I KNOW THAT VOICE | The Boss - Part 5

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*whapish* TOP OF THE MORNIN' TO YA LADDIES MY NAME IS JACKSEPTICEYE and welcome back, finally again, to The Boss! I can't remember where we left off *facepalm* It's been a while since I was playing the game, but I know I came back into my house to do something I got the hydrospersion keys I think it's time to go to Alphys at least I have... how many hydrospersion keys do I have? I've one more So I think there's one more left to get after this They're all versions of me wait who's the guy in the right? Excuse me? oh *laughing* It's the character from a... It's the people from the other... fan games that I've done That definitely is anyway. That was the first fan game I ever did. The first fangame I ever got- the Jacksepticeye a million subscriber YouTube party game I don't know It was awesome was really fun, and it was, it was in 3D as well, which isn't even a harder thing to do I can't remember what voices I gave you guys. I do! Also, I should mention before I go any further into this game that I met some of the people who made this game! They came out at the signing at PAX East Thank you guys (whoever I met just know that you are awesome and thank you so much!) You guys were so lovely and it was really really nice to meet you guys and just talk to you about the game and hear where you came up with the ideas for stuff and everything like that it was awesome you guys were so nice and there at the End of the signing so I got a long time to actually talk to you. It was wonderful. It was lovely There out of my control jack, but if you're interested. I can't wait to talk to my own Billy about not bugging you Wasn't he dead Yes, that's why I can control him. It's easy to tell a corpse has to do something Now I remember you this snarky Jack Someone has to be so these are all different states of being you are like the coolest Version of me, it's so awesome to be able to talk to you. I don't know man Nothing is cooler than the real thing although you're a bit of a letdown Damn, hash Boyd You and I know that Billy is the enemy you saw what he did to all our friends in my game Don't bring me into this your Billy was a psychopath. I didn't infect anyone Still I'd be careful if I were you Jack keep a close eye on Billy. He might still prove his latent evilness Already on it, man Ha wait my games part actually came true, so this is the the 2d like uh? What do I call is like a little Bob Lee animation kind of? It was a pixel art game. It was really really cool. Huh yeah, you're right. I'm stuck in my computer. Just like you were wait does this mean you never escaped I Mean technically I always lived in your computer so I escaped the computer within the computer here. We go again. I Don't believe my neck threw in that voice ah Listen Jack if you need my help. I'll help you in any way I can the community already saved me once I won't let them suffer in the computer if I can help it I'm not sure they're suffering not exactly in fact. It's probably more like being asleep I'm assuming yes, but even so they need me they need to be free and also you're really lucky You're not my Billy Getting such warm welcomes from all your counterparts We're always happy to support you Jack weren't you cold Shaun in your game? Oh? Yeah? Well, we're right here supporting you Shawn Thanks keep being a boss Jack ten-four always am I I don't know where this version of me is from what the beep are you doing talking to me? She's you're a bit Explosive of course I'm explosive. I mean fabricating censored by your computer all because of this little apple pie I Think I'm glad for the sensor with this guy What the phone did you just say to me? Yeah, he's kind of the reason Evy even install it she and Bobby didn't want me learning from him well Nice to meet you Jack to the Future Jack. That's who it was heavily autocorrected grumbles oh Yeah, Jimmy Buffett that guy was mad Hey, so ceilings are really overrated you should just ignore them whenever you see them subtle So how are you guys doing? Where have you been? Looks like all your limbs are intact so I couldn't have been too bad horror games plural Wow and you're still alive barely We've been busy while you were gone And so we were teaching ourselves how to make baked, Alaska Why do they call it desert you can set on fire Baked, Alaska? And a baked Arizona, that's much hotter Now we have a new project creating pinked Arizona My Kitchen may never recover Whoo-hoo. Kitchens are for wusses Real Jack would go out and grill a bear over a campfire in the middle of the woods strong I Loved his face, but Undine it's a huge problem Don't be ridiculous. You've seen horror movies nobody ever looks up Do you not see Jack and his friends standing right there listening to your entire conversation? Whatever you do don't look up jack just old Why not? You'll die and they'll be horrible We wouldn't want that would we papyrus we really really wouldn't want it to happen to our dear merciful friend Here's the key office Thank you. I really hope finding it. This time wasn't as bad as I was last time It was it was worse My face is all gummed up a garbage nonsense. What are we gonna do? Well it depends on who you ask I take the first one again in a heartbeat huh see And you brought a friend office Yeah, I love you Thank you, I thank And a dying head papyrus. I love you too, then I ship you two so hard hey None of that okay, I mean no shipping of my house The outside for ships inside for pips, that's that's short for people keep that in mind What? What You two both of you Really lost right now undyne and poppers are the OTP. I've never met anyone who ships them other than myself Me neither. Oh, I'm sorry. That's probably pretty rude to say in front of you to Your computer is your story telling however you want Yeah, but cool to know that means outfits And I have some someone to double-date with even if that someone includes another version of me oh Yeah, that sounds like a fun date. Of course you would like it offers to undines all to yourself It's the dream dream threesome. It's the dream song I Sort of dream threesome is from now on I know what you're thinking get back in the trash office. I never left same fan I Think it's kind of weird to pair up people you know in person even if you only just met them today so you're saying you wouldn't go out with Fran bow oh, no what no crap I Think I have a new OTP so um Oh the next key Well you guys are doing great so far. We just need their last hydrous Persian key You still can't get the firewall down Now seems to have mutated However, this boss is did their homework. I can't do a thing to it : what sort of dangerous fields will be facing this time will we be kind of pulling over the? Ancient vaults of Alaska over the burning fire pits of the Sahara. Maybe I Can't tell whatever it seems to have a looping signature to it other than that I can't get a good read on it Best to be prepared for anything you might throw your way ha ha the snowy Tundras of the Alpine's I'm on it looping signature seems to be a game the resets itself a lot I Don't know what that could be we won't know until we find out Hopefully it doesn't reset itself if because we die all the time. Oh my god. I'm so sorry you had to witness that My Jesus okay police no stay outside. Well. Thanks for all your help alphas now onward team Wait no Matt team gang comrades Posse ooh for a posse a app Takei Plus after guy sounds good Okay, what's up? The guy? Let's roll out like the Autobots All right moving on see you later lads See you later fellas Okay, bye everyone But see you guys wait. I have something for you to you What is it don't be a shit passport OPA shit passport? Papers please I get out is IC just Oh cuz I was the one in the booth going by and I didn't let you in I see Okay, potato man. Just let me into my room Very bold move trying to enter your room with such confidence, but I still can't let you in I think this might be revenge for all the times you denied him access into gory great lists wasting that in caps Ha you don't just say glory greatest country. Glory great as our starts again. You don't say that Is they you want to get him into glory greatest? He was always my favorite Come back with passport entry ticket and vaccination records never thought this guy will be such a stickler for the rules and before you go take this a Potato you need food for your journey Okay, but a potato It is vitally important. Glory to arstotzka Know you gotta get up. You gotta get wind in your belly, and you gotta go Fast shit, okay, what is this amateur hour this? We're not going to get a sufficient explanation. You got the potato Cool The potato man got a potato from the potato man Honey, oh, I guess hurt you now. This is the story of a man named Stanley Hall he worked for a company in a big building oh boy number four to seven Employee number four to seven s job was simple there's gonna be different on his desk in room four to seven and he pushed buttons on a keyboard Orders came to him through a monitor on his desk Telling him what buttons to push how long to push the I get it and in what order? This is what employee number four to seven did wait and to cut the music You're not Stanley who the hell. Are you I'm Jack Why are there four of you when did I ever indicate that this was a multiplayer game? Fine very well Who are you enemy hit a jack a boy? Hey nice to meet you um? I'm Jack Jack Jack Oh No, no no no I can't I can't call you Jack Jack's a rubbish name Chuck is not a hero's name Bitch what is the name of a man who slaughters streetwalkers in 19th century London? That is true. Yeah, there's a lot of jacks Chuck is the name of a financially challenged boy, who disobeys his mother climbs up Beanstalk and steals from a giant yes a fucking true national treasure and a hero Jack is not a hero I I'm gonna jump inside this game and kill you I mean sometimes I go by Sean or as Every single person whoever delivers me food or collects me in like an uber or something calls me seen Sean Sean Sean I could live with a name like Sean, but Jack All right go on go on I want to see how this ends I will find a more suitable name for the protagonist of this adventure. How about Billy Bing bong? I? Like that one. That's a hero's name. You are not And I'm not saying you're not Stanley, I'm saying you are not Stanley in parentheses - in between Forget this let's just go through the stupid door okay, but what about the compute a Not gonna keep we're going to refer to you is not Stanley in the three bears, but in the efforts to avoid confusion I think we should rename you all are you gonna keep talking throughout this entire section not Stanley mmm a junior Mariela and you you should Look like Things a good one, but wait who's who's who oh. I'm not Stanley and Billy Stanley. Jr.. Is that what it is Mariela and Finn was a good name's Sonny. Jr.. Huh? Not a word Poor Billy Let me fuck that guy but poor Billy. Do you smell anything coming out of this room? Is it just me? It smells like Chinese food Smells more like Vietnamese food to me How could you tell the difference based on the smell Billy that's racist? How was it racist it was similar cuisine? Huh? I'm just messing with you They're really making me question the decisions. I've made in life. Oh, dude. I do that every single day that Questioning my position and my choices in life is my life. That's all my existence is it's amazing. I love my life Okay are these doors no. I like the music here It's locked Why would they lock the door? I don't know cliff. Maybe because they don't want your for total strangers walking in on them It's an oddly specific motive check. Why just why? Because cookies are delicious That's just about sums it up What are we talking about right now like content provider like subscriber as the cycle goes that's what you're gonna change the same to in about 20 years ah not like father like son ah like entertainment person boy and subscriber watch or do a Little sign in the door it says I'm a little sign fuck off Looks like a legally binding contract Weird by entering this room you agreed to blah blah blah wait what? We've all rights the photographs taken of you in this room with or without your knowledge or permission sounds like VidCon oh So basically it's like going to a convention even the hippopotamus Klaus What happens at PAX stays at PAX? okay, I'm very poignant you have this in here now after just coming back from pax I Have got to go to some of these conventions, or I have Game of Thrones to go to these conventions The boss is nothing Hmm is this referring to the hacker on your computer or the boss of his company? What if it's the same person what if it's a mob boss? what if it's the set of What if he said the we're --is-- mafia on you the wire is Matthew I get it Pretty sure there's no such thing as the wire ish mafia the wire lend Irish mafia wire land oh There is but I got banished to another computer Okay, that's good instead of the IRA. We have to wire our a Yr a it's not make any sense. I don't know fucking Wow this model is ancient doesn't now text the speech way to make it feel old Billy Okay you guys are very silent. We should sneak in and attack somewhere. What are as doors go this one is adorable And me Why do you enjoy tormenting me, so he'll be so selfish Billy anyone who's played happy wheels enjoys tormenting you That's true. It's all we do Tormenting you and making Steve the winner This dork made out is made out of balsa wood. I could probably punch right through it But it's blocked for a reason, so I won't What's your deal with locked doors? Well in horror games locked doors usually hide well horrors. Oh Yeah, because the sign Lee parable is one of the great horror games of our generation no sir I like Billy he's a big ball of sass Who am I kidding I love him, I love the sass keep it up It's eerily quiet in there. I guess whatever is in there is dormant Is it illegal to kill a version of myself? Like a fake fictional digital version of myself because that's what I want to do right now murder needs to happen right here right now Boy, you must you hurt me in this way Because hurting you in other ways would cause your game to become unplayable corrupted come on Billy that's common knowledge read the law of death permanent sometime I Told you all that Jack I think you're raising his digital blood pressure good his blood will splatter further Yeah sure, that's how that works, they shake chop off his arm Hey, Jack. It's you why is it me because you're a dork Why why must you hurt me so oh Okay, well, I'm not going to coming up with stuff on the fly it's okay Billy and these sorts of things patience is key oh All I need to do now is yell thread the needle number we're good to go When faced with the impossible a grandiose decision of which way to go not Stanley chose the red door on the left How Dare you I am NOT picking your decision That's how I live my life You tell me to go left. I go right you tell me to pick Chinese food. I pick Vietnamese food You tell me not to yell I yell louder So which way should we go red or blue? I feel like this is a test of our personalities You know come to think of it even though. I just went through a death defying situation with all of you I don't really feel like Irene know you all that well Well to be honest. We haven't really had any spare time to talk to each other It's just kind of been from one thing to another Hmm we should change that well first. We should probably pick a door I remember on game theory that Psychologically the color red is associated with competition and action whereas blue would be more associated with intuition and puzzles So we're either going to be shot to death or be destroyed in a game of chess. That's Wizards chess I Think it has something more to do with personalities. You know what never mind Wouldn't it make more sense for this to be about obeying versus disobeying since the narrator Specifically told us to go through the right door Wouldn't it be more of a challenge not to go through the red door. Maybe he should have told us to go through the blue But it's so simple all I have to do is Divine from all I have to do is divine from what I know of the narrator is He is he the sort of man who would put the bad ending behind the door he endorses Or that he doesn't now a clever man will put the ending behind the door He doesn't endorse, but you would know that only a great fool. Who do what they were told by a disembodied narrator We are not grateful, so we clearly kind of choose to go through the blue door But he must have known we were not great fools. He would have counted on so we clearly now choose red door so it's still 50/50 either way I Guess we could flip a coin also Billy Billy big nose over there how much keep the 20 words or less next same, let's just pick one at random Blue I like blue Plus the developers of the game told me at the convention that they weren't gonna spoil anything But when a decision came up to pick blue, so I'm gonna stick with them Okay can't click on that door I Forgot a good sprint Hey and so not Stan Lee arrived at the not meeting room employee lounge complete with ugly blue carpet and Broken soda machine eight two dollars and fifty cents. I was just trying to get a coke Like a line, or a beverage Hmm, I don't know, but I have the ice cold refreshing taste of a sick D at Pepsi right here They didn't have Coke at that place I ordered from um this guy looks like the office from No, not the office like the show the office in problem Sherry It's official he's cracked All right what's going on in room number blue now a whole lot of nothing It's my house Not Stanley triumphantly blundered into his boss's office to find that no one was there Now he could play with his boss's secret keypad, but he'd never know that the combination was 7:30 to 6:00. Oh not Stanley That's a clever a clever thing to do. I like that sort of stuff because that's very fourth wall breaking Because it's like you can hear the narrator narrating your own story in the narrator always has more info than the people in the game So he's given me the info to be able to get through that I like it. I like it a lot the Boss's office looks really different than it did in the original game. I guess whoever was in here last It's some interior decorating yeah looks different than the last time I was here to Honor if it merged with something Like what it kind of looks like your recording room? Yeah to us. Oh well. Maybe it happened when we when the apartment came here. Maybe you did weird Haven't seen these around. They're kind of like septic eyes, but Yeah, not quite weird wonder if the boss if this boss guy has been leaving them or we just have some graffiti artists with interesting tastes hmm What tell you later no Jeffrey the code not Stanley. This is plain English ABCs one two threes Seven three two six, okay, okay, I get it I get it. Oh oh shit Seven three two oh And we go is anyone wondering if there's some kind of something weird kind of going on ah of course not Everyone gets sucked into the computer at least once. It's rightly mundane at this point I Meant with a narrator Well he doesn't really sound like the narrator from my copy of the game Mine either it is an impostor Okay, do we really need to start coming up with conspiracy theories? I'm just saying he's acting kind of weird I Guess I'm mostly concerned with why the boss's office looks so much yours Yeah, that is weird whatever has something to do with this boss guy who is preventing me from getting us all back Oh, oh, I got it. Maybe it's you Know too obvious that was my thought as well I'm pretty sure I'd remember sabotaging myself or Sabo taking myself no, no hear me out, okay, so so maybe you're gonna end up in oxen-free right and You bang your head and go evil and go back in time sabotage your past self And we all just evaporate, okay, okay, but that's just a theory game theory Thanks for sharing Wait burnt brain That's a lot of number ones Stanley found himself in a truly terrifying and chilling place. Oh, No Texas Even saying the name out loud gives me chills chamber Television monitors upon which bearing the numbers of all the employees and not, Stan Lee being one of them, ooh Which number? Oh, I not slightly embarrassed, but altogether the mysteries were beginning to build and Compound to one satisfying and grandiose conclusion it better Why do we stop here? I don't know maybe to press buttons Do you do everything without thinking it through first no I think a lot of things through very seriously like naming you Billy You did that off-the-cuff? Well, what else do you think we need to do in this room? Yeah? I Pretty much do everything off-the-cuff. There is absolutely no focus in me There is no focus on what I'm doing everything is just instantaneous in the moment thoughts all the time bagel What Actually, I think Jack might be right might as all press those buttons and see what happens That's a good way to go about dying. Oh Okay Nothing happened I can't press the me in Her - next Back to the elevator I guess I think I saw a hidden button there that we might have activated who knows Okay, solid plan Jeffrey solid plan So is anyone hungry Yeah, I could go for some tacos No, not really classic Jen Exactly. It's so weird not to get hungry anymore So we've been talking about food this entire time don't think I haven't noticed I'm just trying to remember a time where I had the comforts of eating delicious food like cookies and cakes and chips Okay, so to you chips our potato chips right to me chips our fries Which one are you talking about? It's very important for the deep lore of this game Now I miss being hungry, what do you have to bring it up cliff? I was happy not noticing or as I like to call you Jeffrey? Clifford you're a lot different than the Big Red Dog I Don't know what's over that way last time. I saw one of these there was definitely a good reason for being blocked off Well that just gives us more incentive to find out what's out there? I? Don't think running into danger is the best idea, maybe it'll open up later on ways Jenny smarter than everyone here. Oh Gosh, I wouldn't say that don't put yourself down Jenny. I'm glad you're a part of the perceptive guy There's a posse Takai posse to guy That's a good one. Ah thanks jack so if we're done being all sweet and friendly can we just go back to the story? Okay, sure this reminds me of portal Mind control facility Okay, now it reminds me of inside the mind control facility was too horrible for not Stanley to comprehend Had he really been controlled this entire time all his thoughts his actions. This is like inside That's the that's kind of the the plot of insight It's like how much choice Do you really have as the character in a video game and as you're going along? You think that you're stopping all these things, and you're controlling What's going on, and then at the end you merge with this big ball of goo, and then you're like oh? That thing was controlling me this entire time it's a place on what it is to be a gamer and a character in the game fantastic very meta Okay, what are we doing? See a lot of buttons and a lot of switches. Let's start pushing okay I can't push anything how boring she's too scared me better All right this one I Can't even pull that one What that what's going on This is aren't you here before you die I? Can't push anything else Strange mind controls idle awaiting input Not Stanley didn't have to worry about the on button because it was broken just like my heart And he did it All possible odds and expectations not Stanley had freed everyone. It was a joyous exuberant classical example of a hero done well Everyone will be free no one would be told what to do or what to think or what to go? No one would have to pretend to be a narrator after being fired unfairly Bravely and proudly basking in the glow whatever he did freed everyone Basking in the glow of a fade to white he was He was off another bright adventure New mysteries of joy and wonder would await him beyond that glowing door I'm fuckin now Am I back at the start Stanley, but I will I will That's kind of true Man I miss playing Stanley parable that was such a unique experience when that came out so good How did you know the sound I make when Whatever just stay here, I would just stay here forever and ever and ever oh no do try to contain all of that excitement Wow I have been seen this before this is brand-new information Okay all the exact same stuff So happens if we pick the Red Door now Boom boom boom boom right even at full speed It's taking a long time Lee and his coworkers Wait a minute. No this really can't be right I mean I know we're going off the cuff as it is what with the renewed stage after the freedom ending, but we Oh good more test subjects it is portal Its GLaDOS No need to play down the employee 207. They ought to know what you've been up to this entire time Oh, I want to know who did this voice that I meet the person who did this voice? Were you at the signing? Narrator that wasn't even a nice try you don't sound anything like the narrator More like a sound-alike who's auditioning for Saturday Night Live? I don't know how you did that effect That's badass. That's very very accurate That was uncalled for If you got if you actually got Ellen McLain to talk into that I the way you did it I think it would sound exactly like I really must thank you. You've got more subjects like I've asked for So I suppose you're actually good at something It's a little you can hear a little bit of like the regular voice in there, but that's very very good You might want to introduce yourself, though? Seeing as you're going to be working with them more. It's best for them to get to know the real you once more for science you monster I Yeah, you know what she's right. I'm not actually the narrator surprise Who are you? Shocking. I know and you're not actually getting out of here No at us, and I have teamed up to find and test subjects for the future of Aperture Science. Oh do holes The present seeing as we currently have no one to run through these tests. We're not to Peggy Despite your obvious lack of intelligence. We are required to use what we have So congratulations, you're all at the top of your group By default yes the two sweetest Cylons in the English language default default default She really needs to work on her motivational speeches While there is no discernable passage of time here in the digital world we do need to get a move on The average human lifespan is a pathetically short 70 years or so Even shorter in Billie's case Billy's digitally. He's not real so that's fucking bullshit. So yeah, I got him Well, I mean he does respawn, so I would think that actually makes his I spent a lot longer Oh, I like her. She shows potential Actual potential not the kind that leaves you high and dry Having been overrun by a wave of disappoint me stomach my parents that being the case I have exactly the teens that we need we only have two functional tests at the moment But I see now how to divide you up perfectly How's that wait a minute hold on the boss is never the boss is never the ba ha ha ha That's a nice touch. Oh Shit you did just separate us using a loading screen. Did you just separate us using a loading screen? That's how you read that sentence? How long it takes you to go insane But that would be needlessly cruel, it would be more humane to throw you in the incinerator just outside the door Don't want that I've never tested anyone before this should be fun Okay, who even are you I've never seen an employee 207, and I knew of my games as far as I can remember Oh shit, they found out what I did last summer Wait a minute. I've killed you then what gave me you from a crowd Party hard oh All he was doing was partying innocently and then you murdered me Or at least you did when you finally noticed me that wasn't me. Dude. That was difficult. I'm not wearing a mask see Okay, I'm sorry about that, but I mean that is kind of the point of the game No, dude you dying helps me win We're in a together there buddy, I mean you're on the drowning in your own blood end of it, but Together we can get the high score But it did your role was to die, but you almost didn't notice me in the tutorial level oh Shit am I being called out right now. It's a small role that I wanted to do right, and you almost messed it up So you're talking all this out on me, you're taking all this out of me because I almost didn't kill you You know it's like if Andrew W. K didn't really party that hard I ended up leaving my game to find one where I'd be more appreciated That sounds like going turbo Whoo oh I forgot that was voice acting for this? Iowans work for Aperture Science Met a man named Stanley Boring guy long story short. I got fired for something I didn't even do Did you get fired for not dying, but I managed the lure the narrator away with a cookie took over his recording booth So there's that at least okay? Good job. Also the narrator in the Stanley parable is one of my favorite voices ever I So wish I had a voice that was that absolutely pristine that Is like the perfect male vocal in my mind It's it's deep but not too Deep it has clarity it has sickness it has smoothness. It has a posh British accent just sounds great I Paired from my own voice of course because that is the peak of human vocalization wait you lured the narrator with a cookie He's not he's real, man. He's a voice actor Yes, but I was Wait what oh, I'm sorry I suppose where you come from most rooms are permanent this particular room was designed to be disposable left Standing only for about 30 minutes after its creation. Oh shit and work No time away from that It was To create and destroy whole many chambers necessary sanitizing the old gross did I ever push for that? So Stanley worked for aperture. Oh boy that explains a lot Yeah, but what about that cake though is it a lie? Hahahaha, actually had somebody shout that at me on the tour somebody yelled the cake is a lie At me when I was up on stage That was most bizarre extreme as ever your brains. Don't just come out and yell meme At me or just sit down. I go laughs Rhodes Is funny though everyone laughed I actually got a bit of a chuckle out of it myself so Who am I to say okay? That's great save okay. Let's save twice Welcome to the friction inhibition gel test for the fig Hmm as some presumed clever scientists have called it That's you game developer. That's you that you're calling yourself out This music is awesome Let me guess lots of fruit puns came out of that right That's too easy. Those jokes are all low-hanging Fruit you didn't need the fruit perk split that off and say those jokes are all too low-hanging cuz it was already a fruit joke I will be sure to make a note in your file. I said is this somebody laughing in the background Oh boy, I'm lady wrong It's honestly kind of charming whenever the test subjects assume that they have been necessary, but to complete the test But we'll see how well that would serve you have you heard of a little person called Jack smart eye, that's me I got brains coming out of my ass the cue of you are pushing around is the Aperture Science weighted come Oh wait wait. I have one of those hold on wait wait Are you waiting wait wait it wasn't a pee break, I swear, no, I'm actually back look Have my own jacksepticeye companion, cube, it's actually a tissue box Somebody gave it to me when I was out on tour as well It's really really well made. It's got a tissue box in the bottom, and then you can just replenish it whenever you want It's like you're just what haven't had to use it yet because I haven't watched Coco again Next time I watch Coco you better believe that that bad boy's coming out With the complimentary fake Abel, that's why you two won't slide on the floor and will accompany you on your journey through this puzzle Okay, serving as your beloved and faithful companion See to it that you don't break it's fragile cubed heart Okay I Wasn't planning to but okay no Jack you see this is how they get you she's trying to be emotionally manipulative She's trying to emotionally manipulate you into believing that so you'll feel exactly the way she wants you do during this test Nature science weighted companion, cube cannot come in contact with the glacier white Testing Service squares, okay, but what if it does And it says that you are now officially it's oh man, that's a lot of commitment especially if it's not Reciprocal and Jack, and then I'm like oh, that's nice. Thank you, but don't say it back, then I'm the dick I am the one who has testicles covering his eyes Don't let her manipulate you jack. I will be your beloved appraisal companion through this test. Oh cliff don't leave me hanging Chronically my heart belongs to Taran Who Oh your girlfriend? Well, that's kind of a strong word. She's a girl and she's my friend, and I really like her, but she's not my girlfriend Oh hate to break it to you cliffie I see you well, maybe someday Then again, I'm honestly surprised that anyone would find either of you two viable candidates for couple ship, okay, okay Insulting my gameplay ability. That's fine insulting my intelligence Ah, it hurts. Just deep down, but I can live with that insulting my looks How dare you If you're not seeing these pots what biceps You gonna punch your computer in the face not you computer you're good computer Make coffee One day I'm going to ignore that yep. Just don't ignore that all right so there well Well it seems like you haven't heard of something called falling down the stairs and hitting your head so hard you forget everything That's a reset We don't talk about Dave. He was a Yeah, I'm get me started about that guy Dave man ooh, big oof Oh minecraft damage sound Hey, wait, and he's gone OOP, Jenny and Billy are all right Jenny I hope Billy yeah, fucked okay, okay? Where are we getting this thing to over there so we go bump em But but fuck Okay, I guess we good start pushing. Let's see what happens Don't just start this way. No. I already fucked it up as soon as I hit it the second time Sorry Oh God I didn't water insulting me, that's a good dialogue in there, though. I'm sorry Okay oh Wait I can walk on these squares Oh key smokey Oh Smokey the Bear Haha, I'm on to this I want this I Already know the trick watch this. I am NOT. Just hitting a cube around randomly Hoping that it will magically fall into place wherever it's supposed to go No one but an audience of lots I know how many people are gonna watch this so I already knew know that it's more than one and More than one is Lots listen. You can even hear his voice trembling from the adrenaline No, I was just running. I had to check up on the other since I can sense it. Thanks man. Okay now watch The leaving comes at the price of sacrificing one of your party men well cliff It's been a blast but I gotta leave you hanging just like Sylvester Stallone did in that movie called cliffhanger Oh Sorry cue buddy you're gonna have to go down No, I know you have ice and I know you want to cry, but don't weep mon frere. It's okay I will treat you nicely plus you have a box of tissues inside you so if you cry just reach the side your old head Dab dab. It's all better. Okay. Smooches. Love you Okay moving on No just cliff I'm fine Gobshite big old fallopian tube face. Ha ha it matters. Not wait what? Fallopian tube face. That's a weird one. Why would you call me that that's just bizarre? Thank you Ah, but they have Jenny on their team Jenny Not only is she smart, but her her smarts rival her beauty always her long beautiful blonde flowing hair My name is jacksepticeye Jacksepticeye Jack Jack Jack all the way To fucking victory town all the way feels good to be a winner every now, and then I believe in you I believe I believe in you I believe I believe in Steve I Can't do it. It's all autocorrected, or did you not all the corrected? I'm not a text message Thanks, no I don't see it really is a relief Unless you would like to Die die die die in that bottomless pit oh All the way All the way The amount of people I heard singing that during the tour as well either singing all the way before I came out What is my life or just chanting PMA? It was outrageously cool? Huh I guess I should but not right now because I I'm gonna leave this episode here And I'm just gonna say it sit here and sing all the way on repeat for four hours, but it's getting good I think we're rounding out towards near the end I think there's like one or two more episodes left in it, but still really good so far. I like it a lot I like like there's a insane amount of games in it such a myriad of references and stuff not only how There's like like it's easy to put a whole bunch of references together if you just write them out But you've woven them very delicately into the way the game actually works All the references and all the plot points and everything all feel like they fit in place where they should And the fact that you've managed to put games that are similar to each other with each other And manage to make them a cohesive narrative together in the same space. It's crazy like Stanley parable and Portland goes so well together And a lot of people think about that But the way you've actually put them together and made them flow together is really really well done This is actually just really really well made and I'm very very flattered so thank you guys again
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 1,588,488
Rating: 4.9592466 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, fan game, the boss, the boss jacksepticeye game, jacksepticeye fan game, fan made, rpg, rpg game, jacksepticeye game, characters, voices, undertale, sans, papyrus, undyne, alphys, story, plot, gameplay, playthrough, walkthrough, gregg, mae, bea, angus, night in the woods, fran bow, portal, stanley parable
Id: O8KIEllO9Ss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 40sec (3340 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 14 2018
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