THINGS DON'T LOOK RIGHT! | The Boss - Part 4

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*WHAPOOSH* Top of the mornin' to ya laddies! My name is jacksepticeye and welcome back to The Boss! We're in this creepy-ass room here Which I figure is a puzzle room, because we have a lot of switches on the wall And it says top of the 'mourning' to ya. *Cliff's dialoge* Okay, solid choice. It's a giant cup a bit too big to drink out of though... Not that that would stop me of course now a crazy curse or some dark magic? That would stop me from drinking out of it Okay, well looky that it's wait. That's a- *cronch* cup Eh *chronch* Eh *chronch* Eeh *two chronches* Eh *four more chronches for the sake of it* Gross This building is losing so much blood this keeps up. This house is gonna need a blood transfusion! Do they know its type? (Real life Jack: Oh god I broke a thing!) And where are they gonna get that much blood? You know what? I don't think I want to be around for that. Wasn't me. If the High Inquisitor walked through here, I guess I can feign ignorance. Take the yellow pill! Ohhhhhhh Everything's normal! Baby you light my fire, except I don't have any wood. Or fire. Or the rest of the lyrics I'd try playing chopsticks, but it would be so bad I get thrown out for racial insensitivity! *Cute Jack giggle* W-what? (nNNAnII?) Locked. Jack: Well at least ya tried 7000 times! Bottles of wine? Well old books and all grapes go together pretty well. My dad's a bit of a connoisseur. I should tell them what kind of wine this is. WhOO! It smells pretty powerful. Jack: No wait, not wine. Chloroform. *giggle* Aaaaaand it's ether. I better cork this back up this is one place I don't want to be unconscious. Jack: It is fucking that kind of stuff! Well, if I ever need to retrieve a small golden idol from a temple, these will come in handy Just need a hat and a whip and a stately name. Virginia Smedley! Aaand, I sound like an old lady. I really need to change the... really need to change states You're already Cliff Smedley. That's a really cool name! Cliff: Better not mess with that. That'll be seven years of bad luck then again I'm here, so maybe it started a little early, right Wait, if that's the case, does that mean I break this mirror in the future? How do I stop myself from that?!?!? Is my fate set in stone? Am I truly free to be me? Wow, that got a little too deep there. Jack: Sure did, can you actually solve the puzzle for me? Hmm, seems they haven't built this section of the map yet Considering, this is a library I have crate (bad dum tss) expectations for this. Okay, that joke stunk like the Dickens. Jack: Can you stop making jokes? Beer? In the library? Well monks were known as scribes and brewers, so I guess that makes sense Ketchup beer?!?!?!? What the heck?! Who would drink that? Somewhere off in the distance the jovial chuckle is heard (very funny, sans) What?!?! (*jack not getting that the text was in comic sans*) Going turbo how did this ga- how this game did a backflip then dismount and ripped off a Disney concept by Katie Pedneau (one of the creators of this game!) That name really resonates with me not sure why, but it does... "Put your heart into your art" by Jessica Zimmerman (assistant everything!) She really beat me to that pun, makes me feel kind of pumped to read this But I don't have time to finish it, so it'd all be in vain Is this all just... Science specimens, it's not t-too unusual for library. Is that a baby head in a jar?!?!?!? Oh, thank goodness it's a doll! At least I hope it is... (probs not) "Hearing voices when they're coming from you" by David Zimmerman. Is this about voice acting or psychotic fits? "Mind your mind when the cognitive dissonance is too much" by Amy Hoodsinger Okay, why is this the only book I've seen so far that's appropriate for this particular library? Cognitive dissonance or ludonarrative dissonance, in some games (Fran Bow: Please help me get my kitty back.) Cliff: It's okay. I know the feeling. I lost my hamster once, then I found her under my dresser She was a little worse for wear, but that's what happens when you don't love your master person. She's in a better place now... (RIP Gizmo the dog) (Fran: Oh! I'm so sorry to hear that) Well she likes living in my brother's room right better anyway, so I guess it's all for the best. I still got Rufus and Pedro (Fran: They're your hamsters?) My fish! They're more faithful and they can never leave me Like the people in my basement. Jack: I actually forget what I'm supposed to be doing. A Leprechaun hat! I wonder if Jack would find its computer racist for having this here People always say I'm an open book I don't think I want to read "Tree Surgery for Dummies". I'm a proud dummy! Wait... Always wanted to be King Arthur *tries to pull sword out* Oh, well. I should have eaten my Brussels sprouts like my mama said That's an angry-looking bear. Guess I'm not bringing it home to my little sister poor Willa. Hope. She's okay without me I mean she's got mom and dad and Eric, but come on Cliffie! Snap out of it. You'll be home to her in no time Pretty flowers plastic though. Jack: Pieces of shit. Cliff: Man, If Shadow and Amy were in this room right now I'd have to leap headfirst into this trash can OTP!!!1!!!! Jack: You're not the coolest are you? Okay, yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah You guys said all this already! All right, let's red pill my ass again. That's... a mannequin right? Right?! Let's try the switches on the wall. Cliff: It's definitely not a good idea to flip a switch without knowing what it does Jack: You could try! The books all changed the bookshelves don't have anything on them The ingredients I need are the blood of a mortal enemy, the hair of a healer, the proof of an imaginary friend, the ashes of someone you've wronged, and the heart of someone you've misunderstood. Jack: That's very Fran Bow style. Found a book on what to get oh good, what do we need? The ingredients I need are the blood of- I just read out these. So now I've told you all the ingredients, how can we get them? What's next? Hmm well I can think of several mortal enemies, but one springs to mind Mabuka as for the hair of a healer, maybe Palontras'? I have some stuck on my clothes still... ah And if we can just get something from Itward, I'm sure that would suffice for proof. And I wronged the twins, Clara and Mia, not that they were very nice people, and they did leave ashes. And I misunderstood Dr. Dearn, but he died, and even if I hadn't- even if he hadn't, he'd be dead if we took his heart anyway. I don't know where we can get any of these objects, do you? No. But I think Mr. Midnight might Are you perchance seeking guidance? Uuh, I am by chance or um... perchance Yeah, that With what do you need my help ? I just need some creepy items I would probably only be able to acquire in a graveyard, so well point me to the nearest graveyard Well perhaps you could go into the graveyard out back. You just need to flip the switches in the library to their proper position. Some trial and error should do. Thanks! Wait, this place has a graveyard? Don't all horror games? FNaF (Five Nights at Freddy's ) doesn't. The wrong move can send you to an early grave. Touché. That's a smart cat! If only he had opposable had opposable thumbs he'd probably be able to get his own way out of this sorry Hmm. That didn't work. Okay, so it's red... green... ahhh Is this a reference to the world's easiest game? I did it, and that wasn't a cup that you'd drink out of. That was a... that was a goblet with the fires and stuff Okay, why is all this stuff leading these directions? Why's stuff pointing in arrows? I dunno, but I'm all the way over here now. Look at me go Itward! I absolutely forget what voice I gave Itward What voice did he have? Shit! I'll have to look that up (Itward:) And the water is to get rid of the dirt! (back to Jack) He had a kind of a... a kind of a- a Greg sound to him. Hello! I am trying to help Fran get back with her cat. But I can't possibly seem to figure out how to do it! I know there's a ritual so I put this hexagram! A pentagram would have been better, but... ah well It's your lucky day! I asked Fran and she gave me some ideas I just... need to dig up a few graves. I'm sure I left a shovel in the hole somewhere. Go on down! I'm certain I left a hint as to how to get there I guess there's no reason to put this off We also need proof of an imaginary friend any ideas? I'll think about it, once you've gotten the other items, come back to me Okay, bye itty bitty Dadada duh duh dun dun dun it said the same graffiti thing on the wall there, but it was written in blood this time... In blooooooood! You got the shovel. Siiiick *lots of whacrunch* *Jack's face of disapproval* Those are some goooooooood sounds "Always watching" I think I know who the bad guy in this game is Seeing as there are no cameras around here... I don't think I want to know how Hmm, maybe they're always there always watching Ever think about that? "The boss is useless." Well, THAT'S not true You talking about the game or me? Either way, you're insulting the channel I'm still thinking. Come back later With his clones, Jack saw in double, but he ended up in trouble, sliced in half for all to see, didn't end in victory. At least this one doesn't drone on Furby clones are full of drama; Jack was murdered by their mama C ompared to the other epitaphs, this is the w- this is the way I'd LEAST want to die Huh. Zombies came, Jack screamed and shouted. Didn't work; his blood was outed Way to cover a bunch of zombie games at once, haha This must be where the twins are buried. One- oh, there we go! Don't mind me I'm just digging Getting some ashes. I guess this'll do You got the ashes. Nice This game was titled "super hot," but Jack's reflexes? Super not Oh, burn, I should get him some aloe for that one. Come on, man It wasn't that bad Here lies Jack, his body wandered here and there and over yonder But not at different times, you see it was simultaneously. Sounds like happy wheels all right Here lies Jack, the dust he bit, fell into the lava pit. I bet it was one of Ross's levels. That's Super Mario Maker Dr. Deern's grave this must be it. I guess I have to dig for it Well this one's an actual grave. What if a vampire comes out? Thought it'd be grosser than this, but it's just a heart. You got the heart Sweet Aha! I've got it. You can make the potion in my hat. My hat is a great proof of me! Take my extra one Why do you have two hats if you only have one head? Just in case it blows away one day. I wouldn't be Itward without my hat You got Itward's hat. And there, I set up a door to lead back to the library. Now you won't have to trek through that horrendous maze every time you want to come back Sweet, Itward your the best. I love you Itward Yeah Wow Handy, sorry I did it Fran! I did it! I seem to have everything except the blood of a mortal enemy. Where am I gonna find one of those? Well as I said before, Mabuka would count, and I believe she's in that room in the library that was blocked off Okay Wait why is she in this reality? Shouldn't she be in the creepy one? If she weren't, this reality wouldn't serve much of a purpose to the story Eeeeexcellent point well spotted, well off I go (triumphantly) dund dada lun dun dun dun da Wait not this one Oh wait this oh, okay? I should have realized the sealed-off one I think Mabuka's in here somewhere. But I'd better not get too close to any of these skeleton... snake things If I just go through without touching the walls I should be okay I immediately fucked it up oh *lots of jackaboy screaming* Heh, oops My bad Well- I- I didn't- I- I-? I didn't realize what it was, okay? It's like playing a game of snake actually *silence* Okay there we go we're fine We're fine, we're making our way through. Don't even worry about Jack You let me worry about blank. Oh God, I'm lost aren't I? Oh shit I should probably actually look where I'm going *more silence* Am I making progress? No? Dang it! Why don't we just keep going this way? *SILENCE INTENSIFIES* Yeah, okay Don't get too ahead of yourself! Watch out now, snake boys are around *insert more silence* Okay this has to be leading to some sort of salvation *Hello! From the person writing these subtitles!* "The Boss is useless." Stop telling me I'm useless! I'm a nice boy 8 6 7 equal- minus 5 3 0 9 I am taking a picture of that because I think that that might come in handy Lord knows I'm not gonna remember it with my brain, but there's the Sam up there That must be good no- good news *random British accent* Good news? Good news, everyone *How is your day going?* Right. A little blood. I'm all set. You got Maboka's blood oh It's bad Oh the lights are back on huh, maybe there was a delay of some sort regardless I really shouldn't step on any of these skeleton snake things if I ever want to get back to Mr. Midnight in there word for the ritual I eeeeeee messed it up again! Sometimes, I think I'm travelling further than I actually am Wait do I- do I have the blood? I'm not because- what, okay Thanks Maboka or Mabuka or Mabika in the episode. I didn't know how to pronounce it either There's gonna be more to this right something's gonna chase me I feel Split up there is blood in the floor Well I tried oops You tried what and so I want to know Also a billion jacksepticeye points that anyone who gets the highest bladder the floor Reference it's from a video that I made if you remember what game that was that I recorded for that one Oh in alright That was simples nice okay ritual time tiny child I Hope to hope you get my kitty back soon and your kiddies in trouble. I am not slow. It's up up and away Wait I don't fly it's run run run and away I go um Yeah, that references after your time and quite a bit before mine come to think of it Wait it's nothing at all the pieces Okay, maybe actually to go back to mr.. Kitty boy with it Sorry, you're dead oh. He moved got everything already lead the way Where are we going? Wait I'm confused where am I supposed to go? All right now, let's go back to it word why bye yes, I should pay more attention I think everything is in order all the ingredients have been added now. We just have to say the magic words Cory well Maya one or cordoba Oh Maya one more Shinde do Whoa we did it no. We just have to get back to Fran you go on ahead By a word, I love you. That's why that door was there. I get it Mr.. Midnight It all safe and sound Oh mr.. Midnight you're back. Oh, thank you cliff. Thank you. It was nothing But I've been all over this place, and I don't think I found what I'm looking for whoo I'm so very sorry, but thank you for helping me to reunite with my dear Kitty You don't happen to have a hyper high dispersion kid here. Thank you so much for helping me reunite with friend No problemo, my man Thank you so much for getting my kitty back Well, I guess that was a bus back to Freddie's. Maybe Jenny or Jack. I better look than me Earlier I'm on full of burps I Think I can find the hydras Persian Key office was looking for in here, but that's a golden Freddy Knowing this game there could be a human there could be human remains in this I think I'll keep it closed Okay, Jenni. That's a bit morbid think happy thoughts Hmm everything he's hidden in one of the books I'll just take this book down and oh god that's a bit cliche huh how I said, it was the oldest trick in the book I Want to look at Freddy though This definitely this is definitely a horror game There isn't seem to be any way out of this room Though horror games usually have secret tunnels and passages. I'm sure he can find some way to progress Hope there isn't a giant rat in here worse rats everywhere in this game These books have some creepy titles my sister Julie would love them, but I never really got into the horror thing One away, there's a stool in the middle of the room almost seems like it was placed there on purpose, but by whom February 4th living here alone may have the worst and best thing that's ever happened to me on The one hand I'm lonely and the only ones I can call my friends and the loosest sense of the term Are the dead rats on the other hand I am at peace to call upon my muse and paint as I please? But my muse has been silent as of late this layers of fear Rotten floorboards, what's your oh god what you're stuck Okay don't stand on running floorboards got it Hello Sam lady, this is not gonna end well for you These look like the seas not like the only things in this house that have been touched recently I Think I need to complete the painting to progress February 7th my birthday I Felt this odd drive to create something and a truly dreadful image has come forth in my hands. What is this hideousness? To hold it in my hands made me feel ill as though the world around me was shaking I have broken it up and hidden the pieces never again Do I wish to lay my eyes upon it so to find the pieces very? slender esque Room it's freezing in here My mom had some of these decorative silver trays, I wish we'd kept them, but I can't why dad threw them out It's not like she would have come back for them anyway Turn on the burners Wow I Thought I was just gonna make noise Flaming inferno looks like this oven was maybe the same people who made on dines But that should warm things up. That's the spirit. There's a cat skeleton in here Well pick it up. It might be useful. There's a dead rat in one of these baskets. That's gross There's a trail of dead ants in here, or if they froze to death Can ants freeze to death Now I'm curious. I'll have to look that up when I get home if I get home If a war so cold in here I bet these ingredients would be rotten My dog is a crate - Well, it's but it's that's not exactly the same thing. I think that that sentence is messed up I hope she's okay without me Gotcha, you get the painting piece. Oh nice. Oh Now that I know what it looks like Well that did something at least now the room should be changed hey little painting of me oh my god It's like it's maybe the same person it seems that me is it the same person who made the naked one I like it. Oh God that just showed up but painting definitely moved What's up with this thing? Wait a minute. There's sheet music on the back of this. I really like the music in this level I Guess I can put that into the piano Well I've never been very good at piano, but here goes What the hell what was that There are long bundles of hair in here. I hope that's horsehair, but as it's layers of fear Nice you redid one of my thumbnails for it, that's cool I Loved the thumbnails for that series Another painting piece I guess it's good. I kind of blundered into the solution. I don't think I'd have noticed this hidden here. I Saw that cracked that time Little eyeball because I'm on the right track these are getting darker as well July 3rd I can't stand it. I've checked the libraries in the Northeast Southwest southeast and northwest But still no book if I don't get some answer soon. I fear I'd be worse off than I am now the Turkey is made of plastic a Rolodex with recipes in it weird thing to have lying around in an office wait scratch that These seem to be some very vivid and unconventional ingredients for paint. I'll just put these back Yeah, cuz layers the fear was all about making the perfect painting by using bits of his wife to do it There's some old parchment Scrolls that really grew some drawings of dead rats and a lot of obsessive painting in the merchant's Press the button on the back of the shelf ah hell. Yeah, okay, maybe it was a sequence No okay not that one. There's one okay? Okay process of elimination here we come Has to be this one please be this one yeah Secret compartment opened up in here you got the painting bass Sick this puzzle reminds me of something Like I've seen it before just not in a jack video. Maybe one of marks oh Well at least I got the piece hmm That's cool I Know that you've incorporated people's artwork into it Like not just people drawing stuff for the game, but actual art pieces that people have probably uploaded in certain places Then like a weird Derrick Sam Like the table cloth nice color October 6th it seems the only solace I can find nowadays is in my music painting doesn't do it for me anymore But music instantly makes me Takes me to my happy place. Where all the cares of the world melt away until I wake up back in reality again What butch? To spell a word correctly is to honor its meaning wow that takes me back Needs a record There's a record in here it needs a record. Hey if I'm record Oh No, that's creepy I Need to fix this room first oh I was gonna say I was gonna say to reverse it in the edit to see what it was like but is this thing It's cute song I like that song awesome. I finished the painting the boss is nothing What does that mean Something's happening I Need to get out of here wait the painting changed The door's locked there must be another way out of here. I want to see the painting again, Sam. I'm sorry. I'm gone It's kind of hard to see in here Probably shouldn't run low don't know how much longer the house will stay standing, so I'd better get out of here fast Okay, I can't actually sprint Oh, that's cool Here's the graffiti again seen as before in the maze, and we were escaping from prison, so I'm leaving them here for us to find Nice I Think I've seen that picture before That's cool, I'm assuming anti is the bad guy of the whole game ah Nice one Everyone's eyes bleeding though nightmare eyes The boss is nothing Whoa He's some excellent artwork damn. This is that keyboard piano? Oh? God Sam No Breeding is your escape Roll the book shows are empty now. This is one that hasn't oh. Oh okay. Golden lady go You got this journey Bookshelf Bookshelf oh I see you tiny switch on the wall now Jenny's a beast Jenny knows her way around a horror game or two Never thought I'd be happy to see this place again Hope jacquard cliff have more success than I do. Oh yeah, I still it and find the hydras Persian key Piper's person Hi, sauce bargain key Let's see what the kitchen holds Burgers, and they're so thick ah But they're cold What do you want food right now? I would fucking love a burger II know hey this Lisa Brad is back That's weird. What's than this in my apartment? What if the slice of bread is the bad guy? If I never see another party hat in my life, I will die happy Well this looks promising hey, it's a hello neighbor picture don't know what it is, but I ship it though I should probably wait until the full game comes out Like the look of this the mannequins are congregating This would be awesome before parade painted bright red or green not sure where I put it though would I make room for a piece that cool. This is the the neighbor's house then cake I knew there'd be cake He's any look No, I looked all over at least as much as I could and I didn't see anything even resembling a hydras Persian key or a computer part of any kind Me neither and Jack should have been back by now. Well we can all go look for him I Feel like we do a lot of that, okay, let's go um. I think the music box may have stopped playing oh no we're trapped No, I'm sure. There's another way out. We just have to look around Those doors won't say shit for long. We're at 3 percent That's about 20 seconds before certain death and we'd better find a way out of here. Oh shit What the vent the vent? You could go through the vents hell yeah, probably not a great idea, but on the road again Okay, that's probably a bad idea to go that direction And what's over here, what's inside door number two? Okay that leads to where I fell in the hole so maybe we go that way or we could end up with the music box Again, I hardly think going through the main entrance will get us any closer to Jack in fact. Maybe counterintuitive Solid plan it's all a plan I agree with that. Let's go down this way What? Oh my fuckin guy he fucking dead fooled by cake typical Well looks like the time has come for a leap of faith. If it means saving Jack. Let's not waste any time. Oh Jenny Its clustered truck This is actually just starting a Custer truck music cluster truck Yeah, this is much easier than the real cluster truck. Thank God Another eye on that one Let me that is me oh it's the start of the game Who's like yeah? That's me probably wondering? How I got here. I'm gonna keep getting myself into this Wait who are you guys hello jack did you miss us Oh? balloons I Don't think he missed us Clearly we didn't make as much of an impact as we'd hoped But that'll change moment Ernie what the Fahrenheit. Are you doing untie me? I forgot I was censored Quite a shame we were hoping for a bit more enthusiasm For why well now you're just letting us down You could at least pretend Might be the thing that keeps you alive At least we spared your life unlike a certain skeleton Do you kind of look like Chloe? Am I missing what these characters are from? buy our wares or else And he caused you tons of pain really why be friendly with him and not us I've heard of skeletons in the closet, but skeletons in the bathroom. That's just tacky First of all that wasn't subtle second what the hell are you and why are you tormenting me? Do you really not care about your own community your own fan games? I? See not much has changed in the last few years You can't expect me to remember every game. I've ever played. Oh my god. You really do predict everything. I'm about to say So what you're saying is we didn't make an impact Jacksepticeye's paradox you Know that time we tested experimental potions on you All right the team not rocket knock-offs the team knock it rock offs What hey I? Think we have B. We have to be mean in order for you to treat us nicely Okay, okay look. I'm nice. I'm smiling smiling his eyes. I'm treating you nice. Let me go please hmm hey oh Look at that. We've got visitors Wow you must hate us if you're willing to allow yourself to ally yourself with someone like Billy so true so sad Let Jack down Wow you hold Posse is so impressive Jack. It's been two years, and we don't even get a Hello Manners are clearly at the window. What will we do with you? Well I have an idea you're thinking what I'm thinking Then this is going to be tons of fun And what are you thinking? What else a second chance to prove yourself? Technically, it's a third chance. I mean jack did fail twice the first time we met yourselves how Simple, game show! I don't want a game show. (Announcer Voice) Ladies and gentlemen we have three lovely contestants here to try and redeem Jack's already tarnished name! If they get all the answers correct, they'll get an amazing prize But if they get even one wrong answer to the lava you go, Jackaboy! We can start with an easy one yes, that sounds fair and no comments from the peanut gallery They're going to have to figure them out on their own Hopefully they've got a good memory because if they don't it's off you go into the nice pit of lava Bye-bye! So first question. What does dear jack hears say it is his favorite color? (Regular voice) Red, bro! (A.V) Wow they're not as dumb as they look. (R.V) Hey! (A.V) Well, don't count on your victory just yet Oh, yes, we have a wonderful little batch of questions already for you, so Jack's mrs Jack's myers-briggs type According to the test has what dominant? Jungian function What I can't remember what type I was Extraverted feeling Damn whoo, Oh somebody knows their typology quite impressive very impressive already on to round 3 which name has he be not given to Jack I Don't know I Got wrong I didn't know I don't know all my own trivia who knows, but she did have fun burning Jack Yeah No And here we thought burning Jack alive once you throw in the towel I think your persistence deserves a reward I think so too. You deserve a fourth chance to prove yourself Please don't kill me again Hey, let's see if they can keep you alive a teensy bit longer. Oh First question Jack once entered a taco making contest and that was judge by Rachael Ray who is his partner Matt pack We won best taco Wow a clap and a half for you looks like someone's been drinking well we won best taco, but we gave through the award to the girls who actually made the taco on our team Remember, that's just an answer but correct answer I suppose we could hashtag blame Jason if they didn't get it right you're already doing much better Our next question might not be so easy in which fan games as Jack wear a hat Jack's septic a game Well this is jacksepticeye 1 million subscriber parity Suck something guys paradox. Oh I can't know which one was which Check the deck venture yes lean out one of the earlier ones oh nice correct Jack venture in jacksepticeye's 1 million YouTube subscribers party massacre Are the only two games that include a hat as a clothing item? The title of the second game is horrendously long. I know what were the size of elephant thinking anyway That's a few questions down degree to go Imagine if they'd may manage to save you jacked by answering all of your first questions correctly. You'd be better Hope they know a little I can't read - true - true and our next question even includes our favorite subjects us What animal did we turn Jack into the first time we met him oh? Uh oh I have no idea What did you turn me into He's way too doglike in personality to warrant turning him into one, so I guess you'll have to turn into charred remains I Like that you use that the April Fool's video screams for that one - nice touch Sort of think we might have to watch more jack videos before we face the merchants again I'm sure we get it eventually I could cheat. I could go back and actually just watch the stuff, but I Like this I think they'll come back again the lasts. They lost pretty badly last time most if they don't come back We could have a lot of fun Well speak of the devil they didn't come back they're persistent, I'll give them that Okay princess You know we start off really easy who's known for making someone the notoriously hairless levels from area. Maybe the jack plate Ross I didn't make any levels mark didn't make me levels, Joel Oh Home you're right whatever what is jacksepticeye his name Jack the I Sam hey Hey, it's none of these Oh Jacksepticeye's, I name is that what the question was oh? Okay, but you're asking what my name was yeah, you've seen Jack's channel before big accomplishment These questions are suspiciously easy north's correct version of this phrase speed is cake speed is key speed is for the weak spin speed Oh Could somebody make a space And it just keeps looping Or my question would be the easiest one just one person here who's bound and on the answer Like we said that so playing a question who just really have a crush on wait what? Answer the question or Jack takes a plunge choose until you have a crush on its friend no, don't answer this I Guess it is a bit much of for our poor friend Billy For you will change it put his bill you have a crush on oh I Have a question how do I shut up? Brilliant friend that's adorable You know what just drop them. No you got it right you get to go free Well this is more fun than I expected oh Yes, we learnt quite a lot Haha, well be sure to say hi to Fran when you see her you both suck So rude At least we let you live this time and give you some easy questions really we did you a favor well You did just humiliate him even so manners are important. Oh well Hopefully you remember us better this time around you never know when you'll see us again. Ha ha ha puffs of smoke But we did promise a reward how about this waitress version key? We've been carrying around. Oh, thank god We'll take it Bye guys It's something gonna happen I can't move Oh See you later Wait how the hell do I get out of this place That's convenient hey everyone I'm back How big is this shop now? Well there Christ oh Hello Hi, napstablook. How are you holding up? Okay? I guess I've been here for a while now Sorry to hear It's not so bad. It's a little rough standing behind a couple though kind of feels lonely I'm sorry. I give you a hug, but I'm afraid I'd faced right through you. Oh, you should give me a hug if you could Of course I can't help But want to cheer you up you always stood out to me as someone who could use affection I I can't believe you'd care about me like that I'm taking undines advice and practicing to the hilt, so I'm charging you the best I can Oh Did you kill him I Think you broke them, Jenny. No. I just like to lie down sometimes. You could join me if you wanted But you don't have to I would love to but I think I'm going to stick with these guys for now Yeah, someone has to be the mom friend. Oh I Understand well if you wanted I'd be here all day Okay Supposed to see you waiting in line like everyone else Phil oh The flash games they they Don't really hold the ribbon school games Great, I've had to sign said he wouldn't serve quarters So I've been sending here for two hours straight listening to some conversation further ahead about crimes committed over chocolate Sounds like Cara, but that's still an odd topic Cara here or Chara Cara I'm gonna say Cara cuz Cara is friend in Irish it was either that or over here. Someone's experience getting their hair permed boring He escaped from the final station you seem kind of tense. What's up, is that a zombie up there? Who the guy with the fungus on his face? Oh? That is yes. I was just confused were the wise people who have huge fungi growing on their head usually aren't alive Mother bear oh hey doctor that your face down man fix it Wow oh wow Also, I can't put my finger on it, but you seem pretty different today. Oh No, no, I'll figure it out. Something's definitely different Then a popcorn head from the Last of Us the second thought, I don't think I want to chat with this Gentleman you have something against other game characters Jack. Are you gay missed? Billy in case you haven't noticed he's an infectious Dombey not a zombie actually they are Turned people like every what they were actually called. Oh my god this thing actually loops up and around now He's not that something from living a full life now. Is he a full on death more like it oh God no Evie. No. No I can't talk to Evie. I can't no no no we should talk about Greek mythology I can't no no, don't wake it me I Can't handle Evie nope Hey mace back. Oh Jack. It's so good to see you again Good to see you too mate, but this is technically my house So it kind of goes hand in hand with seeing me your house is very nice But kind of looks like it's under attack hang in there Though your home is worth fighting for Yes, it is me like you're losing this one though although in different pies are practically practically a destructive force of nature Batman's here these guys here Segway Steve's here. What's up? - Cara? I Did Cara doesn't have a voice really? Hijack your lack of chocolate in this house is disturbing But the cake at the kitchen counter is chocolate. No. I mean chocolate chocolate. Also. I can't find the knives Pretty sure and Dinah and prepares that something to do it there for once. I'm grateful to them Places you got here when it's not signed Yeah, I had to fire my two new interior decorators come to think of it. I never even hired them in the first place Huh funny you should say fire. No don't Some of these guys have seen already Is that sugar plumps? I don't know if I'm comfortable to you burning my possessions come to think of it But that spoils all the fun yeah, hello Is there anybody out there? sincerely sugarplum Okay, I've talked to all you guys these cool pictures Seen a strange connection with this picture yeah, it's crudely drawn as it is I feel like someone important might have drawn it I hope that this person ever makes a game. They'll find outside help hurt outside help for the art Did somebody who made this game draw the art. Is that what I'm sensing is Jenny one of them. Oh frog it Does he always just sitting there? Hey no good. How are you doing now? I'm gonna say like marginally better the last time last we saw each other. Well. That's good. What's me? Can you feel better this artwork it is Sunita Doggett's a soul it makes his problem seeming phantasmal? Art will do that The colors they are mesmerizing no good fields a sense of cop Also as it happens Santa to satisfactory satisfactory le large stock of Nuggets But he has already earned. No because his friendship and trust What can I say the kid speaks to me you would sense? oh, we're talking no gaeduara stories inner balance cue I fucking love you no get It super hot me This one's great. I wonder who painted it whoever did make me look super good super boy That never heard that one before oh The geometry - hi jack you're really bad at that game Being being bad at a supremely hard game does not make me feel bad. Yes, I remember the insanity and rage world sort of 10 Mona Lisa That's really good. I suppose. It's true that I already subjective and the classic Jack it's best if you don't ask God it might I love to Steve that's going on that there the bathroom keeps getting bigger and bigger butts so cool Anyway moving on I'm going to leave this episode here We are back out of the horror worlds and into another Type of horror world which is my own house in this game? But it's ok the horrors are just that my personal space is being invaded everything after that It's fine a lot of nice quirky characters. This is really good so far. I'm having a blast playing this game I love all them my new little details There's a lot of stuff in this That other people would cost over and as I said before you can really tell that you went to some Painstaking efforts to put all this stuff in I mean just the dialogue alone There's so much of it Not even what it says But the fact that you had to write out all these things and it's not cheesy or cringy or anything like that Really really good so far, but thank you guys so much watching this episode if you liked it punch that like button in the face Jack finished recording videos now he has to go eat some food shoo
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 1,625,151
Rating: 4.9587107 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, fan game, the boss, the boss jacksepticeye game, jacksepticeye fan game, fan made, rpg, rpg game, jacksepticeye game, characters, voices, undertale, sans, papyrus, undyne, alphys, story, plot, gameplay, playthrough, walkthrough, gregg, mae, bea, angus, night in the woods, fran bow, fran bow jacksepticeye
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 59sec (3179 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 03 2018
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