I left youtube for a month and THIS is what happened.

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i have been gone off youtube for over one month i said i was gonna take a break and this is what happened i don't know what did happen what did you guys do while i was gone it's been so good i'm finally back i took the time that i needed away and it's been absolutely wonderful i had such a good break oh you guys don't know what it's like to just disconnect from the internet do you no because here you are watching my brand new upload honestly i didn't do much though i kind of just sat around and played some video games i did a lot of housework i said i was going to clean my house and i did and i cleaned this room today and i installed some speakers on the walls i put up some shelves it was great i felt like an adult i felt like the biggest boomer but thank you all for the lovely messages of support while i was gone i was trying to completely disconnect from the internet in general i took like an entire week away from social media and youtube and then came back and realized i didn't miss a damn thing so i took even more time away and even more time away and it's great i don't know if you guys realize how amazing it is to disconnect your brain from so many different people's opinions on the internet it's wonderful i finally heard what my own thoughts were again they were shite but i heard them but when i did check everyone was saying really nice things and saying that they supported my break so thank you appreciate it you guys are amazing and wonderful and it's so nice to be able to take this much time away from your job i know not everybody has the privilege of even being able to do that so the fact that i was able to take some time away and reorient my brain and come back happier and healthier and lighter than i was doing it before it's just wonderful so what better way to come back to making videos than to just check out some memes it's me time it's mean time gather all your friends it's meme time it's been time it's been time the only cure for sadness there it is the jacksepticeye subreddit oh i miss you you sweet beautiful [ __ ] damn we're up to 356k members and there's even basically 600 people online right now that's so cool i wasn't even here and you guys are still just posting memes to each other the first one i see is this petition for jacksepticeye to make his returning video check on water jesus i should you know what i still have him i'll go get him um i don't know if i should show this um look at them yeah that's right that's a twitch class i'm a gamer what up that is so gross you know people say don't go outside and socially distance and all that kind of stuff right now i feel like there's a disease growing in my house oh it's full of bits water jesus what are you doing if we get 150 000 likes on this video i'll drink water jesus all right i want to go to the top for the last month when i'm not here i want to know what you guys are actually posting what kind of garbage are you putting out on the internet that i can just suck on up oh my god i completely forgot oh music to my titties man how do they almost forget about the bell welcome back bill oh yeah right top of this month of course the top post is me saying that i'm returning soon returning so soon in fact that i'm here right now looking at you right through the camera did you miss me i know it's mean time and the depression set in hard while i was gone everyone stuck at home bored alone not knowing what to do where's that loud swearing yelling irishman when we need him here i am but it's good to be back guys we need context for this cuteness this is what you're upvoting while i'm gone just some [ __ ] regular ass pictures that have been out here for years where's the memes it's meme time not look at [ __ ] old pictures time the context for this is that i was in indianapolis i did a show on tour these are all the people who came to the show that i met after the show i was heading back to the bus somebody had a very nice hug i sat down took a picture with him that's it that's the whole meme it's not even a mean me revisiting jack after not watching him for a while it's louder than i remember nothing has changed you might be wondering check what changed when you were gone on break what are you gonna do differently when you come back it's all in here what i what i am changing on my channel going forward is all in here it's a mental game and i am much more prepared and healthier going forward and more capable of doing it than i was before but on the outside gonna be the exact same you guys are gonna get the exact same type of content what does youtube want except the exact same [ __ ] thing over and over and over again new video break time understandable have a nice break yeah it's so awesome to be able to take a break and not just for myself but the fact that everyone's just like yeah good for you you're setting a good example and taking care of yourself and we love that for you it's awesome you guys are the best thank you bell buddies bell squad what's up my bellars that's what you guys are going to be called from now on you sweet little baby bells oh god oh jesus [Laughter] damn i do be kind of thick though damn boy damn boy hey thickest dude not gonna lie i'd frick just saying buying a vr headset no no no going to bed hoping i'm going to dream about my favorite video game oh that's that's really sad that's how you end up getting vr in your life i feel bad for you bro poor can't even afford a very expensive vr headset laughs in rich potatoes hopefully vr gets a lot more affordable soon they're coming out with a new oculus quest it looks it's white and it looks like it's probably going to be a cheaper version then you all get to play vr it's amazing go play beat saber sean doesn't say anything when he sees a road work ahead sign me we were on the verge of greatness we were this close look my brain is [ __ ] stupid my brain just turns off whenever i'm like with friends or hanging out and playing games on my own with evelyn or something i'm on fire there's jokes jokes jokes jokes firing all over the place and i'm hilarious when it comes to recording them there's a lot of pressure there's a lot of people watching i can't do it our three mega chats yeah worked out a lot while i was on break as well posted update pictures god swole it's whatever no problem what's funny is that i went from being literally not only physically the best i've ever looked but physically the best i've ever felt i was super fit i was running like 6k every second day and i was just at the peak of my fitness and then my asthma kicked in and then i spent the last like three weeks battling that and felt the physically worst i've ever felt so i it went up and then it went down again also one of these things is not like the others where's mark wearing a fishtail nobody jack's dog army in minecraft waiting to kill the weapon oh i feel so bad oh i really need to go back we have to go back i will i will i've said that before i know it means absolutely nothing i make all these promises and then it goes absolutely nowhere um i will try i'll go back and do it again i want to like making videos now i want to make sure that i'm doing the stuff that's that's more fun i don't wanna i'm not gonna upload every day anymore i don't think i don't think i'm gonna be a daily youtuber anymore it's just very unfulfilling and i feel like everybody that i know who does it and i talk to and even including myself a lot of it is just doing it for the sake of doing it for having something that day because that's what you do and i i don't know if i want to do that anymore i'll still do like the same types of content but i'll just make sure that i'm not patting out the days in between with filler videos um but minecraft is definitely one that i want to do as well i want to make like a build uh series where we go online with each other um i saw daniel rtgame another irish youtuber we've played with in the past he does a lot of these build competitions and people like recreate ireland and i've been in a video with him doing that and it's super fun and i asked him for advice on how to set that up so i'm gonna try any of you out there who know how to set up minecraft stuff please let me know um because i want to do that and i want to do more minecraft stuff with you guys specifically it's going to be really fun with this thingy in hotel management my thingy what do you mean my thingy i spent three years slaving away in a college learning all about hotels and swimming pools and gyms and you call it a [ __ ] thingy it's a bachelor of arts you uncultured piece of [ __ ] with his super high quality very smart thingy in hotel management jack could open a hotel with a cafe that the subs could stay in and sell top of the morning coffee he could name it the sean mclaughlin in that's [ __ ] stupid who awarded this [ __ ] that's a terrible name shame belle of shame it's another thing going forward i'm not giving you guys any [ __ ] slack anymore okay only the highest top tier quality memes no more mr nice septic but still on top of the morning coffee that's that's big that's big wrinkle brain i like that idea please go buy my coffee we don't have any for sale right now we have shirts my chairs on my cables um but it's coming back soon okay the bad virus kind of messed up the manufacturing of everything we have the beans we just don't have the bags jacksepticeye returning soon youtube algorithm i never met this man in my life yeah i wonder how the algorithm is going to favor me coming back now please be nice to me algorithm please 200 000 likes in this video please i need to come back strong i need youtube to like me again please am i part of the cool club still i'm still relevant right people still need a loud irishman on youtube right posting it here before my teacher destroys my confidence why would your teacher destroy your confidence for how [ __ ] amazingly talented you are [ __ ] that teacher the teacher ain't [ __ ] [ __ ] that teacher kick that teacher in the balls don't do that that probably gets you kicked out of school but you're very very talented and this is very very cool and i love it do you see it the [ __ ] off my abs are the windows logo no god damn it oh no i can't unsee it now damn that just means that my abs are high in demand and a lot of people need them and they're very expensive one of the best memes i've ever seen so far in the entirety of my life that's big praise maybe set higher standards for your memes simple haha branch there's a place called haha branch yeah haha branch damn look at those sexy colors and shading damn boy he talented as [ __ ] dude you got silver for that what's this one faith in humanity restore the war jesus i won a big bell award uh big chungus award this is really cool i like this a lot i want to showcase more of the artwork on the top of the morning website when we go for it first of all the coffee's not even launched yet i keep getting people asking me when their orders are going to arrive it's still in pre-order we're just trying to get through as many of the orders as we can because it sold so incredibly well on the first day that we're still playing catch-up it's a very small team okay cut us some slack please wait for those beans i know they're amazing but it's hard stuff when everybody's stuck inside and everyone's afraid of this deadly virus that's going around and you should be me wait patiently waiting for the top of the morning hot chocolate because i don't like coffee oh it's coming soon it's coming soon don't you worry about it i got some pictures back on what the packaging is going to look like if you guys want to see uh boom that's it that's all you're seeing oh tantalizing teas bell ding ding ding twisty nipples it's gonna be good we have two types coming out and you guys better buy the [ __ ] out of it okay if you don't buy it i'm gonna be sad this comment had me dead 2020 is like looking both ways before crossing the street and getting hit by an airplane yeah that's kind of how it feels like but that it doesn't have to be that way i i made sure that i took some time to better myself physically and then i took the last month mentally and now i feel great oh honey what is you doing [Music] oh god i believe in you stop stop it stop [Music] no no that is so gross jesus ew that's got to be the thumbnail man that's i've been gone for a month and this is what you did to me that's great i i appreciate the craftsmanship i appreciate the talent what i don't appreciate is all the bullying that's going on here i thought i'd come back to rapturous applause people have missed me roll out the red carpet and put the crown back in my head but no you turned me into shrek microphone it's jack's microphone i forgot mine so he'll lend it to me it's very enticing [ __ ] felix i kinda wanna [Music] no i'll deep throat this microphone why am i in the middle of this oh lord yeah well you got to do me like that man [ __ ] stinks he came back and gave me the mic and he's like i swear i didn't put it in my mouth and i'm like oh people sent it to me a lot i've seen it [ __ ] stinks i loaned him a mic in his hour of need he's out there no microphone can't record videos 100 million subscribers on the line about to let them down jacksepticeye comes in clutch mics him up gives them a a [ __ ] mount for it gives him an interface for it and how does he repay me he puts his goddamn stink all over it had to burn the microphone when he gave it back to me it's no more it doesn't exist yeah you're welcome everybody are you winning dad no but everyone that is watching this meme already won and that's okay for me wow you'd a snack you just snack right there how did you ever survive a whole month of me not telling you that you'd the snack the snack pack that's what we should be called the snack pack or the bellins what's up my balance youtube would love that that's a question i'll ask all of you right now since i've been gone for so very long were you winning [Music] where are you whoa this has a ton of awards just want sean to see this make a reaction video he gonna cry well now i'm not because you made this trying to make me cry i can't listen to this because it's copyrighted music people want me to react to stuff all the time the edits they do of me but you put copyrighted music in it i literally can't watch it and then if i put my own music over it then it cuts out what's actually in the video the talking [Music] oh man i remember all of this god this feels like a lifetime ago [Music] what are we doing oh god that's crazy we went from boy to man over the giant you literally saw me grow from like an insecure into like insecure boy with no confidence in what he was doing at all damn just make me emotional it's weird to see it all back to back like this [Music] you guys are everything towards this channel thank you all all you beautiful people all you wonderful people thank you guys for making me happy every day i don't know if i'd be this happy if i didn't have youtube to go to all the time so thank you seriously and i guess i will see you all in the next one oh my god that feels like a different person to watch that was really sweet thank you now i know why it has all the awards that it has on reddit i i really appreciate it thanks meme time wait it's all a cure for me sadness always has been you should have put a bell in my hand always has been baby always a cure for sadness how many of you are sad watching this right now come on you can't be sad watch mean time it's the happiest time on earth there's a lot of other meme shows around on youtube but none of them are clinically proven to reduce sadness by up to 95 oh my god oh my god shut your tie in your head [Music] holy [ __ ] why does his face fit so well there's some micro injections into the didn't [Music] oh that's so cool [Music] holy [ __ ] i can do this damn felix thick as [ __ ] he has been working out that's so weird holy [ __ ] it's so weird to see mercy with a british accent don't like it oh bill of disgust but also damn talented some of you guys have some incredible amount of time on your hands i assume you made this for is subreddit and then just posted it here as well because i know he didn't make that for me was re-watching 2020 when this struck me as funny i even wanted to take some time just to clean that's how you know how old i am also sean haha new vacuum go pew pew pew yeah i okay i bought a new dyson vacuum it was epic i was really damn excited about it like way more excited about a vacuum than i should have been just because it had a dial on the back that you could set and it told you how long you had left to vacuum and it was strong and powerful and it looked like a [ __ ] gun it was awesome but yeah that's that's what i get excited about i bought a new ladder and i got excited about that a [ __ ] ladder anyway end of episode bell i didn't realize how long i was recording this is way too much fun it's good to be back baby the return of the king the return of the meme king the potato king whatever you want to [ __ ] say i don't know feels good to be back i'm glad i'm recording videos again and i have some fun ideas for stuff that i want to record uh and again i can't promise that stuff is going to be too different on the outside but in here i feel the best i've ever felt and i have a lot to talk about and we'll probably do some i want to do some more live streams as well i want to do a stream of like bloodborne i've been playing that in my off time i've gotten even better at it so i want to do that maybe dark souls 3 maybe just a chatting one that we can all sit down and hang out and you can interact with me as i'm live because i've been away for a while uh and also uh coffee yes that's out go buy it keep up to date on the website follow the socials totm coffee go do it now 150 000 likes in this video like i said i'll drink water jesus what else we have new masks on the merch store to help covet 19. all funds will be going towards that epic [ __ ] is happening what up i'm jack please don't let this video get crippled by the algorithm now that i'm back don't know how to end a video anymore bye
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 3,852,047
Rating: 4.9630542 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, funny, funny meme, memes, jacksepticeye memes, reddit, subreddit, community, community memes, community subreddit, jacksepticeye subreddit, reddit memes, fan submitted, spicy memes, funny pics, reaction, react, green screen, funny memes, funny green screen, dank memes, memes compilation, try not to laugh, meme, fresh memes, meme review, funny moments, bell memes, bell of meme, jacksepticeye bell
Id: J78aPJ3VyNs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 9sec (1329 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 11 2020
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