The Secrets of the Institute - The Story of Fallout 4 Part 17

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you're wearing a lab coat you're standing with men of science Visionaries brilliant but misunderstood I see a land mocked up like a great experiment each test and no beginning each sacrifice an acceptable loss you will not be loved but you will save Humanity however you choose to define it foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] in our last episode we finally arrived at The Institute only to discover that our Sunshine was a 60 year old man a man called father who's the director of The Institute this came as a huge blow and it felt like the right time for Nate to make a decision [Music] this is not the moment of no return for choosing a faction to side with in the game there are many such moments to look forward to but for now we will choose to work with the Institute and explore the rest of the story of Fallout 4 by siding with them when done of course we will come right back to this point and explore another faction story after talking with father and agreeing to work with him he gave us our first assignment he wants us to meet with the heads of all of the departments in The Institute Advanced systems robotics synth retention and bioscience we also need to talk with the head of facilities this is going to take us all over the Institute and we might as well use this opportunity to learn everything we can about the Institute we'll read every terminal listen to every holotape talk to every person and read every note we come across yes before moving on with our quests we start of course here in Sean's room there's the elevator we came up in behind us Institute residences are organized into residential stacks and so we'll start by heading out the door in this room and taking a staircase down to the bottom floor to start from the beginning of this stack we see that we are on the second floor and we find a child walking up from the ground floor this is Julia Thompson sometimes Quentin is really mean to me my mom says I have to be nice anyway I wish to Quinton would stop telling those stupid stories hey pal I've heard stories on the surface sure sounds scary my daddy says your father's Daddy but he looks so much older than you hi isn't it wonderful here so there are kids in The Institute it's not just a research center there are families here perhaps this would complicate things for someone who wanted to destroy the Institute heading down to the ground floor we stumble upon a conversation almost done just need to tighten up this primary drive Servo that's the third primary drive breakdown this month as far as I'm concerned the phase out on these older models can't come soon enough oh I don't know most of them have lasted long past their projected lifespans if you ask me they were built pretty well I can't argue with that even so I'm ready to see the full gen 3 roll out there we go all set unit you can return to duty thank you ma'am thanks again of course this is Ali Fillmore head of facilities and we need to talk with her it's my responsibility to make sure this place runs smoothly excuse me doctor they weren't kidding you really are here well all right I'm Ali Ali Fillmore you can think of me as the institute's chief engineer when father told us about you I could hardly believe it you've been through so much I think most people would have just given up if you don't mind my asking what was it that kept you going all that time what makes you ask I'm a complete stranger to you I suppose when I heard your story I just well I felt sorry for you you've suffered more tragedy than any one person deserves your whole world is gone I'm sorry I know that was a very personal question I guess I just wasn't ready to die yet that's understandable the will to survive is the most basic human instinct I wanted to kill the son of a [ __ ] who murdered my wife Kellogg always was a cold bastard if you ask me we're better off without him I just wanted to find my son and keep him safe now that you've found him I hope you're proud of the great man he grew up to be now I'll give you a quick rundown of the facilities Division and then I'll answer any questions you might have afterward as you might guess we keep the institute's mechanical and electrical systems running smoothly we maintain and upgrade all of the systems that make it possible to live and work in a place like this there's a lot of Machinery Behind These Walls that recycles the air and water and provides power to the Laboratories and quarters the work we do might not be as exciting as some of the other departments but it's at least as important so now that you're here and you've spoken to father does that mean you're on board on board with what the Institute of course Sean implied you operated on a level if not equal then at least similar to the rest of us curious I'm just looking around I see well please do mind what you touch sensitive equipment here not like topside I'm not on board with anything no and yet here you are poking around one might find that suspicious if you're not planning on staying I'd recommend keeping your hands to yourself wouldn't want to give the impression you're up to something and consider having another talk with Sean he really is anxious to have you with us absolutely good to hear it'll be a load off Sean's mind take your time get yourself acquainted there's a lot to take in plenty of things you won't find Topside if there's anything else you'd like to know about the facilities division I'm happy to discuss it who built this place originally has it been here long the construction of the Institute is the work of generations of scientists the original survivors of the war are progenitors took refuge in the basement of the old Commonwealth Institute of Technology over time their sons and daughters dug deeper into the Earth and build increasingly sophisticated habitats and Laboratories it's a process that's still going on today even now we're digging out Tunnels for new facilities in structure just think what this place will look like a hundred years from now I hope I'm there to see it I'd like to know about the people in your division of course Dr Lawrence Higgs is our mechanical engineer he oversees the major life support and security systems power distribution is Dr Evan Watson's area of expertise and Dr Newton oberley is in charge of food and housing he coordinates with bioscience to ensure that our meals are balanced for optimal nutrition we also make use of a number of synth units for low priority maintenance and labor it must be a challenge to meet the Power demands of a place like this absolutely we scratch and scrape for every precious ounce of voltage that we can over the years we've learned a few tricks that help supplement our power budget when necessary we can tap into select sources on the surface we take only what we need of course fortunately Advanced systems is always working on new solutions to generate more energy it's a good thing too because the demand is always increasing you don't even want to know what a single use of the molecular dematerializer consumes I'm good for now thanks goodbye then what a fascinating interaction we learned that the people living and working here are descendants of these students and faculty of the Commonwealth Institute of Technology who survived underground after the bombs dropped in 2077 and if Ali Fillmore is anything to go by the people here are mostly normal she recognized the tragedy that Nate lived through and gave us her sympathy and yet she was a bit arrogant depending on our choices but we get the impression that the Institute might be using the technology they've used to create the sense to at some point in the future optimize existing humans she just said that she hoped to be around a hundred years from now the only way she could do that is if she used Institute technology to prolong her life before heading back upstairs to finish exploring Sean's room we can turn around to talk with a synth vendor greetings as the institute's requisition vendor I can provide supplies for your missions on the surface how may I assist you today what can I requisition I have access to a modest selection of arm and other items approved for use in field missions let's see what you got this institute vendor has a number of legendary items that can't be found anywhere else and interestingly he uses caps to barter with for weapons he sells experiment 18a a legendary plasma rifle it has a 25 percent faster fire rate and a 15 faster reload aside from that it's like every other plasma rifle and accepts all other plasma rifle mods under apparel he sells four pieces of legendary armor the Mark II synth chest piece which has a legendary effect that causes enemies to have a harder time detecting us while we are sneaking and not moving then the Mark II synth helmet which grants us plus one to agility and perception and the Mark III synth chest piece which grants increasing energy and damage resistance the lower our health is up to plus 35 the Mark III send chest piece also has greater base damage and energy resistance compared to the Mark II synth chest piece then there's the Mark III synth right arm which increases action point refresh speed but everything here is a bit expensive maybe we'll come back and explore this later before heading back upstairs we can move west to discover the Institute Concourse there's the elevator that we rode down to the basement before climbing back up into Sean's quarters it descends down a hole in the middle of The Concourse and The Institute scientists and synths Meander across this glass floor suspended above a pool near to some waterfalls it's really beautiful The Institute is a circular construction and we see ramps leading up to the doorways that lead to each Institute Division and beneath each residential Tower stack is another resource to explore oh dear we've got our work cut out for us heading back to the residential Tower stack we came from we see a door to the right before ascending the stairs that we can explore I find the terminal the door is locked however but thankfully we find the terminal right next to it Security's too tight however it's locked with a Master Lock and I can't hack this if I could however we simply find an option to open the door and inside we find a storage room lots of stuff here that we can scrap down but for our Med kits with stim packs inside a couple of ammo canisters and a bunch more scrap laid about backing out we see that the left path leads to robotics we could follow the red line to robotics the right path leads to bioscience and that's a green line but we need to finish exploring this residential stack so heading back upstairs we can move back into Sean's room there's the child scent we can't talk to him right now moving through the door past Sean we see a terminal here next to a microphone but we can't activate it we see that Sean has a balcony overlooking the Concourse a great view of the entire Institute turning around we can explore behind the staircase this leads to a storage area nothing of Interest here so heading to the staircase we can go back up to the second floor of Father's quarters this leads to a large living room slash bedroom moving East first we find his bathroom and it's small he's got a tiny little shower here with a toilet and a sink not much privacy but I suppose he does live alone back to the living room we find another terminal next to some cabinets but we can't access it there's a med kit here with a stim pack inside and in a box next to the staircase is a hollow tape directors recording number 108. damn it golden what the hell is going on down there I have to convene an emergency directorate meeting because of this screw-up that synth was a prototype it was absolutely not ready for field testing the mess it caused in Diamond City threatens Decades of work to keep us out of the spotlight I will be very clear my legacy as director will not be tarnished by your division's mistakes I am going to find out exactly who approved any sort of operation above ground and that person will be held fully accountable this is in reference to the broken mask incident one of the first things we learned about the Institute upon arriving at Diamond City this is referring to the moment that is synth after drinking some beer went on a massacre in the diamond City Marketplace turns out it was an accident we heard the voice of a previous director possibly the one that preceded Sean possibly one a bit older the synth that went on a massacre was an early model synth that wasn't ready for field testing somebody made a mistake and let him loose on the Commonwealth without permission looks like that person was held accountable but we don't get any impression that the Institute tried to make amends to the people who suffered in Diamond City we find Sean's bed and it's um weird almost looks like a hospital bed and behind this we find a terminal that we can actually access but it's locked with a novice lock thankfully we can hack this and if we do we find four entries Institute Central Network director terminal 1A status normal in the first one Kellogg Conrad enhanced life expectancy July 16 2285 Kellogg's occasional presence continues to unnerve the others at first I thought they were merely intimidated by his confidence and arrogance or perhaps even afraid of his General being Kellogg is after all a killer but as I've continued to witness their reactions gauge their side long glances I've detected something else something I probably should have anticipated jealousy Kellogg is a living Memorial to a forgotten program he is an augmented human being a cyborg really and the benefits he has received cannot be denied but really the scientists here could not care less about enhanced reflexes or greater combat efficiency no the cause of their Envy is something more practical more Primal his enhanced life expectancy just how long will Kellogg live if he passes naturally however unlikely that may be it's hard to say he's already more than a hundred years old older certainly than any other human in the Commonwealth his complete physiology has been altered perhaps he'll make it to 150 maybe even 200 let the petty have their Petty jealousies Kellogg is a Living testament to the Ingenuity and superiority of The Institute and I take no small pleasure in knowing that must irritate him to no end we get the impression that Ali was sort of referring to this in our last conversation just think what this place will look like a hundred years from now I hope I'm there to see it she wanted to live at least 100 more years kind of like Kellogg would have had we not killed him perhaps she is hoping that the Institute will again start augmenting humans and perhaps she can be one of the first and the next one status reports bioscience Hydroponics programs functional fev lab offline fev lab wait a minute where have we heard that before I was bioscience not engineering or Advanced systems or anything before I was forced to leave I was working on a serum to reverse this mutation it's still in my lab and well look at me I need it so if you get in there I need you to find it in my old office that's right Virgil needed us to find a serum to cure his condition which was in his office his lab in bioscience well here we read that and fev lab in bioscience is offline is this fev lab the one that Virgil worked in could Virgil becoming a Super Mutant be why the lab is offline but if it's offline will we be able to access it robotics synth output nominal production materials fully stocked Advanced systems child project under quarterly review weapons Diagnostics ongoing phase 3 behind schedule what exactly is phase three it's in advanced systems perhaps we'll find out more there SRB the synth retention Bureau director Zimmer Still offline above ground operative terminated retention programs functional pattern recognition algorithms ineffective the above ground operative must be Kellogg and the lone Wanderer likely met director Zimmer during the events of Fallout 3. it's interesting that they use the word offline to describe director Zimmer does that mean he is dead or just missing is this evidence that he was killed either by the lone Wanderer or by Harkness or could he have never come back for some other reason and his note that pattern recognition algorithms is ineffective tells us a lot about the way synths work the SRB exists to retrieve synths that have escaped The Institute looks like they tried to use a pattern recognition algorithm to predict where they would go but the scents that have escaped aren't acting like robots they're not acting like computer programs they're not following a predictable pattern making that tactic ineffective facilities power output maxed air and water recycling systems functioning normally and the next one personal notes the weight continues IO can only confirms sightings outside of Vault 111 and again in Diamond City sometime later what that means I'm not sure will we actually meet was this all for nothing no not nothing I will have learned valuable things about myself my past either way I cannot afford to let emotion get in the way I must simply observe and record Untold Kellogg has gone offline Strangely I find myself thinking of Dr Walker he had such high hopes for Kellogg such faith in the implants and what they could mean I still regret eliminating that project but I know where it would have led us Walker was never shy about his goals and too many others were starting to listen in the end I believe I was justified The Institute is about preserving Humanity not some Czar amalgamation of biology and Technology he used the word offline to describe Kellogg Kellogg has gone offline we killed Kellogg and that's the same word he used to describe Dr Zimmer is that more evidence that Dr Zimmer is actually dead what's interesting here is when he said that he cannot afford to let emotion get in the way this leads us to believe that he does have emotion that it's there and he's struggling to keep it out of the way he has to exert energy to remain focused on the institute on the experiment on the science it tells us that Sean releasing us from Vault 111 was more than just an experiment he really did have hope hope that we would make it here hope that Nate would survive and the last one director access synth shutdown wow father can shut down all synths from this terminal we can try it unauthorized director code required but we can't use it huh I wonder if we can find a director code in a nearby cabinet we find Sean's terminal password oh well we hacked that terminal so no need for this now we can loot a med kit on top and then explore a Supply Closet nearby but we don't find much here out of this room we can round a corner to open a door to the third floor of the residential stack well we've explored below let's continue up and on the top floor we overhear a conversation call this a clean floor are your visual receptors malfunctioning can you not see the grime and dust my apologies sir effective and I intend to report this perhaps after you've been disassembled we can use your components to make something that's actually useful yes sir yikes spend enough time here and you'll be sick to death of the word synth I certainly am hi doc you know what happens when people get robots to do all their work they get fat and lazy that's what real people doing real thinking and real work that's the future I want if that's how you feel why not leave because we could do so much more but no everyone is obsessed with these damn synths it's wasted potential that's what it is people have no trouble getting fat and lazy on their own a few here and there perhaps but not on the scale I'm talking about I can see you're having a joke at my expense you're hardly the first I don't see any harm in robots helping out robots helping out you make it sound so tame so harmless if that's all it were I'd agree what's being planned here is much more than that I'm talking about synths replacing human beings you've just arrived so perhaps it isn't apparent to you yet but in time you'll see what I mean no argument here nice to meet someone who isn't obsessed with replacing people with machines I've been saying for years that we're too reliant on these synths but nobody wants to listen maybe you can talk some sense into them in any case I suppose I should say welcome perhaps a fresh perspective will do some good around here well I didn't want to stick around to talk very long but it's interesting to find an Institute scientist in The Institute who disagrees with the synth program who doesn't like the idea of synths replacing humans I wonder how his story will end up at the top of this residential stack is the Board Room inside we find a huge oval table surrounded by chairs there are a number of containers none of them filled with anything interesting however on one of them we find directors recording number 52. look director I'm gonna make the same recommendation I did last time we did everything we could four years dedicated to preserving this Commonwealth provisional government you've seen the same reports I have it's falling apart and fast we need a plan for what happens when that fall is complete I know some of the other divisions have suggested we just cut off all contact hide underground and pretend nobody's home that would in my opinion be a mistake we can't just give up on these people and with the Android program we don't have to we'll soon have the capabilities to deploy Androids to the surface in great enough numbers to maintain order just just think about it all right keep it in mind moving forward this is in reference to something that we learned from Nick Valentine had we pursued a relationship with him running with him as a companion he's the first one to really give us details about this Commonwealth provisional government the massacre of the cpg was still pretty fresh in people's minds at that point folks were still losing sleep over the broken mask Massacre of the cpg what's that the Commonwealth provisional government years back a group of settlements tried to get together and form a coalition every settlement with even a hint of cloud sent representatives to try and hash out an agreement Only The Institute sent a representative of their own a synth the man killed every rep at the talks the Commonwealth provisional government was over before it even got off the ground he claims that the Institute got tired and just wiped the entire government out could this event to be what Deacon was referring to when he said starting with ancient history they tried to take over the Commonwealth came a hair away from succeeding with their synth Army so there's that perhaps The Institute was getting so disheartened by the quote-unquote disorganization and Petty squabbling of the cpg just because they weren't getting their way the government wasn't going the way they wanted it to they didn't have the control they had hoped for and so as Valentine told us they wiped everyone in the cpg out with as Deacon told us their synth Army we don't hear anything about that in this hollow tape though they do talk about wanting to maintain order looks like after father shelved the Android program they kind of went against this guy's advice they retreated underground and hid here stepping away from Commonwealth politics out of the boardroom we can turn left to continue exploring the Institute counter-clockwise we see that these residential Stacks are connected to each other with these large two black walkways we pass by a courser they're a bit less terrifying here in The Institute we arrive at the top of the next stack here we find the door to Dr Holdren's quarters inside we find a layout similar to Sean's but it's a lot smaller a meager bathroom interestingly if we look in the garbage can beneath the sink in the bathroom we find a hollow tape join the railroad since they're not your enemy they are victims in this war as well this is the same holotape that we listened to inside Fallon's in Diamond City how did this get inside the Institute I suppose it must have been brought in by a courser in this room we find a door leading to a balcony a terminal that we can't access and a double bed with another door leading to another balcony on this balcony however we do find something special lying on a table is a perk magazine yeah yes you've collected the issue of astoundingly awesome Tales number 12. have dog will travel your Canine Companion permanently takes 10 percent less damage this is the only perk magazine in all of the Institute since most of these rooms are identical I'll stick to only covering the things we find inside of them that are worthy of note heading downstairs we can explore Dr Carlin's room but his room is even smaller than that of Dr Holdren's we find one medkit inside but then like with Carlin if we look in the garbage can in the bathroom we find another copy of join the railroad but it's not the only one we find another in his bedroom heading to his bedroom if we look inside the garbage can next to his dresser and the med kit we looted we find another it's a duplicate of the exact same Hollow tape the scientists are clearly not a fan of the contents of this hollow tape to throw it in the trash I wonder why so many scientists have copies of railroad propaganda backing out of Carl room we can move next door to Dr ao's quarters he's got a med kit on a cabinet and a terminal AO quarter's private terminal inside we find one option to disable the computer's safeguards warning security safeguards have been disabled your terminal's private data might be at risk huh that's all we can do from this terminal perhaps this will be useful later we don't find much else here so heading back to the staircase and moving down we find doors to Corners that have already been opened so we have to close them to read the name This one belongs to Dr Volkert but inside we find the terminals locked however we find Brendan Volkert standing here you're gonna have to work pretty hard to impress anyone down here hey Liam's been trying to teach me robotics it's more complicated than I thought he is part of the biosciences division we can loot a couple of medkits here and then in their garbage can in his bathroom we find another copy of join the railroad that's the last one we find in The Institute and strangely enough they're all in garbage cans on different floors of only this residential stack the same residential stack where Dr IO lives coincidentally back out we can open the door to Dr oberley's room but aside from medkits there's nothing of Interest here back out it's an honor to have you here sir we can take the ramp down to the ground floor and we see that by using the walkway above we bypassed the bioscience Department we'll have to go back and explore that but first we overhear a conversation is it true food supplement 77 has been discontinued that is correct that was my favorite one can't we keep it a little longer I will be happy to forward your request to the bioscience in the meantime please feel free to enjoy one of our other nutritious and flavorful food supplements I want supplement 77. I am sorry sir but that supplement is no longer available she mankind redefined it's catchy isn't it oh man no more food supplement 77 what a heartbreak this appears to be the institute's cafeteria and we can talk to this food vendor hello please ensure that your dietary requirements are being filled what have you got I can offer a range of nutritious and great tasting food supplements food supplement 7 is very popular for its spicy flavor in food supplement 91 is our newest offering I'll take a look sure this guy sells Institute bottled water and Institute food packets the nice thing about these food sources is that they don't have any radiation so we can consume them safely but it looks like these aren't the only Foods available going behind the counter we find ice cold nuka-cola and a bunch of pre-war beer looks like the Institute does have a taste for some things above ground we can talk with some of the scientists here so you were there the day the bombs fell that must have been must have been terrifying we're all looking forward to working with you I can't imagine living on the surface it's sounds like a nightmare they uh like to stand on chairs before heading to bioscience we find another door behind the staircase here this uh well it leads deeper opening the door to the right we find another storage closet with scrap and one ammo box opening the other door we find the same thing a med kit a Foot Locker on the ground and a couple of ammo boxes but this is a dead end so heading back out we can turn left and move towards bioscience we arrive on a platform directly before the bioscience Division and we can open up the door to Institute bioscience we arrive in a hallway the lab is before us but to the right we see a door it's not locked or anything so we can open it to find a long curved hallway that takes us quite a ways until we open another door to arrive in a storage room here we find boxes and crates stacked up on shelves but nothing of Interest except for a door in the Southeastern wall this leads us to another hallway with a Door Direct before us to the right are two ammo canisters on our crate and the door directly in front of us is locked with a novice lock after picking it we find two Med kits and a bunch of scrap inside heading out of the closet we turn right to go down a hallway and open yet another door which leads to yet another hallway gosh bioscience is just a labyrinth there's a door directly in front of us which leads to the fev lab and this door is locked with a novice lock the fev lab is the place that Virgil told us we could find the cure to his condition it's the place we read about on Father's terminal that's Now offline and here we find it locked with a novice lock we'll have to come back here and explore the fev lab in a different video because it's so important that it deserves its own video so instead of going in we can turn around and continue Northwest down the hallway this leads to a sliding door that brings us to a garden we find crops growing in little troughs this must be where they grow the food that's placed in those nutrient bars and food supplements opening a door to the north we arrive in a lab we find a window overlooking the primary lab that actually has people in it but before heading in there we can explore this one we find a number of lockers behind a bunch of tables in the lockers we can find a variety of goodies including ammunition chems and even coarser uniforms here on one of the desks we find a bioscience terminal bioscience terminal 2D we find four options in the first s z i Phase 2 development synth Zoological initiative Phase 2 development Journal initial thoughts what to create we've engineered creatures that inhabit the sky and the land the creatures in the sky are the synth birds that I covered in a video many years ago and aside from synth humans which obviously inhabit the land we'll bump into other synth creatures that inhabit the land in just a bit the next logical step is a creature of the sea the greatest challenge remains data collection accurate measurements behavioral data life cycle habitat Etc might Nahant have something useful note to self request that we allocate a scavenger team to that area the author may be referring to the nahat oceanological society which I did a video about here it indeed has a lot of interesting pre-war lore and a lot of research and data about the sea but we don't find any synth presence there so it looks like the Institute hasn't moved forward with this recommendation yet so which aquatic creature makes a good candidate start with size nothing too large wrong use of two there nothing too small most promising candidates genus delphinus Dolphins genus karchervinus requiem sharks on-site habitat will be a logistical challenge expansion of bioscience likely necessary including large water tank many logistical challenges to implement facilities division likely to oppose this have to pitch this as the first step in a broader plan what else can go in the Aquatic habitat can we grow food there what other experiments could we do could we develop underwater synth models to carry out seabed Salvage operations probably far-fetched need to work on this more we'll table this journal for the time being focus on other priorities until I can come up with more reasons that will benefit from The Aquatic habitat can still gather data in the meantime in the next one Warwick Homestead initiative inside we find three options in the first mission statement the Warwick Homestead initiative was conceived to facilitate field testing of various genetically modified specimens in the unique climate of the Commonwealth it is hoped that we gain insight into the effects of Trace radiation on the growth and development of said specimens we of the bioscience division are in full agreement on the following hypothesis subjected to the proper levels of ambient radiation and soil PH such as those found in the exceptionally fertile soil at Warwick Homestead our modified seed specimens are likely to exhibit accelerated growth rate and a two-fold increase in size so the Institute is undertaking an experiment growing Uber crops at the Warwick Homestead in the next one project implementation stage one using genetic manipulation we will develop a unique breed of cucurbitasi with similar characteristics to those commonly farmed in the Commonwealth cucurbitasi include pumpkin squash zucchini watermelon and cucumber stage 2 acquire Roger Warwick patriarch of Warwick Homestead and conduct a series of intensive interrogation sessions to learn all we can about his life and family stage 3. with the intelligence gathered in stage 2 create a synth replica of Roger Warwick and embed the unit on site at Warwick Homestead to oversee the operation directly the synth retention Bureau will handle Logistics of this aspect of the initiative stage four begin covert deliveries of prototype seed batches for planting stage five collect observational data from embedded unit stage six when sufficient data has been collected retrieve synth unit and specimens for lab study Purge All Surface evidence of the initiative and here we have concrete black and white evidence that yes the Institute does kidnap and replace people it's for their experiments because of course it is but the rumors are true the deepest fears held by the people of diamond City are Justified it's not just Panic it's not massisteria it's reality The Institute kidnaps people and replaces them with synths and the last one status reports batch p761 ready for shipment batch p664 delivery complete report ww877 1004 received batch 689 delivery complete patch 689 initiate delivery batch 689 ready for shipment report ww 877-0905 received batch p557 delivery complete report ww 877.1004 received batch p557 delivery complete batch p557 initiate delivery batch p557 ready for shipment report ww 877.0715 received batch P 534 batch destroyed in transit batch p534 initiate delivery batch p534 ready for shipment this is a log of all of the shipments of experimental seeds that the Institute has been sending to the synth plant at the Warwick Homestead from this entry we can see that the synth plant at the Warwick Homestead has received four deliveries of experimental seeds and it looks like there is one bundle of experimental seeds that is currently ready for shipment backing all the way out of the Warwick Homestead initiative we can read behavioral anomaly report director holdren here are the details you requested regarding the Guerrilla behavioral anomalies a total of 16 incidents of heightened aggression have been documented bioscience Personnel who witnessed these events myself included would categorize the level of aggression displayed as extreme and dangerous in all six synth handlers have been destroyed by Guerrilla attacks as for what triggers these behavioral changes I speculate that it's a reaction to perceived conflict several attacks followed heated arguments that took place with an earshot of the pen another occurred soon after the recent SRB security sweep it seems clear there's a fault in the behavioral model I doubt it can be corrected I know you're against it but I think we have to consider destroying them failing that I recommend that all contact with the gorillas be limited to synth units only bioscience Personnel should not be permitted to come into contact the risk is simple simply too great Carlin and here we learn about the experimental land synths we read about earlier they're gorillas and it sounds like they're keeping some in a pin here and they're dangerous yikes backing up we can view access logs access local login see holdren category update szi synth Zoological initiative phase two prep so we learned that holdren authored that sounds like he wants to go on vacation to the Nahant Wharf access local login B Volkert category update feeding and maintenance log which is interesting because we don't actually get to read that one here access local login see holdren category update s z i Phase 2 prep then access remote login j i o notes redacted huh access local log in icarlin category added behavioral anomaly report access local login k319 maintenance replaced cooling unit access local login see holdren message transmit primary directors terminal message subject SCI Phase 2 is trying to get Father's Eyes on his plans to go to the Nahant Wharf all access to this log was local that means it took place from one of the terminals in this lab except for one from a jio and the notes of this access are redacted is someone spying on the people of bioscience why did this jio need to access this terminal that's it for this terminal but we find another just to the left of the viewing window it also is called the bioscience terminal and inside we find three options in the first departmental notices we find three options in the first our special guest has arrived now that our guest of honor is here I want to remind everyone to be polite accommodating and welcoming it's not often we receive visitors from the surface and this occasion is more special than most I know I can count on all of you to extend a hand of friendship and greet our visitor with the utmost Hospitality let's Embrace this exciting event and make the best first impression we possibly can director holdren he of course is talking about us here Nate is that special guest in the next one power conservation when we first implemented the power efficiency guidelines I was proud at how well we were able to meet those standards with only a minimal impact on our productivity it was a daunting challenge lunch but we Rose to meet it lately however we've been getting lacks in our habits too often I'm finding lights and Equipment left on when they shouldn't be and the environmental settings have been changed without my authorization let's rededicate ourselves to doing what's right for the needs of the Institute as a whole after all this isn't just our home it's a home for the future Generations who will carry on the great work of building a better future director holdren so it looks like the Institute has power problems right now seems it may have grown a bit too big for its britches in the last one synth zoology The Next Step I have some exciting news to share with all of you father has approved the next phase of my proposed synth zoology initiative and I'm already in the process of setting up a schedule for the initial prototyping phase as has always been the case this is a low priority project but those of you who find yourselves with free time are welcome to contribute I'll need to make a few preliminary decisions not the least of which is what kind of creature we'll want to replicate I don't have to tell you how eager I am to begin and I can't wait to see what amazing things we can do given our recent advances in synth development director holdren ha so see holdren got his wish he came up with this whole aquatic synth idea wrote a proposal sent it to Father's terminal to make sure Sean got his eyes on it and father approved the Institute has eyes on land in the air and soon it will have eyes at Sea backing all the way out of departmental notices we can read soil PH values and yeah that's a lot of numbers I'm not going to read them there's nothing mind-blowing here anyway and the next one view access logs access local login icarlin category update soiled pH values and we see that again until we find access local login B Volkert accessed departmental notices access local login c-holdren category update Department notices access local login icarlin accessed departmental notices well it's a little petty Carlin wrote it down as departmental notices holdren changed it to Department notices and then Volkert changed it back to departmental notices and it looks like Carlin and Volkert won we find it as departmentmental notices wonder why holdren was having an issue with that with all of these terminals read we could open a sliding door to enter the primary lab but there is one more door over here to the Northwest opening it we climb some stairs to find a section of the Institute that doesn't look like a section of the Institute it looks like a pre-war office building we find a first aid kit on a wall a couple of pre-war cabinets and desks blocking a door huh could this be a part of the basement of the Commonwealth Institute of Technology as it was before the bombs dropped the original survivors of the war are progenitors took refuge in the basement of the old Commonwealth Institute of technology and could it be from this room that the Institute began to delve deeper to build the actual Institute while this is a dead end so we could go through the door to the primary lab or retrace our steps all the way back to our point of entry to enter the lab through the front door and in so doing we overhear a conversation you had time to examine my latest reports on batch 274 not yet I've been reviewing father's plans to expand our operations at Warwick he's eager to get that going so I've had to put everything else to one side I wonder how the Warwick family is doing young Wally must be close to 10 years old by now it's remarkable that any child can survive for so long up there don't you think I I try not to think too much about it we have more than enough to occupy ourselves here and those people are the last remnants of a Dying past it's best not to dwell on the subject there's still people and they're suffering we can least admit that it's regrettable after all how can we hope to redefine mankind if we can't even hold on to our own Humanity well that's a question best left to our colleagues in the robotics division yes well I suppose you're right I mean it sounded like a moral question to me since when is morality relegated to the robotics Department this was a conversation between Clayton holdren and Isaac Carlin holdren is the director and says fancy green lab coat but we'll talk with Carlin first most men lack the patience to observe and document plant growth hey Doc yes yes I'm sure that whatever you have to say is very interesting but now simply isn't a good time working on something important all of my work is important now if you're quite finished I'd very much like to get back to these mental equations they're difficult enough without the distractions sorry to bother you then goodbye someone's a little full of himself hardly there is no place for ego in science I'm simply trying to tell you in as polite the manner as possible that I am busy now goodbye if you're busy that's one thing but I don't care for your tone my tone there's no need to take offense as you can clearly see I'm deeply involved in some rather complicated mental equations now how about I get back to those and you get back to whatever it is you're doing equations for what uh honestly you wouldn't understand them now I'm afraid I must end this little chat although it's been so very diverting what a charmer if that was an attempt at humor I'm afraid it's lost on me I'm much too preoccupied with my equations and now if we're quite finished here I'll return to them those mental equations will get a lot tougher after I suck you in the jaw what no just a moment there's no need to get angry if an apology will suffice to stem your anger then I'll offer it it's so nice talking to you goodbye okey doke I'll let you get back to work then good yikes and this was the guy who was arguing for the humanity of the people top side goodness gracious hopefully Clayton here will be a little less Brusque Dr Carlin's doing some amazing things with our genetically engineered crops doc welcome so good to have you here Dr Clayton holdren head of the bioscience Division I can't wait for you to see the work we're doing it's truly amazing like what I was just about to explain that I'll Reserve judgment until I know more about it in that case let me give you a brief overview of what we do here I'm sure it's fascinating but that's not why I'm here of course I completely understand before you go at least let me give you a brief overview of what we do here I promise I'll keep it short I look forward to learning more about it in that case let me give you a brief overview of what we do here as the name implies the bioscience division specializes in fields of studies such as botany genetics and Medicine our most important directive is to ensure the health and well-being of everyone in the Institute to that end we cultivate highly specialized breeds of Flora for use in food and Medicine we've even started to explore the idea of synthetic animal life you probably saw the gorillas they're really just a pet project at this point but the potential is exciting nonetheless the gorillas are synthes too they are indeed judging by your reaction we've done a good job making them seem lifelike the initiative is still in its early stages but the prospects are very exciting yeah I can't imagine anything more exciting than fake gorillas speaking only for myself I find them fascinating of course I might be a little biased sounds like a waste of time to me you should create something more useful it's just my opinion of course but I don't believe that every Discovery needs to be useful sometimes we innovate for no other reason than to learn what's possible seems like there's nothing you guys can't do with hard work and Ingenuity any challenge can be overcome I'm sure I've taken up enough of your time as it is but I have to ask have you decided whether you'll join us I'm an outsider would there even be a place for me here even if science isn't your passion there are plenty of ways to contribute our projects sometimes require an agent who can work on the surface to observe and gather information from what I've heard you are both fearless and resourceful I think you'd be ideal for that kind of role I doubt it I just don't think I'd fit in I'm not sure right now I'm just trying to keep an open mind it's a big decision I know but it's also a rare and important opportunity no need to rush to judgment I'm not sure how well I'll fit in but I'd like to give it a try great I was hoping you'd say that in any case I imagine you'll want to continue looking around or if you prefer I'd be happy to answer any questions you might have is there anything I can do to help out there might be tell you what you get settled in and check back with me later I'll see what I can find out tell me more about those synth gorillas on the whole I'd say they were a success their behavior does generally match what our historical data says it should be unfortunately we had a few early setbacks the creatures can become suddenly aggressive and they're quite strong they destroyed two of their synth handlers so now we keep them in an isolated habitat where they can be safely observed you mentioned medical care I might need that from time to time in that case you will want to introduce yourself to Dr Dean Volkert he's our top biologist and also serves as the institute's resident physician Dr Volkert works in the Infirmary it's paying the visit whenever you need to you won't find better Medical Care anywhere else in the Commonwealth I'll promise you that I'm good for now thanks take care then okay so he's a bit nicer than Carlin and it sounds like he might have a quest for us a little bit later there's another guy in bioscience this Dean Volkert he isn't here we'll have to track him down in the infirmary and the other scientists here don't say anything special looking around we find more plants everywhere and then we find the gorilla pen we find two synth gorillas on the other side of this glass Dr Holdren's synth gorilla project is showing promising results they don't appear to be a very practical experiment at least I don't see the Institute releasing them above ground anytime soon but I'm sure they learned a lot by creating them that's it for bioscience so we can leave the way we came in but before we go we can play through some of the idle conversations we can overhear while exploring the place from time to time free levels of approval do you believe that three did you add those new strains of tricanthos we discovered to the database I told you that I would well unsurprisingly I have we'd be lost without you Isaac thanking a man for doing his duty is like thanking a dog for barking Dr Carlin's doing some amazing things with our genetically engineered crops Rosalind is as smart as she is beautiful I just wish I could get her to notice me two directors down three more to go heading out we can turn right and cross the cafeteria residential stack we explore this already and head towards Advanced systems just outside Advanced systems we see two scientists having a private conversation what are you going to tell me about this mysterious phase three you know I can't talk about that hmm so this phase three we read about in Father's terminal is so secretive even other members of The Institute don't know anything about it turning around we can enter Advanced systems and upon entry we overhear another conversation she's been at it for over two hours what is she even testing nothing at this point she's just doing it for fun huh I wonder who they were talking about maybe it was the person inside the firing range over there in case anyone didn't mention it quiet time runs from 10 P.M to 6 a.m oh thanks Evan I don't remember asking well that was productive racing outside we can try to talk to The two scientists who just left father has accomplished so much I hope you can appreciate his work as we do hi child synth prototype May truly be the key to our future not everything you've heard about the Institute is true give us a chance but they don't tell us much so heading back inside we can try to talk to this guy Safety First remember that hey Doc since you're new here you should take time to learn our safety procedures and the sooner the better rules create order and Order promotes efficiency oh I'm gonna like him how many rules are we talking about here not nearly enough if you ask me you sound like my fifth grade math teacher I hated that woman I doubt her rules were a matter of life and death failed to follow protocols in one of our Labs you could end up with a serious injury or worse too many rules get in the way of efficiency it slows things down well I've heard that before I've also seen scientists get too Cavalier with protocols and end up dead it only takes one mistake one lapse remember that oddly enough both Nate and Nora can allude to previous military experience despite the fact that Nora never served in the military words any former Soldier can appreciate a woman who understands the need for discipline will be a valuable addition here words any former Soldier can appreciate a man who understands the need for discipline will be a valuable addition here I had some handbooks made up but that was years ago I'll see about getting one to you um how big is this handbook just a few thousand pages but I like to think it's a Brisk read I certainly find it so yeah look don't worry about it I'll figure out the rules as I go look it's not just for your sake if you're careless other people could get hurt sounds good sure whatever take care then I love that little pause before he just shuffles off oh well there are men who love poetry and men who love rules next we can open this door to talk to this lady she had stopped her experiment long ago and now she was just in there for fun this is Rosalind if you ask me we're only scratching the surface with the latest since hey Doc oh hi there sorry if I seem distracted I memorized five sets of design schematics and now I'm doing detailed mental comparisons what kinds of blueprints mostly components for a new Plasma Pistol concept I've been toying with high energy weapons are sort of a hobby of mine nobody can memorize a dozen blueprints come on don't [ __ ] me I didn't say it was easy but I've been practicing at it since I was a little girl that's amazing oh well a lot of us do that anyway I'm glad you're here I just wanted to say how much I admire father and that it's an honor to meet you I really hope you'll stay here with us Rosalind one day I'll design a more efficient reactor to replace that old clunker in the basement oh well a lot of us do that huh I mean she sounds fun I'll take her over the uh Rules book guy heading into the firing range we can see what's here we find a bunch of synth relay grenades and these are really cool they work just like a regular grenade except instead of doing damage they summon an Institute synth that is relayed into your location it then fights by your side until it dies we find a bunch sitting here and then we overhear Rosalind I need to synthesize a few components any idea of the latest weapons run has finished yet just finished up an hour ago so yes finally there are Fusion cells and an Institute pistol on the counter here we can try out one of these synth grenades and there you go nothing to shoot here but it's someone's Ascent subject identified there's another pistol with more ammunition and ammo crates on a table over here exploring the rest of this room we find a back door that's barricaded with lasers we remember from Father's terminal that phase three was part of the advanced Systems Department could this door lead to whatever this phase 3 is nearby is a sliding door and inside a terminal accessing it Advanced systems terminal 3B we find three options and the first we can view access logs access local login e Watson notes reviewing research proposals then we get the exact same thing in the next one then access remote login Madison Lee notes reviewing synth progress updates access local login e Watson updating findings on child synth development access local login e Watson submitting regulation updates to directorate nothing out of the ordinary here next we can go to regulation updates submitted to directorate for approval review permissions for assigning sidearms to Personnel SRB recommendations to increase security have overridden any normal procedures for allowing Institute scientists to carry firearms training for said Firearms also needs to be updated reconsider interdepartmental network access certain divisions appear to be abusing this huh maybe certain divisions that have remote access to view log entries in other divisions looking at you Justin AO security systems need to be reviewed by facilities division ASAP given recent events it is extremely important that the Institute be prepared for any conceivable situation no matter how unlikely Dr AO has requested this for some time and I am now inclined to agree with him these recent events which now necessitate a review of security systems must be the Brotherhood entering the Commonwealth next personal notes I have in the last 24 hours observed no less than seven blatant violations of Institute protocol the degree to which people appear to ignore the rules which have been put in place to keep us all safe is incredibly disappointing Madison insists that I continue the testing battery with the child's synth despite my reservations about the project as a whole if this were any other situation I would not have second thoughts about going straight to the director but given the circumstances Marshall simply wait it out well this must be the personal terminal of Evan he's a stickler for the rules and the reason he's not going straight to the director about his concerns with the child synth is because the director is the one who came up with the idea for the child synth a tricky position to be in exactly how much power does Father wield over the directorate backing out of Evans terminal we can move over to the Pod to the southeast here we find another terminal Advanced systems terminal all also labeled 2B we can view these access logs access local login R Ormond notes submitting research projects for approval access local login are Ormond notes update diagnostic tools for child synth project access remote login Justin IO notes redacted again first in bioscience now in advanced systems why does Justin IO have remote access and what is he doing in these terminals access local log and E Watson notes rejection of project proposals next up research proposals we find four options on the first human cybernetics proposal build on existing Institute Research into implants cybernetics to augment human capabilities and lifespan previous program met with limited success in a single subject using a broader array of subjects and new techniques could prove highly effective approval rejected by the director notes none given here we find yet another attempt at Institute scientists to restart the cybernetics project to increase their life spans and Sean is against it and he won't even give him a reason why in the next one cold fusion proposal divert time slash materials from current phase 3 research to exploring the possibility of sustainable nuclear reactions through electrochemical processes at or or near room temperatures pre-war work on the subject yielded no concrete results advances in technology could potentially make it possible approval rejected by Madison Lee notes evidence suggests this is and always will be a pipe dream looks like cold fusion in the Fallout universe as it is in our own universe is a fringe science kind of like turning lead into gold in the next one miniaturization proposal modification to relay assembly allowing for extra parameters when rematerializing specifically to explore recalibrating object size and density imagine if it were possible to use the relay to shrink someone down to the size of an insect or even smaller approval rejected by E Watson notes let's keep things out of the realm of Science Fiction please I mean the relay itself was a matter of Science Fiction until they invented it so I mean if I plausible why not explore it in the last one plasma Weaponry pre-war plasma weapons exist albeit in a somewhat primitive State samples have been collected with work from a dedicated research team said weapons could be improved upon dramatically approval pending Madison Lee notes something to consider after phase 3 is complete this is a really interesting proposal considering plasma Weaponry is arguably more powerful than laser Weaponry now America developed plasma Weaponry after obtaining it from Aliens we learned this during the Mothership Zeta DLC for Fallout 3 the US military made a prototype Plasma Pistol based on alien technology and then developed it further giving us the plasma weapons we know today with existing pre-war plasma weapons as powerful as they are and with existing Institute Laser weapons the weakest energy weapon in the Commonwealth it's interesting that they would describe them here as primitive but I'd digress backing out of research proposals we can read personal notes Dr Lee has been spending more and more time in her lab with the kid synth thing it's creepy and I can't help but wonder if she's getting a little too attached Evan has rejected my last 12 proposals I don't know how to get through to that man at all this must be rosalind's terminal then which means opening this door we should find Madison Lee and after looting a med kit sure enough there she is peering through a microscope now Madison Lee as you'll recall is the person Arthur Maxson wanted us to talk to if we were working with the Brotherhood of Steel but we are not so for now we'll only go through the conversations with her that we get if we are signing with the Institute when we do our Brotherhood playthrough we'll be talking a lot more with Madison Lee excuse me doctor ah it's you you're here then yes yes I know who you are we all do while I'm sure father is very happy that you're here I do hope it doesn't interrupt our work what is it you're working on Advanced systems special projects you've seen the boy a synth already we've been hard at work on him for quite a while now I get the impression you don't want me here what I want in this case is largely irrelevant father gave his orders well that's insulting um I'm sorry not my intention there's just quite a bit going on right now and your arrival has the potential to throw things off schedule don't worry I promise I won't get in your way thank you I do appreciate that oh before I forget let me see that Pip Boy of yours I've been told to install a courser chip in it for you father's orders you're to be given full access with the ability to relay in and out of the Institute at will a courser chip what's it do the same thing it does for our coursers creates a link to the relay that allows them and now you to get in and out at will that seems kind of unnecessary I assure you it's necessary the relay is the only access to the surface that we possess I don't want one of those things anywhere near me if you expect to be coming and going you're going to need one you may have noticed that the relay is our only access to the surface thank you I'm sure that'll come in handy given that the relay is the only way to access the Institute handy is something of an understatement in case the significance is lost on you you'll be the only one here with that kind of access if nothing else it should demonstrate the amount of trust father has placed in you now unless there's something else I really do need to get back to work is everything okay Dr Lee you seem pretty tense yes Things Are it's fine I'm sorry I don't socialize much I prefer to focus on my work tell me about the people in your division I'm not sure what there is to say Dr Watson is the specialist Project's lead scientist he's um how to put it very organized and precise Dr Ormond is one of the youngest scientists in The Institute and she's something of a prodigy when it comes to physics I'd like a progress report on your Division if you don't mind taking your new appointment in stride I see very well we've shifted resources off of other projects like the child synth to focus on phase three I'm hoping that the above ground efforts are successful I understand those depend heavily on you I'm good for now thanks all right that last bit seems like an odd thing for her to say father hasn't really given us any orders yet apart from meeting the division leads but Madison Lee here is giving us the impression that we're going to be running a bunch of missions or Ops above ground not sure if we were supposed to know that yet and even though she says things are fine they really aren't but we won't learn more about exactly what's wrong with Madison Lee until we talk to her on behalf of the Brotherhood Madison Lee of course is the same aim Madison Lee from Fallout 3 and she doesn't appear to be any happier here than she was in the capital Wasteland poor Madison Lee is one of the more tragic characters in The Fallout Universe I explored more of her story in my video the epilogue to Fallout 3. now she does have a terminal here but it's marked red which means we'd get in trouble if she caught us reading it but thankfully we can wait for her to turn her back Advanced systems terminal 1A three options in the first view access logs access local login Madison Lee notes review of phase 3 project status access local log and Madison Lee notes update diagnostic tools for child synth project access remote login director notes redacted so both Justin IO the head of the synth retention unit and father the director Sean have the ability to remotely access any terminal in the institute at will and they don't even have to leave any notes what is going on here perhaps it's more innocuous with the director's login here after all he had a direct hand in the creation of the child Sean perhaps that's why he logged into this terminal to see how progress was going access local login Madison Lee notes review of all bioscience projects even though she's in advanced systems she's reviewing bioscience projects I wonder why she's interested perhaps we'll learn why when we talk to her on behalf of the Brotherhood in the next one project status with C4 entries the first phase three status behind schedule latest developments housing upgraded per specifications of Madison Lee exhaust couplings replaced magnetic confinement field calculations refined so phase 3 involves the construction of something something that required a housing exhaust couplings and a magnetic confinement field what on Earth could that be maybe some sort of uber weapon backing out we can move on to synth prototype status in progress latest developments new skin added per director's specifications well perhaps that's why he logged into this terminal motor control issues addressed latest personality Matrix from robotics division installed next moving on to laser weapons status ongoing latest developments focusing mechanisms upgraded per Rosalind Ormand frequency modifications per Evan Watson new housings fabricated then moving on to miscellaneous projects status not applicable latest developments Rosalind Ormond working on localized relay Focus all other prototypes slash theoretical models delayed due to phase 3. backing out of this tree we can move down to personal notes the official explanation for the accident in the fav lab remains unsatisfactory facilities has nothing they simply refer me to the director and he's keeping something from me I've been around long enough to see it I wonder if he ever considers the ramifications of what he's asked me to do if he worries that having me build a synth that's supposed to approximate him as a child might give me some unintended insight into his character probably not and to be honest it probably won't and here we get another clue that things are not right here from Madison Lee something happened in bioscience which is why she was reviewing all of the bioscience projects and here we know what it was the accident in the fev lab the fev lab which was offline the fev lab which was Virgil's workspace the fev lab that we need to explore and we get the impression that she thinks that father is keeping something from her intentionally what could he be hiding backing up we find a hollow tape on the table Advanced system notes this is day eight of trial six the last week has been very productive but exhausting I think we'll need a break after this binay has done some really marvelous work with a personality mesh it's well it's almost too good the responses map almost identically to expectations some of the most lifelike I've seen of course it's not really Sean none of his memories are in there that even now would be a step too far it's starting to have an effect on the team I think I know I've been caught up in the moment once or twice just a second or two forgetting that he's not a real boy still I think we'll need to consider restricting him to the lab only for the moment I'm well aware that others are put off by his presence if I were slightly more arrogant I might consider that a sign of success Madison Lee seems to be one of the more level-headed scientists here she's passionate about what she's doing here but she's not blind to The institute's Faults and the way she described father over and over again during our conversation she talked about him as if he was giving down orders it seems like being the director is really an authoritarian role here in The Institute does the directorate have any real power or can Sean overrule the directorate on a whim seems like that might be the case we can linger a bit to overhear any conversations between the scientists you all know that Dr Thompson from facilities has expressed concerns about our power consumption here we go again we're not violating any protocols we're well within approved operating parameters I checked I'm aware of that nevertheless we're going to have to cut back I'll have a complete rationing plan ready soon but in the meantime I need you to make Cuts anywhere you can this is going to set us back by days maybe more I know it won't be easy but we'll have to make do that's all for now heading out three down two to go turning right we can move to the next residential stack and we pass by Nathan Fillmore father has accomplished so much I hope you can appreciate his work as we do and here we find the infirmary and overhear a conversation no visible reaction to the k-14 compound we'll start the next trial then the dosage will be much larger this time and the side effects will likely be more pronounced will there be any pain I honestly don't know I suppose it's your job to find out now hold still in there all done you can return to your duties and remember to record every symptom you experience in detail I hope I'll prove a useful test subject for you Doctor here we find Dean Volkert of bioscience let's see if he can patch us up take good care of yourself and you won't have to see too much of me um once you've settled in I'll want to do a physical and get a file going on you no hurry though you're the doctor here everyone's a doctor here but if you mean physician then yes I'm about as close as we got to one step at a time doc I'm only just getting my bearings here I meant it when I said there was no rush after what I've been through a checkup is probably a good idea I should think so who knows what you might have been exposed to up there no offense pal but I'm not letting a complete stranger poke and prod me I don't expect you to trust me right away what I can tell you is this the Medical Treatments of your time are nothing compared to what we can do here how about you take some time to get comfortable learn the lay of the land and such in the meantime you come see me if you need to get patched up we'll do that checkup when you're good and ready take care of yourself so I don't have to well looks like he's not ready to take a look at us yet well I guess we'll uh come back later after looting all of the medicine on display we can talk with a synth that walks by father has done remarkable things I would not exist for it not for him and then try to access Dean volkert's terminal here let's uh push him out of the way for now infirmary terminal 1A three options we can start by viewing the access logs access local login Dean Volkert notes updating incident reports then we get a duplicate of that same one but then access remote login Justin IO again notes redacted access local login Dean Volkert notes review of Hydroponics output but not even he is immune to Justin io's snooping next we can view incident reports and we've got quite a bunch in the first one incident 2845 patient e Thompson presenting symptoms first degree burns left hand notes patient placed his hand inside power relay without first disengaging first aid applied in the next one incident 2677 patient Q Fillmore presenting symptom abdominal distress notes patient ingested lubricant from robotics division on Adair a medic dispensed no Q Fillmore is Ally's son just a kid doing kid things I guess and the next one incident 2433 patient Liam Binet presenting symptom wrist sprain right hand notes patient declined to say how injury occurred only indicated it was related to using a terminal splint applied yikes Liam Benet here sounds like he's a man who loves uh literature can't wait to meet him in the next one incident 2128 patient M Loken presenting symptom dislocated shoulder right side notes apparent malfunction of synth handshake gesture applied with extreme force shoulder reset and pain medication dispensed yeah poor old Max Loken injured while in the line of duty shaking hands with a synth in the next one incident 2858 patient redacted presenting symptom severe blunt trauma to Upper torso notes injuries received in fev lab redacted director override az-77 blunt trauma to Upper torso what on Earth happened in the fev lab and in the last one 2049 patient director presenting symptom dizziness shortness of breath notes tests results revealed redacted director override az-77 Sean came to the doctor with dizziness and shortness of breath he was sick but what did these tests reveal I wonder if we can talk with him about it backing out we can go to personal notes latest batch of food from Hydroponics shows increased vitamin D content should help with the deficiencies I've been seeing lately of course don't get access to sunlight underground hence not enough vitamin D backing out of the terminal we can turn around to explore this residential stack but before we do we see another door beneath the stairs but this one is locked and it requires a terminal nearby we see the terminal and it's locked with a novice lock we can hack this sucker and if we do we find only the option to open the door once it's open we find another Supply Closet inside a med kit some ammo canisters and a bunch of scrap now we can climb the stairs on floor one we find the Ormond residence but all the terminals are locked and aside from a few containers we don't find much then we can go into max loken's room it's a similar story here though we do find a duffel bag oddly enough for the pipe revolver inside huh that's it for this floor so heading upstairs we find two more rooms in the first Fillmore residence this is the home of Ali and Nathan Fillmore with their son Quentin inside we find all the terminals locked some addict all on a shelf over the couple's bed what are exactly what either Nathan or Ali are addicted to and then in Quentin's room we find another ice cold nuka-cola this one's a nuka-cola cherry how many ice cold nuka-colas does the Institute have then at last we find young Quentin sleeping on his bed he's the kid that ingested robotic lubricant and many of the other kids talk about him must be weird living in a vault sometimes I hide my dad's work notes just to mess with him it drives him crazy yeah he does sound a bit mischievous out of the filmores we can go next door to the Benet residence the bathroom is empty but heading into the bedroom we find a woman sitting on a chair this is Eve yeah as the institute's first personal synth I try to set a good example what's a personal sense Dr Benet is carrying out a social experiment he wants to see if a synth can integrate into a human family I know I can never replace his wife or be a real mother to Liam but I can at least help with the domestic duties I like to think I'm a pretty good cook I think that's admirable thank you I'm glad to hear you say so it won't change anything you are what you are a machine made to serve people I I know that's factually true but sometimes I hope I can be more than that aha a personal synth we find an option to flirt with this personal synth if all personal sensors good-looking as you I should get one for myself I'm certainly flattered thank you but if we pass the Charisma check why thank you I'll take that as a compliment I don't know that I can be of much help with that but the compliment has certainly made my day it was a real pleasure to meet you I'm sure you're still taking everything in so I'll let you get back to that right so Alan Binet head of Robotics the guy who makes sense made himself one heading to the bedroom we only find two single beds one for Liam his son from his past relationship and one for himself so he doesn't share a bed with his personal synth but then of course he wouldn't because synths don't sleep at least not the synths in The Institute of course I don't know what's creepier sleeping with a synth or sleeping in a room with a synth that can't sleep and sits there all night quietly on a table in the living room is the Benet quarters terminal here we find two options in the first fancy Lads snack cakes it just doesn't make sense I've run the Diagnostics quadruple checked the neural mappings done comparative analyzes of taste buds tracked digestive patterns hell I've even gone so far as to Simply ask several of them and still I'm no closer to answering the question why do gen 3 synths like to eat fancy Lads snack cakes I mean sure they have the capacity to experience taste every gen 3 possesses the synthetic equivalent of their requisite receptor cells but why this and why all of them good thing it's physically impossible for a gen 3 to actually gain weight and succumb to obesity wouldn't that be quite the Achilles heel Humanity's most impressive technological achievement laid Low by junk food what the heck all gen 3 synths are addicted to fancy Lads snack cakes well they are all descended from Sean and therefore us is Sean a big fan of fancy Lads neck X and since can't gain weight fascinating looks like their bodies are locked in where the Institute builds them I wonder if that also means that they can't build more muscle or lose any existing muscle in the next one view access logs access log local login Allen Benet Leisure program expert chess access local login Alan Bonnet operation music player trois not sure I'm pronouncing that right that's French for three knock turns it's an orchestral composition by Claude Debussy I can't play it for copyright reasons but you'd recognize it if you heard it it's the one that goes access local login Ellen Bonnet Leisure program expert chess access local login Liam Binet historical text the history of the Commonwealth we've been led to believe that the people of the Institute don't really care about other people top side let alone the actual history of the Commonwealth interesting defined young Liam studying up on pre-war history with this floor done we can move to the top floor and here we find Dr Lee's residence and it's a sprawling one larger than most of the residences of even some of the other directors heading inside we find a lot of beer bottles on the table goodness Dr Lee her terminal is locked but there is a hollow tip by it Advanced systems notes I think he's actually lost his mind I can't believe he really expects me to do this I've always been on board with the Gen 3 program it makes sense but this nothing good can come from this how am I supposed to explain to my staff that Sean wants a child Sith for no immediately apparent valid line of research and to base the physical features off records of his own childhood it's defies all logic no I can't do this I won't But ultimately she did because it sounds like the director always has his way in her bedroom we find a sliding door to a balcony that's it from Madison's room and that's it for this residential stack instead of using the tube walkway we can head back downstairs and then move right so that we don't miss synth retention hitting that way we overhear a conversation you know the protocol sir authorized personnel only so Dr Ayo thinks he can hide in his office does he well you can tell him that I intend to speak to father about these unannounced security sweeps of yours ransacking my quarters in the middle of the night is totally unacceptable I'll pass along your message doctor see that you do oh God the SRB is ransacking the quarters of other scientists in the middle of the night why before he walks away we can talk with Newton oberley doctor welcome welcome it is so good to meet you I truly hope you come to think of the Institute as your home what do you do here oh I'm in charge of housing and Provisions it's my mission to ensure that everyone lives a comfortable and productive life I think it's a little too science fiction for my taste of course I understand nearly all of us were born here but you come from a very different world the only place I want to call home was destroyed a long time ago I'm truly sorry this must all be terribly difficult for you it'll take some time but I could learn to like it here I'm so glad to hear you say so and promise I'll work hard to make sure that you do you should know that many of us consider it a great honor to have you here well he seems nice good to see a few good eggs here at the Institute turning around we can head into synth retention I'm seriously thinking of heading over to robotics to knock some heads together what now they're dragging their feet on the targeting package upgrades I asked for maybe I should take some courses with me you know send a message please don't there's enough friction as it is between us and pretty much all the other departments you're going soft on me Alana my methods get results and they will this time as well you'll see and there's just an i o we just overheard him talking about getting what he wants from other departments by intimidating them with coursers this is the same guy who's been logging into the terminals of other departments and leaving redacted notes the same guy who used coursers to raid another scientist's room in the middle of the night what is he looking for we find a lot of great gear in this room a bunch of synth grenades even more that'll come in really handy there are weapons here Fusion cells ammo canisters and a bunch of lockers filled with ammunition weapons coarser uniforms and even Institute lab coats black for the SRB before we talk to Justin we can read this SRB terminal synth retention Bureau terminal 2B in the first one Reclamation Target tracking unit ID c241 status unit at large investigation underway assigned courser x236 location last sighting Good Neighbor notes no recent sightings Yuna believed to be in railroad custody memwipe likely performed by now unit ID s-943 status unit at large investigation suspended see notes assigned courser none location last citing Boston Airport hmm a synth at the Boston airport where the Brotherhood is huh notes investigation suspended area deemed too hazardous at this time unit ID b592 status unit located Reclamation scheduled assigned courser x688 location libertalia Raider stronghold notes Unit B 592 has been memoiped by railroad agents new identity is Gabriel unit now leads Raider gang based at libertalia shows highly aggressive tendencies has killed several dozen Rivals and civilians suspect brain damage resulting from memawipe process unit ID k823 status destroyed assigned courser x351 location remains located Northeast of Saugus Ironworks notes units remains discovered near Saugus Ironworks and returned to robotics division unit destroyed by multiple gunshot wounds suspect Raiders based out of Saugus Ironworks unit ID Lee oh l337 status unit at large investigation underway assigned courser x973 location last sighting corvega notes unit has been membed new identity is Leo exercise Extreme Caution unit has been trained by Railroad and is proficient with several weapons unit has evaded capture twice and wounded coursers on both occasions next we can read list of informers the following individuals have proven useful in our Reclamation operations in exchange for caps these persons have in the past provided information on escaped synth sightings and suspected railroad activity if you make a new contact add the individual to the database director IO informant list Cricket occupation caravanner location mobile Tommy lonegan occupation owner slash proprietor of the combat zone location combat zone trash can Carla no occupation caravanner location mobile dock weathers occupation caravanner location mobile AJ occupation chem dealer location Good Neighbor morowski occupation chem supplier location Good Neighbor Lucas Miller occupation caravanner location mobile Henry cook occupation Bar Cape location Diamond City they've got informants in every city and all of the wandering caravanners that travel between all of our settlements if we have any our Institute informants great backing out we can view access logs access local login Alana C chord operation update courser maintenance records access local login Justin IO operation entered Supply requisition form Small Arms ammunition access local login x688 operation update case File 66764-b Reclamation successful file closed access local login Justin IO operation review and update Target tracking database access local login Justin IO operation review and approve revised courser training procedures no one snooping on their terminal not even father must be nice to be Top Dog in The Institute has x576 checked in yet not that I'm aware of hmm better keep an eye on that moving out we can head Southwest we find a balcony overlooking an area below before heading down to check it out we passed by Justin IO who takes a seat if the robotics division was a little more careful we wouldn't have synths trying to escape hi doc so here you are Justin Ayo acting director of the synth retention Bureau I'll be upfront with you we're going to be keeping a close eye on you for the near future despite your relation to father you're a bit of an unknown quantity I'm sure you understand there won't be any issues will there I guess we'll find out indeed stay out of my way or you'll regret it that sounds a bit like a threat I'm sure I'm just misunderstanding you though threats aren't advisable for someone in your position why don't you trust me oh it's nothing personal I don't trust anyone but if we pass the Charisma check I'll be honest you're an outsider the first Outsider to be allowed access to the institute in quite a long time in fact there's little precedent for this situation so it's only natural to take extra precautions it's nothing personal I assure you no problems here good to hear now father has asked that I provide you with a brief overview of the synth retention Bureau our primary responsibility is the recovery of escaped sins that are hiding among the human population on the surface why would sense want to escape if the synths want to be free you should let them synths do not want they might look like human beings but they're machines as to why they're escaping that matter is currently under investigation so basically you're the secret police secret police pre-war referenced and I'm afraid it's lost on me I'm sure it's best for everyone if the synths remain here certainly we can't allow sophisticated Institute technology to fall into the wrong hands the results could be disastrous our main instrument is the coarser a third generation synth assigned to operate on the surface coursers hunt down and reclaim synths that have escaped The Institute they are highly self-sufficient trained in combat infiltration and tracking in a word our coursers are Relentless but I gather you know all this since you've encountered one already in fact I'd very much like to know how you defeated it interestingly we don't find an option to mention the recall code that we got from Mama Murphy if we happen to use it why does it matter if there is some defect in coarser combat programming then it must be identified and corrected I guess I just got lucky that's hardly helpful I hate to break it to you but your courser wasn't all that tough then it's likely the unit was defective it's rare but faults can occur from time to time oddly enough both the female and male soul survivor can say they defeated the courser due to their previous military combat experience despite the fact that Nora was a lawyer and it never served in the military I'm no stranger to combat I'm no stranger to combat even so a courser should be more than a match for any single combatant I suppose I'll have to ask robotics to perform detailed Diagnostics on the entire production run as if we don't have enough problems now unless you need something else I'll get back to work if you're the acting head of the SRB who are you filling in for Dr Zimmer holds that position he's supervising the retrieval of some of the more high-profile units in his absence I keep things running smoothly you mentioned that coursers undergo special training tell me more about it the SRB constantly monitors our gen 3 synth population looking for specific traits those who show tenacity fearlessness and Independence undergo a rigorous training regimen we teach them armed and unarmed combat investigative techniques psychology and mechanical skills those who pass a final evaluation become coarsers the rest have their memories wiped and returned to their former duties I'd like to know more about the synth Reclamation process fine once a courser has located a rogue synth it uses that synths recall code to wipe its memories and render it inert we then begin the delicate process of restoring the neural Pathways to their original configuration in those cases where the procedure is successful the synth returns to Duty with no memory of its time on the surface all too often we're unable to repair the damage and are forced to dispose of the unit entirely I'm good for now thanks very well wait so using the recall code has a high chance of causing permanent damage to a synth and they have to dispose of the unit but father just used the recall code on the boy Sean sand seems a bit Reckless Justin IO here didn't seem to be all that forthcoming about the whereabouts of Dr Zimmer he said that Zimmer was overseeing the retrieval of their more high profile units but I wonder how long he's been on that mission could it be 10 years maybe next to him is Alana C chord the directorate should take the synth escapes more seriously excuse me I swear I spent half my time smoothing the feathers that Justin Ruffles when need to be able to collaborate with the other divisions and that's a lot harder when they're always angry at us what's Justin doing that's causing friction oh he's just pushing and demanding he thinks his problem should be everyone's biggest concern I have to admit though the other divisions have never taken our needs as seriously as they should I guess they see us as a necessary evil or something it's really not fair a little friction between departments is normal you'll work through it yeah I guess that's true just listen to me it's the first chance we've had to get acquainted and all I want to do is complain in any case it was good to meet you you know sometimes feathers need to be ruffled to get things done I won't deny that I guess I just feel like he comes on a little strong sometimes you know well of course you don't not yet anyway I'll stop rambling and let you get back to whatever you're doing yeah well if you can't get along it's going to be hard to accomplish anything yeah even worse we got a lot of smart guys with fragile egos anyway we'll figure it out it was good to meet you looks like a land Tennessee chord here is a great person to have in the SRB to temper some of Justin io's more confrontational Tendencies but now we know why he's been accessing all of the terminals throughout the Institute he's trying to figure out how synths are escaping and he's looking into every other department to find his answers even going so far as to raid their rooms in the middle of the night yikes moving into the Southeastern room we find a med kit on the wall there's a map of the entire Commonwealth on a table in the middle of the room and then on TV monitors above the table and on the wall behind we find that the Institute is surveilling the entire Commonwealth each of these screens depicts a different point in the Commonwealth and many of these cameras are perched up high and they move from time to time remember in bioscience when we learned that they had already created synths for the air this is what those bird synths do they're flying cameras flying spies for The Institute and we find pictures here all over at Fort Hagen in Good Neighbor in Diamond City even outside Vault 111 I covered this topic and found the location of each and every one of these places in my video on the Watchers Linked In the description after looting all the boxes in this room we can head down the stairs to this room we see tubes next to consoles but they're all empty my guess is that when they use a recall code on a synth the deactivated synth is kept in storage here but then we see a weird chair thing over here against the wall it doesn't particularly look very comfortable there are needles sticking out of it and a brace for the head perhaps they use this to rewire the synths that have been memoiped by the railroad as we head out we find one final terminal on the wall SRB terminal 3B in the first departmental notices we find five options in the first our new visitor as you know father has granted full access to our new visitor from the surface that includes the entirety of the SRB while we must accommodate father's wishes in this matter we must also remain diligent refrain from discussing any sensitive information especially the ongoing investigation involving the Gen 3 synths in an Ideal World the railroad will have had no influence on our guest we do not live in an Ideal World director IO in the next one missing synth investigation due to recent developments in our ongoing investigation into the missing synths I'm adjusting our policy regarding discussion of this subject with Personnel outside of SRB in brief details of the investigation are now classified and cannot be shared with anyone other than SRB personnel and even then such conversations can take place only here in the SRB facilities those who are found to be in violation of this policy will face the strictest discipline director IO but what does Justin IO have to fear from other scientists here at the Institute does he think that synths are escaping because they're getting help from someone in the Institute and the next one infiltrator unit McDonough I'm starting to wonder if m762 the infiltrator unit McDonough hasn't begun to outlive its usefulness assuming the identity of diamond City's mayor has proved with invaluable intelligence over the years but suspicions have only continued to mount this latest incident the publication of that newspaper article specifically calling mcdonough's Humanity into question might just be the Tipping Point I've spoken with IO and we both agree if the situation does become untenable Reclamation seems unfeasible m762 was specifically engineered to mimic the actual human McDonough as such the unit's synthetic biology is that of someone overweight and grossly out of shape a mem wipe would kill any psychological weaknesses attributed to self-perceived old age but that body lost cause the real irony here is that m762 in one of its dispatches back to the Institute requested a future posting in the coursers citing loyalty and years of surface I suppose that's supposed to mean years of service and that request alone was evidence of enough self-awareness and Independence to completely eliminate him from contention never mind the fact that he wouldn't even fit into the uniform determination when and if m762's identity is eventually compromised the unit is effectively decommissioned in field no Reclamation no Institute assistance given its relative age and physical condition not to mention the danger inherent in an infiltrator unit's Discovery further lifespan estimated at two weeks maximum Alana C chord so it's true mayor McDonough is a synth Piper was right everything the Commonwealth has feared about the Institute so far has been correct and this explains that person Piper said she saw meeting with the mayor trying to find out why the mayor happens to be meeting with the same suspicious looking Courier every other week not from any settlement I've ever heard of and not from a caravan always in and out before anyone has a chance to talk to him he must have been meeting with an agent from The Institute but this is more evidence of Institute kidnapping they made the mayor McDonough unit to look like the real mayor McDonough which means the real McDonough who was Hancock's brother no less was kidnapped taken presumably killed and replaced with this synth in the next one access to SRB it has come to my attention that certain colleagues who are dissatisfied with our policies and procedures have on more than one occasion tried to circumvent our established process for registering their complaints with father and have tried to gain access to our secure facilities in order to complain in more direct manner I'm sure I need not remind you that the SRB is off limits to all Personnel not assigned to this division do not allow yourself to be brow beaten cajoled intimidated or otherwise manipulated into allowing anyone who lacks the appropriate clearance to enter the SRB failure to uphold this mandate will result in severe discipline director IO yikes things are not hunky-dory here and Humanity's supposed best hope for the future and in the last one power conservation as you're all aware father has asked that we monitor our power usage carefully and try to be as efficient as possible as a point of personal emphasis We should strive to be efficient in everything we do but our division has needs that are unique among the various branches of the Institute the fact is sometimes our operations require resources that we cannot readily disclose due to the sensitive nature of what we do I place my trust in your judgment if you require additional power or any other resources to carry out your work then take what you need consult me if you have any concerns or questions but know that the responsibility of meeting your project deadlines falls upon your shoulders and I won't accept limited power availability as an excuse for failing to meet those deadlines in short do what you need to do and if anyone objects to the way in which we carry out our work I will deal with those objections myself director IO man he really is running the SRB like the secret police rules for everyone else but not for them backing out we can move down to inventory management user x32b action deposit items 361 count bottle caps user Justin IO action requisition items 100 count Fusion cells user x688 action withdraw items one count rifle Armament user x688 action withdraw items 20 count Fusion cells user x102 action withdraw items one count standard coarser armored coat user Alana C chord action deposit items 30 count pulse grenade Armament user x182 action withdraw items 1000 count bottle caps this is a great record of everything coursers need to function above ground lastly we can view access logs and this is very similar to the last one that nothing out of ordinary Alana C chord accessed Inventory management Justin i o initiated Reclamation procedure on unit d865 x688 access departmental notices just an i o opened Reclamation stasis chamber 3 that must have been those glass Chambers we saw below Alana C chord accessed departmental notices and that's it for the SRB terminal as we leave we can overhear any other interesting conversations just got an update on the repairs to x191 it's going to take a few more weeks like any machine a synth can malfunction just wish it didn't happen so often out the door we can turn right and follow the line down to the last residential stack this platform before the staircase leading up is just a seating area but behind this staircase we find another door this door leads to another storage unit a really large one we find a few ammo canisters there is a door in the eastern wall leading to a darkened hallway and a terminal by a bunch of stacked chairs this is maintenance terminal six it's unlocked and we can view access logs access local login e Thompson operation replaced primary display assembly tube burned out access local login b767 operation Cleaning Supply inventory access local login a Fillmore operation routine facilities inspection access local login g921 operation requisition additional supply of cleaning agent 7. all right everything seems to be normal here turning around we can go through that doorway into the darkened hallway to find an elevator stepping inside and taking the elevator down we arrive in a storage room covered in oil we see oil slicks all over the floor here and moving to the other side of the storage room we see a door leading out to a cave and there's Earth moving equipment there moving to the other side we find another door leading to the same cave and then we remember that Ally Fillmore told us that they were constantly expanding The Institute even now we're digging out Tunnels for new facilities and infrastructure this must be one of the places where they're expanding there are crates and tools a little bit of scrap but really nothing we can interact with out here heading back inside storage if we examine each of these shelves we find a hollow tape implant update session number seven just keep talking if you can I'm afraid this may be rather painful don't worry about it DOC anesthetic would lower your blood pressure too much and I need you to remain conscious you already explained all that it's gonna be worth it right oh most definitely these implants are much more advanced than anything you've had before Dr Walter is very pleased with you the Gen 3 synth program is finally making progress thanks to the genetic material you recovered you're talking about that kid we got from the vault yes a perfectly unspoiled DNA sample now this next part is especially delicate so if you could please look straight into the light should everything be purple huh oh that's just a calibration error how about now better I'm just glad to have a chance to test these on a Cooperative human subject normally the actors are very touchy about allowing this kind of find you at extremely trustworthy you see these are gonna work right doc oh yes when I say test I simply mean collecting data over time which will be very valuable to making further improvements this next part may be exceptionally painful try your best to remain conscious this must have been recorded shortly after Kellogg arrived at Vault 111 to murder Nora and Kidnap Sean The Institute was still fully invested in the cybernetics program at this time they hadn't had a chance to use the DNA sample they got from Sean to develop synths yet and from what we've learned in The Institute so far it looks like they continued to develop the cybernetic program up until father became the director and then he's the one who shelved it could it be because he was still pissed off that the cybernetics program was used to enhance the life of the man who murdered his mother we get another interesting tidbit from this conversation the scientists said that he was glad to be testing this on a Cooperative human subject this infers that he is used to testing these cybernetic implants on uncooperative human subjects a human subject would only be uncooperative if he or she were unwilling to be implanted with cybernetics unwilling to be a test subject it's unlikely that the Institute was testing these cybernetic implants on other scientists or members of The Institute which leaves only one conclusion that even before the Gen 3 synth program The Institute was making regular trips topside to kidnap people to experiment on them the scientists said that the Institute must find Kellogg very trustworthy because they're hesitant to let this kind of Technology outside of the Institute which means that if they did kidnap people and implant them with cybernetics to test them and see what would happen that after the test they likely killed those people destroyed them to prevent their cybernetics from leaving The Institute but that's it for this small room so back to the elevator we can take it up walk through the storage room and back out to The Institute now we can climb the stairs to explore this final residential stack on the second floor we find the door to the Secord residence we don't find much but smokes and it's interesting how many vices these scientists have we find packets of cigarettes and bottles of whiskey in almost every single residence the door next door is the Thompson residence and aside from a bunch of toys in the children's bedrooms there's nothing of note or significance here heading on out we can move on up to the third floor but instead of a residential bedroom we find a hallway in the middle of the hallway we find two residences Watson to the right and an unmarked door to the left entering Watson's room we find it significantly smaller than all the other rooms but there's nothing noteworthy here and then crossing the hall we can't access this room across from Evan Watson's turning North we find a huge platform connecting to the elevator there are benches here and perhaps this platform gives us the best view of the Institute Concourse than anywhere else in the Institute but we don't find anything else of Interest here so back out to the spiral staircase we can take it up to the last floor we see that Quentin Fillmore has woken up from his nap all right we woke him up sorry kid hi there I guess you're from one of the vaults huh there are two more rooms on this level the first one is the Higgs residence lots of cigarettes and beer bottles lots of cigarettes just everywhere but that's it and the next one is unmarked huh and this one is really clean no cigarettes or Garbage lying around we do find a couple of beer bottles so someone must live here I'm assuming but it's an unmarked door we have no idea who lives here but that's it for the final residential stack we now need to head back downstairs and move East to explore robotics remember to keep unnecessary power consumption to a minimum don't recharge unless your primary levels are below two percent also if you haven't patched your navigation software do so after this meeting the last thing we need is more sense bumping into walls all right that's all for now you can resume your duties if you encounter a hazardous chemical spill please alert the facilities division immediately all maintenance requests should be directed to the facilities division okay these guys are some chatty robots we can race down to talk to Enrico I fix one relay and two more start to fail at least I'm not bored excuse me doctor it's a real juggling act trying to keep all the systems down here operating in the green this place might look shiny and new but there's a lot of old technology in these walls I lose sleep worrying about when the next Blackout's gonna hit how old are we talking about well the reactor and a lot of the related systems you know cooling monitoring power distribution that's all pre-war Tech most of the superstructure down here was built later when the people who survived the War I guess each generation has been tinkering with the place adding Labs making upgrades and so on so basically this place is a sham great ah I wouldn't say that I mean even the older Tech has held up for decades some even for centuries it's pretty amazing when you think about it our ancestors built things to last of course that was before they blew up everything in the war look I don't want to get trapped down here because the power goes out what you think I do if it's any comfort to you I take my job very seriously for exactly that reason looks like everything's running great I'd say you're doing your job hey thanks it's nice to be appreciated most people just take my work for granted it's the kind of work that only gets noticed when something goes wrong if you know what I mean now that there's some stuff I need to check on see you around yeah well Enrico was really eager to go check on some stuff interesting that even though he was born and raised here descended from the scientists who built this place he doesn't want to get stuck down here from everything we've learned about the people of the Institute so far they have disdain for everyone and everything above ground but Enrico doesn't want to get trapped in the Institute and I for one think it's enlightening to learn that all the pipes and machines behind the scenes were built pre-war most of what is keeping the Institute intact is pre-war Tech that was built to last I mean we can't assume that the Institute hasn't created anything they of course invented the relay and synths perhaps they haven't worked on the institute's infrastructure very much until now because all of that pre-war infrastructure was really solid and it only recently became a problem we find a few more people wandering around down here do we really need all these coursers roaming the Halls hi isn't it wonderful here hi there I've heard stories on the surface sure sounds scary but no one we can have a conversation with so heading back up towards robotics we can enter the door upon entry we begin to overhear a conversation it was probably just a glitch in the nervous system the fine motor control software could use an update if it were just a limb twitching perhaps but her eyes were moving as well involuntary twitching and rapid eye movements while sleeping can only mean one thing Max you just don't want to admit to yourself what it is if you're about to launch into one of your impassioned speeches about artificial sentience and machines with Souls don't bother I've heard enough of them by now hell I could write them down from memory but we can't just ignore the question if a synth can dream why can't it have a soul and if a sin has a soul then it is a living person by every standard we can measure of course it is far more comfortable to think of them as machines so we can do what we want with them if you disapprove of the work we do here Dr Renee you'll know where to find the teleporter now just a moment I never said that I'm simply trying to open everyone's eyes to new possibilities well it's an unwanted distraction We're Men of science not philosophers you do well to remember that the synths are treating you well I hope oh wow so even one of the Institute division leads is open to the possibility that synths have souls and might be people when it sounds like he may be the only one at last here in robotics we see the synth production cycle on full display it starts in the middle of this room a crane picks up a round piece of scaffolding and places it over here at the skeletal station foreign [Music] once the skeleton is complete the crane picks it up and moves it over to this station the tissue station here are the organs the blood vessels the muscles are woven into place [Music] foreign once fully inspected the crane moves it over to the neuro electrical station here the body is jolted with electricity to jump start the heart [Music] yes and finally the crane picks it up and then tips it into this vat of fluid this is epidermal suffusion somehow this process encourages skin to grow over the muscles and finally the synth wakes up in this vat [Music] hello I'm new here and walks over to the store to disappear next we can talk with Alan banay here I don't know if you've noticed but I've increased synth responsiveness it's you you're finally with us I just like to apologize for any trouble our sins may have caused freedom on your way here they of course couldn't be told that you're identity and they have very specific protocols for protecting themselves and Institute interests most of which I designed myself that not to make problems for you though I uh will you be staying with us what's it to you oh forgive me I realize well I understand that somewhat personal people just mean a great deal to Sean I'm thinking it over well I hope you do decide to stay it would mean a great deal to Sean uh not a chance no I hmm well I'm sure Sean is quite disappointed I do hope you reconsider yes of course ah good Sean is most pleased he's been quite anxious to have you with us if you require anything especially as it pertains the sins please let me know this is a very awkward place to have a conversation in the machines are so noisy and the scientists just can't stop talking amongst each other but hopefully we were able to hear Alan Benet there interestingly from this conversation we learned why synths have been attacking us before we got to the Institute they couldn't be told of our connection to the Institute next we can talk with Max Loken doctor you've around at a momentous time our third generation synths are a true breakthrough our culmination of centuries exaggeration to say that they're Superior in almost every way to human beings what makes them Superior the list of improvements is exhaustive I can talk for an hour and still not cover all of it imagine what you could accomplish if you could live without fear of hunger imagine what you could create if you could spend every waking moment of your life as you saw fit with no need of sleep I can understand taking pride in your work but I think you're getting carried away no robot is superior to me you might not think so now but just wait you've only seen a fraction of what our sins can do their potential is Limitless what I've seen so far is pretty impressive it's just the beginning like I said a momentous time and there's Max Loken a true blue Institute believer next we can examine some of the terminals here next to this microscope is a robotics terminal robotics terminal 1B we find two entries in the first departmental notices in the first impending arrival our monitoring of events on the surface has confirmed that the time is almost at hand very soon our guest will be here I admit that I feel both hope and trepidation when I think of how our first meeting will go please make whatever preparations that you deem necessary consider all sensitive information to be classified for the time being we cannot know for certain what our visitors motivations will be especially after coming into contact with the railroad we will exercise caution but we must also extend a warm welcome in time once a measure of trust has been earned we can be more forthcoming I need not remind you all how important this is to me personally but I want you also to think of the opportunity for the entire Institute we stand to gain a great deal if we make the most of that opportunity father well understandably not even father trusts us completely yet looks like the Institute is holding things back for now perhaps we can uncover them and the next one power conservation update I recently met with Dr Lee to review the latest power distribution metrics and there is both good news and bad to share I'll begin with the good it's clear that we have all taken to Heart Dr Lee's request for a greater emphasis on power conservation the metrics demonstrate that we have improved our efficiency across the board I'm particularly proud to note that the robotics division has shown the most Improvement in this regard surpassing even Advanced systems well done unfortunately the efforts we have made to date are simply not enough we must continue to find ways to conserve without adversely impacting our research and production I know that what I'm asking is difficult but I'm also completely confident that we will rise to the challenge I have some ideas that will be discussed in the director's meeting until then I ask that you please keep the need for conservation foremost in your thoughts father so while robotics makes sacrifices to reduce power consumption even surpassing that of advanced systems the SRB is just consuming power willy-nilly their needs apparently are more important than everyone else's and the next one concerns regarding the child synth prototype I'm concerned at the pace of our progress in correcting the problems with the child synth prototype I cannot impress upon this division enough the need to resolve these issues quickly and completely time and again we've corrected flaws only to see them return I find myself questioning whether we're thoroughly testing these fixes before moving on to the next item you know that I have great faith in all of you but time is quickly running out I must ask that you take whatever measures are necessary to meet the project targets within the time frame please make this your foremost priority father why did Father make this a priority so far the only use of the child's synth was essentially a great elaborate performance for us to make us think that we had found our child Sean only to be devastated to realize the truth why did Father want to do this to us why did he have to perfect a child version of himself this pet project of his surely was not more important than solving their power issues or fixing their dated infrastructure which I think the other heads of The Institute realize and which may help explain why they are kind of frustrated with Father over this child synth project in the next one missing synth investigation it has been brought to my attention that some of you are displeased with the methods and practices deployed by the SRB division in its ongoing investigation into the missing third generation synths I'd like to take a moment to address this matter first know that I am aware of your concerns and that I intend to have a conversation with director IO in order to ensure that he is also aware any disruption of your work must be taken seriously especially at this critical time however I must also ask for a measure of patience and cooperation from all of you it is simply impossible to gather the information necessary to carry out this investigation without an element of distraction and inconvenience remember that your cooperation is vital to bringing this investigation to a Swift and successful conclusion I'm sure that's something we all want father everyone's pissed off at the SRB due to Justin IO and his methods even fathers aware of it but he is backing Justin IO he wants the matter resolved and quickly even if it disrupts the work of everyone else and in the last one synth vs Android as production of our gen 3 synths continues a pace I would like to take this opportunity to formalize our categorization the term Android has been used interchangeably with synth for as long as the Institute existed and though some of our older residents may actually prefer Android Dr Zimmer being a prime example the term synth has always been more widely used today our third generation Creations are truly synthetic beings so the designation synth seems more appropriate than ever from here on in I strongly prefer all official Institute records and correspondences use the term synth or synths let us remember our past and to pray appreciate the legacy of the Android but let us live for the future and recognize the power of the synth father I believe this was written to explain why Dr Zimmer kept using the word Android during the events of Fallout 3 when we met him in Rivet City and learned that he was hunting a missing synth he kept on calling it an Android you see in the Commonwealth we've made artificial persons synthetic humanoids you'll be searching for an Android do you know what an Android is no I imagine you don't this terminal explains why they're all called synths in The Institute even though Zimmer used the phrase Android during the events of Fallout 3. backing out we can view access logs access local login Allen Benet notes reviewed work crew assignments remove Flight Risk candidates access local login Alan Bonnet notes access Department notices access local login Alan Binet notes updated 6th generation Optics Suite design schematic access local login Max Loken notes access Department notices access local login Alan Bonnet notes submit second draft plan for Alpha phase testing on VM functionality 3.0 access remote login Justin IO notes redacted and there he is again getting his fingers into everyone's terminals backing out we find another terminal on the opposite side two in fact flanking each other and the first also labeled robotics terminal robotics terminal 2C we find four options in the first production schedule group ID blah blah blah group classification G3 gen 3 specialized labor role specification excavation and construction project ID blah blah blah units scheduled three so the robotics Department scheduled the production of three gen 3 synths designated for labor and the next one we learned that they scheduled the production of two standard gen 3 units to be used in operations and maintenance and the next we learned that they scheduled to produce four security Gen 2 units for use in Salvage operations above ground so they're still producing Gen 2 units even after creating the Gen 3 synth perhaps they're cheaper and easier to produce which is why they're doing more dangerous tasks and in the next one we learned that they scheduled to create one standard unit for use in operations and maintenance backing out we can read planned system upgrades here we find two options on the first current projects project ident blah blah blah status approved in progress see implementation status below for details description implementation of new synthetic optic nerve tissue goals a 10 to 12 percent increase in visual Acuity upgrade implementation status units scheduled 19 units upgraded 12. wow I mean they have hundreds of gen 3 synths by now right but they're only implementing this upgrade to 19 of them maybe the others were already made with the upgrade installed notes next scheduled units c461 j795 other units scheduled and ready to fill in for the duration of the upgrade Alan Binet I wonder exactly how they upgrade the eyes of a gen 3 synth without dismantling it and starting over maybe this upgrade was meant for Gen 2 synths but it continues upgrade completed on units t722 p874 d550 Max Loken next scheduled units t722 p874 d558 other units scheduled and ready to fill in for the duration of the upgrade Allen Benet upgrade completed on units v528 s322 r446 Max Logan next scheduled units v528 s322 r446 other units scheduled and ready to fill in for the duration of the upgrade Alum Binet right so that was just a list of them progressively going through upgrades in batches and the next one upcoming projects project ident blah blah blah status approved awaiting implementation description motor reflex response time improvements goals seven percent increase in and motor reflex Reaction Time Project ident blah blah blah status approved awaiting implementation description targeting software package upgrade goals five to eight percent increase in ranged weapon accuracy project ident blah blah blah status awaiting approval description complete transfusion to replace type 7701 synthetic blood with type 90 10. goals more rapid clotting improved infection resistance infection resistance this gives us the impression that gen 3 synths are susceptible to the same infections as humans but if they can improve synthetic blood to make them more resistant to these infections I wonder if they can do the same for human blood backing up we can move down to view access logs and we see a similar scenario here access local login notes access production schedule access local login Allen Benet notes routine diagnostic on courser designate x688 all functions nominal access local login Alan Bonnet notes updated production schedule access remote login Justin IO notes redacted access local login Alan Bonnet notes more programming work on new AI software update access local login maxloken notes access planned systems upgrade access local login Alan Binet notes prototype testing of neural net upgrades and finally we can read project updates and here we find three options in the first SRB investigation as you are all aware from time to time one of our gen 3 synths assigned to surface Duty will malfunction and go off assignment while only a rare occurrence in the past in recent months we have seen the number of losses rise noticeably director IO has opened an investigation into this matter and I must ask that you all give him your full cooperation as he looks into this troubling issue please answer his questions as completely as you can and provide Dr IO with any logs materials or other items he requests with your help I'm sure we can resolve this matter quickly thank you Father so this was written and sent out to the directors at the start of the problem just as IO was about to start his investigation in the next one gen 1 phase out her father's plans as discussed at the recent directorate meeting we will soon begin to phase out our gen 1 synth units within the Institute with the intention of relegating all remaining units to surface duties only our first generation synths have served admirably and extended their design specifications in virtually every category but the remarkable breakthroughs in synth design and production that have led to our latest more aesthetically pleasing models Herald a time for change over the next several years we expect to replace all gen 1 units with Gen 3 units and in time we will enact a similar plan with the Gen 2 units as well as we look forward to the future let us also honor the memories of those whose hard work and innovation made the synths possible and let us never forget the singular Vision that challenged our forebears and that drives us today mankind redefined Dr Alan banay so they are producing Gen 2 units still but they're planning to phase them out as they have begun to phase out the Gen 1 units interesting that even The Institute finds the Gen 1 synths to be a bit creepy in the next one unique project overriding directive to not alter our sense basic functioning notwithstanding father has granted clearance for a rather unique project in select gen 3 units the synthetic brain is indeed capable of accepting specific enhancements to the visual cortex basal ganglia and right parietal cortex the result is substantially improved combat Effectiveness due to two factors one an increased understanding of weapon accuracy to the extent that the combatant can actually visualize the percentage of effectively hitting targets or smaller areas on those targets two an altered sense of perception that mimics the effect of slowing or even stopping time recommend we commence surgery and field trials on appropriate operatives in the near future this is interesting some have suggested that this entry is evidence that the sole survivor Nate himself is a synth and this Theory comes from the part number one where they talk about seeing percentages of effectively hitting targets that of course is something we the players see when using Vats the same is true with number two an altered sense of perception that mimics the effect of slowing or even stopping time again something that happens when we use Vats but I don't think that this is evidence that the sole survivor is a synth because the Vats technology that we use was created by vault tech Vance is an acronym for vault tech assisted targeting system v-a-t-s Vats it's a pre-war technology that's built into our Pip Boy and it's something that anyone with a Pip Boy Who has enough experience with that Pip Boy can do for example the lone Wanderer during the events of Fallout 3 could also use Vats the same as true for The Courier during Fallout New Vegas if this terminal entry is evidence that the sole survivor is a synth then it's evidence that the lone Wanderer is a Cent and that The Courier is the same which wouldn't make any sense at all Dr Zimmer was in the capital Wasteland looking for one synth in particular whom he actually found at Rivet City he wasn't looking for the lone Wanderer who couldn't be Ascent as he was raised in a vault and only just escaped that vault at the age of 19. and it's highly unlikely that The Courier a package delivery guy on the west coast of the United States could also be an escaped synth the one defining and uniting feature among these three characters is that they all have Pip boys and Vats as described in Fallout lore is a vault-tec technology built into the Pip-Boy so from this terminal I don't think we get evidence that the sole survivor is a synth instead I think we get evidence that the Institute managed to replicate vault-tec's Vance technology for use in the their synths which might explain why coarsers are such accomplished and thereby feared Warriors that's it for this robotics terminal but there's another one right next to it robotics terminal 3A in the first maintenance requests submitted by N oberley Found unit j284 cleaning boardroom for the third day in a row I don't think this unit has ever actually left the boardroom navigation software patched unit returned to service submitted by Justin IO unit x472 complaining of blurred vision and right eye unable to correct without permanent damage unit wiped and reassigned to facilities division oh that poor courser must be devastated submitted by Ali Fillmore primary drive breakdown on b347 third unit this month can we please look into this technician dispatched submitted by E Thompson looks like latest navigation software update has some issues found two gen ones trying to walk through walls pathfinding software updated all gen 1 units will require patch facility is notified I mean it's not gen 1 units alone that try to walk through walls everyone in this universe is either walking through walls or standing on tables or standing on roofs but let's just ignore that for now submitted by Liam binay hey Dad Eve is having trouble speaking today lots of stuttering can you please look into it identified rare looping issue in speech subroutines corrected and patched in the next one surface work crew tracking group ident blah blah blah assigned units p177 j832 f593 n548 k670 location site Epsilon elapsed time 16 21 43 last report 0-1216 notes alert Raider attack one unit abducted SRB notified awaiting update Max Logan group ident blah blah blah assigned units k290 r601 j828 location site gamma elapsed time 370901 last report to 2042 notes report is now overdue continue to monitor I'd give it another two days Alan Binet group ident blah blah blah assigned units c065 locations cite Alpha elapsed time 62 1955. last report 11340 notes units h744 4 b621 k084 recalled error no data present hmm group ident blah blah blah assigned units g643 m911 l792 w440 o287 location site Delta elapsed time 124 2315 last report 03710 notes not getting as much as we're hoping for here might need to shut down site Delta let's see what the next report brings Max Logan group ident blah blah blah unsigned units r781 t354 b88 j174 location site Alpha elapsed time 160 3312 last report 15640. notes unit b88 removed unit t354 added error no data present these appear to be notes about Scavenging operations taking place above ground these are teams of units dispatched to the surface and notes about how those teams are performing interesting that a few of them are missing some data but I'm not sure what this might mean and the last we can view access logs and we don't see anything out of place here access local login Allen but a notes update maintenance requests access local login Alan Bonnet notes begin review process on new work crew candidates access local login Max Loken access surface work crew tracking access local login Max Loken update maintenance requests access local login Allen Binet installing new operating system software business as usual in the robotics Department all our divisions are important I tend to think of Robotics as the first among equals in light of the recent events we've been asked to take a look at the behavioral mapping in the Gen 3s I see another of Dr ao's manipulative power plays well he's wrong the Gen 3s are functioning just as design SRB doesn't agree statistically the Gen 3s have shown an increase in autonomic Behavior suggesting a malfunction in the latest models I assure you doctor that is not a malfunction if you ask me the synth software could use a little more debugging with our third generation since we've improved upon Humanity the sins aren't just father's Legacy they're his gift to humanity with that we have completed the task that father has given us we've checked in with all of the directors we explored the entire Institute and read absolutely everything we could with the exception of the fev lab but we'll tackle that in an upcoming episode it's handy at this point to go over a quick summary of some of the important things we learned here that we need to keep in mind while working with the Institute first synths are somehow Escaping The Institute and The Institute is taking this matter very seriously Justin IO the head of the SRB is leading an investigation and he's throwing suspicion on other scientists within the Institute logging into their Terminals and even inspecting their quarters second The Institute is having power problems they don't have enough power to keep going as is let alone to power in a future project of theirs third The Institute is planning something that is mysteriously called phase three it's secretive many of the other scientists within the Institute are not allowed to know what this phase 3 is all about fourth we learned that many of the atrocities that the Institute is accused of actually happened the broken mask incident happened it was an accident but the Institute really did send a synth to Diamond City and it massacred people there The Institute really is kidnapping people presumably killing them and then replacing them with sense to conduct experiments of course but they're still murdering people for the sake of them and the Institute has pretty much given up on Humanity in the Commonwealth they've become callous to the suffering of humans above ground and indifferent to the fact that they're even responsible for some of that suffering they see synths as the next evolution of humankind something that bothers even some of the scientists here fifth while all of the scientists here publicly agree with what father's doing it appear to support him there is an undercurrent of concern among the scientists and even some of the department leads about the direction that father is taking the Institute especially when it concerns the child's synth many scientists from many different departments don't understand why he did it don't understand the purpose of the experiment and think it's a huge waste of resources Madison Lee in particular thinks that father is keeping something from her most of the scientists resent the fact that father pretty much allowed Nate to go wherever he wanted in The Institute despite the fact that Nate had been exposed to the ideology of the railroad and his loyalties are uncertain will this become a problem later and lastly something happened in the fev lab it caused the fev lab to go offline it's something that bothered medicineally and it's something that father is trying to keep secret next we need to head back to father to see what he has next for us if you don't want to miss that episode be sure to subscribe and to click that Bell notification button I publish new episodes in this series each and every week I have a brand new shop I moved from my old shop to a new shop which is much more responsive the website is faster and I've got new designs that you haven't seen before on my brand new shop I 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Channel: Oxhorn
Views: 412,686
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Keywords: oxhorn, fallout 4, institute
Id: xot6j-NakUM
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Length: 154min 29sec (9269 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 31 2022
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