which is interesting but maybe there's another like ball trap here that can earn us a lot of money well let's add one pad and find out okay it's on that far wall there that's actually a pretty good spot for it I think and now this chamber is the High Roller as soon as balls get trapped in there so we can just focus here and it doesn't take very long at all for them to get working like crazy but also that deep blue one back there isn't moving at all it's just kind of stuck that totally defeats the purpose of you why are you like this there now it's bouncing like crazy earning so much money let's just keep merging the balls that are here maybe we can get a ball that earns US $10 and sure enough we can ooh it's purple very nice but now we can go back over here and then devote all the funds to this container get more pads in there in fun little places oh hold on that one's still going over there is that supposed to happen I don't know if that's supposed to happen it wasn't happening in the previous one I have to go all the way back here for it to focus on here and generate money but that one no we just have a $1 ball that's bouncing around there why is it the $1 ball why can't it be the $10 one maybe it just focuses on the one that's in the container so if we wait for the $10 one to get back in there and then come back it's still the $1 ball not sure what's going on there but oh ball here hit it times two that's looking really good why is it got to be the $1 ball though that's such a waste but another pad is definitely not a waste especially in this container because it looks like all the the pads are getting a good amount of activity and oh there we go a big $6 ball hit the times two which is earning 12 so it does double the money made that is looking really good until it wears out which is too bad but we can merge these and then make an $8 ball and then oh yes when it hits the times two we can add another pad because it's making $16 per bounce but then it gets stuck up in the obstacles that don't earn any money at all and then it just does a trick shot again is there going to be triangle pads that fill in here now I'm curious about that at least the ball hit the underside of the obstacle makes it bounce even faster oh and it really wants to hit the times two again you see how it's bouncing over here just got to get more balls in here to increase the bouncing rate it's kind of fun when this container is smaller because that means the balls bounce around a lot faster sort of like the mini period over there that the $1 ball is having a lot of fun with if I merge the two yellows together ideally merge them together hello I'm not sure why it's not letting me merge the one that's in there so I get another ball and then it's it's not letting me merge that ball is just Stu being a $1 ball that's really too bad but at least I can merge the ones over here and merge a lot of them because I have a lot of money and a lot of bouncy balls but now I have even less bouncy balls at least a few bouncy balls I do have are making a lot of money we can afford another pad now which I'm starting to wonder if this is the maximum or is there a pad going to go on the back wall there so I won't be able to see anything wouldn't that be convenient oh you want to make a satisfying video about bouncy balls bouncing around no have a pad right in the way now I'm actually kind of curious if it's going to put a pad there there thankfully we can afford it after like seconds of waiting Oh no just put a small pad right there so there are pads that go there and they're not triangle shaped right at the next Milestone 50,000 but now we have a reverse pyramid chamber interesting let's get a couple balls in there add some pads already oh weird this pad actually isn't slanted it's it's creating like a trap over here which sometimes balls get stuck in interesting well let's just go ahead and start merging because we're actually almost to the not the final container let's go ahead and keep merging these because I'm actually very curious about this next container which has an entire pad at the bottom already at least we can get a few more of these here which if we do this right that time two up there oh it's actually very reachable a ball got it already but again it's the $1 ball that got it oh that irks me so bad oh but a two ball made it there so now we're getting $4 at least that's as much as the highest pain one right now so we can add more pads along the walls which should promise a lot of combo bounces oh yeah like that just got to get more more going in here especially between these two pads I need to see a ball bouncing like crazy there which they get close but then they just go off at a weird angle how about another pad for oh even more of that yes the $4 one got there need more of them going oh I actually can't buy any more pads we Max this out already that's too bad I suppose I could use the money I'm making to max out some of the pads in here like this one still cost 1,200 I haven't even touched this really since you know moving on to the next one although there is a lot of real estate in this one still so so that might take a while but we can fill one in there and it goes in that narrow Gap right there why not just fill in right here say the little container maybe I should just focus on this one cuz it's got the $10 ball that can get trapped in that container right there like those two oh yeah there it's trapped there the money's rolling in oh this has to be my favorite container right here so we can already buy some new pads which go right here interesting spot and the $10 one is still going in there that is beautiful really makes me upset there's not a times two token in here but let's get a new pad and ooh that filled in this corner here so there's probably only one more spot that a pad can fill in here just a little more time and there's a pad oh we can actually buy one more where the back wall here well I might as well just move on to better things or uh-oh the game glitched out I'm only staring at this one thankfully a quick refresh fixes things so we oh look at this big ball that's got that's the one that got trapped behind this pad here that's at a weird angle it's working pretty good for me but it still got us $4,000 here let's just use all that money to fill this up with bouncy balls oh that's so many and look at the rate that it's climbing like yes it's in $1 increments but that's still amazing especially if I just use all the new money that I'm making to merge all of them because emerging is still pretty cheap just getting rid of all the yellow ones and then working through all the green ones at least as much as I can and that gets us all the way to $70,000 for another $96 is this going to get multiplied this time hey it did did work this time good $200 $280 so we have a perfect cylinder here with a hoop in the middle do I get extra points for it going through the hoop it doesn't look like it we'll just get more balls bouncing in here and then what do these pads do oh they just go around the outside like that that's actually really good and we are making a lot of money here so let's fill it up with all the balls that we can oh yes that is making money very quickly I love it and these balls are hitting the X two token pretty often that's the second one that we got in only only a couple of seconds very good now let's start merging them all as much as we can so they started making a weird texture in the middle okay this merging is actually getting us pretty far we have two $10 balls bouncing around already and then we merge those together and then is that $1 it's $12 oh good now I just need that one to hit the double money thing instead of the basic yellow one you know what I'm just going to get rid of you and we shall work on adding more pads very nice oh the time suit token is there come on purple you can hit it you better hit it before all these other ones do and oh no the $6 one got it so we have two $12 balls bouncing around it's not bad it's just not what I wanted and I can't even add any more pads to this container already that happened very quickly so let's just throw in a couple more balls in there oh that is beautifully chaotic so we can keep going like this for a little while until we merge past the $6 ones to get to the $8 ones because those gain the times two would actually earn more than the purple one although knowing my luck it's going to be the $6 one that hits that token anyway oh but the $8 one got it6 $1 per bounce and it doesn't have a lot of room to bounce anymore because it's so big that is something I can be okay with although I need more balls going around in here oh the $6 one got there more $12 ones yay just need to get more balls in here so we can fill up money like crazy and then merge past them like crazy even though that's starting to get crazy expensive crazy crazy crazy crazy and we can get the money to merge to the next level of ball super fast as well it's beautiful and we're also filling up the bar at the top super fast as well we're almost to the final container and we can still merge all of these together 100,000 coming up and there it is I need to see this next one okay there's a lot of obstacles in here let's get some balls bouncing around and see what they do and then hopefully there's a fun pad that gets added in here so this is basically just the first box with extra steps I'm not sure how you feel about that it doesn't seem like it has as many opportunities for making money like you don't even get extra money for hitting the obstacles they're just sort of there I'm just hoping for there to be a really good pad in here that can keep a ball trapped on it but since this box doesn't seem to generate money as quickly I should just stay focused over here because look at all the balls we have bouncing around in here and this also has a x two bonus that the balls hit pretty often which is good oh no way a $10 one hit the times two so we're getting $20 on that one excellent but really I'm just using this container to fund this one because it's easier that way so we just let the balls keep going like this until we are spending a lot more money than we should merging them although we merge these $10 ones into into a $12 one and then we spend a nice amount of money merging the $12 ones into a $24 one $14 I was wondering if I'd be able to make one of those jokes this video but now there's a $2 ball that keeps hitting the time two bonus which is really not convenient at all come on $14 one you can beat him just bounce up and touch the token it's just that easy it gets super close but then it bounces away oh there it is yes $28 per bounce now bounce like crazy please I beg of you make so much money that is a lot of money being made right there we're up to oh we were almost up to 5,000 but at least we have enough to add more pads to this container but none of them are looking pretty promising and it doesn't look like there's a container past this even though this bar is asking for 500,000 bounces I think I'm good there so I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did be sure to let me know and thank you for watching sub to in turn and thanks to the channel members including bread ancient Elixir one Corby Farm Dakota C donam Moto Devon X Lucas s splatter sacks the nickname hateful Herald Peggy Su jalong TJ seriously sarcastic angel lily Bites The Miner within theity and Sans
Channel: InterndotGif
Views: 433,213
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: interndotgif, intern, blitz intern, intern blitz, blitz
Id: PnSD8tyy_2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 37sec (1057 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 19 2024
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