I GUARANTEE This Move Will Fix Your Driver

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longer drives just happen when you get your feet in this position and you've got to be getting your stance so much more narrower than you have been with driver you got to go from here all the way to here I know it sounds crazy but I promise you it works see golfers do wrong all the time we go for a wide stance because logically we think I'm going to put loads of power into it I'm gonna stand there and hit it hard but if I showed you this right if I go really wide stance it actually makes it really hard for me to move my hips actually almost locks them into position so therefore I can't get off I can't push off and get through the ball I also see right this overthe toop move happen way more often because of it so if I get golfers to do this and it's very specific the way I do this stand firstly we got four balls going to hit all four away and watch just watch how they fly honestly you'll be like huh sign me up to that drill look how I've gone I've gone a club head width apart between where the balls of my feet are and the ball is lined up in the middle now what this will get us to do is straight away create a synchronized golf swing okay but look at this if my left toe is pointing in look how much I can move my hips honestly just just try this now it's quite little isn't it whereas if I turn my left toe out hello look at all that room now I've got just with that little bit of a change that's one change so just look at this I'm going to hit my first ball away a club head width apart with my left foot flared now watch this will get us to really control where our low point is because if I move way too aggressively hitting down too much I'm going to fall over if I move and fall back I only going to do it a little bit and I'm going to really go wrong with this you can afford to get a little bit wrong and still it the ball when your stance is wide because your balance takes care of you you can't when you're narrow so first ball away get that measurement just watch this fly I'm not going to hit it hard but watch I didn't even hit that hard but that has just flown do you see where that swing worked through this space because a narrower stance gets you automatically to swing more on plane because you can't throw it over because you will fall over okay ball number two we're just going to get a little bit wider now I never ever want you to go back to here and I'll give you the exact measurement I would take to the golf course during this video but we've got to go through this process to reset your swing so the next one I want you to go for is the ball inside your left heel now and we've got two or Club head just nearly just short of two Club head widths apart okay that's where we're going to hit our ball number two very important though we keep that left foot flared for that ability just to turn and push through that hit here we go watch this one fly too back through coming back middle of the Fairway I literally when I lose my swing on the course I just go back to that narrow I don't quite go back to stage one but I go into that one okay next one coming at you thick and fast here we're going to go to two and a bit Club head widths apart and I'm saying a bit we're not talking exact science here because golf ain't an exact science we just got to get some feelings right and this is all about re-calibrating that Circle not as hitting down too much not as getting stuck so now again my ball position is inside my left heel and I've gone one two and a half Club heads in width look at that there but still see how I've got this flared position again watch this ball flight look at that shot again I think you could just throw a blanket over these it just becomes so repetitive that's everything we're searching for now the exact measurement I take to the golf course is this I'm going to show you then I'll hit one away I never want my ankles to be wider than my armpits checkpoint one so that would be somewhere here I then turn my left to out so as you look at this in player cam I've sort of got my right foot straight and my left foot flared out so I've got a bigger version of where we started and this gives you the best of both worlds you can keep balanced put a bit more speed into it but you can also push off you can also get the swing Circle working much easier because when as I say when you're really wide it throws your swing out you think you're powerful but you're really not so left toe out inside my armpit watch this fly coming back into the middle of that Fairway I don't think I've ever hit four draws in a row like that in my life don't forget I'm giving you a chance to win a brand new Callaway Paradigm AI smoke driver fairway wood and hybrid now if you want to get your hands on it it's dead easy just click this link to the video here that up on my channel so you can go in the giveaway to win those clubs
Channel: AlexElliottGolf
Views: 629,270
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gaurantee, driver, fix your driver, move will fix your driver, increase distance with driver, increase power with driver, increase accuracy, increase accuracy with driver, hit driver straight, hit driver consistently, hit driver straight every time, hit driver longer, how to hit driver longer and straighter, hit my driver longer, alexelliottgolf, simple golf lesson, simple driver lesson, driver lesson, stop killing your driver, get more club head speed, improve driver shots, golf
Id: DrKsZbXoJWo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 34sec (334 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 09 2024
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