Showing Off My Villagers & Visiting LDShadowlady's Island

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you guys ready to see what the heck happened to my villagers oh I'll show you yeah this is my orchard so this doesn't change too much okay I have this guy did you guys see this guy that moved in who the heck is this guy you watch especially if you see him from far away I saw this morning I saw his eyes like come up over the mountain yeah what's his name what's your name I want to talk to you look at his eyes look at him look at him from far away I [Music] don't mind these insects I'm just trying to look at him from far away he's so creepy he looks like he's gonna kill me oh he just sat what do you do we're gonna be side-eyeing me he's watching me he's stalking me I didn't get I wasn't paying attention to his name even oh my god the bunny keeps circling me let me take down all these insects kill us I had to I unload it all now I'm excited clear out my inventory for something easy you fairy make sure you always bury $10,000 bells make sure you do the turn up stuff make sure try to save your insects from windcliff comes to town I don't know there's probably way better people to ask online I just got a 5 Star Island I could tell you you gave more in kinds of bridges to get 3 or more stars yeah I figured who'll have the Fox I'm behind I've been like playing at my own pace I've been playing too hardcore what was i doing where's the creepy bunny there is ok what's the what's the consensus on O'Hare I should get rid of him right he's creepy and weird I mean he's the least of my worries let me show you what beasts moved into my freakin beautiful village oh yeah look I'm finally gonna get the shop - so I sold filbert not totally sold on if I want filbert to stay or not but he's again the least of my problems ok first I'm going to show you the villager that I would die for you guys ready for this I don't think you're ready for this guess who I got to move in I would die for her oh my god this is her first day living on the island it has made my life so much happier and more bright my eyes are tearing up just thinking about her living here I should try to grab oh oh I should give her something ok I want to give her this she's hungry she's hungry and I want to feed her I want to help you let me let me help you ok I guess you won't let me help her oh I love fauna so much ok so you'll see you'll you'll find out in my blog I keep saying but you will I um my head one of the viewers here Tyler who I don't think is here today because I haven't seen him um Tyler at PAX East gave me a fauna amiibo card and I was so excited about it and I accidentally left it in my pant pocket and it got machine warm like washed in the laundry machine and fell apart so but I kept it because I was like maybe by some weird chance it'll still work it still worked I've itΓ­d her I had to invite her to the campsite like three times I invited her to the campsite three times gave her whatever she asked for and now she moved in and I am so happy so there's 10 deer villagers and I kinda want all all of the deer villagers I mean tell me that that would be perfect for me right all the deer villagers name its Irish pronounced Aoife Oh Aoife Humphries got it Aoife that's pretty don't give her deer cake I won't okay is this the guy oh yeah he must be out and about oh god I see him I see him in the background you guys just see it look at him I don't like him Bobby said he likes if I don't like him ah listen to how he talks where did the hours go that is a demon see Bobby likes him I don't know I need cute villagers he looks like Donkey Kong he's like a French you don't like evil French like evil French no he looks like in cartoons when they when they show like it a villain who's like a French guy that's what this guy looks like no oh my God look at his eyes he was trying to give me cute eyes yeah nice try don't you dare go into father's house what dear he's waving attack of course him in tamii your friends they're both the worst Tammy's got a bag Tammy where you going with that bag what's wrong come back for more I feel like I should keep Tammy but if it's if if she's the last person to kick out for me to get my whole deer army going and then she's going okay that's a Harris house this is Tammy's oh yeah this yeah yeah whoops Tammy you in my way no Tammy get out of my way oh my gosh five do me I'm gonna kill you stop I need to there we go thank you oh also Tammy you sent me a gift Oh Tammy sent me a gift in the mail and I opened it and it was a toilet I'm not joking I'll show you the letter I still have the letter as proof okay yeah so I still flip the monkey okay so this do you remember Callie from the last couple streams that I hated like the other squirrel yeah she moved out I didn't do anything mean to her she just came up to me one day I was like I think I want to leave it was like yes go get out of here okay so nobody claimed it yet okay available yes okay so we're gonna go to mystery islands today and try to hunt down some sort of cute villager just for the sake of showing you everybody this is bonbon I have Tammy to commentary and you of Tammy - I can't decide if I want to keep Tammy or not she's iconic cuz of the bish stuff now the bishop you know get rid of him he's pure evil yeah the monkey yeah he moved in randomly I literally okay I put a plot out for fauna because I didn't realize I needed to say hi to her three times so I'm the second time I put a plot out for her and then the third time she wanted to move in is she was like oh sorry I can't move in it seems you don't have any room I don't like what what do you mean there's no room and then I went out and that thing was missing I was like wait fauna can't move in because this Cesar guy is there so that I bought another plot Callie laughed it was a whole disaster thing this week that all happened this week Callie left the eighth guy showed up and um and I got caught up many emotions doesn't do anything you just have to ignore them completely ah Irene thank you yeah I did I ignored Callie and she left this is bonbon she's okay someone's been burying Belle's any idea who I told snow it was you yeah so she's okay she's been giving me she's been giving me gifts and stuff and her her house is cute you can stay for a while you can stay your makeup looks so good today thank you savage Luna oh we both left at the same time such best friends who's this bill burr oh yeah we saw a filbert before and I think flip was just whip it now what you guys no flip the monkey that I've had since the start yeah I got a bunch more flower colors I'm somebody singing [Music] the bond time why are you encouraging this behavior [Music] why is he staring me right in the eyes as he sings this creepily dick Tammy walking by is just like I want no part of this that's terrifying [Music] on him oh he didn't seem to care Bhagavan cared oh he's just sticking again oh she just got up wait I have an idea let's see how many more times you can talk to each other today that passive-aggressive or real [Music] I wouldn't cry for that made him stop oh god he's not stopping sneeze on the only reason it freaks out his bought bought the Apes like yes sneeze on me sneeze on me I love it oh is he concerned about me oh he was concerned about me oh I feel bad oh my god poor Caesar I know I feel bad picking on these things cuz I mean look he's staring me right in the eye all my god he's so happy I hate it I hate it so much I hate it though no Philbert el alright we need to get a bunch of tickets so I can go find a new villager to fill that other plot with so we don't end up with another Caesar why is he singing I don't know I don't know what he's thinking there's no music okay we just need to buy a budget it is we're just good we're just we're gonna make this okay somehow please pause with pose with fauna so I can make an edit for my tick-tock profile photo I can't she's busy unpacking her house I don't think she's gonna take a picture with me right now you gotta wait wait til she's got a cuter location yeah it's just good a couple more tickets I'm just gonna sell these bugs to I'm not gonna wait for Flik screw flick and you have so many milk miles I just haven't been using them I have not been using them and saving them yeah just been completing a lot of these things I think that's why I'm getting a lot of Nook miles if you mail the deer furniture don't put in her house oh my God he's still singing no let me go in here I haven't actually haven't been in the store yet today okay I don't think what are they selling today what's for sale ooh a boom box icon oh and I know what the plan I'll sell some stuff to you guys um I don't have turnips but I'm curious oh there turn up prices have been crap this week thank God Scott had really good turn up prices let's get rid of all these butterflies donate that other bug tape thing tink thing yet the rest of that I gotta put away yeah sweet okay I want this radio but I want this plant yeah my house is totally empty by the way guys in this I have not I can't commit to decoration decorating anything I can't even do it in real life I can't commit to like deciding what to hang on the walls and things [Music] is it Robin I don't know all right okay I'll got him guys he's still singing back there nightmares evil French is singing twinkle twinkle up here for what it was it twinkle twinkle you guys thought Tammy was bet Aussie GLE why you got write that in here now so now I'm hungry get out of here with that here I can give you this bug me you know what this bug what a pill bug oh I donated 1 already damn eh should have went to this guy before I went to the store why is he still singing cuz he's a demon and he's summoning the devil back there and bonbons good year for it [Music] are you rapping okie red are you talking about the amiibo cards purple lizard I do not have house party mean like the video calling you happy even if I did I don't give out like my video calling user names so I use that to try and connect with friends and family that I can't see anymore you know he's worse than Tammy Ally yeah Amy seriously [Music] okay let's put this wood away let's clear out our inventory and then we can go to an island and try to find a new villager oh yeah let's get this yay I guess I'll plant another one yeah actually let's move this trees with that of the way for when the shop the shop opens let's do it like this okay dents all this this way I feel like this game is just always organizing and condensing I need some ideas for areas on my island that I should start building we should definitely build like a some sort of food area ooh and I think Wednesday depending on Wednesday goes I might be streaming Animal Crossing Wednesday here again because it's Earth Day and there's supposed to be a new animal crossing update for Earth Day which is exciting okay let's storage which our first mystery island and hope I haven't been finding villagers on the mystery islands anymore weird yeah you guys like my new house anything to see today I changed the outside of it so I try to make it like purple galaxy fish so it's black and purple and the white the white I could really do anything about for the windows so I tried to max it match it with the mailbox wait yeah where's Tammy's letter when she sent me the toilet there it is your house is really really getting huge I got you this as soon as I heard about the new room I figured with all that extra space you might want some new clutter to cram in there and it was a toilet I guess I'll have to use my storage why not I gotta clear out my storage one of these days one of these days okay let's go do that why did Tammy send you a toilet cuz I think she's trying to tell me I'm a turd [Music] that's just my assumption cuz I'm so mean to her she's just like oh yeah yeah I'm so excited to have the evil sister store finally opening it's about time oh it's a bamboo eiling's oh it's pretty but I'm here mainly for villagers I have enough bamboo oh my god ek why can I not find any villagers do you guys know why why can't I find villagers did they stop showing up at some point there's oh never mind if that one oh he's pink oh I don't think I like him though oh he's dead oh he's dead inside who is this what is this I don't think I want him for her peaches peaches her voice is cute but I I like the fact that he has exit out eyes or she I don't know it's a she but I need deer okay I need deer or Molly Molly isn't she is disturbing yeah I mean I'm all for disturbing characters but oh my god you got a bit yeah why is bamboo I'm so confused is bamboo rare cuz I have a bunch of bamboo at my island I will take some bamboo shoots though but I have a I have a bunch of bamboo growing on my island in the back he's just your vidcast we actually just filmed an animal crossing video yesterday that'll be on her channel next week why my weeding pair put this back is there anything else cool about bamboo islands I feel like I keep getting the same islands over and over I keep getting bamboo islands and I keep getting the regular like not special island I've never got a money Island I've never gotten like a trip already made tarantula island mr. Barrera bamboo shoots it planted it will grow bamboo right yep yeah I have a bunch of bamboo shoots already tape tape some stuff on here and then be on my merry way to the next Island to try and find my villager soulmates [Music] yeah I haven't been going to many uh random Islands lately cuz I didn't have any spot to put new villagers so I thought it was a waste but now I have a spot and I need to try and get me a villager in there that I actually like before one that I don't like moves in I love a little noise that it makes when you find iron it made me feel happy inside okay guys I keep trying to get or Cassie and Terry we're trying to get me to get Bobby to get animal crossing but I can't decide if it would be something he would actually like then he was trying to get me to play call of duty I was like I think my problem is I don't like shooting games so we have to find a game we think maybe minecraft dungeons we've both full like so we're waiting for minecraft dungeons to come out um next month I haven't tried it yet though but it looks it seems like a game that we both like I've been what crossing am play I am playing while you're playing oh nice cheese I knew but how you go to islands also who is your favorite villager I think fauna so far is my favorite villager that's thanks to Tyler giving me an amiibo card you get tickets from the duck miles machine in resident services and then that takes you to random islands that have random villagers on them I'm just taking take it all the easy stuff that I can sell while you're back home pages yeah I also learned there's like 400 different villagers did not know that that's a lot what are the odds that I'm gonna get out of 400 villagers what are the odds I'm gonna get the ten that I want I also learned on tick-tock you can kind of like hack the system sorry buy peaches here you're okay you're not as bad as some of the other characters I've seen but not what I'm looking for Bobbi have a twitch Bobby does have a twitch but the only streams on it very randomly but he's Bob is on if you search Bob is all right you should come up or actually I think I linked it in my info section of my twitch peaches is cuter than even French Sasha loves fauna is that why she has a fauna emote well she's not dear Queen I am dear queen Sasha coming for my turf you know pet turtles in this game if you get one name it Bobby oh my god I will cuz he loves turtles don't you Bobby I like turtles oh my God he's still singing huh ah do you speak French I do not speak French I always wanted to take it in school but I started with Spanish so I just kept going with Spanish and I also don't know how to speak Spanish so that worked out really well for me still sweet by the way guys I also have a lot of money in this game or a lot of sorry a lot of bells in this game but there in the uh cuz there's so much of it I got it from the turnips but I've been saving it saving my money even in Animal Crossing I saved my money in real life most the time I'll save it in Animal Crossing I think this is full actually so let's just throw let's drop this here oh it was I want to make this area a little better - at some point yeah I'll show you my bamboo area I'm making like a Zen area all the way on this side of the map plant some more bamboo shoots over here doing my boring daily chores later while I'm sitting around chillin give you guys the cool stuff with the mystery islands what is a big guy in there I hate catching pond fish though it's so hard usually oh of course this time is easy carp oh damn it I think I have a carp already yeah that was a new okay let's chop this down put more bamboo over here I want this whole like area to be bamboo I don't even have terraforming yet I feel like once I get terraforming my whole islands gonna change and then I'm gonna be like why did I spend so much time [Music] by treaty it's fine it's not a real tree I know I'm chopping down I think for for Earth Day that's coming up in animal crossing you're supposed to like plant trees and I mean I'm planning bamboo I'm still you know oh crap I gotta chop this one down Shh Shh quietly go down there we go I'm gonna have an area for the evergreens don't worry I should have just replanted one there well what's that thing don't think I have that book that's a creepy-looking buck yeah what is it do I have that oh I had it ready what don't have all these bugs or any that I didn't know about it's something making noise okay last one cool good enough for now I've got a bunch of bamboo swell area is gonna be it's very zen it's gonna be my relaxing spot to come when I have nervous breakdowns in real life let's hop on hop on animal crossing and let's go to my Zen area oh yeah I might war fish just hanging out here he's just chillin I'm just trying to empty my pocket so we can go back to another random island let's see if we can find a better villager moving to my plot let's assess this fossil real quick first I get rid of it I'm sure to keep most of your villagers houses together because if they're all spread out houses get in your way with the Trent terraforming ya know lurid trash they're all together they're like in a row kind of like a community yeah he doesn't want it screw you blathers I'm gonna sell it I like have my iconic Animal Crossing look that people recognized before now is still the Teddy fresh hoodie you ran out of Lauren videos to watch Sarah there's no way you know me videos I got actually look it up right now they'll tell me wait does not show you anymore so you play used to show you how many videos you had uploaded does it not anymore what okay well I have hundreds I'm sure there's one you haven't seen do you watch today's video and if so there'll be a video tomorrow - what is tomorrow oh I remember tomorrow is this a hot mess but it'll probably still be hilarious hopefully that's always though I have one point four I have 1400 videos oh my god me over here saying hundreds better I got everything right please send me to a good Island please I need a good villager please there's eleven dear villagers I thought there was ten there are no Pepe dear in case you want to know oh thank you galaxy which what kind is fauna what type is fun I mean still out of stock damn I'm glad I have one already who is this I'm not a deer say hi gonzo make sure what I expected to find here okay well bye I keep feeling like I should use stuff on each Island that I go to but I kind of just want to go see what villager is there and then leave I already know that great I'm excited for no reason I think there's not much for me to do on all these islands if I'm good with materials right it's the fish island this is a fish island should I fish what is a fish island mean are there special fish Oh each Island has a bottle I didn't get the one from the last one oh I don't know if I have a DS do it I guess I do what the heck every time I'm like I don't have this do i yes I do not special no freakin way why do I keep getting these things why do I keep getting these things in like the to the last two times I played why do I keep getting these oarfish so glad somebody said this is a fish island another DIY tire recipe me I would like to go home Wilbur please take me home okay well I donated oarfish I donated an oarfish to the museum and I have one to keep yeah I'm gonna keep I've been liking the setup of like streaming over here for more chill games or games that don't games that aren't linear it's a game some games that don't have like a solid story all the way through like this where you just kind of like play around and do what you feel like doing that day that will stay on twitch and that'll cut it up and put it on the YouTube live channel for people who either don't use Twitter don't like twitch or whatever or miss it so the live chat but then the YouTube live channel I'll be using for I have like a scary RPG maker game I want to play dang in a row Rafa I want to play but those types of games that are more linear where I'm not chatting or don't like when I play with those types of games I don't like looking at the chat and going into conversation cuz it breaks the story and the game right yeah like slows up the gameplay in the story and everything kind of ruins it a little bit for me so I want to put those types of games that don't do well on the main channel because they're long-form put that on the live channel stream it on the live YouTube channel and leave it up but then these types of videos can go here yeah I'll keep the rest for the fisherman guy whenever he comes back I need to create an island I need an area an area on my island where I can like store a bunch of fish and insects for the guys that pay way more oh how cute look at it now I can look at the ocean and be like I missed the ocean where's my family no that's not what I wanted to do like at first I thought it was a really nice gesture to put the fish right next to the ocean but now I'm realizing it's kind of like taunting them like I'm like oh look at the ocean the thing that you I took you from enjoy enjoy not being in the ocean and just getting the stare at it she's gonna have to go over here can used to make there you go you don't get to see the ocean I don't know why but your tank is not see-through actually just bass over by his mother what am i his friends there you go enjoy they need to find some more QR codes and stuff I don't know now I don't know if I'm totally happy with my paths I think I want to change I feel like I'm gonna want to change stuff in this game like non-stop I'm gonna set up something a bit oh this is really cute with them like three days later be like oh I could do something way better oh my God look at all the blue I'll have one oh my god oh they're all hybrid flowers oh I like that I know I don't want any more squirrels he's cool oh he's look at him is he gonna kill me okay no he's not he's kind of cool but I already have had two squirrels I'm done with squirrels I need deer I need my dear I'll have one deer and I only got her cuz of amiibo Marshall oh do you guys all like Marshall I like Marshall but I need the deer guys I'm gonna fill my inventory with all of these special hybrid flowers I have some of these colors but not not enough I'm sorry yeah I'm pretty sure I've come across Marshall before though on an island I just want all the gear it makes sense for me to have all the deer it's probably gonna be very hard to accomplish and I'm gonna have to buy a bunch of a meet me bow cards but it's happening like your queen is gonna continue to be a thing in Animal Crossing sake I'm getting some unique islands for once usually I keep getting the same freaking island with the pear trees which I already have on my islands and roses which were my natural flower on my island bye guys I'm leaving Marshall you can all hate me it's fine I'm gonna go look at a I want to go dump this stuff and go look at Lizzie's piling might be able to get terraforming no there's no way violins got no I they said I can only get terraforming when I have a five-star Island okay let's get rid of all these flowers first oh three star for terraforming Oh let's go check I doubt I have a three star Island ooh let's plant these flowers first and then let's go check look how many flowers I have though oh my God he's still singing he's breaking my star rating down um oh I didn't have any blue I have one blue yeah and two pink perfect yeah I got a replant some of these because this area is way too hard for me to see because of the house so I gotta put something else there for now let's just let's just throw these flowers wherever we can find eventually I do want to do a galaxy beam up to something on my island maybe right when you come in it should be galaxy themes like a blue purple black flower blue black and purple black purple blue flowers Cesar is going to sing our star rating down I have so many flowers I don't know why I've just been wanting to collect flowers collect and crossbreed flowers okay we gotta go we're gonna go check out Lizzie's islands yeah star I'll sound great yeah I don't think I've been delicious we just kept showing up on other people's islands together like Scots and Brits and Laurie trying to sell turnips on junebug Dexter is doing just fine he's all back to normal his tests were negative he has two we had two changes we Island hop his tests are all negative we just have to watch what he eats now and he he has a vitamin E tanks but he's all good every jump freak yeah what happened to Dexter he got he got sick and had to stay whew you got a cute path Lizzie like two weeks ago he got sick and had to stay overnight at a prevent hospital for two nights with pancreatic oh look at her yeah wonder what let's see what villagers Lizzy has I like this path though oh look at this wait oh it's oh it's fake I was like wait a minute you can plant stuff like this at Animal Crossing what oh hi she's just she's getting better with my reactions Oh her mustache is gone she gave it to Megan [Music] she trying to type Oh what's she doing she has no shoes on yeah friendship before it's for turnips Oh smart let me get my switch app out it's not gonna easily take back in real time this slappy feed sounds Oh Oh unless you could just hear me - animal crossing this is so smart I need a turnip area I'm stealing so many of her ideas whose is this this is your house where's wait who is this text you could just speak and stream okay cool wait I want to see what text looks like this is the guy that Scott kicked out of his Island Oh text hey he's a penguin right Scott was saying he was terrible I thought he was gonna look way worse I think Mike oh look an ice house his house is insane yeah he's got ice cream on the table see uni here just visiting for bread oh well takes at your service if star I'll shave don't wait so an answered he is insane is he his house is in he was insane I'm scared Texas been screaming at you for what I like how I like how she didn't come in to check on my well-being oh my god Lizzie has a sad panda is this ollie oh my god it's ollie this is Chester no it's ollie he's my fave oh I like his rainbow umbrella hey are you the one visiting from bread I thought maybe you were aspire something would G hoop peace but what would you be spying on I didn't know then I remembered hearing we have a visitor I gave him it and he uses it oh that's so cute yeah now that I have fauna that moved to my town today I'm gonna shower her once she allows me to shower her with gifts I wanted to give her something to eat today I'm just gonna fall Lizzie I wanted to shower her with gifts but she wouldn't accept any of my gifts oh is this Lizzie's house this is your house wait is this your house no it's not your house is gonna say this house was way different Oh Chester said oh you cave him oh my god it's perfect gave him bamboo he must feel so at home better than mine oh yeah what I go see oh I can't oh I can't go in it boo Chester go back to your house oh yeah who's this just checking our villagers Lionel was Lionel is it a lion it's a lion isn't it Lionel I'm giving them all their own oh you're so much nicer to mine your villagers than I you're he's a lion I knew it you're so much nicer to your villagers mightor like put them right next to each other like a commune first I guess she was just staring right at this opening oh yeah let's see what she's got she was staring right at the door she's just like I like to check in on Timmy and Tommy every now fit just outside the door this looks like a hockey table but I think it's just like a regular table what they sell it all the umbrellas cute red mum I think I they're upgrading tomorrow whoo I didn't know they could have oh that's right there is I have seen the upgraded one never mind seeing if they had anything cool it's nothing I need give you that radio no I just gotta be I just got a cassette player today we're good put the bikini on Lauren Sulu no inappropriate somebody else is Lizzy oh there's somebody else is Lizzy somebody else's Island where'd she go I saw her go this way I think maybe now where'd you go I wish I would show you on the map let me look at her map actually oh yeah each of her i/o each of her Islanders has their own little area I lost her did she go this way oh wait where the heck did she go oh it's KK slider oh my god oh my god let's clap for him he's not even playing but look at this all her flag is so cute oh he's starting to play he's a diva yeah he's Olli he's like playing we applaud for him what a beautiful song I love it it's so beautiful I'm just living my best life oh my god everybody's still telling me to do the bikini fine I will do it for KK who is these probably like what is happening oh oh oh my this is my cake a slider outfit I'm a groupie beautiful um how do you get one of those I got it I made this actually for one of my videos but I think you can download it Lizzie off the like with a QR code on the catalogue like at the shop like to hear a tune tonight sure any requests I don't know any of your songs actually I need a mood oh I wrote I'm in a mood what's the mood um so this is my trash but it's hard to say come back when it's had a makeover yeah same with mine mine literally has nothing I'll be back Lizzie can you sign my bulletin board oh yeah I should have more people do that Lou what should I write guys I hate I hate typing on this perfect next time I come back I'll add to my message each time I go back to the island I'm just gonna keep adding I don't know if I can actually okay can I also draw I can draw yes this is supposed to be a heart it's so bad it's so bad wait wait maybe let's try that heart wait this is so I'm drawing this with a console controller I'm Troy beautiful Vince you've all different oh wait nope no no I don't know what happened with that one let's do all different star colors stars Lizzie you're gonna have an original work from Lauren art beautiful artwork from Lauren it's gonna be worth so much money well I'm actually okay Oh God nope try it try a tie hand at my heart one more time let's do like over here or maybe like okay I'll stop it there and then I mean that's close right close another start here it's a start good enough perfect we are there we are there we are there we love it you're welcome oh my god we go fire all drew yeah yeah I'm so proud of my post now yeah I gotta get Lizzie rhubarb what's a girl that's a good idea Lizzie but next time people visit my Island they need to post my bulletin board close perfect oh my god was happy to stare at my butt this whole time I will put my outfit back on oh look Easter let's meet again with what's this we have to pull out it oh oh oh you have Oh what I'm gonna take off the outfits what how did you get this Lizzy oh so it was a graduation outfit and then you can oh my god I have to oh I tried to take a cute pic oh there we go of us I'll see if I can do it and you go well that's awkward there we go now you can wait right after I took the pic how do I delete some incriminating photo evidence oh look I got I got a cute one I took a cue undid you oh wait get your wand out oh oh we both have the same wand oh my god this is amazing yay oh whoops how did that happen yay cute always so cute did you get it did you get it just like hog words oh my god it's the exact I feel like I'm at Hogwarts thanks for visiting thanks for having me you gave me a inspo even though you think your island is trash I like it I promise it will be better it's okay it's better than mine it's better than mine Lizzy thank you for my hot my Hufflepuff giveth or him I have to work on now I gotta get a scarf and a hat and shoes oh is this Oh must be another one of her villagers hi all right I'll let Lizzie do her thing work on our island I'll go back Agnes I like the name she's an old soul but it's Gryffindor no hufflepuffs yellow ribbon or I'd be the red ribbon doors red and yellow puffle box yellow and yellow and gray but I'd say the more prominent color is yellow for a Hufflepuff cuz the hoodie I bought for Apple puffs is yellow have you ever read tight o yo and Greg yeah there you go yeah cuz when I went to UM I went to Universal or we went to Universal Studios in Florida and I bought a Hufflepuff hoodie that's really dope oh yeah Oh Bobby where's oh my god I never the Ottoman that's in our bedroom I believe still has a bunch of my buddies in it because where's my Hufflepuff hoodie there is something crazy I've almost got a year without realizing that there's all of my hoodies in that Ottoman I need to get my Hufflepuff booty back by I love the color scheme of my little I wish you could go in it that would be awesome let's go back to my other outfit I mean clothes cleaned out part two yeah I lied then in my clothes video I said that was all of my clothes it wasn't there was a whole ottoman upstairs with filled with hoodies I think what other hoodies are in there I found my old college hoodie while cleaning which I'm very excited about I've been wearing that a lot because I completely forgot I even own a bunny for my college I'm about to find some gems up there guys I haven't looked in there in a long time I'll keep the snick so let's just get more tickets Oh is he still singing in the plaza I swear to God I swear this guys doing here no he's still in thank God oh no what is he doing now oh my god he calls me Highness like your highness I heard a lot was just put up for sale borrow stuff from I mean hang out with Wow see he just wants to use other people Bobby yeah each character has like different oh god what's he doing oh okay that's fine he's just wants to use other villagers we might be Tate we're gonna not might be we're supposed to be taking a social distancing walk with Bobby's parents that we haven't seen in over a month we've both been self isolating her a month over a month now so we're gonna take a walk outside the like distance ourselves from one another but we chive dog so we want to wanted our dogs to hang out look I got another bamboo my legs guys we're all excited about me getting bamboo island the last time the heck his feel that you're scared me oh he looks tough he looks like he did destroy me I came here on a whim and punk oh my god he called me a punk already I feel like this guy would beat me he look at how he's looking at me he's got like the crazy person anime eyes too let's see if we can find a message bottle and then we're leaving then we go into another one we're just gonna keep going I don't need any bamboo we got enough last time no see okay so there's a message bottle in every island I don't believe it bye spike go home you brought me to a crappy island run girl I do not trust him yeah I'm gonna thank god this Dodos with me probably would have mugged me I keep talking about bees dodo I never see please okay who do I got here oh she's cute but she's not who I'm looking for I want to say hi though I mean hopefully I'm the hoping I would still maybe see the same Islanders every now he's Alice you're cute but next take me home this is why I've been saving all my NIC miles [Music] every time I see a villager people are like take them they're cute no I'm on a mission I need more Molly Molly will be the only other villager that if I find I will take into forever Molly is the cutest friggin thing Cassie has Molly and I'm so jealous every time I go to her Island who do you want I want all of the dear I like how like deer didn't deer a deer wasn't my favorite animal and then when cute craft came around it became like a whole thing because I lived on the deer area of the map that just kept spotting these cute little deer and then I became dear Queen and then it just carried into all these other series and now I'm still dear Queen and I think it's made me like deer and there's always hear the chop at our house and I always get really excited maybe deer are my favorite or the best is when um people ask me what kind of if I had to say I was an animal what animal do you think would describe me best I think a deer Bobby would you would you concur that what if you had to pick an animal that described me yeah would I be a deer squirrel why a squirrel I'm like jittery and hamster Queen and I was only a hamster Queen for like two episodes of one series so I would say that overtook anything damn it dear I'm very gentle I'm nice I get scared easily I'm always looking for food trying to think what else do you do I'm cute and people always want to take me down I don't know I'm trying to think what else I was like deer hunters how can that relate I mean it's a 1 in 400 chance that I'm gonna come across a deer I don't know why I'm still trying hey if Cassie can do three different trips and find Molly which was the one she wanted I can try a bunch of trips and try to get one deer I just have to keep buying amiibo card effects that's all that's gonna have to happen let's check the villager yeah oh my god it's a frog I found a frog villager oh the Frog villagers cute no sorry sorry sorry I can't take me away from here before I make a bad decision leave him like remember your goal I'm getting deterred by cute animals I have a stack of animal crossing cards and I don't know where I put them oh wait no oh I did oh I found them none of them had the deer I know but I have them we got Jonah no Tiffany she looks not fun there's Marcy there's Knox so far none of these I want I have to bone eeks who's apparently also the worst so great Clyde Axl I got Serrano right off this guy's cute rolled how do I know know I had her we're getting her this is happening oh my god oh oh we put it on no it takes three visits before she'll move crap I gotta get another okay on the third day I got to get another plot okay how do I get I gotta get no no all right fine I started Oh we'll go we'll go but I'm getting Molly you had the car this whole I'm getting Molly I didn't know I had a Molly card I need to buy I'm gonna buy more Bebo cards buying more I bought all those I bought amiibo cards before animal crossing came out I wonder if you can still buy them they might be sold out they're sold out everywhere but people can make them yeah saw people making ones but I feel like I don't know I like I like trying to find your perfect villager which is not you no no no wasting all my notes miles no get me out of here I'm gonna go get Molly [Music] yeah I got to get more amiibo cards when I heard they aren't sold out anymore yeah I was thinking of getting the thing I saw on tick-tock where you can make your own you can literally get any character you want but if but then that takes a whole part of the game out like even the UH I don't I didn't mind the turnip stuff so much where I got a bunch of bells because like you need a crap ton of bells anyway to make everything you want pay off all your debt whatever but when you get all your villagers then you're like okay I'm done there's nothing I'm working toward anymore which with my villagers it's over at least now I can still like keep trying to hunt hunt for my villagers all right we are getting Molly up in this campsite get out here Gilbert can I do it on here oh I can I'm not ready Bobby yeah do you see my street I have the amiibo card of her and I've been looking for her everywhere Cassie finally found her but I didn't know I had an amiibo for her might take me awhile if I might get what they need it might take you a while does that mean are you gonna be here what's your bet away for you oh my god she's got a sandwich wooden block bed I can do that did I get tricycle yes I will make anything forever for you just ask and you shall receive Molly a track jacket thank you yes please fall in love with this place please fall in love with this place and be here want to live here I'm just not sure I'm ready to make the big move boom boom hate that I gotta invite them like three times I never checked the rating of my island I'm sure it's not that high cuz I don't have butterfly no I had them cuz I don't have any objects or anything out like items I need to start setting up areas with items I bet you start reading okay I just see more nice when Molly moves in when Molly moves in we'll get the third star I'm sorry yeah I'm fencing here in there yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah not good like I don't have enough items to work with yet what's that about oh I did get that really cool cloud floor I like it oh yeah I did get the concave area you start playing it plotting out my areas is there a way to get more items it's like I feel like I don't have much choice when it comes to the main area Mabel's setting up shop well this is the main when you enter I haven't taken down the Easter stuff there's this random thing here I put paths everywhere this is the museum this is the shop this is where the clothing store is gonna be this is the camp area this is the building area this is the side by side village housing area which I'm kind of sad I didn't make them their own little unique individual areas yet but I only just now am liking some of the villagers I have this is my whole orchard area which I want to put signs up for and make it a little cuter I think the paths I might change to different paths my house is up here so this whole area up here I want to make like cool that's really it there's like a weird bamboo Zen area that I just threw random stuff in as you do more you get more ah yeah that's really good everything else is pretty much the same as it's been always this guy oh no so if I can't get Molly to move in for three days some random thing is okay we have to keep I have a little more difficult get out of the way filbert I'm using this one last ticket I'm gonna keep maybe tonight while I'm sitting around I might keep going to random islands because I'm just gonna have to buy a new spot for Molly on the day that she wants to move in because three days is too long somebody else is gonna live in that house within that time frame so we gotta try and find somebody to live in that house with the random islands tonight before somebody tries to move in tomorrow oh it's a dog Oh oh my god it looks like Dexter it kind of looks like Dexter oh my god oh no I might need him oh my god I need to look him up maybe I should just have certain ones until I can get more deer people Oh oh my god butch look so much like Dexter and his mood type is cranky Bobby there's a dog villager that looks like Dexter butch is product yeah thank you guys I could have made a terrible mistake black Walker you're cute at all but you're not Dexter I want to go home I'm wasting all my Nook miles right now but just so cute yeah and Dexter is cranky would you say Dexter's cranky I'd say he's crazy whatever he's always growling yeah we were taking a walk today and he saw another dog walking and he likes other dogs he likes playing with other dogs but he doesn't know how to he said he doesn't know how to convey his emotions correctly so like when people leave our house he gets super aggressive and like will growl and jump at you and bark at you to try and get you to not leave but like that's not what you should do to try to make people stay because it makes people scared and be like oh god I need to get out of here I need to get out of here quicker you're making people get there so he did the same thing to the dog today like he wanted to go smell and play with the dog but he made all these aggressive noises because he doesn't know how to like convey his emotions and feelings toward this other dog he's just very he's a very confused dog he thinks he's being nice and helpful but he's not if if I find a really good villager tonight or tomorrow while I'm just playing by myself I will tweet out about it just so you guys know
Channel: LaurenzLIVEside
Views: 1,306,516
Rating: 4.9133911 out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, animal crossing, new horizons, ldshadowlady, villagers, fauna, cesar, bonbon, tammy
Id: 8G-g1dLmqS8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 48sec (4488 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 29 2020
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