I Killed Every NPC in Fallout 4

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November 10th 2011 the day before Skyrim releases November 10 2021 I post a video celebrating its 10-year anniversary where I kill every NPC in the game November 10 2015 Fallout 4 releases November 10th 2022 Commonwealth here I come if you haven't watched the Skyrim videos I highly recommend you watch those first because I'll be referencing them quite a bit now this experience is going to be much different for me than it was for Skyrim because I haven't played nearly as much Fallout 4. kinda like the Skyrim DLC video you'll get to learn a lot and see lots of new things along the way so I'm genuinely kind of excited first thing I have to do is make a character I was dumped last time so I'll be dump at this time I accidentally made her look just like Jennifer Lawrence kind of impressive honestly so if you've played the game you know the drill the bombs start dropping you run to the Vault and barely make it down in time once you're in the vault silly old vault-tec pulls a Switcheroo and freezes you in a cryo chamber which to be totally honest sounds very refreshing wonder if you dream in there foreign passes and Frosted Flakes comes in takes her child and kills your spells some more time passes and by the grace of God or I guess Todd you wake up so that you can go and find your baby and get revenge for the death of your mans what I make sure you is dead to escape the Vault you grab a pit boy and ride up this terrifying somehow still functioning elevator now I've got a lot to do from beating the main story to doing all the quests that yeah you know what past me can tell you what I need to do some NPCs are only available at certain times or during certain quests so I had to find out what quests were associated with each NPC so I could figure out if any NPC was only available during a certain Quest For example you will never see karwaya unless you do the thief skilled questline so in order to kill Carlia you need to do the Thieves Guild questline in order to do the fusion quest line I can't kill any characters essential to the thief skilled questline my Skyrim video I did this in three phases prep Slaughter and cleanup being more experienced this time around in the act of genocide I think I can just cut that third phase right out and I think the best way for me to start is to sort of dip my toes in a bunch of different quest lines at the same time but like every normal playthrough we'll start in Concord in Concord we meet the Minutemen or what's left of them at least this isn't really required for the main story but here we get our first suit of power armor and then a good chunk of XP from killing the deathclaw that shows up after helping them Minute Men I need to make my way to Diamond City on the way I ran into a couple of NPCs rest in peace trash can Carla I made it to Diamond City in record time and got the quest to rescue Nick Valentine so that he can help me find my son the triggerman who took Nick are a good bit tougher than I remember but I'm certainly not helping myself when I do things like blow up a Molly in my face I got Nick outplayed the gangster wannabes and went with Nick and Dogmeat to find Special K just so you know from this point on Nick was with me pretty much the entire time I know things are moving quickly there is a metric [ __ ] ton of things on the to-do list just to get ready to kill everyone I also should mention I'll be killing all the DLC NPCs so I gots to get going doggy man led me to Fort Fruit Loops where I confronted my son's kidnapper who didn't actually have my son with him unfortunately so I ripped out his hippo campus and brought it to the memory done where I was able to view Frost and miniweed's memories and learned that my son had been taken to the Institute ah The Institute I sure hate The Institute to access the Institute I gotta do a bunch of [ __ ] like find a courser chip kill an innocent woman actually I don't think I had to do that and find the railroad a group of synth sympathizers that are all kind of weird like every one of these [ __ ] is just weird now that I'm at the railroad there's a good handful of quests that I have to do I think the railroad is definitely the most uninteresting faction in the game and their quests definitely reflect that I did a bunch of their quests but eventually needed a break so I moved on to a much more fun quest line the silver shroud the silver shroud quest line is pretty fun you get to dress up as a comic book hero and then go around the town of Good Neighbor dishing out Justice like Batman if Batman was just Jennifer Lawrence in a mobster costume who went around shooting people that the radio told them to shoot pretty much Batman what NPC I really like in this Quest and the first time I actually felt bad for Fallout 4 NPC is Kent Connolly he's the one who's been guiding you on your journey as The Silver shroud he's basically just a big fan of the comics and intern a big fan of you but eventually Crime Boss Sinjin kidnaps him so that he can lure you out and kill you when you arrive to save Kent Sinjin kills him and then you kill Sinjin and I just felt really bad for Kent because not only is he a nice guy but his hero the silver shroud your character wasn't able to save him guess it's better to fail him though than to kill him yourself but I still felt bad and I left the silver shroud SMG with Kent because he's the real silver shroud okay I'm now aware that I just said that I need to go fast and then I spent an entire paragraph talking about the silver shroud Quest back to being fast I went to find Preston Garvey and start the Minutemen line of quests as I will ultimately end up siding with the Minutemen to finish the main story most of the Minutemen quests are just going out and killing Raiders which is great because I can kill some NPCs while doing these quests drift heyer Whiplash Walter tweeze hey toys hey man how are those pancakes huh yeah that's that's a deep cut after a while you'll get to clear out the castle a big ugly Fort that hardly has walls and literally no other defenses I'm sorry why the [ __ ] do we want this place kill the Mario lurks and their Queen and you'll gain the ability to call in artillery strikes if you're close enough to a settlement that has artillery built on it and then sometimes it just won't work anyways cool next I need to start the Brotherhood of Steel questline I know dipping the toes I just need to give far enough that I have access to the pridwin so I helped Paladin dance clear out the Cambridge Police Station and then held his hand through our chat system so that he could get actually I don't I don't know what we came here for I also cooked up Nick and dance while we were there just thought it was funny then after helping dance you'll get invited to the pridwin where you'll be given your very own suit of power armor and then I took it and left and I will never talk to these [ __ ] ever again kill you later back to the Minutemen quests I killed slag and got a cool ass sword accidentally stumbled into some named ghouls which worked out nicely and was finally able to start on getting into the Institute I built the machine to teleport there got in my power armor panicked a little because the two popped off the machine and was transported to the heart of the Institute here I met a man named father father is my son yeah no for real it was in that freezer for a [ __ ] while I told him to go [ __ ] himself and then was banished from The Institute doesn't matter really next time I go there it won't be for a house call back in the Commonwealth I have to defend the castle from an attack by The Institute father really took that hole go [ __ ] yourself thing to Heart the Brotherhood of Steel even came to help with this one which is very ironic considering what I'm gonna do to them in about two minutes I successfully defended the castle but this attack convinced Preston that the Institute needs to go down Sturgis found a different way into the Institute through uh [ __ ] sewer of all things I guess even synths poop we made our way back into the Institute and Preston gave me instructions to evacuate the place of innocent people before blowing it up I had my own agenda though I confronted father again where I made the brains that are inside his head no longer inside his head and logged onto his computer where I very well could have evacuated the place here's the thing though there's like two dozen NPCs here that I need to kill and I could do that by just not evacuating the place so so I didn't hit the alarm I planted the Detonator on the reactor and before I could leave was confronted by my robot's son I need to kill him too so I'm not taking him with me when your goddamn business Sturgis I don't care about children so this was an easy Choice after disowning my child the Minute Men and I were teleported to a safe distance where I was able to detonate the reactor inside the Institute and bring it down for good [Music] not bad for only four pages into the script huh afterwards though Preston asked if I had evacuated the place and when I told him I didn't I felt bad like I had disappointed him I shook off the disappointment and continued on with my mission to cleanse the Commonwealth of all life there's some more quests I had to do which include Imogene takes a lover The Secret of cabbage house where I sided with Jack because Lorenzo scares me and to the mattresses which was actually sort of fun and hands down the best railroad Quest then after completing that Quest Desdemona just got mad at me for blowing up the Institute like out of nowhere I mean come on you're a little behind and then everyone attacked me let's just say things did not end well for them rest in peace the railroad the next big step for me is to take down the pridwin and ultimately the Brotherhood of Steel to do that I'll have to kill their leader Elder Maxson but this guy would [ __ ] love Elon Musk holy [ __ ] I didn't even know if that would work I jumped off the pridwin and made my Escape back to the Minutemen who were more than down to just bomb the Brotherhood I had to set up artillery at some other settlements so that we could have enough Firepower to blow up the predwin traveled back to the castle and gave the order to fire on the ship and boy was it beautiful confirm everyone is down team oh [ __ ] they're coming destroying the breadwinn made the Brotherhood uh pretty upset believe it or not and they launched an All or Nothing assault on the castle it turns out it was nothing or was it all all or nothing if they all died then would it be all or would it be nothing because they all died but now they have nothing I don't [ __ ] know they all died and with that All or Nothing attack the Brotherhood was no more I took the confidence gained from killing them and went and attacked Swan Swan got his ass handed him to be honest I was expecting a little more after that I helped Nick hunt down his long-lost enemy Eddie Winters after killing Eddie I maxed out my friendship with Nick which was neat honestly I don't think I've ever done that before and this felt like a good time to check out the DLC because I have never played any of the DLC before starting with mechanical Menace I immediately grew attached to Ada Ada's Little Robot homie who just had all of her friends killed and needs your help to get revenge the one who's responsible for this is a monster known as the mechanist the rich the mechanist you've gotta battle the rust Devils first the rust Devils have a cool name but they are quite literally just Raiders great inside the rust devil compile in this little game called automatron I only played it one time and I got a score of 11 450. I bet nobody's beat that right guys ah please don't hurt my feelings anyway I killed a cab and found one of the best characters I have yet to encounter Jezebel Jezebel is a peach you really are taking the path of most resistance here aren't you based on my limited experience with you I estimated 65 chance of making it out of here not optimal an increase in effort could have an impact on the odds anyway after doing all that you eventually get to invade the mechanist's base the mechanist is actually just a good person with some severe social anxiety who didn't give good enough instructions to her robots and now they're all killing everyone and I actually like that a lot interesting to us anyway a blasted a dome off took her ugly ass armor because it's actually really strong and then ignore the rest of this Quest because I've killed everybody that I needed to oh yeah at some point you also have to build Jezebel a robot body and I built her one with no arms so that she couldn't turn on me that might be a [ __ ] genius yeah but then I uh I killed her too because you know that's kind of my job on to the vault-tec workshop DLC this one was a pleasant surprise it was short but I enjoyed the dynamic between Barstow and Clem I felt bad doing experiments on Clem but he was such a good sport about it that I put him down nice and quick and the other people in the Vault of course I miss Clem already well by Vault 88 I made a pit stop back at Diamond City to do the diamond City Blues Quest and found that mayor McDonough was the synth genuinely did not know that he also popped Danny you have the choice to save him but you know kind of makes my life easier if I don't I'm making good time here but I still have a disgusting amount of quests to do so let's get to it the disappearing act trouble Brewing kid in a fridge human error here there be monsters returning the favor marowski Heist bottom grab bar oh like bottom Grabber I did not get that just just got the bottom part with those quests done I was ready to head to the island kind of like lost If instead of a plane crashing on the island it was a nuclear warhead same thing really here I visited far Harbor and I gotta say I am not a big fan of this DLC the island is very ugly very uninteresting and there is goddamn radiation everywhere it's almost like someone new oh yeah nuclear warhead right well it's still annoying I did a lot quests here most notably The Rite of Passage Quest where you do something called the captain's dance which is both cooler and Lamer than it sounds really all you do is kill a bunch of buyer alerts and suddenly Everyone likes you but uh yeah it could have been more interesting could have like done a little did he at least after making friends I killed the two biggest monsters in Fallout 4. the [ __ ] breaker who I may or may not have accidentally cheesed and read death a hulking massive horrifying Nine Inch Tall oh it's kind of cute with that Beast dead I may have actually done it I think I've done all I needed to to get the world of Fallout 4 ready to be destroyed no I didn't forget Nuka world I just don't need to do any prep for that I'll get to it so I set all NPCs to be killable installed my child killing mod and made a house call to the peabodies to test it and did of course it didn't work how would it work my story still kind of long the mod that lets you kill kids is really old and I guess it just doesn't work anymore and there's nothing I is a tech newbie can do to change this so I can't kill kids I can banish them to the shadow realm like I did in the Skyrim DLC video though so don't worry they'll still be dealt with now I can for real kill everyone starting with far Harbor and the island far Harbor kinda got owned like bad after far Harbor I hit Acadia a building full of synths they also got bodied starting to think that this might be a trend I guess I am in a big suit of metal so anyway they got [ __ ] the nucleus Vault 118 and a bunch of people scattered across the island all put up a similar fight but once I finish the classic miscellaneous section I had cleared out the entire Island and flipped the light switch off on Far Harbor next up Nuka world nuclear I went to this DLC completely blind and I I paid for that if you've played this DLC you know it's just a shitscape full of Raiders and gang violence I thought it was just gonna be fun like a larger scale of the vault-tec workshop stuff like harmless Clem damaging Roller Coaster Tycoon sort of fun the first thing you do when you get to Nuka world is kill over boss Coulter who isn't that tough and then literally everyone after him is harder to kill which is stupid when I stepped foot into the actual Park I started just killing on site which was also kind of stupid I won't harp on this place forever because I could but people like Willie and black were just [ __ ] up hard just the complete opposite of far Harbor I did like dry Rock Gulch though the robots were kind of cute I killed them but they were great definitely my favorite part like I said there was pretty much no prep for this place so I could just go around killing people Group by group so this didn't take long at all a lot of people were very unique at least specifically Oswald the outrageous and the little Cult of NASA employees that were shockingly weak compared to everyone else that's pretty much it for this DLC oh forgot about Evan hey there well hey there but what brings you all the way out here making a new friend I hope absolutely that wraps up just about all of the DLC there is one character left but I'll get to her in a second to get started with the base game characters I'd first like to give my good friend Nick Valentine a classic Fallout style goodbye rest in peace buddy back to the DLC the only remaining character is Ada the robot that grew on me she will also be missed so my system for genocide is pretty simple go location to location in alphabetical order and kill any NPCs that reside there for example starting with Abernathy Farm I killed Blake Abernathy Lucy Abernathy Connie Abernathy Maisie and Clarabelle is it okay okay how simple I make murder sound you gotta don't kill people please at some point I stopped writing down which locations I was going to and only wrote down the names of the NPCs I was killing because there were just so many but the next notable location is Diamond City the great green Jewel of the Commonwealth there are a lot of [ __ ] people here though let me tell you 43 excluding Nick I thought they were gonna be really hard honestly and they were kinda easy again I am in a big old suit of armor so I'll cut him some slack the only time I really felt bad was when Piper died and said some very sad [ __ ] here of net the next place worth talking about was good neighbor I like Good Neighbor it's a shitty little stinky little town but it's my default for when I want to buy something or sell something or they also got owned pretty good I took out Cleo first because I figured she'd be the toughest one and well she bought some magician [ __ ] but she died I cleared out the memory Den Hotel Rexford the third rail all of good neighbor I went to a lot of places after this and killed a lot of NPCs but the last place that I want to talk about is Fault 81. Vault 81 is a populated Vault with 21 unique NPCs inside of it I didn't have to do any prep for this place so I just kind of started blasting after cleaning out the entrance area I went down the elevator to the Vault itself and this is where I started feeling kinda yucky walking room to room literally hunting people felt yeah yucky yucky is the word something about using guns versus using swords and [ __ ] in Skyrim makes this field more I don't know real I didn't I didn't feel good about this place but I did my job and moved on after to the main locations I had to find all the miscellaneous characters and that is always my least favorite part the Random Encounters the traveling Merchants all that [ __ ] is so annoying to figure out to pinpoint everyone sometimes feels impossible but there were a couple characters of note the first one dog meat I got to the Red Rocket Station where dog meat usually is and found him already dead what happened I don't know what killed him but in a way I was sort of thankful that I wasn't gonna have to do it myself rip dog man another NPC that I was dreading was the mysterious stranger mostly because you literally can't kill him I had to use a console command to spawn him in and even then I couldn't kill him shooting nope gun bashing no slashing no nuking no nothing would damage this guy so I pulled out that little freak I hate using the console and killed him that way and then I took his clothes what he's got style and with a mysterious stranger dead I had killed every human animal Super Mutant and synth and all of Fallout 4. the only thing remaining was me and Liberty Liberty prime a towering near indestructible force of patriotism I also spawned him in with console commands but he would not attack me for some reason hey fine by me I don't want to [ __ ] fight this guy but I am gonna kill him the problem though is he has 5 million Health to put that into perspective the average Super Mutant Behemoth only has about 1 000. I tried shooting him hitting him nuke mines I tried the ash maker fat man a slightly stronger fat man but his health did not drop in the slightest I tried so many different things to be able to kill this guy but nothing I tried did any damage to him whatsoever he just stared me down like I was an aunt and so I pulled out the weapon that no NPC could survive a power more than a weapon really and that is the power of editing foreign thanks for watching folks I really didn't plan on doing this until I realized that uh Fallout 4 came out on November 10th which was like three weeks ago and then I couldn't pass about the opportunity to link all the dates together so if this one felt a little rushed it's because it was try to keep things a little more light-hearted this time around because let's be honest the Skyrim video got a little dark some people are probably wondering about the creation Club characters and I didn't kill them because they're not like official DLC I don't I don't know if you guys want it let me know I don't think anyone actually cares that much but let's say if this video gets 10K likes I'll make a short about the creation Club characters with that thanks for watching everyone ggs
Channel: dumpykong
Views: 845,443
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fallout, fallout4, fallout 4, fallout3, fallout 3, fallout 2, fallout 1, fallout shelter, dumpy, dumpykong, bethesda
Id: FA6xXCRhekM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 48sec (1248 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 10 2022
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