I made $9,7984,132,165,459,878,978 cleaning oil spills

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historically we have spent a lot of time destroying the environment and pretty much whatever else we can get our hands on So today we're going to start to fix that by sucking up all the oil in the ocean and we're going to hopefully make some money doing that so we can continually upgrade our boat so we can suck up even more oil mostly for our own game I'm just kidding entirety for our own game and I'm already finding it very satisfying it looks like our oil container on the back is almost full so we're going to take it obviously to the recycling Depot because we're going to recycle that oil we're going to put it right back into the Earth where it came from and there's a frog how much do we get for frogs we're going to go and suck that up into our uh bat of oil where it's going to live a long happy life and then we're going to deliver that there $12 to our name so we can upgrade either our red plank our oil capacity or our lightning bolt I think the red plank is a thing on the front of our boat so if we do that we're going to get a wider uh scooper eventually we'll just squeegee the entire ocean as we're driving around nothing will stop us and we're going to Hoover up a swan it's only half covered in oil but now that it's in our boat it's most certainly wrenched in oil maybe this is really an animal collector game well we can definitely see the difference this looks like chocolate milk and or a cow this looks like a healthy thriving environment so we're actually playing this game backwards think I see a turtle floating in a patch of oil either that or he's enjoying his own personal Island uh having the bigger Fork thing on the front of the boat really makes a difference cuz this would take forever otherwise and we're already full uh okay we got some bottles that we're supposed to steer into the depot as well uh we're clearly going to need a bigger oil canister so we can put more animals in there so we we've upgraded that now let's see if I can manage to get these bottles uh into the depot for extra money I'm sure the ocean loves microplastics as much as we do those bottles were so valuable they gave us $23 so we're going to get an even bigger squeegee up front our boat is getting so fast as well I'm not sure what happened there so we're going to highp speed maneuver the things into the thing and that actually counted somehow uh but this makes a big difference cuz now we can just go over the giant oil spells and we suck it all up bird I'm coming for you one day okay our oil thing is already full so that means we're going to get big money I wonder what the lightning bolt does I am a little curious cuz we haven't upgraded that once yet that makes us faster we were sort of already in reasonably fast so that's all well and good we'll have a bigger squeegee soon we've unlocked the next area but we're not done here yet I'm not going to be done until all the wildlife is removed from this ocean it's too dangerous to be out here clearly so we're going to put another bird in the tank and then I'm very gingerly going to try and steer the bottles into the Bottle Depot in the ocean look at all these Turtles thriving and all we have to do is sacrifice a few of them along the way $35 we got to go back to the chocolate milk water and we now have a sprayer so we can go ahead and spray the oil off the rocks and straight into the ocean hopefully we can spray some people down in here too I mean it's what they deserve for making the ocean is oily they want to make the ocean oily they've got to live in it I'm going to try and uh 180 these bottles around that's not working at all uh these Forks are not as effective as you think and I made the problem a lot worse than it originally was but as per usual I'm going to try and buy my way out of trouble by having an even bigger squeegee I'm pretty sure this is getting wasteful I put like 400 tons of valuable resources into a thing I guess we're cleaning up the ocean but this feels unnecessary but generally I'm unnecessary here you go we'll give you a bath while we're at it we could share the water with everyone we're going to spray that oily water all over everyone I'm not entirely sure how they manag to get oil up there but I bet that's a fun story in itself we'll go ahead and bring that down to us our thing is full Full Speed Ahead straight back to the oil Depot got it okay at this point we clearly need a bigger oil tank the water is getting clearer it's now a healthy shade of like purple and we love purple water I like how that thing has a gauge too like once it's full there's no more oil in the ocean okay I managed to get some of those regular bottles that um got away from me somehow so we're going to do this gingerly see if we can bring you know what let's not do this the stupid way let's go the other way and we're going to rescue another animal an iguana or a rat with a very thick tail you got to be so careful with these B otherwise they'll get away I think I got them now so we can pretty much Full Speed Ahead Ram them in while spraying water for dramatic effect you're welcome ocean this boat really gets fast if you let it we haven't even upgraded speed in a while mostly because I want a bigger squeegee up front oh there's bottles here didn't see those that's going to be a problem I guess I don't have to take the bottles out we could take the oil out and leave the bottles in that way the ocean is just full of presumably Plastics okay note to self do not push bottles into Corners anymore they are really annoying to get out that bottle might be a permanent part of the the ocean now I mean if you get 99% of the stuff out of the ocean that's still pretty good and honestly pretty good is a lot better than I normally do okay we lost another few bottles there those ones at least we can get but just to be sure we're doing this as efficiently as possible give me a bigger squeegee look at the size of this thing we're going to start moving Islands now I feel like this might actually start being to my detriment I don't know if this is helpful anymore where did that bottle come from we've been losing bottles everywhere uh that bottle yeah that bottle we can't see it so it doesn't exist anymore this bottle is going in we get a dollar per bottle that's actually quite good now we have a rainbow boat this is the most satisfying part because you see the difference dirty water clean water and we got such a big sucker now we can actually take these on the whole thing at a time luckily we got a new area here too we're suck of such big oil patches actually we're getting full in a hurry but we can always fit an animal in our tank an alligator after it spends 5 minutes on our boat it's going to be absolutely dyed black from oil and using the little bit we've learned so far we're going to J take these bottles and take them slowly to the left and unload that's got to be a lot of money and while we're at it we're going to take out this oil spell and just bring it right in easiest money in the world we're probably going to need a bigger oil tank the size of these we're filling up in a hurry I have also yet to investigate the mystery boat so we're going to go ahead and crash into that and see what it wants do you want a bath it doesn't want a bath which is fine we'll figure that out later for now we're going to uh I've already screwed this up but we're going to take some bottles in there we go the ocean is a better place and I'm a little bit richer obviously that's our only motivation I managed to do it again and hook the bottle but this time it's actually holding on so we're actually going to take it straight in Bottle is of my mortal enemy now we got to scrub a mountain nice and clean there we go give me that oil get in the boat I think that's the piece that the other boat wanted it lost its uh volleyball so we will return the volleyball momentarily to our new friend at least they better be my friend for returning their stuff okay first we got to clear the oil out of the way and then we're going to turn very gely bring this to our friend the other boat because I might lose it in a corner otherwise I also managed to offload my oil on the way but as soon as this guy gets his beach ball we'll see what happens for him there you go and he's happy he just gave us a bunch of money in fact he gave us so much money that I can buy an even wider squeegee so as soon as we get into here we will buy that it's even bigger I think as it gets any bigger it's going to start to defy the laws of physics but now we can definitely get an entire oil spill all in one go plus whatever creature that is in front of us I bet it's delicious one snake one brown snake floating in oil okay that oil has fallen into the ocean now we can slowly work away around hopefully grab the bottles and not lose them anywhere I'm going to use the mountain for an assist and perfect we're going to ram them in so hard they're going straight through the building that wasn't as dramatic as I wanted so we're going to give ourselves a little extra speed we've come to a place it's so bad the Earth is literally on fire so actually who we put that out there you go I put out forest fires and clean up the oceans uh and the helicopter's happy so he's literally raining money down on me that's a privilege normally reserved for your mom I love how the ocean here is basically made of oil that means we can absolutely make a fortune very easily we got to put out some forest fires where's my helicopter There It Is Make It Rain got some very easy bottles we're starting to get very rich very quickly off this uh I might have scoot up those bottles I whatever we'll get to those later more oil in the ocean it wasn't that long ago $15 seemed almost insurmountable now it happens in almost an instant I'm pretty sure we're going to fill up the oil tank before we even have a chance to go and buy the next upgrade or two there we go oil tank is two times bigger now we can really fill it up we are highs speeed Earth cleaning at this point we're going to soup around we can definitely get all this oil in no time at all uh I high speed maneuvered into some bottles which I said I was going to stop doing so that was smart of me but we'll still get most of them a lobster those are definitely delicious everyone knows that so we'll go ahead and um yeah definitely keep that safe can that be a thing in real life or if you a good deed a helicopter just comes and Rains Down money on you that would that would honestly have people doing a lot more good things in this world I lost uh far too many of the bottles doing that so we're going to go around for another swoop I've unlocked a new area because we're being really good about cleaning stuff I feel like we can make this thing as wide as we want we need better like hooks on the end that way we can actually steer the bottles around corners cuz it's really hard to do otherwise you basically have to push them straight and even then there's no guarantee we lost one there okay before we move on to the new chocolate milk water we need a bigger oil capacity in a big way while we're at it might as well get more speed we don't need it but we want it okay there's some giant clusters of bottles we're going to try and do those methodically so it's not that difficult to push them into where they need to go our thing is so wide we can actually just yep take it all in one so we loading oil now a full capacity of oil pick us from I forget where we were at but we're now at $132 so feel free to do the math yourselves that's the kind of service I provide here on the channel more helicopter rain of money perfect go ahead and deliver why is there a mysterious boat thing is there a missing boat somewhere we've also just rescued a dolphin and I am quite sure those are delicious but no one yet will let me eat one okay we're going to very carefully bring this giant cluster of bottles in this is actually really stressful cuz if I move just an inch they're going to scatter everywhere and I'll never get them again and we need that profit F oh we take stuff out of the bottom of the ocean now who knew there was important stuff down there all right we got one giant nuclear waste barrel uh that's got to be worth something to sell if we're lucky would have the name of who put it there and I would just take it right back to the doorstep I wouldn't mind if that was faster but I don't suppose I'm going to get my way we will get a bigger squeegee though and that's most important look at the size of this thing we're going to clean up the entire ocean just I'm driving a little bit I don't know why we're putting up the island that's on fire I feel like that's not really going to hurt anything I can already tell that this part is going to be fairly annoying cuz I got to get all these bottles sort of gently around and I'm definitely already losing some so I got to like scoop them up better and kind of squeegee them them over again and again yeah that's going to be good enough I think the easiest way might actually be to get them like somewhere there and then just take an entirely New Angle it takes a long time but it's quicker than individually trying to scooch them around cuz now it's pretty much a straight shot provided I can actually line that up somewhat well and yep that'll work get in there Full Speed Ahead and another animal this time we got a snail everyone loves those uh I got a little OV excited and I got a boat and also messed up the plastic a little bit so we're going to bring the boat back to um here I think and we got money for that we also got a lot of money for that $300 again uh I'm just going to hold down this and try and do everything at once so yep oil in the water plastic Left Behind yep all in one got it and that's good enough for the game actually I guess I could push the plastic into the next Zone too it doesn't have to go to the old bottle Depo it can go to this one that actually makes a lot more sense as for the rest of this I'm pretty sure from this angle I can yeah pretty much get this all without too much trouble we're just slowly going to manipul it to the left and got it I'm going to high speed maneuver pick this up it actually worked I don't have to slow down to pick up the uh toxic barrels now we're making some money $500 we could still get more I feel like I should just have like an auto clicker holding down space bar the whole time that we just be spraying everything that might be relevant uh even if it's not dirty you can always take a hose of water we'll go back and get the little bit that stuff back in this area I can tell this area's got a lot of oil because we've already taken quite a bit out and water is still quite Brown what are we scrubbing on off now there is like brown goo in between mountains that we're now taking out we have such a powerful boat that we can like cleanse the very mountains themselves we can create new valleys and Landscapes okay uh my hook is maybe getting a little bit too big there we go what is sort of manipulate things in there $677 I need a bigger squeegee there we go we have an absolutely god tier boat so we're going to take the long way around rescue whatever that is I'm going to need a big oil tank as well all right we're going to full speed into this cuz I think the mountain will give us an assist here and and then we're going to sort of sweep it around while also lowering my magnet okay I'm doing too many things at once now but I got the barrel good enough maybe I'll just hold the barrel around like this that way I'm kind of like uh threatening everyone if you don't give me my money I will drop this straight back in the ocean but in a very sensitive part uh never mind I accidentally sold it because I'm stupid okay there's another Barrel ahead we're going to start lowering the magnet right now and I missed it did realize how accurate you had to be with a magnet and the game has been very very adamant that I do this for a while so it's time to uh hose down this Valley and reveal what's below what's hiding in all this stuff okay we got to back up a little bit apparently we're turning it into snowballs I I have no idea what this is actually supposed to represent but we're done and we got the happy helicopter that's all that matters that means we're going to get a bigger oil tank for sure uh this oil tank I should have got a while ago cuz this is so much easier we can fit like all the oil in the universe in this thing now we're going to have the world supply of oil on our boat this isn't even full but we went from I think $50 to so we get $100 per load of oil And We rescued a penguin it is now on board the boat in our oil holding tank we also have a colossal amount the bottles here that we need to go rly in this direction for so we're going to Full Speed Ahead this is going to be an ugly turn but I think we're going to get most of them and most of them is good enough okay we're going to get them all over there yep good job perfect and there we go and whoops uh yeah got them it's actually getting hard to see all the different stuff we're supposed to be messing with here there's so many different mechanics now that uh we got to be doing all sorts to things at any one time like sliding oil into the ocean and picking up toxic barrels and the next Oil Depot looks like this we have 310 look at these big patches of oil I've never been so excited to see these before even these are big enough to basically like fill up my boat in one go so we're going to make a lot of money I'm pretty sure I see a leaking Barrel right here so we can also scoop that up for some easy money I'm pretty sure there's a whale down below okay somewhere here we're going fishing found the barrel 669 now we're making my plus we uh rescued an danger bear these big clusters of bottles are starting to get a little bit hard to deal with but with a little bit of speed and tenacity anything can be done there's also a pirate ship that's probably missing Pirates or a chest of gold if I find your chest of gold I am not giving it back how I'm keeping it we now have $1,327 so we're going to get an even bigger sucker thing on the front of our boat and this is completely unnecessary and I love every little bit of it now we can be very lazy about what we're doing here in the ocean the results are all that matter so let's go ahead and bring these at least in the general direction of where we need them at least when it spreads out this wi it's a little more easy to contain cuz then way can just kind to go like that and I don't really know how we're going to get the rest of that little reverse action okay uh uhhuh we're going to make this look wildly difficult actually I think I got it now we just need to bring it in at such an angle that we can go like that and missed oh that is a pirate treasure oh they're not getting that back if they wanted their floating Treasure Chest they shouldn't have dropped it in the water and we've unlocked the desert we're now going to Spill the entire ocean into the desert that way it gets wet and the ocean is at a more sustainable level and I'm definitely keeping this pirate chest this is mine now we going to be rich off this they can retire [Music]
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 142,170
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 8sec (968 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2024
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