So I made an "Annoying" Difficulty in Minecraft...

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in the past I've made Minecraft incredibly hard and also incredibly easy but what if we do neither of those things and just try to make Minecraft as annoying as possible like really I am confident that this mod will be so annoying that nobody wants to try it I am actually so confident that I'm willing to put $1,000 on the line if anyone beats it within the next month I'm giving them $11,000 but you need to also be the fastest to beat it which is easy because no one else was even want to try it is that annoying let me show you why starting the game we need to chop down a tree again I mean every piece of Minecraft starts like that so let's just do that and I'm sure nothing bad will happen whatsoever um oh we got a splinter let me just uh no okay wait no I actually hold [Music] on yeah okay let just start we got a little wood wood mini game so every every single wood block you're going to mine you get the thing and this happens and try your best my God to do that for every single block you get up until an axe right like obviously you're not going to get a splinter with an axe I got to do one more time the video can continue I'm not dead man I sure hope that nothing else annoying has been [Music] [Laughter] implemented I think yeah I love playing Minecraft I I man do I love my Subway Surfer ad and if you think that's the only ad I implemented yeah these advertisements will literally randomly pop up during your game you can't do anything about it you can't get rid of it you can't press F1 F1 is broken I wonder if you can actually like fight monsters during this hold on all right boys Bring It On where are they with this okay no you cannot it keeps playing I didn't test that oh that's that's just even though I died I have to set this out okay did it just did it auto no I didn't even do anything it actually Auto played another one oh my God wait a minute what is what do this wacky pop up is this an opera GX sponsor Opera GX is a faster Slimmer and beautifuler browser compared to the one that you're using right now it is catered to people who play games like you and I and no boy will I tell you about the features first off the most important part there are custom mods including the funy GX mod this mod adds new visuals to your browser and apparently is also really popular like I didn't I didn't you can also use other mods which have tons of interesting features such as this and if you get it via my link you can even see my videos pop up right here in the browser look it's right there I I have no clue who this handsome man is but I bet it's a great video when you do switch browsers you probably imagine it's a whole hassle but in reality not really it's got this really nice quick import tool that basically does everything instantly for you I'm genuinely only covering like a really small percentage of what Opera ja have to offer and there are so many cool things that I genuinely know you'll be interested in so if you do want to get it it's completely free the link is in the description so click it after the video I love you and let's continue okay ads are gone zombies dead soon now we can finally go craft so ignore that for a second and just carry on my regular old crafting I'll just make a pickaxe there we go you know what let's just go over there cuz I think I saw some Stone so let's go and grab ourselves some some Stone I think there's also some uh creatures we can kill oh there's some pigs over here let me go get that there we go some wool would be nice for some beds ooh salmon let's go get some Stone oh oh I'll fix that crash later but in the meantime take a look at this whenever you do any action whether it's mining or swimming or anything you're going to get these things called tips they uh they appear all kinds of methods you know as you can see you get them from killing hurting starving dying drowning but here's the cool thing so you can't really get rid of these with F1 but there's a much much cooler way I'll show you you can slide them away yeah W I actually messed up so there were free armor samples uh the uh okay this is what I was looking for so it said you can buy abilities in the shop now you might be wondering funy what the dipp are you talking about let me show you hey we got a little shop right here and look at that you can buy no tips for 500 something let's just buy that my PayPal is is is linked to this game so hopefully it's not going to hurt too much but there we go so I I got rid of the tips right I bought it no tips it's not going to show tips anymore no tips they're gone so now I can actually just get through my day totally fine man is this a much nicer way of but don't worry you can still get rid of them it's just taking a little bit longer a a little bit a little bit okay so I actually am very close to a village which is kind of nice this allows me to I mean hopefully there's a chest inside we can also kill the Iron Golem to maybe get some iron there's a lot of options here to uh um yeah I don't think there's an iron golem anymore I mean it can still give us hay right all right we should be good oh oh surely it's going to give me you know lots of food right won't get iron but I'll I'll still get bread uh no unless you really like seeds um get this out of here but you know at least there's loot in The Villages so we could just get those [Music] uh okay so first off uh the doors uh they they don't door but on top of that I get splinters all the damn time my hands are just too tired I can't open a chest properly oh I'm so tired you need to spam click so you know this also means that uh no matter which [Music] chest I didn't know that's possible we'll talk about this later I think the first thing we need to talk about is uh something that you probably didn't notice yet when I go into my inventory there's this very nice little weight counter and this counts how much stuff I have on me look at that oh okay oh man we're we're already a little bit a little bit up there and I wait I guess let's uh get the next stack and see what happens oh man okay oh man we're so small can we fit in in one space yet hold on no not yet yes that's possible oh my god oh you're telling me I have important business to do I'll I'll rather I'll rather sit in my little cave goodbye but we were not done let's get more Cobble and you know so the heavier you are we are currently 600 above 2,000 and the more weight you pick up the slower you will be and the closer you get to the actual danger zone I am now way below a block I am really really small right now I think at 4,000 something happen every block is five so we need around 10 dirt I think after this one oh uh uh you got squished carrying way too many items which honestly is very easy to reach and it doesn't actually stop there because it actually takes in mind realistic weights gold is kind of uh heavy Dy funy Dy funy will never I think we're going off course a little bit so let's continue getting iron now Iron by itself is not too hard like you just mine iron obviously it drops everything's fine I mean you'll get some some nice little popups telling you uh some cool details about skipping mining let's just ignore those obviously we don't care the really hard part comes when you actually want to smelt it there's going to be uh an interesting addition see if you can spot it this thing is probably the most annoying thing you actually need to heat up the temperature to whatever temperature you need for said item cooking iron that's pretty hot ah we got a little bit to go I don't even know if this is going to be enough but in the meantime um there's going to be some fires that appear because uh it's it's we're currently at almost 900° in a regular oven ow oh god oh no that's annoying get in oh my God okay let me get rid of all this please leave please leave oh God why am I heavy what did I do I got armor oh my God ah no not again oh my God stop okay how much health do I even have okay I'm good I'm good no we're still not there we have 15 okay our crafting table's gone now that's great oh we over hit okay it was at 15 a little bit higher so when you fail it you actually need to stay here and like make sure the point of melting is correct and you just got to keep doing this for a little bit am I good I think I'm good so I'll just keep doing this oh thank God we oh no all your output is going into Ash right when I wanted to grab it because it gets really really warm at some point I'm just going to stand back it's actually going to start oh my God it does that now you might be thinking funny this is an exploit it it's producing lava I can go to the nether like really quickly now and you're right you you could let me just get myself a bucket real quick there we go and then we're just going to scoop up the lava and we're just going to you know take it elsewhere cuz I'm sure this will work out fine I'm sure that so uh there goes to Lava um yeah lava and iron don't really work do they now that we got a little leaky bucket um yeah don't don't yeah it's not but if you paid attention there were a lot of items open in the shop right so maybe we should check the shop real quick ooh only $300 for a bucket with no holes Wow Let's Get it I'm sure that this is not a waste of money I'm sure that I'm sure that this is not a waste of money yeah I don't think you read the context ooh oh my God and don't think that getting obsidian legit is a is an option either because um remember that item weight thing these weigh a th000 so it's possible but they heavy did you know F2 is for taking screenshots yeah that was weird uh what is I forgot about this I think I stepped in Grass I I ran through some Rambles and uh my leg ow so let me just I'll just patch that up real quick let me just let me just there we go all right I guess we'll just oh my God why does clippy keep showing up yes I know oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God what is Jesus calm down oh my God fine a shop get rid of clippy oh God oh God oh God he's real no no oh God clippy oh my God I can't I can't get rid of the clippy is actually pulling my screen towards him look I can't clippy quit it I need to kill you be gone clippy oh my God oh my God I didn't imagine him being this bad until I actually played with him clippy basically just starts appearing more and more over time and you have to get rid of him to do that you have to buy him and to do that you cause a clippy curse it's actually really cool I actually really like this outside of the annoyance oh God it's killing me there's a random chance he will hit me oh my god that actually got me like genuinely really oh I know how to fix this there we go full HP trust me okay but let's say you get to the nether okay from this point on um uh have at ye you little Blaze B Blaze sphere things they Bend now so no matter how you no matter how you dodge them well you can't you can't Dodge them except with the Shield uh I mean it's a wooden Shield it's a wooden shield and he shoots fire what do you think will happen but no worries we got a little shop icon and uh look at that anti-fire shield for only ,000 on my PayPal give me that right away so now you get a nice little netherite shield and this will actually block you from fire now um is is netherite heavy I actually don't know oh I oh answer found oh come on once you got your blaze rods you're obviously going to need some ender pearls and I mean one way is to trade with these little guys uh but that you know you need gold so let's get some gold real quick I got your go yeah no that doesn't work another way would obviously be to go to Warped forest and kill them legit so here we got an Enderman and what a lot of people do is they use boats to trap the Enderman go on uh he's so quick oh my God wa okay we have successfully conquered the nether let's go ahead and craft ourselves some little eyes ofender and uh let's figure out where the stronghold is are you ready oh boy is it that way where did it go so now literally every single Ender eye will break into shards don't worry it's not permanently gone uh if you collect all the shards you can you can craft it back uh there is one issue however um every single eye they stack to seven they drop eight and you need nine you are never going to get a satisfying number with this they are all going to clutter your inventory and to make things worse because they stack at such low number it counts it as a really really heavy item chunk now there is another feature that I'm going to show you while I travel towards the stronghold because this will only appear when you're wandering around so uh let's do that oh it happened there he is Ser he is so randomly the questmaster will appear who who has a quest for you look at his little he's going to try and come to you you kind of don't want him to get to you thank you Brave Adventurer for helping oh dude okay so if you don't chase him he will try and pull you with which will sometimes be very annoying but if you do chase him he will found an item and sometimes it's a really good item like right now blazing diamond shovel of the Apocalypse efficiency smider mending which is really good however not always will his item be that good ooh wait this actually looks good hold on what is this Elemental golden Fork uh this is gold so it actually weighs a lot um you might already notice the issue with these items you know how in games you can't get rid of quest items yeah you can't get rid of quest items which means if I do this um now I will not be able to [Applause] [Music] get I think because oh yeah okay I think because there's multiple they all want you to CL oh my God Jesus Christ and I'm stuck on the ground and another one spawned oh my God oh my God what did I get uncom Minecraft with furnace of the planes okay book of the land with dep Strider glowing sword of oh God where is he I don't even know where he is where is he where is he where are you you cannot get rid of these These are permanently in your inventory there is a way to fix that which brings us to shop handh hold items for only $250 so let's get that this should be able to store yeah look at that it Quest Satchel they should be able to store all of our items uh oh it can hold item oh it only holds one well time to ruin my budget there we go and we're only in a -2000 that's all we have made our way to the stronghold in very legit ways and look at that we actually have quite a few eyes of unders spare which means if I plop these down surely we can get to the end I really hope that we could actually oh my God yeah they sometimes can fail oh I actually didn't mean to F in oh wait no I I I I was going to show it more wait so now hold on um I guess I'll show this then [Music] uh I um I added Dan Revolution uh as your boss fight uh on top of the Ender Dragon let me get a pickaxe real quick uh uh oh God oh God yeah I don't want to you don't miss oh God okay you need to play Minecraft at the same time as this game DDR which is dance dan Revolution basically if you don't know it there's music and arrows need to come down and you need to press the arrow keys at the right time and if you don't or miss them um yeah you take damage you can regenerate Health by perfectly T by Perfect by perfectly by Perfect perfectly timing there we go and you get half a heart back and if you miss you lose one and a half hearts so uh it's good luck there's one more feature to show oh oh they're all coming for [Music] me there are actually a lot of other features that I left hidden for when you play it yourself and remember fastest person to beat this mod gets $11,000 so go give it a try subscribe and bue oh
Channel: Fundy
Views: 4,285,108
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fundage, fundy, itsfundy, fundy minecraft, minecraft fundy, fundy short, fundy shorts, fundy speedrun, fundy mods, fundy modding, minecraft modding, minecraft mods, fundy minecraft shorts, fundy clips, fundy minecraft mod, fundy mod download, top 10 mods minecraft, best mods in minecraft, fundy dreamsmp, dreamsmp, minecraft, mc, minecraft builds, minecraft plugins, minecraft best, minecraft funny, meme, memes, mc meme, annoying, annoying difficulty, fundy annoying
Id: FLYglW2wOQw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 30sec (1110 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 13 2023
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