I Survived 100 Days in a LUCKY BLOCK SUPERFLAT World in Hardcore Minecraft... Here's What Happened

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i survived 100 days in a lucky block super flat world and the more lucky blocks you mind the crazier it gets my main goal is to survive all six different lucky blocks obtain a full set of op bedrock armor and collect enough n portal frames to go kill the ender dragon and please subscribe because we're closing in on 2 million subscribers let's try to hit it before christmas anyways enjoy the video all right first things first let's just mine a lucky block let's see if i get lucky oh okay what a great start alright take two hopefully i get luckier this time all right oh that is a giant magma cube okay let's just forget about him and just run away please do not follow me all right that's my another one hopefully i get lucky i do need some tools and some resources and i got some gold all right that's better than nothing and now ooh some ender chests i have nothing to put in them though that's my another one all right take three please come on okay luckily i was far enough away from that let's buy another one oh enchanted golden apples this is gonna be really helpful i take that back wait i can still get out of here i ate one and i'm fire resistant so i can still get out of here let's mine out and i'm free oh my are you are you serious oh i just lived let's get out of here nice all right oh i finally got tools so far so good it's getting kind of dangerous but not too bad that's mine out of here hopefully nothing dangerous spawns ooh i got some lucky potions i splashed that on me because i really need it and i got a lot of cookies nothing gets luckier than that oh okay i'm in a little pyramid this could get really dangerous i'm eat another golden apple and let's mine this okay almost get my sword oh that guy's loaded bro it's not even fair just a quick break let me tell you guys one of my favorite games on my phone and that is kenshin impact ganshin impact is an open world action rpg game available on pc android ios and even playstation 4 and 5. i did not expect that in this vast magical world your character can have one of seven elemental combat powers and you can use this to complete endless challenges and missions and with a ton of unique characters you can team up with your friends in a co-op mode that trigger even more elemental action in the brand new 2.3 update it brings two new and unique characters to the game the first character is our tacky ido with the insane rarity of five and the second new character is goru with a rarity of four stars and they even include brand new events and bosses to this update and by participating in these events and killing these bosses you can obtain even more op loot they even added new weapons and artifacts thanks gention impact again for sponsoring this video and use the link in my description below to get the game on your devices right now your amazing adventure on genshin impact awaits away all right take four that's my another one oh bro come on i have to get lucky enough to get a good start right all right this is a good start stone tools that's mine another one is back up ooh some armor let's keep mining okay a well and a coin let's throw that in there and a beacon and a lot of materials and loot holy cow this is a good start this is the star i wanted i'll take that and let's mine these iron blocks oh there's a village right here oh i'm seeing some hay that is really good i can eat and let's also collect some wood here make a crafting table collect some wheat and make some food and the sun is setting so let's go to bed all right with these diamonds i'm gonna make some armor just in case another explosion comes and it can protect me and let's make a gold helmet i'm ready now what's in here ooh iron sword and some saplings let's steal some wood here slap down some chests and this is my new home let's get right back to mining some lucky blocks now i'm ready for all of these stuff that comes and the charge creeper let's continue bruh bruh oh my god how much bro find this glass mine is glass come on go go go go and swim out of here oh i actually got scared there let's continue mining tnt oh yes some notch apples ooh a hero villager yes i need diamonds i gotta trap this guy let's mine him up no don't die no i need you you stay right there but we got a giant lucky blog let's flip the lever and let's see what i get let's back up a little bit and no i need to hear a villager no why why did that have to happen why that was so tragic rip a villager in the comments guys let's see how strange it gets oh a lucky pig okay what if i kill you here and i got some meat what if i eat it no i'm just kidding nothing happened that's mine another one okay strange bedrock leggings this is like one of the oh yup this is exactly what i wanted oh my god look at my hearts all right i'm loaded i'm ready nothing's killing me now the only problem is it fills up half of my screen so i probably can't wear it all the time let's mine another one here oh yes some food chicken nuggets let's steal some furnaces from this blacksmith and also this grindstone and let's melt up some food but i just realized if i take off these bedrock leggings and put my regular leggings on i still get the extra hearts so i'm just gonna afk and keep eating until i get max hearts or as many hearts as i can get all right i finally got a bunch of hearts i for or bro all my heart just disappeared um i spent all that time for nothing oh my god okay whatever let's continue my some lucky blocks because i need like cobblestone like basic blocks since oh there's quartz i mean i could build it with that and oh another giant lucky block let's flip this hopefully it's not tnt i'm gonna make a run for it all right let's see okay a lot of fireworks and i'll take all that and using these diamonds i'm gonna make some new tools all right let's continue mining here oh no oh why watch there's so many superficially get my sword out it doesn't feel they're doing a lot of damage but this is kind of scary blindness is gone and it's suddenly turned nighttime what save me iron golem but let's go to bed and i did notice there are some pink lucky blocks over here that haven't mined yet maybe these are even luckier and gives me even op stuff so it's my one and i got chick oh a bunch of chickens that just died i mean i'll take more popeye's chicken but i'm sorry to see that all right let's mine another one and oh oh my god okay iron golem i'm gonna need your help you see those guys over there it's all you brother let me just okay you got it you got it focus on the article i'm not me surprised attack him i got him distracted and oh never mind i'm just too strong let's stay away from those pink lucky blocks and continue mining the regular ones i really need some cobblestone oh i got a bunch of cats and they're all tamed already nice i have some friends let's bring them all over to my house and sit down right here in front of your new home there is a lucky sheep let's kill him and nothing what else can i get ooh a lucky sword and you guys told me in the comments if i combine this lucky sword with some of this stuff it increases the luck i think oh yeah it does okay each emerald increases it by 8 so 16 24. let's keep doing this until it's like like a thousand all right max though at a luck 100 sword and i got tested on something i don't want to kill one of these villagers don't mind me okay there's a lot of smoke what's gonna be in there and nothing i just got baited i'm sorry but i'm gonna have to kill one of these villagers sorry blacksmith oh i just shot tv no oh my i meant to only kill one villager kill three well i still have to kill this one i gotta keep my word and even more smoke and there's nothing i'm not sure how lucky this sword is after we kill three civilians yeah let's put this lucky sword away this one tree right here is also bothering me just standing right in the middle so let's mine all these strange blocks and i got a strange potion i'm kind of afraid to drink this but i have to now since i got it wait wait this isn't even a potion of drink okay that was useless let's continue mine another well let's get up here and throw the coin into the well what will it give me your wish came true i got a whole bunch of apples and another notch apple joint and some gold blocks i'll take it oh wait i totally missed this what is this a strange apple all right let's eat it what will happen to me and oh i got a whole bunch of nice effects or one of these creepers blow up the lucky blocks will i guess something oh and it didn't even blow but lucky block well let's continue mining this strange lucky block tree oh i got a wooden shelf that's enchanted a unlucky shovel yeah that's pretty unlucky let me throw that away all right a lucky trader okay these enchantments are pretty pogu but they are golden so i do not need you oh okay what just happened i got a whole bunch of opie swords they're all another right of sharpness negative what is that 15 and i cannot move hello why can't i move do i need to throw all these out of my inventory and there we go yeah those are not lucky let's continue what the heck that is so unexpected what is happening i still haven't been able to collect enough resources to build myself a house though so let's continue mining these lucky blocks until i get like wood or cobblestone or something i did get a hero villager and he's trading pretty good sword and the potion well let's mine these oh another well let's throw the coin in there oh okay i got importer frames i'll keep it in this chest to be safe oh yeah let's eat a golden apple so i don't burn and let's mino all these webs but there is some copper lucky blocks that we just revealed that i haven't mined yet so there's mine up there hopefully nothing spawns on me i got another star and a hero sword yeah these copper lucky blocks aren't that lucky yep as i was saying he's not that lucky but so far got a bunch of random blocks that i could build a house with so slap down some chests out here and just fill it up with all these blocks i then spent the next couple of days mining lucky blocks hoping to get regular blocks so i could build a house okay i'm still mining lucky blocks for materials but something weird just spawned i got a baby a cookie god can i punch him oh oh okay he shook his head okay mine down what just happened oh it's a lucky block i thought that was the minion can i kill him all right it looks like i can't i guess he's staying here for a while you won't move i'll make a shrine for you one day but the past three days of mining i got some pretty lucky stuff like a dragon egg and even more nether stars and some blocks not a lot i do have lucky potions of plus 100 lux so let's throw these and see what i get okay that was a lot of hearts oh i got a horse i gotta tame him though i can ride him all right he's tamed ooh some books uh and these enchantments aren't the greatest yeah i'm throwing those away but i did get an anvil up two more a lot of useless armor i do have five unlucky potions though so let's throw it down as well and see what happens i got a ring of fire good thing i have this well while mining though i was lucky enough to get some water buckets and some lava buckets so i can make a stone generator and get enough blocks to build a house i'm gonna build it right over here and now let's start modding some cobblestone please don't pay any attention to the chat right now you guys saw nothing hey that should be enough cobblestone to build myself a house i do want to turn this into stone brick though and i don't have any coal so let's use some logs for fuel let's take some dirt and let's plant a tree farm while i wait for those trees to grow might as well just mine some unlucky blocks and let's mine out of here and it just spawned bedrock nice another sword all right finally oh my god the second i make an entrance to get out something else spawns in front of me like what what did i just say i also got another hero sword of sharpness five i got hero pickaxe as well i fidget c5 and a hero's axe some ender pearls and eyes of ender alright finally my trees have grown let's steal this wood and let's use it for some wood to smell the cobblestone alright now with stone brick and logs i can finally build my house i even collected some leaves in the meantime so now let's start designing a quick home that i can live in i'm sick of freeloading in villager homes after a bit of designing i came up with this i've never built something like this before but i wanted to go with the lucky block theme and this is what i got i still need to finish it up though i just want to give a quick update and there we go i topped it off with one more box on the very top unfortunately i don't have any sand to make glass for these houses but i do have leaves so let's cover up the entire thing and there we go there's my new house honestly it's kind of small inside i'm not sure how i'm supposed to live in here i didn't really plan that through i'm just going to make some ladders going up here and make it work somehow and after entire day i'm finally moved in no more of this stupid home i'm hoping tnt spawns when i break this at what is this what i didn't expect this to come sharpness 10 fire aspect and looting 10. i'm gonna give it a little test on this villager oh my god it's literally a one-hit kill good thing is in my hands you were a pig bacon canadian bacon ah you aren't so lucky yeah maybe i shouldn't have this sword let's go back to these pink lucky blocks now let's see what i can get maybe i'll get lucky this time oh and then that's pretty good it just multiplied let's break another one oh yes a whole bunch of ores ultimate lucky block pink boots let's see what this has to off okay this will be stuck on me forever but there's nothing better than this unless i get bedrock leggings or something maybe i won't put it on just yet alright let's continue some lucky potions seven lucky ones and seven unlucky ones well let's play russian roulette now let's just spam the seven please my heart got pumping but there's a lot of enchantment books and these are the only good enchantments i got right now we got the unlucky potions let's chuck them down the well a spider oh we got slime that's different a whole bunch of mobs oh there's iron golem down there too he fell oh bruh don't make me use my cave sword on you wipe you to oblivion well nothing's more fun than mining lucky blocks one is lucky one is not 50 50. i'm gonna flip a coin and it's gonna be left the left is lucky i want to say that's lucky but it's not tnt so this one yep this one is not lucky at all you guys caught that luck it's just iron pants and i was left with one heart ooh a round enchanted book flame and silk touch ooh a knight's chest plate all right there's a cursa bonding and curse of vanishing but there's night's strength i don't know what's on that but i don't really want to put that on with cursed binding with all this terra cotta let's make a giant wall and by the end of these 100 days we'll see how big this wall would get full of random blocks so we're gonna touch the sky limit with this i got some more n portal frames that makes a total of six i've been pretty lucky so far that no tnt has spawned yet oh my god i just gotta build your own wolf starter kit i got wolf spawn egg let's tame him with my bones there we go and we can color him come here buddy let's name him rudolph since christmas is coming still missing a lot of lucky blocks since i'm only scraping the surface but i gotta hear a villager and nothing too good but let's start digging down hopefully no tnt blows up oh okay that wasn't tnt but it was close this could get very dangerous being stuck in a little oh no yep as i said i trapped the villager as well oh where did all these dogs come from all right i guess i have a whole family of dogs now let's continue digging oh no my dogs four of my dogs just got killed from tnt that's tragic but nothing's gonna stop me let's continue mining here uh evil potion let's throw this on the villagers see what happens look how slow he's walking now all right let's continue mining here we got chest nothing good and nothing good these hero villagers suck oh i ran right into some copper lucky blocks it's been a while to mine this all right i got nothing oh i got bob oh that scared me but let's follow this slime noise oh no oh no go away okay there's no blocks i have cover up the lava it sounds like it's under me let's mine straight down that just led me into a methodist geode i almost died there but hey at least i found new lucky blocks that was unexpected and i guess that slime died poor guy but hey it was for a good cause because we have found a new lucky block let's mine this and see what i get it is kind of dangerous because i am stuck in little areas so i don't have a lot of space to run let's make sure i have my enchanted golden apple out and my bedrock leggings a chest with some cobblestone finally oh cookies ooh heart of the sea oh no oh wanna jump into the tnt i mean the lava that was my first instinct oh a totem of undying this would be super helpful let's put it on and then spend the next couple of days just mining all of these amethyst lucky blocks and i came out pretty lucky oh my god but by lucky i mean i got a mending pickaxe i mean that's something right but more importantly it got even more blocks to expand this giant staircase i'll lead to the build limit now i'm wondering if i combine silk touch with my pickaxe and mine a lucky block oh i actually do get the lucky block i'm gonna mine a whole bunch of lucky blocks and make a giant project all right here we go got a bunch of lucky blocks but i realized there is a luck counter to this and according to you guys if you combine an ore with this you get luckier blocks so a gold ingot gives a plus six what do diamonds give you it gives you plus 12. looks like i'm using diamonds all right let's work with a stack here let's keep increasing this luck oh wait i'm duplicating right now hold up what is happening look at this if i put a stack of lucky blocks with a diamond i get the stack back but i keep the stack oh my i found a glitch and it seems like we maxed out at luck 100 and i just duplicated like eight stacks of lucky blocks let's take this stack and mine it let's see what i get all right let's see what i get with the first and oh wait i have silk touch all right let's mine it and i got a sponge a whole bunch of llamas if i kill them do i get something lucky i do not some poopy armor oh more emperor frames i got four wait no i got five bruh that makes a total of eleven n portal frames i just need one more oh my god a whole bunch of pigs with a villager on top i can't really save them wow that is that is definitely like 100 right there i just got romantic rose what happens if you plant this down let's put it down right here and nothing i thought the whole world is going to blow up oh i hate this so much it scares me every time squidward ah die i got a whole bunch of spawn eggs alright we still have a couple blocks left and this giant block just deleted half of it okay let's build up tnt probably not the safest thing and turn it on let's see what i get this is really close to my house so please don't blow up oh and a bunch of loot a lucky boat and last but not least i got a evil potion that's really lucky i still have 14 of these plus 100 lucky blocks though so let's just spam all of this and see what i got two hero villagers to start a giant pig a giant and some poopy armor to end it there's a lot of stuff going around here now in this world a little too much yeah first things first i need to make a home for all of these animals i don't have any wheat to control these sheep but at least i can trap this oh i just punched him accident please don't go for me i'm gonna trap this giant so he could be my pet stay in there hopefully he can't jump out i mean the fence is like a little pebble to him but i'm sure keep him in check let's make sure these pigs don't leave because they are pretty cool and you go and once i build a weave farm i drag all of these animals into a pen but now let's increase the size to the stairs to the sky that is a tongue twister but we're calling this massive thing the stairs to the sky and now with all these lucky potions i got let's start eating them first things first i have non unlucky potions so let's just spam it and let's see what i get oh my god yeah nothing lucky there let's head on up to the top of my stairs and eat them all down let's see what i get oh my god that's a mosh pit of random things i can't even see what's going on in there i see some horses though they look kind of invisible all right there's two horses one is invisible and a bunch of random stuff and nothing too good other than food i mean that's the best part but let's go back to the basics and make a wee farm to control all of these animals i steal some dirt over here and now let's collect some seeds and now we just wait for all of this to grow but while i do that let's collect some more lucky blocks and this time it's gonna be the strange lucky blocks and let's add luck 100 to it and see what i can get and with this duplication glitch i can just multiply all of these all right there we have it we're capped out at luck 100 plus this time i'm gonna spread them apart because i feel like the strange lucky block is a little more dangerous alright i have a couple of strange lucky blocks placed down with luck 100 and let's see what i can get oh what what just happened and the sun is setting already let's go to bed before a whole bunch of mobs spawn maybe some of these wandering traders have some good trades though i'll take a spruce sapling i also take sugarcane also a pumpkin would be nice for some iron golems and some cactuses and these are the only things that came out with now let's take out my cave sword and get rid of all these llamas and watering traders because there's way too many you subscribe to a cookie god now all right and this should be the last one i finally done oh this is gonna take a couple of days clean area and way too much leather but let's start mining these strange lucky blocks we got distracted let's mine this ooh some carrots we could farm that as well what is that a light hold up i guess these are invisible lights those pop eyes oh never mind cooked rabbit okay they can't reach through here they're good they're good oh oh i'm dead i'm damn damn damn dead it's nice knowing you guys go go go go oh my god they're everywhere let's get up here okay we should let's go okay they're chasing all my villagers i had sheep they're killing all my cats they're killing everything in the way oh my god all right this is a free-for-all everybody run for your lives i'll do my best to try to kill them all let's go go let me let me okay i got the i got the op sword i got this holy cow okay maybe this strange lucky block was a bad idea all right i managed to kill all of them except the ones that fell into here and the ones that got trapped in the fences unfortunately all of my pets and animals died but that doesn't stop me from mining more strange lucky blocks okay this is oh some nether right blocks a very strange sword oh my god yeah let's put this cave sword away retire him nothing is standing in my way now let's continue mining ooh strange comfy boots protection five alright i'll put that on more polished granite stairs what enchantment is this they're all different types of enchantments let's just grab all this and put it to my stairs to the sky one block at a time this is gonna take a while we are getting pretty high not the highest i've ever been though there's two more strings like oh yeah this game can be pretty scary at times okay please be lucky the last one okay emeralds i'll take that let's go for a quick rest i still have 43 lucky blocks left with plus 100 luck so i spent the next couple of days mining them and let's just say it was pretty insane oh that broke all of my armor i got a bunch of different weapons i had puffer fish spawn twice everywhere i got a bedrock chest plate a dragon egg speed like 20 boots and most importantly four more end portal frames i'm taking all this armor off i can't deal with all those hearts in my face but we have a ton of different weapons now let's put them all away and make sure i'm using the best ones but now we have 15 end portal frames so i'm ready to go to the end i also got this lucky carrot stick that doesn't really look like a carrot i mean it looks like something else but let's not talk about that i do have a strange bow though and i'm looking to increase the luck on this so let's keep combining it with some diamonds to get to level 100 and let's shoot it what do i get oh my god i'm basically hawkeye and thor combined oh my god this is so op i'm the next avenger and with these speed 20 boots nobody can catch me oh i'm moving so fast i'm lagging so hard i did get all of these spawn eggs though i think it'll be a pretty cool idea to make them a little glass cage as like a museum so let's gather up all my resources and let's start building all right i've all six paws built out all i have to do is drop one of these into each single pod let's put a villager in this one pillager a skeleton horse this guy might suffocate a normal pig a scaly creeper and a blaze and i got oh no you you're free oh i just lost them i supposed to put a glass over them but there we have it five mobs in their containment let's get back to the regular plan originally i was gonna make a giant lucky block structure so let's grab all of these here and let's make a giant lucky block behind here let's get building all right there we go we got the question mark the replicate the lucky block and now let's just build out the cube but i also want to make a black one too so let's quickly do that right beside it and there we go that's the black version of the lucky block all i need now is the amethyst lucky block and the copper lucky block there might be some extra lucky blocks in the nether so let's go do that let's grab some obsidian and let's build another portal up here at the very top floor actually i probably don't have room right here let's do it over here and let's go to the nether all right spawn right into a giant ravine with a lot of these fire lucky blocks and they're like glowing it's pretty cool so let's mine some of these up i'm kind of scared oh my god oh another right block all right oh okay i spawn a little fortress with four more fire lucky blocks doesn't mind them let's see what else i can get bruh tnt is dangerous oh i got a bunch of spawn eggs that could add to the mop enclosure museum thing you have this would be awesome oh a charge creeper go away yeah that's right he spawns by lightning and dies by lightning alright let's continue mining oh bruh what is this oh my they really trapped me in obsidian box with lava bruh all right let's mine out of here all right ooh tnt yes oh another beacon i have like 15 beacons at this point i then spend the next couple of days mining lucky blocks in the nether while mining i got another right hoe a bunch of redstone some magma spawners two blazes stacked on top of each other flying like crazy and a ton of near-death experiences but since we have this far lucky block let's still touch all of this so i can make the giant lucky block in my world and all i need is a stack let's start increasing the luck for this fire lucky block and start duplicating and we're at luck 100 and before i build the fire lucky block beside these two let's see how lucky this thing is with plus 100 luck let's see i got another fire block but oh i'm using still touch i'm so dumb all right and a cake oh what is that what is that what is that it's moving i'm just gonna run away from that oh ancient debris some more random blocks i can add to the stairs a sword please be good now the right lucky sword with power five amazing i'm throwing that away yeah let's just say this isn't too lucky i'm not getting anything that's so insane but okay never mind i got a fire bow with a bunch of enchantments i think that's better than my strange bow oh my god okay yep this is really lucky oh tnt what's next that's it oh i just shot a molotov yeah this is pretty fun oh my god okay what if i increase the luck to this thing seems like there's more chances of random stuff to happen which makes it way more fun oh my god oh my god what did i just shoot this thing is insane bubba just spammed the air what would happen oh my god i just built a bridge but now let's start building the giant lucky block beside these ones hey cookie from the future here the game didn't want me to show you my awesome lucky blocks and cut the recording but that won't stop me from making a copper and amethyst lucky block aha back here this is definitely not enough but i'm gonna collect it all and see i ended up getting three stacks of lucky blocks but i just remembered i could duplicate this i didn't even need all this so let's just chuck these away man i don't even need it and let's start cheating i i mean i mean uh using my educational brain to uh increase my inventory of lucky blocks they're working and there we have it we just need one more lucky block but it's looking pretty sick having all of these all built out the copper one's gonna be the hardest though i do remember seeing some copper lucky blocks down here yep there's a patch down there so let's dig down to grab them and let's pray there's a lot oh yes there's a lot over here and just enough for a stack and you guys know the drill come on and there we go plus 100 luck let's do the same thing and see how lucky this copper lucky block is well we got bedrock let's try to mine it can i try to break it oh i actually broke it no way what oh i just said that as jokes and i spent the next couple of days mining the lucky block but it didn't get anything special and we got all the lucky blocks built out now it seems like all of the mobs inside these cages have disappeared though which is kind of unfortunate but i did get some name tags from the copper lucky block so let's do this again with the new spawn eggs that i got and let's name them all toes with the n for some reason let's put the wither skeleton down and name him slap down the creeper put a name on him a hoglin he's probably gonna suffocate and there we go and for the magma cube let's build a giant cube because this guy's gonna be fat all right hopefully this cube is big enough a slappered bruh are you kidding i really thought it would be the giant cube get in there oh my i built this entire thing for nothing let's slap another one in here let's just name them name these two guys slap some wither skeletons down name them that was not worth it at all and i'm sure you guys are wondering how big this stair will get to the sky and right now it's getting pretty long it's kind of disappearing off in the distance but we can do better let's grab all of these extra blocks and start expanding and building to the sky all right we are pretty high up now oh we could get higher once i run down all of these stairs it's endless it looks like i'm running up and now let's use all these extra lucky blocks and fill in the stairs and build it even higher and i finally reached the build limit and which way am i running up or down you can never tell pretty trippy illusion i did accidentally break a lucky block and i got end portal frames which reminds me i should probably going to the end so let's gear up and make sure i have everything i need before i go to the end i do need a lot more food i do have some pork chops some bread but that's not enough so i'm actually going to mine these lucky blocks until i get some food oh not bob food food i got some chickens some bad rock let's see if we can shoot it away again over that shot tnt this world is getting so messy i just got lucky chicken what if i hit him with a plus 100 lucky bow oh i guess i'll never know because he just burned up i mean this isn't really food some lucky potions let's shut them down oh they get cookies oh where'd you come from bro yeah that's right all right i got my food and for some reason i feel like my axe or sword can one hit this dragon it's gonna be pretty hilarious if it could but first i'm gonna throw an eva potion on him and see what happens let's also bring some strange lucky potions as well and i slapped the end port oh i just realized i can't break that whoops let's slap the end portal frame right here in the middle of my world bam bam bam place all the eyes in and yeah oh and i just realized it didn't bring any extra blocks all right i'm gonna use these n portal frames and build out as far as i can let's drink this that gives me speed three and slow falling i'm not sure what i'm taking damage oh the dragon breath i'm so dumb and let's pray i can make this jump oh i just made it and let's mine out of here i'm really hoping tnt doesn't spawn oh some lava get me out oh dandy oh my god oh here's some dogs die this is so sad oh i just got a baby cookie though and a dragon egg oh looks like my job here is done and you know what let's put on my bedrock armor and let's eat a golden apple to increase these hearts now i'm never gonna die look at the zombie all right well let's get my evil potion ready and let's shoot all these crystals with this lucky boat which should make my job a lot easier yup it blows everything up tnt yes and i think he's perching okay let's take my evil potion oh i think i think i missed that's kind of that's kind of embarrassing now let's see if my very strange sword would kill it with one hit yo there's some more pink lucky blocks i totally forgot about this block let's still touch it i need to make another lucky block in my world with the pink ones i totally forgot about these guys look at these dogs they're literally walking but sitting this is so cursed oh he's perching okay let's see how strong this is drop your guesses and how many hits i need oh my god look at his head i hit him once one more shot is needed and i can't miss it ready all right that didn't kill him i want to shoot a tnt at him oh oh yes i killed him with the machine gun thing well that was pretty easy and i probably don't need this dragon oh well let's finally head home and coming back i just realized there's still pink lucky blocks over here so let's still touch all this by the pink one built though and that makes a total of all six lucky blocks built i think it looks pretty amazing but now let's decorate this end portal frame it's looking pretty like randomly placed because it is let's put some nether right blocks and my three dragon eggs and there we go it's pretty simple but it shows everything that i need the dragon eggs the extra end portal frames bro i'm trying to make a video bro and it's decked out on diamond blocks gold blocks and some nether ray blocks i would put some beacons around here but i kind of built it in a bad spot so let's build these beacons somewhere else surprisingly i don't have enough resources to build a pyramid so let's take these plus 100 lucky blocks and try to get some diamond blocks oh that's not diamond block that's a diamond zombie i spent the next couple of days breaking only lucky blocks with plus 100 luck and i finally got enough resources to build a big enough pyramid for all of my beacons all right got my materials and let's start building this beacon it needs to be big enough to fit 12 of them so this is gonna be a pretty fat pyramid and now slap down all of these beacons hopefully they all work and there we go all the beacons are placed down i'm just gonna replace the top layer with diamond blocks just to make it look like i'm rich you know all right now let's play a little game of all the lucky blocks all plus 100 luck and let's see how many lucky blocks i can mine before i die i know we're only on day 94 but let's make this interesting let's place all of these down and see how lucky i really get all right place 32 of each and let's start modding let's see how crazy this thing gets whoa i've never gotten this before continue mining it cannot stop oh that was tnt oh this is a dangerous game whoa i'm getting things i've never gone before axolotls what nothing too bad yet oh peter oh that scared me i'm nervous and oh i'm in a box full of blazes i'm getting things i've never gotten before oh a fly what flying shelly what is this all right now we're onto the pink lucky blocks what just flew by me okay i'm gonna i'm gonna tnt please oh i missed look at this it's on a bat too this isn't even fair oh god him and you're gonna die now we're on to the regular lucky blocks oh my god i just killed a whole bunch of animals let's eat another golden apple just in case we're now on to the amethyst stage we got cookies get started good start um i'm being surrounded by so many things holy cow okay let's keep my oh a bunch of pillagers saving me on golems yes oh i don't want to hit any iron golems thank you even my wolves are helping all right i got a whole army ready all right and that's all for the amethyst stage and let's get into oh i hit this golden box they do a lot of damage okay my wolves are attacking him let's hit him yeah i got him but let's continue minding the strange ones now this is the last phase oh okay i got enchanted golden apple cows and a giant biome that spawned i got a bouncy ball knockback five oh go go oh my god i'm still alive and standing strange candy what happens if i eat this oh just feeds me okay all right we're coming close to the end here what is gonna be the last thing maybe something very dangerous and nothing just a strange pickaxe oh sharma okay yup i'm sorry but i'm gonna throw this away charmander's 10 efficiency 10 fortune 10. we got some pretty insane stuff now that i got a strange pickaxe with my axe and sword i'm really hoping there's some strange armor or something i can upgrade so let's take all these strange lucky blocks and just mine them all i want to be as op as possible before this video ends and maybe full bedrock everything if possible as well let's see what i can get i got jeb has a lot of flying pigs it looks so cursed technoblade get away from me oh okay that's a different type of pig oh my god okay let's eat up now let's go to war oh my god okay let's go to war okay let's kill them all here oh my god they're flinging me around like i'm a rag doll and i'm getting a lot of granite oh my god holy cow how many are there yeah i just killed them all all right what else can i get here oh oh i already have the bedrock chest plate and my arm is literally about to break i should probably switch these out huh what is that strange comfy chest plate protection five right that's nothing close to the bedrock oh i got better leggings again do they even have boots or helmets i'm not sure why i'm gaining so much health right now hello look at my heart oh every generation with my armor that makes sense well looks like i'm never gonna die now let's put this to the test let's run all the way up to build height and jump down and see if i die all right we're at the very top 256 blocks up in the air now let's see if i die for fall damage let's go oh all right and oh i'm kind of scared oh oh bruh i only lost like two rows of hearts i thought i was gonna lose at least half or die this bedrock armor so opie i want to get a full set of bedrock armor that is the goal so let's continue mining these strange lucky blocks all right there's 10 stacks of plus 100 lux strange lucky blocks and let's get to work i am getting a lot rarer things though look at this oh oh leggings again maybe boots and helmets don't even exist what the heck the roller coaster just spawned all right let me let me ride it i guess i've never seen this before let's go let's go on a ride we it doesn't even work this is so much fun yeah yeah i'm wasting my time let's consume my ironing every single mob spawned oh what is going on what is going on how many m i can't even see anything am i flying right now i have levitation what is shooting at me oh this is the most random thing happening i'm back and i think i killed most of the animals i'm getting kind of scared what what just happened heroin really died for enderman that's what i'm more scared about not this again oh my god the bow will clear it all up for me this is a massacre it's kind of fun though not gonna lie the more i'm on these blocks and the closer i get to day 100 these lucky blocks get way more dangerous and way more insane him go away whoa what is happening i just want my bedrock armor oh i gotta buy our boots all right all i need is a helmet and a full bedrock armor i don't have much time though we're closing in on day 100 minor fatigue for five minutes no that's not enough time let's grab a bucket and let's milk one of these cows give me your milk and let's drink it and let's continue mining wha what is that what is going okay i didn't want to ask oh not again oh okay what what just happened oh my there's no way i'm living there's literally no way i'm living there's no way what what i was like a thousand blocks up all right let's continue mining i got fork charm is 83. let's try this out whoa what are what are these electric bombs oh oh that did a lot more that oh my god hold on let's try this again oh my god that is next level op bro i just got sent to the moon again is what iron man feels like all right i'm not getting any luck bruh my house is burnt down what happened well you know what let's just uh make it a little worse and chuck that on there oh my i had a house well this has been fun i'm not sure if i'm surviving 100 days this is getting chaotic let's end it here thank you guys so much for watching and i'll see you guys in the next video
Channel: aCookieGod
Views: 2,900,880
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, 100 days, minecraft 100 days, 100 days in minecraft, 100 days in a superflat world minecraft, i survived 100 days in a superflat world in hardcore minecraft, i survived 100 days in a lucky block world in hardcore minecraft, i survived 100 days in a lucky block superflat world in hardcore minecraft, 100 days in a lucky block world, i survived 100 days of hardcore minecraft in a lucky block superflat world, minecraft lucky block world, minecraft lucky block super flat world
Id: -jku_eeQM8E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 11sec (2351 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 27 2021
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