I'M TEAM THANOS *Avengers: Endgame Commentary*

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hello troublemakers welcoming to another movie commentary monday that's better you know what i'm going to do for this video i'm going to color code that light to my emotions at the time coming into this i'm very excited what's an exciting color i think green's an exciting color what do you think this is the first movie that i went out of my way not to see in theaters so that i can make a commentary video watching it for the first time and it was a risk it was a big risk because this is one of the biggest movies of all time in fact i think it's now the biggest movie of all time i knew there were gonna be spoilers have i gotten spoiled a little bit i know some character deaths it didn't help that i went to see spider-man homecoming and that movie literally opens with an in memoriam and before i shielded my eyes i saw the first two people who died but the rest of the plot i have no idea what happens i literally have zero clue and that's exciting man because it's mostly mission accomplished with the voiding of spoilers i gotta buy it no no complaints i will not okay it's 24 like chill 99 24.99 okay maybe it's like complaints here because like i was expecting 20. slightly angry oh it's three hours long yikes that's an alarming number why are you starting with the character i care the least about [ __ ] katniss everdeen you see now [Laughter] so funny what the [ __ ] is iron man up to okay what's store doing what are we doing here oh four-year-olds playing baseball i'm still getting thralled i'm pissed i'm bringing this back to red that's better uh two mustard please thanks mama ah do you want mustard on your hot dog why are we here hey guys do you not know guns exist like what are you doing shooting arrows in this day and age guns can be so much more precise they shoot faster what are you doing hot guy picking nude craft what oh interesting was he not there against thanos i totally oh my god i'm sorry i'm sorry i have the worst memory and i didn't do a refresher this commentary is just for fun so i don't know all the things about marvel so if that's gonna piss you off it probably will i'm sorry ah sad stark stay up tell me ah i saw us in the trailer this is something sad let's bring some satelites that's a melancholy purple thousand light years from the nearest 7-eleven oxygen will run out tomorrow morning when i drift off it'll be like every night lately to be honest i've never really felt the spark between tony and pepper i just i haven't felt it it hasn't been there so i'm cool i'm cool with you guys being separated by death i'm sorry i had to be the thing that came between you two oh he dead dead suck that stark i'm sorry like he's coming back right he's not this isn't his death death why am i so mean i like tony stark oh my god it's like that i know it's a misdirect i'm an expert movie watcher i know it's a misdirect you're coming back you're coming back what just three hours of this oh i didn't watch your movie i'm sorry just wasn't really interested uh she carried them the whole way weren't they like a thousand light years away and they were like running out of oxygen she carried them a thousand light years in like minutes tony we lost many kids [Laughter] thanos wiped out 50 of all living creatures damn my dog he did pretty well like big ups on thanos like he just set out to do something and he did it props you know what i'm saying freaking props you said we'll do that together too we lost and you weren't there this is good yo this is good i can tell you what thanos says didn't he retire at the end of the first one didn't he like retire to a farm somewhere into the garden so yeah he's got a guard in there almost has a retirement plan that's what i'm saying homie i mean we owe it to everyone who's not in this room to try yeah let's listen to the transsexual asian tree let's go get thanos yeah can we let's let him talk because he's kind of my favorite well damn kratos i like this one are you sure about that did you like nobody i think it's been an all-day thing let's go get this son of a [ __ ] to be honest that wasn't very climactic let's get this son of a [ __ ] yeah he just wiped your ass not literally he wiped the floor with you he was out here wiping your butt for you ah he kicked your butts don't don't pep talk me you have half your forces bro it's been like 60 years let her go look at this man oh what an i man i envy you thanos just hanging out oh he got a little limp huh yeah that are a big dick and it's just weighing them down oh damn [Music] where are the stones we used the stones to destroy the stones you could have used them you could have used him for information i literally have no idea how this gets resolved this is exciting because i have i have no clue feet apart this is a prequel to five feet apart plot twist that movie is actually about people who are infected from thanos to snap he cried as they were serving the salads oh he cried on a salad what a [ __ ] oh his movie i didn't see either but you know what i did see a pack of sour patch kids um um is that ken jong no offense because ken zhang is your security guard your place isn't secure just sent kid hey kid what the hell happened here stay five feet apart from me because we're not good i don't think he'd go that post-apocalyptic would it like half the population is still alive there's more than three and a half billion people on the planet still so i don't think it would get that bad would it i don't all right get in my mouth um is he looking for a name so somebody's gonna find one specific name how three and a half billion people died how do you find your name out of three and a half billion you're so big listen for a face i'm covering a lot of territory you know what's funny is they expect you to laugh at the fur face line because they put a pause after she said it so that people could laugh and not miss the line watch this again the haircut listen for a face i'm covering a lot of they put that little silence there so that people can chuckle it's just not funny at all so you might not see me for a long time oh thank god you know i saw a pot of whales when i was coming over the bridge and the hudson there's fewer ships cleaner water you're about to tell me to look on the bright side um i'm gonna say the world's a little bit overpopulated you probably have to take out half with like the lions and stuff because they're kind of endangered but like half the deer half the squirrels and then half the humans because we're overpopulated i'm just saying you kind of have a point if i move on who does this maybe it doesn't need to be done maybe thados was kind of right there's whales in the hudson river let them be hope she's my um she she was my your hope had a great life what if there was a a way that we could enter the quantum realm at a certain point in time bro what if i want to see whales in the hudson river let it go chop time unless you have a dog oh what really quantum fluctuation messes with the plank scale which then triggers the deutsche proposition the deutsch more like the douche proposition am i right leave the wells just leave the wheels alone we need him what are we gonna stop no i want to do it right so he killed his daughter make him lose hope and want to go back her time for years i've been treating the hulk like he's some kind of disease something to get rid of i put the brains and the brawn together uh i went off is like an uncontrollable beast but i kind of like it when they just like unleash it and you didn't know what happened it's like this giant wild card damn you say dab damn thanos didn't kill that maybe he failed trying to get you to stop has been one of the few failures of my entire life was the other failure your marriage with chris martin okay that was mean i'm going into repentance mode which is white i'm sorry go to the paltrow that was too far oh whoops i'm sure i said worse he's uh tiny here in the 1950s yeah i'm not as into the hulk here plus he's got huge fingers he's like typing away at something why are you pushing buttons those are small buttons i love how they're working on time travel and there's four of them like you couldn't compile some scientists to help out with this process he literally got black widow on the levers the two people there have no idea what they're doing one of them is being shot through time so most of the time it's just one person who knows what they're doing working on this that's so irresponsible oh is he fat fat thor there might be a chance we could fix everything like the cable because that's been driving me been honest for weeks like everyone loves iron man i love thor i know other people like thor but i'm just saying you don't like him as much as me only i like him as much as me what the flip is going on in japan i don't know what's happening right now who are these people hawkeye i'm so glad you upgraded weapons you're out here using bow and arrows dog you were so last century glad you upgraded his swords a chance maybe don't tell him what give me help don't give me hope [ __ ] i could have wrote avengers celebration time let's celebrate with a nice tasty orange color not a fruit and your former present becomes the past which can't now be changed by your new future exactly i'm too stupid to understand this just start doing the time travel stuff and i'll just accept it okay uh he's hitting her back to his farm yeah he's gonna see his family is that what you're gonna see hawk mr hawk mr eyes of the hawk i love how they just invented time travel and they can literally pinpoint exactly where he goes in time they perfected time travel just after creating it i understand setting him to the past probable like you could you could convince me of that but to pinpoint to put him in his garage or his shed and whatever come on six stones three teams do you need all the stones don't you just need the time stone you know what i'm not questioning it there's probably an explanation they don't want to mess with the space-time continuum something i'm rolling with it they honestly could have just been like we're just gonna go back in time that's what we're gonna do and not explained any of the things that they've been explaining for the last 30 minutes and i would have just accepted it i don't know yeah okay the avengers are going through time that's what's happening all right finally finally let's get some action i'm ready i'm ready i'm fiending for it i'm green i'm good to go who's the fancy broad this is mom bro he's gonna slap him just slap him yep see knew it i could write this man are you crying no i feel like you should have sent hawkeye to the easiest place to get this down because this one feels like it's a hard one and what he's got arrows like i don't mean to keep harping on it but they're arrows oh this is the thanos that i remember i gotta be honest i was a little disappointed to see that they killed him so easily in the beginning like i understand he didn't have his power he didn't have any stones but this man took out thor loki the hulk like that was early on that was at the beginning of the first avengers or at the uh avengers infinity war so to see him and his full armor with this dope ass weapon i'm here for it captain i thought you were coordinating search and rescue hey elijah oh i was like this isn't he beat the [ __ ] out of them in the elevator i was like how did i see that scene if i haven't seen the movie but it was it was like a past scene that must have been a different movie man this time bending stuff is messing with my mind is that axe body spray yeah i had a can of the desk for emergency drugs axe bodies dog axe body spray oh yeah oh my god i can do this all day yeah i know oh he's just so fed up with this past self yes oh my god because once we're done with the stones we can return each one to its own timeline at the moment it was taken oh you're no idiot oh hey it's a little mommy pep talk you're just a grown baby huh i love you mom eat a salad it's just salad yeah don't cry over it either there it is this is the part where you know spikes come out why would you let him steal it first i'm on high alert i'm on high alert let's go yellow ah okay how did quill get it out you should have just let him get it out dawg [Music] are stan lee's characters all one guy or are they separate characters why do i feel like i saw something where like all his characters with like one person oh wait no he's like a super creature at the end of some movie he was like a watcher or something oh man what was it again i forget dad is this dad all right oh what's he gonna see what's he gonna see in the past dog get the things and go how hard is this that was a picture of himself to be honest if i saw a picture of myself i'd probably stay too i got an eagle like that though oh that's not creepy at all you're like michael scott peering out dog you gotta go let me ask you a question another kid was born are you nervous don't give him advice this goes against every rule of time travel don't influence the past oh dan that's ominous i love that shot i could have watched like 15 minutes of that shot wow back to these two god i can't give myself they care about these two characters i hope their ship just explodes right now that's better i think she's not using a bow and arrow oh they can get the stone if they sacrifice yes let one of them die please in order to take the stone you must lose that which you love she just shoves him off without him knowing whatever it takes yes sacrifice yourself please whatever it takes he can die too i don't care why don't you both jump see what happens maybe get two soul stones i don't know if that will help you at all but let's just try it out i want him just to throw her wait isn't this you have to sacrifice who you care about most he married another woman it's not like they're in love she could maybe love him man i was just [ __ ] on arrows the entire time bye have a nice fall oh my god don't tell me both of them live i'm not ready for that bye scarlet amigo i look forward to your role as a tree in the near future no trust me i'm fine with this you've got to console me [Music] don't break dog oh well do they have a love thing i for i lose track i felt like every movie they were getting her together with another guy was hawkeye and then it was bruce banner and oh did they all succeed did we get them all wait how did nebula get back clint where's that they'll just burst into cheers oh thank god we're looking to get rid of her well don't pollute the waters dog she's not coming back good who's sad what's the deal with nebula i know i saw her where's captain marvel oh yeah she's up on some other planets why did they call her back for this this is like the most important mission that they have at the time right and she went like a thousand light years in minutes so don't tell me she couldn't get back in time you thought those stones did the thanos they almost killed them none of you could survive thor probably could he's like god yeah i knew you came back are you the imposter are you the one from the past oh that's so cool sounds like he's orgasming wait does the snap grant a wish what happens when you snap i don't understand this oh there you go the whales in the hudson was it worth it probably not you see birds and you're excited he didn't erase all the birds just half of them why is birds a thing hello honey you gotta hit the phone button dog he's like hello are you there yeah you gotta hit the button to answer the call first i think it worked you're looking at birds how would you know ah i have been waiting for this why are you still alive you could have died in that i would have been all right if hawkeye gets the finishing blow against thanos i'm gonna eat so much crow so black panther and the others are alive now again i kind of forget all the heroes that died ah spider-man i wonder where they are if they're gonna come into this fat thor versus thanos what a match-up oh he's got two oh my god he's got that hammer and the axe [Music] you could not live with your own failure where did that bring you back to me what a line i thought by eliminating half of life the other half would thrive yeah the whales did i will shred this universe down to its last atom create a new one teaming with life and whales a grateful universe but are they gonna be whales oh this is what i was waiting for no don't cut away i don't care i crush him to death as long as we can get back to the battle faster yes no we were so close he's gonna die today oh you just killed yourself to save your sister it's a weird suicide but okay oh dope dope dope oh my god dope dope dope oh okay that's less dope that probably hurt him really bad captain america you're just not useful here if thanos drops to eat a salad line i'm gonna lose it oh hello oh suck on that captain america you're just not useful here really i'm gonna go ahead and take back what i said about captain america real quick he gets the hammer oh to the jaw how did that hit so he throws can we watch this in slower speed okay let's slow this down so he throws deflected hammer gets thrown hits the shield the impact of that threw you off balance you two-ton titan that might be overestimating his weight a little bit but he is heavy i don't know all right i guess man cap is 1v1 in him the hammer lets you control lightning too i thought that was a thor specific thing broken shields that broken shield is such iconic imagery i want a shot of that it was never personal but i'll tell you now i'm gonna enjoy it very very much oh this is so cool i assume the other avengers come in now oh that is cool that is a painting my god yes yes oh my god i am ready for this my pants are wet who else here who else died spider-man oh yeah yeah right uh the guardians spider-man hell yes oh [ __ ] this is awesome oh my god oh he can use that one too yeah but where is hawkeye the strongest avenger he need us and then he started doing the yellow there's a war there's a war focus on the war focus on the war this is the one the choices were him or a tree [Laughter] you said one out of 14 million we win yeah that's so dumb one out of 14 million i hated that so much let me show my anger 1 out of 14 million you remember when thor threw the axe at thanos in the first one and then i was like if only you'd aim for my head in none of the 14 million possible outcomes was thor able to throw his axe like eight inches higher really he just hits thanos in the head instant kill shot he doesn't he's not able to snap that's not one of the possibilities huh give it to me were they gonna run relay with this thing you took everything from me i don't even know who you are not really that cool considering thanos literally moved whole moons and used it as a weapon oh my god that is so cool the whales whales no well then don't draw my attention away from the battle if it's not whales dawg this is so epic oh captain marvel about time she gets here dog okay she is pretty powerful huh what tell me this is the joke this female empowerment thing come on tell me this is a joke definitely this isn't serious so you're telling me that marvel who refuses to make a female lead superhero movie until like phase 28 they're gonna have this female empowerment scene unless you're gonna tell me that thanos gets like a power boost from fighting y chromosomes like it makes no sense for all the girls just to be like let's do it ourselves and for just in the midst of battle all the girls just like clump together into one unit and all the guys are just like it's a girl thing you know what yeah the sake of the entire universe is literally on the line but you know it's a girl thing so we'll just let them take care of it but i got hey we're gonna roll with it we're gonna roll with it let's throw a pink out there girls like pink not stereotyping because girls can fight and girls cannot like pink too but it just it feels fitting for me i'm just gonna roll with it if you wanted to give that girl female empowerment stuff make a phase one or phase two superhero movie with a female-led superhero that was an option for you i love how he's got fat thor for the entire movie oh he knows this is the one oh he stole one of the stones he's gonna snap but it's not gonna work [Music] oh he stole all the stones oh damn he's nifty iron man what does that snap do i don't understand how these snaps work so you snap and just you're the people you want to die just disintegrate or you want to bring them back to they read disintegrates incinerate i don't know what the word is [Music] mr thanos i don't feel so good all right oh he might is he dead or is he almost dead she doesn't even look affected that's why i can't buy into their love story i don't know she's a little too cold for me i guess tony have a nice afterlife she's just like dip we're gonna be okay she's thinking about herself i see how it is you can rest now yeah you can die you can die off i'll take care of the kid yeah on the cheek because she doesn't even really love you is she even grieving it's almost like she's smiling i think she's satisfied four shave your [ __ ] beard eat a salad while you're at it you know i wish there was a way that i could let her know that we won she knows she knows i wrote the script watching the credits gonna have my name i just predict the most predictable lines oh i'm too good at this gig i'm too good at this gig you know you down like cheeseburgers who doesn't like cheeseburgers i'm gonna get you all the cheeseburgers you want hey get throw a salad while you're at it if you're in the kitchen i hope this ends with him eating a salad that's a f that's a funny joke but people need a king no they already have one you're being serious he doesn't mean her you're a leader that's who you are when has she shown any ability to lead like yeah in battle she's a great fighter but when has she shown any skill in anything diplomatic ever what will you do need a salad i'm so glad they've rehired james gunn ford and guardians of the galaxy 3 come on now yes of course of course come on oh man guardians guardians three that's the movie i gotta see don't do anything stupid till i get back how can i you're taking all this stupid with you that's a good joke that's funny you bet where is he i don't know he blew right by his timestamp he should be here sam what you looking at is it whales in the hudson is that old chris evans did he spend a life with his girl in the past the falcon uh do i buy that captain america is like the leader of the avengers no offense anthony mackie but you're really not the leader how does it feel like it's someone else's yeah because it is it isn't there it is you're going seeing allen your old age that's an alarming yellow i am alarmed he's gonna be the new captain america stop man he gonna spend his time playing striking viper's bet he ain't no superhero let me make it out with dudes in video games okay so did he kill off i guess it makes sense because the real him was frozen it's not like he had to kill off the other version of him and take his place but it would kind of mess with the space-time continuum to go back and to marry someone who probably got married to someone else is there a post credit scene on this one no bonus scene i guess it's the end of the phase or whatever that was good okay that's it i'm out watch more of my movie commentaries if you want watch some other videos i have on my channel if you want and subscribe not if you want you have to it's just the obligation do it all right guys totals you
Channel: Dylan Is In Trouble
Views: 1,760,001
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: avengers, endgame, movie, reaction, review, infinity, full movie, theme, final battle, hulk, iron man, thor, loki, ant man, soundtrack, ending, music, deleted scenes, post credit scene, hawkeye, spider man, spiderman, thanos, captain america, captain marvel
Id: l3ap92f8bIE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 9sec (1809 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 05 2019
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