I had botched plastic surgery in 2013

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hi guys welcome to my second channel the very first ever video why you in my ear I want to use the second channel as a way to get to know you guys better for you to get to know me better for me to be able to put up content that is outside of the glam and gore kind of theme and the first thing I thought that we should talk about is something that just is better off addressed earlier rather than later it's a little bit of a story I wanted to have kind of like rough talking points for this because I have a tendency to ramble and then I decided that this video would be better done and just as normally and casually and unscripted I guess as possible so let's start from the beginning so when I was 17 years old I was a senior in high school I was in a bad car accident with my then-boyfriend I was in the passenger seat and my side of the car got t-boned it got t-boned at the axle and the wheel which is one of the strongest points of the car and it's a good thing I guess that of all the places to get t-boned it was there because had it hit just a couple feet back at my actual door I think that the accident would have turned out very differently but even given that my injuries were still severe I was knocked out I don't remember it I was cut out with the jaws of life rushed to the ER I had retrograde amnesia I had what's called a persistent tachycardia which is my heart rate was all over the place it was up at 160 and then it was down at like 70 and then it was back up and down and I remember when I woke up in the hospital one of the very first times I joked with my mom that it was like saw three where jigsaws spoiler said she didn't really like that joke not sure why thought it was hilarious that's probably on a lot of drugs at that point they thought that I might have broken my hip that I might have had bruising in my heart in my heart all my in my heart I did have that bruising on my heart I did have a severe concussion I had double vision for a while and it's affected my long-term memory quite a bit and it was it was a very traumatic thing to kind of wake up to I tried to put on a good face for my parents cuz I didn't want them to be any more stress than I'm sure that they already were but it was difficult to deal with and it's scary to be in that situation whether it's a minor accident even or a much bigger one but regardless besides the kind of more internal injuries that I had I had some external injuries to this side of my face was cut up from I guess the glass shattering during the accident and some of you guys who are familiar with my channel over on glam and gore already know probably a bit about that because I've mentioned the scar over my eye before don't know if you can see it right now but and I also broke my nose in the accident you can see where this is going and the the break at first was just like of all the things going on I wasn't really concerned about what was going on there but in time and throughout the years after the accident it started to be a problem in terms of my quality of life I had a hard time even walking from I remember my like one college class to another class because I could not breathe through my nose at all I was a mouth breather as they say cue stranger things I had trouble doing a lot of the activities that I would normally do I was big on dance when I was growing up that was like my main thing it was more of my life than makeup is now and I had trouble dancing because I couldn't I couldn't get enough oxygen sleeping was difficult and I went to an ENT ENT is ear nose throat doctor I went to see one of them locally and I was like hey what can I do cuz like up in my nose I can't breathe out of one side of my nose really at all and he I put a lot of pokey things up inside my nose and I don't know if you guys have ever had things up in your nose but it feels so wrong it feels like it's not it's not painful it's like I can't I can't explain it it's like nothing else have someone pull something gigantic out of your nose or put something gigantic in your nose and it's not not that important to the story he said that the only way that I could fix it would be to get surgery he did say that you know you can do this thing called a septoplasty there's also they usually do it in combination with something called a turbine Oh classy the turbinates are these little like air filters on the sides of your nose that warm and filter out all the air you breathe in and oftentimes they'll reduce the turbinates and they will straighten out in the septum which is the wall that separates the two sides of the nose up and there and that my septum had been deviated broken in the accident and straightening it would help me breathe well again and something that bothered me after the accident was not just that I could not breathe properly but also that I could visibly see the remnants of the accident on my face I mean that's not the biggest reason why I don't like the scar is because it reminds me of the accident not that it makes it a [ __ ] to blend my eyeshadow sometimes which it does and I don't like that either but that's not that big video the biggest thing is the constant reminder and my nose looked visibly broken and that really bothered me since I decided that it would be worth it to get the surgery and as far as improving my breathing I decided that while he's up there it'd be sweet if he could get rid of the fact that it looks broken and I asked him if a septoplasty would change the shape of my nose if it would you know he's straightening out the nose would that also mean that it would get rid of the bump that's on my nose from the accident and he told me that no it would not change the shape of my nose he suggested that I get a rhinoplasty in conjunction with the set Class D and Trevino class Dean and I decided that that was something that I wanted to do and here's this is part of why I'm telling you guys this now I made a crucial mistake here and the mistake was not getting the surgery the mistake was the process in which I found my doctor and the process in which I I decided to go forward with this the only thing I didn't like about my nose was the part that reminded me of the accident which was the bump I had I had a big bump on the bridge of my nose as a result you know the way that he described it to me was just that it would be a simple closed rhinoplasty where he would just shave down the bump and it would be straight again and that and that would be the end of that I specifically said that I didn't want the tip touched I didn't have any issues with the tip that looked the same it was yeah it's really just the bump and in my head and this was my mistake but in my head at the time being naive I thought that is such a simple request there is no way it could go wrong right very wrong I also thought the more important thing going on is that my breathing is fixed that is correct but in my head that meant that it was more important to go to an ENT an ear nose throat doctor than a cosmetic surgeon because I want to make sure that the person doing the surgery is someone who knows how to fix the medical thing more than anything the cosmetic request is so simple that he's it'll be fine like we got this so in 2013 let's see I had my accident in 2007 the very beginning of 2007 so six years after the car accident I decided that I was getting the set dose / - by now / rhinoplasty and I did and actually the surgery itself was extremely simple it was way less painful than I anticipated the recovery process was way faster than I thought it would be I have heard the any pain I stopped taking the painkillers pretty fast because I didn't I didn't like being on them and the pain wasn't really anything notable the most annoying part is just that you can't breathe through your nose at all but coming from someone who already could not breathe through their nose for several years in a row hardly at all anyway it wasn't that big of an inconvenience so yes that means that I had had a nose job before any of you every met me before I had ever started anything on social media and before I ever even moved out to Los Angeles this happened in Pennsylvania so what went wrong there because I want to talk about that that's a big reason for me making this video I want to make sure that no one makes the same mistake that I did the problems started to arise after I got the cast off when he took the cast off I got to see what my nose finally looks like for the first time and I thought I won't have the nose that reminds me of the car accident anymore but right away I saw the same bump on my nose that reminded me of the accident it was slightly smaller but it was still very much there so the one thing I had hoped would change like visibly about my nose was still very much there and I was brand new too you know all of the things that come along with getting surgery on your nose and I I didn't realize that it's possible to have uneven swelling and he assured me you know swelling is gonna go down it'll be uneven it's gonna look different from day-to-day and it takes months sometimes years like two years up to he said to see the full final results so I was patient at first I was very worried about it but I was patient and I thought okay this is it's literally swelling exactly where the bump was and that that's all it is and I shouldn't freak out but time went on my nose started to heal and the bump did not go away and then I started noticing other things when the swelling went down first thing that I noticed is that my breathing was not actually that much improved on the side where I had no airflow to begin with and that's obviously alarming since that was the catalyst to the whole surgery the next thing I noticed were things that I did not even add dissipate could really be issues I had an indent in the bridge of my nose suddenly that was only visible in certain overhead light but was very much there you could feel it you could see it sometimes and it's almost like it's almost like someone sneezed while they were shaving the bump away and then the sneeze distracted them and then they forgot to actually get rid of the bump which was the only thing I had asked for it it bothered me that it had happened just because I why would why would that happen and then a big thing was I noticed that the tip of my nose wasn't the same anymore I asked him not to touch it but and maybe he didn't maybe it had something to do with how I healed maybe I healed poorly or something like that I did everything I was instructed to do but the tip of my nose had swollen on one side more than the other and it caused the tip of my nose to look like it kind of curved and this is this is visible in a lot of my videos and it's something that probably no one else would ever notice no one else would ever care about but it bothered me because in a lot of ways I felt like I went in to fix something that bothered me about the car accident and I came out with new issues that never should have happened and it was just very noticeable to me the weird swelling that happened where the one side was kind of puffed out on the other side kind of caved in that caused my nose to look different from side to side and I found myself always posing on one side as opposed to the other because I had a preference when before the surgery and before the accident even I didn't have that difference from profile to profile and I just felt like how could I have messed this up so bad it was such a simple request and my breathing wasn't even that much improved it was not worth it at that point that was fully my mistake I did not do the proper research I didn't see other doctors to get other people's opinions his price was so low he offered me a discount to have you know the septoplasty in conjunction with the rhinoplasty I mean it was like a dirt cheap surgery for what it should have been and in my head nothing could have gone wrong so that seemed like not sketchy at all and saying that he was not a legitimate doctor but I do think that had I'd done my proper research I would not have gone with him I didn't look at a single before-and-after picture before I went with him not a single one I didn't read any reviews from anyone else so it had surgery with him and I can't believe I'm even saying these things now because it's it's so not me to not research things first maybe this is one of the reasons why I have a way that I am today and now I research the hell out of everything but yeah I learned the hard way that despite a simple request and despite an ENT doing them the medically necessary part of the surgery both can still get messed up the medical part and the cosmetic part and just because you're going with an ENT doesn't even guarantee that the medically necessary part will end up for the better he did one surgery a week which at the time I thought was a lot so I thought he does this all the time this is normal but had I known what I know now I I wouldn't have done that but I didn't regret the surgery itself because I still had a goal that I wanted to achieve I still wanted to breathe better I still wanted to get rid of the reminder of the accident on my face so fast forward four years and all the swelling has gone down I know that it's not going to change any more at this point I've been very patient in terms of letting my results show and my worries in the beginning were legitimate then they're legitimate four years later and I had even new things I discovered that were problems so I started doing my research again I decided that I still wanted to move on from this accident fully in all ways that I possibly could and I had the means to do it and I I was gonna do it so I researched the hell out of things this time I spent so many hours so many hours on the internet reading reviews and looking at thousands of pictures and doing more research about what could go wrong and and how the healing process affects everything and how the preparation process even affects your results and you know like what just septoplasty does which is Rhino class what turbine Oh classy does something I didn't even research before I didn't care what her final class T was at the time and I should have I should have cared much more research on pricing and everything you know this time around too it was even more vital that I did all the research I should have done the first time because this time it would be harder a second surgery anywhere in the same spot is more difficult both recovery wise for the patient and for the doctor to perform he's I mean my the second doctor was going to have to fix the mistakes of the first doctor and who knows what he would really run into once he got all up in my notes sorry I'm not trying to make light of the situation it's just how just how I talk about things so anyway and he had more to fix this time this wasn't just me going in and saying get rid of the bump because my nose was broken in a car accident anymore this was like get rid of the bump from my car accident and fix the engine that randomly happened in my last surgery and fix the way that my tip of my nose has been affected because of this last surgery so now this is this was a this was a much more involved request this time and this is all just trying to get back to my nose pre car accident and being able to breathe and that was the only thing like we had to address the breathing issues again this time so it wasn't just a cosmetic thing again it was it was the whole three yards it's the things nine yards but it's three different so I finally settled on a doctor that I knew I think would help me square this away better than anybody else I had come in contact with and the money that I saved on the first one certainly was negated after the second one because her vision surgeries cost more than primary surgeries rightfully so and it all went well the recovery process was a lot harder this time around granted anything would have been a lot harder than the first time because the first time was a breeze but this time was a lot more uncomfortable it certainly was very painful especially one particular day where I had a the migraine of the century and I am still very much in the middle of the healing process I am still swollen unevenly my breathing is still going to be improving over the next few months because every everything is all jumbled up in there I can finally say that I am on the road to breathing normally again and I can finally say that the the physical reminders of what was a very traumatic thing for me to go through I mean the reminder of how close I had come to something much much much much more lasting and permanent with that car accident they're finally gone and I don't want anyone to hear this and think that if you have a bump on your nose then that means maybe you should consider getting it removed because it wasn't about the bump for me it was about how I never I didn't feel like me after the accident I actually really like noses with bumps on them in a lot of scenarios I think they're very like a strong and regal looking but for me it just didn't feel like me because all I saw was car accident and I don't want you guys to think that I'm promoting plastic surgery to a young audience I don't want that to come across in any way personally I actually feel like cosmetic surgery or any permanent cosmetic change to your body whether that's you know a nose job or tattoos personally I think that in most cases is most beneficial for the person to wait until they are adults in the sense that their body has fully developed and their brain has for the most part fully developed I know that you know you're always learning and you're always changing but who you are when you're 16 is usually pretty different than who you end up at 20 or at 25 or not to say that you can't make those decisions at a younger age I mean some people go through life experiences that make them wise beyond their years at a much younger age than other people but what I would recommend is that shouldn't do anything permanent to your body until you have a very good sense of yourself and who you want to be and yeah your mental health and and this is getting off topic but I'm not trying to promote it to a young audience either is the point I wanted you guys to know where my surgery came from I haven't had any permanent cosmetic surgeries besides the nose I have tried lip injections a few months ago just for the honestly for the heck of it because I was curious I don't dislike my lips at all but I was really just curious I'm that kind of person they go away in a few months so I thought I just want to know what it's like that's not a permanent thing but just full disclosure I've had that done I'm not I'm not opposed to these things I just think that they need to be made with a healthy mind and with doing your research and that that part was the big thing I did not do I was mentally in the right place to have the surgery both times but the first time I had it I did not do the proper research and I hope that for those who are already considering some kind of cosmetic surgery or a septoplasty even that I hope that this might help some of you to make sure that you are really thorough in that process don't think that just because it sounds like a relatively straightforward kind of thing that it necessarily will be for every doctor don't think that necessarily a went to the second time around he's not an otolaryngologist he's not an ear nose throat doctor primarily he is a cosmetic surgeon primarily and he does three surgeries every day pretty much from Monday through Friday I used to think once you're drew a week was a lot when I went to my first doctor but this guy lives and breathes actual surgeries and he's known for noses especially and revisions especially which is a big reason why I went to him but he does this day in and day out he has no record of any issues in recovery in the surgery room with with rhinoplasty ever and he's been doing it for over a decade and and my breathing will be better from him - I to think that cosmetic surgeons didn't know how to fix medically related issues like a deviated septum and little did I know I from the get-go I could have had better results with him the first time so I don't want anyone else to have to deal with something like that when it can be easily prevented I'm glad I learned because like I said I think maybe I'm a much more thorough person with everything now maybe to a fault because of it some of you are going to notice the difference the difference actually isn't gigantic now that the swelling is starting to come down I'm noticing that it's not a huge difference but the things I did not like the weird botched things from the last surgery and more than anything the visible bump from the accident those things are gone and everything that I liked about my nose is still there everything that felt like me everything that was me before this all started before the accident those things are still there very much so so I feel like me again for the first time in a decade because that's how long ago this all started and I feel like I can finally move past that accident I probably should have followed a bit more of the script for this video because I really did truly ramble just like I thought I would but welcome to the second channel if you want more of these I have lots of stories I could actually tell you guys I don't know if I'd ever be like a story time kind of person but I can tell you stories about things I've experienced in life that are true my camera overheated and I don't remember what I was saying right before it shut off so hmm hopefully nothing important let me know what else you'd like to see cuz I can literally do anything on this channel anything in the whole world I can do I can do more talky videos I can do short films I can do uh what else is there to do vlogs I guess so I guess I'd have to do something like leave my house with a vlog I really want to get to know you guys I really want you guys to get to do other things with me so I'm really excited about this channel and I already feel really good haven't told you guys something that it has not been a secret but I just I'm glad I got to talk to you guys about it that's probably gonna be a 30 minute long video oh and we can make videos about your life wouldn't that be fantastic a day in the life of Ripley anyway thanks for watching see you on the next out goddamn sword on the next one
Channel: Mykie
Views: 1,619,475
Rating: 4.9629569 out of 5
Keywords: I had botched plastic surgery in 2013, I had botched plastic surgery, botched plastic surgery, plastic surgery, cosmetic surgery, plastic surgery dangers, things to know before getting plastic surgery
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 46sec (1426 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 26 2017
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