I Interviewed Youtubers 2 Years Apart......

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so today's video is a little bit different my original plan was to actually interview these youtubers exactly one year later a lot like the billy eilish vanity fair interview unfortunately the world had a different plan [Applause] welcome back to the real channel on youtube yo guys what is going on welcome to today's video and welcome back to my channel the channel is just blowing up right now let's get it let's get a chart going if you haven't heard of the tick tock app your children probably have i'm speaking directly to all new zealanders today what we do in the next few years will determine the next few thousand years so here we are in 2021 exactly two years later from the time we originally filmed this and i managed to get the same group of youtubers to come and sit down and answer the exact same questions and this is how it played out oh geez [Laughter] hi i'm simon aka minnie minter i'm emily cannon hi i'm randolph i'm vidal rayleigh's the 29th of march 2021 i think and i am a youtuber i'm a professional boxer youtuber rapper i'm a musician rapper pokemon master now as well and i am a legend in the game of youtube all right yeah that's me um how's life now uh it's it's it's life it's it's it's a box that i live in i'm not gonna lie to you i sat here two years ago thinking oh my gosh i'm not gonna say it but like i'll be settled by then i have a house so like maybe have a kid uh no it's pretty similar to what it was before but i'm a little bit more confused i feel like the lockdown has changed everything especially our memory as well i can't remember it than before lockdown i mean even before that i didn't really leave my my room but now yeah i just record during the day stream at night because i can't go outside and film sidemen videos 24 7. it's not fun i can't wait for this to be over so i can choose to sit in my own flat instead of being forced to sit in my own flat so this was your response two years ago how's life life is so good busy loving it uh kind of done with the weather but life is very good i just remember being exhausted constantly i was flying from between london la literally every few weeks i was non-stop working and you i you can hear my voice i sound sick pretty good right now just moved into the new flat so really good i'm actually enjoying going out for once yep well that all took a deep turn um how many subscribers do you have i think it's like 1.15 so yeah a million 150 000 yeah subscribers yeah this is what you had two years ago i'm really nervous you know i didn't deserve subs with that hair uh my main channel has 7.8 million damn and my second has 3.5 we'll get 3.5 for sure you know i thought my channel was like this like slowly damn uh my main channel was just hit 9.3 million subs second channel is 4.6 and i think i've got like two new channels since then as well do you remember what you had uh probably about 370. next year i'm gonna be chains and everything rings everything just for the video she just for the video and now we're taking them off uh we're about 280 000 subscribers not bad not bad 105k i wasn't sure but then when you go over 100 it starts going small so it starts going small who's the most famous person that follows you well i think i think it's stephen hickey now would you say he's more famous than ksi probably right yeah annoyingly probably jj ksi i felt like i knew that was coming you know what i'm i'm a counter amir beckham yeah that was a follower and i don't know if he still follows me do i do what i want to know or do i want to live in bliss that's him haven't followed me no this can't be right hang on he still follows toby and manny well this is an awful day the beckham's unfollow me since then i've actually deleted twitter so i think justin bieber still follows me but i can't actually check can you recollect your worst fan interaction yes and i'm pretty sure it's probably what i said two years ago i just been through a really public breakup and i was at westfield and this girl came up to me and she's like emily like how are you and i was like yeah i'm good thank you how are you and she put a hand on my shoulder she's like no but really how are you and that will always stick with me and it was the most uncomfortable moment of my life and i just don't know what she was expecting me to say but i'm not going to start obviously spewing information about you know a breakup or something and yeah it's always made me feel uncomfortable oh maybe a mum trying to slide in my dm's trying to sleep with me i did decline but i appreciate the offers probably there was one person who we did a sidemen meet up and we had a cardboard cutout of the seven of us oh i said someone who lips me my cutout started actually making out with the cardboard cutout of me for a vlog that one that one is definitely crazier but um yeah shout out the mums out there and what would you say has been your favorite moment in your whole life so far probably probably shooting the music videos yeah just because like music's always been something i wanted to do uh and yeah maybe some like slow motion slow motion probably is the best thing okay yeah big song that i did that was one of the biggest music videos i ever did i mean i remember jj um was oh we should shoot music video for this i was like yeah man like i could probably like pay like 500 pounds for the music video he was like nah we're doing 20k and i was like what i said i went into the sam's room i was like we can't spend 20km music video um and then new age happened and jj went and spent like 100 on red alerts so i got used to that real quick probably my mum having my little sister i'd probably say which is probably not what i said before do you know what it would have to be uh this day so a brand took me to paris for lunch on a private journal empty so woke up in the morning went to the airport we flew to paris on a jet we went for lunch by the eiffel tower i remember the trip i don't remember saying that was the best life experience ever i sound like a bit of a brat to be honest i was so caught up in this this world that was my real world that was just so ridiculous from every angle like pre-covered that was my real life and definitely having that all taken away from me for the past year and a half has made me re-evaluate and rev re-evaluate what's important to me what sort of music are you listening to right now right now i'm listening to a old uh old town road a little little nas [Laughter] dave right now i've had his album on repeat but a lot of the old g unit 50 stuff that's pretty much all i listen to every day in my life bro i'm so old school man still jay-z 57 i think now i actually go back and listen to the like the prior stuff like i listened to i was a kid almost exclusively juice world and kid leroy r b american rap and then grime things like jme post malone juice world yeah well i mean kid leroy wasn't about at that point so uh yeah killer roy's up there now juice world you've been listening to brent fires a lot gunner drake kendrick don tolevo quite a mixture how would i come out to you i don't know maybe some gun on a little baby or something because they've got some energy there is a particular song that i've got on repeat right now and you're probably gonna have no clue what it is but it's by an artist called jessie mccartney and it's called better with you oh i remember being obsessed with this song and it's still in my like recently played it's such a good song but it's actually quite not sad but yeah are you rich nah nah i'm doing a lot better than i was doing last year but uh i don't really cringe with the whole morning more problems thing i'm getting out a little bit i've got to pay tax now i don't understand it so that's jokes well i'll pay taxes now yeah i've understood it a little bit more though which is nice what's one thing that you wish you'd told yourself a year ago oh um saw your attacks out [Laughter] that anymore no i'm actually not rich no no i just can't give you the same answer for that one over and over again even in the next interview uh yes i am i yeah i i make jokes about other people being rich which a lot of people get onto me at they're like you can't pretend that you're not rich i don't pretend i'm not rich i just say other people are as well no uh maybe richard and i was richer than i've ever have been this is which is nice but no i won't say i'm rich and what's the most expensive thing that you've bought my laptop that's jokes ross i mustn't have been buying cars as much well the value was probably left back then that's a joke most expensive thing i've bought it has to be like a pokemon card really no actually the most if anything i bought was a binder there's a binder of of of skyridge for like 11k 11 12k what's one thing that you would tell your future self don't drop out of the people that are here now [Laughter] no still yeah same same people are still around so yeah i listen i knew i was going to listen to that because that's what i genuinely believe that's one of my core things like you have to stick with the people that are your people uh not care about comments or views i mean i've started to already go down that route but i kind of feel like if i can get to the point where i don't care at all then that's what i'm gonna be like really happy with youtube you know what i think i've done that deleted twitter i don't look at youtube comments that's pretty much all the toxic that's the toxic places i've got rid of those two from my life good job me i think i've done well describe your life right now in one word my life right now hectic yeah i feel really sorry for emily then i really do because i think you can hear in my voice how ill i was i was it was such a weird time i was so happy and so grateful and experiencing so many things i feel so lucky to have experienced but i was definitely crashing i would have a few manic weeks i would crash a few manic weeks i'm really yeah i'm really grateful for this past year and a half it's taught me a lot it's gonna be so cringy i'd probably just say mad that's so broad um well that's not as mad anymore i don't think uh i think again because lockdown's happening just been relaxing really i think i think i said expensive at the minute mainly because i'm running the business now i'm buying stuff every day and a lot of risk taken so it feels very it feels very stressful and expensive but i'm thankful for it for sure so i think i'd say i just say expenses a steady journey [Music] one word for that i would be uh i don't know um steady let's just say steady i think that's still the case i think that's still the case i feel like i'm still on that steady journey that i was talking about then and obviously on that journey it will speed it'll go it'll speed up it'll slow down but i still just like yeah just like a marathon really i feel like i'm further along in the race now but still steady right now relaxed damn i was so much cooler two years ago i was fun i was relaxed two years ago i felt like i was in a good place and then i started doing more things stressing me out two more channels the sidemen doing more stuff we've got an extra sidemen channel et cetera and now i'm a lot more stressed you know it all pays off what's one thing you'd like to accomplish in life retire my parents that's that would be good they're young anyway so maybe actually retire my grandma it's a bit more of a race you know but uh yeah save my grandma first no one's retired mate everyone's working hard everywhere everyone's grounded everyone's a grounding but um i do feel like i'm closer to um achieving that which is why i said i do feel like i'm further along in the race i do feel like i'm closer to achieving that and i've done things for them that um i would never have been able to do before i'd love to be a mom yeah all right cool and how many how many kids would you like to have oh see this is a hard one i feel like no more than four but no less than two would you like to how many would i like to have none right now no none right well not right now i it's so funny i i feel like genuinely i sat there two years ago thinking in you know two years time i'll be settled down with not with a family but maybe have like a kid or a kid on the way and a house and it's so not happened and i don't think it even would have happened had covered not happened and it's i don't know i guess i felt not pressured but everyone around me was doing that all my friends at home were settling down my older sister had a kid and i guess i was like yeah well that's what i should do then and i live a completely different life so yeah it's not happened and it's probably not going to anytime soon i'd like to probably do my own show like i do a lot of shows with jj now that's sick we do collaborative stuff but to be able to be able to do a complete show on my own and still have people come that would mean a lot did you ever get a chance to do that i guess yes and no we did the tour together which was like out i guess it's more my thing than what it was before where i'll just be featured with jj but uh we did the new age tour which i guess is more of my own but i've still never done my own actual show i think i probably would have to be fair this year but uh still that's probably my goal i still wanted to do that it's probably not realistic but 10 million subscribers on my main channel it failed lad but my realistic one i'd hope to get is um a million subscribers on my podcasts with randolph you failed again lad we're way off we're in about 600k right now so that growth is incredibly slow if i hit 10 mil in one year's time i might have to quit uh 10 mil main channel if we're talking like statistics 10 mil 5 mil 1 million clips one mil on podcast that's like the aim if we're talking anything else i want to have bought or put like a payment on a final house like a house to live in not to like rent like i want to find like the perfect house if you could visit one place where would that place be if i could visit one place in the world right now and just like click my fingers and be there i would go to la uh because i haven't seen my boyfriend in eight months and that's where he is oh i have so many places that i'd like to visit i haven't yet my main one is probably australia but i have like a an endless list did you get together i went to australia in september of 2019 so it happened not too long after this i went all around queensland i went with one of my best friends and it was the most epic two weeks of my life and definitely like a bucket list tick um what's one place you'd like to visit tokyo tokyo japan tokyo japan and i know i said tokyo but tokyo tokyo yeah i want to go tokyo that's it that is the only place where i'm like i have to go i want to go there i'm definitely going next year for the olympics shut up i'm still going all right that's what my advice would have been i would have said go tokyo right now just book a week off go tokyo mainly for the pokemon stuff but just for just for a break anyway i think i like japan the culture is great tokyo tokyo all right i like pokemon i got a lot of pokemon there so yeah that is sweet she can buy some pokemon cards from the pokemon come on yeah i want to learn some of their fat strategies because they're very cerebral so i want to learn some of that tokyo i'd like to go tokyo uh hawaii brazil iceland i see them lights i've seen him less supervised no i haven't seen no lights i haven't seen the lights yet but you know what iceland is more like i can do that so i'm not really that fussed about it japan's a big one what's your current relationship status you know complicated complicated complicated i'm in a relationship yeah i am i'm happy actually i'm all right still married yeah thankfully i kept the same boyfriend i am in a relationship i don't know what the right term is take take it that's the one what relationship advice would you give to anyone uh she's always right that's it just yeah see i've learned right when you get a year or two in bollocks the first year or two she's always right she is always right after that if she's wrong she's wrong don't always try and chase what you aren't currently in that's what i would say so if you're in a relationship or you're married or something then just you know you have to be happy with that with your choice uh if not then hop out it's a nice answer but i didn't really think i'd tell people to get divorced yeah i wouldn't put it like that anymore i wouldn't say like you know be happy if you're not happy then of course then that's not good but um but i do i think i i i know what i meant which is kind of like just appreciate you know your partner or or not no partner appreciate what you have what's one thing you'd like to see changed in the world in a year's time anything realistic probably commentary channels to stop i just want those channels that make a living off other people failing i want that to stop i mean at the same time everyone's got to get that bread you know so i kind of like whatever i mean i don't really care i just don't pay attention to them anymore if there was one thing you could change about yourself right now what would you change one thing i change right now playing my hair like yeah my hair i don't know that's the thing i i i like it how it is but no one else likes it i'll show you my hair yeah i like it now thank you very much no thank you yeah nice perfect sick let's go love bro [Music] i'm al's it's march 29th 2021 i am a youtuber and also a presenter my name is callum aka luxiboo hello my name is ali alfatri but online i go by an easton gib some call me the beast from the middle east or seven figure giver
Channel: Calfreezy
Views: 3,195,822
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Soccer, Football, Calfreezy, Rebel, Rebel FC, London, England, How to, Footy, Tekkers, YouTuber, Challenge, Soccer Skills, Football Skill, Trick Shots, Soccer Fails, Football Fails, Tricks, Freestyle Football, funny, comedy, friends, vlog, vlogging, freezy
Id: 6S8wa0Ga4YY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 59sec (1259 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 19 2021
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