Can I Beat this "Impossible" Elden Ring Mod?

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there are three loose categories of gamer YouTubers there's the less players like Markiplier and jacksepticeye there's the video essay guys like donkey and naked Jakey Mago and there's the hardcore Gamers like Lil Aggie and Mitten Squad people who do gaming challenges I've so far spent my time as a YouTuber in the realm between naked Jacobs and squads of mittens but I think I've failed to really prove myself as a gamer to establish myself in the pantheon of gamer goats so today I'd like to take a step towards the hardcore category a big step done by completing the Elden ring ascended mod if you haven't seen this mod yet it basically takes Elden ring and injects it with whatever the liver King is taking I actually got the idea to beat this mod from iron pineapple shout outs who completed the game using this mod about three months ago in that time though there have been new versions of the mod released notably the Hell mode and the hardest mode to date at least to this day the age of stars mode here's a list of things that change in the age of stars mode first of all it's always night next every enemy hit does some sort of status effect sometimes even just being near an enemy does some sort of status damage and on age of stars the status damage is 50 stronger the most exciting thing this mod does is add more enemies all over the place in the Overworld and more importantly in the boss rooms themselves speaking of bosses guess what they're all stronger they all do more damage and have more health and when they reach half Health they start doing more damage and double in defenses meaning they only take half as much damage there's a couple other small things like all projectiles are twice as fast and they're all tripled in them out your health stamina and FP is permanently slashed the ashes of War take if I did my math right which is incredibly unlikely four times as much FP to use and some other stuff I don't even know all the stuff that changed to be honest to make things even worse for myself I'm going to beat all of the Char bearers before beating the game just to prove that I truly am a gamer God also just in the Christmas spirit of course I bet it's all that it's always snowing it's uh it's pretty nice I like it funny enough I've already tried to beat this challenge I streamed it a bit follow me on Twitch at forward slash don't become but it was really hard and I just kind of forgot about it but not this time this time I'll make it harder and I'll complete it as Santa Claus yes sir or ma'am this truly is an Elden ring Christmas special hi editor John here uh you know what I want for Christmas one some subscribers bro look at this look at this ratio this is terrible I think it's because I never shouted out uh like you know most YouTubers like yo smash the Bell click the button whatever I I don't I don't usually ever say that uh but I I'm suffering because of it uh so if you could give me the Christmas present of pressing a button that is free for you uh that would be fantastic helps me out doesn't hurt you uh thanks for watching to balance the game out a bit every piece of armor has a buff on it every weapon has something special and every Talisman has its effects boosted in some way also every class has been changed to give you a little extra I chose the Duelist class as it comes with a couple different weapons a bow and a shield it seems pretty well balanced the first thing we do in any playthrough of course is face the wait what the [ __ ] why is there a fog gate oh God why are you here okay well that didn't go well but who cares I don't need to kill them I need to kill the strawberries but you know what I'd like to beat the soldier of godric that seems like a strong way to start off right and oh boy is he he he's different oh yeah healing also doesn't do [ __ ] anymore can't even refill my tiny sliver of Health with one flask I died on my first try I died on my second try my third you know what take a guess how many times I died 5 10 20 50. I could do this all day I died 91 times on my 90-second try I finally beat the soldier of godric I have like two hours of footage of me fighting this guy this is what every boss is gonna be like I was absolutely boned after I beat Rick I figured the first thing I should do is upgrade my flask you know considering so I went to the Weeping Peninsula ran the sacred tear Gauntlet and then tracked back to Lim grave and picked up some upgrades there including the physic flask and then I met with Ronnie a cool thing I forgot to mention is that nearly all the summons in the game have been changed too so the Wolves summoned that Ronnie gives you actually summons three Kaiden Warriors now which is a major help also all the runes you gain from killing enemies and bosses are boosted a lot so you can level up faster with that in mind my next step is to grind while I was streaming this the first time I discovered something I'll just show you 30k why is it doing that what is happening here 30k yeah this was a game changer I grinded until I reached level 100 grabbed some talismans upgraded my weapons a bit and faced the first big bad Market himself was manageable but alongside him are two Omens that make this fight nearly impossible thankfully from help with big Raj and a burial Watchdog summon the 3v1 becomes a much easier 3v3 and after 19 tries I killed Marcus yes there's a train maybe nearly four hours into this challenge look at me next move get through stormvale castle and reach godric with the way more brutal projectiles it shouldn't have been possible but I actually made it through the main gate on my first try now all I gotta do is get absolutely bodied by godric oh Andy has two grafted Scions with him of course it's brutal man this is where the pattern of fight boss lose train up and fight boss again came to be so I just did that I lost upgraded my summons got some new weapons I leveled up and then I got back in there just like Santa would probably I also didn't mention that you can put any Ash of War on any weapon so I put the unsheathed ash of War on my Executioner's ax and I found Commander Niall's beard staff thing and the buff from that weapon skill gives you extra damage output and infinite FP so anytime you see me on fire it's because I used that I could spam the unsheath ability and boy did I but it didn't make this easy by any means it took me 27 tries to just get his second phase oh another thing I didn't mention yeah there's a lot of things I didn't mention yet to it but some projectiles have a heat seeking effect so when godric does this little tornado thing it just circles around me until I get hit by it it's it's [ __ ] after some more fighting and learning literally every little aspect of godric's moveset I did it it felt so good no cheese no magic just Mado imano ax to ax the next stridebearer would not be nearly as fun but before I get to her I have to travel through the hernia of the lakes and it was full of suffering I pretty much just ran straight to the academy got the grace then went and grabbed the key by smeareg I was not fighting that guy and got in the academy this place is not much better worse even I can't even get to the [ __ ] door much less inside the place I had to summon to get inside you guys see why this challenge is so hard right anyway I made it in I made it through and then I faced off with the red wolf of radagon and a friend of his on my way to the academy I picked up a new summon not one Watchdog but two Watch Dogs they jumped the wolf and made a boss fight look easy for the first time this whole run don't get used to that before getting to ranala I had to go through Moon grum I sent him up the elevator and it came back empty and then he died tight because he was beating my ass now Ronaldo I wish I could have just sent up an elevator her first phase was pretty much the same except the flying books were much faster and you had to hit four of these little bits to break your Shield instead of three but really not all too bad her second phase though take a look and it's messed up I could hardly reach her there was no way I was gonna beat her like this not even a shield helped so I put on my thinking cap and came up with a solution there's one Ash of war that is very popular in Elden ring for both PVP and for PVE Bloodhound step it's great better than rolling and with infinite FP I could spam it and reach ranala the only problem is getting it to get it you have to beat the knights Cavalry a black Air Force's version of the tree Sentinel and to make things worse he one shots me with literally every attack so if I can't solve a problem with another problem I'll solve that problem with another problem to buff myself up a bit for this I went to repair godric's great room thankfully the problem here is much simpler to solve just run I got the great Rune busted it and was able to kill the knights Cavalry because of it or maybe it was just a placebo who cares it worked I got like 8 million runes because of it and was ready for round two with Ronaldo and you know what the Bloodhound step worked like a charm her summons were still a major issue but at least I could get in and do some damage even though her health had been buffed I was able to melts her pretty fast with my big ax Katana thing this wind felt even better than godric because it wasn't just grind up and win I got to solve a real issue I was proud of myself too bad this is all about a video game and nothing to do with real life huh yeah anyway to the Altus Plateau we go to even fight morgut who is our next Target by the way there are some pretty huge obstacles first of all I gotta pay the entry total of Lane Dell getting spanked by the draconic tree Sentinel he's got a friend now thankfully his friend the gargoyle is pretty weak that being said the tree Sentinel one shots me so that kinda balances out the fight wasn't too bad though as soon as I realized I could bait the gargoyle to fight by himself kill him and then fight the big guy alone the second obstacle is actually making it through the capital man this place looks fantastic in the snow now let's run through and Skip everything oh and Molina ditched me the third and final obstacle before I can face morgot is a pretty large obstacle a tall ripped ax throwing obstacle well I thought he would be tough anyway it was pretty tough but it was this little battery he was with the sanguine Noble that was the real issue he's an elite you can tell by the flames and that just makes it impossible to kill him he barely takes damage he kills me with almost every single attack he has I was screwed I needed once again to solve problem with a problem so far I've been using the burial watchdogs for a while now but I think it's time for an upgrade on the Nexus mod page it shows a list of summons that replace the vanilla summons and I noticed that there was one that will summon four Earth tree Guardians the tree coochie guys that's sick with four of them surely I can be Godfrey right I went got the summon I needed leveled it up and went for round two oh that's not who I thought they were okay I need to reassess looking at this list there's one big standout the ancient dragon he replaces The Nomad Spirit Ash which is found in the Subterranean shining grounds so I battled through Blighttown found the ashes leveled them up and went for round three and this guy carried me not only did he keep the noble busy but he did a ton of damage to Godfrey this guy was the secret weapon I needed with Godfrey down I could take on the real boss Mor God oh and Moog so this is this is the boss huh what the [ __ ] happened okay so it turns out mug is broken I'm pretty sure he breaks when you summon but it ain't my problem the dragon soul would more got while I pummeled Moog and I got my third great room just four more to go and then you know like six more bosses to actually beat the game so now the game really opens up I can kill the following bosses in any order radon Reichard Moog and Melania I usually never have an issue with Reichard so I figured I'd get to him next well that was the plan stick with me here I went to volcano Manor beat the godskin noble died 37 times to these little sorcerer guys got to the boss room scooped up the serpent Hunter and dipped out to upgrade it I made it nice and strong and got ready to face reichardt in his boss room there's like a dozen of these little serpent guys but because you have to get close to Reichard to start the fight you could just get rid of them first which is really nice that does mean though that every single time you try to fight him you gotta kill all these little guys or they'll just get you killed for sure speaking of getting killed Reichard one shots with every single attack which is absolutely because he has a lot of Health a lot I gave it 15 attempts but ultimately got discouraged and decided to come back to him later I figured the next easiest boss would be radon he hasn't really been an issue for me in my normal playthroughs got owned in my elderman playthrough I bullied him pretty hard when I killed every boss in new game plus 10. I got this I did not have this to start I can't even approach radon look at this I'm sure I could have got to him somehow some way but that solution time you can't use Spirit ashes in this fight so I summon the spirits on the field to charge him and once they got close enough he'd pull his swords out and I could finally beat him up and beat him up I would until he starts his Phase 2 where he flies away and comes crashing into the Earth with an attack that covers the entire Arena you literally cannot Escape it so I either need to tank this attack or straight up make myself invulnerable I decided to go with the lat the farmer Farmer I went and got the opaline bubble tier so that as soon as phase two started I could down it and eat the attack and now with a fair shot I managed to beat radon in a pretty beautiful battle okay now I gotta talk about Moog first of all [ __ ] this place this is absolutely annoying most important thing I've ever seen in my life but hey that's the mod right whatever but the fight with Moog well it wasn't really a fight remember when MOG just powered down while I was fighting borgot well he was doing that here too I actually couldn't even kill him even with zero HP he just wouldn't die forgive me Lord I had to cheat and give myself the great Rune and Remembrance which was actually really disappointing like I said before pretty sure it's because I'm summoning but I didn't make this I'm not getting punished for it a bit of a letdown kind of cheated kind of didn't but let's move on so there's only two Shard bearers remaining Melania and Reichard I'm sure Melania will be a nightmare so I'm going back to Reichard I fought Rye card for hours at this point I had died to him 46 times and as much as I wanted to save Millennia for Less I just can't do it anymore so let's go get her first to reach Melania you gotta first beat Loretta Loretta was pretty cracked her magic was just so fast fast and it all one shots and I oh she died why the [ __ ] is going on at the time I didn't know what happened but I'll explain it later just uh just no let's move on reaching Melanie had sucked it was a very ugly process just about 30 deaths uh before I got to the fog gate but I made it ready to take on the goddess of [ __ ] and ball torture Millennia much like most other bosses was not alone she had two clean rot nights with her not too big of a deal they die pretty fast and Melania isn't in much of a rush to fight most of the time another good thing is that Melania doesn't heal from doing damage anymore no she just has like a million Health which is actually better I think if she was absorbing Health she could have like infinite health but it being limited even if it is a big man limit makes this much more manageable and makes summoning actually helpful I tried fighting her normally at first like I had been with every other boss flaming ax and either unsheath or Lion's claw attached but against Melania I could tell pretty quickly that this just wasn't going to work even with summons Melania just shreds I didn't bring it up earlier but this whole challenge I've been avoiding using magic iron pineapple no shade well a little shade condo abused magic to beat this Challenge and that's fine this was hard but I really didn't want to use magic because I enjoy Elden ring combat the sword to sword action is what I live for but like I said against Melania I just wasn't going to be able to keep up so I delved into the dark arts and got some spells I tried common Azure first but that didn't work how I thought it would the next spell I used was Loretta's Mastery you get this spell from beating Loretta and it was perfect I could summon my dragon use him to distract Melania and then just Pelt her with arrows it still wasn't easy but this Strat got me the win and left me with only one shot Bearer left in my path ride card one hit any hit would kill me so I buckled down summoned my Virgin abductors buffed them then realize what had happened with Loretta I didn't mention them earlier but a great spirit Ash I picked up was the Virgin abductors they're tough they do a lot of damage I like them a lot but it turns out that for some reason if you summon them and then buff them with 9 L spear they will literally destroy anything in their path I had to go back through my footage and see if the same thing happened with Loretta and would you look at that summon buff shred well it was a pretty lame way to win and I won't use it again because it's basically cheating but for icard I put 19 hours in to try to beat this guy fair and square and honestly I'll take the accidental win so that's it all the shot bear is down now I just have to you know beat the game there's a huge Gauntlet ahead of me starting with the fire giant like radon the fire giant has not really been an issue for me in the past and I took quite the beating he was not easy pretty far from it but after some time and a fake phase two not sure what happened there but hey we take those I got him if you've beaten Elden ring you know that this is just the start of the end game Boss Rush the next boss after burning the Earth tree and progressing through pharah Missoula is the godskin duo guess what I beat them first try I haven't beaten Eddie boss's first try this whole challenge I was terrified of them but hey I guess I'm overqualified at this point right wrong the second boss of fire Missoula malacath or beast clergyman whatever proved me very wrong first off the draconic tree Sentinel that is usually guarding the gate is now inside the fog gate thankfully though after I kill him once he doesn't come back so after I beat him once all I had to do was beat malacath 1v1 even 2V1 but it was not nearly as easy as it sounded he does a lot of damage and he is really hard to hit I used my dragon summon for this fight because he can take a beating and he's really good at holding aggro and with some time after mixing magic and melee attacks I was able to finish him off only a few more bosses to go once you beat malacath you're transported to the capital of Ash here you face Gideon off near the all-knowing a powerful hunt the [ __ ] oh okay that's it okay nice change of Base I guess fine moving on a real challenge Godfrey and redone well this was probably one of the hardest fights in the entire challenge honestly it wasn't even because two insanely strong bosses were in the same room no radon was hardly a problem because at the start of phase two he would just fly off but it was because Godfrey just didn't let up he was on my ass every damn second and would kill me super fast if I wasn't careful he was pretty similar to malachath now that I think about it and I beat Godfrey the same way mixing magic and melee attacks these two radon and Godfrey are actually my two favorite bosses so I was pretty happy to fight them both together here but with them out of the way well got no redone response which is really annoying with them out of the way I can face the Final Bosses radagon and the eldenbeast radagon beat me up pretty good but he was manageable I could spam him with magic pretty safely and I did lastly I would have to face the Elden Beast or so I thought the fire giant placidious ax and the style all replaced the Elden Beast oh my God I fought but dude they're just so strong after dying to them a bunch I kind of felt lost Santa wasn't saving Christmas this time kids that was until Rudolph came along [Music] laughs instead of my dragon I summoned Rudolph and with his nose so bright I was able to spam each individual boss with magic I got no shame I don't care Santa's got things to do and because of my good buddy I beat them all and was able to repair the Elden ring in hindsight I probably should have done the age of stars ending considering you know the name of the mod is but uh we'll take the age of fracture and that's it the hardest challenge I've ever done that's for sure hopefully this helped me prove myself a little bit and brings me one step closer to the gamer gods of Legend if you watched and thought hey I could do this easily then please by all means give it a shot I'll link them out in the description so that you can check it out there's also ascended mods for every other from soft game so who knows maybe I'll try those someday too that's it for me folks if you're craving more Elden ring content go check out my Eldon rig Nuzlocke video and with that thanks for watching everyone ggs
Channel: dumpykong
Views: 251,715
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eldenring, darksouls, dark souls, game of the year, elden ring dlc, elden ring challenge, challenge, dark souls challenge, elden ring speedrun, dark souls 2, dark souls 3, sekiro, dumpy, dumpykong, elden ring
Id: 0bTJdsQC54s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 14sec (1214 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 11 2022
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