I Played Hydroneer for 4 Years and This Happened

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who doesn't love hoarding mountains of gold like a dragon today we're going to show you a million ways to do exactly that it's not the quickest vehicle in the world but it's going to get to where it's going eventually did my money disappear from my compartment I'm going to actually have to yep that's what I wanted to happen all right well I guess we're mining here I think this is one we could probably go really big with the name of the game mine as much gold as possible from the ground turn that gold into something valuable sell it for profit ramp it up to a million the way we do that take a shovel full of dirt put it into this take your water bucket put it in the water take it back out pour the water into the other bucket once that's done scrub the dirt see what you got one little piece of gold already and the game already made the mistake of telling me the most valuable dirt is at the bottom so we can go like this luckily our guy is super human reach so we can get really deep really fast so what's in our moderately deeper dirt one piece of iron iron ore all right go play with the goal but look how much bigger it is things are getting bigger fast getting a little bit hard to reach the bottom of our glory hole already unless this is as deep as we can go I refuse to give up that easy we'll make stairs all the way down if we have to that's definitely the biggest piece of gold I found so far anyways what we're going to do is take all this stuff and sell it because before it turns to night time I want to buy a bed because it gets too dark to play at night hopefully this stuff is worth enough to buy a bed I wonder how much of this I'm allowed to destroy in my search for gold one bucket of gold please how much you give me for that $59 $59 oh wait I forgot my bucket a bed is $43 so how does this work do I just okay we're going to set it I believe here and then $43 I put the whole coin probably probably in the buying bucket and then Boop and now I think I own this could I use this before whoops might as well sleep close to where we work I think I can use that probably once Nightfall comes that coin will probably be fine there for now I'm just going to grind through gold until we have some money for some upgrades I don't know what I did to this bucket but it is not happy suddenly and has anyone seen my scrub brush it seems to have departed oh here it is it just walked itself to the other side of my mining operation it's a new day and where does my brush keep going it's kind of hard to mine if I can't find that I'll probably have to buy a new one and that's just a huge waste of money at this point for now let's just see what kind of value we got and then we'll figure out what we're buying next $60 value I'll take that wonder if they bought the dirt too no they don't want the dirt I now have $76 and no brush well they do have a brush I just don't know where it is is there anything here I want to buy I kind of want to buy a better shovel oh brush is only a dollar anyway I'll take one of those for sure it doesn't say why the shovel is better but apparently it is it's $78 so I don't quite have enough we'll take the brush for now and then we'll go uh mine more gold what is that that thing Emerald gem what are you uncut Emerald since you're probably very valuable I'm going to store you over there very carefully actually I should go sell you for profit yeah let's get a better shovel right away there's no sense in using this garbage that's only worth $7 I mean I'll take it but I feel like it should have been worth more think that means I have enough for a better shovel one better shovel please this one has a handle on everything all right this should be able to take us deeper than ever before I think the ground is kind of sloping down deeper over there so we're going to work our way that way I am also noticing a much Fuller bucket so that should mean more stuff coming out of the ground okay seriously what's going on with my tools how did they get over there they like lurking over to the spot somehow but the dirt from way down there with the new shovel does seem to be much better paying for example well you see the point though the Gold's getting bigger one short day later and I've tunneled my way all the way down to here and I'm trying to scoop dird out from as deep as possible but we're getting better results like some really big pieces of gold and what looks like a ruby in there trying to run out of roomin aing to actually put dirt but we're getting some really big pieces of gold I feel like all these small pieces of gold are going to start to make the big ones feel insecure so let's go sell it all right now and start again before we do let's see what this uncut Ruby is worth by itself 19 that's actually pretty valuable for just a thing hopefully that's not too rare cuz I'm going to sell it anyway cuz I don't want to store it anywhere 349 for that that's actually pretty good look at all the money now didn't realize I could have bought this already grinding wheel grind uncut gems into cut gems easily with this mounted Stone wheel so I might buy one of those but I can also buy furnaces already in crucibles that way I could be smelting stuff as I go while I'm thinking about what I want to do I'm just going to go M more gold cuz that's just a lot of fun depending on what I start finding way deep down there is how I'll make my next purchase I don't know if I want to be cutting Gems or smelting gold at this point because this deep down we're finding pieces of gold that aren't super big that last pan just gave me what looks to be a sapphire and an emerald so we might start cutting gems sooner than later oh I found a way to clip through the wall we're actually getting pretty far down there a couple more Scoops we're going to be as deep as we possibly can go this is interesting and another really big piece of gold I think for now we're going to go buy that grinder to see what the gems are worth then we'll know what to focus on $126 well spent not sure how much I have now we'll put this right next to our little workshop here oh that was quick I thought there'd be like a whole animation okay well there's a sapphire then we'll take the emerald over then we'll go sell these things all you got to do is walk up and grind it and it's literally that quick wonder if we can find bigger ones at some point so an emerald is worth $18 I think it probably doubles the value I think the uncut one was N9 now the sapphire is worth 19 so I think it basically just doubles the value so whatever you know what that thing will pay for itself uh the big goal nugget is worth 18 that's probably the single biggest gold nugget I've found so far this was a scoop from the very very bottom so it should have the most valuable type of stuff in it another huge gold nugget maybe even two in that one now that we're done at the bottom it seems like we're getting nothing but big gold but that's probably because we're all the way down to here I'm having to crouch walk in and I'm probably not really actually supposed to be in this deep but I get away with it I'm sensing a pattern here I'm finding mostly only big gold down there I found a little bit of iron earlier on but it's all gold now so I'm going to go buy a gold smelting device which should be a furnace and a crucible and a casting mold that should at least turn ore into bars that only cost out $46 now's got to carry this crap over to my area and there's no point in having this furnace if we're not going to test it out now how is this going to work do we just kind [Music] of okay I was probably supposed to put the whole thing in there oh no I supposed to go in the other thing first I remember now so that's fun I was just thinking it' be a lot of fun to spill my gold all over the place and have to go find it I think most of the gold is accounted for so let's throw this onto uh here doesn't seem to be doing anything not really sure how to put this thing on fire it's not on fire to start with and if I put the thing in there nothing happens anyway so that's going to hang out there for now until I figure this out I just realized I can see something glowing on the other side down at the bottom so that's probably something pretty valuable I'm going to wander over there at some point and grab that wow that might be the biggest piece of iron I've seen yet it's about the same as that one but that scoop of dirt gave me gold and iron that big I was looking at the map in the hammer and realized I can buy wood foundation I might need to place my thing on this for it to work it's only $5 so I got not much to lose and just like that it's basically a complete house I just don't know how to use it oh wait there we go okay you get on wait I don't know what I just did but it worked okay you get on there do I just go like that yeah that seems to be working all right then we'll pour it into this next that can go on that it's working pretty quick I'm glad cuz I don't have a lot of patience in general everything I touch in this game goes flying and it's just a lot of fun I need to continually find my tools cuz I keep doing that to them you think it's ready yet we can try it uh do we just kind of I don't think it's ready yet I might need more heat okay you go back on the fire for a bit what is this doing all the way over here there any other iron or gold nuggets I need to know about okay now that looks done so can we I don't know how to do this part either no so far so good we're making progress wait I think I did it all we had to do is Click do we get all of it though I think we got all of it wait where' it go okay one giant gold gold bar so from here I can either turn it into jewelry or sell it as a gold bar as a gold bar it's worth $386 so I'm thinking it's probably worth a lot more if we turn it into jewelry so we're going to buy the things we need to do that as long as we can afford it currently we don't quite have enough cuz we need 86 for an anvil and 105 for a blacksmithing Hammer so we're going to take an anvil for now we'll maybe sell sell our iron and then from there we'll uh buy what we need all right I think we had a bit of a clog up while trying to pour my iron in there but that's a good problem to have that just means we have too much we got our iron bar now to see what this one's worth probably not much $188 though that's enough to buy what I need to buy so it's going to look something like this I need to heat the gold bar up first I just wanted to make sure I could do it without knocking a bunch of crap around do I just kind of drop the gold bar in there for now that'll probably warm up yeah it looks like it's getting there well we're at it I think I have a gem over here that I can maybe combine with all this yep one sapphire uh pretty big one too actually at that so hopefully we can uh join that with our gold bar here and uh turn it into I don't know what we just drop it on there okay I get it now you actually have to select what you want to build uh before you build it so I think we could build one of those one gold bar and one Gem and uh we'll see if this works pretty sure you can just kind of go like that and then add one of these probably right up top and then no oh yeah there we go we made one of a big ring a sapphire ring and I put a lot of gold and a big Sapphire into this so it better be worth a lot Moment of Truth $544 so it's definitely worth more than a combined ingredients not by a ton but it's worth more give me that so what's next on our to-do list we got water p pipes can't imagine what I can do with that yet we can make more foundations we got beds nothing here yet that I really want to buy we get two gold bars in a gem we make a necklace and well we need iron bars gold and gems okay I know just where to find those things way down deep in my little hole it seems that once again ejected my water bucket unless it wore out I don't know if things were out in this game but I don't have a water bucket anymore luckily they're cheap to buy and I bet you I could buy a whole bunch of these but that's an idea for later why did I never notice a pickaxe before what does this to $122 so it's more expensive than a shovel we need to see what that's going to get us give me that is it used for like tunneling purposes oh it is that would have helped us hit the bottom sooner this does also seem to justra destroy the dirt so I don't get any value out of it so I don't want to use that with any valuable ground but I am going to use it just to clean up my tunnel a little bit that way I can walk in and out just a little easier than I have been and I really want to go and find out what that is so I'm going to pickaxe down fairly close to it and start digging around hopefully without destroying it as I go I think it's somewhere right below this rock probably right about here so I'm going to start over here and tunnel down towards it and you know we'll hope for the best I wonder if that's just a piece of gold That Got Away somehow or maybe it's a giant nugget whatever the case I need to get closer to it before I'm able to actually get that it's actually just a piece of gold that managed to clip its way through the ground so I just tunel all the way down here to pick up a piece of gold that I didn't really need to grab okay well I guess we're going to find a way back to the surface I feel like I just wasted a lot of valuable Pay Dirt all right we're finding lots of big gold really consistently now so let's go find what we can actually spend all this on that's worth it we got to find some motivation this looks like a bridge I would build why is there a jump oh it's a tent not a jump that would have been cool and I haven't even seen any of this yet I wonder what I've been missing out on this entire time like that beautiful creature what is this can we buy it and how much is it 150 oh I definitely want one of these okay yeah we're going to get this for only 1,50 and items for if you want to build a house walls doors windows Etc we don't need a house at least not yet this idiot's lucky I'm giving him air to breathe Furniture yeah right I think I see a big new piece of land that one looks really big for sale for how much 6600 okay so it's considerably more expensive than my big grinder thing but look at all that ground all right we've got work to do first things first how do we get back probably should have driven my truck here so now I'm just going to grind gold until I have enough to buy my big thing where is my bed why does my stuff keep disappearing is someone stealing my stuff oh wait is this it no this is the map not sure how it got up here is the bed up here as well is there something I need to know about that's fine I guess I can just buy a new bed since my old one's gone C I've got $500 I need another 550 about to buy the big thing which probably isn't even going to be that much more gold I just need a few more gems to add to it starting to see the benefit of a house cuz it probably keeps your items where they're supposed to be I'm looking for my little smelting block thing it's nowhere to be found I found out where some of my stuff has gone my bed my grinder and my original smelting block are all under the ground so I'm maybe going to start moving my tools to places with undable ground I just put that down and it went flying and it was on stable ground I haven't yet found a gem that I need but I'm going to start smelting a second gold bar because I want to make a necklace because that's going to be worth the most I just need to find a really good gem for it well I'm at it I've been piling up iron for a while I'm going to make an iron bar and make it into whatever they turn into so this we should just be able to put right here right here right here and then smash it with this guy oh yeah I got to heat it up first so we place that once again right there bring this here and there we go we got a yep all right that's got to be worth something we'll go uh see what we get I hope this is worth of Fortune at the rate the ground is eating my stuff I'm not really making a ton of money 250 that's actually pretty good for just a bunch of iron crap and I finally found the gem I wanted but looks to be a fair size Ruby so as long as that actually stays right here we'll go buy another grinding thing cuz I ground at my last one then we'll finally make our uh necklace you go there and stay there please that is a really big Ruby cool so now we just need to heat up our two gold bars throw them on with the Ruby and we're good to go that's probably good enough uh stay and you stack up there and then CMO did we do it why isn't it working oh I forgot to switch a thing back that's the one we wanted all right hopefully these don't cool down too quickly and there it is oh that looks fancy and big this has got to be worth something that was a big Ruby that was a lot of gold so what do we got $823,000 uh see what this thing does is the other thing in my way I don't really know am I stuck already do I need to unstuck this thing well it's definitely got a big grinder up front that's kind of cool uh what's not cool is how stuck I am the magic unstuck button saved me no idea how this thing's going to work but we'll figure it out together starting by grinding up this dinosaur am I stuck already again I got to be really careful it's not the quickest vehicle in the world but it's going to get to where it's going eventually did my money disappear from my compartment I'm I'm going to actually have to yep that's what I wanted to happen all right well I guess we're mining here I actually can mine here oh my fuel's going down pretty quickly I didn't even know that was a thing it wasn't really a ton of money but it was all the money I had I'm not really sure where it went that's okay I've got a grinder thing can we get out that way I really wish I had found this earlier because there's all sorts of cool stuff a harvester a ram drill Goliath drill conveyor belts vertical conveyor belts I could set up a whole automated thing I don't have to be doing this by hand anymore but it's going to take a while considering I just bought a big stupid grinder there we go as long as I don't touch anything I think I'll be all right all right I star need to learn how it works I can raise it up and down like that I can grind like that can I just grind any old thing oh I'm going to crash this thing again okay I'm going to actually get this thing back home before I start playing with it wow we just made it home and this is what it gives me please write yourself oh no things are only getting worse that's all right we'll uh just park it here for now it's getting late in the day anyway so we'll have to start tomorrow really always wondered what was on this side of the river anyways don't think I could have gotten this thing over here without it flying through the air so that'll be interesting all right let's figure out exactly how this thing works so let's lower it down a little bit and then yeah there we go so it just going to chews up the ground and then I think it fills itself up wh as it goes this is going to take a little learning for sure but look how fast it goes to the ground well there's only one way to go from here really and that's down oh or up I don't know where we're going anymore let's try that again I unstuck my myself and driving forward I should be able to get in I might be at capacity no I'm good wow this is way faster than digging by hand I should have bought this a long time ago what's that underneath me did I just dig this up sword Relic found deep underground placed in the cave with other relics oh okay I didn't see that before and I was looking through the ground the cave I think was just over here and there you go did that do anything did you accept my offering I don't know whatever there's your sword it was easy enough to find anyways where were we going down to the bottom that's right oh stop doing that don't crash into my stuff I'm going to unstuck myself before I move cuz I'm going to spread all my stuff everywhere if I don't all right Full Speed Ahead straight to the bottom yeah there we go uh yeah this thing's not the easiest to use uh we're getting a nice view of the landscape okay hold e to unload dirt o do I just fire the rocks out the side there must need to be collected by something right I don't know I'm just going to fire him over there I'll go hit him with my pick or my shovel and see what that does oh they get bigger as they go look at them they're all grouping together I don't I don't okay yeah I think I probably hit those with the pickaxe so did that work what is happening did that work does it just shoot them everywhere I'm not really sure what to make of this does it just make the dirt smaller cuz that doesn't seem useful do I need to pan this stuff maybe that's it maybe it concentrates it so I can pan it cuz if I get all of this into like those few rocks that's going to be a lot of gold in there so I'll take this one and plop it down into that one oh that actually Works interesting wonder how much gold is in here now considering there's a lot of dirt turned into whoops not a ton of dirt Moment of Truth what's in there one little piece of gold well let's try another piece of dirt maybe this one I'm pretty sure I could set this up to like an automatic uh funnel coming out of here so I can just launch it and it'll process it for me but that's going to be a bit little bit of work to set up and I want to make sure this actually works this was a bigger piece of dirt and it gave me another small piece of gold these are what I'm normally used to getting so I don't know this one got a marginally bigger piece of dirt let's try this again I'm going to fire this up and fire out a big piece of dirt and then we're going to try uh processing that yeah there's a few big ones over there I'm going to have to uh grab them before they get away I think this one's may be a little too big even so that's a good problem to have where's my pickaxe please don't fly into a million pieces ah I could work with these these look like perfect Siz pieces for this yep there we go and what did we get just a few more pieces of gold I'm not sure this thing was worth the investment I don't really know the full scope of it up but so far I'm better off just going underneath and Mining myself then again we really only did mine mostly the surface materials I also found whatever this is green cane seed bag Place some dirt outside to grow plants oh okay well we'll hold on to this for now cuz I don't know what this does let's see if we can work our way down to some of that big gold dirt going to try and exercise a little more caution this time going slower about things but eventually we're just going to have to dive down in there anyway really this thing does not like to be put on an angle at all well you know what this piece of ground might be a little bit small for this thing anyway way because anytime I try and get down there as soon as it goes a little bit off camper it launches into the sky and we didn't even get close to the bottom if I can get that thing down to the bottom yeah it's going to be a money maker but I'm going to need a bigger piece of ground to do it with I put all my remaining gold into this guy because I want to take it over and see what this stock market thing is all about to see if I can maybe get more money for this if not I'll just take the money for it because I lost it all and my stupid grinder dumped it out it seems like the price of gold bars is up a little bit I'm not entirely sure what this means I didn't know I could sell fish I could have been fishing this whole time $448 for this I'll take it don't know what I'll do with it but I'll take it next I definitely need to figure out how to automate things and find a piece of ground for this guy I can finally mostly just sit here and wait for it to rain gold and other stuff coming down look at it all this is fun this is finally what I wanted took hours of fine tuning and setup to get here but I think we're finally here I think we can still go a lot bigger now in order to ramp things up again I'm going to need some more money if only I knew where to find some gold this in itself is probably going to be a very annoying process cuzz I I've got a lot of very big gold nuggets to pick up and drop in here but it's going to be fun to see all of this put into basically one little piece of jewelry I would just set these up to automatically go into a container but where's the fun in that I like to see the pile of gold this looks to be about half the gold I'm going to put it into two separate gold bars which will make one piece of jewelry and while I'm waiting for that to smelt I'm going to swap a few things out I'm told you should put the boosters a little further down the line Gold Bar number one that's going to be a valuable one that looks to be about the rest of it and then we just need one colossal gem I think this is about as big as they get one enormous Ruby which looks something like that which gets poured into there which makes another gold bar which when heated up gets turned into nothing cuz I forgot to pick what I wanted a ridiculously expensive amulet prices are down $81 for these today so that means it's only worth $ 53,1 one that's probably going to be enough to cover our adventures for the day but I guess that depends on exactly what it is we're going to get up to it's a good day to be the guy that owns this store and there is going to be a lot of buying today the first thing I want are more the Goliath drill cuz I've got a plan for these seven in total should probably be enough and I do want a few of these water valve pipes because I want to be able to start and stop the flow if I want to and then one of these new conveyor shredders which turns the big clumps of dirt into smaller ones for now let's go take all this stuff back and get it roughly into place we're still going to need to buy a lot more stuff and before I forget for the millionth time let's put a plug in that that's going to save me a little bit of water pressure for now the next six drills are just going to work the way up the conveyor belt for now they should also find really big gold provided they have adequate water pressure the picture this time seven or just look down here now I still have to Plum them in but they're in place and now that I'm back here digging behind them I might have to space them out a little bit just so I can make sure they all Plum into each other but we'll see what kind of pipe parts we get to play with going to install a valve somewhere right here for now as well also placing one underground right before all this stuff that way I can shut it off and don't burn all this stuff out constantly because it's a lot of fun to have to fix this stuff every 10 seconds and then it's back to the store to buy a whole bunch more stuff and to be honest with you and this might come as a surprise but I'm mostly just guessing at what I need right now I'm just going to buy a whole bunch of the things I think I'm going to need and I'm probably still going to need to come back for more of them I always feel like it's going to be a good idea when I buy so many parts they all blend together someone recommended that more filters would help my stuff last longer so we're just going to try that anyway then from here we got to buy some conveyors but we got to pay for them first the mountain of gold I'm picturing at the end of all this is really putting a smile on my face right now was kind of hoping I could loan load back into the game without this happening but my stuff just unloaded itself again so so hopefully nothing too important fell into the sky uh the game is also crashing well no there it goes it's just working its way out of the truck probably should not have loaded in with stuff in the back of my truck I knew better I just didn't listen honestly that's not that big a deal the only problem is the ground is probably going to start eating some of this stuff pretty soon so that's going to get annoying now I need to build this conveyor up just a little bit higher something like this then we've got to add our grinder thing and then that thing's going to sit kind of way up there and then it's just a matter of carefully placing some blocks in just the right spots at least it lets me walk all the way up here for building what it is I'm building but to do this I've got to steal my boxes from their old location and that part's done it's not pretty but it's going to work maybe I'll even add a funnel that way it looks a little more professional and now I'm going to tackle the plumbing of all this probably going to have to relay them out like I said but we'll get this that's the last piece I needed to have them all plumbed in I'm a little bit concerned with how easy that actually was that just means something down the road is going to go horribly horribly wrong but of right now if I was to turn the water on I would have seven Goliath pumps all feeding dirt to this conveyor belt don't quite have enough pipe to finish what I wanted to build yet so I got to go back to the store but before I do that I got to remove everything from the dirt otherwise it's going to fall through the ground we'll Commander some more boxes and this is basically going to be where my new Mountain of gold is going to fall by my math I needed another 30 boxes and that's on the low end of things I don't know if you've ever seen what it's like to try and put boxes into the back of a truck in this game but it's not fun now that might not look like a lot but if the truck word to flip or do anything exciting the game would probably crash in a horrible fashion and lastly maybe just a few more tool bags because I feel like a lot of stuff is going to break at least placing the boxes at this point is very quick to do this should about work the last thing I really need to do before we can fire up is start placing some boxes over here to block what these things spit out and we're somehow short by one entire box so I guess I'm going all the way back to the St just for that and just like that I'm actually more or less ready to fire this thing up at this point just going to place a few of the power crystals where I think they need to go and maybe add a few filters and this one in here just to make sure that that thing is getting maximum results cuz it's about to be eating a lot of dirt currently taking predictions on how long this is going to last before something breaks I'm basically going to be spending my whole time repairing things but that's going to be worth it is the whole thing working now we have pressure we have pressure so my grinder thing is working I need to turn the valve down here to get my conveyor belt going and also the drills the seven large drills this one sounds like it's working uh do you guys all want to turn on then ooh I for I going enough to manually turn these on this is going to be a little bit of work in itself but think about all the dirt we're about to get at least until they run out but then you know we'll worry about that I'll keep feeding these things as they go I might have to add a few more boxes up here because I can't actually walk along the conveyor like it pushes me in obviously Here Comes our dirt and yeah we're going to have a lot of dirt I might actually have to slow this down a bit but I'm kind of curious to see how this goes dirt going through oh is it falling out there I might have to yeah it's just piling up at the top but that's all right I got a grinder right there just for that problem and uh you know probably also this problem my grinder will eat this dirt up and into smaller chunks but then that's going to send it to the other big one but you know what I knew this was going to be some fine tuning so all we got to do is take this guy and put him here and then uh right this one here we'll take this big one and throw it over there whatever this will work this will be fine having too much dirt is actually a good problem I swear it's just going to be a matter of fine tuning this thing until it works it might be because there's a cork here actually that's stopping things from working I'm going to take that out for now and hope that was the problem whoops going to have to give things down there a little more room as well they're just piling up I prob like got huge piles of dirt down there that aren't making it anywhere okay you back in the grinder and yeah that's actually working a little better already we're struggling a little bit so far we're getting some gold and we did get some power crystals so we're succeeding definitely going to add some more juice in places to make sure we're getting the big big gold cuz there's a few big and a few medium pieces of things over here and we're going to have to widen up that tunnel at some point or we put a few Grinders sporadically along the uh conveyor belt I'm not really sure yet let's uh free these up already got our first broken thing that's no surprise really got a few of them broken who' have thought let's follow this guy up and see where it goes the adventure of a rock goes up get uh minced and then pushed against the other Rock which somehow doesn't fit how did that even get there it went through the grinder before it even got there yeah I'm going to need to build a little platform up here just for staging rocks cuz I feel like I'm going to be spending a lot of my time up here but look at all the gold we're getting already okay bye I'm kind of glad most of these are broken right now cuz I need a minute to kind of recalibrate things but so far I'm considering this mostly a success right so we'll add a little more power right there that should get me a little bit better results up top and if need be I'll add another Power Crystal do these drills need to be on nope for me to fix them I can just go up and down the list hopefully this actually works and I don't know if they still have dirt I think they do I ran out of tool bag already well let's resume our operation hopefully it's a little bit more efficient than it was before not that I'm complaining well already it's spitting out a lot of rocks hopefully those just land exactly where they're supposed to I'm glad I put that grinder right before nope they're piling up into a big rock already outstanding but here comes some more they're still taking for dirt and it's better so far still not perfect but it's better look at how fast those things go in look how much gold we're going to find down below and we'll kind of clean up some of this mess we have lying around those are a little bit tricky to place but they'll find their way to where they're going eventually hopefully maybe oh we got to okay that's where all my stuff is hiding okay I'm taking the funnel away because that's not working for me so far so good the only thing I'm going to be removing are these cuz I need to use these occasionally all around the area any Gold hiding up there yeah there's definitely a bit but whatever and I think these guys are all out of dirt for now I'll replace them in just a minute since the conveyor is still going let's get the rest of these comps of dirt up there so they can be processed at least I keep getting these little Jam UPS all it takes is one rock to sit in the wrong place and the whole thing doesn't work so I might need to find a better way of doing this that one's probably too big we'll feed it to the grinder the grinder is a nice touch but still need some fine tuning for this little guy I just remembered that I can use my shovel to place dirt in certain spots so I might be able to use the dirt as a kind of funnel for up here might make a big difference I want to see what this guy breaks down into Big Rock okay we got another Jam of course we do and that turned into a big rock again okay you yeah good enough and there progress anyways after a few days of running we already have a pile of this big so that's definitely quicker than if I was doing it by hand still need some fine tuning it's definitely a bit of work we'll figure it out the first thing I want to do with the dirt is kind of plug some of the holes right there that way the gold can bounce out or backwards it's got to fall out of that slot added a few corners of dirt that might help them sit in there more Center so they get ground up more efficiently but maybe not there's only one way to find out also need to find a way to replace the dirt under these fairly easily looks like I might actually be able to do this while the drill is in the ground not sure how much a game is going to like this method but if I don't have to remove these a billion times that's going to save me a lot of time and let's give this guy a test run to see exactly yeah that kind of works actually those pieces of dirt will make a difference I'll keep funneling them as need be refilled the drill dirt uh made a few switches so let's see exactly how this is going to work everything should be upating again the drill should be going my conveyor Bell should be moving dirt should be processing and so far that one's not a piece of dirt still sitting where it shouldn't be so it might add some dirt to that but this should be still improved uh yeaha you're in a conveyor belt so if you want to there we are right okay we got a few of these broken for now but I got to turn them off and on again because they like that looks like I might actually have to take them off and replace them every time if I want to replace them with dirt yeah that looks like it's going to be the ticket and there we go dirt is on its way back up to the top and that timing kind of is isn't going to work wonder if that's why they're getting stuck all the dirt is smashing together down there it doesn't matter if they get big up here cuz this thing will eat them and grind them anyway but down below they will jam up it's definitely running a lot more efficiently it just ate all those dirt chunks and I didn't even have to help our poly gold down there is going to be getting big how did a piece of dirt get all the way down there no wonder we're having so many Jam UPS you go through there I want to see exactly how this part's working out uh pretty good stuff is make you through but a lot isn't so we're going to manually drop some of this down so this is more or less 2 days of inefficient running I can't wait to see what else we can do I think if I kind of place the dirt almost all the way around then dig out the center of it that might make enough of a funnel to be able to feed this thing a little better already I like the look of that a lot better let's just give it a practice drop with a bigger piece of dirt that holds it pretty Center I'm not sure how much that's going to help for the bigger pieces but whatever we'll fire it up and see what happens just painfully replaced all the dirt for all the drills so let's fire it all up and see what happens I also found a place down below for a power Crystal to power my drills better since I've got a million of these things anyways uh you know I'm probably going to have to wait to be able to get that thing in here unless I'm really quick you open uh get in there and close actually that was easier than it normally is first dirt of the day is it going to work with my new little funnel design please work please work so far so good everything goes flying through and I need to put a lid back on the boxes well the game definitely doesn't like what I'm doing it seems to be uh stuttering a lot yeah I didn't want that piece of dirt anyway that's fine oh we're getting more Jam UPS I might have to raise this ceiling down here I mean when things are working great it's a continual line of dirt which is a continual line of gold but there's a few hiccups need more room so far my new funnel design is actually working great I've only had one gem up really so far and we'll see what this one does watch the big guy go through and jam up of course okay let's shut things down for a minute while I address the clogging problem I'm really hoping this is going to be just as easy as raising the ceiling and it'll slide on up if not this will be considerably more work cuz I'll have to rearrange everything but so far it looks like they're actually free and let's try that resume by the time I get over there I should hopefully see some large chunks of dirt going up my conveyor belt including the one that's already clogged at the top so that's fun are they moving nope they're not moving that's not good all right well we have to think about a new way to do that I might be able to use dirt for that as well I can tell things are going now because the frame rate is dropping and I can hear gold flying everywhere that's this sound a profit I mean considering how much gold we're finding every day we're doing pretty well but I still want a few adjustments to make this better I'm curious to see of just removing the top row boxes is going to give them enough room to bounce over the top if need be so we're going to try it just like that also made a new little funneled Improvement here which so far seems to be working very good uh they're not spitting any dirt out yet either because they're out of dirt or they're broken the next thing I'm going to have to buy is repair kits I'm going to do it the smart way this time and they'll go bottom to top that way I don't get crushed by dirt this entire time good news I think they're out of dirt anyway so what I'm going to do is just clean up some of this area for now just let all the big chunks go up there and hopefully get processed cuz they're cluttering up my space and something else broke because nothing is moving and I don't have any more repair kits oh there's a problem way out there oh both things broke outstanding this operation is absolutely really great when it works but it definitely has a few hiccups like 95% of the time I'm going to buy like 10,000 of these and also a spare shovel and a pick cuz I'm tired of having to chase it around everywhere I'm also going to try placing some dirt around the bottom of this to hopefully fill in some of those gaps so little pieces stop getting stuck there had to build myself a little staircase just to get up there not really sure how well that's going to work but I did fill in some of the gaps so that hopefully should help a few of the jam UPS the dirt has all been replaced I forgot I need a repair kit of which I now have a billion now I'm just hoping for way l Jam UPS why are these ones not on hello lights on thank you so far so good no Jam UPS uh as long as this gets into where it's going and that's not good it's sitting right on top of the grinder and doesn't want to grind what's that about I was mostly worried about Jam UPS down there and so far we actually haven't had any so this is running more efficiently than ever before imagine that mountain of gold down there getting ever bigger I think we're basically there already uh if you ignore problems like that down there but the dirt that does make it up here makes it in and there's very few jams at this point all right P good stuff is getting big I've always wanted it to rain gold on me is this going to work yeah here it comes look at it all falling out uh it's very laggy though because the game isn't loving all the things going on but if the frame rate isn't suffering I'm not trying hard enough I guess at this point we're mostly just waiting for a giant pile of gold to appear below us while we sit here and slowly maintain this mess we are getting a whole bunch yammed up down there I'll fix that after today but for now I'm just enjoying the massive amount of progress we're making everything funnels in there so nicely and easily now wow as soon as I shut off my operation the game runs so much better it's just got way too much stuff going going on down below but there's a pile of gold now even got a few clumps of dirt down here somehow but we'll clean things up eventually this Mountain's going to get big and I give the conveyor Bill a lot more room to work with because I removed a bunch of the boxes now all of the pieces of dirt should have more than enough room and they should hopefully catch all the pieces of dirt as I fly out so let's see if my newest Improvement is going to be any actual Improvement or not so far it's not looking optimistic but I also need to repair each and every one of these cuz they all break on Q not sure if add any more filters is going to help that or not but they do need to be fixed I think today now that I've just replaced all the dirt this is as efficient as this operation is going to get and you can tell by how luy it is that there's some dirt moving my new uh barrier to keep the dirt rolling isn't really working super great so far I thought I had that just right but I guess not it should work pretty good though as long as dirt doesn't crash into each other like it can't be that bad it's just things like that happening it's almost getting too legged at play at this point anytime anything happens the frame rate drops so bad that I can barely even move the game runs pretty good though if I turn off all the drills like I did I it this work the conveyor belt then it works pretty fine I'm also going to add another two of these grinder things to help Break Down The Rocks before they get to the crusher part of things because sometimes they still make it there really big and clog up my thing I probably could incorporate some of this stuff to help my operation but I don't really feel like getting creative at this point I just want to keep going with what I have to make a mountain and I'm out of fuel again good thing I'm close to the store so I can just buy a bucket and fill her up not sure if this is going to make much of a difference but I sure hope so so let's throw one of these really big rocks on top nice and Center for once and then see what happens once it gets to the top hopefully it breaks it down breaks it down again into nice small pieces and they don't ever get big again no one ever said it was a quick process they tend to get jammed up right here and uh that's not really good oh they make it over eventually okay what happens they break down and kind of stop well they made it in eventually but they're also kind of stalling along the way but I think if there's ones coming up behind them they will push in eventually so let's ramp it up a bit and throw like a 100 of these big rocks on in there that should make it up and then we'll throw another one behind it to see what difference that makes and go number one's about to Ram number two and it's going to fall right off need to do something about that transition point but it broke down a few times and turned into gold well here's an interesting problem rocks this big are the wrong size they won't actually get grinded up they'll just pause right here and that doesn't help anyone I think it worked better with only this single grinder decided I did want to try a little experiment this might work better I might not have stuff flying out quite as much anymore this could be hugely helpful now the only question is do this make things better or worse if I paying to my track record then things just got much much worse but let's see my main concern is mostly these really big rocks have a way of just falling off cuz they roll off to the side or they hit each other and bounce off to the side this should hopefully keep them clumped up though it might make them jam up a lot also kind of like that but I'm pretty sure I'll be able to place them a lot nicer now cuz normally when I place them I kind of throw them now they'll fall right in there and then not move at all so great well it kind of works I mean by my old success I guess it also makes a huge difference when your conveyor belt is properly powered and moving it full speed so if I can actually get a rock to land on there look how much faster that goes up now so it'll bump right over the top and go on in those things will yep there we go it's working yep okay so far so good I'm liking this I'm not liking that part still getting the jam UPS though feel like no matter what we do we're getting Jam UPS anyways let's turn all the drills back on and just let the material go now that we got our little uh flaps holding everything in it should be more efficient than ever before which means more gold than ever before so the rocks will tumble up and yep as long as I keep doing just that we'll get tons of gold because the dirt comes up and there nice big clusters we still lose a few off the edge for some reason but I'll fix that up eventually boy I wonder where my pick could be maybe right here trying to disappear into the ground forever you may have noticed the frames have dropped once again the game is going a little bit slow I'm trying to clean that up right now I'm going to build those ramp things all along here to work a little bit better for this dirt I think that's going to be a lot better way of doing it I got to go buy a whole bunch more of those ramps look at my of my stuff is floating in the air now I think these are going to work out pretty nicely at the very least it looks kind of cool whether or not this is really going to work we're about to find out enjoy these frames while we have them massive leg Spike incoming replaced all the dirt from the drills too okay things seem to be moving along now except for me I'm the only thing that's stuck and my conveyor belts aren't moving anything at all okay and that rock was just jammed for some reason do you go now and how about you would you like to go all right so far so good I wor the Rocks would catch the edges of the uh Roofing stuff but you know so far they're holding on really nicely till that point but at least they're still holding on and of course so far things aren't too bad I'm a little curious as to why more dirt isn't coming up from the bottom considering they're all uh freshly filled drills well there's one piece coming up they might actually be shooting over the ramps a little bit or maybe there's only a few of them turned on that could be the problem and the big rock actually makes its way up it gets caught a few times but it does make it out so that's an improvement and the bul is still do get caught in the corner but the little ones push them along and so far it's actually working really well I'm really impressed with this part of the setup so far because it's just feeding me gold I can finally mostly just sit here and wait for it to ring gold and other stuff coming down look at it all this is fun this is finally what I wanted took hours of fine tuning and set up to get here but I think we're finally here I can just sit here and wait and yes this pile of gold definitely is very big considering the base of it is way bigger than the last one I built well we are still getting Jam ups but they're fewer than they were before and bigger rocks can make their way out I just don't think the world is ready yet for my Creations things feel like they're running a little slow again so I'm going to add a little bit more power right here not sure if we need it here but I'm going to add it here I've got like a million of these lying around anyway we might as well just go full juice my little pile of gold is definitely starting to get pretty big plus there's still quite a bit of a jammed up there it kind of trickles out every time it starts to get pushed through I mean I guess that's a pretty big pile of gold judging by how slow the game is we're definitely moving some dirt today starting to get a little bit of a buildup but actually it's mostly managing itself pretty well has occasional clog there and at the corner of the ramp but it mostly just mins a whole bunch of gold for me I am pretty sad I can't just sit here all day and Let It Rain gold on me because it needs so much fine tuning and adjustment but you know what I'm pretty happy with the result overall I would love to smelt this and weigh it and sell it and see what it's worth but we're going to have to save that for next time cuz I'm just out of time my goal in my brain initially was to make a pile of gold as big as my truck didn't quite get there but still did a decent job job over this many hours all right it's making its way up not particularly quickly but it's making its way up uh that's all that really matters right now the Little Rock That Could I just hope my thing is up to the task of mulching it it doesn't go super fast so those boxes might not even be necessary yep that worked we've learned so much already like that this ground isn't producing enough gold so we're going to take our whole operation over to the one that actually has giant gold nuggets that includes our single box I'm not going to bring any of my pipes or Machinery yet because I want to figure out what exactly it is I need to do well it's get to see my P of iron is still here right now it's really just a question of whether I want to continue on mining the giant gold nuggets on this ground in some mega form of production or go find ground that has even better gold which I'm not sure exists because these things are huge for now I'm just going to keep mining until I find one giant gem using that I'm going to turn that into some jewelry and sell it for more money because I need more money before I can do anything anyways and with a big old pop we got ourselves an emerald which is unfortunate because now we got to go through this mess finding what we need but my furnace actually fits really nicely into this hill that way it's nice and low so I can drop stuff in it while it's it's hot and then the Anvil is actually going to go in the Box because that seems to be the only place that it likes around here except for that spot down there not exactly where I want an anvil then we'll just kind of do half and half for this gold I think there's about 12 15 large nuggets oh those melted fast does that work that might not work all right we're going to take this out and make a uh gold nugget a gold bar out of one single nugget and then the rest are going to go in here to make a bigger nugget yes bar I said bar the first time hopefully somehow this is an extra extra big Emerald it looks pretty standard two gold bars plus an world makes nothing apparently come on we can do it what do I have to touch oh you need to reselect what you want to build after you remove the Anvil once or twice as I was saying uh nothing apparently the gold bar cooled down I'm definitely making this simple process a lot harder than it needs to be third times a charm one amulet probably pretty valuable we'll uh throw that in your truck and go for a little drive I'm led to believe I'll get a better price at the stock market then I will here so for this we'll get $2,500 let's go find the stock market and see what it's worth there I also kind of forgot I had all these gems so we'll bring those back to our little operation as well think I took a wrong turn but while I'm here let's see how expensive this ground is I'm just basically assuming that the more expensive the ground is the better the gold is going to be 6,600 that's considerably more than the one I bought which means I'm interested there's got to be some valuables here somewhere just got to find some water hopefully uh I think I found an adequate water source so unless we can find a more expensive piece of ground we'll likely be buying this one anyways the Jeweler offered us 2500 for one of these the value is down but what's it going to give us 74 22 yeah I definitely should have been selling stuff here the entire time even at a low price that's three times what I would have got elsewhere which means I could have been that much further ahead but we know have a total of $112,000 so let's go buy that really expensive ground it's not like I just set up an entire operation elsewhere money in give me the ground all right now I got to go get the rest of my stuff money can probably you know what I'm going to carry it around with me or I'm going to forget where it is for now though let's go unload what we have we're probably going to set up our operation right here near the water cuz that does make sense to me was pretty to leave all these behind but I'll pick them up really quickly because there is considerable value here and last but not least my pickaxe I actually organized that surprisingly well believe it or not the best way to get to The Far Side of the bumpy ground is to jump and not bad oh maybe a little bit far no actually we're almost perfect just where I wanted to be gather my stuff neatly all over the place let's see where the bottom is now turns out this whole strip is unminable ground anyway so I might set up some of my stuff over there all I found in the bottom the bad news is I made it a little bit too steep to get out of but it does seem like it's deeper than the other piece of ground but that is some nice deep ground so let's find out what kind of gold is down there so that's where we're getting at the last claim this one is going to have the same size I mean there were two of them but they seem to be about the same another glowy thing all right we could power some pumps for sure now I was hoping we'd find more of those but uh we'll find a little bit more gold before we create anything and hopefully find a few more of those I do have a few smaller ones but I'm assuming the bigger ones work better bigger is always better unless you're actually getting stuck in a hole we got lots of ground to work with over here mind up a bit of gold I'm going to turn all of this plus a ruby into one single ring which looks something like that should be worth a few bucks to the stock market great prices today couldn't be happier about that do you buy gold bars you do not rings are down $50 today but $4,000 for that one little ring I'm definitely going to take it because we're going to use this money to set up whatever it is we're about to do next we do have things like conveyor belts also vertical conveyor belts and conveyor splitter that way you can organize materials somehow well the whole point of having too much money is so that you can build ridiculous things when in doubt just collect absolutely everything how far down to that drill by the way that went down a little ways there are so many parts to put together and good news I think my truck just ran out of fuel it's gaug is showing me empty luckily I think there's a bucket right here and they put the tank on top for extra convenient loading now let's hope I never have to refuel again I really thought this through yet how this is going to work but for now I'm going to bring a pipe all the way over to there with water which is going to be a way to travel and I'll need some power stones to do this but it's going to be worth it was kind of hoping this would work as sort of an exploit but no you cannot feed one of these with a water bucket now that we've made it in this bar it's time to add one of the power boosters these crystals are so big they hardly even fit which is a good problem to have uh closing a door on the other hand is an actual problem yep good I mean I guess we could attach it first it might be hard to drop a crystal in up there but I'll manage something like that good enough for me and let's add ourselves a water gauge right here so we can kind of see what pressure we're at we're up pretty high actually considering we've gone this bar already despite everything I bought we're still going to need more parts I definitely need a lot more Straits to get us all the way out to there and I'm glad I didn't make all this money to not spend it this should be enough for now does the one on the roof count as mine I'm taking it anyways well some uh interesting news we finally gotten to the point where the game's starting to crash but it loaded me back at the shop and threw my stuff everywhere while I was at it the stuff is still Landing oh well do I get a refund on those ones because I feel like they're not going to move a lot of water up there not only does the ground eat my stuff but so does heaven oh no where's my money did it throw my money somewhere no my money is still safe that's all I really worried about given uh what's transpired I'm going to be saving a little bit more often now I just saved and loaded back into my game and guess what happened big explosion fun every time I load into the game I get to pick up all my stuff again but at least the best part about my new claim here is that it's closest to the store so I can actually drive backwards the whole way there game's probably not going to love what happens next but so far it's not loving anything I've been doing oh don't crash into my stuff and we're good that's actually a quick way of unloading my truck if I leave well don't go down there and load back in it unloads for me it's not a very tidy process but it works let's throw down another gauge to see what kind of water pressure we still get pretty good water pressure I'll still all to booster right here and that set my water pressure up by quite a bit I do have another Crystal or two not super big ones but we can do it again if we have to you know what I think we will right now just to see the amount of pressure we can build with these little crystals after uh very carefully adding those our pressure is up to full so I might have even overdone it with one of those I could probably put one further along we were that close to make it to where we needed to go I'm actually out of straight pieces as far as I know there is one somewhere in the sky nearby but it's probably not coming down anytime soon I've got to go all the way back to the store for just a few more pieces right so I'm pretty sure if I'm not mistaken the walls of this cut were very steep I'll maybe go down and confirm that yeah that looks pretty well vertical to me so I'm probably out far enough I just got to find out a way to connect the pipes all the way downwards and this is going to be something of a delicate operation I think to build this vertical structure I'm doing the Circle technique I'm just going to wrap around and around working my way deeper until we're at or near the bottom I feel like I'm probably getting pretty close to the Bottom now so I'm going to try and jam in my drill right here and just kind of see what it does before I do that I'm going to give it a power boost as well because you can never have too much power unless with the power boosting pieces you can't rotate them vertically uh which point we're going to have to make another plan I've also never really noticed the magnet on a stick or magnet staff ATT tracks resources in a large area I'm kind of curious to see what this does but more importantly I need a mining helmet and some more straight pieces I mostly just kind of want to see uh what this is going to look like does it automatically light up it's kind of annoying how it blocks my view I mean I'm sure it'll work great for when I'm underground that's mostly what I want it for so you guys can see exactly what it is I'm doing I think I just realized what the magnet on a stick does it's for like if you uh say spill your iron in a small area you pick up this and yep it all groups back up except for the stuff that's actually more than 3 ft away so let's try this mining helmet which so far doesn't seem to be making much of a difference it is really really annoying to have to carry individual pieces all the way down to the bottom every single time but I think it's about time we added a drill to the equation to kind of see what it does underground I should be decently close to the bottom at this point so I like the way it's not doing anything at all that's reassuring wonder if it's because its top half is completely buried I have to turn it on anyway and my pickaxe is up top can I flip the switch from here is that the switch oh it's working I think it's working uh I might have to clar some area over there so it can actually uh you know spit out some dirt yes this will take a little bit of trial and error but I foresee good things happening well it's little slot has room to shoot stuff out whoops at this point wow okay I'm yep I'm just going to keep an eye on it for a minute it's probably pretty dark for you guys but I want to see if it's actually going to spit something out like if it can actually drill here or not it should be able to but I don't really know if it's working or not yet so far it's spit out no dirt at all so what we're going to do is maybe just move it uh one space over yeah something like that and then connect a pipe to it in a minute where it's hopefully going to sit nicer you know what maybe this over here is part of the problem I didn't notice this before but I'm pretty sure I can fix it all I got to do is that and cool it should be up and running yeah now that it's fixed I can actually hear it pumping water again which is something I haven't heard in a while that's more like it it even has a light for me is it onor off right now okay now it's on so hopefully it'll start spitting stuff nope it broke it broke that quickly really it probably just doesn't love the fact that its exhaust is going up into the dirt and I know that unfiltered water hurts it but the filter was what I just fixed so uh I'm going to bring another filter down to it as well as a wrench to hopefully fix it if I have a wrench sure do you think if I just drop this down I'll be able to save myself a trip well it went somewhere if I can't find that again that might have been a poor choice nope it's working its way down piece by piece there you go I'll see you in a few floors so let's fix this thing and hopefully it starts spitting me out some dirt and doesn't break again I would just I just want some dirt I need some kind of progress at this point it's been a long time just to get to here it's just me and you know drill 100 ft underground oh it's spitting out dirt okay perfect what I need to do now is install a conveyor belt to carry this dirt back to the surface way up there these aren't the cheapest things in the world but you know what we still got a little bit of money to burn and they're annoyingly big so I can really only carry so many of them at a time before the game's going to explode now all I need to do is find a way to make these conveyors come all the way to this surface again next time my list problems to connect to conveyor belt you got to connect the pipe right there so it can spit stuff out on the conveyor belt but it's not going to be able to connect I think I need a funnel and put the conveyor belt below this plus this thing also broke again and it wasn't even really running this doesn't really work either because it's drilling straight down into that ground so if I run a pipe through that that doesn't work so the conveyor is going to have to go like that way and then up so we'll start by removing the uh broken piece and putting a t in there then you just got to connect there to there which looks something like that the conveyor belt is going the wrong way but you see what I'm getting at now all I need is a funnel and then like a million ramps going up that way we can probably kind of test this right now if I can get this big rock to go through the funnel well no it works and it doesn't Okay so if we take the funnel away yeah we don't need the funnel and luckily it lets me build ramps in the dirt so that's going to actually help guide me quite a bit now I'm just kind of wondering how many of these it's going to take to get to the top I've finally broken through to the surface that's a lot of conveyor belts but a few more to go this also gives me a much easier route to get in and out of where I need to go and this is my last vertical conveyor I actually guesstimated out to the approximate level of the surface but now I need to go a little bit higher because in the end it's going to connect to this thing buying some more parts for another $2,000 going to to start making some money back at some point we're almost out luckily I do know where to find some gold kind of seeing another problem with my design at this point kind of need the funnel to go at the same place as the pipe that's not really the end of the world I have a work around it's just kind of annoying cuz now instead of uh splitting the water there I've got to split there and bring it all the way over here which is going to be more money anyways it will eventually look something like that just need to tie it all together plus probably put a plug in that but the good dirt will come from way down there work its way up fall into there get ground up and then shoot off into Oblivion just need to make a little money in the meantime so I'm going to collect up all this iron I have lying around and hopefully sell it for some profit while harnessing the power of the magnet stick look at it Go magical can we get like all of the iron though that would be great uh better I guess oh never mind you can't run with it okay magnet stick you're going in the ocean and it's a good thing I bought lots of extra parts earlier you're going to need quite a few more but this will be fun once it's done I think I just realized something too uh I've already learned that the funnel is too big for the rocks and I completely forgot about that I don't know what I'm going to do now we'll try that anyway hopefully this is worth something and I took a wrong turn and ended up back in my old ground but I actually have $65 here so that's going to add up to a lot of extra money we need the Market is down but only slightly what's this worth 633 I'll take it I'm just really glad at this point that these pipes are so cheap if they were expensive I wouldn't be able to do this because I was assuming my funnel wasn't going to work cuz a piece of dirt were going to be too big I decided to make my own that might work that might not work but you know what this whole thing might not work anyway and I just spent the last few hours building nothing so anyways if I tie this in uh not quite like that but you get the point I should have plenty of pressure feeding everything I have so far so I guess the only thing to do now is fire up and see how it works I disconnected it for now cuz it was just running before and that was actually slowly breaking stuff and that's obviously counterproductive I got to bring a wrench over cuz I'm pretty sure if I run unfiltered water it hurts my drill down below and that gets annoying all right everything is fixed our water pressure is good here is our conveyor moving on this end things are making it over yep things are making it over water pressure is not bad here hopefully that's enough to take on the big dirt I'll find more of the power uh things as we go anyway and the more of those I find the faster we're going to mine so we'll turn you on then and see how this works well for now I'm just going to send my first piece of dirt up by hand as soon as I navigate through my little disaster Zone I've made oh this isn't moving at all wait where' my water pressure go I also forgot to buy a plug there but I don't know why everything stopped something may have broken I think I see what happened I think I accidentally removed a pipe I shouldn't have removed might get a pressure gauge down here to see what kind of pressure we're getting at this guy oh yeah we're going to chase our Rock up to see what happens to it all right it's making its way up not particularly quickly but it's making its way up uh that's all that really matters right now the Little Rock That Could I just hope my thing is up to the task of mulching it it doesn't go super fast those boxes might not even be necessary yep that worked it it spit me out anything no that was an unlucky Rock but it's going to work and like I said I'm going to add those crystals everywhere I can might have to add a box down here I think I just SP a piece of dirt out to where it's not supposed to go but we'll see if that piece of dirt gives us anything not the quickest operation so far but it's automated I don't have to do a thing and I'm going to find gold and it goes yeah there we go and the landing zone is somewhere over here and that's not the biggest gold in the world but it's automated I think if I get more power going in we'll find better stuff so it's just a matter of it's spitting out power crystals and yeah I'm going to need to add a box over here that way uh stuff stops spitting out the wrong way so something like that and my operation for now is complete never mind I'm going to need another box still it spits that thing out fast ooh we found three power crystals already not really sure where those came from but I'm not going to complain probably don't need that anymore we'll see my drill seems to be broken but I did just see a piece of dirt going up the ramp so I don't know what to make of that you know it's broken down there but still somehow producing dirt oh do we have a jam already that's not good that's a big piece of dirt oh they're probably stacking up interesting all right well there's potential for them to stack up but I'm also going to give this thing a lot more juice right now too because if we're not at Max Capacity what are we even doing with our lives these are probably medium sized as far as the power crystals go but we'll see a big step up in the uh pressure here and hopefully it'll be able to mulch the biggest of dirt or at least find his better results going to need a few more of those looks like with the second Crystal we're at Max Capacity I've still got to get a plug for that but everything else seems to be running pretty well I'm going to go get a plug and see where this is that when I'm back all right this thing definitely stopped running uh I'm going to give it another power boost right here and also put a gauge right here so my drill is running at about 3/4 his capacity as soon as I get a chance I'll add a power Crystal to this as well and the more power I add right there the faster my conveyors are going to move not that that's a big deal because it's my drill that really makes a difference here but also let's uh break up this rock into probably one piece cuz the other one left and see what kind of results we get now that it's at full capacity Rock goes down Rock's going to go in and hopefully we catch what actually comes out of here nothing cuz it can't shoot through that rock apparently wasn't it processing rocks this big earlier yeah there it goes it's just got to land right I guess not sure anything came out of there anyway so that's fun anyways let's go fix my ever broken drill and it should starts spitting me out stuff once again uh as soon as we turn it on then we're going to go buy a few things from the store why isn't it turning its light on that's alarming uh one thing I never considered was how fast this thing runs out of ground this whole setup is kind of dependent on you know a drill being able to drill for a while if it drills to the ground that fast I'm way better off just processing it by hand I kind of have a few things I want to try though like just a regular Ram drill for one I don't know if it drills any differently than the other one but I've got to assume it does somehow probably the same effect just not quite as far down but don't worry I've got a few little tricks in mind all right so the first thing I want to try is removing a drill for a minute and then filling in its hole with dirt from this surrounding area not sure if that's going to work or have any effect at all but uh you know what we're going to give it a try cuz I've got lots of dirt down here and it's very easy to fill in the hole it certainly doesn't take long to uh replace all the dirt so uh whoops if you want to start working again at any point Mr machine and you want to stop making that sound yeah we're back in business I can actually just refill it with dirt with the shovel hopefully that's just as productive but the red lights on it should be spitting out a block of dirt any second now yep there goes one now so that plan kind of works for the time being and it's in oh it's not process in again we need to have like a better processing system wow that really shot out of there and those actually look like the big gold nuggets I think they are those are I don't know if they're Max size if they're not they're close they really fire a long ways I might have to deflect those a bit they goes another one yeah there they go that's kind of fun yeah I'm going to put a block somewhere here to kind of deflect them a bit or maybe not here's one coming in and CMO wow those are actually shooting all the way under the road over there so I'm just going to put a box right there hopefully that stops many of them going too too far I don't mind if they go a little ways but I don't want them to go super far let's see how it works and they spat right down there I'm okay with that is this drill ever not broken I guess I'll come down and fix it again and it's out of dirt again already this is still buying me a bit of time cuz I could be you know expanding my operation while it's mining but it is kind of inconvenient to have to constantly refill this thing the gold is starting to add up pretty nicely though and I did get another Power Stone and that looks like a big one I'm just going to add that one right here because we already know the pressure three quar is now once I add the extra Stone it's definitely going to be at Stacks the Ora is starting to stack up pretty nicely and I've got a little project for this piece since I've probably got water pressure to spare I think I'm going to try and set up another drill somewhere right here just got to figure out how I'm going to align this thing down below but it's going to find me a little bit of extra dirt that's for sure little bit of extra gold if it can sit right like that sort of thing that would be fine not sure how well this is going to work but if I go like that that should actually be feeding a second pump now I just got to find a way to get to its on switch and nothing oh no I shot out a little lady Rock oh puts those out at a quick Pace though all I got to do is put a box over here to block that there's my box guess we're buying another one and there we go we got constant little rocks going to the top to get processed and then other drills going to spit out big ones every once in a while maximum production and I don't mean to sound picky but I feel like a lot of my gold disappeared and went somewhere else and that's kind of a shame cuz I really like my gold it's my gold seems to be disappearing I'm actually going to dig a little Pip for it to fall into can I just do that yeah that's better it's not the prettiest method but it's going to collect the gold for me it shouldn't take too long to fill this up that little drill once it runs out of room I'm not going to power it up again cuz it's only finding me little gold anyway that's definitely not going to process properly and it even knocked off another rock for now I'm just going to maintain my operation until that pit is full of gold that's easy starting to get not too bad of a stockpile of valuables okay I'm pretty sure my gold is disappearing because I left the go to the store and I came back and it seems like there's less than there was before and something else I never noticed before the power stones in here actually run out or they dis appeared either the way we're getting way less pressure than we used to I suddenly realized where all my gold had been going it had been falling through the ground look at all the gold you're missing out on because it all went that way so I'm probably going to give this stuff up there an actual floor hours later I worked out all the Kinks and this is our pile of golden gems so far it's getting pretty big would be a lot bigger had I figured it out sooner but not bad considering and everything dies right on Q so this was a pretty fun learning experience today but I can still see how much bigger we can go with this and how much more gold we can have we could have quite a mountain if we really wanted to I would weigh it process it and sell it all but I already spent so much time doing this I just don't want to next time today we've got an update that's all about gems so I wonder if we have any of those seems like we may be do but I think we need more and today we have a sponsor today's stupidity enabled by expressvpn for those of you out there that are ashamed to be watching my content and don't want anyone to know that you're doing it and it's so stupidly easy to use that even I can do it and for those of you that don't know a VPN is a virtual private Network that just adds an extra layer security to all of your devices while on the internet and in the world where so much of our data is continually getting taken and sold there's really never been a better time to get one expressvpn stops us from happening by encrypting all of your data and hiding your location and speaking of location have you ever had your content blocked because it wasn't available in your country now let's say you want to watch Rick and Morty but it's not available in your country well biggest server in the country where it is available and you can watch it it's literally that fast and easy and that works particularly well for something like Netflix there's a lot of other content that other countries have access to that you don't until you have a VPN and I would assume that right now given the state of the world there's more people than ever watching stuff online so find out how you can get 3 months free by clicking the link below expressvpn.com DF because it really can't hurt to add a little extra security in your life and a video like this is a perfect example of why sponsorships are good I always want to go bigger and new graphics cards are coming soon was I always as fast I'm not complaining but I just feel like I'm twice as fast as I was before anyways we're going to start our operation going and then we're going to go find the new piece seem to have a little bit of a jam up up here at the top the game is not like running at all right now couldn't imagine why though I mean my site is so clean and tidy oh that's the problem there we go that seems we taken care of it might still have a bit of a jam up but we're going to have a lot of gold pouring out of there anyways this thing seems to be operating it myself right now so we'll go find the new piece and come back at 4 frames a second we're off this isn't good normally the game behaves better by the time I'm at the store compressor compresses uncut regular or compressed gems I have a little bit of everything and this will help clean up my sight and it looks like I still have some money hovering my ground and gold seemed like a good idea at the time now I'm kind of regretting it all right so here's what I'm going to do now I've reloaded the game because once my drills are off the game behaves a little better I'm going to do a little cleanup just not really sure where to start probably with putting these things back to where they're supposed to be oh never mind they're all accounted for not sure what to make of things like this it just kind of appeared floating here but I'll take free gold bars oh this is a cladium bar even better I think the first thing I want to try is going around with my construction Hammer to lock things down for the first time ever apparently this helps the frame rate and just helps me from knocking stuff around all the time imagine what's going to happen when that dirt finally releases and falls in just touching a piece of dirt in the funnel has slowed the frame rate right back down again but I think it might be loose so let's see if we can let that all go well there's at least dirt getting through it all I can kind of release them piece by piece there is actually a ton of golden gems just in this dirt so I want to get this unclogged and I accidentally removed the entire thing there we go that was a big clog getting unjammed still got a bit of dirt going through there but whatever it's starting to come out just about made it to the bottom finally my power crystals are also kind of a mess can you guys just get in there either bounce out or don't but go somewhere I don't know if it's just because it's faster than it was but since I unclogged the dirt the game feels so much better and let's go take a few things to the store and get rid of them just is to clear up some ground space these probably aren't going to be worth a lot I just need them off my ground $223 that's so little it's actually going to stay right there is that going to work I noticed before things tend to stick to the pallet well it's gone whatever it was so I'm assuming it's not a problem anymore it's not the prettiest of palletes but it's on there going to take all this stuff to the scrap can I just burn the whole pallet that would be great cuz I can just buy any one and bring it back instead of having to unload it yep that seems to work real nice except for that stuff a bit of clean up was long overdue we'll go sell this stuff and then see what's next you don't get a ton of money for this stuff but I get it out of the game and that's what matters and since I already forgot to buy a new pet we're going to see how this gem compressor works finally we're just going to need to borrow some water so I'm going to replace the power crystals in those three and put it right here so it's at max power conveniently it's still nice and close to my gem pile so it shouldn't be too hard to move a few over here now we just need a few of these big guys and by the time I got those in the Sun is going down all right let's figure out how my new toy works so I can figure out how to break it so the drills are running but there's no water going to them that's kind of annoying and weird now they're off and still making noise it's my worst nightmare come true going to need some new crystals down here as well that was easy enough so let's start with an nice of Ruby think I might need to rotate this okay so how exactly does this work excellent maybe I need to turn it on that would make sense what does it do crushes it down and spits out what is this composite Ruby let's find out how that compares to a cut ruby we're going to sell both and maybe also a composite cut ruby if we can does that work that doesn't work all right so a regular Ruby sells for zero cuz it won't buy them here but a jeweler will 100 for a regular Ruby sold and the composite 86 so it actually gets less valuable yep 84 they seem to get less valuable but that's probably because you can handle them in bulk this way you don't have to cut them one by one you can drop a bunch in and then hit the button luckily I have a lot of gems we can play with so if we put one of each in what does that turn into oh okay it's just one of each I was hoping it would combine them together in some way well you can at least compress these into each other if they're the same color so these two sapphires can be combined into one to make a more valuable gem so we're going to make a very valuable gem today all right we need to figure out what kind of gem we want to work with today we need to pick a color I'm assuming we're going to have a similar amount of all of them but we also need more gems and more everything so we're going to set our operation back up and let it mine also kind of worried that I'm going to need extra power gems up there which is annoying cuz it's very hard to get them in there and this is why you drop it down hopefully it lands in there and then you still have to close the lid it takes me about 10 tries got one to sit where it's supposed to be now it's a crapshoot yep it launched it oh I got one in now I just need to do the other three that are somewhere over here finally got all the power crystals in so we can go at maximum capacity for finding our new gems and the Sun is going down so once again we're going to bed and things are mostly up and running again so we're going to find a lot of golden gems today and so far we're not getting too bad of a frame drop so things are looking up so now I just need to sit here for like 80 hours and watch my valuables pile up kind of wish I had a pile here instead of just a smelter for the cladium I kind of want to see how much I'm getting as we go I actually think I'm going to I'm going to move this somewhere else and just maybe smelt that out so we can see what we got so far but I want a pile of cladium not a pot full of it this bar can go hang out over here with these ones that's the sound of money going into my pockets and there's no shortage of it look at it Go and so far I've got a few pieces of cloud I'm hiding down there at the bottom and there's a third now there's something else I want to try to maybe get some more of this gold into that pot I'm really hoping that if I set a palette down beside it I can stand on the pallet pick up gold and drop it into one single spot if this works it's not going to be the prettiest of processes but actually this might work pretty good unless the pallet is uneven and the gold is rolling off the back but idea is sound and principle this gold rolls very well for how misshapen it is but I think we're under control now well it's not stacking up like I thought it would but we can get lots on a pallet it's an imperfect process for sure but we're going to get a lot of extra gold into the pot because of this okay never mind gold doesn't actually stick to the pallet so that was a waste but actually if I have a spare smelter the same principle might apply because yeah I can just go like this and smelt it directly then I'll just drop the bar in the other bar later okay at this rate we're definitely going to get something of ridiculous value as long as I don't do anything stupid like I did before I wish this existed like 10 years ago cuz I would have been doing this with all my gold mountains it's a very satisfying feeling to finally tear into the center of this mountain and watch all the gold collapse in on itself with the occasional uh box getting in the way you guys think of how much gold this is like look how many giant nuggets it is per second and the game somehow is okay with this with my boxes flying everywhere and the gold bundling down on itself making some good progress but the game is slowing down a bit so I think I need to do another restart but I've only got this much gold left is there a maximum to how much gold can be in here because I think I found it it doesn't seem to be one is smelting any more gold oh never mind we're good oh maybe not I think what happened is a piece of gold clipped through the actual uh thing and was sitting below another long day had pass so I I had to reload and I've got to fix that thing again and should probably check on my drills though they still seem to be producing dirt a few of them might be broken though look at how many pieces of dirt go up and all the drills are going the just cleared a jam so we're hearing lots of dirt fall in the game is not loving this part one little bit I can't even move right now I want to see how much gold is coming out but like I'm not yeah I'm struggling to do anything since I'm down here we're getting a nice little pile of cladium started it's been 5 minutes into this day and the game is already acting like this because I've got so much gold coming down my shoe but since it's already being super slow let's see if we can get all that dirt going through all at once yeah the game is not liking this one little bit neither is my computer but think of all the gems we're going to have it's actually like two frames per second right now I think I might finally succeed in Breaking hydron like I'm not doing anything I'm just recording in real time and this is what it's doing just about got this pile of gold beat and my computer only tried to crash once all right I think with that I've got about enough of it I'm pretty tired of picking up gold off the ground but where there used to be a large mountain of it there's only a few crumbs left on the ground I mean relatively speaking so let's pour this out into one giant bar and then we're going to smell this down with the other stuff momentarily I just want to be sure to put this one somewhere that it's decently safe so right near the other ones where I can get them all confused and then I'm going to shut down my drills which are still rolling pretty nicely then I'm going to take all the gold at is mind and put it into a bar and then we'll maybe combine all of these right now so I don't end up losing one starting with the most important of them if it wants to get in there that would be fine well try and get the second one in there that might actually be heating up anyway that might just work or it might not could you turn into actual smelted gold at some point please okay I've got the big one properly smelted down and that one's properly smelted down not sure how big these ones even are but they're going to jump in there too asz you can never have too much of anything all right those are all done there is the single most valuable gold bar I've ever had we're going to put it right up here for safekeeping now it's gem time so at a glance I am seeing a lot of red rubies so I think we're probably going to work with those I don't love the way I'm going to have to manually pick these up one by one but I can't think of a better way to do it so I'll just live with this for now nervous to touch this because I feel like it's all going to fall down and make a mess it wasn't as bad as I thought you don't really realize how many rubies you have until you have to pick them all up luckily for me I kept everything here so organized so everything's very easy to find that seems to be all the rues from this pile there's a few more stragglers around that I'm going to pick up but we're almost there there is a lot of red gems in this thing well all right let's see our super gem put the press down that's a lot of rubies this thing is going to be super valuable no we just need to freak out what to make it into I'm thinking an amulet is going to be best so if I saw my gold bar in half and use my gem we should have something pretty amazing so super gold bar is now two super gold bars and then if we manage to get those on the Anvil sitting nicely next to my super gem we're going to find something pretty amazing does it not work hello can I have my gem now this isn't super promising right now I don't know what's gone wrong oh I think I clicked Away by accident so that should be the amulet again I think I probably need to heat these all right there it is nice and big one very very valuable necklace an entire mountain of gold and like 100 rubies went into this one thing so I can't wait to see what it's worth to the shop and look at that it's a good day for necklaces so let's see what exactly we're going to get out of this one anyone want to take a guess now's your chance I'm not even going to try to guess I've done that enough times I've been way wrong every time so the value is r on 61,000 is that it there's so much stuff in there though really I mean to be fair that is still like enough money to do absolutely whatever I want but I thought it would be way more than that but I always do and I guess I won't complain because again that's $361,000 I just figured a giant pile of gold would be worth more than that and then the new super Ries but that's okay thanks again to expressvpn for enabling this and future stupidity ready to be sold at the stock market or Jeweler well you know what that's all right because I didn't put a ton of new gold into this because it's actually kind of hard to find so I need to scale up my operation so I can find more of that but that sounds like a problem for next time here's my brilliant idea for today since we for the first time ever have a mostly unjam operation and that should make it very easy to build a large amount of all of this stuff working my way all the way down to the end simple enough to start we need 12 swords which apparently is more than I have then we're going to buy ourselves a workbench and also a screwdriver not really sure how this works but I'll figure it out eventually also this works better with money pretty sure I left a few dollars somewhere around here if I was smart I would have just driven my vehicle here but I'm just not smart is this by chance enough to cover the $1,610 I need did that include the pallet cuz it would be nice to carry this all at once all right trucks are almost obsolete already until I try and put everything in the back of the truck wow it actually fit and then we're going to put this in a spot where I'm least likely to run it over and now I guess we just start making some swords I hope I could divide one iron bar enough times to make everything I need does that work we just keep stacking these up forever oh it got smaller probably can't make swords out of that maybe we can what happens if we keep doing this interesting that's kind of fun because I don't have enough trouble keeping track of my stuff they never said they had to be valuable swords okay very cheap metal swords now does it work it does not did one of the things fall off maybe that's a problem it does work I think it just kind of makes little swords but it didn't specify what size we needed little swords it is let's maybe be smart for the first time ever and lay those on a pallet for some reason the game doesn't like me making the money smaller than this that's four so far next time I'm going to be smart and cut the metal bar inside the fire because then all I have to do is remove them put them on there hit them with the hammer rinse repeat I might actually be able to do this with one single iron bar which seems very weird to me but we're going to make it work I've already broken something because these aren't heating up properly now in case you were wondering that is what 12 swords looks like now let's figure out what exactly we're supposed to do with these well also removing a bunch of crap from the back of my truck that I don't want to play with today one order of danger coming up I have to put them in here so this is currently locked because I need 12 swords I have 12 swords do I do that and how do I get that that's mostly really all I'm after I get how this is going to work I put the recipe here I put the bars over here hot and I use a screwdriver to create what I want maybe the swords are too small this doesn't seem to work either is this saying I need to make a size 12 sword is that too small cuz this is 1.24 if that's the case this is not big enough here I thought this would be a straightforward thing for once let's bring a SC back with this that might help give us some answer a single sword weighs 1.86 according to this maybe if I make a fullsize sword it's definitely a lot bigger by comparison so this might be the size we need it's so big it doesn't even fit but yeah according to what I'm seeing this should be big enough all right game do you think this is going to work for you 139 that's you know good enough right yeah that seems to have worked I mean it took the sword did that work did I unlock it I feel like feel like nothing changed nope never mind it's letting me leave with this one so that means it's paid for which works out great because I'm way too lazy to try and figure out how to steal stuff right now so we put that uh there then we just need three hot bars to make a candle where am I going to find some ore also what are these that are different yellow from gold is this like super gold I don't know it was just spitting out the end of the conveyor so I guess it's a new material probably a pretty rare one because I only found this much of it anyways we can use this for a little bit of cleanup because I need to smelt some stuff and it won't take long at this rate in theory the less material we put into this the better cuz we're just exchanging weight not value so that's good enough for me we'll cut this bar into three turn it into a candle and we're going to keep everything nice and close one 2 3 and then boom okay we might have only needed one gold bar to do that but we now have this thing let's go see if the dinosaur boat is happy with this I can straight up sell this stuff too and it might be pretty valuable later on we might make something out of new gold but let's get some recipes first I uh yeah it's this way definitely faster to drive that weighs 18.89% bar whenever you're ready I've got all day there we are one Crystal uh yep thanks for being in the way we'll see if this actually heats up I get the feeling this probably isn't going to work cuz this doesn't seem to be heating up but you know what nothing ventured nothing game nothing maybe we'll try gold though I think this is trying to tell me Iron by its color but if I give the game a gold teapot over an iron one you think would just like that okay it does want to be picky one iron bar it is this gold isn't good enough for this game B than I thought what does this thing weigh if I was seeing that correctly it was sitting at just over 18 I didn't really see that properly I assume it's big enough no one in the world needs this much tea it won't even sit in there it's so big hey you please it where you're supposed to I might just have to be quick okay got it not sure how big that was that was an iron bar I had lying around for a while so that might have actually been really big now I can make a shield out of gold I need one that's 16 big I realized some of those blueprints the ones up top are for making pipe that might be what that new material is is something to make pipes out of not really sure why that would be worth it though one could argue that nothing I do was ever worth it so we'll move this one into storage and then we wait hopefully this is going to be big enough I think it needs to be 16 weight and it's not working is that not gold what is the other one this one was gold they look different the one I'm holding is iron this one's gold this one must be that new gold so let's go collect whatever of that we have uh not sure if there's any anything in this currently I'm not going to take all of this because I assume it's fairly rare good we're keeping it nice and organized I just want to see what it turns into I don't want to lose it all right now it sounds crunchy I don't know why it sounds crunchy but we'll find out what it turns into shortly and kind of get the value of it because of everything we've produced so far which has been mountains of gold we've only found less than 100 of these it does smell down into something so there's a new bar of some kind what is this worth by itself out of curiosity 1435 interesting what is it worth if we turn it into a shield I'm seeing an awful lot of wood for something that is made out of I don't know what 35 50 No7 I think the value went up slightly but I'm very proud of my creation let's go trade it in for more crap they really need to make a bigger bucket here every time I try and drop something in it falls right out but yes that worked we now unlocked I think a cage but there's no children in the game this appears to be made out of the same material but is this new material worth more or less than gold a nugget of new gold is worth 143 a nugget of old gold is worth 87 and it's even a bigger nugget so this new gold is worth more I'll just put this back where I found it and I have pretty limited amounts of this so I'm going to try and get away with this much for now hopefully that's big enough now a cage a very expensive cage looks like that there's no way I'd ever put my kids in something this valuable and now we get to unlock the battle ax if if it was only the smallest bit bigger 19.7 2 out of 20 it's not big enough seriously it's that close can we just round up I'll bring you something better later all right well I guess we need a new one of these things and I guess when I get back home I'm going to fire my entire operation again so I can continually mine this new gold but I should have enough here at least now to get a weight 20 cage pretty happy at this point my operation runs itself so it doesn't need a lot of babysitting I can keep crafting my stuff and the stuff should mine itself eventually we will add more drills and we will add lots of them we are going to check the weight of this bar before we bring it over there this time to make sure we have enough weight cuz I think we needed 20 I've already forgotten this one however weighs 22 no this weighs 50 lb so I'm way over but it's worth $2200 it'll work now we can get our battle axe well I found at least a few more of those while I was away at the shop I've also added an auto smelter for super gold so that's going to make my life a little easier I wasn't at all paying attention to how big of a battle axe I need but you can never have too big of battle axe seem to be finding lots and lots of materials so far hopefully lots of that is new gold I just pulled out a piece of dirt in there and let a whole bunch of dirt fall in at once and the game LED really hard but I found a bunch of crap I probably should have designed it where I can kind of keep track of how much new gold I'm getting but I assume there's lots well that's hopefully enough ooh the game LED pretty hard doing that but this has got to be a big bar never mind it's 19.75 I'm going to smelt that back down and we're going to wait for more I know I saw at least a few more pieces of new gold get into this yep we're up to about 32 lb that's got to be big enough unless this is for your mom then it's just never big enough but that might work that's kind of fun kind of want to see the value of this before I sell it might be hard to see $1,500 for 32 lb or whatever this stuff is it' be fun to make a giant pile of these at some point that's going to be a hard one to weigh this requires a battle ax of 28 I'm really hoping the 32 lb would ever translate it into a full weight battle ax now that we have this unlocked I don't know if I'm going to bother with any of the pieces of pipe right now because I'll just buy them because I'm rich I do want to see the blunder bus though I really do all right just shut everything down I should have a few more pieces of this stuff a few still bounced out of the way because my design there really only one of those nope there's more I just can't get anything into the hole anyways now that we have this let's see exactly what the blunder bus is it's going to look something like that that's pretty interesting can I shoot stuff nope it is purely for decoration but I can sell it at the stock market I wonder what blunder buses are going for these days these have to be reasonably valuable given that it takes a while just to unlock this blueprint and then they're made out of the hard to find new gold it doesn't really have a price for this particular item but it's worth apparently 0 it doesn't want my thunder but I don't actually think I can fit that on a scale a basic pan gets you basic results while a gold pan gives you Max siiz resources but this little guy creates things even bigger than a Content Creator's ego and the best part is there's no limit to how big we can make things but you do need to be careful how you do this because that one scaled a little bit quicker than I thought it would we're going to have some fun with this today so we're just going to need a little bit of ground to play with and a teleporter to and from the shop now the way this bad boy works is you put inside what you want to make bigger and then you just add value to that the more value you add the bigger the thing comes out so we're going to need a lot of value today and we're going to be using a pickaxe system to gauge measurement a basic pickaxe hole isn't very big a regular piece of gold actually fills a large portion of that up so we need a bigger hole for bigger gold to upgrade this one we need 300 iron I know how to do that we use this gamebreaking monstrosity combined with a quaint little setup that's going to make it a little bit easier to find all the iron we need that's probably good enough each one of these regular sized iron is 100 lb so it only takes three of them to create the iron bar of our dreams which then gets us a bigger pickaxe that definitely makes a bigger hole that we need a bigger piece of gold for or we can do iron for the iron pickaxe that goes in there then we'll take a little bit more from it I assume these are all about the same size so we can work with that so we stuffed that in there and feed it one more iron that puts a scaling at 103% add a little dirt give it a little scrub and we made a baby I love this mod so much and this looks to be about the right size piece of iron get in your hole perfect we need bigger holes and I'm going to need more tool rocks okay the next pickaxe requires 600 gold thanks to my God drill we're only going to need six of these and the value of things is going to start to get pretty wildly out of control that was easy enough thanks to my mini pile of gold give me the good stuff one gold pickaxe anyways the gold pickaxe makes a hole that big that's going to be a big piece of gold and luckily I still have tons of value sitting there and then we're going to use iron to make it bigger because I don't understand any other scale and my bucket seems to have run out of water Lu I'm a filthy cheater and have a very easy solution for that aad big piece of gold we're going to need a bigger pan pretty soon but does it fill the hole pretty perfectly we're getting good at this and this seems like such an unreasonably big piece of gold considering this is the usual maximum but they get as big as you can imagine so we're going to put one gold pickaxe on the Shelf to keep track and then we're going to see what it takes to make the next one 1,000 worth of shards each one of these weighs 100 we need 10 currently we have three so I'm feeling pretty optimistic this won't actually take very long but that mostly depends on how badly my stuff piles up all right count out seven more shards if you see them uh we literally only there we're done I love God drills so much and Shard pickaxe which definitely looks very good it makes a hole that big so we're going to need a pretty reasonably big something so in Goes The Shard then we're going to top it up with iron 108% and this makes the biggest Shard that's ever been seen in hydr as far as I know it's not big enough it doesn't scale the same as gold 110% well the shards don't get as big as quickly because they're naturally smaller and I don't dare to pretend to understand how any of this works is 118 the magic number that's better where did that come from well let's call that close enough that's a pretty good fit another one for the collection and what disaster do we need next emeralds 1,000 lb of emeralds going to need lots of emeralds and each one of them once polished weighs 100 lb so I guess everything that outputs is simply 100 lb I can live with that I let this run for 20 30 seconds and we got all of this so that's a really good start I wish all of my stupid ideas just kind of worked this well the hardest part of is probably going to be transporting them but I hope I can just kind of go like this are we happy now one glowing green emerald pickaxe so we'll make a big hole and well should we fill it with an emerald all right let's see what happens when we make the emeralds bigger 110 may just be the magic number get in there you little rascal that about fills it emeralds aren't a really round shape so that works to look at it it just feels like it gets progressively stupider so another one to our collection what do we need now 1,300 Sapphire and I think these pretty blue morons are rarer than emeralds my existing disaster pile got me nine so we need a bigger disaster pile more sapphires please these are the ones we're looking for now to carefully place them on the table and just like that a pretty Sapphire pickaxe and that makes a hole that big but I'm over the gems we're going back to making big gold nuggets and I'm feeling pretty good about 116% which actually definitely not 132% makes gold that big which actually yeah is about right it's not the most perfect fit in the world but it roughly fills the hole and that's what we're here to do so Sapphire pickaxe is complete next on the to-do list Ruby we need 16 rubies if we're really lucky they might actually already be existing there were four this is going to get annoying cuz we're going to run out of room down here have rubies always been this rare I feel like normally I find them everywhere I just realized one of the problems with this idea is if I make the game leg I lose all the progress and I can't clear raw materials cuz those big things are raw materials so we're going to have to go about this a bit of a different way I cannot make the game lag too hard right now and that gives us a beautiful red pickaxe which makes a very very big hole which we're going to fill with very very big gold so the last R required 132% after feeding it some more iron 137% which looks something like that that might actually be perfect they're getting pretty big you just kind of got to throw it the right way so it lays in the hole properly but I think we got a pretty Perfect Fit yeah I'd say that's about right right they grow up so fast red pickaxe complete next we're going to need some cladium which is something I've actually already found a lot of thanks to my God drills I only need 10 of these that's two so after producing all of this we had nine of the 10 clarium we need so it's not as rare as rubies but still pretty rare and it didn't take me long to produce the last one I need this by itself is worth $200,000 so the pickaxe better appreciate what's gone into it I can't wait to see how big of a piece of gold we need for this one though that's going to be perfect we're all ironed up 143% that's so beautiful well I'd say that's about big enough to fill the hole with one simple nugget so another pickaxe to my beautiful collection for the next one we're going to need Onyx 400 Onyx which is extraordinarily rare in itself but I have found a few along the way okay well after mining that many resources we only have one Onyx to show for it so I'm just going to do a little bit of off cam grinding and there we go I found the for onyxes we need the she give me the black pickaxe one colossal sized hole coming up think about the amount of gold we're going to need to build that I'm thinking for this we're going to need about 150% or 148 one big piece of gold not actually sure if I'm going to be able to drop this again get in the hole get in the hole I did drop it perfect it's a perfect fit it's maybe even a touch big but with all its little hit boxy stuff that'll do time to retire him and on to the next one for which we need 1 million scrap maybe before digging that we're we're going to do something like this and remove some chunks there and then we just try and take a little bit off the top and we'll try and find a gold nugget that fits in this uh it's not perfectly round but I never said it was going to be that's got to be a big piece of gold though I'm thinking 180% which looks like that might actually be pretty close and get in the hole okay I can't put it down it's too big luckily I have a solution for that if I quit and load back in I have physically put it down but I'm still stuck inside of it so I unstuck myself and then I've left the gold in the hole I actually need a much bigger piece of gold to be able to fit here well if these all want to get stuck in the ground I have a solution basically I'm too close to the ground so when I'm try and put a gold nugget down it doesn't have anywhere to go I need to be in the sky but I don't want to have to look through a flight helmet so we're going to go ahead and remove the flight helmet at least visually if you blow it up you still get the effect of it without having to physically wear it which also means we get a really fun view of the things we're creating 202% that's got to make a pretty big gold nugget all right before you get too far away let's try and line up the shot and we'll drop it on in there that should be more than enough space down you go okay it's actually a little bit bigger than we needed wait it's tipping in I mean it's not a perfect hole but you kind of get the idea that's such a big piece of gold well naturally I can't help but escalate well I've taken the liberty of carefully constructing a brand new hole for an even bigger piece of gold it's not quite perfectly round but it's very close to perfectly round maybe just a a little more off the top 250% I'm actually starting to get a little bit worried about the effect this is going to have like at some point these will break the game and we've got to be getting reasonably close to that point all right center of the hole down you go you big piece of gold we're actually getting pretty good at guesstimating these oh was originally going to go for 300 now I'm glad I didn't I'm hoping that kind of rolls into the hole and there we go that's a nice big piece of gold I already hate what I'm about to do because even with the insane Onyx pickaxe we've got a big hole to make and unfortunately for me my throw able Mega nukes don't seem to work I definitely can use the basic nukes but that's still going to take a while so while I'm avoiding digging a massive hole let's go find out what one of these is actually worth because of the abnormal size of this you can't sell it at a normal shop which is where this comes in if I'm understanding this correctly you can just go ahead and uh walk right into the bucket and it will sell it for you that's the easiest $3 million I've ever made uh what about a bigger one 151% we wouldn't want to get too carried away so that one's worth and modest 34 m680 th000 I'll take it decided to just kind of do this the old fashioned way and get it over with admittedly it's not the prettiest hole I've ever made but we'll be able to fill it with gold momentarily this one was 250% this one's going to need to be like 600% we're going to sort of ease into this at 46% that should get us a pretty Hardy size gold nugget that's actually probably kind of perfect uh oh yeah I got it I wasn't sure I could pick it up for a second we'll place it gently over the hole is it going to be the right size we'll find out well my hole isn't perfect the gold Nugget's perfect but we filled the hole with a piece of gold I guess sort of and earlier I thought these ones were big that definitely not that big so about this final pickaxe 1 million scrap I'm pretty sure before I just kind of found the most expensive thing I could find and then incinerated it and we collected it that way like a throne is 3625 by itself I just remembered what's worth a lot to scrap the thing that's worth $10 million money well spent 2,500,000 for a single item so we can get the upgraded pickaxe and have changed to spare well for some reason it's rejecting my 2.5 million scrap oh but look at that it must have worked somehow when no one was looking there's a new pickaxe the problem with this one is we can't really use it on his ground cuz I don't want to lose all my carefully placed holes what I can do though is bring it to this ground and then we'll make a new hole to drop a big piece of gold in that's going to work I don't really know how big of a piece of gold we're going to need for this 700% that seems accurate is oh and it's even going to put itself into the hole for me great all right it's making its way in and I actually got it pretty close wow that's a big piece of gold still actually need bigger though we might be looking for more like a th000 135% then we give it a little brush and in comes the meteor you can almost mistake it for being night time because the gold literally blocks everything uh so we're going to go ahead and pick it up and we're going to try get high enough to the point where we can actually drop it which might not even exist anymore so I decided to reload and unstuck myself hoping that the gold would fall to the ground but I've kind of just made a moon out of gold okay I've relocated the moon to over there we're going for 11 120% starting in edge of the ho this time that way it hopefully just roll straight into it or I guess I can just sort of hang out there for a while okay it's that big I'm literally carrying it right now I fig since I have the opportunity to carry it we can find out how much it's worth and we broke the integer thing minus 10 billion whatevers lots of money there you go no more gold nugget but the best part is I can actually see the other gold nugget from here I'm on the other side of the map and it's very clearly right there which makes me wonder how big can we do this what about 5200 per. okay that's pretty good it's moving oh the game doesn't like that I don't know where it's going but it's making me uncomfortable and it's really hurting the frame rate so now we just have a new planet in our solar system and it's made entirely of gold so I guess next time we'll just have to go even bigger and even better this was kind of fun and this kept us busy for a few minutes and because there's something wrong with me I found way too much Amusement in this one but I've realized there's still so much more we can do with this one and that involves starting a brand new file because the other ones for some reason don't like to load in very well I've never considered the true potential of these beautiful bent instruments of Destruction mostly because you can just sort of put them anywhere and they give you maximum water that's not even water that's wood now combine that with the fact that we Ken build anywhere we want and I think we have a good oldfashioned recipe for stupid so in theory I could set up a little mine somewhere here then we start having some pipes and before you know it you've got the kind of thing that keeps me up at night and I just learned there's a roof over this table but that's okay because when you start with an idea that doesn't make a lot of sense it doesn't have to end with a lot of sense now we just sort of got to add some conveyors there we go that was quick I thought it was going to feel a lot better once I got this done I hate this so much already but but that's going to save me time in having to drive my gold 100 yards and let's see if this actually works this is my life now ready here comes the exciting part wee and there it goes again and it's finally time to see if my engineering skills work that's okay I have a solution for that when in doubt just had more gold so with a little setup we're good to start producing and this is the Pinnacle of my day because it's actually working so far the game is moving quite a few resources so it's not going to love that for ever all right since this is mostly self-sufficient I want to see how the business end of things is going to work out something made it on the table we're not a complete failure after all look at that money add up okay it's going up and down a little bit but you know what eventually things will stack up on this table I should really just stop it here and call it a success but we've got escalation to do well all right let's go give it more gold and we've already got our first HIC up that tells me that something fun is going on up top well hello beautiful I'm a little scared to touch you but but we'll see how this goes gold explosion and we got 30% of it I'll take it good news I've made a very exciting Discovery if you take a magnet and put it near the fish pods you can actually pull them right out if only we had somewhere to send all these fish the Shop's going to be a little bit confused about the order coming in so naturally there's only one thing to do now sell just a little bit of this for 205,000 murder the FPS with a gold explosion and before you know it things are starting to escalate way out of hand but you know somehow this conveyor mess has given me an idea I also never considered how I blocked my road luckily I can make a teleporter the wheelie boys are what I was looking for yeah now that I'm here that gives me another another idea so we have a choice between a wooden cart a fast wooden cart or an agile wooden cart you know me I'm all about the speed let's go cart okay if you see what I'm getting at if we back the cart up to the fish things does it scoop them up inside of it I don't know if it's working but I'm enjoying it and that didn't work one thing I did notice once I got the car pack was that the magnets were actually starting to work albeit slowly but since I don't do anything slowly we're going to make sure nothing happens slowly see there it is a fish got out of its cage I still don't know how to fur to utilize this mess yet but there's potential and the BS actually have a pull of two spaces so I'm going to let them go two spaces that way the fish have a little more room for freedom I wouldn't want them to be uncomfortable after all I'm starting to think I'm into something here we happen to be catching a whole bunch of fish at once and building an enormous conveyor system to I don't know where yet so then there's also this fun trick you can do where you can actually stack fishing pots right on top of each other and they should catch multiple fish instead of just one at a time now so good news you guys are going to have friends look at them they're wiggling with excitement I'll come back and check on them in a little while in the meantime well would you look at that which is about perfectly lined up with the store in this place we've just got across the entire span of the river that should about do it the Curious Thing that nobody knows about conveyors is the more you place the funner it gets I am just a smidge worried about my accuracy so we need to give this a test so if I borrow one of my very shiny fish and place it very carefully in the beginning of his long adventure we'll see if he turns up in town in an hour or two I can't imagine a game is going to love having a lot of resources along that cyor belt I'm not really sure if these are actually catching fish any faster with the Stacked pots or not at this point okay as soon as as I put some magnets to the side I think it actually Wiggles them out of the bottom so there are more fish than I thought I see the problem now we just got to put magnets there and it Jiggles them out of the nets for some reason and launches them to the top that's understandable I'm learning just as much as you are these days this is going to get weird so that makes me think we're going to need more magnets to give the fish an extra extra jiggle cuz we really need them out of those Nets that is beautiful I didn't expect this to do anything at all right where we going to throw a test crab on the test conveyor and we're going to go try and find our fish there he is making his lonely way across the world good news he's on the home stretch now all right hours of work and where is our stuff Landing really really close to the selling table easiest $23 I've ever earned I've never noticed this before but if someone ever wants to make me a mod that can produce gold this big or bigger please get in touch now how is their fish pile adding up it's getting there it's not a superstar yet it's going to need a little time to grow so let's give the game a little stress test while we weight I also may have found a solution to our jamming problem I noticed the way over here magnets have an incredible pull on fish so I just put a magnet right there pulling everything straight down it can only get as far as a conveyor before the conveyor moves it anyway and so far no jams cuz we've been reached a lot of gold into the world the frame rate is still perfectly fine but it's going to slow down really quickly I'm really impressed with the performance so far the gold is all the way up to its initial drop off point you can still see it pumping at the beginning but to be fair it does still have a long long ways to go it's not the biggest pile of gold we've ever seen but it does have a crab in it and that makes it special uh because crabs are worth an indetermined amount of money it's a little hard to say right now cuz there's resources bouncing everywhere but this is a nice little side project where my fish farm is filling up I feel like I haven't been giving these enough love and attention the Mega Nuke in particular is just a lot of fun it makes a real big explosion and I mean we have unlimited of those well one is that tall but that's not even as tall as my conveyor thing so that gives me an idea it's been a little while since we found the building limit now this Mighty creation is a shovel that has infinite dirt which means if you want to build a little dirt Tower you certainly can and nothing can stop you except maybe a horrible frame rate I might have to go clean things up over there yeah that's not a particularly good sign well we definitely had a jam up up there but on the bright side we did make another $157,000 that we absolutely don't need the uh fun ideas just keep escalating in my head today I'm having trouble keeping track of them all oh that's better all I had to do was hit the clear raw resources button but don't you worry my fish are still there now back to my next Triumph of stupidity it's kind of like a tree but made of dirt and soon to be covered in nukes but you're right this isn't as tall as we could possibly go cuz we can still go downwards downwards is the direction I'm used to going and I want to make sure to have a little threee room so that's probably about the appropriate powered pickaxe so we'll take this straight to the bottom which actually adds a lot more height than I remembered then it's just a matter of putting our magic shovel back to work and making our way back to the heavens there we go straight as an arrow now to this delicately place a few nukes amongst that I don't want to talk about it I might have accidentally thrown one what I find really funny about this is I blew up the flight helmet on top of my head so you can't see it anymore but I'm still flying which kind of gives me more fun ideas for more stupid things we're learning so much today that we're going to get so many videos out of this and we missed there we go like nothing ever went wrong uh I don't mean to alarm anyone but for some reason I can still Place nukes outside the build height so I don't know what this means yet today is just really full of fun discoveries didn't there at least used to be a build height wait never mind I found it I guess it just never really realized how high it was because you can build there but you can actually build about twice as high with nukes for some reason all right well there goes a throwable uh nuke and let's watch the explosion unfold there we go that might be a record you can definitely see it from a ways back but that's what happens when you stack 20 nukes on top of each other to the build height and I'm starting to realize that when it's not blowing up dirt and other things it really has an easy time with the nukes well just because we can this will be a good trial run I mean without something to blow up it's probably going to be perfectly fine it's going to probably be fairly wide well the game didn't love it but the game allowed it that's actually a remarkably good sign we can go so much bigger with that okay see you in a few hours all right this is certifiably a small Mountain there's I don't know how many nukes but they're all about to go off all at once the game's probably not going to love this either so far there's a pretty big leg Spike and there it is is yep if that was Dirt the Game would have absolutely died all right and how's our fish farm doing it's getting closer it's still not quite where I'd like it to be might be a few hours before this one's ready but that's okay cuz I've got something else I want to try now first things first we got to remove a little bit of dirt then we have the room we need to start placing some nukes And So It Begins it looks so neat and orderly it's probably the nicest thing I've ever built in case you've ever wondered what 400 nukes looks like but I think it actually works much better is a pyramid the best part is it's just going to make another explosion but I sure enjoyed that process just in case you having trouble visualizing a scale of this it's considerably larger than the hydr truck well enough staring at it let's set it off is that going to reach I think it's sure will don't know how many nukes that is but it's got to be a lot the game doesn't love it well this is very sad they don't seem to want to set off for some reason so I'm hoping if maybe I turn the game down into marshmallow mode that's going to help it go off I just want this to work cuz that did take a little while to do but I think the game's locked up once again I don't know if we're going to save it oh it did go off I was actually on my phone I didn't expect that to actually work so it did set off it didn't make a particularly large explosion despite the fact it was like 500 nukes in there so next from our barrel of fness I've jumped up a way to probably overload the conveyors to the point where they explode despite the fact it can be a very small conveyor so I'm pretty sure I can use just this to absolutely obliterate the conveyor just had to make a little room for my magic magnet and then we're good to turn on our conveyor to nowhere and there we go the start of a huge disaster and I'm pretty sure there's a lot of fun ideas it them just from this little setup this little setup is really doing me proud like I'm starting to feel the leg a little bit but look at all the material on there I decided to set up a logic counter for fun to see how many materials are passing through this obviously they go in a loop but there's already been, 1500 and that number is escalating cuz we're continually adding resources to this conveyor belt the rocks are coming out slower and slower but we're up to 5,000 through the counter uh things are laggy enough now that I'm going to go ahead and uh pull the plug in a few things just so I can breathe that's amazing as soon as the conveyor stops the game is perfectly fine I'm a little bit worried about what is about to happen exactly but well that's not as bad as I thought it was going to be we'll just make a little opening for our wagon then this gently sort of maneuver it in there soon as it wants to let it go I had to make the hole a little deeper but I got the wagon more or less in the place hey look at that we got some gold in the way again all right things are looking up all right I'm going to turn the conveyor back on then but I'm getting one frame every 7 seconds I wasn't wrong though this conveyor did destroy the game I'm going to try and clear out those resources okay I just restarted the game I'm not sure what happened to the wakon but it made its way into the conveyor belt so I think for the time being it's best if I just recuse myself from the situation because I need to check on my fish farm which is starting to get pretty full I would wager there's a lot of fish tucked up in that area plus down along the magnets but I think if I let this hang out for another 8 10 hours then we'll finally have the numbers we need it's beautiful it's exactly like I had imagined it twitching and suffering so now we just got to find a clever way to actually deal with all this so let's make some of these outside magnets disappear that should release everything upwards nicely and there's obviously a lot of baskets here but we can try and delete them all so all the fish get released okay everything is up at the top the question is how do you functionally do something with all this if your answer is more magnets you'd be right little bit nervous about doing this but if we delete that magnet it sucks everything up a little bit higher if I delete this one everything falls and spreads out again well I'm just going to use the magnets to lift everything up just a smidge lifted them up and I'm actually at the point where I'm pretty sure I can just delete that and the fish fall right through my truck just what I was hoping they would do if I drop them manually they're fine what if I over magnet them will that make them come into my truck properly get down here and yep that works now we're having a battle of magnets to see who's can override whose to try and get the damn fish into my truck I just realized the answer was actually super obvious we don't need a truck at all we have a perfectly valid conveyor system right here just need to add a few little pieces and there we go a place for all the fish to drop they'll navigate over here they drop over here and make their way onto the store in town if the game doesn't crash in the mean time we're good we'll just add some metal sheets and pretend like that solves all of our problems anyways let's start letting these massive quantities of fish go and hopefully they land somewhat on the conveyor perfect it's gorgeous look at the masses of fish some of them didn't want to go anywhere but for the most part most of them did so we can ride this fish Convoy all the way to Victory except for that spot's also a problem a few problems were to be expected get on up there and see you in town there we go like 24 hours of work accumulating in like 200 fish perfect right on schedule it's just funing itself watching them bounce everywhere oh one bounc right over the back we almost made money with that one come on fish shower you can do it I need to make a little bit of my money back we got one oh well there's a problem all of our fish jammed up at the top yep they will fix things there you go we're going to follow them down and see where they land in a fish explosion all right well 24 hours of fish was worth $1 well earned today we're going to have some fun with a legendary pickaxe and that starts with me shoplifting this thing normally the top pickaxe we use is the boring common pickaxe and it makes common size holes so it would take a long time to mine this entire claim if we wanted to which spoiler alert we do now to start this absolutely useless Adventure we need 300 iron so the first thing I'm going to need is something that's really going to enable my laziness like this little tear in reality itself now when I want to go back to the store to buy stupid stuff I can do so in an instant and something else that's really going to help right now is a golden pan just add a little bit of dirt and suddenly we have a huge amount of everything or 16 lb of gold so far but they did also come with a little bit of iron so let's try and get an idea of how many of these we're going to need we need 300 this one was 16 but I'm going to keep this gold in a safe place for now because I know eventually I'm going to need more now while I'm slowly but quickly mining up the iron let me zone out and dream about the coffee I should have in my hand yes there's a quicker way to do this but I'm just going to be stupid and don't worry things are going to escalate they always do this bucket is what I call the jackpot there's four giant pieces of iron in there which is prettyy much half of my pickaxe okay time to see if we've yet got 300 iron we're so close and yes I could easily spawn in or duplicate all of this but I want to feel the burn also this is the gold and everything else we found while finding this bit of iron so that should about do it with we put these two together with the other one then we put the iron on the table and I believe hit her with this and there we go a new iron pickaxe and he even gave us our change pack and some iron so these are the bites the common pickaxe was doing very common holes the iron pickaxe considerably bigger but would still take a little while to mine the entire claim which I am going to do because there's treasure down there somewhere so let's get started 600 Golds which is about 40 of these I've also just found my first piece of cladium this may or may not be enough gold 640 perfect we'll go ahead and throw that on there hit it with the hammer and then we get a new pickaxe gold so let's see what kind of bites this takes we'll find a nice big hill yeah that's getting bigger quickly and there's so many more to go this is going to get so stupid and really expensive this already wants 1,000 worth of shards that's enough shards to fuel the entire Sun so far we've mined like seven or eight of these each of these weighs 15 lb so we have 100 lb of shards 1/10th of the way there it's time to escalate I know somewhere here is what's known as the god drill so we're going to rely on these a little bit to mind the resources we need because they work pretty quickly see look at that we've already found our first Shard uh things are backing up a little bit so I need to perfect my uh thing but you get the idea probably going to need more of these things since we seem to have a little Jem up here we're going to need the resources to have a little more room to fall into so I've gone ahead and created a nice little gathering hole then when we have a Jem up I just use the magnet to pull everything away and drop it into the hole and pick up what I need then once the jum Up's clear turn it back on and away it goes producing stuff at a stupid rate until it jams up again very quickly basically I'm just trying really hard to not make a conveyor system right now because that takes a lot of work in itself so I'm just going to continue shifting My Pal over and before you know it we're going to have enough resources in here and I broke it already wait never mind the game just took a second to think and I don't know what's going on with that thing but that's very broken you can stop now please stop you're scaring me all right well we're going to go ahead and pull that thing out and it was still producing dirt for a second and now I can't put this down anyways we've got things more or less under control again now we can very quickly and easily pick up all the shards out of there and we might actually have enough by now my style of mining has evolved to moving my massive pile of valuable ore to try and find the stuff I need within it think I've plucked all the tasty Parts out of there let's put that all together and see what these weigh well apparently that one weighs 2,000 lb this one weighs 2,800 uh I'm not entirely sure how these got so heavy I guess I think this mine's really heavy stuff and I'm okay with that because now we can make The Shard pickaxe which definitely is the coolest looking pickaxe so far and it takes rather big bites out of things but we're not done yet 1,000 lb of emeralds that means we need one of these to figure out how much each and every Emerald weighs this is going to take a little while then again maybe not every Emerald that comes out of the god drill seems to weigh about 100 lb so it's really just a matter of digging the emeralds out of my garbage pile and then when I run out of those use a little bit of magical power to expedite this process just a little I don't really remember how this thing works if it even can work with this kind of emeralds so here's what I'm going to do instead I'm just going to go ahead and plop them all up here and hope this works I'm not sure if that's enough emeralds but apparently it is with some change left over now we need 1300 sapphires but this is also a thing of beauty and while this is pretty big it would still take quite a while to dig through this entire claim looking for artifacts they're down here somewhere but can see it's still going to take a while I don't think I'm supposed to be able to dig through this but okay on to the next pickaxe each one I find is 100 lb and they're worth $2,500 and I can smash all of these together to make bigger and bigger sapphires so I'm going to end up with One Singular one at the end worth 1,300 lb and that's going to look something like this I feel like they used to look bigger than this but this one weighs probably a lot 700 lb probably because I cheated that in but that's more than enough we to make the next pickaxe which should be blue and apparently it doesn't like what I've done is it too much Sapphire exact payment please let this work H why aren't you working well let's pretend that this worked and now we have a sapphire pickaxe so that was whatever this was bigger this should be bigger again and yes it's quite large this is getting to the point where we probably could fairly reasonably M this claim it would take a bit of time still but it wouldn't be that bad now for the next nightmare we have to deal with 1,600 rupees which is isn't actually that bad because the rubies have been pretty common we've actually been really lucky with those like you can see a whole bunch just in this little pile we mind just got to spread out the loop pile a little bit so we can see what's in there okay rubies definitely were a little bit rarer than the other ones cuz we definitely don't have a ton of them but what we did that was 500 lb of them so if someone was to say multiply that twice we would have enough actually we wouldn't we need one more yeah whatever math is hard sometimes so let's see if we can find this one more Ruby without absolutely destroying the game and we're going to need some egma power the game's not going to love that but there you go spread out my little friends give me something red anytime now I'm ready give us a ruby okay we got what we need let's see if we can shut this thing off this time and there and just like magic Ruby pickaxe let's take a second to admire its beautiful color before we use it to destroy something okay so going back to the other holes big bigger bigger and very big that's like the size of a newe hole almost so that gives me a little idea I need to take this for a walk I just really wanted to see what kind of damage a pickaxe like this would do to the original ground we get this is unreasonably big and we've got more pickaxes to go and quite a few of them I think but for now we're just going to enjoy strip mining this just for fun think about all the gold we're missing out on here oh it turns out there was actually an artifact in here I didn't think there was but there we go we found our first one we'll take that sword Relic this is a small claim but that took me 60 seconds to mine out half of it as for this sword pretty sure we put that on one of these and we got three more to find we need bigger pickaxes so what was it we needed 700 cladium and believe it or not I might actually have that sitting on the ground already we got strangely lucky with this right off the bat we are finding pieces almost immediately the tricky thing is it plays hide-and seek it Blends in with both the dirt and the gold so let's go ahead and brush the hair just a little bit there's a piece the game absolutely loves every time I throw this mountain of gold around and I really got to say if you want to make an idea like this easier just cheat and use things with God in their name there is another one and I'm going to try and open up a little more room below uh these there we go now we have a bigger or hole now let's find more cladium uh can you stop jamming up please I well we'll make this work it's fine I see a piece so we're going to go ahead and stop I said stop okay there's at least a few pieces now cuz it wouldn't stop and I've accidentally Scrooge McDuck myself anyways we still need more so we're going to have to go ahead and unjam this and hopefully find some cladium in there there is one actually good news there was three of them hiding down there I think that's going to be enough I love God drills those are going to be my new favorite thing ever and this weighs 99116 I'm pretty sure that's 50% more than we actually needed but that's kind of my rule of Life 50% more than what's needed yes and boom cladium pickaxe it color is definitely less exciting than the other one but it's not the color that matters it's the size and yeah that's definitely bigger than this one uh they're going to get really big cuz I think they're increasing by like 40 or 50% each time so yeah that's going to get fun I'm also definitely going to get myself hopelessly stuck many times but that's also absolutely bananas that we do that much damage with a few little pcks and since our golden swimming pool is getting a little dirty again let's go ahead and dig it down just a little more starting here that's fun okay and we'll take a bite over here uh it's going to make it harder to work but whatever it takes to get the results so let's put this to the test we've gone back to our original ground and then we're going to see roughly how long it would take to mine this out cuz I feel like it's not going to take long at all especially if I start in the edges and do this intelligently for once and then we can jump across and do the same finding the edges of our swimming pool it would be kind of fun to fill this with gold but in case you're wondering this has taken me 60 seconds at best so far to mine up pretty much this entire thing because we're just taking enormous bites Every Time We Touch anything and I'm finding this really satisfying I don't know if we're going to find more treasure in here it's unlikely but I'm hopeful that took a couple minutes at best if I had have done intelligent I could probably do that in 60 seconds but now we're going to do the same on the upper part of the claim that everyone forgets about I have always been curious as to what these actually look like when they're all emptied out to try and get a scale of the volume of them so after clarium comes the Onyx pickaxe if this thing would register correctly we need 400 lb of Onyx which is actually a lot because we mind all of this stuff so far I don't know if I've seen a single piece of Onyx yet I mean there might be one in there somewhere all right everyone keep your eye out for something black let me know if you see one for now I'm just going to have it rain valuable ore into my gold hole still haven't seen one I just want to try and put some perspective onto how rare Onyx is we might be here for a long time before we see the first one or maybe something bugged out and it's not giving us any Onyx cuz you think we might have seen one piece by now so I spent my entire day drinking coffee and watch gold fall into a hole oh wait there's actually one sitting right there don't know when that dropped in must have been when I was drinking coffee like to show you how much gold we've mined oh I'm not Scrooge M ducking it anymore but there is a lot of ore sitting here each piece of incredibly rare onyxx is worth 25,000 for 100 lb of it luckily for us we don't need an entire a lot of it that should be enough just like that if that would just hold still that should create us the Onyx pickaxe which looks like that's as far as we can craft but don't worry we're not done yet this absolutely destroys the ground we're walking on like it's hard to even walk over it but I pretty much just mined a shaft like across the entire claim and it took all of 5 Seconds to do so and I'm not even digging this to its full capacity like I could be digging deeper than that but in the last like 10 seconds I dug an entire Canyon oh I see what it's saying there is we can make the claim Destroyer we just need uh a million scrap and I definitely think that's necessary because uh we need whoops a little more room to uh work with here this is pretty ridiculous though like a few bites and look at how much deeper we've gone and moved all of our material I actually have no idea how to make that much scrap but we got a few things we can try before doing that I want to ride my avalanch material down to the bottom of my hole it's just no good if it's up there floating we need it sitting at the bottom that way I can fild this thing up all right that's a pretty big hole uh there's a lot of material down there and even with the god drills uh it would take a long time to fill that up well not a long time but it would take a few minutes and no this isn't going to help the scrap yet I'm just having fun filling holes I wish you were more reliable so I could let you run for a while but you're not I know you'd break the game if I let you sit here for too long so let's go make some scrap I think actually I have a fun way to do this if we steal something from here and put it on this big thing then push the fun button that turns into a piece of scrap that weighs 80 lb so all you need is 12,500 of those but that kind of makes me wonder if the weight of things is tied in transic to its value like is a $133,000 very valuable Throne worth more in scrap You' think it would be cuz that was made of pure gold it's probably not super light yeah there we go that's 3,600 lb so then what about something worth that much take that God okay that's worth 2.5 million pound somehow so that's fine by me I'm actually surprised at how well this just kind kind of worked I expected to have to cheat that really bad still did technically and it's not accepting of my large mountain of scrap it might be too big that does say 2.5 million though I'm not exaggerating that well Abracadabra here's the claim Destroyer it looks really sort of nondescript it this looks like a rusty pickaxe so yeah that's it this is uh the highest tier pickaxe we can craft so why is it called the claim Destroyer oh that's why okay I thought it was acting a little strangely uh as soon as I touched it wow these are actually really deep holes once you're all the way down here like that was a deep hole full of gold before but now look at this I'm also not seeing any artifacts yet so I think this claim was a dud so this was a waste of our resources can somebody let me out of here it definitely looks kind of cool from up here though so let's take this claim Dory to other places also has this place always been here I've never seen this in my life anyways we've got another claim to destroy before doing that we need to buy it of course of course that's only fair if you have any guesses on where the artifact is going to be place your bets now then we're going to click and wait for the game to catch up with itself and there we are we seem to have not found any artifacts here at least not that I can see but we have another big hole for the first time I really am appreciating how much dirt there are in these places like to actually mine all this through to the bottom would be a colossal undertaking that brings us to Milo's aquafer I don't like Milo much but we're going to find his treasure we'll give it a little one of these that should clean things up nicely and and where's my artifacts I wonder if the pickaxe just destroys the artifacts cuz it's too powerful we do have a few more places to try but I'm getting a little worried we've roomed things or maybe they're just hidden in places that I don't even know about let's try the snow ground I'm very unfamiliar with this so I really don't know what this is going to look like or if there's going to be anything here that's a big hole it's so nice and circular too you see what I see though no artifact nothing just air air is free I don't want air I guess we could try this place it's the only place left to dig I think I just hope we're able to afford it uh I've never actually dug in here but I'm pretty sure it's horizontal digging as I recall so we're going to go ahead and yep there we go no more dirt I think that sends resources to the top but also no artifact I'm going to click on more things but I'm not seeing anything of use there is something sitting up there I'm a little curious about so we'll go look at that but I don't think I can M anything else even with the mega pickaxe Destroyer okay up here is just some pancakes waffles so yeah that makes sense um we found one out of four oh but but look at that they were sitting here the whole time I just looked right past them so we'll go ahead and throw these on here and see what happens I'm not sure if there's supposed to be an order to this or whatever but that one goes there that one needs to go back on there and this opens now that we have four six relics which leads us to the ultimate Treasure Chest a treasure chest that's not even a lot of gold I might more than that in 10 seconds a treasure chest that's only worth $68,000 it would take so long to find that you were wor with $68,000 I've got an idea that's going to be I got the idea you just sit there for a second enjoy yourself I'm assuming the mega pickaxe destroys all the uh resources within the ground including the artifacts that's why I couldn't find it but now for the fun part I need to see if we can fill up this original claim with or and gold using the god drills I mean I'm pretty sure we can it's just going to take a little bit of effort mostly in jamming the drills but you can see they're already off to a pretty good start they produce such big gold it piles up really quick I mostly just need to sit here like a babysitter with my magnet on a stick this might actually work a little bit quicker than I thought I added a third drill which is yamming up but we're producing resources so fast that this won't actually take that long my ever expanding ambition has caused me to double them amount of drills again so we're up to six drills now just filling it up also cuz this gives me more to do I'm constantly having to fix jams can't help but notice the game slowing down just a little bit at this point okay things are really starting to fill up now sometimes we're getting a pile of gold all the way up to the drills himself and blocking them I have been doing my best to magnet power things to make the palace even but it's pretty hard to move right now the game is as you can see a little bit laggy for some reason I've shut all the drills off for a second just so I can try and reload in and hopefully get a fresh started this but in case the game doesn't load in we did a pretty good job at filling the hole with gold and stuff I managed to make the game load in again it's lagy no matter what I do but I'm going to try and smooth out the piles a little bit probably unsuccessfully that's the best I could do like I cannot move in there because the game just shuts down immediately but I consider that pretty successfully filling in my hole it's some environmental remediation I removed the dirt and took the ore out and then I put the or back for some reason anyways here's an overview of all the pickaxes we went through today in increasing order of power all the way to this bad boy so on to the next one [Music] [Music]
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 218,053
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: QNtM5ifR6uM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 130min 23sec (7823 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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