I Have A Big Announcement...

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ladies and gentlemen i've got a big announcement  i will be returning to competitive over-the-board   chess later this year june in las vegas nevada  for the national open i played this tournament a   couple of years ago in 2019 it was one of the few  tournaments since becoming an international master   that i actually had some success in and in this  video i'm going to take you through three games   during the event take you through the story at the  end i will show you the full cross table of how i   performed and that's about it um you know you all  like uh these videos where i take you down memory   lane and through my thought process of over the  board classical chess so without further ado let's   get going this is round two and it's board number  six i'm playing on stage at the event with a live   broadcasted magnetic board and my opponent  is yasser quesada perez from cuba who's got   an older brother who's also very strong in chess  and a younger sibling who's very strong at chess   yasser was traveling and visiting the united  states and i knew before this game that yasser   was going to play the move e4 how because a month  prior he played my friend and my friend also plays   the karo khan defense now i knew up until this  you know until you'll see a little bit further   what yasser was going to play but yasser didn't  know that i knew that because that game was not   in the database that game was not broadcasted so  my friend prepared with me the classical variation   of the karo khan defense knight back to g3 bishop  g6 and this classical variation up until this   moment the key move is e6 if we go back to the  move knight f3 white wants to play knight to e5   and normally black plays knight d7 this  is what is known as the old main line   but this game was the first game of my life i ever  played the move e6 took a bit of a risk playing it   against the grandmaster but i was quite convinced  that we would get this position on the board   and here really the question is how is black going  to develop these three pieces well uh like this   knight to f6 right that answers one question  and now bishop e7 so basically i'm delaying   the movement of this knight so that i can play c5  and knight c6 which is relatively non-standard for   this position it's significantly more common  for this knight to end up on d7 so castles   and here i played the move c5 now up until  this moment everything was my preparation   even this next move knight to e4 and here i  surprised my opponent with the move knight c6   at first glance that looks like it should just  blunder this pawn and my preparation here went   knight c5 bishop c5 pawn takes queen takes cd  and long castles and basically my argument here   in this position is the fact that i'm gonna go  rook d5 and my opponent's got three very big   weaknesses in the center of the board it's not  easy to deal with all of them because i'm going   to play rook d8 then i'm going to try to play  a5 undermining whenever you play b4 maybe b6 to   break that up whatever and right here my opponent  had a very long think but played a move which was   still in my preparation which is the move bishop  c3 and that is how chess works luckily i had an   earlier blueprint of how my opponent was going to  play the position however chess at a high level is   not oh i out prepared you i win no chess is very  much not like that chess is i'm gonna go queen d5   you're gonna go here i'm gonna go here and now  we are in a position that is no longer in my   preparation it's time to just play chess so we  take stock of the position white is currently   up a pawn but has two very obvious weaknesses  that both lead to a second one so ultimately   i'm going to win two pawns i have a big weakness  and my opponent decides to disregard both of his   and go for the pawn on h6 here i play the move  bishop c5 bishop h6 and bishop f2 and i was like   all right at least material is equal the biggest  headache for me is the h pawn so for example if   the bishop ever goes back and the pawn starts  gliding i'm gonna have to be mindful of that   my opponent played knight back to d2 trying to  transfer the knight toward the center of the board   potentially into d6 that's a bit of a headache  but i ca i shrug back with the move knight to   e5 attacking the rook making you know my opponent  make a tough choice like what are you doing which   square are you going to move the rook to uh both  of them have drawbacks on c3 the rook is a target   and on b3 the c file is open right so you're not  actually fighting for the c file and ultimately   my opponent chose to go to b3 i played knight  to g4 creating a threat stronger than this and   there's no easy way back from my opponent so  he went knight to e4 and we both have a threat   now here is a big decision if i take the bishop  on h6 uh he's going to take this i'm gonna go   here he's going to take i will take back he  will take this and i'll probably go like here   and i was like well it's rook in two pawns now  this doesn't by the way that doesn't actually win   anything because i take but i was  like hey i don't know about that but   the computer obviously did know about that  the computer had something to say about it   but i played the move f5 the point of this is  that you can't actually go here so you probably   have to take there and then i'm actually going  to take back i'm going to isolate your bishop   against my knight and try to create a counter  attack on that openc file which you chose   not to go to uh earlier in the game now at this  point i'm like panicking okay uh because truth be   told beating a grandmaster is not something that  happens every day and i'm like wait a minute i'm   starting to believe i'm up upon i got very active  pieces i'm not really sure what the heck is going   on with these two pieces here and i'm about to  go here and here i was just expecting rook b7   i was expecting rogue b7 i was gonna go  back with my knight maybe play rook c8   and let's go but my opponent played the  move bishop back to f4 and i was like   uh okay well now you can't take because i have  this and i fork you and my rooks kind of combine   here you can't take cause you're pinned so he  played h6 pushing his pawn so i moved my king over   i don't want pawn to become a queen then he  played a4 and i was like okay well now you   can't have my pawn now i'm just a pawn up and i  remember walking around here and this is move 28   for white so white's got to make 13 more moves  he's only made 27 moves the way chess sudden death   works is that you get 90 minutes for the first 40  moves and every time you make a move you gain 30   seconds so he hasn't made his time control yet  he's got six minutes for the next 13 moves and   i remember i got it from the board on his turn and  i'm just walking around trying to calm myself down   because i'm like holy [ __ ] i might actually  win this game oh my god so i come back to the   board and he busts out a5 i'm like all right he's  desperate he's desperate he's sacrificing pawns   let's go let's buckle down infiltration with the  rook i'm like wait a second bang bang bang bang   simplification got two rooks five pawns two rooks  three puns i gotta win this game so i'm thinking   around how do i do this all right rook to h2 uh  i'm gonna bait him that i want this pawn and when   he takes it's actually funny i'm not even gonna  take on h6 i'm gonna play this move why because   if i had taken on h6 then i was thinking he would  go c3 and then he would isolate my pawn and win it   and i would not be able to win the c pawn so i  gave him a check and i won the c pawn he played   here and then i played here now i'm just like it's  three on one that's it oh my god but i'm one time   two all right i got like less than five minutes  he plays he plays king a3 i'm like all right his   only source of counter play is pushing the b pawn  rook to h3 check he blocks king to e7 let's go   bring the king to the pawns and start pushing them  rook f1 rook c3 rook b1 i'm i'm just gonna push   plays king up to a4 i bring my other rook over  so i can push my pawn and not disconnect my rooks   now we've made the 40th move so i get my  extra time i can calm down i can breathe   like oh my god i'm gonna win this game this is  insane b4 f2 rook has to go occupy the first   rank so my pawn doesn't make through king d6  and here i set a little bit of a trap granted   i'm already winning but i set a bit of a trap  and it looks like i have to go guard my pawn   but king c6 and the king is in a mating net i'm  threatening this so he gives me he goes rookie two   but i'm also threatening not just that i'm  threatening to go back and around and the   king's got no escape so he played check i moved  up he gave me a check i blocked with my pawn and   in this position yasser quesada perez resigned and  i was victorious with the combined threats of this   and this karo khan baby i've beaten a lot of grand  masters and with this game i added to it now the   you know the the truth is that i i was just i was  beyond thrilled to win this game because actually   as it turned out my opponent did not lose very  often with the white pieces in fact my opponent   didn't lose for like the past six months with  the white pieces let alone to someone lower rated   you know this guy might have lost to 25 2600 elo  but not too low rated so i was very happy to win   this game uh it was a big boost of confidence you  know for my opening uh repertoire this next game   is a game i played against i believe he was  a grandmaster already but pablo voronsov is   uh he's an international student who came to the  united states like maybe four or five years ago   before he was a gm like 2400 and he got a degree  and studied because he went to one of these uh   uh universities of texas that have really good  chess programs so it was exciting to be this   wasn't the next game this was some games down  the line i will fill in the gaps for you don't   worry don't go anywhere as always if you made  it this far on the video uh i love you thanks   for your support um and you know the thing about  pablo is that he plays everything and so when he   when i sat down and he played g6 i was like all  right i'm just gonna do my thing and then i was   like wait doesn't the king's indian go like this  so he kind of tricked me in the opening right he   plays this move e5 and i remember sitting there  going all right i don't want to play his game   but i really don't know what to do like you know  i know that if i play d5 he kind of plays this   in a in a very strange way like you know um he's  delaying the movement of this knight completely   like completely like look at this like the guy's  just not moving his knight at all i'm like what   how do i and then i played knight e2 and he plays  f5 i'm like damn it i gave him a kings indian   which is advantageous because normally in the  king's indian you're supposed to go knight f6   so i played f3 and here he played a very he played  a very nice idea i got to give him credit here and   i remember i already was feeling bad because i'm  like damn it he's outplaying me positionally even   like from the opening my biggest strength is my  opening preparation and then after that my ability   to navigate a complex position and fight for the  initiative understanding the dynamics and the guy   goes here he spends two tempi in the beginning  of the game moving his bishop because my bishop   is on the dark squares and look at all my  pawns right now here i played this move   and black is just doing very okay here what i  should have done is actually just preserve my   bishop i should have made this passive move  i didn't want to do that because his bishop   is so strong but the truth is i need this guy  and then after this trade i was like all right   um i'm gonna castle long he closed the the  that side of the board here i played the move   h4 i didn't want him to continue to advance  on this side played h6 and here i'm like g4   here is my logic he could take me on poisson  if he does not this side of the board is locked   forever i change my focus to the queen side  and that is where i'm going to do my damage   he took i thought i was big genius mclever ovich  here with this move rook g1 delaying the capture   here not with the knight maybe with the rook to  kind of stockpile some pressure guy played g5   trying to kind of clarify the issue i took he  took i jumped my knight to a five we traded he   castle long okay what is going on this is move 20  for white white is down a pawn but black uh does   have some problems doubled h pawn weak a pawn kind  of easy infiltration to the queen side but what   else does black have great dark square control in  fact almost every important piece is controlling   dark squares so here i played the move knight e4  with two threats number one this number two trying   to push my pawn maybe rook g6 rook e6 here pavlo  played night before so i played bishop b1 i didn't   want to trade and i wanted to play the move a3 to  kick him out and then to win the pawn he played c6   i was like wait what c6 a3 he took take take take  take take hold on a second i'm still down the pawn   but this seems like a big advantage for white  now i mean i've just got a laser beaming bishop   my bishop is 10 times better than this knight  that knight can only move to g5 and back   at night can't move anywhere else i'm  infiltrating i've got pressure on b7   and i remember at this point i was very low on  time and again that doubt kind of starts creeping   in you're like wait a second i'm actually i've  actually got a good position wait this is crazy   so the guy goes knight g5 like of course we don't  want to trade let's let's put the bishop on tv   look at this bishop this is the biggest definition  of an outpost square in your opponent's territory   just period what is an outpost square where you  can plant one of your pieces and it cannot be   attacked by an enemy piece that's worth equal or  less and from that square you just dominate their   their side of the board the only piece that's  ever kicking me out of here is the knight and   you know knight h7 knight f6 yeah maybe but  then bishop to e6 so here he played king to b8   i remember i was sitting there like what do  i do i mean you know i could play f6 now he's   not gonna take and let me mate him he's probably  gonna play queen c7 and then maybe i take but do   i really want my pawn here i kind of like the fact  that my bishop could go here in the future and you   know what if he plays like rook cafe trying to  win my pawn now what i missed here is the fact   that if for example i just played like this he  can't actually take because of rook takes g5 and   the pin on the h file but that's such a hard move  to play and for example if i played f4 here like   pawn takes rook takes that is another way to do  it and just guard my pawn and slowly out play him   this knight is absolutely dominated like it has  no movement at all but i didn't you know i didn't   correctly evaluate f6 and i played rook takes h4  first he played rook to d7 defending the b7 square   and here again maybe i have f4 but i got freaked  out i really didn't like the concept of activating   the queen computer's not scared computer just  you know be patient you'll win the pawn back   you'll be fine but i played rook h5 which creates  the threat of rook takes pawn takes and then this   but then he played here now everything is guarded  and i can no longer make the forward pawn move   and this rook is guarding mate so what do we do  well we play queen back here but all of a sudden   he's consolidated and the rooks are just very  solid and chess is ultimately a game of one move   and i remember i was sitting here  with my time ticking lower and lower   and i couldn't figure that out so i just took  i just couldn't figure it out so i just took   and i sacrificed and the reason  this is actually playable for white   is my bishop is just so much better than one  of these rooks i'm gonna push my pawn the only   move that black really has is sacrificing back  for example if black tries to play like this   then i play king d2 and um i'm gonna trade at some  point and just end up pushing my pawn and that's   why in this position he took and we got to rook in  three versus rook and three he had a little bit of   a bind here actually on me he had a very annoying  position uh i gave him a check and i played rook   f7 and apparently here he could have played rook  b4 just attacking my pawn but my logic was well   if he takes i just move and i push but you know  like like always the computer's not scared at all   uh and ultimately what ended up happening  is we both kind of pushed our pawns   traded and his king's frozen like i put my  rook on the right square to pressure both pawns   and after a very tense struggle ultimately we  traded pieces and here we agreed to a draw because   if he moves this king over here for example i'll  just attack the pawn i'll win it and if the king   moves here it doesn't really matter i'm just gonna  keep giving checks this is not a winnable rook   and pawn end game and i remember i left this game  feeling i felt good i mean i was like i had decent   winning chances and this was the continuation  of a very you know decent tournament for me   um and as always i will fill you in on on how the  entire tournament went when it's over the last   game uh was a heartbreaking game uh this next game  is round six this game is round five and or round   four round four round five up until this point i'm  undefeated i've drawn multiple grandmasters i've   beaten the grand master i'm feeling good and this  next game i've got the black pieces against um   christian kirilla who's actually the coach  of a he's a romanian kind of he's a romanian   grandmaster who now lives in the united states and  trains the mizu college team and going into this   game i was i was actually happy because i knew  that christian was was down for a fight and he   was going to bring some imbalanced position so he  began with the english now i had prepared d4 or c4   before the game and i basically said if he plays  the english and we get this position i'm gonna go   here say what the heck is that well like i said  i wanted to create a weird imbalance game quickly   kramnik played the move h6 so h6 can't be a bad  move or maybe carlson played it against kramnik or   kramnik played it against cross i'm like look this  is the idea there's a lot of positions where you   play bishop to b4 and the knight goes to d5 and  then if you trade your knight is hit but i'm gonna   delay the move knight c6 so i delayed the move  knight c6 until he did this and then i played this   and it's just a it's just a wacky game of  chess it's a very close position he goes   castles i played bishop to e6 he played knight  d5 i played bishop c5 he played d3 and i played   knight to d4 trying to instigate quickly and also  get his knight out of the center with the move c6   and then i you know i went out got some water i  come back and i see b4 and i you know i'm like all   right i get it yeah before uh he is attacking  this and if i back up he's just going to take   and he wants the two bishops he wants the  bishop pair so if i were to take on d5 and   then hope that he took back and i would take the  pawn well he could do that because queen a4 check   like he would take my knight first and then he  would play queen a4 check and then he would win   my bishop i'm like okay well okay maybe i can  take with check and then here and then here   i'm like yeah but then he goes bishop b2 and he's  got a big space advantage i really don't like this   so what do i do b4 is kind of an annoying move  and then i thought hey remember that gotham chess   video that doesn't exist yet that talks about  danger levels what is worth more than a bishop   uh-oh there should be two if he takes then i take  with check i take with check and i win his queen   oh my god and i and i blitzed out bishop g4 i  mean i i didn't even i didn't even need to think   because f3 runs into this so for example f3 i  can just double check and i'm very happy and then   after everything clears out i'm just going to be  a pawn up and i played the move bishop g4 i wrote   it down got up started walking around 10 minutes  go by no move 15 minutes go by he's still thinking   20 minutes go by he's still thinking 25 minutes  go by he's i'm walking around like oh my god i'm   gonna win this game and then i'm on pace to make a  gm norm i can't believe this man blundered in the   opening bishop g4 oh my goodness i'm like bro calm  down relax i'm like looking around the other games   finally i come back and you know i see  that he played the move knight back to c3   now what this move does is it just gives  me the pawn he just says just take my pawn   but now i'm going to play f3 and i'm looking  i'm like okay f3 uh-huh so basically you know   he wants me to get out um i'm just gonna  go back i'm gonna create this thread again   he plays king h1 like okay i think i mean i start  thinking all right let me just back up to d7   i didn't really know what to do i mean if i  went to e6 i felt like maybe in the future   i would be a target so i went back to d7 this  stops his knight from coming to a4 potentially   i'm thinking queen c8 next to go like this here  he plays rook to b1 which attacks my b7 pawn   and he was playing very fast because obviously  he had he had thought for 20-25 minutes he was   like okay all of this is gonna happen and  i remember here i wanted to match his pace   i didn't want to sit and do my own tank  i'm like i'm up 30 minutes i'm up a pawn   i'm feeling the momentum let's go and i played  queen c8 now the problem with the move queen c8   is that on the surface it looks like it guards the  pawn well my queen's not i'm never going here now   because i'm losing the guard of b7  it would have been like honestly as   dumb as this move looks it does the job but i  played queen c8 he took on d4 and i was like well i don't really want to block my  bishop i mean that doesn't look very good   so okay i'll take like this then  he immediately went back i was like   okay i don't really want to give you know this  away uh all right let me just go back to b6 and   then he played like i remember i was sitting there  for a while and he played the move g4 i was like   what like hold on a second this looks so crazy  g4 he's down upon what what do you mean g4 like   was he and then i realized his position is  surprisingly well equipped for an attack   like surprisingly well equipped so  i remember i thought i caught him   i thought i had caught him with the move h5 my  idea being that of course he's not going to take   and open up my h file he's gonna go here and i  thought i was a genius i thought i was gonna go   h4 and i was like the game is over it's done he  has no chance when he takes i trap his bishop i   take the h file is open game over and  i remember when he played g5 it hit me   i had completely missed one of his main ideas  and that main idea is that after h4 he is this and then i realized uh oh this is bad this  is why it's bad because now if i play h3   he is a new square i miss that  he can push the pawns and get out   now i have a problem you would think why is  this a problem just like move your knight   yes it looks that way but rook takes b6  a takes b6 f5 and my knight is trapped   you have to sack because otherwise i'm going  to f2 so by removing the defender my knight   is trapped i was like what how did this dude  just drop my knight like okay okay whoa that   doesn't work that doesn't work i'm not i can't  play h3 h3 is bad so i started thinking well if   i take this he just takes my knight and now  i'm not trapping his [ __ ] okay so i can't   take the pawn so i've got to move my knight if i  can't do this and i can't do this i have to move   my knight where am i moving my knight if i play  knight to g4 trying to go knight to f2 this dude   is gonna play d4 he's gonna push all his pawns  somewhere eric rosen just squealed in the light   like wait how am i not better here and then when  i take i lose this so he can take and play h3 and   just my knight is trapped again like yo what  this is crazy and stupid me put his queen here   so now stupid me can't even castle queenside or  kingside because i push my everything i'm like   oh my god i start thinking i start thinking i  play the move knight h5 it's the best move i   played the best move the problem is now he threw  another pawn at me he played this move in like 30   seconds so clearly he mentally prepared that if  i play the move knight h5 he's going to do that   why is that the best move because knight h5  i'm trying to go here so my idea is to go check   pawn takes pawn takes he has no move and  my rook right and it's like basically   mate that was my idea but he plays d4 and i  remember thinking well i obviously should take   but somehow it doesn't work anymore somehow i  can't i can't break past this knight and i'm like   full panic mode now i'm like what and i thought  and i thought and i thought i played this move   and then he killed the circulation  of my queen and my bishop we traded   and i took took and played queen d7 he went here  and i'm like dude i can't move my knight can't   move my pawn can't move i have no moves how  did this happen how did i go from a pawn up   celebrating that i was gonna get a gm norm so i'm  like you know what long castle he plays queen f3   and at this moment i had mentally prepared that  i was going to put my queen on e5 this was my big   idea i was going to go here here here and so  what i played as rookie 8 he played knight b5   i played queen e7 my idea was to win this pawn so  he went back and i played queen e5 and i shouldn't   have played the move queen to e5 but because i had  mentally prepared it i was trying to catch up on   the clock i just blitzed it out i mean the truth  is it looks like a very human move computer hates   it but it looks very human uh why does it hate  it because after takes takes queen e3 i miss this   this is what i missed and he found it  because he's a stronger player than me   he found just queen e3 very simple move he just  found queen e3 and i have no entrance points   and then i realized that this is going to be  a very long game at this point i realized i'm   probably losing but a computer would defend this  with black and i figured i can defend this with   black but this is going to take forever and  slowly but surely he advanced this position   and i played solidly i got a little pawn diamond  and he advanced and i defended and he locked away   my knight and i knew i knew if i defended this  right i would be able to hold and i defended   and we made it to move 40 and we got our extra  time the position hasn't changed a whole lot   he's trying to break through on three separate  sides i'm defending i'm defending i'm defending   we're shuffling we're shuffling slowly draining my  clock right trying to he's transferring his knight   he now he brings his king at this point i play c6  so he can't make any progress but b6 is a bit weak   i'm like it's okay at least he can't make  any progress still holding but he's making it   difficult he's making it difficult he's trying to  find a way in and i'm shuffling my pieces i'm like   you know he can't get close to this pawn he can't  even take that pawn to be honest because his rook   can't go here and if he ever takes it my knight  jumps and activates and then i'm like wait a   minute wait a minute uh oh i think i realize what  he's trying to do he's going to transfer all of   his pieces and just break through on the queen  side and you know slowly by activating his king   on the optimal square he ends up being able  to take my h pawn and he plays this move a5   and at this point you know this is like move  67 i've got like minutes on the clock he's got   i don't know 10 15 he's managed his time a lot  better and i was like sitting there like this   is the sixth hour of play now like five and  a half hours we're entering that sixth hour   sitting there like all my energy is drained and  i just say you know what b5 i don't give a damn   i don't care take he takes i play d5 i'm  like you know what i don't care go ahead   let me see it let's go d5 he takes on c6 i take on  b2 he takes back i play the move d4 i'm like let's   go knight to d5 check king takes c6 i don't  care bring it king d7 bang he plays rook b6   i remember here he he shuffled and and then  at this point he almost played rook takes pawn   he almost played this move because we were both  on time which would have blundered check and then   i would and and probably there's still some way  to hold this um but rookie seven takes takes and   yeah my pawns are fast but  his are faster and ultimately   he's uh threatening to promote i took on  i didn't actually take here but the final   move of the game is uh the movie five and  there's just nothing i can do i can't guard   every single pawn that's about to come  down there is no way for me to hold it   and i ended up resigning now some some some moves  earlier in the game there was an absolutely absurd   like computer way to hold this position it it's  somewhere around here i don't exactly remember   um it might have been yeah so this was the moment  the computer showed this afterward i of course   didn't even come close to seeing this in the  game but the move d5 and the point is that after   cd5 you sack the rook if takes takes and they  take on h3 you give check king g3 and knight d5   and the knight holds the pawn and the rook patrols  the entire fourth rank and you've sacrificed the   rook and that's it it's just it's just a draw  like white has no way to get to f7 and you're   threatening this if a5 you just play b5 you don't  let the rooks in i didn't see that i only saw the   idea to break out and go crazy right at the cusp  of being completely lost but this game six hour   game which ended like almost at midnight it killed  my energy it absolutely it completely destroyed   all all focus all happiness i mean this is this  was a long drawn-out game and the worst part is   like it was it was it was so much better so soon  and then he just found the best ways to complicate   it and i had to manage myself better and i was  unsuccessful now ultimately and i and i told you   all that i would uh at the end take you through  the kind of final results uh this was the event   you know i beat a i beat a young player 2146  and then for the next like five six rounds i   only played grand masters like this guy's sorokin  he's not yet a grandmaster but withdrew that was a   hundred move game that i survived uh queen endgame  drew that game after i beat yasser then i drew   andrei baris pallets grand master from ukraine  this was my game against varanzov and this was my   first loss it came six rounds into the tournament  then i drew against belarus who's a grandmaster   i i beat another talented young player like master  level and this last round i lost to andrew tang   who some of you might know uh this was one of  just the this game was a disaster this game was   just very bad it was like last round syndrome  and um if i could have one game back in this   event it would probably be the gorilla game  but this game is probably not too far away   so you know i wanted to make this video as a  bit of an update uh i have not competed since   i haven't trained seriously since 2019 i became  an international master in 2018 and since then   i've gained rating in like one tournament i  think a lot of it is the fact that in my life   i never thought i would even become a title player  i wasn't a title player until i was over 20 years   old which is might sound young to some of you  but kids are becoming ims at the age of 10 now   so when i became and i am i think there was a bit  of an adrenaline dumb now recently as you all know   with puzzle solving in my blitz you know my my my  drive has been there my desire to play has been   there um and i want to i want to come back and  see what happens my goal is not to make a gm norm   my goal is to play nine good games of chess enjoy  the process if i gain rating then i'll be happy   and we'll see what happens from there but a  little update video for y'all but we're back
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 451,052
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna, chess tournaments, national open, national open chess, game analysis, chess lessons for beginners, chess strategy, beginner chess strategy, chess games, chess game review, famous chess games, historical chess games
Id: Xn97koysfmQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 23sec (1943 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 30 2021
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