I Bankrupt All My Friends ...in Monopoly

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what i've been i've been thinking how much i wanted to visit joey's area oh no oh gosh seven oh no wait no eight oh that one's a little is one of joey's oh oh is it is it as it is it truly is oh no thank god [Music] oh my god no you can but don't my only hope is to spend all my money is the most statistic she's got to hold the lord and lands on it because lauren's the only one coming up oh no no no not me but i'm hoping please sell me the red lipstick for 500. [Music] i will not sell it for its face value for that is not what it is [Music] forehead no that's not the deal anymore and grover oh nice gloria you want me to go out to the street and she does she do i'll auction and get to buy it buy it from her car she'll divide from our 350. 220. but it's actually worth is you've got for you to get it it's got to be like 100 yeah yeah it's actually worth 100. 220 is generous i mean just hold the right button oh don't tell her that she's going to go straight for 500. wait really yeah no it didn't do anything the arrow key should be hold it down oh the arrow key yeah the arrow okay there you go how would we feel at about 350. she's going to twenty sorry what i meant to say was that's what it's worth to me sentimentality you only need to do 400. like they won't even let me do 350. okay [Music] here's the thing is you'll trade with scott and then you'll both get monopoly and then and then my only income comes from my blue properties which is quite low what [Music] oh you've only got two properties haven't you yeah that's what we mean so by giving us the things literally property because that's such a you know it has the potential value because you can put houses on it just give it a turn and she'll be out she'll just give her a turn and she'll be out here yeah she has yeah are there still properties on the board yeah one bird one railroad that's it [Music] oh no it's my cheapest property though so good you're a lucky they sell like 300 dollars though ugh is it sometimes okay well you're good that's that's not too crazy okay one house one more in that joy but to do 450 jesus holy okay this is the danger this is the dancers it's the day or above give me my money back joey it lands on the chance card you're fine lucky very lucky something good is going to happen i can feel it advancing there's utility oh he pissed himself right now you skipped two of lauren's properties you've got past that you physically can't land on lawrence there's one oh and a good roll three you go to megan's though megan oh that's properties no no that's to just pay for that oh okay oh oh oh oh oh oh you got a roll for that oh oh yeah because it's four times oh we can make it cost more for you why please don't oh wait this is the last time no this is the level this is the this is there's no more houses this is the last house on the board so no one can start making hotels so how houses come back actually don't do that wait they can't make so no one can make anything cost more if we make this go up wait what what what do you mean this is the last house so no one else can buy houses what this is the last one ever that's fine hotel right that brings houses back but i think you need four houses on our property to make a hotel you do someone does i have four lizards you know one house oh i thought you did nevermind then oh wait so that's what oh god well if lauden gets this she can turn one of her houses into a hotel okay i don't even know this was the thing i'm gonna i can't even use this house i don't like this there should be unlimited houses yeah i was going to say i thought there was oh damn lord and put off a hundred she wants yeah it's probably my last i probably i don't think i got it i didn't mean to do that oh [Laughter] for 390 dollars [Music] i didn't know what i was doing why didn't anyone stop me you said you did my action too she can't even get a hotel with me megan megan is about to be and like into joyce yeah [Laughter] [Music] wait so nobody you can put a house on the thing yeah it's great i paid well it was a dollar for it again i'll trade you the red for the blue oh and then you can take the red to scott and scott's got loads of money he can give you yo that blue is worth way more than that red yeah it really is right now also also megan it's also mortgage so you've been like you can let [ __ ] deal with that when he takes it off yeah true you don't have to pay the mortgage but lizzy i'm so sorry i like i do like buying into chaos and driving the narrative but that i i can't with that i just keep seeing i just keep thinking leslie's there i don't check my business email somebody else now that might happen i'm not bankrupt it's not a commodity it's only for business you're communicating with me right now on here take advantage of it you're interested in twitch is a great way to talk to me i know i need you or twitter oh my emails are just for lauren's properties [Music] yeah is also the safe zone from here oh it is a safe seven oh that's right on goal isn't it it's six times nobody's saying that was the safest rule i didn't know it was literally the safest role i'm pretty lucky very good leslie what do you want for your rent money how much i'm gonna need about 500 to get me through the next how much is lauren's properties like 800 something yeah oh my gosh it's three it's three fifty right skipped my turn liza here hey wait let me get through the next turn she needs more than that uh thank you mark so great again and then and then i end up landing on lauren's anyway i'm just bankrupt anyway your chat made the radar oh well that's true then you guys are mean yeah i take back my hello red well you can wait until you pick up your yes good world shelby where am i probably he knows already oh and it's just i can take the hit oh this is not good anymore i can't ever make money in this game yeah we are done shall we just need to not be out first i think that's right you gotta spend money to make money at the shop of lizzie's sentimental property card remember how we said we were gonna end the game um and we'll just end it so we could end it now and i'd win because i'm in first so that seems like that's a great idea i think if we end it we have to make sure everyone finishes their time uh kb nuts if i oh shall we respond to your emails that it's not fair that i'm not doing it for everybody make it fair for everybody i just need money so [Music] okay hang out i think it's a chance so you think you're fine oh she lives another round it wants to go [Applause] lizzy i don't think i can do anything with it like i've been trying to trade this whole time it's not my fault you keep declining you do not start that you do not start that no i'm not taking that you're reasonable offers my eye you can't use this stuff i own i don't know what to do now that i can't buy houses you have to hope someone else goes to girl yeah something like you can do chain well i mean if someone sells a house well i do have a utility and a railroad but i don't know who to write no one's landed on the other side oh luxury yeah lauren you need to wait until someone who has high seas goes if we ended the game here joey when you said scott would have won yeah listen you always gotta wait for the turns to end and then stop [Music] your property no i'll have three okay i'm an inmate so i can't have a hotel i want a hotel oh god you can't there's no more helicopters oh they're incredible if we all bankrupt while lizzie stays in jail for three rounds and she i know can you imagine that it would be the best thing could you imagine i hope i just manifested it thank you just in jail just like i knew i needed i knew i needed a smaller bowl [Music] um it's but it puts you closer to lauden and you roll again i want to play anymore i love that everybody's scared of my problems yeah i can't wait i was gonna say she can't afford to land in lauren so wait what do you not want to roll here wait [Music] did i just get it five oh doesn't anybody want to visit marvin gardens did you hear ld shadow ladies great raving review of it wait listen she needs to roll leslie just needs to roll oh yeah yeah oh [Applause] [Music] drink some water i'll buy it for 200. wait no i have 600. i get 300. no this is not an option open the board map a minute for me oh i'm looking at where i am the chances are if i do 200 it puts me to 800. lizzy does have four houses she can make a hotel oh yeah but she has 11 she also has eleven dollar show oh yeah that's great i will do it give her money i will do it for a 200 lizzie uh well i don't know if that's gonna be enough to um because i need to get out a mortgage if i want to use it anyway for what no uh it it's getting how you've ended your farm uh let's get this and see what the future holds for you oh thank you peppermint cherry for the nice highlighted message all right let's sure go oh whoops she's not worried at all i was reading the chat yeah i'm good i think her biggest wedding is landing on megan's oh yeah cause lauren doesn't actually have a lot of money at the moment yeah lizzy is you got money no it's barbie she's watched wait no lizzy do you want me to buy your railroad from you or are you trying to sorry i was muted i was discussing the trade with scott oh you're interested in trying my trailer yeah how much what's your offer you see i'm in a predicament here i have got eleven dollars well i do have to unmortgage it wait so what does it say what the value is the only type of property that can to be developed further and has more potential for earnings so they are quite a valuable commodity [Laughter] um this is what lizzy's such like it says 200. we all seen her in the xlife court case she knows how to use her words yeah wow i know i don't want to say you know what i'll give it to you for 240. i can do that that's a bargain even though i gotta unmortgage it yeah oh wait two four 252's five carol i'll give it i'll give you 243 just to give me an even even number afterwards give me three extra dollars just so i can even three dollars really helps yeah that's hot mess [Music] you know what i this is why i left all the good reviews and stuff yeah i think it's in the past good dealings thank you for your now that you've done that the issue is if you land on making this property in the next thing you're screwing wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait a mortgage no i do no or keep it uh i thought i guess i'll keep it for now because i need my money but yeah lauren if you land on megan's just after yours you're gonna need to sell your high seats hey lauren why would you wish that on me maybe land on one of my dreams no maybe somebody land on mine so i can have more money then i will care okay okay okay lauren you're good you're in a dangerous spot oh joy is that lizzie's edge oh it really was oh [Music] i have two get out of jail free cards don't make it let's be honest if you go to jail you do not want to use that that's the one place you've landed so avoid my wrath all right still not spit oh i can't spend my money anyway yeah there's no houses oh god what do i want um four seven or nine that was ten that was not good for me that was one of joey's is it no it's not oh it is 450 is fine fine yeah but it's not it picked me up the game i think we should end bring wolfe charles who passed the nice straight wolf girl thank you so much oh i'm thinking best game i swear if joey does end up winning don't manifest that not a double it was i never wanted to be out of jail i'm not ready oh it's minnie yeah oh my gosh it actually makes me and this is most expensive one and this is [Music] i'll [Music] i'll buy the blue lizzy no i'm auctioning the red right now unfortunately it will not what is this game right now oh wait okay lauren's fighting no wait if lauren land's six seven or nine that's megan's oh no six seven or nine lauren oh my god well is it oh no she's thank god i got lucky you got lucky thank god saved by the change i can't believe we're all still in the game i don't know how train stations i don't care [Music] i don't care i need it now i have three we all have so much money i don't know how this is going to end i'm going to be honest joey's going to win this lizzie and i are going to end out on the street joey's 100 winning this he's currently the only person that can afford to land on like lauden's properties oh i should pay myself can we pay him oh wait that's awesome maybe it's time to manage your portfolio the only thing that's that equals out that's how math works i don't want another return can i skip starts i want to go to jail can i use that measure yeah if megan gets a four six or seven that's yeah that'll be good or two oh four yes it still is cheapest one so it's only like three four hundred but it's almost megan's money i think it's 250. 450. i hate it here i love it here so nobody can do anything because nobody can buy any more houses right yeah we need to do something currently is what we're working with and it's just whoever's out first yeah basically can i just skip turn no no you can't i would like to resign without going out that's fine i think that's fine there is something wrong with you there's me place in hell for you i have powerful manifesting powers only for other people never for myself tonight can we get them i want to get the pokemon card i think they're sold out everywhere oh they are no i'll find them don't worry no we we've found places we've i found places we've just had to drive an hour yep it's fine it is fine this is who we are we don't have everyone right um joey are we interested in a trade here because i'm gonna need some money no one's evening let's see the next level the next little bit is safe it's wait it's like your next turn no but it is the next there's no houses from orange right up until nothing safe scott yeah but i mean you could always like sell a house before you need to do that yeah but i would like to trade with joey i'd like to trade the red jay would you like to buy it uh yeah i'll do the 200. 220. okay it's not really worth that but there's still two open properties on this board yeah no there's only one there's only one right okay at this point i'm not interested to see just what happens with this red now you know what never happened before i've never played a game we're not at all the entire two and a half hours i played i didn't land on a free property oh it's gonna it's gonna be enjoyable hard this joey's never giving me this red well you should have bought it for me then shouldn't you scott what he's just going uh oh oops i was just a little bit over it's fine [Laughter] he's giving you an extra doll oh no he didn't he's not yes this is amazing oh wait oh let's see if you accept that was he messed up if you accept it you've got it yeah i messed up it's okay because no it's not but i didn't enter i will accept is that okay if i accept it yeah i'm rich i knew he's off the markets down yeah i couldn't even do that okay let's see if this carries me home you have 30 doll hairs i know i'm almost homeless here we go oh no ow that's how you repeat me i've been digital now you've gone to you've literally gone to the one you sold to joey that one [ __ ] you should have rolled fire so you should have rolled first yeah always roll first that's not easy no because i was worried that then if i rolled and i was in a predicament yeah you're right you're right so i had the selfie but you're still gonna be going up to lauren's turn like lawrence is your next goal look i've got a plan okay okay my chat are saying eat the wretch joy we're coming for you if we all revolt and just forcefully choose not to pay joy we win right not today lauren scott we still have to keep going around the board we don't get much choice in that oh wait lord i think you've landed on the one free property but you can't buy it now oh she does i mean does she want the brown yes you do lauren because property is than it's facebook money you guys spend money to make money it's correct buy it lauren buy it oh it's finally bought it's finally the last she needs she oh or me or joy yeah you're in the next danger this is lauren's dangerous one no [Music] oh oh no damn you joey get mortgaging at least you have you don't have to go with the yellows first wait how do i mortgage at this like the rate heist yeah that gets you 30 bucks oh no crap what about and then what's the two railroads oh that's still not no that's still not going to give me enough all right well i'll i'll do those two desperate times call oh joey oh how oh how the mighty have fallen this is what we actually have [Music] yeah but i think she's hoping like lizzie or me land on it yeah joy [Music] she's trying to hold it that the issue lauren has is about two rounds went and no one landed on them so she made no money for two rounds she has you have the utility as well you're the one to the right utility yeah i really get rid of oh wait what what the heck no oh oh oh wait is that enough oh yeah that's just how do we win like this that should buy you some time okay and then joey's cleaning me out yeah actually doing this will give you 25 it's fine okay joey wanted you to sell a house so he could buy more houses i know that's why i didn't want to do it she sold it out i just made it what what if anyone sells how you see joy can buy them that's what i want to sell i just made it not having to do it i can't believe how much money joe has oh nice lauren knight hearts in the chat what's going on it's just a matter of when he wins what's going on with all the hearts in the chat what did i miss while i was mortgaging my life away he'd have to land on so many people's properties consecutively to lose oh look at that she she just mortgaged it i missed it [Music] yeah let's do one or two more rounds okay okay okay all right let's see what happens and then it's whoever has the most sentimental value at the end yeah that's exactly yeah if you have cinnamon i think i think he i think means she'll be wet on sentimental value because our properties mean more to us because we were never able to upgrade them yep probably that makes sense i think mine mean the most because i never even landed on them okay scott name one of your properties flying street we're looking at them right now [Music] okay if i got two three five seven nine or ten i'm eight oh this is danger girl i just you went danger girl how did he do it four yes wow we keep launching in that one youtube channel you don't have to pay anything no [Music] how joey how did you how did you come back from where i don't know girl i don't know from the bottom now he's here literally this is how it is every time she'll be 200 to give me four hello change now i'm happy hey we gotta do two more turns because anything can happen is going to change okay five six eight uh born on saturday thank you so much for the uh i think she's out here oh wow eight hundred try you're gonna until dollars i think you need to sell all your houses and i don't think that's enough oh no oh no oh wait how come i caught oh you have to sell on them equally yeah the game i think i'm just going to be bankrupt you could just aim and click bankrupt and quote yeah because even if i sell i wouldn't make 800. yeah yeah wow lauren you're back in it yeah no i don't know if she is i don't know if she gets the money and fuzzy goes bankrupt no she gets she gets all lizzie's property who doesn't know what yeah wouldn't she only get i don't know what she would get wait try try selling your houses no because the ices are worth 25 so it won't add up to it she needs 800. 300 but and then i've got all my properties they're all mortgage though but they're only mortgage stuff yeah that entire monopoly of properties and stuff wanted you to sell it because he wanted to buy the houses i don't know i know does it matter i think it keeps the houses it does yeah it does you can see them damn lizzy okay lizzy if lauren gets a two or three though now she's fine she's passed but she's on joey's one red why this one red i don't own is the one that everyone lands on i need to get one this game has been i can see the color and it says 10 above the card so let's say if she rolls on i understand i need more money before i can start unmortgaging off lizzy's stuff oh my god this is crazy i mean honestly if we if we had all the time in the world lauren could come back now she really could she need she needs for the future she needs like joy or me or shelby to land on them though or joy not to like joy needs to roll a two or a four here lizzy could have screwed me more though oh four four four that's lauren's most expensive yay give me money give me my money back joey the game changer oh my god wait what is happening right now okay never mind this is like esports monopoly lauren's got two places set up across yeah lizzie if you would have sold all your houses and mortgage everything and then went bankrupt then i would have had to like unmortgage everything but now i don't and buy everything back oh yeah i tried several times but you're asking for outrageous things yeah that's like saying you tried but you didn't even try because you weren't willing to meet my asking price okay your asking price was my orange my brown and a train station no there's no injury this is why no it wasn't you wanted the train station as well because i would have given you the orange from the brown no i feel like it was the orange and the brown mm-hmm i wouldn't have asked for that oops i thought i ended my turn in my bed should we decide now how many more turns just so that we can do one more and then we do one and then we do one more return okay okay so this is the last one wait what what do you mean oh this is the last one so i think this is the last target okay okay oh not jail i think i will lord two dollars oh no wait this shelf this is megan i'm in a different side of the board can i afford this just just you got quite a lot of money still so wait does that mean megan will come in last night i want to see you play this out till the end i want to see the joey lavery yeah i was going to say wait so how do you decide i'm curious because i feel like she really could come back from this let's roll the dice see oh you guys were going to say that joey just won at that point no because i think for you no because it would be one more retardant so the chances are you could get more money or joey could get more money he could lose money and then you get more money you could win still yeah but i have a lot more property still money to make money all right you do you gotta dude until that i was going to come in second wait but if this is the last round then i then i shouldn't spend any money if that's what you're going off i've used one two if you use one complete longer you can if you want to continue then you should be able to continue i mean other people can drop out and bankrupt themselves if they don't want to continue i don't want to see where to go i would be down here because otherwise i want to on mortgage i do think we should decide so it's fair for joey too where we just decided instead of one more turn five more to give her one game joey's gonna be like no well how monopoly works monopoly no you don't want to get an understanding at the end if you end halfway through then it's like you know how do you even decide [Music] that's true we could that's true that's true i was gonna say because even though i have less money than him i have way more properties now yeah yeah actually you're in the best position right now that's why i want to see it play out i think i think if you add if you add up all of the assets lord and wins by a mile yeah because that sees the properties why i know there's no way to like fully call it unless there's an actual winner oh yeah okay just speed through speed yeah here i had mortgage a bunch of stuff uh i think i'm good unless laura why didn't you even roll whoops i didn't even roll yet oh it's literally at least learn rules attain she land rolls attend why what's on ten oh [ __ ] megan it's not a lot of money but it's still something there's another house there but oh i can't put houses megan's back in the game there are no houses barely i don't know yeah actually a lot of us kind of came back no the trench the trench dead we shelby and trouble still not got a full set yes because it's worth the potential was lower i love he's rolling around now that they've got that right he's got him the grave you're aware of the degree what the potential was my uh this woman [Music] okay oh my god should we roll a dice to decide how many more turns so it's fair or just i think enjoying that one to just play just until it's out over honestly i don't know i don't know how long that's going to take i don't know i feel like you could have one one one or two roles that just like annihilate people so it's a good yeah so it's like hard to judge yeah it's a gauge we just do a couple more and then see where everybody feels how everybody feels if it seems like nothing's happening then yeah like lauren she's i don't think it's fair to call a winner but like dude she's she's set up nice property-wise lauren is only set to make more money i mean in the case of ending a game early you do count the worth of all the properties plus your money that is true that is true that is what you do including what you have mortgaged too to be fair the only reason this is happening is because of what happened with lizzie i know i know yeah i've given my fortune to you thank you oh we've had such a long standing yeah with our needs and [ __ ] you're working on the service all of your properties was just so fabulous i wanted to leave mine to you [Laughter] i appreciate it yeah you really liked marvin garden so much i can't no oh okay i thought it was gonna be way worse no i thought it was gonna be way worse that's not that bad uh i'll just keep i'm trying to go quick at least i'm just spamming space like i'm hoping for the base at this point just about the rules right now enter oh oh this is lauren's face speed running our turns yeah i know just keep pressing enter and see what happens because we can't buy anything yeah no no there's no happening there's nothing to trade on people keep telling me i can buy hotels with joey you can only do hotel if you have a set that's got four houses across one so oh yes you need to put four on top yeah i mean what you could do is maybe sell some of the houses on mine and then buy them straight up on your own i think that would work i know i just thought of that sell them from there and then absolutely bankrupt whoever lands on it i think that's my new game plan you just gotta hope they give me my like fourteen dollars lizzie's down orange i'm coming back into this game lizzie's now my financial advisor that's okay is it worth me trying to buy my orange right now there's no housing sometimes bad things oh my god the one train station that you owe you own all right well my financial advisor lizzy told me that i should try to uh yeah yeah where's your what the heck it's a light blue you passed that you've passed later no it's right there you need to buy it for me yeah you need to buy from the floor first though what do you mean you need to buy so they need to all be the same so you need to take that one okay just and then test it make sure it lets you put it straight on to the next one so then go over to your other project your tv open the map lauren open the mouse and then you could just do it that way so click on the yellow because that's the problem oh they're the same price yeah one no they're not expensive yeah they're more expensive but do it do it the [Music] [Laughter] [Music] maybe you should have done multiple houses yeah you told her to do one yeah i did i told you lauren we're gonna drive this phrase off i hope you know that oh there's only so far it's just joey joey's gonna be the one that screws me on it lauren bet one dollar every time because i made the mistake of doing hundred dollars every time and that's what making this you're gonna go to bed oh sorry sorry sorry one dollar oh yeah because i know joey really wants it i want to silently wants it yeah he does oh i physically have to withdraw it uh oh my god they're gonna keep going it's gonna be one of them that'll get him for a ridiculous price megan you thought you bought your house expensively i know that you're looking crazy i don't know how high i want to go i don't know how i want to go oh my god you guys i don't know about this one this this could end the game not worth it you can still go and sell the other houses yeah just be aware that when you place down your last house it will do that again no wait joey has a house he's not play so is it technically the last house yeah oh all right i'm gonna do it i don't think it will be because joey huh all right i'm trying to try wait no take off two take off two if you're doing anything let's try it yeah but now he can buy one we'll just place one and hold one okay yeah but i don't think i hold it i think anybody can buy it [Music] so i'd have to place two i'll see if i can place two let's see okay [Music] jesus christ that's gonna cost a thousand dollars if anyone lands on it wow oh no chester the ocean again okay because joey can't really afford a second one you can't drive up too far yeah that's true oh my god you could win like this what happens but they can't place the house what happens then i don't know like what if i yeah i don't know i don't have a monopoly to put it on yeah i don't know interesting i don't know yeah what would happen like if you want it and then you can't i don't find out oh wait but if if so if joey wants to use the last house if he wants to use the last house i don't think he'll he's already won it so you wouldn't have to pay for it i was gonna say okay yeah yeah um wait so after all that okay so i have four on two yeah and i gotta see if i can do that and then i can just do all hotels and then come back on the market and then i buy my orange from scott somehow sometimes somehow shelby wins that's like a weird yeah we'd have to play for the next four hours still if i didn't get bankrupted by then honestly this game could take so many more hours all right okay i think i'm i'm lauren you're being quite bold with your money i think i unmortgaged everything yeah you did okay your time has come all right first let's roll this is a safe bet for joy yeah but now both of us our money is so low that oh no i think he's landed on your train station though oh damn it there's not much though 100 no she's got yeah she's got three of them i needed that money [Music] okay i think i'm going to be i think i'm going to land in one of joey's pinks that's when it'll get interesting because whoever you lose to will get all of yours yeah all my stuff all right right everyone's letting their money get low we have to play till the end oh thanks for the rave lizzie oh no we would switch oh lizzy you ended your who people thought would win and we raided the person that we thought yeah did you read me oh if they if the person got raided they would know i'm sorry i'm gonna win i knew it wasn't me i just i just didn't know if it was between joey oh me or joe bring no lizzie's my financial advisor now she's got a she's got a bet on me you traded me you traded me the orange i'm going to need the orange wow he's doing it for the better you know the better oh my god i was like do i actually like make an attempt here do i give up welcome raiders i have money let's see if uh lizzy's right oh my god gen nay thank you harley quinn thank you for the three month resub how do i wait bucky is jillian's face again all my properties if i can't [Music] [Music] what do you want for that do you want my brown in my train station yeah yeah i don't think you should i need the other brown tail well lauren do you want my train station or my brown yeah i want the brown but i want both i need both i know but what i'm saying is like what are you going to give me uh do you want the blue i'll trade you the blue for the brown [Music] why not the blue and the red yeah what does it say the blues worth way more than the prince i know it is [ __ ] i don't i if i give her both i have no bargaining can you roll first to see it's it's not her to keep you in bargaining chips it's for you to keep you involved in your chips time to roll wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait oh after you roll well we'll chat after you roll if i can't afford anything i might land a joy oh it didn't mind oh but if i never mind i was gonna get the brown and then try to like buy houses and stuff but i forgot i can't hmm oh yeah because you can't buy the house yeah yeah you'd have to sell the ones that you've got elsewhere i feel like this game would have went way quicker if there was a rule to have unlimited houses because people would have just kept yeah right i know if you upgrade to a hotel it frees up the houses but it's kind of annoying so that's the only way that anyone could change the game right now is to upgrade to a hotel oh are you oh wait oh this isn't me wait what's happening i'm just going to go like this now he's just being evil no now i'm trying to give the other underdog a chance i've done that before there was one that came out in winning the whole game so we all piled our stuff together and that's shuffling that's monopoly four oh my god wait no is that choice or is it oh it's in between it's fine but it's one of your uh uh um damn scott that was i'm glad i didn't give everything to shelby but oh that is fine listen i'm still here lauren i still have your brown in your tray and if you want them we can talk when it's your turn okay so after she sold any there we know for sure there's no houses right now unless you switch to it okay wait doesn't joey still have a house he didn't place um oh shelby shelby never mind them [Laughter] how much is this [Music] at least you had all the oranges before you went out at least you had them an awful lot i got a light i stayed in this game right until the very end this is a lot louder than all of us i was like i don't know what key that is are you sure i've bankrupted two people with my one space i shouldn't have i didn't get into shelby i'd had another thing [Music] but she got so close to being bankrupted people keep landing on my properties you have the money you can't hold it here oh i gotta roll again i love how megan has just been like hiding under already i'm just here existing honestly you're kind of in the same position as joey you're on like equal grounds yeah yeah you landed on joy's other red yes what the heck that one red that one [Music] i get sentimental opinions but i lived a long rich life i need to sell one more or two more houses so that it doesn't make me auction one so i'd have to sell no no you don't have to sell you just upgrade to the hotel no i can't because this one i need one more house no no on your yellows you have four yeah can you upgrade them i don't think so no that one needs one yeah so joey here you go here's your chance you did well okay oh my god oh my god pray that you don't land yeah i'm scared oh my god megan's about to be up to it as well megan enjoy her coming up to her wait lauren you have to unfree up the houses yeah i know now i'm doing she's buying them back she's buying them back you're looking good right now oh you know lauren's gonna lauren's past the danger zone now if she yeah if she isn't because her next turn she can't land on like power stuff really wait i don't know where those do you want do you want my utility for the blue yeah wait i have other color sets don't i there's still eight houses left oh yeah wait yeah you have all the oranges yeah oh i should have been putting houses on them no i think you're better off making it so that when somebody lands on the bigger ones yeah well at this point if you land in a bigger one they're [Music] oh the reason the reason that didn't that was kind of silly is none of us are near those blue houses three dollars give me my six dollars sometimes yep you for 18 dollars joey i need it joey how would you compare your experience of fleet street to strand huh did you prefer fleet street or strand the other red you're red which one's better i don't know okay you should both say the red that you own the method you own is clearly superior to fleece which one is that strand oh yes is it the only dangerous thing now the only dangerous thing now is he has houses i love it that they're going all in it's because lizzie when we chose the game which was a uk yeah so it shows us the uk with different names like podcasts yeah yeah yeah we got all the joysy names you must pay this okay no wonder she's the only one that does it afterwards this is the worst oh god are you recording an asmr video while playing monologue oh i'm sorry i just put two up on my on my lap and he's like licking his chops i'm so sorry he's like smacking my gum she was getting comfy i'm sorry what are you doing megan oh god it's nice this is a fairly safe bet for me this turn is safe as long as i don't roll a double i'm safe [Music] no but if you give this to joey then that really evens the playing field yeah because he'll have another color set too you have another monopoly i said mine was a risky move because it opened it opened houses up to joey so then he started being able to get [Music] [Laughter] [Music] oh crap what do i owe megan oh you landed on a megan's oh oh my god thank god so i just made it oh wow i love this this is charlotte i hope you end up being dragged to lauren i know i want to end up in jail now this could be the end it could oh yeah if he gets a three four sexies oh what the luck luck be a lady wow right in the channel yeah oh my gosh how is megan's still here she's like i'm just chilling megan might outlive you yeah yeah she might oh my god joey's buying uh [Music] megan's coming up on those reds though she's got a nice little cushion too megan could afford any of the raids megan can easily i'm about to pass his at least so i should be okay for a round this has been the more stressful i'm so nervous this is the most wild game three okay it's one of lauren's but she doesn't have any houses on it so you're okay yeah oh my god one of the ones with the house megan's still hanging on barely by a thread i love to see it go to jail go to jail no damn it i want to go to jail give it a crash oh it's me it's harder oh it's her rolling oh my god no i'm scared three four six is megan five ah right in the middle that chance i guess uh do you get a chance or chase i'm so scared yeah please decide what's going on hey go to marvin gardens go to marvin gardens go to marvin gucci ten dollars from every player thank you guys imagine you imagine that's how you go back from yeah she's like we're not that close i don't want to give you money yeah oh i think she's right in the middle i think maybe the train station oh [Music] it the thing is you'd be delaying your death until the next yeah yes megan give me all of your stuff hung in there make sure this is an uphill battle for you joy i show you this too it's all about luck and rolls at this point london is 90 percent in this board joy wait did meghan have any houses yeah only like one and two on each but this is why we eat the rich lord and we're coming for you the one train station that joined on a train station because you got it for me when you bankrupt scott thank yes you definitely did it yeah i gave it to you i mean i could have sold it or treated it to a shelby or lauren i can't believe i gave shelby the orange and then she lost it next turn mom do not miss buy anything please don't buy anything it's risky joey's like minecraft in one turn yeah yeah all right i'll wait [Music] yes oh no what is that your most expensive is that your most no it's my second most don't give up oh my god i just made it oh my god thank god i didn't buy anything and that's what i said i was like you don't want to buy anything uh come on joey crazy joey's uh joey's to roll this is like minesweeper it's like oh he's off around the corner i don't know what it is i think i think he always looked lauren like four dollars oh it's the oh it's the brown isn't it yeah yeah the brown coming through you're right two dollars give you a nice even 25. this is torturous oh whoops both so so oh what did i do he's trying to he's trying to catch lauren on the right i mean it's smart what is that he's putting all of that i don't know it honestly this is gonna go down this is yeah i just quietly came up from the i can't believe joey came back from lauren's been rich for a long time if lauren rules are eight a ten or eleven eleven that's joey's one that you just put houses on i'm pretty sure oh god damn it oh oh no yeah 750. she's going to need to mortgage you can't i have a lot yeah i have a lot i can break mortgage like the train stations mortgage the brand i love everybody who's helping her misery you also want to like sell the houses on the green because joey's not near those ah okay there's all the railroads desperate times called just bankruptcy sell the houses on the green keep you in the game oh but then he's gonna get him he doesn't no i don't mean anything there's plenty there's plenty there's plenty how he sees their stinking houses yeah wait i think i bought only three hotels oh my god wait it wouldn't let me sell it it won't let me sell them because you need to sell me equally oh i just i lost a hundred dollars in that transaction i didn't it's okay it's okay it's okay you're gonna have enough now yeah what do i have to do i think 7.50 so the next one will be enough and the next turn is six like 800 okay no 7.50 here joey it's literally trying to out survive each other yeah literally i'm stressed i'm sorry i'm so nervous if joey rolls or what is it it's he can afford it but it'll be like most of his money but it'll sting sometimes oh it's not that's yeah she's back in it and you're good for a while lauren yeah your next lauren your next like three turns you're fine with as long as you're all low you're fine it's your turn okay roll high doubles that's fine oh you're in jail just stay in jail yes you made a crime i'm just gonna chill in jail good luck joey oh i want to go to jail too girl oh my gosh guys if jewelry rolls in two or three the only time i've excited oh no i'm out oh wait no no it's five yeah it's like you have to sail your hotels you must are the houses on earth no he's okay can afford that fifteen dollars he is hold he is holding on with the skin of his teeth jesus okay you didn't gotta double your fighting you're staying in there bye joey [Music] i love it oh no that means you get two ghosts yay you landed on one of her oranges and then you put yourself closer to her yellows yeah oh god oh something he already owns this he can't afford it time to pay the rent oh he's oh he needs to sell like houses from the reds i think this is well the brown brown perfect mortgage the brown or whatever he only owns one yeah i can't believe how back and forth this is i can't believe it see we were gonna end this game we would have missed out on all of this no we gotta go all the way we have to finish it's genuinely it's anyone's game right now oh yeah yeah it depends i don't know it depends [Music] [Music] though okay no no i'm not unbelievable oh but i mean she's past your hotels like she can afford any of your red stories she's got 1200 now oh my god i guess i'll just keep going i'm not gonna buy anything i'm just gonna hang on i wish you luck i cannot wait oh you don't get to double roll no because i got out of jail oh yeah [ __ ] keep me there no no no no no [Music] you don't want a five seven or eight five seven eight oh she's passionate oh my god but now you want laurels to delay your inevitable background to joy yeah the only thing enjoys is put you back to her yellows again you were technically past them and now it's put you back to them [Music] he has oh worst luck in this problem oh my god oh my god joey's holding on he's holding dear lord [Music] i don't know what it is it's a five to say that's that four or five or seven you don't think he can hear morgan how much is it how much is it that's it 150 oh my god or subscribe and then if you're not subbed and then you just do gifts obtained i can't believe i can't believe that thanks guys wildest i'm gonna give joey a sub for a runner that lasted three hours three minutes oh
Channel: LaurenzLIVEside
Views: 313,050
Rating: 4.9729342 out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, monopoly, gaming, monopoly plus, ldshadowlady, joey graceffa, smajor1995, dangthatsalongname, shubble, win, funny, funny moments
Id: wQDd8k-P-xg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 20sec (4460 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 09 2021
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