Among Us But I Speedrun These Tasks

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you [ __ ] ti ti it's TI it's TI it's TI it's TI [ __ ] wires oh my bad okay I'm snitch it is TI D [ __ ] locked me in on the right side I freaking got him TI that he locked you in he locked you in hi I'm snitch he was he was locked in I was [Music] there like yeah they just go half I just got transporter too man that's such a fun rooll Troy I've been waiting for it for so long as soon as I get it I report I'm a big boy I'm a big boy that such a quick game I feel bad I'm so big oh my God huge Corella oh and I'm so slow holy [ __ ] Jesus how am I going to do anything how am I going to do anything please have okay hang on watch this watch this h m herey you a killer what the uh my I got places yeah I say like [ __ ] whoa there's uh we have a miner we have a miner Miner confirmed oh yeah yeah you just vented no you [ __ ] Ty was hungry why did you report um that was fast that was very fast where was the body the body was an electrical oh wait never mind wait what the body that I reported was like in the very beginning of el Fugu where did you teleport to uh storage we were in storage yeah storage okay I we have a minor confirmed but I also think I know what someone's role here is is now oh D this was very quick I will say my Mystic thing went off and uh I think I think Luigi may or may not be the jester here oh he he was calling out minor Miner oh oh [ __ ] yes I was I knew this I'm terrible of being in this thing I don't he said he said the Mystic thing I guess it I probably fell for that I was hungry you didn't let me eat I don't know what that rule is I was trying to search what rues Louis luig I was the engineer so when you vented I'm like ah this guy's a [ __ ] jest yeah that was a big Jester there's the worst person you could have done that in front of yeah whoops the engineer that can hard days you're bad one of these days I'm the sleuth I'm the I almost said my [ __ ] [Laughter] roll that's why I said I was hoping someone would oh I was like hello hi boy [Music] wires yeah concern confusion 18 hours no one's died yet oh about to die de Body Electric hey real quick this is just a question for Tai are people really shooting off fireworks right now I believe so yeah o what douche I don't like that that's dumb anyway sorry continue I know right I have no I have nothing to go on I just uh I was in electric doing tasks I moved down and saw a body in there uh the last people I saw on left side were Luigi and body electrical that's really all that I saw left was myself Bunch people in electrical last I was in mid Bay when the body was reported whereabouts an electrical was it uh like near the door and you were at the top of electrical yeah I the three tasks up there no I didn't see any no cuz I went in there when the lights went out I did the I was like right in there when they went out so I just did it and he's like oh you were really fast and then I went up the top did the things came back down he was dead I don't think it was beef cuz she went North or in the cafeteria when I left her yeah I I was I'm clear you hear that I'm clear I'm clear I'm clear well I don't I don't know why beef just stopped in the middle of the hallway can put sus on me now do you want sus on you why do you you right now cuz every time every time someone puts some sus on me and it's always with no think it's beef she's really going the mile with this whole I'm clear thing she's so defensive I voted the wrong person something to hide also who voted for me [ __ ] you guys SK your name was skip sorry common mistake my bad my bad you [ __ ] ti ti ti it's TI it's TI it's TI [ __ ] wires oh my bad okay I'm snitch it is TI D [ __ ] locked me in on the right side I freaking got him that he locked you in he locked you in hi I'm snitch he was he was locked in there I was I was over there but Ty was just by me so no he wasn't he was over by side [ __ ] imposter okay what where about the right side like all the way by the weapons mun thing weapons yes all right so I like how y okay well then I like how you all jump the gun you know it's not me know it's not me did it I think it is you go on Ty you can do this it couldn't have been me shooting cuz I voted first it I can't keep defending you and you don't say nothing what do you mean you think it's not me he's cooking what do you think it is then let him cook you know what you get my vote a mytic I planed my snitch route perfectly yeah he just speed ran his task so fast I could cook at all Troy [ __ ] sicko you wereas an 80c cool down he a diseased man oh hell yeah love it oh [Music] wait okay what the [ __ ] [Music] I didn't mean to I didn't mean to oh what oh my God you killed me FL what did you do me what what happened saying I didn't mean to right I was doing the one two three four me exploded someone said I didn't mean to I didn't mean to I was okay it was I was doing the one through 10 thing and I was like on number nine and I CLI instead youed in front of you do you think he was just Sheriff I think he was a very fast Sheriff yeah very Speedy sherff because that's something Ty would do well he's either Sher or you murdered him I did not murder him he was too fast but you tried that's my defense I do not try no oh no he was too fast I couldn't get him speaking from experience he is too fast oh oh damn okay burned t could not kill him if I tried oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] he's dead he can't defend himself need to build up that stamina Ty good Lord right supp do some practice or [Laughter] something just shooting everywhere so he sus beef um just in case he wasn't Sheriff but that's all we got really y sure okay oh what the oh okay interesting what happened we're swapping in here wait we roll swapped no we SWA position so if someone voted you I would have been killed oh yeah just Che oh wait got I got Med whoa what the [ __ ] yay what the [ __ ] all right oh um who's dead why are why are you just standing here HH no I caught you red-handed you're not going through this again red-handed what wasn't I was in electrical with us I was an electrical Troy was right there right on the body then he Bo over not right on the body but they're right there next to the body I just realized I just realized I was muted so this makes way more sense Fugu I walked left and on the vent I watched his body Drop Like drop over so either someone killed him in the like while they were in the vent or someone killed him and immediately vented right in front of us and with him walking up right behind us it was either flush por or be V can y not hear me we can hear you wasy the but you are right there you yes I was right there I didn't know I was muted I ran back trying to tell Fugu this guy just died on the vent and then you walked in screaming yeah me and Troy um fixed lights together and then went up to the top right of electrical to do a task so I don't think he would have killed like right next to me someone must have is there like an invisible killer on yes or it could have been that yeah that could have also been how Tai died true oh yes swop you know I'm reporting what I saw I gotta do what I got I got children to feed I got a dollar to take care you know what the [ __ ] you talking about we do not have a dollar you got little little baby chickens since only one person died it could not have been arsonist either no and unless somebody planted a bomb like on lights and it went over that vent also then it had to have been somebody inside of the vent yes is what happen go that far far I haven't been the bomber in among us yet so I don't know I don't think it then why was the say beef you've been bummer how big is the radius the radius is pretty big but I don't know if it's that big why wasn't the body reported then because again I didn't know I was muted and I wanted food to see Luigi and you were just close enough yep oh I know big S I mute every time I have to talk to my son who's playing them perfectly yeah I would have just killed Fugu hey first it wasn't it definitely wasn't you though right no I tried to talk to you after how do they not realize they're all grouped together knees on the vent so I'm like this just happened and then when the pink guy came in behind me I knew it could to be him either so I want to move I'm ready to die I'm just kidding just kill me I don't want to go back into elect just planted a bomb so it's about more seconds bro lyus what are you doing I don't got it oh that was we almost died Chad okay I could have died I could have died but you you were by me we were by ourselves and then if you two fugo and the mass one if you two weren't it only one person left has to be beat right because if Troy Jared could have killed me away a little bit like three times now I try like you know going to like the table and pushing a button but we whatever they are small braining it right now it's us three and then it's beef and Troy right so if Troy and Fugal are saying what electrical kind report that body if you two are telling the truth were just there that and I reported it so well I think it's beef explode them CU three times unless you know passively the perfect moment bom you did it we know you did it get my ear that was the perfect moment I I don't think we should stand and close just in you missed well they can't kill more than one person right unless it's a bomb if it's a bomb she can get everybody with one bomb that's right y who is it all think it's be it is it's either beef or the chicken I Troy is so marinated holy F 100% then I don't know I don't know cuz like again like I don't know if the bomb could reach like lights all the way up to that vent I want to look yeah and this is why I don't this is why I don't trust anyone anymore really big radius was here I'm assuming that's why we all have those TR issues I don't know how big it is cuz if it is that's [ __ ] up yeah that's that's pretty goated if it goes that far us I didn't see any been hilarious actually tested it out there that's true she's saving it to put it somewhere yeah this will be good oh this is going to be like crap okay disaster somebody putting down bombs faing Misa I don't here's my here's my reasoning if I report the body with Troy and fugo together and they both say they're not doing it and Jared could have killed me like three times because we're alone together like three times now he could have killed me been down let's play Passive and then that just leads you I I'm not I'm not k guilty like you know but how was it not you though you left yourself out of that whole equation it doesn't leave me I've been my tasks are done the problem is around here jar I watched the body fall over in front of me turned around to tell Fugu and he came rning up behind us so like I'm pretty clear of us three unless Fugu planted the bomb on lights and it could reach the vent otherwise it can't be Fugu either or it's not a bomber which three Troy you Fugu and who Infinite yeah well uh Beast how long is the cool down on the bomber like when you place the bomb how long they keep getting so close to the answer don't remember I don't think it was answer cuz 15 seconds okay wait a long time yeah it's not it's not like a whole 30 second cool down I'm not sure they so close to figuring this out I was pretty convinced it was beef or flush but also I didn't see beef at lights and I don't know if it was a bomb either I'm just saying I didn't see anyone vent I saw a body fall over on the vent so it could be a bomber and it could be a swooper I guess there was no Lea so it's not ninja or whatever that role is see could you kill inside the vent I don't think can you kill but Troy you saw the body flop over but you didn't see the vent move or anything no I just watched him fall is it an Escapist oh I didn't think Escapist o and now they're completely far away from the answer oh my goodness the other thing too I didn't see anyone above us they keep getting but of course it was wait could they the moment meday it's it's you and infinite right now I'm have a look uh electrical lights up it could definitely know for like the future yeah well now we know bomb deployed I'm just kind of chilling same I don't know who we're waiting on same I'm assuming the ghost didn't do anything [ __ ] [ __ ] the ghost is doing everything the [ __ ] cafeteria admin weapon I can't die I can't die I can't die I can't die I can't dude what the [ __ ] is all this okay besides the ninja but uh well the ninja in this game you like tele bomber could K why he not doing his task I did seven he's been taking forever I'm noticing what the hell he's like double- checking rooms and like bro just do your tasks over here navigation O2 is down here yes how is there two people in admin Bo listen to me oh thank God the last one Jesus hey I take forever my bad wait who who did I take out woo took me out you took out both me and uh Jared I got you both yes infinite we need to have a talk we're both just talking we keep having the same conversation Fugu I I figured it out fun yeah I figured it out as soon as like I went back down there I'm like wait the only person UNL with me was and that's when I went really quiet talking you and laugh and I'm like no I could have just killed people but I would really wanted to bomb people but every time I placed a bomb somewhere you all just ran off and I'm like mother cuz I I put one on bottom O2 in admin and then I set off O2 vented out but then you guys took forever to get there and only just fixed it and I was you nobody fixed it I engineered it last second I waited till 2 seconds and clicked it oh I fixed it I fixed one side then but no one fixed the other side I I heard someone go I don't know where I'm going and I'm all like we've got 5 seconds left we don't have time to get there I click the button I put a bomb there and then like nobody turned up until after the bomb had detonated and then I put another bomb when we were all in cafeteria just talking and then you all left the bomb area oh I was like we should have Stay Together someone's got a bomb I'm pretty sure yeah and then you were dispersed and I was like try you [ __ ] I had to then I got in vent and then I was in the vent and you're like two in admin I'm like I've got to let her know that I'm the engineer so she doesn't kill me then I'm like we won and thankfully infinite oh God I was going to come out like I know it's you you [ __ ] oh hello I was at zero of eight tasks and you were at four of eight I got all eight of M done you I I don't know where anything is I don't know where this you you were the guy that's running around going I don't know where I'm going you s just so funny I was like I guess I'll do my task so she feels the pressure maybe she'll just kill whole enti map that you can press came back done two tasks I was like a yeah so just for reference with the bomber radius I put it like right on lights and it just clipped Luigi's like bottom half as download so it still killed him yeah damn and I was muted so I'm so glad you B for me fuku yeah can so wait when you killed Ty I was just I didn't I didn't hey there it's Luigi plays a thing if you like the video please leave a like subscribe to see more what I have to offer in the future I have so much planned and I hope you enjoy everything comment anything you like to see next and I may just cover it all right then I will see you the next time that I play a thing oh
Channel: Luigi Plays A Thing
Views: 49
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: NR-b_URQ2uY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 29sec (1709 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2024
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