No More. (Guess The Elo #54)

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what do i think is the elo of white the the show is literally called guess the elo let the game i hate i i can't do this anymore man i can't do this i'm done i just you guys guessed the onilo man i just you know what's one thing that you should definitely add to your life more you should drink more water you're definitely not drinking enough water for legal reasons if you suffer some sort of medical setback because of drinking more water don't blame me all right let's jump into the game so we have d4 uh let's turn on the engine and also let's do this fun thing where we where we have uh the the eval bar as well so d4 first by the gotham sub playing a nice little queen's gambit of course slob defense is alright it was of course uh one of the video one of the openings that i included in my very successful and very well received and not controversial youtube video named top four worst chest openings the four worst chess openings oh very passive setup by black is black playing the triangle defense or does black just have absolutely no idea how to play chess still very tough to figure this out knight c3 all right knight e4 is still tough queen c2 here is the best move or that oh that's not a good move because any time you you trade pieces that have moved multiple times in the opening and then you have to make moves like this you're already much worse because the second that white castles here which is probably what they played next oh this is just giving me strong intermediate vibes but here even bishop a3 is very nice and uh yeah good luck right you have to play bishop c7 bishop d6 i don't know uh but yeah i mean this looks like uh strong intermediate play but you shouldn't trade two pieces after moving them in the opening and then giving your opponent a big lead in development and trading your active pieces and thank you for the resub and knight g5 is mate g6 wow that is an unbelievable move the idea is queen h what oh minimum 1500 oh to cg4 now of course black can play f6 are these people the same rating does does black just have no clue what's happening here okay so sometimes i tell you all to submit games where you don't just destroy people yeah this person didn't listen this person just played the game of their life and like really wanted me to see it okay you probably have force mate yeah you got to play that move the thing i wouldn't let the king run there but you're still winning oh oh oh oh oh oh that's the whole game okay so we have one of two ways to take this uh yeah we have one of two ways to take this game so this could be a low-rated player who plays the catalan and but i mean this move is just that's a high level move it could be a fluke high level move like black's opening combined with black's absolute oblivious chess play just completely oblivious like c5 ah i'm going to say between 12 and 1300 that's what i'm gonna say i do not believe if black was actually 14 1500 they would have not gotten killed this fast there's no way i am erring on the side of a low rated player played a great game that a higher rated player played like that with black that's what that's what i think it is survey says uh let me crop the window wow eleven hundred my logic was correct i was right but even lower than that yeah so again black played so horribly that i like again like i'm not insulting black but they played so in such an oblivious game such an olivia's game all right next time i should pick games longer than 40 moves all right i'm not gonna lie to you brother really i'm not gonna lie this is the 51st episode of guess the elo don't coach me on how to make guess the elo come on how can you coach on the best series on just youtube like come on like folks the whole beautiful part of guess the elo is sometimes games are short like this one and i gotta decide sometimes they're long don't tell me how to make my guests the elo submissions folks come on i do my best sometimes i pick short games because if i have five long games episode's gonna be 40 minutes long let's just co-exist youtube i like that you guys just watch guess the elo and just cheer for the games and you're not like you should do this we're 50 episodes into this thing come on let's just enjoy ourselves although the simpsons are like a thousand episodes is the simpsons even still running come on now see this is a 35 move game so we're gonna get some good content all right gotham sub and this game is playing with the black pieces that simpsons is still going wow anyway playing x chess appreciate the feedback thank you for resubbing appreciate you allowing me to troll you all right i love this two pawns in the center if they don't wow eat what okay folks if you want to play e4 on the first move can you just play it like why what is this oh this is below four digits for sure okay okay okay bring the bishop back oh this is low-level stuff i think whoa why why don't sac pieces on move four why oh my folks you got no respect what the guys oh my god nothing makes sense nothing makes sense what are these moves what are these moves what are these moves okay take them okay what just happened why did black just play three completely nonsense moves and then all right seamlessly took a good night all right oh god king is in the middle don't open up the knight tapes okay yeah oh fork no he took the queen for sure oh okay wow yeah see like okay now blacks clean up what what is going what is this what are these games today we better get three better games than this all right black just i mean like you you all right okay all right okay all right okay all right bro how are you gonna go here and attacked just take ah oh got him all right uh 700 i mean i mean what what come on guys come on this is what this got no is it there was that there was some logic to the moves i guess i hope the next three games are better this this will actually be the worst episode we've ever recorded um i mean yeah like 650 to 750 is the range for this game there's just there's ain't no way three 394 and 359. what oh god folks you gotta understand something okay can you imagine i guessed actually 300 can you imagine like they actually were 600 and i guess three imagine being a 600 rated player and i call you 300 you would never play chess again you got to understand this from my perspective i possess a lot of power here if i say 300 and you're actually 600 you're deleting your account and going leech has to have a rating a thousand points higher okay and telling your friends you're 1300 like let's be serious let's call it how it is i can't tell you you're 300 but you're actually a thousand points higher on another site like come on oh gosh that is uh what a game i mean good goodness me that was uh that was quite a game that was i did not think that they were that low rated i really i don't know i thought drunk 700 or something um wow that was that was impressive like there was a period of moves there where you know you know what that game reminds me of that game reminds me of when doctors are trying to save patients at the hospital and their heart stops beating yeah they played a few moves like that then they played a few moves like beep beep beep and you're like wow he's alive oh he's dead he's dead he's dead appreciate the 10 gifted subs 10 more people just got an opportunity to join oh god english the english again okay all right all right c4 g6 g3 bishop g7 bishop g2 h6 from the botest sub wow god this is going to be an interesting episode is black playing a hippo is that what black is doing what the hell is black doing what is this opening great snake variation duran rookie one castles okay e4 okay this might actually be the dumbest chess recording that we've done i what have you guys ever wondered how to beat people like who play like this i'm sure you guys have uh have experienced opponents like this and you just don't know how to beat them because all their pieces are still there so you're sort of worried about like the best way through um i really like this kind of approach by white like slowly improving making the right way forward not allowing people to blockade d5 here would be a big mistake actually because after e5 like let's say white plays even one more passive move like black can get a very good king's indian style position the engine still thinks white is better because of stuff like this but that's a lot harder to find so i really like e5 i like the way white has played this and now i'm only now going for d5 so black of course goes here black is actually not that awful i mean oh by the way awful mistake here would be to give up all your light squares like this look at this plus like five isn't that insane you can play one move and the position goes from point six to plus five in one move that's kind of nuts right that's kind of crazy um so yeah anyway okay f4 queen d8 go to your twitch dashboard and check out the new charity function it makes easier for your chat to donate to charity and doesn't cost you anything okay i'm i'm not doing that right now because we're in the middle of something right now i don't know if you can tell but what i'll do thank you for letting me know but alright okay so white is better because white has a very good structure and black's king is on the verge of a very big attack uh but uh isn't this also a free pun it is okay i love this i love the dark squared weaknesses here yeah like rook f1 rookie one is really nice just getting the rooks over guys why are you do you not realize we're recording for guess the elo we got a dude in the chat if we are in an end game with three pawn and two rooks and if all the three pawns is promoted to a queen bishop at night for both sides will it still be an end game why are you what are you doing like what we're in the middle of this why are you asking me some chess riddles answer it youtube y'all my favorite straight up queen a3 ah wrong way i mean i get it i get it there's a weakness i like this wow queen a3 is a good move i got to tell you getting out of the fork but i would have liked to attack but okay you're going to win the pawn are you going to win oh my god wow knight d3 and then blocking the wow wow wow what do i think is the elo of white the the show is literally called guess the elo let the game i hate i i might actually just straight up never do this again like honestly like twitch shot y'all straight up ruined my life honestly y'all straight up ruined my life like i don't know what to say y'all straight up ruin the quality of my life like i can't do this anymore man i can't do this i'm done i this you guys guessed the onilo man i just oh god all right unfortunately i got to continue all right white is winning is white gonna oh i'll be oh there's no way white sees that though what is white cheating what's how did they find that oh my god it's oh my god guys it's checkmate in four if white sacrifices a queen do you see this move this is one of the most incredible things i've ever seen look at this move oh my god and anywhere you go there's a check and a follow-up check oh [Music] that's that's unbelievable that's that's actually that didn't happen that did not happen but that is actually incredible wow okay it's a draw now white is winning wait what what oh black had to give this check and then win this is nuts what a game goodness me what a game rook f8 [Music] and you lose now right yeah stuff that'll happen yeah makes sense that you what [Music] no chance did you actually win bow bow down bow down i can't believe you that's crazy that's unbel that's nuts i got another i have no clue what your rating is it doesn't matter is one of the i don't know i have no clue i don't want to know this was i don't know sixteen hundred between fifteen and sixteen hundred easily fifteen like fifteen hundred probably fifteen hundred in time scramble at the end i don't i don't care i don't even i just what a game 14 1480 1480 wait white close this account what wait bro why'd you close your account what bro what this dude should have deleted his account oh my god it's the guy from the 700 elo candidate video yeah i reckon yeah i recognize the magnus smurf oh god that's so funny what a game what a battle that was a sick game bro wow what a game dude what a game oh gosh awesome game thank you for submitting that game uh i got i gotta message this dude this dude this dude is just like a low-key lurker and he never really what a game dude awesome awesome game um okay so we got two more games today she's i don't think we can top that off that was incredible um some dude wrote in the chat just now and his twitch username is worst chess player on twitch and he sent in a game you're too stupid to analyze this you're right and i won't i am absolutely too stupid to analyze it because we're in the middle it's crazy youtube you guys are so lucky you get the finished product of a guest the elo recording being live recording a live episode and just people in the chat like can you analyze my game instead like people asking me if you promote three pieces to queens rooks and bishops is still an end game guys this is just i'm telling you like i can feel parts of my soul leaving every time i stream like little bits like you know how voldemort had horcruxes after he like murdered people yeah like every time i stream part of my soul leaves i got almost nothing left um dude straight up asking me mid recording if if i can guess why it's elo oh my goodness um anyway all right we have a queen's gambit okay yeah this is a hikaru sub everybody's been a different style from a different channel um so a3 is a cool move because it stops bishop before it's not a bad move okay i gave white a little bit too much credit clearly white did not play a3 to prevent bishop why just played a move because right knight c3 right here comes e4 solid move solid move very solid okay i don't understand how are you going to play a3 preventing bishop b4 f3 and knight c3 preparing e4 and then play this oh i know it's because you're 500 because you're 500. wow that's an amazing move by black yes two pawns in the center excellent excellent stuff i love this knight b6 castle's castles good black is better black is playing against that isolated pawn and white has a big weakness here all right knight e4 good move yeah white just did not develop pieces in a logical way here so it white is really struggling to develop yup fork oh the bishop used to cover fork clean material win but okay oh the bishop is hanging wrong bro how did you see this but not this like it's the same exact distance one two three capture one two three capture you got to say you're literally looking in the same direction of the board and you take the wrong thing crazy okay fantastic beasts and where to find them no problem no okay queen takes e6 yeah this is very complicated uh okay i like that move as long as you double up okay you gotta get out of there with the queen double up nice very complicated position this is a total free-for-all total free-for-all no idea okay we attacked the pawn i would get in here with the queen i would start harassing some pieces or there it's completely equal so black decides i'm gonna sack my rook i'm just gonna give away my rook for no reason the reason of course is bishop d6 queen h2 and somehow white is just gonna allow that right like we go from zero zero zero to plus eight white is just gonna get and the craziest part is that's not even mate like you literally did that for no reason okay the rook is hanging yeah i mean it's just game over but i'm not sure it's game over because now oh okay so black wants this so you have to stop that or you can sacrifice the rook for the bishop unbelievable i mean just bishop g5 and just like you just don't even crazy you just don't even yeah wow that's tragic that's yeah that's that's raw wow i mean it's like so obvious what the opponent is doing just like opening up your king bishop goes out and just you don't even it's no respect at all it's honestly like i i'm not even mad you blundered i'm mad you have no respect for yourself like what do you like like how do you not like in your mind right like folks you go here you're like oh he's not gonna see i'm attacking his oh like guys do you not understand that they want to do the same to you by the way yes can we respect the sub for submitting a game they lost folks never get checkmated again okay never get made it again i want you all to promise me you are not gonna get mated again respect your own king you don't respect your own king you don't respect yourself now the opening is really goofy i'm getting 1100 vibes like people who don't really want to learn openings but they're still solid enough for a while but the game is also littered with like small blunders like this and then the rook but the rook sacrificed by black was clever so i'm gonna i'm gonna say 1100. i'm gonna say 1080 up to 1180 that's that's the range 1080 to 1180 let's go see i feel like the the strategy was there no ch bro no no bro nah bro no no no no no no no no no no no no chance no no guys come on oh there's ain't no way guys ain't no way guys ain't no way for real for real 1700 guys why are you playing openings like that guys but what but like actually what guys no but but why oh oh i also made a mistake wait oh i made a huge mistake oh guys our sub was black guys gotham sub was black in this game guys we did not submit a game that we lost guys i made a mistake uh gotham sub played black in this game i made a mistake i just realized black was the one oh oh oh oh dude i like how you played your opening oh i thought you were playing the opening with white oh god oh this is the worst guess the elo of all time no chance there's actually the worst guess the elo of all time so many bloopers i find like every time we record against the elo wait you're telling me a 1600 did not play bishop takes a2 come on brother brother oh yeah respect is rescinded but oh my gosh okay i kind of dig the rook sacrifice but like this is so it's crazy about white not seeing wow wow wow final game all right i really hope gotham sub is actually black in this game this is because i got a caro yeah i got a carol for the last game wow yeah because i recognize the username i know that atlas uh yeah atlas flame is a user atlas are you in the twitch chat i i some people have the same username and twitch username i haven't seen atlas museum wow that's really funny wow oh yeah i had them playing the wrong color that's really funny oh god okay well shout out to atlas for the nice sacrifice in the checkmate i gave commentary completely in reverse for a game sick game amazing all right caro final game against the ela has to be a karo khan we gotta end on a good note we gotta get we gotta end on a good note here um [Music] okay knight c3 is just a bad move it's not a good move um yeah you're very welcome for giving you credit for being a 600 by the way it's not the worst thing in the world to take this knight this bishop really sucks okay okay but yeah again folks i keep telling you stop putting the bishop on before in the carrow the bishop never goes on before in the carrow the only time the bishop goes on before in the carrow oops is in the pan off there's a variation where you play you play the bishop to b4 otherwise stop playing the bishop to b4 the bishop god is on d6 or g7 am i actually going to upload this no obviously not why would i record an entire episode of guess the elo and then upload it i'm obviously not going to upload it bro youtube isn't gonna see this only for twitch weird question bro so white has no clue what they're doing this is why i love the carl khan for newbies because so easy to play with black you castle you can even set up a little checkmating attack here oops and then you can play on the c file and white just has no clue what they're doing all right ace okay i don't like a6 oh god oh whoa oh the cara was easy to play said gotham oh here we go oh my god why are the knights going backwards literally this is here like this is why one night is back oh my god castle don't castle now castle oh god oh this is so disgusting white thinks they're pinning us but we have check please find it oh now you can't even do it oh but we see that you see that one but now you're gonna get hit with bishop f4 oh god there's about four always look for how they can attack you back look for checks and look how they can attack your queen of course oh they find it brutal oh but this is not the worst thing that can happen they should have actually taken and won the full bishop winning this is not that great it's a rook in a bishop for a queen oh take on c4 oh i like that move take on c4 take on c4 why are you protecting against backrank mate there's no background mate threats right now yeah now the pawn gets through so white is winning but it's very tricky oh good man 97 what free pawn he just gave you the pawn that was the one thing he had yes check amazing amazing now just get out of the huge now just don't hang your knight okay so yeah that hung the knight in one move after queen e5 uh and uh yeah now you know g5 is a thing so you can't stop that but okay g5 take take knight e4 i feel like this game is going to end in a draw somehow check 92 92 wins 92 wins because both of these moves are a fork and if the king goes in front of the knight then you have discovered check knight d2 knight f3 never ever ever surrender as long as you have a horse on the board let it be known that i once got a fortune cookie in a chinese restaurant and it said he who has the horse has the final laugh i'm lying that absolutely did not happen but do not resign if a horse is on the board all right resigning is low testosterone exactly doesn't matter if you're if you're male or female it's lotus that's low estrogen don't which whatever is your dominant hormone it's low that all right don't resign play the game out to the conclusion all right may the horse be with you exactly now what is the rating of the opponents and the players all right so this was a good caro this seems like a good diligent car con gotham student who bought my course when it was 33 off and learned the caro but did not learn the other parts of the game of chess i'm getting thousand vibes from this game get 1 000 elo vibes from this game a lot of simple blunders yeah i'ma say around a thousand because if you're 10 i'm saying 10 50 10.50 to 1150 is my range 10.50 to 11.50 guys are you're you're 1600 this is actually the worst episode we've ever recorded like i know i've said that before but i mean how like what
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 1,384,395
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 30sec (1890 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 02 2022
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