Minecraft, But It's on Fundy's IMPOSSIBLE Difficulty...

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some of you guys might think minecraft is really hard to play but what if it was impossible in this video i beat fundy's impossible difficulty on minecraft here is a quick summary lava instantly kills you you drown extremely fast than water you will never stop burning if you're on fire tools have a one percent chance of breaking and mobs are at least 10 times more difficult especially enderman i basically suffered oh yeah and i forgot about this and if you guys want to play this game mode for yourself you guys are gonna need a server which brings me to the sponsor of this video makes mil hosting they run fast minecraft servers for as low as two dollars a month so if you guys want to play minecraft with your friends go find the two dollars off of the streets and buy yourself a minecraft server for a month so go check out their servers first link in the description below and i hope you guys enjoy watching me suffer in this video alright guys let's just hop right into it i haven't beat minecraft in a pretty long time so i don't really remember what to do but i do remember one thing you gotta fix the wood every single morning cause it is bright and early so i'm gonna start fishing some wood and um gather some materials before it's nighttime and before i get ganged up by a thousand different mobs so let's get some wood here give me about 15 minutes and a bottle of lotion and i'll be i'll be chilling all right i use the body lotion i always forget that i can make logs in the planks and make tools i don't know why i'm gonna make an axe i'm gonna make a pickaxe and i already know i'm gonna suffer in this video no no it's literally just gonna be a video of watching me suffering oh my can't do this anymore i don't think i'm that great at minecraft and beating it with an impossible difficulty oh man let's try to get some high ground and see if there's any like villages or anything around that i can raid and steal from some families um i don't really see anything kind of dry what is that is that b wait what is that is that beehive or gold what is that i see a dot of yellow though let's go let's go explore here maybe it's the nether portal those those abandoned or forgotten ender portals i don't i don't even remember what it is what is it oh it actually is perfect hopefully there's some cool things in there i don't even know what could spawn in these so let's go check it out oh i just need one to go to another you already know i'm going there oh yeah armor let's go clean steel perfect is this the only chest that spawns here that has to be another one where are you buddy i know you're hiding i probably just look like an idiot trying to find a hidden chest when there's not even a hidden chest anywhere um yeah maybe i'm just being an idiot let's use these our nuggets how many only make one all right perfect that would be so helpful you know what i have to do i have to do it guys i have to get an iron shuffle i don't know why i did it but i had to do it now i'm ready to defeat the ender dragon put me in coach i'm ready all right i'm really scared for the night time though cause fundy made it really hard because all the mobs are like 10 times more difficult and impossible because i guess it is the impossible difficulty if you couldn't already tell from the video title but yeah spiders are like mach 10 speed and they could run super fast so i guess it matches their skin color pretty accurately and there's a baby zombies everywhere and they're always decked out in armor so kind of scared for that let's make some better tools here obviously i don't need a shovel because you know i'm already loaded loaded with the iron shuffle like that like that and i'm probably just gonna keep the wooden tools because with my luck it's probably gonna break in the next block oh i was hoping it would break right there that would be comedy hey let's get some iron here i'm not really trying to speed run this because i'm just trying to enjoy this and try to be minecraft so i hope you guys understand that i'm not a god i'm not no dream i'm better than dream could i mind gold with this i probably look like a complete noob actually it might not be the best idea i don't want to make myself look like a fool and break down my stone pickaxe and not get anything back so i'ma come back for you buddy if i even remember how to get back here i actually need food i'm starving looking kind of juicy that's looking kind of juicy oh no i'll let you live fish gordon ramsay steakhouse i'm on the way i need myself some juicy steak oh yeah yeah let's go i realized i have a flint and steel i could probably just burn them hey get in there i need my popeyes here baby stop running oh yeah fried chicken guys let's go kfc or popeyes let me know in the comments some canadian bacon some more fried chicken that guy quick hey a pretty good start i'm not gonna lie oh no the sun is setting i'm kind of nervous i might just have to start digging down and uh buy myself a cave or just strip mine because i cannot find a cave anywhere and i definitely don't want to be out here when the sun is down and when it's night time because i'm not trying to deal with all those mobs that fundy added oh there's a desert over there it might be a good sign of some villages or some uh temples or something oh speaking of temples oh no that's not a good sign all right let's quickly raid this temple and uh just dig straight down or something because i do not want to deal with the nighttime i do not want oh there's an oh there's a village oh my god i'm so lucky oh there's another abandoned uh fortress right there i can't even speak an abandoned nether portal right beside the fortress right beside a temple oh my god i'm gonna go buy the lottery tomorrow what is this this is insane i'm the luckiest man alive okay get out let me sleep i can't sleep oh my forgot wait did i sleep what happened what just happened it did instasleep that's the sunrise right the sun sets all right i guess i slept i don't know anyways let's uh let's grab some more food here because i'm fat and i know i'm gonna run out of food super quickly oh no get away from me look how decked out he is they see me rolling watch out watch it watch out back off yeah that's right get myself some wheat here oh look at this guy looking kind of juicy here look at that a dark unibrow makes me just want to slaughter him i need your guts oh my god oh no could you get up there again back off finally all right i got myself some iron oh no not the creeper if you guys don't remember creepers are always charged in the impossible difficulty and if you get near them they uh the insta blow up on you and the insta kill you i'm pretty sure so i definitely don't want to go near that guy because uh that guy is scary get away from me i just realized i could have used that one piece of iron and make a shield instead of making iron shovel wow my iq is puny my sword just broke so let's make another sword here i should probably smelt some of this iron here that's probably a good idea i got some emeralds i might be able to trade for some cool things i'm not really sure what i could get because i kind of want invisibility potions because enderman insta aggro you on the impossible difficulty so it might be a good idea to make some invis pots and hopefully they don't aggro me because i definitely do not want to deal with uh enderman in this video fighting the ender dragon so oh oh my god oh my god oh my god all right i got nine iron ingots oh that might be perfect an entire set without a shield let's do it all right i got myself full uh full armor i can make some arrows actually realized and i could probably go to the nether soon you guys see that let me wipe my eyes i think that's a nut wait wait wait wait never mind i think i'm just tripping that doesn't mean there's a village right i think they could just spawn randomly oh yeah they could oh i thought that was another village i'm stupid oh is this a cave i can go into oh that might be good it might be good oh okay nevermind never mind that's not good i'm so out of there i am out not for me let's go raid this temple over here maybe there's some uh some juicy loot in there dude i can uh politely borrow well let's just go down here i'm not a noob guys i know there's tnt under here let me break that a saddle might come in handy looting three oh let's go that would be perfect for getting some blazer rods guys golden apple i'll give you some string for some bows i guess i'll grab that gold that'd be helpful okay not bad i'm pretty good temple to be honest kind of scared hello okay yeah i think the sun is setting soon so i'm definitely going to sleep i don't want to take any risks here i'm going to use the string and make a bow and arrow that's a good idea i did that completely wrong all right i'm going to make two bow and arrows actually because one's probably going to break on me let's make some arrows i feel like i've never made arrows like legitly before to add extra challenge i try to beat this difficulty and not die once okay i don't even know if shields would defend a creeper blowing up i don't even want to test it get away oh no no no okay i thought he was gonna be close by block you off here hopefully you can't yeah oh perfect oh perfect let's go please suffocate he's suffocating oh i killed him i killed him his guts just keep up oh my god god is on my side did you see that that was so planned that was all calculated trust me i calculated that entire trap that's so funny all right i'm gonna quickly go to bed because i do not want to deal with anything i'm not sure why insta sleeps but hey i'm not complaining oh yeah i was gonna go mining please don't just have a creeper around the corner that's literally my worst fear i do not have a shield or anything i think the coast is clear hello okay this goes pretty deep which is good but kind of scary there's a lot of iron here which is perfect so i'm a monster oh no oh there's a lot of skeletons over there i know they're pretty op in this difficulty so i'm gonna block them off a lot of iron i have 24 iron ores that's a lot so i'm gonna quickly smell this up before i fight those skeletons because those guys would definitely destroy me all right i finally got all the iron that took a while um what should i make i definitely make more tools a pickaxe that's definitely gonna break definitely gonna make a couple of swords here oh my god my inventory is completely full probably don't need any of this food even though steak is so juicy and kfc is probably my favorite food but i throw that away i can live off bread for now let's make a shield that should have been my first priority to be honest um i'm kind of praying that the shield doesn't have one percent chance of breaking too because if my shield breaks in the middle of a fight you already know i'm so screwed i'm boned i should make a bucket and probably a cauldron that's a good idea all right perfect that's enough iron for everything i made a cauldron because you can't put out fire though collagen will be a great thing for the nether i hear a lot of mobs outside this i'm kind of scared to even peek out of here oh man that boy's in oh no is it worth it no oh he shoots flame he's a flame bow what is this oh i don't oh no no no oh they're fighting perfect yes please die oh my god if that guy hit me with the flame belt would it just burn to death i don't have water anything anywhere near me there's even more skeletons what they are shoot flame bows i'm out of here fundy why why why did you do this to us i didn't know they shoot flame bows as well is that even fair a flame bow plus not being able to uh stop burning is a terrible combination i mean it's great for you fundy but for for the person playing that is that's a recipe for disaster now that i have an iron pickaxe let's go check out this abandoned nether portal oh look at that see my iron shovel came in handy guys you guys are probably all making fun of me for making iron travel but look at this come on come on look at look at me now look at us look at us where's the chest at i just want to find the chest i'm gonna take this gold block all right you know i had a shovel you know what i'm so lazy i'm just gonna blow this up i knew the tnt would come in handy hopefully i didn't blow up the chest it has to be somewhere here right over here go go all right i guess there isn't a chest i got scammed okay i'm out all right the sun is setting so i'm definitely gonna go to bed oh you know what i'm actually gonna steal one obsidian so i can go back to that fortress that i found in the beginning and uh light it up and go to the nether pretty big brain could you wait hold up please tell me you can mine up sit with an iron pickaxe because i'm gonna be upset if you can't this is gonna be really embarrassing please tell me you can use the iron pickaxe to get obsidian maybe you can't and i'm just sitting here money for like the past three minutes and i'm gonna look really stupid or something is even breaking i can't even see please give me obsidian [Music] i trolled myself i trolled myself pretend you guys didn't see that just pretend you guys didn't see that i am not a noob trust me pretty big brain hold up just a pause it's me cookie but in editing but i slow mo my voice to 80 percent and i sound like a straight up serial killer jeez i actually sound like morgan freeman or something oh my god take a listen again pretty big brain i cannot believe that is my voice i'm sorry for interrupting the video but i might just make my videos in slow-mo all the time now if i sound like that all right back to the video sorry guys hey i'm not sure if i can track my way back to where my fortress was i don't quite remember where i came from i'm pretty sure it's this way if i do find it my direction skills are a1 has to be here somewhere right over this mountain show me the goods oh yes i found it okay perfect that little gold block right there sticking out like a pimple i actually have a pimp on my right butt cheek as we speak i don't know why i said that but i thought you guys were curious okay there has to be nether here uh there has to be lava here are you are you kidding me oh my that was my only iron pickaxe oh my god okay back to the stone age there has to be some lava down here right don't be mad because i refuse to get lava oh my god you gotta be kidding and i can't even get the gold block because i don't have any more iron oh my god i'm done wow there's not a single piece of lava are you telling me gotta run all the way back there okay i guess i'm running back i need to run back and grab some lava first world problems can't find lava in minecraft someone send help what is this [Music] you you have to be kidding me oh my god you actually have to be kidding me i know where my stuff is but i forgot you instantly drown you only have like three oh my god oh my i realized the last second but it was too late you gotta be kidding me well that challenge is over guys i actually ended up dying in the most like anticlimactic way oh my god i didn't die to like a mob in an intense battle i died to water i died to water i drowned wow i really got baited by that little cave oh i'm sorry guys i failed the challenge but at least i can still beat the inner dragon but i died at least i have all my stuff stupid cave man oh my god okay i'm not go i'm not going into the water anymore i was about to swim in there oh no no i'm sinking i'm sinking traumatized oh no no no where's my shoe how fast how fast do you drown let's see oh my god that's fast oh my god that's fast okay i'm not gonna test it at least i got my stuff back let's continue the journey oh my god look at my inventory this is a mess this hurts my eyes just seeing how messy this is hey i'm gonna go around this body of water and not drown this time that might be a better idea here's the fortress i'm looking for hi it's me again and i don't even know why i keep calling the nether portal a fortress cookies just don't have a big brain if they even have a brain at all i don't even know why i'm dissing myself back to the video all right i'm gonna grab lava really quickly here luckily i did find lava right here and that'll be perfect so i can make some obsidian over there and head to the nether grab some blaze rods possibly trade with some zombie pigmen get some ender pearls and i'll be on my way to uh defeat the ender dragon and beat minecraft my brother said dinner's ready and uh i got eaten minecraft and in real life that's how ginormous i am where's it oh i thought i lost the portal it's just hiding in the leaves and the trees talking about leaves i love me some leaves i should just start building with leaves everywhere no matter what it is even if i'm beating minecraft leaves just use leaves all right so how am i gonna do this here um i definitely need that gold block i don't have iron do i go on the journey to find three pieces of iron just for that gold block it might be worth it oh no i'm just going to sneak by you here don't even don't mind me oh he's oh no oh no no no no no no oh no oh no get away i do not want to deal with that at all is that a cave right there oh no no um i keep forgetting i keep hurting i drown instantly okay perfect this iron right there please don't have any mop i spoke way too soon so i can definitely make a couple buckets and have some water so if i do start burning in the nether i can definitely put myself out all right i'm gonna make another bucket here so that will help me in the nether and i'll make another pickaxe just for that gold block and i'm not sure what else to do with this iron i guess i'll keep it and see if i ever need it on to the nether soon boys we're making some progress i i didn't think i'll get this far to be honest with you i honestly didn't i thought i'll be dead well i guess i did die but i thought i'll be like struggling really bad that's probably the fattest foreshadow up all right i got my lava bucket and my water bucket and i just got put a piece of obsidian right there hopefully mine this oh yes i did it i'm gonna grab myself some more water let's light up this portal [Music] oh i was like why isn't it working that is a that is a really big bra moment all right i'm falling back after the long journey oh my god that was pain oh my i just realized i need to mine this oh my god give me about uh 10 minutes you guys can probably go refill your drink or grab another snack cause i'm gonna be here holding my left click button for maybe five minutes if my left click button just like breaks right now i'd be so pissed all right i finally got it with the sun setting let's quickly make this a perfect let's uh go to bed let's light this portal up if this doesn't work and i think i'm ready to jump into the nether let's pray i can find another fortress like let's just pray i'm in another fortress all right let's spawn right into one okay perfect um some technical difficulties i guess another uh isn't active on this server give me one second all right i'm back i think i fixed this so let's try this again let's jump into another and see where i spawn hopefully it works and let's pray i'm in another fortress please plea what the okay there's double uh there's double portals but this is probably as far as you can get from a nether fortress thank you so much minecraft i i appreciate it wow i got so unlucky um okay um oh my gosh should i pull a dream and uh jump down put a saddle and jump on a strider bro that might be like the most op play ever oh my gosh should i do it did i jump and try to land on a strider and put a saddle on it i knew i grabbed the saddle for a reason that means i lose all my stuff and lose all progress this might be the most insane play all right if i do i literally cannot burn if i burn i'm gonna burn to death so i have to do this before i even touch the lava this might be the worst idea ever but i might have to do it for the video actually is this even i can't even control it if i jump on it no never mind i can't do it i i just realized if i jump on it i can't even control it i don't have the fishing rod fungus thing i almost played myself imagine i did land it and i couldn't even move and i'm stuck in the lava i just gotta wait till like they move me to land oh good thing i didn't jump i was just about to do it i was about to risk it all for the biscuit all right let's uh let's change the plans and build over to land that would have been terrible to be honest that would have been a terrible idea you have a speed bridge hopefully i don't fall off this is why i play bedwars just for this moment right here um i'm gonna have to find another fortress now i have no idea how i'm oh my literally was just about to say i'm praying my pickaxe doesn't break the second i swear i just jinxed myself every time i only have eight cobblestone left i think i came a little under prepared there has to be a way down look at that piggling right in that shredder that striker looks like he's struggling carrying that oh he just oh i thought he uh like jumped off the edge and took the easy way out be bridging over the nether part not a great idea nfl oh my god i took actually a lot more damage than i thought i would all right journey to find myself another fortress please don't burn oh my god oh no they shoot flame no please please why do they reload so fast what is this oh he hit himself oh my sword broke axe time it's hammer time baby let's go oh my god fighting those things are scary oh my god they reload so fast oh my god look at my shield it's almost with a break oh no i'm just gonna go for it come on what you got what you got boy yeah that was a close one actually not really i kind of clapped them but let's just pretend it was a close one for uh entertainment purposes yeah no i am out that is a fat no i hate soul sand so much it makes me feel fatter than i already am like i just walk even slower and i don't want to waste any blocks because like i don't want to mind anything i'm on a couple oh let's go let's go that's the fortress right let's go i found a fortress guys okay it's over lava though so there's a risk here but when isn't there a risk you got to take risks in life so oh let's go it looks pretty oh it looks massive all right that's what she said there has to be a blaze monitor in there oh no there's already blazes guarding it oh this is not good i'm quickly going to regroup and uh make sure i'm ready to go in there because i'm definitely not ready all right let's make myself a brand new shield i might have to make two to be honest but let's just stick with one and hope that's enough this is the moment guys all right i got myself a golden apple just in case it probably won't help me a lot but it's just there for uh some confidence i guess oh i oh my god look i jumped scared did you see that he just said oh my god i'm surprised he didn't shoot at me he's sitting right in that corner where is he oh look at him look at him trying to be sneaky oh hell no i'm out okay let's go i'm ready to the nether fortress looks like the blaze d spawn so that is much better i do have um a looting three book but i can't enchant it or anvil it so it's kind of useless right now i'm just gonna have to deal with what i got oh my lord all right this is this is not good at all um if i do burn i will literally never stop burning yeah i'm not sure what to do here guys i'm not sure what to do i'm scared i am so scared there's three of them and one of me okay okay okay okay let's uh let's take my bow let's try to kill them with my bow and arrow killed one one down oh you dropped the blaze rod okay they're shooting i'm like jiggle peeking i killed one okay i killed them all yeah i got two um that's not bad probably need like five more to be safe and i think i should be good here oh no oh no no no no no imagine you dropped a wither skull okay there's one guy here and there's a wither skeleton right there oh no okay i hit him once not full power but him again and i'm gonna go for it come on yes i got him i got another blaze around there's one wither skeleton right there let me just sneak there's two camo nobody here oh my god there's mobs everywhere guys oh my god all right oh no okay oh my god okay nice to meet you guys i'm not sure where you guys all came from why why is there so many why there's so many pigmen okay okay i'm gonna use the axe for this because the pigments are in the way i can't use the uh the serrated strikes or whatever okay i'll make a run for oh my god oh my god they're everywhere please die oh my god they're everywhere oh my god why this is more than impossible this is worse than impossible why there's so many okay you missed i'm running for it okay got him jesus i've never seen so many blazes everywhere oh no there's way too many to go down there oh they're everywhere guys oh no i'm gonna die i'mma kill this guy please move why oh my god this is this is intense okay five that gives me ten right that should be perfect ten that should okay i'm gonna get one more just to be safe so i have 12. yeah that got to even drop me one bro come on oh no oh no where'd you come from oh i'm i'm actually low i'm gonna die i'm gonna die i'm gonna die give my golden apple oh no please go away i don't wear blocks oh i just ran out of blocks oh my god my heart my blood pressure is touching mars right now oh my lord deep breaths that's too much for me to deal with i just need one more to be completely safe or do i take the risk and pray that there's like two under eyes that wither skeleton came literally out of thin air where are they shooting me from oh he's up there come on oh he's down okay please he didn't drop one yeah there's one more here please be the one why why i'm gonna die i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead i'm actually dead i'm actually dead please oh okay oh my god this is not my doctor's gonna call me saying my blood pressure is like abnormal this is what they these wither skeletons come on nowhere i didn't know they do so much damage i just need one more i might just have to risk it and pray that there's oh no i can't i literally need one more okay there's one right there i need like one more shot on him yeah i killed him yes you did i'm out of here i think six is perfect oh seven seven is the spot to really hit but oh no please i'm not dealing with that anymore my heart is hurting that was so stressful i'm so i'm out of here let's just pray that the stronghold is near me and i don't lose any uh eyes of andre because um i'm pretty sure six would be good but seven is ideal i got six oh my that guy oh okay okay they both have enchanted bows i think they all do actually i need to leave the nether right now oh my god that guy's like decked out okay oh oh that was kind of mlg that was kind of pro my bow just broke on that shot okay make my way out of the nether because i had the worst time here that was so stressful i always die so many times actually i need ender pearls oh man i forgot i need ender pearls okay never mind i gotta stick to the nether a little bit longer and trade with some piglets get in get inside guys get inside please i just need some ender pearls what do you want what just in my way you want to be in the video yeah i'm gonna make some more gold nuggets come on guys i don't think i can get enough okay i got my first oh i got four okay that's perfect i didn't know they give you that many all right i got four i got 15 golden uh gold ingots left there's a chance yeah it's not looking too good boys i did not get the enterprise i needed so that's just a mindsome some of these uh gold oars here and let's go trading again and my big act just broke amazing why why are you attacking me i'm okay what did i do to you oh he did a lot of damage okay i see how it is oh my god that guy does a lot of damage why is he why is he mad at me all right there's some mining and i have about what five stacks of gold nuggets so that will get me maybe like 40 gold ingots if my math is correct um i did fail math so it's probably not anywhere near correct but now i'm just gonna find out where my setup was it was right down there okay i finished off with 35 gold ingots and hopefully i can get lucky enough to get more ender pearls yes yes he dropped yes okay i got eight ender pearls i just need one more drop hey i'm gonna go mining again are they mad at me why why why why oh you broke my uh you broke my shield why are you mad at me what did i do to you hey calm down we're gonna talk about this okay oh my god why where did he come from he actually dropped from the ceiling oh my god okay i'm out of here i'm so out of here all right i got four more stacks of gold nuggets and turn this back into gold ingots here and i'm gonna pray okay um not the time go away oh there's another one oh my god yes yes yes i saw four oh i just i've just broke my pickaxe yes i got four i got ender pearls okay i got 12 inner pearls i needed i need to get home i took forever getting those 12 ender pearls all right let's let's go home finally oh my god that was probably the most pain i've ever been through in my life i would probably rather eat vegetables than go through that again that took me like an hour let's get out of here excuse me let's go back into the overworld and it's night time no okay quickly go to bed okay thank god it's quick please i do not want to see any creepers near me okay ghost is clear all right guys the only thing i have to do is get ready to fight the ender dragon and define the stronghold so let's get ready boys we are so close to beating minecraft on the impossible difficulty i did die once but let's not count that death because i die by drowning look at me i'm a monkey i'm sitting in a tree i'm actually a monkey all right let's make as many bows as i can because i know bows are gonna break left and right when i'm in the end fighting the ender dragon so let's make as many boat all right maybe maybe that's a little too much okay i might have made a little too many bows maybe a little too many all right i'm gonna turn all of the ender pearls and the ender eye or eyes of ender that should be enough and i might need more water buckets because i can make invisibility potions because i'm so stupid and i turned all my blaze rods into blaze powder try to put water buckets all over the end let's get to the highest point and throw this i have ender let's pray these don't break on the first throw okay it led me this way all right let me please get that eye bender back okay perfect let's go on our journey to find the stronghold all right the sun is slowly setting so let's throw one more and let's throw it okay it's still leading me in the same direction this thing must be really far and it popped and i'm stuck with 11. let's pray there's at least um one ender i in the end portal because right now i might be screwed all right i'm gonna crash myself a boat i'm praying that stronghold isn't in the water because if it is that's gonna be really hard to get to because in the impossible difficulty you drown pretty much instantly yeah the challenge might have gone way harder i'm praying it's not in the water throw another eye of ender where is it leading me back into the ocean please don't fall in the water yes i got it okay well i gotta go uh boat across the pacific ocean again sail the seven seas [Music] oh wait oh it's right there wait wait a second i was kind of zoning out and i'm just looking around and i found it just right there in plain sight all right i mean that is perfect i finished off of 11 eyes of ender i'm gonna mine some sand and drop it into the water that might be the best way to get down there all right i got about a stack and a half of sand and that should be enough to get me down to the stronghold all right and let's play some sand down and get into oh no oh my i just realized there's a kelp right there breaking all the sand are you serious oh my god probably a better idea i think that through oh no oh my heart drops every time i fall into the water okay there we go let's clear the water now okay let's break down okay i think this is the library there's wood here okay perfect i'm in the library which isn't bad and now we just gotta find the actual end portal room i just gotta be really careful cuz things like that the skeleton and if there are creepers just chilling around the corner they will instantly blow up um so with that being said it might be a good idea to set my spawn point here yeah i'm gonna leave a bed right here just in case i die hit himself hit yourself again skeleton down oh no [Music] come on there are a lot of mobs around here what's in this chest oh two diamonds okay that might be really good few diamonds i can make a sword or i can make a diamond hoe i mean that sounds pretty good too i mean oh the improv room okay perfect i don't want to deal with these guys oh no if you hit them i think they multiply i'm gonna go right around you here break this so i'm gonna take away the lava just in case because i do not want to burn at all i'm gonna set my spawn point right here i don't have any blocks on me so this might not be great the end portal is spawned the moment of truth i gotta be really careful here cause these endermen instantly aggro you so i'm gonna have to place water everywhere let's jump in wish me luck in the comments everybody let's go defeat the impossible difficulty okay okay i'm gonna quickly build over with the limited blocks i have they instantly aggro you so this is gonna be really bad okay um oh no oh no this is not good okay they're okay okay okay okay oh no they do so much damage place down water please get away from me this is not good this is not good this is not good guys oh my god oh no he shot his breath at me okay no that's not good get away from there this is gonna be really hard guys bundy why'd you do this to me i don't have any blocks either okay i need to break these and crystals oh no oh honey i don't have the ender dragon's um health bar i'm not sure why let's try to take off some at least they got one oh no oh no i'm surrounded and a bro oh how far have a heart have heart okay okay we're good we're good i'm gonna have to fill this entire place with water maybe a pumpkin would have been a good idea i got another one come on come on let's get in the hole that sounds so wrong oh no oh okay we're good we're good oh no i remember i can't swim oh no that's not a goodie i should not be doing that i forgot another one oh please give me a break oh no please right let's pretend that didn't happen um jump back in okay let's just go get my stuff back come on just run this run i can make it oh no i can't make it okay i messed up my jump and died this is pain right here hey where's my stuff okay i can make a run for it go go go go go all my precious stuff collect all that stuff oh no he shot okay oh my god this is wait i just realized i have bed can i just kill the ender dragon with my beds and not break the end crystals that might be a better idea oh no okay this is just suffered this is suffering and there are enemy and he shot fire by me and he's trying right into my stuff this is uh this is not good guys um oh my god oh my god what if i run around all of the endermen so they do not don't notice me please okay okay give me all that [Music] oh no no no no no no no no everything was going so well until this moment i'm redoing this entire challenge i've died too many times i look like a noob i can't look like a noob on youtube all right i'm gonna do it anyways guys i got i gotta beat it i'm sorry i don't care how many times i die it went from one death to about 400 deaths but the thing is oh how how oh my god bro i can't do this anymore this might be the worst attempt in youtube history at least i'll go down in history in the books okay you might be coming down this is my first attempt at this okay uh i did that so wrong okay that might have worked i i don't have any more blocks wow i can really sing i sound like an opera singer i'm having a terrible time why oh my god oh my god oh my god all right i destroyed most of the crystals one in the cage i might have one up there i think i'll have one there okay yeah i need to make my way oh no oh no half a heart yeah i got that one the one up there that i need to get yeah i got it okay there's one last one up there i'm pretty sure move get out the way he's taking the shots wait is it gone i think he's gonna heal by it i think i got it he's not gonna heal by anything so i'm just gonna light him up get him place the bed right there be ready he's coming down i think okay oh i just killed myself i definitely did a lot of damage to the inner dragon though come on come on dragon your stinky breath is gonna be mine soon come on he's gonna die soon come on i need to hit him let me hit him a couple times come on my sword broke come back i hit him a couple times i got a couple hits in him come on he's gonna die oh he's coming he's coming he's mad oh my god okay we're good we're good come on oh no my stuff i wish i saw his health bar i literally don't even know what health he's at oh my god his breath so smelly please get me out please use floss like you ever heard of crest i'm literally out of food guys i'm literally out of food i came in here with so much food come on he has to die i'm moving bro bro how is he not dead yes i finally got him yes yes that took forever oh my god i beat the impossible difficulty finally finally i never said i did a good job but i finally beat it that was stressful let's go guys pog and chat it went so well in the beginning i was doing so well and once i got to the end i've died a couple times yeah that was actually pain finally i am out of here i'm out of this world peace out it was nice knowing you guys thank you guys so much for watching till the end of the video if you guys liked it please comment down below cookie army and i'll try to heart every single comment this video was so different compared to my 100 days video so if you guys made it here i just want to say i truly thank you guys so much if you guys are new please subscribe like this video right now comment down below cookie army thank you so much to maximo hosting for sponsoring this video thank you for all my patreons that support me every single month i want to shout out these three people for becoming the master patreon if you guys want to be shouted out on the video too go check out my patreon in the link below and you can possibly have a chance to become one of my friends on discord anyways that's enough talking i'll see you guys in the next video thank you guys so much and i hope you guys have a good day [Music] you
Channel: aCookieGod
Views: 604,474
Rating: 4.9509091 out of 5
Keywords: impossible difficulty, minecraft impossible difficulty, i beat minecraft on impossible difficulty, i beat fundys impossible difficulty in minecraft, i beat the impossible difficulty in minecraft, beating the impossible difficulty in minecraft, fundys impossible difficulty, fundy minecraft difficulty, acookiegod, a cookie god, acookiegod impossible difficulty, beating impossible difficulty, minecraft but its impossible difficulty, minecraft but its fundys impossible difficulty
Id: ONofF_t0hxI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 46sec (2326 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 26 2021
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