Possibly the Fastest Way to Hit Driver Straight and Long

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so today I really want to help you with your drive I'm going to share with you the fastest way I know to improve your driver swing in doing so I'm going to share with you a tip that was shared to me by the world's number one coach Pete Cowen it does three things it instantly improves your contact it instantly improves your direction and if you follow the steps I'm about to show you you will start to see an instant increase in your distance okay it's super super cool and really really simple before I get into the video look though if you're new to the channel you're lessons of mine please consider subscribing I release videos just like this one every single week to try and help you improve your game plus you never have to remember a thing I'll always put a free download practice guide in the description box below so before I share with you Pete Cowan's uh tip let me just show you what a simple gol swing or driver swing looks like super simple ultimately it's this the club swings back on roughly a 45 degree Arc it's like a beautiful Circle swings back here comes back into impact here and then swings through it is simple it's repeatable able okay with you're being inconsistent with driver and I was to track your Club my bet is we'd see all these various different loops and stuff and the club's going all over the place thus affecting your strike your your your level of consistency and certainly the amount of distance that you're capable of hitting all right so how do we then create a circle that is consistent time and time again well ultimately you all you've got to do is this what moves the club you right the body the way you move this body now most of the time the reason why the club's moving all over the place is is your body's moving all over the place and you probably can't feel it all the time or you've tried many many things but you haven't be able to solve the problem so Pete gave me this exercise in fact he he reckons this one drill he gives to every single one of his students because it is the fastest way to get the body working effectively time and time again and it's ultimately the feet together exercise so you've probably seen this drill or similar drill like this before but not in the way I'm about to explain it to you today because if you can learn to do this correctly it is incredible at improving the quality of your strike so here's what we start what's the purpose of this well when you start with your feet together like and stay there just for a moment okay we'll show you how you start to get wider uh throughout the video but when you start like this what does it do well we want to get that club arriving at the same spot every single time okay now what happens when people's feet are apart they start to move around excessively without realizing okay that's affecting bringing the club back at the same spot every time but when you try and move around excessively with your feet together you'll immediately lose your balance which gives you immediate feedback and therefore training right so this is almost like a free training here that you can take to the golf course so I'm swinging now backwards and forwards and I know that if I start moving around I'm going to lose the control of the the control of the head so I swing now and I know I've got a consistent spot I can strike on the ground okay the second thing it does is this when I tip forward now remember we don't play baseball like this okay we play golf so we we're tilted towards the ground we want a tilted Circle so now if I as long as I keep my head roughly on an imaginary wall here as I'm swinging this club I am now naturally going to swing this club on a roughly a 45 degree Arc I will immediately feel myself coming up cuz I will lose my balance but when you have your feet apart it kind of masks a lot of this okay and you can you can lift up you still feel the balance because you got feet apart and again you set the inconsistency comes in so having the feet together trains a really really good swing so here's how what I want you to do to set it up because this is important so before you go into hitting any golf balls here all I want you to do is put your feet together like this okay now turn your left foot or your lead foot out slightly here this just keep you a bit more ability in this left side then what I want you to do is this I want you to make some swings small swings to start with okay now every single time I give this to somebody I mean every single time they start to lose their balance why because they're starting to move make the same moves they did with their feet apart this is brilliant right because it's giving them feedback you see once your body starts to lose balance all I want you to do is keep swinging and swinging and learn to swing in balance as you start to learn to swing imbalance suddenly your body will start to kind of pivot more it will start to kind of get all the right tilts in like this why because it happens naturally but you don't have to think about it the drill will teach you how to do this naturally because if I start lifting up I will feel the loss of balance so on now sty stay a bit closer to the golf ball here there we go swing backwards and forwards and Trust the exercise okay then what I want you to do is this this is important when you get yourself set when when you set up to the golf ball here I want the ball okay outside almost on my little toe of my lead foot here now why do I do that because when we're swinging I want you to set up with the club about two or three inches behind the golf ball here cuz when you swing beautifully in Balan here we want the club the driver to do what naturally hit up on the golf ball okay so I'm going to hit shut now just put my feet together and all I'm focusing on here is just pure and utter balance watch this felt good felt out in the middle of the club and we've just hit that 234 yards with what you probably thought is very little effort whatsoever now as I'm doing this and you do this for the first time you're going to find yourself losing balance sometimes and that's absolutely fine but what I'm doing here is as those feet are together balls outside this kind of lead foot here all I'm going to do is keep swinging and I'm not trying to hit any distance backwards and forwards and I promise you what's going to happen to your contact is is as you keep swinging in Balance you're going to start hitting it out in the middle of the club time and time again and more importantly when you start to lose your balance you're going to immediately feel it okay so often all I'm doing is focusing on keeping my head roughly against that wall trying to return back back in front of me here so I'm getting the pressure of those arms not throwing here not over the top just simply turning it back in front of me body uh body here okay let's have a look at this in action and I'll build up in a second so feet together toe out okay that felt really solid really yeah look we're up to 251 yards in total 100 miles hour with the clubit speed and I've got my feet together okay now what I'm doing here as I do this now you you're not going to hit it necessar my club speed is well over 100 miles hour normally right but it's not about increasing Club speed with this it's about improving the consistency of your Arc and the consistency of your contact if for the majority of golfers out there this will immediately improve your consistency you can go and play like this okay now all I do now is is I'm going to test myself I'm going to keep that ball outside that foot here now all I'm going to do is now see if I can still swinging balance but I'm going to swing now with a little bit more Pace to this and that pace is going to want to take me out of balance potentially so I'm going to find my habits my habit would often be kind of slid there what I've done with the club I've dropped it behind it's not on the circle anymore so holding this here I really feel like I'm it just giving me incredible training and we'll show you in a second how we expand this maybe even to the irons as well in a second so let me see I really ramp up this one here feet are together again here toe out let's give it a smash I really hit that one a little bit harder St my feet together we're up to 2 now 70 yards with the feet together yeah so I could play golf like that comfortably yeah now I want you to do the same so how do we expand this a little bit well the whole purpose of this exercise isn't to try and hit those yardages initially is to improve the quality of this circle and your low point the point where you come back into the golf ball all you do now bit by bit is is you start to increase the width of your stance so you might want to go okay now got maybe a club and a half wids between my heels toes still pointing out and now what I do is same principle here can I still feel the same feelings here so what I'm feeling here is this I don't I one of my problems sometimes is a little bit of this so I'm really feeling my balance your yours might be this a lot of slices kind of SL uh move this way so again it's training this motion you would have felt this with your feet apart so you take those feelings and ultimately all you do is just give it a smash really focusing on your balance and these feet look this is going to massive look at that there 278 yards super comfortably now before we finish look let me show you how this really quickly works with the irons now the slight change I make with ions ultimately is I get them unlike driver where the ball position is on the outside of this kind of lead foot here I get the ball more Central the other thing I get them to do is to recognize like with a driver kind of the club's coming in almost like a plane where the back wheels are landing so you imagine a driver head you want the back of the driver almost landing and then kind of hitting the ball on the way up with an iron ultimately we want to strike the ball on the way down now so we you know what I do get with my students here is I get them to imagine the Leading Edge of this club of the base here striking down on the ground most of the time when people are not really striking it very well or thinning it and fatting it they're generally hit in the back edge here so all we do is that's going to be helped already just by having your feet together ball position more Central but then I'll get them simply to pay attention I want you to the same to what part of the club is ultimately striking the ground okay this is amazing then I'll get him to just hit some shots again same thing this is a 79 here feet together toe pointing outwards but but this time ball in the middle of my stance I get some swings backwards and forwards I feel myself losing balance brilliant I keep swinging until I'm starting to swing in Balance notice by the way I'm not staying dead still try staining balance I am Swinging with freedom in my knees my ankles my hips as much as you can based on your flexibility and watch this it works with irons too okay nice and simple and there you go look beautifully straight nice and simple now I love this not just for a driver not for irons but also do it with your wedges I had the same issue with my wedges a little bit of slide again all I did was put my feet together and immediately I started to get the feedback necessary to get those beautiful strikes it works with every single Club in your bag it's as old as Timeless drill but I tell you do it properly make sure they change those ball positions I promise you you're going to start to you can take it straight to the golf course you're going to start to see some big improvements in the quality of your ball striking and your accuracy hope you enjoyed the video if you did give it a thumbs up maybe share it with one of your friends and of course look if you're new to the channel press that subscribe button and the bell if you want to see how you can really ramp up the power with your driver check this one out the feedback on it with the YouTube Community has been amazing I'll see you next time
Channel: Danny Maude
Views: 1,125,071
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: golf, golf tips, golf advice, how to play better golf, danny maude driver, danny maude golf, how to play golf, how to fix a slice with a driver, how to stop slicing driver, fix slice with driver, stop slicing, how to fix your slice, fix your slice, how to fix a slice, hit a driver for beginners, hit driver straight, golf driver tips, how to hit driver further, how to stop slicing, golf swing, golf lessons, driver swing lesson, stop slicing driver, hit driver longer, maude
Id: FwQ4k3hGOt8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2024
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