I Made A Game, But The Players Are Blind

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I'm confident I got this board unlock right now so far everything's gone according to plan wait so where was okay so wait that's home then what's that oh that might be nothing that one didn't have a down before ah most games are fun relaxing and enjoyable this game is not misinformation lying deception these are all words to describe my game but what is my game well in most games you know how you can see I took that away then I took three YouTubers and I blinded them so now I told them to run around randomly and find this pink square right here the winner gets their Vision back bradden you're up first let's go left you're going to go left you're going to go on the shop is there anything you would like to buy in the shop I would love a Repel for 2 G's so using the repel you can say no to anything that happens oh that's nice failboat you're up uh you can move left up or right left up or right okay I'll go left as well okay you'll go left as well you will land on the shop uh what would you like to to buy a compass and a potion I have no idea to use paint so I'm like my board's going to be so messed up by the end of this using the compass you can see all of the spaces around you and using the yellow potion uh you can use that to spawn three gold on some space next to you oh I just real realized when you moved small you can go left up or right or down into the right I realized you guys were covering up a path I will go down to the right unfortunately small Aunt you have landed on a bad wheel space that's bad okay red for bad don't do it I don't have any flamingos to give give away three gold I think I do have three to give though wait well we're both broke right now so two to failboat split it evenly and then one extra one to failboat as well so nice I I will remember this in the future I'm making an alliance I'm sorry I will I will remember this Bren you're up let's go let's go up okay you will land on a blank space with nothing on it failboat you're up I will go down you're going to land on a blank space and it has nothing on it okay small ant I would like to move to the right small you have landed on a shop space yo I'm broke though so like well there's nothing here then wait can I look at the stock at least can I Window Shop yeah I'm going to buy the shop keep next time have the chance okay thank you Braden you're up down or up and to the left I want to go unexplored territory so let's go up and to the left unfortunately that's going to put you on a bad wheel okay um should be fine can't be that bad right honestly that's optimal that's optimal I'll take it I'll take it okay you're now on the home spot is that where we started or I think that's oh that's a good that is a great question you know what let me add a question mark for right above Braiden I know my next move okay failboat you're you're playing games with me uh let's go down that is going to put you on a shop space you're now able to look at the shop um yeah how much for the shopkeep himself you're buying people you're hey whoa you're buying people I I whoa whoa whoa BR any anything to give me an edge I was just going to make a friend you guys can have you guys can conform to whatever you whatever you like but I'm I'm playing to win right now it's kind of messed up man yeah no one's trying to monetize this video bro yeah you just walked in and said may I buy you sir and he's still offering you Services that's crazy I'll try that red wand on the far left over there okay you're going to buy the red wand also there's definitely a goblin for sale in that store I think we're we're kicking down for no reason right now friend not as a slave yeah I never said as a slave I never said you're you're you're putting words in my mouth I'm just I'm just saying what I I thought I saw okay okay with the red staff you can make a player spin the bad wheel are these like instance can we use them at any time or is it like yeah we'll say they're instant speed small ant you're up I would like to go right you land on an empty space and that is your turn fair enough brayen you're up uh I'm going to go let's try down to the right you are going to land on a bad space no way I thought it was safe I was like that feel like that could be like a hidden Flamingo down there wow all right give away all gold you know what I'll give it to small I will I will extend the Olive Branch since I didn't get any gold last time I will you know this is my this my peace offering I appreciate that you know this is a great time I'm going to use the red staff to make Captain kids spin the bad wheel whoa whoa you know what I've got nothing to lose now I got zero gold I I'll take I I'm I'm saving on to it you wait you can use the reppel right now to save yourself I I I trust I trust I trust okay Captain kid you are now going to swap places with another player um let's you have now swapped places with some player I will not specify which one no h Huh wait wait this throws everything in failboat you're up okay so follow oh God this this changes a lot um but the question is are you where you were before yeah I need like two documents uh so I'm going to go left you go to the left you are going to land on a versus Square you can now challenge another player to a battle whenever you win uh versus battle you can either spin the good wheel or make a player spin the bad wheel in that case you know what I'll continue down this path Captain kid there's nothing scarier than a fight with a man that's got nothing to lose that's true man I picked a fight with a tiger here okay this will be determining your versus Battle oh no oh God what is this thir play a fact battle oh okay uh starting with you bradden you must now tell me interesting facts whoever tells me the more interesting fact will win your fact is first my interesting fact I got the police called on me one time when I was in Japan that's I think that's kind of interesting failboat it is now your turn for a fact did you know that there are surprisingly only 57 different types of trees that was that was quick that one came out quick that's a really good one y fail uh would you like to spin the good wheel or it was true it's a lie I spin the good wheel you made it up you lied all right that's failboat that's a bad wheel spin what I I I got the win I heard the ding no no it was a fact in my head no give away three gold you know what you know what I tried to scam you I tried to scam you Captain kid here here's the gold small ant the craziest thing is I didn't even know that was a fact I just wait wait he he still I just called his bluff oh no wait damn it seven sounds like a a low number for the amount of trees that would be no no I blew it all myself you just had to stay confident small a you're up oh I know who I swapped with unless there's one ways oh God are there one ways on this map oh that there are one ways on this map that makes sense that makes sense that makes sense that makes sense God okay uh so um I'm going go I'm going to go up to the left you are going to land on a gold space small ant you are going to gain a gold yeah the fact that I don't know how to move layers around in paint is really hampering me here Ive I've fully lost all track of where I am Bren you're up okay I'm going to try and go left then you will land on a shop space oh he swapped with me oh what would you like to buy what do I have zero gold right can I just likeed can I just uh I want to work on my Charisma so let me just like put me close to the shopkeep we're going to become like good friends failboat you are up I will drink that gold potion uh somewhere around you randomly uh there will be go that spawns uh let's go left you are going to land on a Good Wheel fortunately o okay all right hey all right you got the three gold anyways okay you will go up to to one gold Okay small ant you're up I will move left small an you are going to land on a shop space all right how much money do I have again you have five gold five oh baby okay I would like to buy a compass and the blue yellow arrows oh wait actually I just saw there's a unicorn there for five can I take that back and buy the unicorn instead yes you can buy the Unicorn I would like to buy the unicor orn okay there's only one unicorn in the shop the Unicorn will do literally anything but if I decide you choose something too powerful uh I will overrule it okay bradden you're up I have no idea where I'm at the board I would recommend moving left that's the safest option so you know exactly where I am no I have no idea but left is the way to go bradden I'mma put it this wayden I'll give you a coin if I am wrong let me tell you right now bradden of the four places that you can move there's three spots that are really going to hurt you oh no so I am in I am in a bad position is what you're saying if if left is bad then I will give you a coin next time I get one you said wait you said three of the options are bad so I've got like a 25% chance here yes you got 100% chance if you if you go with me it can't be that bad let's go left baby let's do it that's going to be a bad wheel spin the expected losses are going to be worse than one return home honestly if I return home spend times too just just keep them coming let's just Farm them I'm just trying to get back home so I can get my uh map back on track here assuming that we know where the see okay it worked out W okay maybe maybe you're going to return home all right we're back we're back now I'm just going to switch places with someone it's going to be it's going to be oh God okay the whole board is I think I know where small an is so I'm I'm going to I'm going to swap with small an oh you don't get to choose oh I don't oh oh that's right yeah that's a whole lot less fun yeah that that would be a good wheel spin wait you know where I am I think cuz I I I don't know I it'll depend on what your next move is I am I'm confident I got this board unlock right now like so far everything's gone according to plan so now uh you have swapped places with somebody bradden failboat you are up oh I swear swear to God okay wait wait huh how much you trust your map now was that a one way am I just on like an isolated island right now no you were you were clearly swapped with me no no no but it was only kid I was swapping but he could have swapped with you but but you were both oh God let let's let's keep going on this Venture I'm going left you will move left and you will land on a shop space wait what okay hold on okay there's a okay interesting how interesting you have one gold shopkeeper keeps teleporting around is this the same shop could be could be multiple spaces I I guess you said I only have one gold to my name right now yes uh in that case I will hold on to it small ant you're up here here's here's my situation I feel like Captain kid is to the left of me but he is also on a shop down to the right is a bad space so that that's that is my idea this so the home is a gold space then I think wait didn't K just go home he went home but then he swapped yeah I'm going to go up you're going to go up and you're going to land on a Good Wheel space yo thank you so much I just I have I drew our player characters at the very start of this and I don't know how to move layers so they're just stuck forever in the same dang okay gold you're going to become the shopkeeper's favorite at this point Braden you're up so I think I'm going to try going down this time you're going to move down it's a blank space uh and nothing happens okay so yeah I know where I am you know where you you know where you are y I'm going to try and track this is going to be way more confusing than it needs to be but I have no idea where you are right now fa okay I have an idea then uh it's my turn I'm going to go right you're going to go to the right uh and you're going to land on a Good Wheel okay no so I do have this right but what the what the someone did did did did Captain kid like clip out of bounds this is not on the board okay let's go five gold all right you're going to get five gold yeah hell yeah this is going to be so good watching your perspective back and just see you like moving us around like I'm pretty sure I know where I am and then it's like I know exactly why you are confused and I am saying nothing uh small ant you're up you know what let's go crazy and do a diagonal up to the left okay you are going to land on a blank space uh and nothing is going to happen Braden I'm want to try moving up and to the right just to see what happens okay you are going to land on a bad space what yeah I I I have like I I need like like a schrdinger game board like there's two different ways this could be going I think I just attract the bad spaces like they just I that was supposed to be gold right oh no what do you mean re for no don't do that I'm now going to change one thing on the board it could be adding something it could be subtracting something oh no wait wait wait oh I could be changing what a space is but it's something minor that will be changed the majority of the board will be kept intact okay all right understood thank God I thought you were just going to like completely no I'm not that bad I will be honest this is a redoing of a previous time I did board game with my friends that took about an hour no it took two hours uh so it might be the first person to find the flamingo I'm going to be honest with you how many Flamingo spaces are there can we one failboat you're up I am going to go down this time you will go onto a blank space okay that that makes sense Okay small an you are up let's send it up into the left you have landed on a combat space you are now stuck on the space until you have a successful combat trial I'm I'm ready to fight I'm throwing my hands oh pay to win to pay to win all right H how much I got to pay to win baby uh we'll say like three gold all right three gold gone you can now move off the combat space on your next turn fantastic Bren you're up let me try and go up and to the left you are going to land on a gold space okay oh shoot okay what is going on one I feel I feel like that one Tik Tok where it's like it goes in the square hole Yeah Yeah it goes in the square hole wait what it just slowly goes more and more off the rail I know but I think I think I'm back on the top of the world right now failboat uh it is your turn down as well can't go further down than I am let's let's see dig straight down where am I going you will land on a blank spot and nothing will happen is this is this like no man's land is there no actionable spaces down here small ant it's your turn yes okay I really hope you go right for the sake of my board that I've drawn here uh I'm sending it left no okay you will land on a blank spot I'm going to say this right now failboat if you use your compass you are going to be more confused no what does that mean what does that mean what does that mean uh bradden you're up I I don't think I want to go left so I think I want to try and go up here you are going to go up and you are going to land on a bad space What huh I don't know where I am wait oh I can't trust my information anymore something's been compromised I thought I had it all figured out oh no no no no no no no that's so bad oh no no not again my information this is good actually maybe we needed just a hard reset something is now going to change oh good failboat you're up you taunted me with the knowledge like like God you said don't eat the apple for you will not understand its Bounty I'm going to eat the apple I'm going to use the compass okay listen I apologize for what's happening uh above you there is a blank space okay correct to the left there is a a blank space okay and to the right of you there is a one-way path that leads to small an what what I thought they could not have been further apart oh I know what's going on I'm not going to say anything bro oh a oneway path that that leads directly to his space yes okay okay I I think I'm starting to understand why where this board is starting to go okay interesting for now let's go back up okay you're going to move up and that will be on a blank space yep no problem okay small hand it's your turn I'm I'm afraid of down to the right I feel like it's a bad space it's just something about it it just it just doesn't have the Vibes I feel like down and right has always been a bad option I feel like every time someone's gone down to the right it's I'm going to move down okay you're going to move down you will land on a blank space and nothing will happen okay bradden it is now your turn uh let's try let's try up and to the left if down and right is always bad maybe up and left is good you will land on a blank space and nothing will happen failboat it is your turn all I need is one piece of like correct information I just feel so at at home okay let's go up you will land on a good space come on baby I will gladly take it sheesh okay you will gain five gold all right small an it is your turn I don't I'm I'm going to I'm going to go down okay you're going to move down that is a blank space and it will do nothing again uh bradden you're up move up into the left it's the safe place going on let's go up into the left you're going to land on a combat Square yeah that's the combat one you're you now stuck under the space until you have a successful combat for 20 spaces pay to win pay to win pay to win well I have no money will one gold suffice uh no it won't I said I had to give you one uh earlier so can I give him the one right now just so to get it over with okay okay you are now no longer stuck on the combat Square thank God you know I just remembered you're supposed to get gold for having a successful combat so you get one gold and small you also were supposed to get one gold combat okay failboat I'm going to go down to the left unfortunately you are going to be on the bad wheel oh no was it a bad space or is it just is it's bad space yeah okay just decided to spin the bad wheel yeah it's been too long return home oh okay bradden you're up you can move left right oh wait wait wait whoa small you're up I mean you know what I'm going down you are going to land on a versus Square choose a player to have a versus battle with failboat we are fighting let's do it is the alliance of over I we're just like good Rivals and we're just testing each other oh it's yeah it's a test of strength I got you losing player wins I mean he has 11 Gold so I don't have a unicorn I don't have a rule changing unicorn no unicorn's worth five unicorn's worth five he's right it's worth so much more with his brain he's so smart he can turn that that five gold investment into 500 gold you know I'll I'll leave this up to you uh bradden who do you think is winning I think small is winning fa fa failboat just got sent home he's he's got he's lost all his progress yeah failboat uh do you want to spend the good wheel I'm a unicorn to win the fight anyways I'll I'll spin I'll spin that you win wait what no wait are you going to spin the good wheel or you going to make fail spin the bad wheel I'm spinning the good wheel wait wait you use the Unicorn to win the fight yeah the loser wins right to win the losing fight oh okay okay okay okay I see I see and you get five gold you know technically if he just deletes the unicorn and has it does do nothing he is the losing player then oh that is true now I'm the losing player look at that 7 to 11 okay uh Braden you're up all right let's go right baby let's let's all right you are going to land on a blank space and nothing will happen failboat you are up I am going to go to the left all right you are going to land on a shop space okay you got 11 Gold to spend tell me more about this Goblin figure on the top left this seems like a fine chap one second oh yeah I forgot to mention to you guys uh there's actually text behind this this here it says uh you can only buy three that was actually always there oh I see I see I see gotcha okay of course he pour this whole time so it really hasn't mattered okay failboat the shopkeep remains silent I feel bad can you could you get me a little bit closer to this kind man he shouldn't be as close as me though no no I I I feel like I I I insulted his honor I insulted his honor before I'm going to tip him three gold must be nice to have the money to spend um I would like to buy that bear trap ah let's get a Repel okay that will put you down to four gold the bear trap you can lay on a square and the next player to land on it will lose two gold and then the repell is just a no wait actually yeah uh let me check the rules uh no wait the bear trap will steal two gold from the next person who lands on the that space mol you are up I am going to move left you will land on a good space yes my streak of nothing is ended wait I think I know who we are double it double your gold oh not too bad oh double you bradden it is now your turn you can move left or right left or right let's just keep going right then you will land on a shop space I would also just like to go talk to the shopkeep yeah I I just wanted to replace failboat that's it we we're just we're just chatting up he doesn't even expect me to buy anything anymore we we just we just go to chill okay failboat you are up I'm going to go down you will land on a blank space uh small ant you are up down to the left you will land on a bad space no bad move buddy bad move how was I supposed to know maybe draw out the board better wait does that connect to that wait a Good Wheel oh hey wait a second one second yeah no no I I noticed I noticed some similarities with how with the spaces you were landing on I'm like wait a second I think it lines up like this spin the good wheel anyways go to Shadow realm spin the good wheel can I just get the compass that you spun earlier yeah we'll say you get the compass that I spun earlier okay we'll just save ourselves a spin there it's preemptively spinning you you knew you sawed the code on that one oh yeah bradden you are up now let's just keep going right we're holding right you will land on a good space you're G to find the flamingo up there he might be up here this map actually makes up a flamingo if you put it all like in the correct orientation it is somewhere out there oh finally plus five gold failboat you're up okay so I'm going to be really confident here and say I'm going to go down and collect three gold yeah that's where it is yep you are going to collect three gold let's go I am impressed that you kept track of all that that's when I first started to get lost so so I my part of that board is is just gone I believe I land on a shop space you also do land on a shop space that is a shop top of the world dude all right so you know what shopkeeper give me your most expensive item give me that Goblin in the top left if you don't mind he seems like a nice friend okay you will buy a goblin as a friend mhm as a friend uh and now you have a goblin you can place him down he will move randomly and he will steal gold from anybody that PLS uh on him in that case I have a plan um and then that will be the end of my turn Okay bear traps will kill goblins by the way okay okay understood small ant you are up I'll go up to the left you are going to land on a gold space I'm so rich bro ooh okay bradden you're up I'll go down uh you will land on a nothing space failboat you are up okay I'm going to go left uh you are going to land on a versus Square who are you going to challenge to a battle oh man let's go with small ant okay another test of strength all right versus off let's go oh Lord joke battle okay you must now both tell me a joke who's ever joke is funnier wins all right failboat go first yeah failboat um you know what I love more than soup what's that you small an if it's a joke then that's really hurtful oh wait yeah that's so mean man small a you're up yeah uh uh was your whole goal just to Rattle him yeah I guess so um um um uh uh okay failboat you win that one oh my God all right cool we'll take it all right are you going to spin the good wheel or are you going to make small spin the bad wheel I'm going to spin the good wheel on that one okay all right what do we got gain another Compass all right you ever going to pop one of those I already did once and it was really confusing I'm not sure if I'm ready to seeing the God's light again small light can I pop a compass you can pop a compass all right uh above you is a good space to the right of you is the shadow realm Shadow down and to the right is a bad space to the left of you is a shop that is so confusing but okay above me is a good space you said yes uh you know what let's go to the shop let's go left can I buy a compass okay and uh uh two arrows and a repple uh what does the arrows do again just just to help remind me the arrows they can be used to swap the place of any two players unless they are in the shadow realm that's got to be where the flamingo is unless you're going to do anything else pop another Compass okay you'll pop another Compass above you is a blank space to the right of you is the start space and a gold space wait wait what they are yes the start space and the gold space they are the same thing huh huh below you is a blank space to the left of you is a blank space okay this is looping wait M was not designed to be looped wait was was bottom nothing and left also nothing yes above is nothing to the right is the start SL the gold space below him is nothing and to the left of him is nothing I'm I I understand I understand oh mine's mine's mine's done mine's toast I'm just going in with blind faith that flamingo's out there somewhere I'm on my own Journey there's no shot is where I think it is that'd be hilarious okay bradden it's your turn I'm I'm I'm sticking to it let's just keep going down there's got to be something good though down here all right on down you will find a nothing space failboat it is your turn where is he really though unless it looped then I I don't know first action in the stack I'm placing down the Trap okay the Trap is now being placed next action this attack I'm going left you are going to land on a good space okay okay okay some God is still left in this world oh ooh send player to the shadow realm all right who you send into the shadow Realm realm oh man can my little Goblin decide whoever which whichever player he walks closest to on his random selection can that one go to the shadow realm all right you're going to place down the goblin then I'm placing down the Goblin and whoever he walks closest to goes to the shadow realm all right which way you know what I'll have you decide where the Go's going to move cuz then it's just going to be biased from me ooh perfect in that case I'm sending him left okay he's going to move left that's towards the direction of small ant I'm using my repple okay oh no you parried it so I don't want to go to the shadow realm counter point I I think does the goblin go to the shadow realm no could failboat repel small an repel he could repel his repel yes I can counter spell I counter spell okay you're going to repel his repel I'm swapping uh Captain K and failboat okay no no in your last act they're both going to get swapped and SM you will go to the shadow realm okay dude Captain kid's been going right for like five hours where the hell am I mol uh it's going to be your turn you are in the shadow realm so now at the start of your turn you will have to spin the shadow real wheel I will endure the Shadows give away all gold okay um uh Captain kid you better win this for me I just got sent to the shadow realm oh my God 15 gold okay Captain kid you are up can't wa to see everyone's boards mine's Terri terrible mine's mine's a disaster god dude uh you know what let's stick with the trend let's go down again let's just okay you will land on a nothing space failboat it is your turn see here's the thing this is I have not built this to Loop like I am I'm I'm just I'm building the board smaller and smaller I'm like making like like a like a recursive board I'm going to change the rules now first person to find the flamingo wins okay let's go so it's only right or left I have option for you burn a compass you will burn a compass uh above you is Braden on a nothing space what wait wait wait to the to the right of you is a nothing space a one-way path to a nothing space and to the left of you uh is a nothing space wait okay okay so when did he Loop when did he Loop oh my God yeah that connects to that yeah when was the connection point I said I didn't want to be the guy that was just looping around I think I I think I was so where does this where does this put me if I wanted to like there's something that happens when we land on each other right no that that shadow realm space is so confusing cuz it it it changes what it yeah there's like there's like a shadow realm space that like connects to everything bro and it that's what I'm saying wait so where was okay so wait that's home wait does that mean that that's the the shadow realm then what's that oh then that might be nothing that one didn't have a down before ah I'm going to go where is unexplored the compass was the worst thing I could do I was not ready for this knowledge hey everybody welcome back to Magic the Noah the gaslighting episode I hate this what's wrong with you every see everything that okay here's my here's my bra everything that Captain kid to my understanding plotted out and also small an you guys plotted out what happens if I go to the right like that entire area is like known but uh yeah I'm going to the left okay you'll land on a nothing space if if if the flamingo is in the compass when I say the compass do I do I know it's the flamingo yes you will know everything about the spaces around you okay okay that uh the goblin now I get to control the goblin yeah it's random isn't it yeah it's random small ant it is your turn you have to spin the shadow whe let's Shadow up out of here baby is the shadow R just like its own ether or there are spaces within the shadow space it's just a space definitely a space and it's a weird space it's a space that you're going to become very familiar with invite a friend you're going to invite a friend to the shadow room Braden you're mine I only moved you like two squares if my map is correct bradden you are going to enter the shadow realm oh wait is the shadow realm of space or is it a space that connects to a lot of things I think this is bradden's turn more Shadow realm come on invite a friend baby invite a friend bring us home bring us home no leave me out of this spin the bad wheel oh God let me let me do another Shadow realm spin I I I want to farm andite a friend space oh no oh no not not now okay I'm going to rearrange the board uh failboat you can move right left and up into the right oh God I need to establish a pattern quick otherwise I'm never going to figure out when this thing Loops let's go to the left you will land on a shop space okay okay good thank God something on the board that I can start making landmarks for shopkeep where do you live are you okay are you lost in this world are you just another participant in this his cruel game what if it's always the same don't listen to he's crazy he's crazy don't listen to him oh God we got to free this man he just does that sometimes let's get the red potion okay red potion using the red potion it will tell you which move would put you closest to the flamingo oh my God I should have bought all those small ant it is your turn you need to spin the shadow reel and then I can move uhoh wait a second oh we're trying to get you in here we're coming for you failboat keep those grubby hands down I mean if he get to swap players here uh-oh oh no oh no [Laughter] no rearrange the board I can't trust anything on this map anymore nothing is makes sense any Okay small you can now move up there's now space above you there is a spa let me out please uh you are going to land on a shop space though unfortunately you have no gold uh bradden you're up you're going to have to spin the shadow wheel spin the wheel baby come on let's bring it home let's bring it home come on back get in here failboat get in here no you're coming with you're coming with me everybody needs a turn everybody needs a turn failboat you will end up in the shadow realm uh failboat is now your turn you are in the shadow realm so give me a spin baby give me a spin give me invite a friend so we can all claw each other back wait uh lose one gold lose one gold take from the poor you animal bradden I forgot you can move now okay yeah I'll move up then you're going to land on a shop space what would you like to buy can I buy two of the red potions after you buy the first one it'll go to five gold okay so that's so that's eight and then I still have seven left so I will buy a compass with my remaining gold and I'll also kick the shopkeep uh a couple gold you know just you're going to kick the shopkeep I I'm kicking kicking him some gold uh you can go down I can go down and that's it yep that's it come back to me small ant I'll go down okay you will land in the shadow realm the one-way shop of hell all right oh my God I don't have gold to lose lose one gold bradden you're up you can move down yeah I guess I move what I guess I'm moving down what's wrong okay this is what we wanted right we all we to be in this together we're all huddled up in the shadow realm right now oh oh oh oh bring the shopkeep come on bring it no everyone comes into the shadow realm what oh my God I don't have that much what what do you mean I only have I I SP I just SP my money yeah uh now that all players are in the shadow realm what will happen is a coin flip uh for each player to determine whether or not they get out uh bradden this is for you if you get heads you're out come on let's go never lost a coin flip in my life until now okay failboat this is for you small this is for you there's no way you get three in a row that's just statistically so improbable now you are out of the Shadow realm do I know where nope I don't know where but you are out of the Shadow realm wait what now to have Phantom swall an yeah okay failboat you're up you can move up if you want CL I I can only move up correct yes if you would like to uh well I have no gold so I'll take the chance of getting out right now okay yes oh my goodness fre free me which I think is just one space to the left you should move to the right I have a question for you Noah you cruel God how many spaces are undiscovered on this board I'm going to be completely honest with you uh I think two and one of them is the flamingo space two I had like five okay so the loop happens somewhere no there's three there's three that are undiscovered I there might be others I like I haven't been counting this but that's roughly the amount so because we're at the home that means like we we are like no closer to this Flamingo than we we started theoretically well I might be right beside it so I don't know about you but wait aren't you still in the shadow realm no I'm somewhere I don't know where I am oh that's right I I thought you oh you don't know anywhere you are no I got I got the the the Kick Out of The Shadow realm but not the Ki home oh God okay well eventually my Goblin's going to find someone like the amount of theoretical board places it could be is starting to get overwhelming um let's go up okay you land on a Good Wheel it could be above it Loops that's true get another Compass hey nice work all right okay after small ant's turn there's going to be a minor rule modification Okay small an you're up you can move up right down and to the right and left did you put me on the home Square bro uh left left you will land on a shop space he put me on the okay so now after that rotation I will let you know what the rule modification is after every round of the players I'm going to be deleting a space oh oh what so now we are in sudden death mode my board is screwed so I'm just I just got to go off of Blind Faith anyways Captain kid you're up all right let's spin that shadow realm wheel take me home baby uhoh what lose one gold failboat it is your turn what the hell yeah that's all correct I think I don't think we've got up I'm going up uh you land on a blank space okay I was like there's no way the flamingo space was yeah yeah yeah no no absolutely okay small ant you are up I'll move left all right at the end of small ant's turn some space is going to be wait what was my Square was it just blank oh it's it was nothing yeah the space has now been deleted Captain kid you are up oh no oh come on Captain kid it appears with this you are going to not leave the shadow realm oh no can I invite the shopkeep can I bring him with me yes all shops are now disabled or we can just steal from them no he's just there he's just chilling with you failboat you're up so I think the game I got to play is down okay you're going to land on the good wheel oh okay cool good usage of that wheel Places come on well you can't you're in the shadow room though you can't get swapped no it's only with the item oh it could be anybody I see okay well give away three gold do I give the gold to someone yes you know what I will pay through my debt to get rid of small an Deb that's so kind of you that warms my heart I still haven't forgotten what you did for me in the very beginning you still have a heart next to your icon small an it is your turn uh I'll go down while you did land on a good space unfortunately a goblin is on the space that you have landed on get him gotcha gotcha gotcha wait doesn't he still steal two gold uh I think he steals one you know what it's been it's been so long you've had him I I'll have him steal good to oh let's but it was a good wheel too so does the goblin just keep moving like is he just yeah he that is really funny if that stays on double gold cuz the goblin just stole everything all right at the end of your turn a space is going to be deleted all right a space has been deleted Captain kid you are up I believe in you power of the shopkeep we'll make it out together did he get two rolls cuz there's two people in there yeah does does the shopkeep get to roll okay oh no gain one gold gain one well say because we're in sudden death and you have the shopkeep you can spin again let's go thank you shopkeep I will use your wheel you'll get me out of here you know what that makes sense Phil you're up I'm going to go down you are going to to land on a gold space and you will gain one gold okay okay okay I I I have a game plan here small a you are up you can move up and to the right down and to the right or left what the up and to the right something has changed something has changed did he I think he deleted the space that you were on yeah but what tile was I uh you're still on the space that you were before this is this is in the middle ofing nowhere bro what is this game this is a loop somewhere but I don't know where it's looping from I know this cuz it just it just doesn't fit no one ever went this way this is kind of new but I don't I would I went there twice unless I feel like there's just not I'm going left you land on a nothing space okay at the end of your turn a space will be deleted Braden come on please I don't even know how I get out of here the is the only option like oh I guess there is a return home option yeah you can spit again but you're not going to return home why is he emphasizing like that we're free yes oh all right it's fine guys I'll just keep farming money for you it's too bad you're not going home ah okay um maybe I should use a Repel to not go home to not not go home oh I see okay okay I think I will take the prompt and and go home okay okay I would like to use one of my red potions to okay so there's two ways that would be of equal length to the flamingo you can either move up or left oh let's go let's go left going left you are going to land on a goblin space yeah get his ass oh but it is also a shop space too okay you can now buy something if you'd like I'm going to pay for repel I I will I will leave the co the gold like on the counter or something okay you're going to leave the gold on counter okay failboat it is your turn I made a mistake I I thought this entire area was completely mapped out I have made an egregious mistake I I guess I got to go up then you you are going to land on a Good Wheel oh god battle another player battle another player who are you going to battle who who feels like they've been the most ignored so far Captain kid you haven't had like a lot of action recently feel like this need you need to settle the Rivalry this is like okay I think you're down I think you're kned up 1-1 so I think it needs to I'm bad at small square up fact battle all right here we go Bring it on Bring It On shoot your fact Captain kid you may go what I'm in this now uh no I mean failboat you may go there are actually 3.04 billion trees in the world okay that that is the number of trees in the world my fact because I googled this after there's actually 73,000 tree species in the world ooh uhoh tree species is pretty interesting but the amount of trees I don't know I'm going to let you decide uh bradden how about I how about we flip a coin I feel like we need to flip uh failboat heads or tails Tails small an heads or tails I'll take the head baby okay he could have godam no should never challenge small an to a coin flip battle so what do I get for winning that uh you can either spin the good wheel or make failboat spin the bad wheel I'm spinning good okay oo I'll take it five gold okay uh I think that is now your turn small oh am I there uh up okay you will move up onto a nothing space uh-huh uh now a space will be deleted randomly bradden you are up so I'm going to go up then the space has nothing on it except for a goblin he's back repel repel repel up repel up okay y repel that's going to make the goblin run away uh failboat you're up you have landed on a combat space you are now stuck there until you have a successful combat wait there oh oh I yeah I see I see what you're saying yeah that that definitely got erased okay lie to win do you know that there's only 57 individual tree types in the world that you're going to want me to explain this one first okay you must now tell me either a truth or a lie and if I'm able to tell you tell whether or not it's a truth or a lie correctly then I am the Victor and you lose over 10 years ago I got second place in the Bakugan National Championship that's a lie I'm actually still the second best pogon player in the world thank you that's a lie want to watch the video it's on YouTube yes send the video in chat right now there's me uh that's you oh there I am there I am dude it was awesome I fought a guy with a leather jacket who when I beat him on the stage he was so I held my hand out for a handshake he took my Bakugan and threw it at me on the back of his leather jacket was him with a pose sewn onto it holding the Bakugan in his like Knuckles okay yeah you definitely win that uh you are going to gain a gold for that and you are no longer stuck in the combat space let's go small an it is your turn you can move up right and down okay that means I'm oh does right moving onto the I'm doing it I'm moving right don't be a bad Square SM you're going to move onto the right and you are going to land on a flamingo Square what no okay what are you what show me that board show me the board y this is the actual game board oh my God see I knew I knew that bottom right hadn't been touched hey guys let's just play a fun game after this video let's spin this wheel to see if we win or lose Noah stop I'm you from the future you were stuck in an ad re this video is sponsored by gamer Subs what do you mean we're stuck in an ad read how do we get out of this here take this red square and just throw it at the ad gamer Subs is red consume red I don't I don't think this is helping trust me just keep doing it until something good happens red contains all natural caffeine red is only 40 cents per serving wait you're not me from the future you're just a raspberry indeed I am it appears your nearsightedness will be your downfall no use the link in the comments to purchase Red Energy drink very good
Channel: Magic The Noah
Views: 2,913,145
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Te8Gbbzdaw0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 25sec (2965 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 13 2024
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