I Made A Difficult Game About Climbing

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getting over it with Bennett FY one of the most hated games on the internet oh God ah one of my all-time [Music] favorites but I'm disappointed we don't have more games like this so I spent an entire year trying to make one and this video do ments the entire process I suffered through to make it and it's available today on Steam please buy it okay big surprise I kind of want to make a climbing game as far as I can tell there aren't really any actual climbing games out there except for benett F's Flash game from 2011 which I don't understand how to play so this seems like a good Gap in the market but how do you control both hands and feet without it getting too complicated my first thought was to make it turn based so you'd move your hand then your other hand and your feet and so on yeah I don't know if that's going to work but we'll give it a try so I started a fresh new project in unity actually I started this project in God do but I later have to switch to Unity anyways more on that later and after a few hours I got something and let's add some [Music] Physics this is [Music] cursed I don't know about this well it is difficult but I can't say I'm having much fun I think it's all just a little too confusing and clumsy feeling uh okay let's think about this while most other rage games are frustrating because they're intentionally designed to be frustrating and getting over it was sort of like learning how to ride a bike more speed yep frustration is just a part of learning something new oh there we go which makes it fun and then you realize that it's not hard you just sucked at it okay so maybe I just suck at these other games and that's why I don't find them fun whatever uh I don't know if I actually had a point with any of this okay back to the game I think we need to simplify so let's forget about the legs and focus on the hands only but how do you control two hands with only one Mouse with two of them obviously help here we go well actually it didn't work and it seems kind of stupid to ship a game where you need two mice so after hours wasted trying different things possibly days I finally figured it [Music] out okay and here's how it works your mouse movement directly translate to a force being applied to each hand the hands are connected to the body using standard Newtonian physics and whenever you hold on to something the direction of the force is reversed confused yep me too but it works you can also move sideways and it turns out you can even jump a little bit and with some animations layered in it's starting to look pretty broken actually this can't be the right clip what happened oh that's [Music] it wait a minute something strange the controls feel actually really good and as I was figuring them out I was having fun uh it's hard to describe without you playing the game yourself it's kind of one of those things you just have to feel it so I guess you just have to buy the [Music] game okay this is getting a bit boring how about some rocks yeah in the game [Music] though so this is the idea for the game you have to climb clim your way up a huge level and you can potentially fall down all the way to the bottom uh we don't actually have a bottom let's fix that and [Music] there uh maybe something softer like maybe water [Music] uh-huh and you didn't think I was going to bore you with the details of how the water works well think it again okay so here's how it works first we evenly distribute some points along a line and this will be our surface and then if the player Falls in say around here we can apply a force to the closest point and then we apply the same Force to the neighboring spheres and the next ones and so on oh and then we need some damping but it wouldn't look like water if we didn't have any [Music] waves and if we run a line in between each point it kind of looks like water all right I think we need a character so I quickly model this guy and I think it looks pretty [Music] good okay fine I didn't make it I found it online and it was free okay I did texture it myself though in case that counts for anything uh well all right this might be a problem so let's cover them up a little bit oh okay so now we're going to have to deal with cloth and cloth is pretty complicated and can end up misbehaving a lot I've made promises in the past to never ever use cloth in video games again but it turns out that the built-in cloth thing in unity is actually pretty [Music] good oh thank God that's done okay on to the next problem when you fall really fast and grab a rock you just kind of snap to it like a magnet okay so let's see if we can fix this by adding some friction so yeah friction how easy do you think that was well really easy actually I just used the friction joint that comes with unity huh and after some programming I can now assign a friction number to each surface and so we have some grippy rocks and we also have some slippy [Music] rocks and it was around this time I switched from using God dot to the unity game engine because in God do I ended up having to code pretty much all the physics by myself and I'm really stupid so it didn't really work out that well whereas in unity I have all these little helpful things like the friction joint and a few other things and I kind of have a confession to make those prototypes I showed you earlier well I kind of recreated those in unity my actual prototypes in God do from like a year ago uh well they look like this all right this is the first alpha male version of this game it's really oh okay moving on so now that we have the basics of this game laid down time to make our [Music] level so we start off with the first area of the game which should be fairly easy and it is but because I know you guys are a bunch of whining babies I'm realizing that we have a problem see if you make even the slightest mistake even in a simple area like this you're going to fall back down all the way to the bottom forcing you to restart and then you're going to rage quit and we can't have that now can we there is such a thing as boiling the Frog slowly we need to make the player feel invested in the game first and then we crank up the heat so we need some child proofing by adding some of these slippery rocks if you do fall at least you have something to hold on to now you won't be able to climb on them but it should give you a chance to correct your mistake so if you still manage to fall it's your fault and you have only yourself to blame so the first section is really just for the player to get used to the controls and understand how to play the game but then eventually you'll reach this point where you'll be forced to make your first jump but this time there's no childproofing and [Music] jump people are gonna get really mod here uh it's probably a little too difficult actually ah but eventually we probably will need some type of checkpoint in the game the easiest option would of course be to just add certain points in the game where if you fall down you get teleported back up but this feels cheap and doesn't really suit the game at all this is a rage game after all so you should be able to lose a lot of progress I thought about adding little hooks here and there that once you grab them you're safe and you can quit the game without having to worry but it still doesn't fix the fact that when you fall most likely you'll fall all the way back down which seems kind of unfair if you've made a good amount of progress H what if we place a body of water higher up that will serve as a safety net and a resting ground for the player and then we continue building our level on top of that this way we can control how far down the player will fall if they do fall I'm pretty proud of the solution I will admit I then spend some time building the background and setting the look for the game and when I say setting the look what I really mean is using the default settings in unity which apparently benett FY also did since well both games look the same now whoops well like Jonas told me having your game compared to other similar games is actually a really good thing since it helps people associate your work with something they're already familiar with and when I posted the trailer for The Game Bennett himself retweeted it and I think he liked it so I'll take that as his seal of approval please don't sue me Bennett I've been experimenting with different obstacles like moving objects and physics based [Music] objects something I ended up spending a lot of time on was getting the hands to connect with the Rocks if you look closely you'll notice how the Shadows aren't connecting with the hands and well it's because they're not uh well after a lot of research and trial and error I ended up with this solution it looks crazy from this perspective but from the camera looks great I mean in some cases you'll notice how the arms are really long in the shadow but nobody needs to know that right people are so easy to fool and I spent the next 6 months finishing the rest of the game uh yep 6 months I won't bore you with the details and I don't want to spoil the game for those of you who actually want to play it but I'll give you a little sneak peek so after you finish the first area you'll enter this jungle so it's a completely different environment but also you'll be faced with a new challenge so you'll have this running water which if you grab you'll be pushed back down so now you'll have to be a little bit more careful about where you're placing your hands and if you think that's bad you're going to love this next part and the rest of the game consists of seven different areas each with their own unique challenges and I also created some sound [Music] effects and I kept tweaking the controls pretty much throughout the entire project and they ended up being around a, lines of code and besides the character I ended up making pretty much all of the Assets in the entire game myself which took some time making a [Music] menu creating the steam [Music] page well that's it one year the question is can you beat it
Channel: Pontypants
Views: 1,951,386
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: jQ_Te-uaPRw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 4sec (904 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2024
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