Senior Golfers Change These Simple Things To UNLEASH Huge Drives

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if you want a zero effort golf swing make sure you listen up I'm going to share with you what to do to play great golf with zero effort and zero practice if you want to make serious gains in your driving and golf swing with no effort and ideally suited for the people maybe they have slightly less Mobility so what changes can we make to allow us to move better as we get a little bit kind of older and a little bit less mobile like myself in order to be able to swing the golf club efficiently for me we need to make sure we have some form of getting behind the golf ball so what I'm looking to do initially is make some changes that make that the easiest it can possibly be so if we take our driver stance it normally be just outside shoulder with the stance what I'm going to ask you to do is go just inside shoulder with the stance I'm going to ask you to flare your feet a little bit more than you would do normally because we're flaring this foot it's important that we draw this right foot back atack now drawing this right foot back allows us to stay neutral with the flared Lead Foot if I keep the foot parallel and then obviously flare the Lead Foot and I start to L have a little squat down my centers will tend to work and I'll tend to get a very open position so to keep us neutral drawing our rifle back helps us stay neutral it also is going to help create more depth in our back sing as we tilt and turn so it has two great uses for us in terms of our posture I want you to feel a little taller than you might want to feel and I want you to feel a little bit more kind of rounded these two things again make it easier to rotate if we get very kind of locked out and precise and straight backed tense that's no good for rotation so I want you to very much feel that you're going almost going to tuck your hips under roll your back a little bit we're talking small amounts here just to feel that we can now facilitate a better rotation and again we are still looking to get the lead shoulders to work down and across as much as we can and it depends how much you can but also we want to facilitate how much you need to move by moving the pelvis by moving the knees by moving the heel if we need to so we allow the body to work as a functioning Cog and it works more depending on your individual flexibility I'm not going to set any rules you are going to move your knee 10° your ankles 5° no let's move what you need to to feel you complete that back swing so we're going to stand narrower flare feet right foot drawn back slightly more rounded slightly tall and from there we're going to try and feel like we make a big swing and hit the golf ball that one felt really good standing differently to why I would do normally for sure but definitely made a good shot good contact I'm very happy with the flight and he didn't feel stressful on the body strained on the body which is the key thing now what we're going to look at is a little thing in the swing now to try and help increase that distance and that power and the speed so let's go through that now according to all my kind of science mates that I would use as uh sounding boards for information if we're looking to obviously increase the club head speed we need to try and get the golf club to be traveling from the inside nice and wide but also we need to swing the golf club back fast so as you get older if we feel the swing gets particularly shorter I think it's really important that we try and move quickly so I very much want you to feel you have the rhythm of a kind of Nick price or John Ram where that Golf Club goes back very quickly rather than kind of Swing slow and get into position very much want you to think about moving fast and the way back moving fast and the way down but trying to feel that we move behind the ball and if end with the driver don't be scared to stay behind as we hit the golf ball the head should kind of be tilting and moving up as opposed to moving forward and again that tilting and moving up will also help us hit up on the golf ball and hitting up on the golf ball with the driver is vital for in terms of distance so as we swing slower the more we should try and focus on hitting up on the ball ideally hitting up on the ball with the club kind of delofting that's the strongest way you possibly can so we're trying to turn behind the ball turn fast and then try and stay behind the ball as we hit it so stance a little narrower right foot drawn back what you feel is a little taller a little bit more rounded then move the club fast back but turn behind the ball oh that one was peachy meing to see how that looks back in terms of ballf flight and contact I can't really do any better than that for me these tips changes are ideal for senior golfers and I'm 49 senior age for professionals is 50 I'm getting there myself I've taught for a long long time and these are what I've come up with to help you play better as you lose a bit of mobility and you want to try and drive that ball as long as you possibly can and as well as you possibly can give them a go and make sure you like And subscribe to the video if you've enjoyed it
Channel: Alistair Davies Golf
Views: 123,032
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Keywords: Senior Golfers Change These Simple Things To UNLEASH Huge Drives, senior, senior golfers, senior golfer, effortless golf swing, easy golf swing for seniors, golf set up, golf downswing, golf lesson, hitting the golf ball longer, hit golf ball straighter, senior golf tips, effective golf swing, hit golf ball longer, golf tips for seniors, backswing tip for seniors, driver tips for seniors, iron tips for seniors, effortless, flexibility in golf swing, adavies golf
Id: D5CcAmB738o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 55sec (355 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2024
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