MEET My NEW FAMILY (Game Of Life 2)

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what's up dudes welcome back to a new game of life do me a favor if you have a life hit the like button down below also hit the subscribe button hope you enjoy this very long video all right boys let's do this game little boy dude look at this this is a brand new game this just came out like a week ago look at this dude dude i'm getting 60 frames a second look at this all right boys for you new guys to game of life how this works uh let's decide who plays first it's going to be me gummy me me me spin the wheel me spin the wheel all right i go third so seagull how game of life works we start back here as little infants right then we have to go to college immediately after infancy right or you can choose to not go to college and get a job so waiting for central sister what are you doing oh he just okay top left he just spent a hundred grand to go to college and there's no listen if you guys didn't know this right if you have a life right look below the video and if you really have a life you'll see a like button and if you hit it it'll turn blue does that make any sense wait which way you can pick watch a game do i want to do guitar lessons or get watch a game stream you guys cost a hundred thousand dollars but you get two books you get two books so the books at the end add up to your score so if you guys are in the lead forever get the most books you get a higher score oh it's whoever has the 1000 i'm not spending 100 000 right now you just watch the livestream you're an idiot yeah dude okay so you have a book okay we haven't played this new game yet game of life too i have no clue what to expect so we're gonna dab i'm the king all right all right fine now you're beautiful before i want to go for college or career are you going to a college degree even school only wins okay so now he's choosing a job video blogger or pop star salary is 30k or 40k but look at the taxes welcome back to another video he's a video vlogger dude you're a vlogger pay less in taxes where i could just become a pop star you're you're going to be famous you're going to be scared of taxes so you're a pop star you can't say sing us your best song okay don't sing us your best song that was good all right now he's spinning where's he going 10. you already have to pay taxes no i don't i'm just kidding it's hard to spend it hold it down hold down the space bar oh space bar there he goes he's the mouse oh one two three oh what is that action action oh you can get two or you can get ah what does the heart do bevel i think the heart is just like the accolades of the the the reading one so the more you have or whatever it's about her score so i'm gonna uh [Applause] okay so you just lost 100 wait you didn't lose 100 grand you stole 230. no i think he'll take it away there you go oh there we go i am not understanding this at all by collecting attributes you can increase your final score plus money equals the player with the highest score wins oh okay i get it i get it you know i'm going to college boys i'm gonna be smart 100 grand down the drain ah gosh okay spinning forward wait how do i spin there we go all right dab seven seven seven i'm already at college i'm done with college already oh look at me graduating look at the schedules you can be a janitor now well hopefully when i get jobs now and i got a book for graduating whoa it's time to choose a job career college master i can get a master's degree you get a master's degree oh my oh wait do you see his jobs look at those chats but also look at that director so phil drucker has a 70 000 salary a hundred and ten thousand taxes on robotics engineer i mean is taxes just like something you can land on it's that little thing you know how in the other game whenever you yeah that little thing in the center if somebody else landed on they would pay you but if i land on that i have to pay myself or i have to pay the government how do you spend there space don't want to get taxes those are some high taxes for the robotic engineer what is this oh job oh you can oh get a raise get a raise to increase your salary get a new job to try your luck and choose a new job okay which one you gotta pick new dude you can get a raise obviously i'm getting that twelve thousand dollar raise boy and i got a book okay okay okay all right where are you going i'm i you know i never went to college well i went to college i just never went to university because you're an idiot i thought you could be a pop star with before dude i could be a pop star or you could be an athlete but look at those taxes dude look at those taxes i gotta go with that i gotta go with that okay okay lucky number is four okay okay okay well you're a box so spin the wheel waiting okay rock paper scissors you can watch my live stream or rock paper scissors where i thought i bet you won't fight me i bet you won't fight me rock paper scissors wait so we have to play rock paper scissors no we have to spin the highest number okay select your opponent spin oh okay so you have to spin you got a two way to go so whoever wins this takes a hundred grand from the other person he got a two get up give me that nine god thank you did you pay wait [Laughter] you should have gone to school idiot all right boys dude this map is slipped down dude all right sizzy's turn i wanted there to be a minigame so guys have you figured it out if you have a life yet has the like button turned blue why are you guys like this listen i'm just wait why did you just um okay wait why did you pay him because it was his lucky number a job gives you a lucky number when someone spends your number they'll pay you but if you spend you get your bonus from the bank oh that's not taxes taxes must be something you land on you bought oh are you going to be a robotics engineer oh video game designer wait you already see the jobs i don't see them yet hold on yeah it's either robotics engineer or video games designer which one's it gonna be boy robotics engineer is high taxes we don't know what taxes do it's actually something if you land on it you pay them or you pay it at the end maybe i'm gonna be a robotics engineer bring it boy i'm gonna be better than you i already make more money i make twelve thousand more because you suck that's because you've been in the career longer okay what i just started a minute ago you started two minutes ago that's why wow what no excuse me yep thank you no i wanted that raise oh oh no wait oh babe that's taxes right there those are taxes that's how you get taxes i swear if i pay taxes right now so help me that's a hundred and ten thousand go ahead and spin it that's more than twenty-five percent of it taxes hey wait collect bonuses okay this bank gives you 100k he got lucky i didn't see the spin did you guys see the spin i don't see when you guys spin that's what happens i'm sorry so you got 100k all right i see i said all right bible go ahead but you pop star bible's the pop star okay that sucks we can't see that you only got 30k for a salary match and i get that when i poop you know now i could pick would be nice stay single like a city oh you can get married now you know i'm going get married people get married don't tell my girlfriend well what if you marry your girlfriend well you kind of are a common law management what two give me that money only 30k vip our schedules we make that when we go dump dude honestly me and sunday were the smart ones or the robotic designers okay so i'm here yeah so i'm about to get married i need a one two three four five six to get married okay here we go give me a six to get married get married harry bonus well wait you could get oh thank you i just paid you 50 grand that's more than my salary when someone spins your star they'll pay you 50 grand but if you spin your own star you get your bonus from the bank oh that's what the bonus is yeah you're not a lot of people think okay look on the map right there you see that red one i'm pretty sure that's taxes i prefer everything you have no i don't want to pay taxes all right obviously i'm getting married and i'm going to marry i'm going to marry bolin trees mary said mayor oh mary bullet yeah okay wait can i marry specials again hey i thought what we are out here go ahead and roll my number right now thank you thank you thank you ah picture wait oh no can i oh oh you still you can't did you guys see that spin yeah yeah so if you spin it around really really quickly then you can see my spin no i think if you use space bar you can't see yeah ooh can't go to the stars or get guitar lessons dude you get two books dude two two whole books but nobody wants 60 000 a book 50 you know what you know what what as a kid i always wanted to get guitar lessons and i gave up on it so this time i'm the one you got two books what do the books do though i told you yeah but you lie to me often ooh next round okay i don't know why you never all right who's turn i hope it's mine all right sydia don't be a stupid head so just spin it around really really fast and let go oh we can see your spin now that's cool okay yeah yeah okay did you use the space bar no okay good all right no more using the space bar you're grounded fine dad are you decisions just do your normal life dude okay you guys are toxic dude you get a book dude if you stay single you get a book you know i'll do it oh he's going single what an idiot pay me all right two ooh what do you land on wait what is that what is that that goes to that house go to a concert two hearts rock paper scissors rock paper scissors dude you're gonna do it you're gonna do it dude you can get two full hearts for going to a concert rock band all right i'm watching him roll what is he going to get what is he going to get what is he going to get all right here we go give me a 10. i'm buying a tesla with that dude oh hey speaking of tesla guys we got a video coming up soon now one of these bots in this video won a tesla or did they [Music] i don't know they all look so handsome you're purple what's that mean why are you purple i'm confused i don't know it's purple dude i just wanted to do purple i know it's happiness you have one heart that's it yeah that's more happiness than all of you why do you have a crown i don't understand what the crown does with them dude what does that mean for your wedding gift it's a bonus if you get to that if you get then uh oh give me my money give me my money study thank you for the time why did you pay me for the test oh you take it from everyone oh because he got married we have to give him a wedding gift okay all right that's a good one well it does technically literally pay me that's me that's me you just got 30k that's it you suck what is this action learn video editing or go to a concert oh you get a heart though you get two hearts oh i could either go in the lead for this one or go in the lead for this one you're already in there you didn't need for both of them exactly i'm going to leave no no no no don't don't don't try to out think about it i don't understand what the crown does it's okay here we go please crap here we go here we go here we go here we go here we go spinning it spinning it there we go do we have any information do we have anything oh i'm getting married again all right who are you marrying dude i'm marrying i'm on the right is me yeah henry i don't want to marry you know what i'm marrying biff trees come with me biff trees you know the trees no i don't like it i don't like that all right we got a heart anything that's happening oh here we go here we go okay now you guys got to pay me pay me boys dang it you know what i'll say that are you weak dude yeah whatever well you're gonna have to pay taxes soon give me that money i think he's making that noise i'm not making a lot of the pops all right now i spin the move here we go four oh no i gotta pay [Applause] hey we're giving my money back come on biff trees oh a house buying a house is expensive but you will get piggy banks and you can always sell it later you don't have the choice you already have to buy 999 000 that's 9 billion all right oh suburban house or an apartment so max sell price 560 250. dude that environment biff trees you want to live in an apartment [Music] and i got a little thingy am i wait did i not oh you got a piggyback wait does that make me uh you have the most wealth hold the crown until the end to win ah okay i got the card and you have the third ground i have no money yeah you look like no money got him oh good for buying an apartment with biff trees okay what are you gonna do what are you gonna do here henry huh yeah i'm trying to spin oh pay me back my 50. did you get it boy what did you get let's see what i get let's see what i get i like watching henry be poor yeah i don't suppose [Music] what did you get 100k for you don't even exist barely next round all right boys let's do it look at that here we go you're a great champion all right what's he gonna do here pay me pay me all my money pay him pay me don't pay me no thank you i got places to go see you guys later yeah i mean you are literally just quitting life oh oh watch it hey look at how much money he had ooh visit a vr museum two books or a cell phone get a new smartphone ooh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait if you get the books you'll be there oh yeah yeah i'm coming for that crown dude took the crowd what does the crowd do because i gave you i didn't ask i didn't ask you you literally did you stole it from biffle dude that's toxic you talked about give me your crown nobody's read nobody's gonna take my piggy bank account so no i'm coming for you you guys don't even get to watch me spit all right i'm speed running this round me hey i didn't even see you spit oh yeah you did the fantastic way three what is this what is this babies family so you can either buy it you can either buy a house oh there's a high okay there's higher chances to buy a house on the left path right passes more more families huh you know what little baby biffster coming through you're ill oh no don't ever sit down be a good parent what do you mean ah i don't know about that you can't even drive you can't even spin correctly come on little baby one two he's gonna miss every single baby baby baby he just gotta be wait dogs are people get paid i can give pets you can get up babies family oh my god come on little flash at zero you just got a little cat oh gosh you got a heart though i got a fur baby instead of a baby baby oh yeah well i gotta you know he's gonna get it alright here we go i'm about to get married i'm about to get married oh nine oh i'm about to have a i'm about to have a family with biffle what you know it's a changing name yeah i don't have enough money to buy a house do i want i'm going with family i'm going with a little baby [Music] turn already i'm bored yeah i'm i'm playing a board game right now everybody oh gosh you're your boss working at home boy [Music] okay all right yeah get out of here oh you almost landed on taxes that was way too close visit a vr or you could you can get a piggy bank for playing retro games or collecting them or visit a vr museum no i'm going to do this for the time being because i'm coming i'm coming for you i already got the piggy bank okay well now that's gonna be my piggy bank okay you say that now but it's not for loot dude oh it is for ludus for tesla oh no no no yeah dude not yet not yet just soon oh pay me thank you thank you i'm catching up to you dude i'm catching up to you and i have a house you don't because you're an idiot i don't yeah well i look like an idiot yeah you get cats dude i don't want to get cats are you going the investment route oh i'm going investment dude it's new i gotta what's it [Music] you just straight past all the houses he is trying to die really quick what this game i got a house hey okay okay okay all right buy sell buy sell sell yes i sell buy sell a mansion sick that sells for 640 max sell price of 640. yeah but also look at the college dorm that's also it sells for three and you know you know what up we gotta go man i see you patrice all right biffle wiffle flat the best pop star ever dude wait where'd you go are you gonna have a kid taxes taxes what is this action action heart or rock paper scissors would he does he want to further his lead or rock paper scissors someone i don't have that kind of luck so i'm going on a vacation you're never gonna see me dang it dude he is he is holding on to that that heart crown all right my turn here we go hi out by you oh a three oh that's a family i think one two oh are you get babies are you getting a dog you're a doggo biff trees there's a baby before no not that biffle this is a different bible this is biffle's sister come on biff trees we just had don't what do you think that was you that explains everything [Music] look at it look at me look at me and biffle's sister dude that's pretty good imagine what if i had a sister what's it's gotta be terrible how we spin the wheel you degenerate got him oh wait he gets do i want to go boys no he just paid him oh oh wait what's where do i want to go where do i want to go i don't know you don't even have a wife how are you gonna have kids uh yeah you're right this girl is called science i'm gonna buy a dog now dude spin the wheel oh oh oh wait oh oh you don't even your money's stupid we make that just walk in my money's stupid you know your money's the dumbest money i've ever seen so poor compared to you guys dude we are loaded okay okay okay biggie turn yeah yes c gold one i can't believe you live in a mansion dude can i come over uh yeah i guess but don't bring biff's sister because she's weird can i can i poop in your bathroom what is that next stop sign plan a garden winner bowling duel no don't take my crown no don't take my crown that was my crown oh no all right you know what i'm coming back for that it's gonna be my crown delicious that was my crown there were many like it but that one was mine and i will steal it back now it's mine all right oh it's devil's turn hey before roll got it there you go i'm rolling for you what'd you get crying won i don't have enough money for this two cases oh taxes only 10k that's nothing do you want to get more than 70k i mean that is a third of his salary that's pretty high oh yeah yeah yeah that's a lot of taxes worst pop star i've ever heard of who an eight but you heard of me i knew you were getting no i want more kids no no one more kids no not taxes oh that was close action hello uh sell your houses oh ooh ooh or sushi masterclass why do i want to sell my house because you might get a higher amount than you would later ah i don't i don't know what it does it's risky i'm going with sushi i'm going to take a sushi master class i'm going with that i'm going with that give me the book dare you sir did i take the thingy no did i take the crown no yeah i will take it it will be mine okay i'm sorry i get this new game can you stop bonusing yourself what does that mean be a weirdo yeah pay those taxes it was scary that was scary seventy thousand salary that says you're not being a robotic engineer like me 210 000 you get you my salary is almost double yours you're your body it's a mansion can we you have money if you don't have a mansion yeah and you don't have a foot wow that was a big problem wait what is this continue life or online course you can get a different job you'll get a better job i think it's it's telling you you can get a better one all right i'm going i'm going that way dude we're upgrading you get 120 000 for your job you know that right guaranteed better job ian is that what he said yeah yeah are you kidding me look to the stars sigils look to the stars 200k that's crazy thanks for the money that is insane and he's got to pay taxes life is crazy oh on your new one too pay taxes i hate everything i hate everything you know what i still made a 50k profit i don't care oh no that's so bad all right bifster here we go eight oh okay good good eight good roll good roll right jeffrey i definitely should continue i need online courses right away that's a hundred brands you should i need education that is almost four of your incomes i finished college finally yeah what'd you get you got another book let's see oh you could be you could be me dude you wanna be me you wanna be my friend or i could be a chef a bull yes you could be a robotics engineer dude you we can be friends i love i love robots former robotics engineer hey hey bible just keep in mind i make more money than you still so can i tell you something what foot okay you gotta be dude all right check this out about to make more money right here go on a cruise or costume i mean none of you guys have hearts so i'm not worried costume who wants to bring it dude i got a great costume i mean one of us has more money than the rest dude who's gonna who's gonna spin highest here we go oh baby what'd you get nine oh people got a nine yeah yeah come on lucky number ten lucky number ten come on let's go are you serious are you kidding me that's something right there gosh dude that's crazy that is some tesla winning like i wonder if henry's gonna yeah yeah i wanted to do that my turn my turn no i don't want to pay red please please no i needed that money delicious thank you i didn't even why did how come i why did okay let me look at this board let me look at this board good job new job so if i go right i can get another kid and another house if i go left i can get an upgrade in my job but i also could pay taxes i'm going left oh new job i got a new job this is an upgraded job for sure look at me jumping around dude this means i got a master's degree how do you what is it going to be i wonder if biffy astronomer you could be an astronomer stop copying my jobs hold on look how low those taxes yeah [Music] don't give me a four don't give me a four okay okay i think this is an upgrade to my business or my job get ready wait did you get another raise job try your luck you might get a better job do i get a new job or you get a raise new job you can be a youtuber how do i get a better job than this this is 200k yep take the race i'm taking the race i'm taking the race and i took the crown we're coming back boys we're coming back this is it this is it i am the highest paid person in this game get out sigils okay okay okay okay okay two not bad people okay go ahead thank you and strike i'm struggling it's the house oh [Music] no it's a thousand oh we bought the eco house all right henry you're just kidding he just spent five hundred grand on a house hey if i can double it up it's gonna be worth it i think we're almost dead too i know i feel like i feel it in my bones it's dead you're getting closer though oh all right when'd you roll seven okay okay big numbers 200 grand all right whatever whatever you know what that's fine government give you a hundred grand for no respect thanks tax rebate all right good view okay ten i'm out of here speed running life right now oh gosh you are trying to die wait what is this what is this stop what is this risky win or lose big let fate decide play safe and stick to your path oh if you look for the biscuit yes before you're risking your own think about it we just go for it we just go for it thank you take the money it's about to make so many so he rolled a five what does the spin do you might get to grow your family buy a house or even pay taxes oh spend it with the wheel look how big the taxes one is yes i didn't see what you're doing oh okay look at it it's not bad that's not bad you didn't pay taxes i see you i see you i see you baby i didn't see him through the world okay if he did yeah i don't believe him okay i can't i can't i'm trying to just you just you just space bars thank you thank you i don't it still hasn't spun yet space party oh there we go i pressed it there we go ah crap can we get out of here you know what i am about to get paydays okay look at this payday give me that uh i mean okay you gave me a hundred so much money i'm loaded dude it's just a hundred thousand bonus it's not like it's one that's nice it's less than [Music] it's fine it's fine because i can sell my house right sell my house i want something can i can't sell your house yet oh [Music] yeah you have none now but you said i too you did but i stole one yeah i haven't had two for a long time so no but you didn't that's what i'm saying no no no what i'm saying is everything biffle is about to die yeah i'm not looking great i'm not guys i don't feel so good this is this oh baby oh okay can you buy another house sell sell sell sell sell sell why would you oh those suck wait no the right one sells for a lot yes i'll be taking my island home thank you very much dude he's got an island what is this raft get out of here but he didn't take over the crown again okay give your give give your luck to your sister ah all right sister wait what what wait what nine nine really speed right through life weren't i you are dead no you're dead taxes no you just died you're the first place higher you're the first player to die okay okay just for dying dude okay so retirement and final score choose how to pursue your life choose pension to rest and keep spitting on your turn for more money or choose bucket list to pursue your dreams and keep spinning for you more attributes oh you can keep spinning for money or attributes ah crap that's actually really good then i don't know what's better though what's better attributes are funny i'm going attributes bucket list okay give me my rv and my odyssey you look so happy oh yeah he's out of here so if i land on black i get a thing learn to paint or find a sucking treasure oh i mean i might as well compete for that one i guess yeah good luck you're not taking that from me boy but not yet okay here we go hello i'm gonna win removed as well oh i paid me pay me yeah you are dead you are beyond my knees are weak like signals okay do i take the risky path or the safe path on the safe path i could get an upgrade in my job if you do that you could i'm not gonna say that i don't want to pay taxes taxes are so high yeah but you might be able to get the spam no i'm going safe i'm going safe i'm being safe i'm being safe i'm being safe i'm being safe okay seven seven this is gonna make me land on a yellow thing and then i can solidify my lead for the books give me the books you can wait on bingo or go for 100k 100k you know what you know what i'm playing bingo i'm coming for those hearts i'm coming for those houses you have no heart so how do you do that i'm winning i'm coming back nope okay that's fine yeah i need that hunter okay i crap out 100k for breakfast that's true have scenes guys remember you've had what 30 minutes to find the like button if you have a life have you found it yet there's a big role there i want to go pick a new job behind in life dude it's like real life right now you know i'm just far behind he's gonna die first henry's far behind right about the same place guys my my asparagus is flaring up that doesn't make sense i actually know i get it okay all right henry henry's taking a new job they both suck video game designer oh a little bit more money but not never works that video game thing will never henry you are never going to be a film director in real life pay me boy you have no money give me it all three oh no wait oh wait taxes are coming oh that was close okay what is this action you can sell your house you want to sell your house sell your house so you can renovate your house to sell your house sell your house i want to put my stolen house into this house i'm going to run you don't even have dude if you're laying on taxes you're done for what happened can you go negative money yeah you can go negative yeah you gotta get low but my house is going to be worth it wait i know i only have one house you didn't buy a house you were homeless with my cat sigils one good luck oh not bad not bad he's really trying not to die he's in midlife crisis oh he's still spinning it yeah it wouldn't let it go all right pay me why is it always you you know why look how much money it [Music] taxes are no jokes dude yeah my taxes are ridiculous oh you just are you dead did you die all right he's dead are you i think he died hold her there just honey oh okay we'll set it on time wait no play the lottery get gigantic sunglasses [Music] i mean you're creeping out you're creeping on henry's or wait who's is that that's mine yeah you're creeping on you now you know what's going on hey what's funny how's [Music] here we go and two i am not trying to die either oh hey hi getting close to the hey befina can you make me do better oh dance off sell sell high low service gets 200 wait everybody gets money if you do all players spin do it i don't want to i don't want to give you guys any money so if you sell now for more attempts yeah you get more attempts than you do at the end wait what maxell price 560. oh you have to pick an envelope when selling a house you have six offers each hidden inside an envelope open an envelope to reveal the offer and if you like it you can sell your house oh if you don't like the offer you can choose another envelope and try again however you do try again the previous offer will no longer be available you have three attempts to open envelopes oh that got intense three top three no no no bottom right bottom right bottom right bottom oh okay this is a ten this is a hundred thousand dollar increase that's not bad that's safe that's safe that is a safe bet no no i did i thought i was going to delete it no you're an idiot you're an idiot no you know what i got 100 you know what that's fine 300 grand and now i'm homeless i'm fine with that i'm old and homeless old and homeless oh god oh no you don't have enough money to pay him thank you thank you thank you you're negative whatever your money you're just like a real film director huh how are you doing take take a you just got alone you're an idiot i had to take it i didn't have a choice wait can i pick up my your spending habits have caught up with you henry go ahead and buy two books bud learn another language dude you know what i think it's time to pull a knee in here oh this time better wait the eco house max cell pro yeah let's see where we go when something houses because i'm just making sure okay please don't please don't get a million oh okay that's 108 000 increases 180 000. that's okay this next deal you have to take it if you don't choose that 59k increase top left top middle middle about a middle bottom middle seven seven all right no there's someone i told you where the million was i told you by the million one look at it you got a ten thousand dollar increase ooh that's kind of that's a that's a that that's a stinger dude that's a stinger that's a great eco house did he listen to me no no he sure didn't i have 1.2 mil that's whatever you know as you know you [Music] 200k 200k okay oh he's finally a millionaire weird took you a while you'll get there two houses you d jen sell before okay oh he's selling his house now okay that is a nice house can i live there before you sell it yeah can i can i top left top left top middle bottom middle so you retired to only get one choice now i'm glad i sold it wait what'd you buy it for 76 000 profit that's not bad that's bad i mean i still have my island so don't worry oh he does oh top left top left top top left oh he got the highest dang i should henry stop talking he's almost a two billionaire come on are you gonna go for more money you should go from working for more money yeah yeah because that's what i need is money yeah i know i'm just i'll be over here if you guys you want to hang out with biffle until you die it's a different rv it's a different rv hanging out with people until you die it couldn't be me nice he didn't get anything that's why he should have went money because money is foot you know what yeah shut up you're about to die i am yeah here we go bucket list let me i don't know when did you get anything gosh nothing you guys are bots dude imagine all right here we go my turn here we go i'm about to die i'm going to die we're the only people left alive right now we're not doing we're retiring no i'm dead i'm dead on the inside dang it give me that back no it's fine i'm still a millionaire whatever you want okay i'm dead okay let me check this out okay so now i have 1.5 mil choose how to proceed with your life let's see if i get two hearts i take over the heart bible i'm coming for you for those of you my buckets i will take those hearts piffle i will take those hearts alright you have one crown i want to take my heart give me the hearts we have about five years before henry dies so yeah we should have taken a while henry just died it is what it is how do we pull in the lowest numbers i've ever seen one two three four and he's rolling low and we just died already you know what no i think we're gonna buy another house you know my last house didn't do me too well oh those houses stink oh a family huh get that get the suburban house family house i wish my house that much with the foul look at that me and my family dude oh you're solidifying your lead okay okay he's definitely got the the banana what that's the pig why did i say banana when it was a pig banana and pig look alike no they don't so far behind i've got so much in my life imagine not being a two millionaire and getting nothing imagine all right biffle get nothing get nothing get nothing i want to take over your hearts i want to steal your heart i want to steal your heart broken heart in dude gotta be kidding me okay here we go here we go here we go i'm going to take over the hearts right here you're not going to get nothing dude that's the 50 getting the hearts getting the hearts no i hate this game what if you got it right and then it's just me you know missed the spinny boy hey that's a hard time in our old town henry would you just die already i'm walking on it the onions oh great he rolled at eight then he stopped immediately big eight that's a big eight i got a risk adore i got a risk at all you gotta do something dude cause you still have a loan that you need to pay back oh you do have a load four one two three oh that was so close nah nah he get it here okay let's see what he spins see what he spins here i believe in you i believe in you fate oh are you gonna get it okay okay don't get any hearts don't get any harsh don't get any hearts don't get any harder don't get in hard don't get any harder don't get any hearts oh dang it yeah oh yeah so a heart or a book oh you can be fruitful don't you come for me don't you come for me let's let's work together and take down biffle look at my hair yeah it sounds great sounds great let's work together yeah yeah yeah you didn't take my crown though and we hurry up and die i'm working on it man okay yes give me what did you get no give me those hearts baby ian's getting wrecked right now notifying his lead okay okay i'm gonna i'm gonna get a book right here i'm gonna get a book right here to solidify my solidifiers no hey roll better maybe that's not looking good for you i just wanna i just wanna i wanna be the crown is he dead what no i'm alive he's paying taxes though i can play a bingo oh henry you should have ended we're just getting married things just got changed board game battle board game battle board game second chance yeah oh you know what it's time to play a board game boys you know get married at the last minute where you get a taxi that's good okay okay okay that's 200k six so we'll roll a four and then i'll roll the 10. this is just faking it i'm henwing i'm head-winging i'm head-winging oh god i gotta say hey guys still gonna six all right viva roll of four roll four and i'll roll 10. i literally rolled the four man before okay this is going to be a 10. i'm telling that i go tell him we're all there anyway are you kidding me who do we appreciate all right we take the team wait you're a two millionaire now uh whatever be a millionaire you'll get there bible money he's not even getting it there before he dies he's one turn from death all right all right here we go here we go i need to hang on to that book sigils do not get a do not get a black listen listen sundy i have a 50 chance of making you look like who a little my book yes i kept my crown i keep my crown unless henry rolls a zero maybe i will seems like the type here we go okay i just need to roll above you kidding me okay you got nothing i need to roll a black and then solidify my book lead because i can't take over the hearts nope but i can solidify my solidifiers you know what i mean yeah what yes actually not following oh i can get a bank before oh you have nine banks so much you only get one choice for this house though you know what i'm not gonna make the same mistake i made last time 76k profit that's not bad all right boys wait wait is it is the game not over do we actually play until we're dead right i hope so i'll be the only one in the house since you guys you know taking over the rv wait one final spin oh wait does he get an extra spin he got a hundred grand this dude the game is over who won hey oh boy let's see who has the highest score points total money parties 1500 points right there total attributes i had a ton of those oh it's only 20. i had the most oh boy oh no who's holding the bonus me i am 400. [Music] oh are you kidding total loans no my friends get out of here no signals one he had so much i should have went with the money route instead of the stupid attributes dang it all right says you know what i still made more money no i didn't crap i suck guys hit the like button if you have enjoyed also hit the subscribe button around here click this next video to watch the next video we'll see you dudes next time
Channel: SSundee
Views: 7,612,622
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: XB5Ga-HOtO0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 40sec (2680 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 22 2020
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