I Killed Every NPC in Elden Ring

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when the Twilight is gone and no songbirds are singing when the Twilight is gone you come into my heart and here in my heart you will stay [Music] while I pray [Music] after putting nearly a thousand hours into this game I think I could say that Elden ring has become my favorite game of all time so of course I can do nothing other than completely destroy it this time around things will be a little different the only other two games I've done this with before were Bethesda games Skyrim and Fallout 4. Elden ring is a from soft game which means I'm gonna need a whole new system for genocide before I get into that I'd like to explain what I'm considering a unique NPC and Elden ring first of all if they have a boss health bar they're in main bosses mini bosses doesn't matter a boss is a boss that doesn't include boss-like enemies such as the putrid Avatar and L fail though he is not unique he's just an enemy even though there are versions of him that are considered bosses secondly if they have a health bar like this that displays their name and health then they also count unless their NPCs that respawn for instance the flame Guardians and the Guardians Garrison have this health bar and nameplate as if they are unique NPCs but they respawn third we have Invaders and invasions mad tongue bridge in the round table for example and lastly any character that is well unique D Alexander Millicent these are all unique characters now before I get any further I'd quickly like to thank today's sponsor raid Shadow Legends is a completely free to play game you can play on your mobile device or like me on your desktop I've never played a tactical turn-based MMO like this before but thankfully raid makes it easy to get into with her in-depth tutorial and initial walkthrough raid has nearly 700 Champions and recently they've added a brand new faction called the Sylvan Watchers each champion in this faction has a design that shows that they're in tune with nature in their own unique ways my personal favorite are green Ward and Brew Arc and dwade and the runic both have fantastic nature inspired designs aside from the new faction raid has something special going on right now they've released a legendary champion based off MMA and pro wrestling Legend Ronda Rousey you can get Ronda for free right now whether you're new to the game or a long time player all you have to do is log in and play raid for 7 days between now and February 20th and she's all yours to celebrate Rhonda's arrival in raid use the special promo code raid Ronda to get a bunch of helpful stuff as well and for the new players click the link in the description or scan my QR code on screen and you'll get unique bonuses worth 30 dollars including the free epic Champion konaroo all this treasure will be waiting for you right here available for 30 days for new players only go download raid and add me in game I'll be waiting for you now like Fallout 4 I'll be doing this by areas Lim grave caled Lane Dell I'll be taking these sections all on one at a time I'm gonna really try and not leave any area without getting all the bosses there that way there's some channels aspect to it I think I've explained all I need to for now so let's get right into the only phase in this video this allowed your phase in Skyrim I was dumb in Fallout I was dump at this time I'm dumpster dumpster is a samurai for now I really wanted to beat the grafted Scion first try because I thought it would be sick but that guy that guy is tough well fine I'll at least kill the soldier of godric first try wow a lot easier than last time huh so obviously the first section I'll be taking out is Lynn grave before I get to the slaughtering though I gotta meet Molina wait stop that I already did that bit then I meet with Ronnie dude where is that coming from there's actually a lot of bosses and NPCs here so this section is going to take a bit thankfully at least Lim grave is a daycare level area so I can level it pretty easy I do think though this section is good for players who aren't really used to souls games to get their feet wet without being totally overwhelmed that being said I've played this [ __ ] way too much so it wasn't really much of an issue for me I met sorcerer selling on my path of Destruction but didn't kill her yet because I'm gonna need her later I chopped down all the bosses in Lim grave and then I hit all the NPCs that I could it felt really weird killing NPCs because although I've already done a run where I killed every boss I haven't really killed any NPC other than like Invaders anyways the only people that really gave me trouble with Lim grave were agil the Bell bearing Hunter who I'm genuinely convinced is like top 10 hardest boss in the game and the also rated tree Spirit who I really hate I got event for a second this is the worst from soft boss of all time he's literally a flaming blob of piss and [ __ ] and the camera in this game when you're fighting huge bosses is miserable so not only is he rolling around like a turd getting flushed but you can hardly even tell what he's doing his moveset is so ridiculously uninspired and to top it off he's one of the most recycled bosses in the game sorry I had to get that up after killing all the minor bosses and NPCs in the area I made my way to the Weeping Peninsula I got the three sacred tears here and wait holy [ __ ] I forgot Margaret and godric back to Lim grave Margate really was not a challenge at all still fun though once gaining access to the rest of the castle I killed the two NPCs here gostock and nephily neither of these NPCs have quest lines that I really need to do so I got to just kill them now finally the big bad of lim grave godric the Grafton I think that of the main bosses in the game godric is no doubt the easiest which makes sense he's in the early section but damn dude I destroyed this poor guy oh well that's lamb grave down I'm sure the rest of this video will be that easy I mentioned it before but the next area is the Weeping Peninsula I'd like to mention here that I killed the arena the nomadic Merchant at Lawrence Rampart and the Knights Calvary all before I killed Margate because you know I forgot uh but this place is kind of weird because the boss is very so heavily in difficulty kind of a relief though I like a good challenge I was able to smoke most of the boss is pretty good but the death bird and the Leon Miss begotten got my blood flowing a bit like I did in the wind grave after killing all the bosses I killed the NPCs I killed the isolated Merchant but forgot to record it so here's this empty Shack for evidence but yeah I mean this section is really short and not too complicated so I think it's safe to move on move on to leonea liernia is really big there's also a lot of bosses and NPCs here so bear with me I started with thops the poor guy I then worked my way North so that I could get the smithing Stone Bell bearing and upgrade my weapon a bit the crystalline here wasn't much of an issue and I got my bell bearing I upgraded the Uchi and then started Boss Rush number three I started pretty small with bosses that don't give me much trouble but while I was blowing them blowing through them I found something special a scythe this gave me the idea to become more of a grim reaper type character plus the uchigatana is pretty much cheating I mean that is really good I ran into the death bird and this guy rocked me then when I was finally on a good line I got disconnected why dude I was not very happy I came back though and was able to beat him [Music] [Music] I tore through leernia for a while until I reached the village of the almanorics there's an NPC here named old office rest in peace old Albus he gives you half of the Haley tree Medallion you know what happens after you get half of the halik tree Medallion well if you don't you will soon let me kill a couple more people before I explain oh I really don't want to kill him [Music] I will burn for that someday anyway a couple more people [Music] so when you get half of The Medallion and then travel back to the round table you get attacked by this guy ansha I know I'm not alone when I say that this was an absolute hoarder the first time I saw this guy it was a horror this time even I always forget about him but thankfully he's not all that tough he also drops a really cool armor we gotta rock that because with the armor and the Scythe I got a real death look going on I like it well I'm here I'll kill alridge too I was starting to run out of people to kill in leernia so I went to the carrier Manor and faced off against Loretta I like Loretta I think she's one of the most well-balanced bosses in the game she's dead now but you know cool boss I had some other people I wanted to kill before getting to the academy but like Loretta they died so I guess it's time the first person I killed in the academy was the Raven Mount assassin I've actually never done this before very cool highly recommend it I made my way through the place and reached the red wolf I have very mixed feelings about this guy what do you guys think I guess he's cool I don't know I killed him with him dead I can kill run oh yeah yeah I changed him obviously kinda feels like Tradition now with them out of the way I can take on ranala I'm not really scared of Ronaldo she's honestly kind of a pushover and that wasn't really any different this time around phase one isn't really even a phase more of a cutscene honestly and phase two only gets tough when she starts to summon even then though I managed to kill her and she managed to kill me well regardless Ronaldo is dead and that means there's only a handful of people left in leernia the next boss is way more of a challenge unfortunately uh though half of that challenge is getting to him magma worm my car is a pain in the ass to reach but once you get there the fight isn't too bad you just gotta be careful once you get stanced up like this but I was careful and I beat him my first try this actually gives you access to the Altus Plateau which I will be leaving because it's not time for this place yet there's some stragglers I had to go back and get like the finger reader Chrome the knights Cavalry big Bogart this poor little jar guy and some Merchants but with them dead I've done all I can for now I think it's time to start Ronnie's questline [Music] I'm not doing that it's just happening I thought it was time for Ronnie's questline but I forgot that you actually have to kill radon before you can reach no Quran and really make any progress so I guess I'm done here for now at least Caleb is our next spot I remember when Eldon ring came out and people treated caled like it was literally hell and it it kind of is that all being said I generally enjoy caled and it's never given me too much trouble as I did with wimgrave and Leonia I started off in Caleb by just picking off bosses and Grail who isn't really a boss but man imagine if this big [ __ ] move huh I sort of Boss rushed all of Khalid I uh what was I talking about I beat O'Neill who was a huge pain in the ass by the way and then I went and did the cellular nonsense met Gallery killed the Knox Twins and then okay you know what I'm putting that one slide I fixed up baby mama and then continue I don't like saying baby mama and then continued on my path of destruction after beating a healthy handful of bosses I ran into a bit of a wall do you see there's two kinds of bosses in caled they're pretty tough and there's butt [ __ ] your mother tough I killed all the pretty tough bosses and was stuck protecting my mother from you guys get the joke things got really hard God skin Apostle beat my ass so hard I tucked and ran ran straight into the arms of night's Cavalry another Troublemaker he wasn't nearly as bad though at least I could damage him I damaged him to death in fact I figured after taking out one nighttime boss I might as well take out another and I went to fight the death right Bird like the one in leernia he was kind of tossing my salad and not in a hot way turns out though there's a hack to beating them holy damage holy damage melts this thing wish I had known that earlier I took it up a notch in difficulty and ran up on Grail he's got just a tiny bit of Health my fight with him felt like centuries but like halfway through he just flew off the bridge for some reason I tried to chase him down but I was at a pretty big disadvantage over here because not only was he hard to Telegraph the little vulgar militia guys were attacking me too so [ __ ] it he doesn't want to fight fine by me I went back to the bridge and pelted him with arrows until he finally died it took me almost every arrow I had to I went and killed the other Knights Cavalry and Khalid and that again got smacked by the wall that I was talking about I've only got a handful of bosses left in caled so I can't really be all too picky I tried to take on one of my good friends BBK go watch my Edelman video if you don't know what I'm talking about but he was really letting me have it just no chance at all so I took a break and went back to the godskin Apostle after gaining some levels since our last fight I was able to handle him much better and with a very careful fighting style I got him too [Music] to reach the next boss I need to go through Sephora I know I said before that I would try and stick to one area but you actually need to go through here to reach a certain boss in caled well not a boss but a set of Invaders the Knights of the great jar these guys I knew these guys would suck because I was playing online but they had some majorly obnoxious builds if you don't know playing on the line causes these guys to be randomized I was determined to beat them though it's been forever fighting them they broke me though I went to the Altus plateau and got the second smithing Stone Bell bearing so that I'd have a better chance I figured while I was already here I would go check in with Raya and get the grace of the volcano Banner also killed this guy I love weapon I also ran through the path leading to Langdale to get these golden seeds but with these Buffs I can bear down and kill the jar Knights God [ __ ] hate them ggs though I mentioned them a minute ago but my good friend BBK needed to die I fought him for about an hour straight and got close so many times but I couldn't close it out so I backtracked to Lim grave and got godric's great room just like against the knights Cavalry and my Eldon rig ascended video I needed a little Placebo to get me through this fight it was hard but I barely managed to squeak it out rest in peace buddy there's only a couple bosses left in caled and like I said before they're all mother riskingly tough the bellberry hunter is certainly no exception he beat me up like a main older brother an older brother who really wanted to [ __ ] kill me it took me a while but I got my little brother Revenge now I only have three bosses left there's a few more NPCs but only three bosses the only boss I can fight though is radon you have to kill radon before you can kill the other two kinda so we're done here I come [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign first try baby radon now out of the way I can kill the very random feeling Duo of the misbegotten warrior and The Crucible Knight this fight can be tricky if you're not fast enough killing the misbegotten but I shredded him pretty good that leaves his friend The Crucible Knight and I don't really have a problem with these guys anymore remember the quote I said earlier I believe it was a flaming blob of piss and [ __ ] he's literally a flaming blob of peace and [ __ ] yep there's there's another one and it's stronger I despise you but that's everyone in caled well everyone I can kill for now I'll be back later but for now I can leave it behind technically we've been here already but this time I actually have things to kill here foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] after decimating a dozen or so baddies I decided I would switch to the wing design I had to respe back into Faith a bit but this thing is absolutely worth it I killed some enemies with it and then I gave Millicent the prosthesis prosthesis and then went to fight the godskin Apostle with her uh Millicent where is your sign this one's for you oh now you show up anyway back to boss rushing [Music] foreign well that wasn't bad at all well technically I'm not done you could say that Lane Dell is part of the Altus Plateau before I take on the capital though I'd like to start on the volcano Manor contracts oh okay that was fast onto lanedale I started off by killing Margaret Jr technically he's an unnamed enemy with no health bar but I know Jimmy no nuts in the comments is gonna have a [ __ ] conniption if I don't kill him so there you go Jimmy you guys get the drill by now go to place kill everyone go somewhere else I can't exactly do that this time but I did sweep all the bosses I could before entering the capital to actually enter Langdale you gotta kill the draconic tree Sentinel he's proved to be trouble for me in the past but this time I had the power of love with Millicent I was able to body this fool and start taking out the boxes inside of the capital I like Godfrey but this version of him has always felt a little like unnecessary I'm not sure what to call it I just I wish she wasn't wasted here regardless I killed him and next up is morgot you want to know how that went yeah I I diced him up and that's everybody in the capital please don't make me go there fine though I despise this place I do have some folks here that I need to kill first escar priest of blood that sounds like a name that Modern Family would make up in an episode where Phil gets addicted to d d with Luke and Alex and Claire and Haley think it's stupid but then in the credit scene like Haley and Claire are playing it by themselves in the kitchen at like three in the morning and Phil and Luke and Alex walk in and they're like um I killed him though and Moog Jr I really wish they didn't feel the need to copy and paste every single [ __ ] boss in this game but whatever it wasn't much of a problem this one last character that I need to kill down here the dung eater God I love that name they really hit the mark with that one but for real this time with bike Town cleared up Lane Dell and the Altus Plateau are all wrapped up right next to the Altus Plateau is Mount gelmir all right there's not really a lot of tough bosses out here to be honest though there is a primeval sorcerer who uh did he die he's not moving I'm gonna assume he's dead oh yeah the other guy Master loose at he also died good enough for me to be honest while we're getting rid of these guys I can wrap up selling's questline I sided with jiren because after killing Sullen you can just betray jiren right away very nice back to Mount gilmir I knocked out some more enemies and then set my sights on volcano Manor I started by killing the abductor virgins really not too bad then made my way through the lava until I reached the godskin noble this guy used to be a major problem for me but I've learned his timing pretty well and I packed him up like a suitcase before I go off and kill ride card there's some loose ends I have to tie up first of all I want to finish the volcano Manor contracts to do that I have to reach the mountaintops of the Giants to do that I have to kill the fell twins that's actually not true I made that up but I figured I'd kill him while I was there any here another optional boss on the way is BBK the second thankfully you can summon me and Millicent were Shaq and Kobe in that [ __ ] and took out BBK the second I took the lift of rolled up to the mountaintops and ran into an NPC that I actually completely forgot to put my spreadsheet somehow so I'm sure I'm glad he's just [ __ ] standing there it was almost the ebony warrior part two now that I'm here I can also finish my current contract and kill Juno haslow dude was actually pacing me up but thankfully the winged Scythe is really strong against human NPCs so I was able to kill him I finished up patches and all of the volcano manner nonsense and then had to kill someone that made me very sad thank you thank you my Champion mother I will burn for that too but now I can grab the serpent Hunter upgrade it and kill reichardt I had some beef with him after the last video after that all that was left was tanith in her Knight but I'm pretty sure that's it for Mount gammir and volcano Manor a slightly smaller headache the mountaintops of the Giants is next this area is deceptively small but you know who they managed to squeeze into this area the Bison [ __ ] monster I fought through another little boss rush until I ran into Borealis I think it's time for me to rant about another boss foreign [Music] but their lower Health makes it not nearly as bad as it could be the snail is just I I don't know the snail's goofy I tore through the rest of the mountaintops diced up Commander Niall on my first try and then moved on to the consecrated snow fields saving the fire drive for now I beat myself and then went into easily the most difficult Gauntlet of the game Boss after boss and all of them are dangerous but nonetheless I prevailed [ __ ] ethere don't throw don't kiss yo I'm leaving that in okay now I'll fight the fire Giant typically after killing the fire giant you would go to farm Missoula before I do that though I'm gonna finish up Ronnie's Quest there's a lot to do for this Quest the first thing I have to do is travel to the city [Music] thank you [Music] uh yeah I'm I gotta I gotta go kill more bosses I've killed the majority of bosses in the Overworld but there's still a lot of underground bosses I have to kill I almost completely forgot about Vari and the white masks but I killed them and Moog of course [Music] I killed Dee's twin brother who I've actually never talked to before and then of course to get to the deep root depths I beat the Valiant gargoyles deeper depths is a place I typically forget about my regular playthroughs it's just so out of the way but there's some bosses here for me to kill and kill I did I diced up for his Champions forgot I had to get the curse mark of death got a hug and then faced up against debatably the most obnoxious boss in the game [Music] rest in peace fear now that I'm done here I've got a much more difficult place to go the hay League tree I have very mixed feelings about the Haley Creed but I don't have mixed feelings about is Loretta like I said earlier I actually like her she's very well balanced I think and the arena is beautiful 10 out of 10 bars for me honestly and my favorite horseback boss for sure you know boss is not a 10 out of 10. and [ __ ] monster [ __ ] this thing oh my God to finish Millicent's questline you have to kill this thing and I just I got it so there's two choices to finish Millicent's questline you can fight alongside her sisters and kill Millicent or you can fight alongside Millicent and kill her sisters I have to fight alongside her so that way I can make sure her sisters die so fight alongside her I did and they were actually pretty tough but nothing beats the power of love and we won together and then she died [Music] we've all been waiting for dumpster versus Melania the ultimate nah I'm just kidding I'm not fighting that [ __ ] right now I need to do a little cleanup first I'll listen to pitya get murdered dropped Gallery pieced up garonk and felt ready to finally go to Fara Missoula I became a sinner lost my good friend Molina pretty sure she does in the cutscene so the rest in peace and I ran through fire Missoula up to the godskin duo there was no summon sign for Bernal which makes sense because I killed him but I didn't really need him I summoned my pumpkin head no that's not just a cute nickname that's that's his name you uh yeah right there I beat the duo and then prepared for the fight of my life against the one and only Iron Fist Alexander [Music] thank you fought valiantly my friend thank you for your insides I went and took care of the Bernal Invasion which I was really relieved still happened because I thought I really messed that one up and cleared the path to malacath now I could find malacath here but I'd actually rather take out a different boss first this shot gets me every single time he actually gave me a really hard time you guys get the drill by now though I eventually beat him which just leaves me with the one and only malekith the Black Blade malacath is one of the two bosses that will always on any playthrough cause me trouble but with a different Scythe I matched up better in the damage Department it was able to take dust and death as far as bosses go there's hardly any left get transported to the capital of Ash after beating malacath so I might as well kill the bosses that are here Gideon off near was a joke as per usual and I actually didn't have a very tough time against Godfrey either which opens up a path to fight radagon and the eldenbeast but before I do that this will loose end to tie up a tall hot pitch of a loose end oh and these guys I forgot to kill them earlier as I fought Melania for a good two to three hours I wrote down some things that popped into my head please enjoy my adventure against her and on screen I'll show some of the Terrible Things I wrote down [Music] you can stand me up at the gates down Gonna Stand My Ground won't be turned around and I'll keep this world from dragging me down Gonna Stand My Ground and I won't back down yeah I had a rough time against Melania ggs though no hard feelings right Miyazaki with that we send out of the way I figured why not take out the final boss radagon is honestly a pretty easy boss so I cleared him no sweat and then of course fought the Eldon Beast the eldenbeast is the worst final boss in all of the souls games just gonna leave that there for you [Music] but that's it actually there's one more boss I saved for last the boss you meet right at the start of the game the grafted Scion eat that well that's it for bosses there's still some NPCs left over though there's a handful of NPCs in the round table that you typically can't kill typically you don't have access to magic powers like I do [Music] you also usually can't kill the great jar or Ronaldo but with my magic powers cheat engine you can there's one NPC I really didn't do anything with the three fingers they actually don't even spawn without doing hayata's whole Quest oh by the way I want to mention here hayata and Arena same person so I killed Arena killed hayata anyways three fingers um they don't spawn without doing Hiatus Quest so uh they're they're already dead in my mind [Music] and there's no way I'm getting away with that I also can't really kill torrent because he just comes back and you can't drop or destroy the ring in any way so he's just kind of stuck with me but I think that's actually it this time no more bosses or NPCs I went back to fractured America and used The Mending Rune of the death Prince I felt like that was the most fitting end the world is now gray and devoid of life and the only one left Atop The Throne of death is me thank you for watching everyone subscribe follow me on Twitch and I hope everyone has a great year Gigi's
Channel: dumpykong
Views: 639,550
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Elden Ring, Dark Souls, Fromsoftware, Elden Ring DLC, Elden Ring PVP, Elden Ring challenge, I killed every NPC, NPC, NPCs, NPC’s
Id: X661C7dIyTQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 11sec (1811 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 10 2023
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