I Set Up A Fake Interview With KSI

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i've had this video for a very very long time now i actually had it set up to film with jj in cambridge but because the kid likes to overwork himself to the point of death uh he cancelled on the day and it all fell apart but i got him i got him in the end so let me explain i know that jj says no to 99.9 of all interviews that come his way i had no chance unless i was like sky or vogue or someone like super relevant like that so i decided to drop an undisclosed member of jj's management team an email telling him what i was doing and hoping that he would hop on board and i'll save you all the ins and outs but uh after a long string of messages he agreed as long as i didn't take it too far which of course i wouldn't why would i ever do that anyway before we get into the video you know what time it is i am dropping my brand new no two ways sapphires on the first of november at 6 00 pm uk time and i just wanted to say something i want to say thank you firstly for like all the support so far on the brand over the last year and secondly these are the comfiest most stylish highest quality sneakers that you will ever be able to find at the price point of a hundred pounds like jokes i'll tell you something okay i know i'm not supposed to say this but [ __ ] it we've spoken to a couple of investors for no two ways amazing right their one bit of feedback so far has been that the product is too cheap we're selling it for too cheap compared to how much we're paying for the shoe so it's not just coming from me uh it's them too anyway i'll stick a little advert at the end of this video uh give it a watch if you like it come along and buy most limited drop this year i always appreciate your support again and enjoy the video it's a bang it's a banger jj's building is incredibly hard to get into but i found a way now i am here and i asked them to keep the door open to me and they have i'm going to take a look okay not the cameras we'll just need to make it more like the bathrooms [Music] okay and now i'm gonna set up camp on his bathroom floor all right the squad have like slowly been sneaking stuff in thank you thank you so i've got a screen to keep an eye on things i've also got a mic so i can speak to james look at that he literally has no idea am i down that camera first that one first and then down that one and then i'll go hi welcome to up next where we interview the next up and coming stars across tv film and music and we are delighted to welcome today a very special guest is ksi ksi thank you so much for joining us today thank you thank you for having me so how's the tour been going has has the music tour's been going at the moment uh so the tour is actually finished uh for this leg anyway and then we're gonna continue next year okay uh doing the uk europe tour you know bigger venues didn't you skip some tours or skip yeah did you decide not to do some of them no no i was i was actually ill oh you were oh yeah right oh of course um and we we saw you guys at um reading festival as well and you brought some fans onto the stage i mean was that what did they win a competition or fans yeah you brought like some fans upon so they just seemed really yeah happy too they won a competition through the they're all my friends do you know sideman yeah i've heard of the yeah i didn't know i thought they were fans but oh that's that's great it was like um make a wish foundation with terminal children wow with some of them terminally ill because calyx was just calyx what's going on i just i just thought they'd want a competition to be there but yeah they're your friends that's great that's so charity yeah oh yeah and giving them an opportunity as well i mean what no like they're just i just brought them to come on so why did you bring them out then so why did why did you bring them out because they're my mates what the hell but it was your show it was your show how would you yes i can do that you can yeah and you bring them out and yeah that's great i really yeah i think that's yeah fans really love to hear that kind of stuff i've been listening to your music and okay to be fair i think it's all right i know genuinely i think like i think people out there are going to really oh wow that's going to take off thank you so much yeah no yeah i think it's really all right it's okay yeah it's okay okay it's not my cup of tea but it's okay what are you more into well i i don't know i just like you know things with a bit more credibility i don't know what what do you think of your own what we what i'm just going crazy i've just got an old-fashioned set i like marie no i just mean i'm old school so i like you know like craig david yeah he's really old yeah but have you ever actually spoken to these people have you have you spoken to these people i've made songs of them yeah but like have you have you spoken to them you feature quite heavily on your albums did you yeah of course i've spoken about move on moving down okay that's great um we'll move on to obviously jake paul he's been he's been killing it recently i mean obviously with tyron woodley and he's got obviously tommy fury fight coming up next i i guess with all due respect you surely don't believe you're going to beat him [Laughter] um obviously right now i'm not in trainings yeah i mean when was the last time you worked out was it a couple year ago what are you what are you doing when was the last wednesday worked out for for you know to get in boxing shape yes oh oh okay so yeah it's been about a year plus yeah yeah i can tell yeah um yeah that's great thank you for for that um so on the show we we just love to do a segment called uh out of touch so it's my job to just see i mean you seem a bit out of touch no i mean this is just this is a kind of fan listenership they just kind of like to hear these kind of things if we do a bit of yeah we're going then yeah so what we'll do it's a really old kind of question you've probably got it all the time but um yeah so we like to just ask these kind of run-of-the-mill questions just see kind of how in touch with reality okay um superstars like yourself so how much is a uh i don't if you get on the camera how much is a pint of milk how much does pineapple cost uh about a quid pounds yeah yeah i know i'm lactose intolerant so okay oh so how much does a pint of oatmeal cost oh no okay and that's and that's a pound that's about a pound okay yeah i mean that's that's that's pretty high for for just a regular pint of milk usually i think that's the highest section do i even ask you the next question yeah i mean do i should i ask you the next question i'll go on there no no a pack of toilet paper here i'm just do uh andrex so yeah i don't know if you can say it for the advertisers but yeah how much do you uh think yeah pack a four toilet papers cut a pound very come on yes come on are you joking is that high low it's way too low it's way too low it's way too long i mean this i mean you just all you need to do is wipe your arms you know there's a lot of other things that toilet roll is used for as well yeah obviously yeah this is one of the worst we've ever had that's one of the worst answers we've okay it's like the first away that's the yeah that's okay no no no no no no sorry yeah we can cut that late um we'll pick it up here if that's right um yeah chat to many artists seems like obviously we talked about touring and i was researching you on google and come across a picture of you before the joe weller fight and the work i mean fantastic fights would you blame your would you blame your subsequent weight gain on touring or is this is this um is this on purpose or oh what this yeah because obviously before you were yeah i was there and now it's um yeah and now it's kind of is that milk does your chef buy the milk for you yes he does oh he does let's go what's what's your name yeah yeah yeah ian the [ __ ] okay great well he does all the milk buying and the oatmeal yeah i'll get it for a bit yeah cheaper than a pound whenever an artist released a book it's always a milestone in any artist's career um it's always a massive achievement did you think when you released i'm a bell end did you think you'd ever be able to top that [Laughter] or did you think that's the pinnacle of uh uh well at the time we've been making now was quite childish yeah yeah very childish so it's the pinnacle of your life younger career so that's pinnacle of your younger career that was your your war and peace i guess uh well i kind of was a bit of a rebel at the time so yeah i thought it'd be jokes like have you topped it since have you have you topped it since i mean uh well i mean i you know i did the simon but yeah that got a bestseller so what was the sidemen book called the side of the side oh great really yes it's clever okay um so just off camera um some of the content we're shooting is going to go out over christmas so we're just going to ask you some uh a couple of festive questions oh yeah yeah of course of course we'll go back it's christmas uh i know the fans are really keen for this next question so if you would love to invite anyone around for christmas dinner this year dream guests uh pick three anyone that you want who would you invite around for christmas dead or alive fantasy uh real yeah anyway um i think uh it'd be interesting to talk to michael jackson michael jack yeah yeah um yeah you've got him you've got him uh charles gambino charlie campbell yeah actually yeah um tyler the creator so great so yeah another christmas without the family then [Laughter] a lot of people use this opportunity to reconnect with their family and a lot of fans like to know that they're using that as an opportunity yeah nice that was i played that was nothing fair no i didn't i didn't mean it i didn't mean it that way your answers were good i just no it's okay it's okay bro okay well yeah we'll move we'll move on um yeah xix vodka congrats thank you thank you man yeah um moving on yeah moving on um oh that's it oh wow yeah i mean that's all i've got i've not tasted it i don't know i don't know yeah do you have any do you have any here is it i've got a little bit yeah yeah maybe yeah we'll just take that up after yeah after that we've got i'd that'd be very generous thank you so much i'll give that to my family at christmas so yeah i'll see them probably um i've got we've got a bit of a worldwide exclusive today we nearly finished um one of our photographers they snapped this photo the other day and i think we can now confirm it's been a while obviously it's been in the woodwork that your girlfriend is um the one and only uh emily black that's you and emily black can you confirm that is uh yeah and we can confirm i think it's pretty obvious that that's you it is you that is you i would say that's nope and she she confirmed it too she confirmed it as well and he's about the same size as you so five seven five i'll tell you how tall are you i'm five eleven five i don't know how tall emily black i mean he actually looks a lot more about five foot i think yeah i think emily black's about five foot so i'm saying she looks about right she looks about right i think she's just issues that is you that is can we get confirmation on camera confirmation camera that it i just fans just love to yeah this is not this is not me okay how can you deny it how can you deny it would you have a joke she's said and you're next to it also her word over mine well i know it's not even a word i can i can see him yeah this is you we'll we'll move we'll move on worldwide exclusive oh it's a worldwide exclusive there um my last question uh a lot of this is a question submitted by our fans they would love to know if you could rank the penis sizes of the sidemen from smallest to large okay um all right well i'm number one your number is smallest no biggest bigger so you're going from biggest to smallest yeah of course now i thought you're being um yeah very humble but yeah no that's actually all the biggest you reckon you've got the biggest do you think you've got the biggest penis out there probably okay yeah do you yeah and you've met yeah you often said i imagine and then i think it's toby toby toby's second biggest yeah yeah uh and then probably ethan easton yeah simon yeah josh joe okay we're getting to the yeah and then vic oh no what did victory what a victory i know i'd say maybe i'd say maybe harry's a bit bigger than vic then okay then vic at the end and you guys were supposed to have like a [ __ ] that's what i'm assuming and you guys i actually haven't seen any of those people and you guys are supposed to have like a [ __ ] off or something there so yeah i heard you wanted to do it i heard you wanted to do yeah thanks so much for your time thank you so much for your time i'm so glad this is thank you thank you i've hated thank you ksi okay you're the only one clapping i thought it was a great interview so i was just commending myself and you thank you so much thank you so much for coming through the whole time the milk in the toilet paper we just yeah it's just taking the pizza no no no not at all it's generally like the questions we just really wanted i don't even know why we just really want to hear about like i said just the people like bit down to earth and obviously with the family thing yes mate what are you doing here how are you doing hey james nice thank you that was good that was good that is that is one of the best interviews i think i've ever seen okay and it's going to be on my channel how was my manager i'm surprised you went to the venus thing i'm surprised you let us do that i'm shaking i'm like shaking man [ __ ] it oh okay well i don't know it was a good interview the questions were coming i was just getting destroyed how did you go along with it i was expecting you to be like nah actually i'll just sack it off like no no no i'm gonna get me today no i know i'm just the type of guy that you know accepts everything okay yeah you know what it takes a pound for oatmeal yeah yeah everything's a pound he shops in poundland this guy's your jokes he's good he's good he's good thanks so much sorry that was all caleb stuff that was not that was yeah [Music] excuse me yeah i heard you look got the no two way sapphires in stock size man give me one second cool size nine yeah [Music] sure [Music]
Channel: Callux
Views: 2,874,518
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: callux
Id: RE4c5uk1dKw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 54sec (954 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 29 2021
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