Which of my Friends Did A MURDER?! 🕵️‍♀️ ...in Clue / Cluedo

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okay right are we ready to start what is that picture i haven't played this in years by the way choose your context turn now you choose your character all right okay oh my gosh i got to be me oh my god shelby he's hot [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] colonel mustard a daddy yeah honestly like scarlet's hot as well like what that dress this is what she is i wonder if yours isn't updated because i got told they removed him as being reverend for a different reason i literally bought it today yesterday do you see mine that's so weird let me load up your stream he's right because here are you buying mrs white he actually definitely is no so shall we go to the club hover over classic the old man mister no sir wait a minute yeah you're mine mr green yeah also mr green mine doesn't say reverend either it says they said it's a regional thing uk version has still has reverend but they changed it on the american version because they didn't like the idea of a priest being accused of murder oh [Laughter] yeah you'd put all the effort into doing that yeah [Music] i didn't know that i was gonna be playing at twice this week shelby we've had our kids yeah two days ago they were like you wanna play clue today and i was like oh okay i'm playing twice this week yes i'm practicing yeah yeah you can make sure that it runs smoothly then my god got my clue brain on i watched a how to play clue video because i completely forgot how to play like before i came down so i kind of got it i used to love it yeah we used to play i remember the first time like uh our friends were calling like talking about anything clue and i was like you mean cluedo and they're like no clue i'm like cluedoll i've never heard of pluto no until until this yeah it's always clue for us i don't know what one was first what does pluto mean i don't know it was just the name of the game like clue making sense because it's like you're looking for clues which is like hints and things let me giggle what came all right megan's almost ready i just had a zipper underneath her shirt that's a pluto right because pluto was first yeah it came out it was it was this is close in 1947 payton began sold in the uk huh uh but because of post wars oh i was post-war shortages the game was not released until 1949 as cluedo in england including the united states yeah they uh removed the two extra letters to save costs no just made that i'm sorry too many letters drop it yeah literally like that's gonna be too complex is colonel mustard ready she just zipped her dress do you have suspenders because i have although maybe it's not worth it but she said her film like detective pikachu wait she dressed up she's got a yellow turtle naked like um oh yes oh i love the yellow turtleneck too okay thank you thank you very much are we all acting like our characters i would love for clue to become like our thing so we just start doing the packs where it's like right masquerade versions of our characters guys like yeah thank you oh my god yeah megan's outfit looks awesome i'm ready megan's already ready to do this expansion oh here we go oh [Music] oh sorry oh i love it it crosses it out for you this is so nice oh yeah it crosses it for you nice um you literally just have to roll i feel and i want to go to like monopoly all over again just keep rolling a little bit oh demonic oh so you have to make a game yeah um mrs white oh my goodness it gives us you killing the what's the last time yeah yeah [Music] [Laughter] oh my god this is so evil that's lizzy oh one of them oh so i suggested lizzie and she has to show me something that she's got so i know if it's not does that make sense yes update my sheet now everyone has to click continue after they're done taking their notes okay oh god wait i have to take notes oh i'm not good at this game i literally don't know wait i wasn't paying attention i was doing my uh suspenders oh my gosh so did you all get shown in that card no no no okay no we don't get chocolate i have to get shown to you that's fine wait you're can you write notes so the way i take notes now i've put a one next to each one of these three cards knowing lizzy has shown one of them once uh what and then if she gets asked again in like a different set of cards and one of them is the same as before i'll put a two on it and that means she's shown it twice that's probably her card it's very hard to take the notes for freebies oh that's way too complex for my brain what we're supposed to hit i mean click touch what did we do there's a button at the top that says continue i don't have a button that says continue no it's megan who has it oh right here once you're done so then yeah once you you don't have any notes to take it gives you the time so that you're done taking your notes yeah oh it's my turn okay roll the dice i'm excited wait so the more time somebody asks about a card means that nobody's seen it yet is that is that deduction how to introduce and the weapons you have means it can't be those okay i think it was sexy professor plum [Music] with a dagger i hope it was in the dining room oh who do i get to ask that tale so oh okay interesting so to okay um it it showed up with like a check mark and x's what do those mean shelby um so the x's are each person that it passed around that means they didn't have one of those cards so it puts an x automatically and then the check is automatically put on the one that lizzie just showed you which only you saw so if i think that like that might be i can put like a question mark or something right yeah that's what i do if i think someone has this card i put a little question mark in their little box who doesn't does it pass so this time it went straight to lizzie didn't actually pass anybody it just so if you didn't have any off the cards it would go to the next person how do you know what the order is oh okay i think it's me joy you megan she'll be lord and me do it like that order so if you ask for next one i'll start at you and go down to megan wait until does that mean the cards that you asked joey didn't have any of them i didn't wasn't asking anything because he but he would have got asked first when scott did his turn right when scott went out joey would have had a show first and if he didn't have oh oh it already marked those offers you don't have a thing you can do is ask your own cards of people which uh no one else knows but then you know it'll skip because you haven't does that that wouldn't make any sense you could you could choose the paraphrase he's gonna click continue mrs white is not solving any crimes any time this is like a trial ring yeah wait wait so that that means that lizzy had one of those cards to show yes right okay yeah we just don't know which one gotcha or maybe you do if you happen to be the person with the dagger you know she doesn't oh okay who hasn't played the companion yet um and lauren oh my god well i took my oh and turn i love how i did not see that it's me wait why do i start in the kitchen oh yeah when you accuse someone in the game it brings you to that room i thought it was because i was the cook no you're not you're in the you're in the lounge you're okay that's where i said you were oh that is the lounge great [Laughter] she doesn't leave her alone shall i accuse you thought i did a murder in here perhaps it was you miss scarlett oh probably she played in order she really said in order get that excuse you that's right i saw what you did with that man so megan doesn't have no cards but shovel has one yeah so it'll automatically put an x next to each one of those for megan cause she can't have it each any one of them but i had one aha okay yeah yeah okay that was okay i indeed get that do we have the the room cards or do we only get weapons and player cards we also get room cards but that makes them get one [Laughter] you sometimes can get two rooms and just a weapon or two people sorry sometimes you can get i don't know what i'm supposed to be doing whose turn is it just or whoever we're waiting i'm sorry i'm still marking it seems like the game does a lot of it for you i mean so shelby showed us a card yes i'm still confused how to keep good scorecards it took me so long to know how to take notes and even mine aren't good i think it's one of those that like once we play one we'll probably figure it out yeah you'll know what you want to be keeping track of yeah i remember when i used to play it in person i used to just like figure out the person first and then i would try the weapons and then i would try the rooms slow but it worked [Laughter] my little brain couldn't handle trying to work out the other way megan that's your girl oh sorry for a while i was taking notes in person because it was better to have just real life i was writing full sentences of things to remember [Music] where is she gonna go sorry i was covering the notes guys thank you for do you like their animals they have control prairie they're the best who's making accusing who will you accuse oh my gosh the elephant topiary in the background that's so cool let me go there how do i get one of those in my house a library i don't know what you're thinking so she's deciding what yeah okay oh everybody thinks it's lizzie i don't think mrs white [Music] oh it's me um oh there you go you can see that oh very good very good everybody click next you can sell mark your sheet after you click continue right yeah oh yeah yeah yeah it's just so that you don't forget what cards were asked and then you click continue and they're gone ah okay yeah i wish you could choose the person you asked i feel like that's a strategy oh yeah it'd be like oh where do i want to go what i want to go to the ballroom shelby said front and center yes i oh it's wendy by the way guys i have no idea how i'm marking this card me oh he looks so adorable pokemon trainer okay update my clue sheet oh so scott had one of them i had i showed shelby a card okay you just don't know what card it was [Music] gotcha they're taking very intense notes i would say if for this game you can let your chat help too okay as long as they don't go to the people of streams oh yeah yeah they're like oh she had this card i'm watching do that mrs white will get you she'll come to you in the middle of the night uh nobody's the best with the candlestick you can get it on steam oh it's my turn i don't know where i want to go where am i neutral in the hallway oh yeah you're up there so i'm in the ballroom because people kept accusing me yeah um where do i want to go not there not there i'm gonna go [Music] to the kitchen oh my nice snack yep lord's like this is where they keep the bridge scott i am a snack look at me uh i'm gonna accuse somebody that hasn't been accused yet like who you joe preciousness scarlet i mean peacock would never i know my name do you think i would be caught dead in the kitchen yeah right she's too rich for the servants to be in oh my god she looks right oh oh yup i was like losing this show so many [Music] around here i've lived a long life all right [Laughter] sing some things go ahead scarlett you guys all dressed thank you for all the the subs let's go get yourself i'll address them after just hang tight i will try to read the door wow oh in the open who's bold enough to do it in the open um yeah you know i thought i uh didn't know that either for a couple seconds i know yeah my brain's tiny i now understand me too i think it was megan with the dagger in the hall oh it's a general colonel mustard yeah does that look like megan to you there's definitely you know okay oh who showed oh joey i did and i'm glad to show it i do quite like that it marks some things off for you automatically thank god okay thank god thank you what did the x's on the sheet mean it means those people didn't have it they don't have that card yeah so if all people don't have it and you don't have it that's one of the parts yeah that's okay so it'll come up with a check mark um i don't know if it automatically no it won't have a check mark it'll have only x's cause no one has it and then i think i don't know if it circles it for you you have to do that yourself surely we we are working off a lot of the same information here then yeah yeah the thing is you're meant to kind of be working off of what you have and what other people ask like yeah yeah is trying to deduct from that information okay so i want to ask questions with the least amount of x's okay yeah so if you the three cards you have you know that it can't be that combination of people weapon and rim so there's no point in asking that any of those things when you're questioning yeah and like the trick is sometimes to ask the same thing over and over again right because then it means that if no one has it you can start to be like right i've asked everyone if they have the lead pipe and no one does so it must be the lid okay i'm gonna go with um i think it was hardy mccarterstein with i don't know if that's yeah who is not me joey [Laughter] me [Laughter] don't know which one yourself interesting [Music] thank you i hear scribbling going on who's taking notes he's writing furiously colonel mustard i'm not solving this master to you showed me some respect who's cur general colonel mustard mr general and colonel mustard thank you dr mr colonel general oh yes is there a secret is there a secret tunnel there is actually some of the rooms yeah they go to oh yeah oh okay oh uh where are you actually oh you're over there where am i did somebody okay so this represents thumb i don't actually know where i am currently but i can go to any of the ones that are lit up right oh i'm just this is still i'm still slurring i'm going to the library oh she's going to go learn something i think i may have figured out i don't know you can accuse if you figured out i know but what if you're wrong what happens if you're wrong oh jeez yeah you want to have all three oh mustard oh [Music] well well well why is everybody knew that to me i don't know why i checked oh sorry um so all of our check marks and x's should be the same then or all of our x's should be the same yeah if we're doing things correctly all our notes will have the same checks and x's but okay mine's probably wrong scott what well wait you're the only one that has done it right everyone else oh it's like i clicked i'm done it had a tick and i was like surely he okay i'm like trying to read through chat to figure out how to play this game mess [Music] i feel like if the chair was there and and that secret passage was there not covered you'd roll back oh yeah i didn't even see that it'd fall in that is precarious huh sounds like something a murderer would observe that's how they died they no one killed them they fell down they're trapped away oh people people really think he's nervous oh oh with a rope in the study okay it was not well it was not all correct my hypotheses might not be right who who answered shelby [Music] i think i'm understanding how to take notes now who knows same honestly who knows okay i have lots of x's i don't know that's right uh and then shelby had one of the cards yes [Music] okay yeah i think i think i'm getting the hang of notes maybe oh i should have been doing my notes differently people don't do them differently i just realized like no wrong way no matter how much your chat tells you you're doing it wrong before they tell me that yeah for the the next game i think i know i think i know my strategy i kind of messed it up a little bit this time but okay this is the learning round yeah why is everyone in this study i want to know what's up in the study hey everyone's the partying here please go to the study um [Music] how dare you i was busy taking notes maybe she had two of them and didn't want to she was picking between you never know wouldn't it be funny if somebody guessed all three cards that you had and that was their guess and you just yeah but you only show them one so it's like yeah i have played with friends where they guessed like completely at random and they got a correct immediately what really on the fir it was will he because we used to play clues so much he guessed it right it was on stream it was insane oh my god so does it just go around nobody has those cards so then they know for sure then yeah if they don't have them and no one else wow and he won that way i think it was on stream h did that if you have one of the cards how do you show people what do you mean it's only the first person that comes against you in the turn order that has to show hey guys you can make a guess with one of your own cards knowing it'll go around the board like if you're trying to get a room so you put your own person that you have in your hand your own weapon oh and that'll only get you the room you want got yeah or if you already know one of the things it'll also go around that oh i'm trying to go i'm trying to deduct things thank you i am the smart one of the group as you can tell from my glasses and the fact that i'm a professor i'm just here to be pretty what do the little things over people's names mean in the top right there's like well it's called dots uh like the dot dot oh up top up top i don't know yeah i don't know yeah what's megan why is megan thinking oh i think that's when you put a check all right that is a check on one of the three of their cards oh so i i have a check on a few people so they have a little my brain is almost there i almost get it i'm really good [Laughter] are you coming to join the people oh my god oh that went around everyone geez but lauren has lauren has to show me i think okay oh press next when you're done i kind of want to make a accusation but i'm scared you should then i'll see i'll see after next turn because you can make an accusation at the end of your turns like do one more does that end the game though if it's wrong doesn't that end the game um and your character looks all sad in the corner no you're not meant to have cards come [Applause] on i'm sorry [Laughter] i was supposed to go around it it didn't go very far yeah that's when it goes through everyone knows and you're like yes yes yes yes yes okay [Music] i just want to go to a new spicy room that i've never been to before that's what i want you should go pick out some stuff we're gonna explore the house no one's been into the one with the pill table yeah or the back conservatory hmm okay there's rooms we haven't been in here no i'm going in there [Music] i do not move as sprightly as the rest of you guys do not so the x's mean that someone had it or didn't have it didn't have it okay they didn't have yeah and the check means they did okay there's one thing i'm not 100 sure so that's why i'm nervous hmm interesting [Laughter] [Music] i don't remember oh okay are you going to show me the card thank you this was fun my chat are like is lizzie confessing hey guys i did it was it me hmm her maids have been awful strong lately just remembered everything okay i still am so far away from knowing anything yeah i know nothing yeah how is lauren ready to guess i mean i could be one of them i could be i think i have two of them third one i'm not a hundred percent so i don't i think it's too risky to try how and whatever cards she has and we don't know that she is i only know one of them thank you for the cheers [Laughter] you're welcome [Music] oh and the longer like the morning do it again my dress would be kind of see-through though dead legs old family okay i may have been marking my thing wrong so i'm not you should definitely make a guess then i'm just now just now realizing that i may have been barking with hmm okay i want to go who the dining room she opened i do be popping she'd be hoping hey i'm just going to wait for the game to fill in all my clues for me because i have no idea okay it's funny if he's just mr green but they still kept them in like the the referent collar mine's not mine he's in like just a white shirt oh yeah yeah the american one he's just a white shirt whatever he's in like a black shirt with a little white collar like this yeah he's not a reverend american it's funny though because he's like the the chill is forever and ever because he has a green trench coat green shoes and black jeans it's like yeah hey reverence can be chill and true they could also be murderers and so can you but i swear it wasn't me all right where do i want to go my child like he's like a youth pastor i don't know much about the hall let's go to the hall yeah i'm so lost on the room right now i have so few notes on the room i'll try accusing somebody else for once what about wait maybe were you a king thing before yourself that i kept accusing uh or i've only accused greed joy yeah joey and griez yeah i think that was it oh mrs peacock wait who goes after like whose card do i check first do we know the first thing one below you and it goes up to the top again okay cool yeah megan what you did it my name is mustard not megan get it right okay so it marked off those for me cool thanks hmm i got nothing out of that i got nothing [Music] oh wait no it didn't help me i hope they are good it's been a while since i've watched your stream smile thanks dizzy youtube fan yeah i'll go back through lauren i'd like to know like later on if you note down what you were going to accuse and then see if it's actually true later on oh yeah oh i did notice that like because you can circle names and stuff if you want to like so i've been circling who what i think it is nobody looked at my streams i'm waiting on one category my chat is trying to help me so hard yeah i'm so stupid like i'm pretty much just taking very educated guesses and praying that it works out if i guess if i accuse the wrong thing then i know my whole system is flawed for the next yeah i believe this is correct yes okay are you accusing no shelby's oh i'm so sorry i'm so sorry oh who had to think i heard lauren saying i believe this is correct no i'm not ready yet oh very sorry i know things i'm just gonna be mad if i've been sitting on this and somebody else gets it before me but from the sounds of it it doesn't sound that way i'm not even close i've got to bite the bill at some point i've just been asking the wrong questions here possibly oh [Music] going back to the scene of the crime even though everybody laughed which makes me kind of feel like this isn't the problem if you see which way lauren's heading that might be what if i start trying to throw you off now oh [Music] oh wait nobody but scott had something okay who shot a car let's go oh wait that may have just for i don't know if i'm actually saying i love this journey though lauren it just goes from making me think i'm smart to not at all yeah being certain and then confused and then unless i i'm hoping my notes are correct they should be uh i think this is correct [Laughter] i'm like the most confused kid ever like okay my answer just keeps changing joey do you have oh sorry okay i think i i need to start um collecting more clues oh my gosh yeah don't trust that good instinct yeah no i thought i was smart but if i would have went with my original accusation i would have lost basically so as according to my notes i would have lost uh-oh oh ingrid ella that's right me why is it going so slow what do you have lauren what is that okay okay yeah i think i've been doing my notes wrong oh no so i think all of my information just went out the window oh no because my chat just reminded me of something that happened earlier and i was like oh yeah never mind um i don't know anything huh everyone noted megan enjoy oh yeah note it up people are very into these suspenders and mustache i'm just saying people are really into my wrinkles too i really i didn't do the wrinkles but you look great lily do you have to be in the right room to make an accusation no no you can be in any oh you don't no yeah you can be you get to guess whatever room doesn't matter um okay where should i go hang on just a moment i'm gathering intel asking my uh my team okay cool yeah i'm gonna clear up this study this study thing once and for all next round if i can reach the study i'm going there because that scott would have to show me i can hear all of our brains thinking i just have to make your eyes turning yep it's a big brain power kind of another card that he might not have we're not big brain power kind of people i mean you can't deny it megan lizzie has big brains i do not i'm i've got the smallest brain right now i [Music] oh [Music] oops okay [Music] i like how now that we all start to have an idea that goes through a lot more people yeah whereas like the first few we were doing it was just like the first person you asked was like hey i have it i hate when you get a low roll and don't have enough moves to get where you want to be you're like gosh dad she's using the secret staircase i have a question does everybody have a character a weapon and a room to start with oh oh i have definitely been playing that's not right okay i think i finally figured out where i was going wrong but i have gone too far attention to fix it learn the amount of heroic emotional rollercoasters you've taken this on with like three rounds like i might guess i don't know who it is i think i finally have figured out where i went wrong i think i feel so stupid still note-taking oh lauren my brain is melting and i'm trying to collect myself oh okay i think my note-taking has finally come in handy i love this narration it's just me slowly losing my let's play yeah oh my gosh should i go for it are people ready to guess soon oh go for it if you're ready oh god shelby and my pain i'm between two people so i'm i'm 50 50. wait so do we find out drama off us all on the stairs wait do we like if you're wrong do we find out what things she accused we find out what she accused but we don't know what was right or wrong the only thing you'll learn is that whatever i accused i don't have okay gotcha i'm between two people and i don't know which one well it's a 50 50. it is a 50 50. so i don't know who's the shadiest lookin good luck me [Music] you did it i did it it was right it was oh i guess it doesn't show you yet not yet [Music] so i was like good job shelby ggs did i not know it was me this whole um okay i'll make another game at least i know my note-taking was decent because i knew it was rope and stuff too just because of that little one how did you get study so quick i still have like four possible rooms ready let's do a murder right i'm gonna do better this time i'm gonna ring i believe it's not letting people down around her name because she won one or is that just that's just what she i think because she's bought packs oh oh is that okay ready yeah i have the season pass maybe that's that obvious yeah i love this house i don't like this game enough i wait did lizzie now did you buy the season pass lazy to get the she just bought i thought she just thought 2.99 she specifically bought the old play day she knew what she wanted we also at least we all now know that this time when you make a guess don't shout i got it right before he sure yeah of course nothing bad happened yeah i was gonna say okay no taking gonna be on top of myself i get to walk in today right i'm off to the kitchen because that's obviously my domain mm-hmm she's literally nice i like it okay i'm accusing the much younger mrs peacock to the lead pipe oh did you do it did you do it well i don't know interesting thank you oh who showed me oh i forgot about notes i forgot about notes don't worry i'm still i'm taking mine oh lizzy asked and megan showed one okay wow you guys take some really detailed notes you're like actual detective i'm kind of just flying by the seat in my pants here i don't know what's happening another thing you can take note of if if uh you wanted to go big brain enough if people like let's say lizzy guest peacock lead pipe and kitchen you could put question marks for lizzy potentially having one of those cause sometimes people like to ask which with one of their own cards specifically i did that for a while for the last game i kept trusting them yes i don't know people knew about guessing their own card at that point no see that's where i went wrong because if people guessed cards i just assumed they didn't have those cards so i was really liking that and then i was like crap i shouldn't be doing it um probably me she's taking the most of their notes this time i'm ready this time she pulled out a real notepad she's writing things down mm-hmm megan winston she's actually hired she's actually hired a private investigator to stun next year we congregate after each round that's why it takes me so long just wait to play some bellards i used to give him a pool mm-hmm snicker pill so it's so early on i'm just gathering intel so i could just make accusations yeah can we just play pool real quick i love going oh that would be great can we get it can we get a pool table we got it we got to talk about this oh yeah we do we do we take that you actually you actually can get a pill table that has like a top that goes on it so it's a table but then i don't think we're going to use the table part of it even at all yeah oh or there's a really good shape in my hand she knows wait there's there's a really cool table you can get that you take off the top and it's indented so it's like a board game table so that you can all dice and such that it won't roll off that's awesome those are fancy banana bread slices yes shall we keep a card right so now my my question marks are so now where they could have one of those three things because it said that they had one of the cards and then i'm marking numbers based on how many times that person so like up here it's like red blue black uh yellow and green so i go based on the person so like if yellow asked about green i mark it down because the more that they're asking about it the quicker i can assume that they don't have that card if that makes sense miss scarlet or no [Music] [Laughter] interesting oh wait so unless shelby has it it just i have a number of these cards oh i just don't i won't tell you which number she's playing the long game oh my god [Music] um hmm well now i'm curious about this room yeah we're all just gonna go and do the same ones because shelby said she has a number of the cards so jill shore's eventually don't don't do that don't do that well if you ask all the same things [Music] okay there you are there's your information that's all i wanted that's all you're getting out of me what was it lauren yeah you'll already share with the class you're gonna have to go into the ballroom and guess all the same things you're gonna have to ask the same exact questions all right this is what we learnt from this i don't know honestly wow i learned something [Music] i literally can only go to the ballroom like basically didn't have enough spaces to go anywhere else sure literally the only thing that came up was that [Music] oh he didn't ask the same one oh god well well [Laughter] wait what did we wait i'm so confused is scott trying to trick us no one else does i'm saying nothing oh i hate this i could take a guess but i'm not going to i kind of want to guess i only don't know one thing already same i think oh then i got accused quickly i could also only come in here sure okay this may be the quickest thing this may be the quickest match ever dude that was wild [Music] oh my god what is happening wait what does that mean i didn't get a card [Music] so how do i accuse well the thing is that he could have one of those things as the issue yeah but he could yeah but if he knows he doesn't then yeah yeah he can use what he wants if he doesn't accuse that we know that he has one of those cards if he does accuse yeah because otherwise there's one reason not two keys so let's see what he does you know that i don't know [Music] oh my god the fastest game ever wow they find the right this is all shelby's fault i wish that i guessed all three at random because what are the odds i got them all what are you guys i got two of them wow [Music] with my weapons so that i knew you didn't and i was like i only had you doing the venue i knew you only had candlesticks so it meant that it definitely got the room and the person so it was just so funny wow that was i think i'm just guessing three at random not even my own card next time cause like i wonder if i would have gotten the weapon right at a pure guest i will make another no bobby just came in and said he was like nice glasses because i stole his glasses off i kind of want to try all the different maps now after seeing this one yeah okay now that we have been hanging my cards let me know who it's not hmm me me oh damn wow okay where do i feel like i'm he is a reverend scott take me to church i've got some sentence i need to confess i keep hearing the like teacups and stuff and i keep thinking it's happening in my shell i know it's it's startling don't do it again shelby you started i just said i think yeah yeah yeah and you think it was you're saying shelby because it's you or because there was a chance that going all the way around again just show me the fact that you're cute i'm so sorry you look great in that dress though while you're kidding me my only murder is gonna be of my rich old husband sure i want you to know you're saying these out loud just in case you didn't know yeah okay okay i'm just saying what you wrote okay or what you guessed okay okay okay i know one thing i know one thing wait you know one of the things already no no just oh i was like jesus i know one of joey's card and i mean technically if you go if you got given like three people or three weapons and then you guessed one of the other ones you could pretty much get it like in the first second tartan like you believe that happened last round i can't either yeah i still can't it was it was that's done why is she like that she's all hunched over yeah it's not how you shoot a gun and so that the blunt doesn't get on my dress i need to angle it away from me yeah but it doesn't match it's actually scarlet it's not red oh it's scar it's not blood red it's that project yeah i'm gonna blood orange she's so pretentious it's red you all know that meme i'll show you pretentious with this revolver i know you're referencing something i think scott knew the reference one i like your delivery though thank you lizzy i want to do drag as a male that always seemed fun try king drag king that's the thing is drag kings if you're a girl i want to do that it looks fun see that's what i thought if we'd done if we'd actually committed that's what we've been doing tonight surely well okay i need a little bit more if we're keeping the same characters i'll get a green coat and oh okay i'm a little bit uh i need to drink more coffee i didn't understand what you were saying shelby so i was quiet but i want to do that too that sounds like fun i'm in she's coming in late she's here we should plan we should plan ahead one night for like where we're all going to like me and joey will go full drag for our things you can always yeah [Laughter] going on amazon ordering a green jacket my hands and my heads i'm so powerful that's a stance that was me oh my god [Music] josefina all right okay joey oh [Music] yeah the the dishes also i love how you hear dick you hear dishes in that but i don't see a sink there's no sink it's behind it it isn't that's the real mystery here also who has stained glass windows in the kitchen right well they do live in a mansion so that the chest is a billiard room a ballroom a conservatory in their home and so mrs white doesn't get distracted looking at the outside world when she's cooking i know nothing i feel like i know nothing i know less than nothing i can go many places anywhere i want to this entire thing i own the bill where do we want to go i'm kind of hungry feed me miss white [Music] i don't think this one's even ended up but yeah she's not actually entered yeah i shot [Music] yeah i know everybody keeps asking about the revolver we all want to know the same information about this revolver and the dining room [Music] [Music] hmm lizzy i love the face on her character yeah oh she's deafened oh i just love the makeup like she really went in yeah i loved it yeah she did good too looks great gonna have to rise to the occasion next time oh yeah well i thought we were doing phil things but then i realized like two days ago when people were like what character am i i was like like well that didn't work out i didn't know how all out we were planning but i'll be pretty next time to do it i don't know i feel pretty great about mine you should you did it last minute yeah megan megan just has the ability to do all her things i always have pieces and then shelby too i pulled from her wardrobe yeah i gave her some cendies the advantage of having a girl roommate this is i don't even know why i have suspenders i've never worn those uh let's keep them because obviously they've come in handy yeah i'm a fan of the look of suspenders i think it's nice yeah i want to see megan's suspenders but i can't load up her stream oh wait yeah i was about to do that and then i realized i can't good thing i didn't well i could just look after the stream yeah i just come into your room you a little twirl by the way that sounds a little too nervous i pride myself on my diligence dance number if you will as if you oh okay okay i see a thing who are you showing who's showing it megan yeah i'm on to you wait i should just stick to being a cook honestly i'm terrible someone just said and shot came here to see the suspenders that's how you get the views hey gotta start swearing suspenders all the time free to subscribe while you're at it hit that little heart button click the follow button yeah where are you going megan huh we're actually all spread out this time compared to last year we're all just piled into the ballroom okay we love our revolver yeah what the heck yeah who's got this thing oh oh oh oh oh oh oh come on did is the game over here i don't know which of these megan could have unless she has yeah well if she accuses then she doesn't or that's then she does yeah if she steps she has a combination of them if she accuses if she doesn't have a combination show yeah what's gonna happen i'm so nervous oh wait she can't do anything until we're done we never saw okay okay mrs white i'm scared is this it i'm still thinking i don't know what's happening who just accused was it megan megan right i swear it wasn't me nah [Laughter] [Music] megan is up to you oh so she has one she has one or more of those she has all three and she wants to yeah i was gonna do that in the first turn but then i decided not to that doesn't move yeah make a scent go all the way around and make you wonder but you had all three all along oh man i can't even go to the room i wanted well i don't know i want to know now [Music] oh [Music] which one you got for me which one you got for me what is happening hmm she's got two of them she's thinking about which one to show me maybe my god or she just doesn't know sorry i was showing off my pikachu on stream my dad that keeps happening i was showing off my candy and then you guys are all waiting on me i'm sorry i am detective oh boy damn straight [Music] no i'm just kidding i'm just kidding i'm just getting all ready [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] i had to do it at least once if this is our last game we didn't know you can cancel it for the drama i like it my charital shook it's always shovel that makes the guest that like uncovers so much okay wait wasn't it your guess that or was it somebody was it joey it was that then meant that we knew what room it was because we only had one of the cards last game oh yeah i would randomly guess two of them i know what ram it is what are the odds of that i'm gonna ask new questions screw it i need more info i think you guys are playing me yeah [Music] okay let's get yeah let's get more info from other people yeah okay [Music] okay so scott had something yep yes megan you need two notes oh sorry i was writing my notes down [Music] who died oh yeah no idea how come i didn't know i was the killer you know what h loves this game more than anything in the world and he never saw the movie either i never saw the movie either oh my god oh my god it's so good it's got tim curry in it oh man this isn't gonna help me wait wait oh scott asked oh it's mr body the owner of the mansion i forgot that isn't what it is huh and who had one megan why is his name mr body because he is the body hello this literally helped me not at all sorry it helped me quite a lot it helped me didn't help me at all my bad where do i want to go to ladies i don't know let's do we've been to the dining room enough let's get a change of scenery there's so many rooms we haven't been in yet the billiard room wait oh huh yeah i knew you did i knew okay this still doesn't help me oh man three movies if you guys haven't seen knives out that's a really really really good mystery oh such a good one what is that so good knives out i haven't seen that i've still to see you nice out but did you see there's a funny thing about knives out with iphones oh no i i don't want to see it because it's technically spoilery oh don't say it wait is that anything is that a newer movie like 2018 2019 yeah it's got jamie lee curtis on it so i'm into it the cast is quite loaded yeah it's like a comedy thriller like i gotta look it up it's a good one ooh the hall i have a question going back to that first round when megan did all three did somebody show her a card no no oh so so she had all she knows she has a combination of those cards but yeah at least possibly two show me the money i mean the card show me the card why does megan keep having these cards megan's got all the cards every time i make a guess megan's got the answer what can i say i'm uh i got cards okay okay we have this oh [Music] uh the thing that's okay [Music] i have an idea i'm going to do wrench why are you telling us joy [Laughter] okay so [Music] who are you accusing me it was in the kitchen it was probably me was he's like make a guess i do a lot of my murdering in the kitchen where do you think the meat comes from that you've all been eating for your feast yeah i'm pretty sure megan has green that's why i marked green off but that's why i put an explanation away because i'm pretty sure pretty sure how do you think somebody else would do a murder in the kitchen and i wouldn't notice ah i feel like my brain goes through waves of like yeah one minute i'm just like i know i'm gonna ask i know how this works i've got it sorted and in the next minute you're like i know nothing about this information it doesn't help me and the slaves what does this add yeah i'm uh my brain keeps going through cycles of like hurting or thinking that i'm smart and then being like no not really okay do i excuse oh you guys are wrong you're right do it do it do it depends how sure you are all right i mean i'd take a i think this game's gonna be over pretty quick so i'd at least take a guess really because i don't know at all yeah i'm not i thought i think a bunch of people know me i don't know no i think the closest one right now would be megan we're all trying to figure out what she has yeah i felt like people know i know like one thing but i would say to that i don't know none things yeah me neither i don't know 100 anything yet spicy spicy for the chaos though right man okay okay okay okay okay [Music] oh you didn't bobby yeah the chat's saying you're loud what are you doing unless they think it's the in-game noise [Music] doritos princess who are you what are you talking about are you talking about the noise in the background because that's in the game it's like ambiance music oh hey where are you going what's the plan dining room oh she's coming back i am coming back people kept thinking the game the in sound games was you because like when you're in the kitchen you hear like people moving stuff around and then when you're in the dining room you hear his feet like the fire and like put stuff [Music] [Music] i i turned it down guys i didn't realize it was loud nobody was saying anything i just heard the background sound off or down okay what did i miss okay does that mean megan knows no it's shelby's hardness you just use you and lizzy need to finish note-taking oh wait shelby asked this i doubt shelby went from i know none of them too i figured it all out in one moon you never know with shelby that was very true oops forgot to press no i always forget to press next same i can't go anywhere oh yes in your room i can go back yeah but i don't want to go into the lounge uh i just go to lounge because then i can use the secret patch which way next time if i want all right and i can ask questions i don't know i don't have any info on this person for this there's so many things i haven't asked questions yeah that's why i'm like i'll just see let's see how this plays out oh damn it of course scott has them first one wanted to get more scott nope you get nothing this gave me nothing gave me absolutely nothing you're welcome what a waste 15 months [Music] tyler thank you so much for the 15 month reason i like you didn't try it trying to call out the ones that uh i got nothing that uh what's it called i just want one of my guesses to go right around the table and then yeah some things yeah there's a lot i have not ruled out because everybody keeps asking about the same stuff [Music] uh little death party thanks for subscribing [Music] oh what who has this sky i did [Music] okay scott what's happening it's kitchen revolver oh it's gotta keep seeing it sorry i was just reading out the room that's why he's still taking notes it's gotta keep oh sorry sorry go ahead oh god scott i didn't know if you had them no i just figured it out i i knew it i didn't i didn't know the person you wouldn't let me do it chad was like no don't do it i couldn't oh you never listen to chad if you know it i did [Music] you guys said so early on like oh we know what room it is and i was like oh i guess it's a dining room i only just had a kitchen yeah i knew it was revolver i was guessing kitchen and i nearly guessed mustard and then i was like no i'm just gonna keep going because there was the other one if you did that would have been my card yeah so i won one
Channel: LaurenzLIVEside
Views: 710,345
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, gaming, ldshadowlady, joey graceffa, smajor1995, dangthatsalongname, shubble, win, funny, funny moments, strawburry17, clue, cluedo
Id: 7q4hnNbjWQE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 13sec (5353 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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