Photoshop Challenge: 5 Minutes vs 30 Minutes vs 2 Hours!

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this video was sponsored by enfatto elements today ladies and gentlemen i'm giving a bunch of stock photos and have to turn these into something epic in 5 minutes 30 minutes and 2 hours all of that to see how big of a difference time actually makes i can already feel the stress pumping right now [Music] i send my girlfriend to envato elements with the task of finding some really cool images for this challenge she loves snow globes so there was no escaping that topic i'm supposed to use these images to make something cool in 5 minutes 30 minutes and 2 hours the idea is something like this the snowy landscape images are gonna be inside of the globe and the three images to make some sort of staff holding it up it's pretty straightforward all the edits i make have to be this exact same composition let's go open up photoshop and see what happens ladies and gentlemen here we are in photoshop as you know the first one is five minutes so let's go and start the timer in three two one there you go okay so first of all i am going to go to my pictures and i'm gonna have to put all of them in i'd be surprised if i can even do that within five minutes like in a decent fashion okay so i had this idea to make the ball obviously like i explained so i am going to sort of put this inside inside the bowl as some sort of snow globe there you go then we take the selection from the sphere put it on there absolutely beautiful then we'll also put this one in here same mask for that one fantastic i can already feel the stress pumping right now just fading out the edge a little bit absolutely beautiful also this sphere should probably be on top on screen there you go so it's nice and shiny let's also make the background very nice and dark because otherwise it just doesn't work then for the base i got this one which i'm gonna put sort of under it there you go and then i'm gonna have to sort of cut this out very fast let's just do something like this absolutely beautiful oh this is problematic okay we can easily do this and turn this into a smart object and sort of warp it so it matches the shape oh this is not good this is not good doesn't matter we still have three minutes left it's fine it's fine i don't even know like twigs or something like just kind of sticking out there if that makes sense there you go oh that's beautiful you get the idea okay so then we have that then we also need to add in the trees of course only two and a half minutes we're gonna put this one right there and then of course one of the most important things the house is using the pen tool very quickly around it and i mean very quickly two minutes left the stress ladies and gentlemen this stress okay cut that out make it a mask boom absolutely perfect there you go fade this out a little bit sort of oh it's it's beautiful then we also have this image from which i wanted to use the background but i hope that's gonna look nice the way i did it right now here you go i'm gonna put that sort of behind it this is not gonna work i'll just warp it a little make it look nice absolutely beautiful there you go easy peasy oh this is a disaster then we also have the sleigh which is very tiny i'm gonna put it sort of before in front of the house i mean perfect one minute left oh yeah and there's also this one which i wanted to use for the like the trunks in front here but right now i don't really know how to do that ah i'm just gonna put it right here some sort i mean i have to use it in some way this is awful but you get you get the point you get the idea half a minute left then we also have the snow overlays which we gotta use almost second one almost 14 seconds 13 uh screen screen mask there you go i mean it works five five seconds five seconds two seconds ah okay well this is terrible i was just in time just to place down the images like how am i well here's what happens if you only have five minutes for a project let's move on to 30 minutes pretty hideous to let that sink in let's have a quick word from our sponsor because we have some pretty cool stuff to give away this time ladies and gentlemen my name is gary and you know what sponsor it is today and elements and today we can give away three year subscriptions for free that is amazing i'm pretty sure all of you know what envato elements is but let me explain it once more because i love it so much they literally have the best stock photos and videos and elements for a great great value but don't just think of stock photos because they also have amazing video templates and stock video and fonts and graphics and oh they have so much and probably my personal favorite the 3d objects which you can just rotate around and choose your perfect angle for your next artwork absolutely crazy that is and it's no secret that they are my favorite ever and i don't say that because they're paying benny who is paying me to have to say this now this is genuinely my own opinion now if you want to win a free year subscription to envato elements make sure to head over to my instagram account and leave a comment under my most recent story saying what you are gonna use it for in your next project then the last thing you gonna do is subscribe to envato on youtube and you're all set you only have 24 hours though so you have to make it quick and the winners will be revealed on my instagram page as well can i go now anyone if that isn't fantastic i don't know what is let's not waste any more time and get straight into the 30 minute edit and see what that's gonna look like so now half an hour it is so i'm gonna put the timer on right in three two one go okay so i'm once again gonna start with the globe because it just seems the most uh the most obvious i'm gonna put this one flipped down here basically the same thing i did earlier except now i have a bit more time to make it actually look good i'm gonna mask it out a bit more detail than the previous time as well oh that's disgusting then with a little bit of warp it looks uh pretty this is already better than the previous one can you believe it okay so then i'm actually gonna make this one look a little better i'm gonna mask this out again here you go i'm gonna use this one first and i'm guessing we can just put this on the side here and then we have to make it a bit more reddish like so okay that's uh i guess that's not horrible so then i can drag it in again and cut out another portion like maybe this area instead here you go and this one i'm gonna put on the other side maybe sort of here and i can also mask away some of these weird areas because this is not looking so fantastic there you go something like this see this is already starting to get some shape then i'm gonna combine all of these into one group and maybe we should add some shadows as well because it's not looking very cohesive something like this just here and there so before putting too much effort in that let's go ahead and make the landscape inside the snow globe i'm gonna drag this one in here and now i'm first gonna mask out just the snow because we don't really need any of the rest and again warp it a little bit on the sides here and for the house the same thing as before but a bit more detailed maybe and i mask this away and we can put it somewhere on top of this nothing too crazy just right about here so here we have the background we can add the same mask to it again there you go and then we need the sky this is going to determine the color like the main color inside here and we can fade this one out so it looks uh natural then we have to make the house and everything look a bit more blue greenish because that just makes sense possibly make it a little bit darker there you go that's looking nice then i'm already going to add some some glow because i think that's gonna make it pop just a little bit more in this short time span just a little bit of green bluish glow right up there see beautiful however we are not finished yet because we also still need this slate which i'm going to put in the same exact spot as before and there is also the trees which i kind of forgot so let's go and put these behind here i don't think we need to do too much to make those look nice because we don't have that much time anyways so then apart from the snow overlays i'm pretty sure we used everything now so that means we can start making it look nice first of all i'm pretty sure we need a shadow below the sleigh just a bit bit darker shadow i'm not actually trying to make it look too amazing because i know that i simply can't in 30 minutes and then maybe some highlights up here and up here and right there because the main light source is coming from above we all know that very good okay that's a bit better then let's go ahead and drop in these snow overlays because we can't miss these at the end of the day this is what truly makes it a snow globe you know what i think if we copy this and temporarily merge it and then go to filter choose blur gallery and then iris blur there you go something like this that actually does look very nice let's do that then since the inside is quite bright and vibrant we probably want to add those sort of same colored highlights on the trunks so then i'm gonna take my brush and just subtly paint some inner highlights on these uh twigs what the heck on these wooden areas there you go yeah that's that's 100 horrible let's go and add some more shadows to that because it just looks awful at this point we want to make sure they actually look around and you know like actual wood here you go i'm not sure if this is doing much but i'll just try anyway i guess it's not hideous then we should probably also add some blue to the staff itself since uh the kind of overall vibe has that this is definitely better than the previous one but still i don't like it we still have 11 minutes left that's good because you also need to add some sort of glows as well first of all around the globe itself since the light is pretty bright i think then up here i want some sort of main big light source and a little bit on the sides as well there you go and then here since now on the sides there are light sources i'm gonna add some highlights as well this shouldn't be too much just a little bit just subtly like it's still not perfect but it definitely adds some dimension so that's good the background could maybe use a bit of a bluish tone as well like this it's a bit better and then we can possibly also add a very subtle snow overlay to the background not too much though just a tiny bit let's just go around here and add some more tiny details and ambient shadows if that makes sense i am happy i'm not stressing too much on this one i'll also go and make these edges glow a little bit more to really make it nice and glossy like hazy maybe nah glossy is a better word wow wow that's fantastic also up here and maybe we can make some sort of flare oh i like that i wanted to have some light inside here i completely forgot i'm gonna make a very quick mask here you go i'm gonna add one here as well okay with the selection i'm gonna add a nice bright solid color something like uh like orange a bit reddish and then this i will make very nice and bright by using exposure and then i'll just dab in the middle here you go get a bit more intense color wise oh that's that's amazing pretty nice then i think i'm gonna use the the the spare time for a camera raw filter i'm gonna add a whole bunch of stuff to hopefully make this look just a bit more cinematic it's just very messy at this point few minutes let's do some color grading since we have one minute left i'm gonna try fixing the lighting issue a little bit up here there you go this makes a bit more sense some light coming from above and maybe also just a little bit on the sides i already did this but for some reason it got deleted or erased i don't know why only 20 seconds left hit okay and i'm i'm pretty sure this is fine this is uh this is good and there you go ladies and gentlemen this is 30 minutes of photoshop this is most definitely a lot better to be completely fair this is better than i thought i was gonna do in 30 minutes but i i mean i guess that's a good thing so now i am very curious to see what happens if i actually put my all into this and spend two hours on this let's go and see what happens then the 5 minute version is completely destroyed by this one now let's start all over again and give this two hours of our attention [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i don't find the difference between 30 minutes and two hours all that big like the blending is a little better the lighting is a bit better and the composition maybe arguably but overall i don't find it that different really i mean they still really have the same vibe the same can't be said about the five minute version though that's utter trash like there's no other way to put it anyway don't forget to enter the giveaway following the instructions from santa and then i guess that's it for today if you like this video make sure to leave a like and a comment and if you enjoy my overall content feel very very free to subscribe because that would actually mean the world to me and then i hope i'll see you in the next video [Music] you
Channel: Benny Productions
Views: 37,819
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bennyproductions, benjamin, design, starwars, photoshop, editing, digital art, breakdown, speedart, speed art, adobe, creative cloud, tutorial, entertainment, photo shop, christmas, photoshop challenge, editing challenge, limited time challenge, 5 minutes vs 30 minutes, 5 vs 30 vs 2 hours, snow globe, santa, festive, 2021, holidays, christmas photoshop
Id: 2gM1ApvJLV8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 0sec (1140 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 16 2021
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