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how is it going troublemakers welcome it to another movie commentary Monday do you notice anything different about the backgrounds well different isn't it can you spot the difference that's right Julia's got a haircut looking fresh Julia so thanks I don't think you've noticed we're watching avatar this week I'm always seeing people complaining about avatar because they announced that there's gonna be a second one but we haven't gotten it yes but here's the thing people sequels take time take the Dark Knight trilogy for example fantastic set of movies Christian Bale Christopher Nolan high budget films that take a lot of planning the first one came out in 2005 the second one three years later in 2008 and then the last one in 2012 four years after the first one guys give James Cameron some slack it can take up to four years to create a solid sequel it's been what like three three and a half years since avatar one came out give James Cameron some time when did it come out in 2016 avatar 2009 and it's 2019 now it's already been 16 years I did a little bit of research beforehand just so that my jokes would that be a little bit extra fresh and in my research I found that the second one will come in December 2021 and then there will be one in 2023 and that's 125 and then another one in 2027 so just gonna pop them out after the second one I saw this movie once before it's been 16 years like I said so I don't remember it all that well but right why are you asking me it's obvious you know what I'm gonna do Google don't even give me the option to buy anymore what's the point you're just wasting your time and mine before we start this movie I just want to say that I have so many cool commentaries planned I'm very excited for where I'm taking this this whole commentary stuff but I'm not taking recommendations so don't leave recommendations in the comment section we should also get this going we should get the light on what am I thinking avatar blue I did I did lilo and Stitch last week I'm not doing blue this week I see green what's to forest for a screen off the intensity of that light thank you baby let's go you always have to wake up oh is that a misdirect yeah it's a mr. X coz I'm sure on the posters you saw him as a blue creature so that close up you thought yours is gonna be the blue creature to start but he's just a regular stupid human I'd like to say that the plots gonna come back to me as I watch but I don't this isn't Moby I remember very well it's about your brother he's got a dead brother oh [ __ ] god this is reminder you have to dude Star Wars because I've never seen the Star Wars films so that's that's a coming video oh that's cool I'm in a really big science fiction face because I'm reading the next book in my favorite series red rising if you're looking for a good sci-fi book I will recommend that to the day I die oh dang that is such a cool shot to see that they are facing resistance these remotely controlled bodies called avatars that's so freakin cool okay so he doesn't become that he just links into it got my goddamn cigarette Oh foul mouth I mean they're just pissing on us without even the courtesy of calling it rain they're just pissing on us without the courtesy of calling it rain I can't tell if that's a good line or a terrible line I can't tell the guy had a twin brother and lucky that brother was both you know I was thinking it might be a little early but then I thought you know what it's never too early for sour patch kids you're supposed to be winning the hearts and the minds of the natives oh right come here this is why we're here haha this wasn't uh telling not showing here we go here we go here we go oh don't got this yeah he's paralyzing he doesn't need your help lady Oh God that looks awful I've seen this a million times the neuro-pathways hot all of these things they look like kind of 9 10 feet tall oh he's gone rogue what they really don't have butts do they he got no ass got flat ass I can relate Jake he's running all awkwardly he's running so much more smoothly he's got no time he spent no time in this body now coming back to his body that doesn't have working legs got to be such a pain in the ass well now that he would feel it oh wow a paraplegic joke slow down villain learn these savages from the inside I need to know how to force their cooperation er can you do that for me son what's the purpose of the avatars wow that's cool the mechs that's so cool I'm wondering what the original purpose of having avatars at all is if it wasn't for this mission like I I assumed they were gonna try to infiltrate the natives gain their trust and then you know screw them over from the inside out oh this is so beautiful one really cool fact about avatar is that it was the highest-grossing film of all time which means that I've made a lot of people sick I think I don't know there must be some disgusting stuff coming up people leaving the theater just vomiting avatar bad man doc that man is dying he's got an ego and he's a douche he's gonna die relax you didn't teach him really anything about this world and what these animals and creatures are in this forest yeah he's gonna be a little on edge I would be two giant lemurs are you kidding that's nightmare giant animals in general there was like a hiccup and the yar I thought the yard coming on and there's a burp what not sure that don't shoot it don't shoot it Cho Cho Cho Cho Cho that has giant thumbs four feet look at the giant thumbs four feet hold your ground oh oh hey whoa don't call it a pitch you're a [ __ ] [ __ ] why is no one warning him Oh what wait let me guess he gets separated from the researchers and then taken in by the tribe I'm sure didn't shoot it you have the gun oh no you lost the gun now no you have it you have it you have it yet buh-buh-buh-buh-buh hop hop hop hop hop hop here we go here we go here we go choo choo choo choo choo choo choo choo should shoot it in the eyes knock out its sight why won't you fire this gun there you go homie hey don't waste ammo no I'm not you're just wasting ammo see ya oh my God he's getting owned what take the backpack off okay smart that audio trick that audio okay so they're underwater and this is sound and then the camera goes below water again and you it sounds like you're below water that is so cool he's making a sphere okay the company had to have put a tracker in him so I think he can't just go rogue yeah [Music] what you doing a girl oh she got gauged ears I don't know why that's the first thing I know she's a giant 12 foot tall blue creature with the bow and arrow potentially ready to kill him and I'm like gauged ears huh he's just gonna have to hang on till morning oh they're gonna leave them yeah I knew it won't make it till morning haha bet we got a whole last two hours remaining okay he gonna survive uh yeah it's a pianist in a forest where the lemurs are frightening it's gonna be scary good luck on me bro why don't they give you matches in a world where they have the power to travel to another planet the best technologies matches to give them you think there'd be something better I'll show you I'll show you can you see it can you see it this highlight my candles it's a laser I have a laser in my home too like candles he's like here using matches and he's on another planet in a 12-foot body that's blue they have mad technology in that world and he's not here trying to light some matches that won't even light I got a laser don't tell me they couldn't have bent a little pocket laser that would shoot little fires Oh get messed up little what are we I don't know what they are little demon wolf thing damn animal cruelty Peter does not support this movie I said I feel really bad for these look at these whimpers that's pretty - pretty oh you just got bitch-slapped if you love you little Forest Friends why don't let them just kill me you have a strong ass like a baby making noise ignorant like a child well if I'm like a child can you be my mommy what's Oh doh whoa hold on homey no bro why she clearly stopped you the first time Oh watch them heal his wounds oh yeah he'll heal him finish carry him up and away okay I don't see any healing going on oh man he's just getting owned by all sorts of animals now these guys we are they part of her tribe wait okay it's our people that's a good sign does he do all him dude a suit a suit a I feel like homies gonna battle suits a homeys gonna fight two chains and then he's gonna be accepted by the community yeah I'll take link into the animals don't they homie just put his braids up to the animal linked into it is he a centaur now basically half-human half-horse though it's not human I don't know what to call these people I don't know what the people are called yet Pandora ins I'm gonna call Pandora ins until I hear the name for what they're called is it a friendly pat on the back or an aggressive pat on the back I couldn't tell him oh she's daughter of the chief really really meeting her father already moving pretty fast guy what are you calling judge Sully he could just make up any name he wanted he'd be like call me boss man they'd like hey boss man Oh that'd be name I would choose I was a Marine a warrior who know it's be fun live do it fight fight fight a new manure well he likes long walks on the beach killing small handful my daughter will teach you our ways learn well that was fast he didn't even have to prove himself yeah dude he's no ass all limbs no ass what so this respond to touch I wish I had a bed that responded to my touch then again I just wish girls would respond to my touch for reasons I cannot fathom the omaticaya have chosen to plot for reasons you can't fathom its plot find out what the blue monkeys won the blue monkey all bro you die into no no he's not he's not someone who's gonna die but he's gonna get screwed over immensely but he's just - he doesn't seem like he has enough spine to die I don't know I don't want to explain it but just movie wise most movies wouldn't kill his character because he's such a [ __ ] I mean look at all that cheddar that laughs okay you might die that left tells me you got three months we're wasting time that's the complete opposite of what I was thinking he said three months and I was like oh he's got so much time and he's like well we better get to work and I'm like nah just kick back for the rest of the day today's day is complete what was a to Canada a took on to change day yeah she'll be the next saw he they become a mated pair Oh what two chains is and his girlfriend his future girlfriend you know this if you have any training whatsoever why is he oh he's jealous he was so friendly but not always be a dick it's because he can't do what this man can do I actually love to see that character arc of that guy who was friendly at first he's kind of like a lab geek gets an avatar can't do what the atletico s'en can do so he tries to screw over the athletic person because he's jealous that would be a great arc oh yeah so his hair the ends of their hair connect in wild it's crazy in order to know because he's just in an avatar so the humans created his body in order to know that they hook into animals they've had to dissect probably so many of the pan Dorian's which is really messed up when you think about it like this movies about genocide I think of genocide of a people but so far in this process I can't even imagine how many of them have died oh yeah I get intimate with that horse feel her strong lips mm-hmm yeah those days the legendary floating mountains of Pandora well it's floating mountains well here's something I forgot oh my god you guys hooking up yet or their penises blue guess we'll never know I wonder if actually they mate in a different way they're a different creature so gran is not horse Grandma fly with only one hunter in the whole life so it's like a marriage you hook up once and you're married so the horses are kind of like [ __ ] they'll hook up with anyone no one's attitude is improved lately I wanted him to be a rival Oh sexual tension sexual tension I feel it you feel it everyone feels it I love those zooms I love those zooms with where the background blurs nothing come in young men some kind okay now you say you like wow fast I see you brother [ __ ] you oh that's cool that's cool I love that shot me not to kill me I wanted them to develop that character more 2 Chainz develop him either into a villain or to an eventual hero oh but that was good it the agility applause Connect connect whisper whisper hey it's gonna be alright it's gonna be alright it's gonna be alright oh he's got that MMA skill huh why was that so intimate oh I feel like I just watched a porn but not like that hot kind of sex like the passionate slow stuff break left I don't think you got to give audible commands ya know you can shut your mouth you can just think it you're connected your hair is connected to it's your whole thing I was a stone cold a real hunter death from above I wish I had showed him cuz he was like I'm the stone-cold killer from above but they didn't they haven't shown him be like that at all last scene was him just learning to fly let me see his excellence before he gets attacked that's back telling not showing don't chose him it doesn't happen since the time of the first sounds I'll bet he's number six he gets a bigger better flying creature bet time they say it's like they've only had five in our history and it's a story about someone special there's gonna be a sixth man they really made his leg skinny it's accurate he's been paralyzed for a long time they're gonna see those logs you can't show that you are questioning things because then they're gonna come and be like starting to doubt your resolve I finish this it's one more thing ceremony it's the final stage of becoming a man you're like 35 he's only been two and a half months three months and he's in he's family forever with his tribe Oh bet there's a kissing scene he's a man now what do men do kiss oh they're holding hands other things men do and you may choose a woman Oh we have many fine women yeah you a fine woman connect your hair is that how they do it I knew it was comin I knew it just tell him there was this how they show intimacy they just kiss as well I'm finally gonna connect tears we are mated for life for life you got married homey that was a very made-for-tv fade to black they're bringing the bulldozers in tap in tap in let's go oh not this transition again we don't stop why is he so southern boy can we check out what was he wearing look at him he's got a sleeveless jean shirt over the top of a t-shirt with rolled sleeves and a trucker hat tearing right through there beautiful forest leading ruins and fire behind brother yes the fights I've been waiting for this she was promised the two chains do you just punch the paralyzed guy in the face your logs I knew it there's nothing that we have that they want everything they send me out here to do is a waste of time they're never gonna leave home tree I'm getting all emotion I just give you a big wet kiss you what why would you see that that's so weird you knew this would happen you're a spy you was five [ __ ] spy okay I fell in love I fell in love with her the forest I'm with the guy of people and you with you Wow third forest people you in that order no he's happy you won't know and he's got resting [ __ ] face though Oh dad's dying or she can set him free it's professional movie watch her what what are you gonna do then where's she going please don't tell me I have to wash his treat tip oh my god oh no oh no probably killed so many of them yeah all those people okay everybody needs to die now all the humans need to die now fathers gotta be dead he's in pale they didn't just die he got impaled pull the plug pull the plug what does that mean oh they're pullin dude out there pulling the dudes out that was unnecessarily dramatic slim oh you guys didn't get the head upset when they blew apart this God tree this tree that houses all the lives the tree that they worship you don't really react and then he's like pull the plug bring them back and they're like no in slo-mo no punch [Music] this is overly dramatic for effect I don't like it the drama and the scene itself like people are dead you know any people that died in that attack like I get the drama I get the intensity of it you don't need to do the slow-mo desaturation another made-for-tv fade to black oh she gonna bust them out huh personally I don't feel these three huggin traitors deserve stage bigots take these tree-hugging traitor Wow we get it we understand why she's here she didn't want to fight she flew away she didn't fire her missiles we know she's on their side you don't need to drive at home like these tree-hugging traders she got stabbed in the neck what does she got is that a gun she gonna put him out meet someone in the inside they can trust okay his keycard opened the prison so they're gonna know that's gonna be logged in the data Colonel sir I got a situation here got a situation here cattle some strange activity my whole day just gonna run my whole day that's so bad miss night I still remember you don't believe in fairy tales the dialogue formato come on I needed their help and they needed mine I was gonna have to take it to a whole new level so before the narration was kind of like I think through the video diaries so either he's doing a diary in the future or they just suddenly switch the style where he's basically talking to the audience toruk is the baddest cat in the sky nothing attacks him always gonna connect with the thing they're not even gonna show it don't tell me you're not gonna show it I guess there's something epic about that him just showing up with this giant beast yeah honestly that is cool I take back any potential criticism from that that's cool how he just shows up like this oh I am the captain now that's the line you drop right here now she's turned on she's so turned on okay okay she returned you're touched they only have three fingers why does that girl when they have three fingers four fingers why does his hand have five fingers and her hand has four fingers I will fly with you yes he's got four fingers too why I see that doesn't make sense to me if you're if your goal is to try to like integrate them into the Pandora ins society why not give them the same amount of fingers look where we are Greece takes justice a selfies great tree in this buddy it's impossible are they trying to move her from her human body into the avatar permanently no I see did she fail I hate that transition is she in the other body now if she's not then it was just basically just setup it's a setup that's possible so that the dude can in one of the later movies transition from his body to the avatar unless he doesn't later this movie that's possible to those who are too great didn't work but it's possible with your permission I will speak now who don't I mean by translating the sky people have sent us a message well they saw to thirupathi oh he kind of makes him look like a pitch that doesn't mean he's like hey bro and with your permission I'm respecting you let me speak but then he turns at Adam and he's like can you translate for me so now he looks like the leader and the leader looks like a translator that's brilliant let's go test sex before we die I think he's taking her off to bang her I really think that's what he's doing wish to the building an army now wins I wonder if he put that through his nose or just one day just like a splinter hit him and he's like I'm just gonna leave it in that - he's a fat look oh yeah we're screwed thanks guy we are screwed darn I don't know if it's like I've been watching too many Disney movies where now my perception of real movies is so skewed but this is just so unnatural like it's been acted well I gave you a bit of stuffing I love that cliche like we're in dire circumstances but then someone proposes a plan and then one of the people this thing is like stop what that extra had to have had a blast on this shoot guys cuz you know they did more than one take you know he was out there for probably four or five takes just waving away he turns it into an interpretive dance assume Maleficent did that zoom so many times that it became comical this is pumping dragon hop with dragon yeah they called me Papa dragon no really they do yeah I make them but they do call me that I'll be dying this guy's dying Papa Papa Papa dragon oh my god the thing is bigger than one of the helicopters shirts yeah go after the big [ __ ] well why are you drinking we're in the middle of a war get it cuz hammered the slang of it means getting drunk you guys get it oh she ejecting she's got to live yeah oh my god they're so small on or two chains while they really killed him off huh sorry dude no way she dies man this is war though honestly this is war so it's coming got moved in 200 meters aw reinforcements thumbs up sums up what what do they set up I can't think of anything oh the Rhino from the beginning yeah the Hammerhead that dumb footed creatures know it sick I knew he was dead I knew it at least he got the scream like a little [ __ ] before he went out there are no no you're on the same side you're on the same side are you gonna link up with this thing Valkyrie one secret dragon daddy daddy dragon or just regular dragon wow wow wow wow wow oh oh oh my god he just got squished to death Oh daddy's down isn't he I was a weird sentence oh no what he's there I thought daddy was in that ship I gotta stop saying ten I gotta give it to this guy he is so resilient also that was awesome that was so cool he's got a rear view mirror oh yeah messy MA is she just gonna win by herself come on come to Papa ah not Popeye daddy don't kill me daddy oh here we go here we go here we go here we go why I checked your glass though I guess you can't see she get him with an arrow if she wanted to do oh my god you could literally just grab his head and just like pop it that's the fourth time we've seen that like Oh your hair pop his head swing it why is he like ah you're pulling my hair buh buh so I'm saying man that girl's got accuracy like crazy I think one was gonna do the trick but hey you got amuse him oh wow you really just let him live the time of great sorrow was ending I guess this is my last video log oh yeah okay so he was doing a video log that was the narration I figured are they linking him are they putting his body into the avatar looks like it they are okay I figured it didn't work he's just dead please please end it like that so anticlimactic I kind of want to see it there's no way though there's no way you're ending this movie with him opening his eyes though right Wow that's exactly how you're handed it some of the reviews real quick the film did pretty well 82 percent that's pretty good how much money into this make how much two point seven nine billion dollars highest-grossing movies of all time I'm sorry 20 start with one why why would you use them so you got Avengers which just became a number one avatar Titanic at number three The Lion King really I didn't know it did that well then Avengers Furious 7 okay yeah I knew that was there typically the highest-grossing movies of all time aren't the best films of all time because a lot of the highest-grossing films are blockbusters high budget probably not going to take a lot of risks because they need to please a large audience rather than a niche one I actually really want to see the series of movies because he had to have written them all out so plot points from the second movie they might pop up in the fourth movie if you don't know how well the first ones gonna do you kind of want to wrap up all the plot lines in the first one but now that you have three other movies that are basically guaranteed you could take risks and have long arcs I'm into that wrap up this movie commentary Monday of course I'll be back next week for another one I have another video out later this week as well if you're interested yeah until then Tori's so yeah [Music]
Channel: Dylan Is In Trouble
Views: 1,148,888
Rating: 4.9566693 out of 5
Keywords: avatar, james, cameron, disney, reaction, review, sequel, trailer, avatar 2, announcement, commentary, soundtrack, avatar 2 trailer, full, movie, full movie
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 35sec (1835 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 23 2019
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