This 2 SECOND Tip Will Add 30+ Yards To Your Drives

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foreign so there's no secrets out there anymore if you want to start hitting driver longer than ever there's a few simple things you need to get right in order to maximize your driving distance okay so the recipe for long drives obviously hit it out the middle of the club face but we also want lots of clubhead speed with the club head moving up through impact to create high launch and low spin and I'm going to show you a little two second fix today that's going to help you achieve that not by really changing anything else in your setup so I'm going to show you predominantly what I see most golfers do now we saw that first one there wasn't right out the middle but the club was traveling up four degrees Carrie was 252 total 272. so I think most golfers are aware that obviously if we're going to get the ball at the club traveling up through impact we need the ball forward in the stance so they'll set up with the ball maybe opposite that left heel they talk about getting a little bit of tilt they move the club in behind the golf ball and then they make their swing and if they manage to get it straight very very low so launching low good clubhead speed but we can see 207 carry 248 total and the club actually moving down 3.4 degrees now I know what you're probably thinking hang on we'll move the ball forward in the stance kind of did everything we needed to get the club moving up but actually what ended up happening there is the club was moving down to impact taking all the Loft off the club and therefore you can see a massive loss in carry distance and a big loss in total distance so what caused that so what we would generally see is when golfers move the ball forward what you would still want to see it address is that the lead shoulder is higher than the trail shoulder and that creates that little bit of spine tilt and then it's retaining that tilt to impact but the mistake I see a lot of golfers make is that they start everything off like that but then as they move the club in behind the golf ball the shoulders from face on get very level and actually what that shows is that the shoulders are pointing way off to the left now whether a club is moving up or down through impact is all down to where the lowest point of the golf swing is so if the lowest point of the golf swing is behind the golf ball the club will be traveling up and if the lowest point is ahead like we saw on that poor one the club's traveling down through impact now just as a general rule what you will tend to see with golfers is that the more from the inside they swing the low point is back and then it's traveling up later in the swing the more left they swing they move the lowest point forward so you can see if I swing to the right from the inside you can see my low point would be back here club would travel up if I let those shoulders get too level we can see where I touched the ground ahead of the golf ball so the biggest problem for a lot of guys is as soon as they move that ball forward their instinct is to move the body up with the golf ball and it undoes all the good work so I'm going to give you something really easy to do we're going to get the ball forward but we're actually just going to put the club head in the middle of the stance so maybe five six inches behind the golf ball and you can try that as a practice swing first and even if I'm skimming the mat I can tell I'm actually touching the mat back behind the golf ball so the club would definitely be traveling up by the time we get there now what I would say is when you initially practice this it'll feel very different if you're somebody who's used to getting that club right up behind the golf ball so get the club set back behind and even if you have to just swing a little slower to begin with just to get that little bit of a feel as to what you're doing we can see my combat speeds drop down to just under 101 mile an hour my low points 5.6 inches behind angle of attack the club's traveled up 3.8 degrees and even with less Club head speed there it's nearly 250 carry and 276 total now how nice is that initially that I can actually lose four mile an hour but get over 40 yards extra carry and 30 yards extra total so for a lot of golfers they'll feel maybe a little slower is more controlled I don't necessarily agree that slower is more controlled I think you can pay attention and be a more aware of what's going on when you're not quite as fast and while you're making a change that can help but it's like the added bonus isn't it that if you feel you've got more awareness as to what's going on and you hit the ball further off the tee like I said that's a huge bonus so again we're going to get that ball forward start that club head more in the middle of my stance and put a little bit more speed back in that one just turning over a little bit more so again 105 so that's the speed we saw at 207 carry but the club's now traveling up 3.6 degrees and now 256 yards carry 286 total so it can seem odd but like I said if you can start that club Behind it's almost like right if the club's on the ground there I know I'm going to transfer my weight forward but as that sternum stays behind the golf ball that's going to get that club bottoming out behind the ball and get that club moving up and it's probably something I if I don't think about my setup with driver think instinctive I always put my club maybe two or three inches back behind the ball maybe not quite that exaggerated but anyone who watches my videos will know I tend to hit up quite a lot if anything maybe too much sometimes which costs me a bit on strike but again I'm going to exaggerate it a little bit for me so Club had even further back can I put a bit more speed into there so strike a little bit lower than I would like but again we saw a bit more speed nearly 107 again nearly four degrees up to six seven carry and two eight four total now what I would say is this is definitely going to get you hitting the ball a bit further the only little danger that we need to look at is it might change shape of shot for some of you so when the club is traveling down into the golf ball it's actually moving a little bit more to the right even if you're swinging out to win the club's still traveling down there for more to the right than it is on the way up so if you are somebody who's normally hitting down with the low Point ahead and you suddenly move the low Point behind you might find that your path at impact is a bit more out to win if that's the case you want to feel from the top that you swing a little bit more from the inside a little bit more to the right and that'll keep that path a little bit more neutral but get that club head nicely behind the ball go for some speed swing a little bit more to the right and I take that every single day right out the middle decent speed if not at my quickest but four degrees up 267 carry 294 total and if you look at that difference all I'm really changing yes I've got almost two mile an hour quicker by consciously trying to be a little bit quicker but that little change from clubbing behind and that producing that upward angle of attack as opposed to moving the club there shoulders getting Level making the low Point move ahead you could pick up 30 40 maybe 50 yards I know that sounds extreme but if you are somebody who's maybe three four degrees down into impact and you can now be three or four degrees up it really could be that big a difference in distance and there's nobody in the world and I do mean nobody in the world who can afford to give up 30 40 yards extra off the tee makes the hole shorter makes the game more enjoyable so make that little two second tweak at address start the club in the middle have the ball forward set up there and start hitting those drives longer than ever before
Channel: AliTaylorGolf
Views: 1,972,216
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: golf, tips, advice, drill, coach, pga, launch, monitor, custom, fit, backspin, distance, review, testing, comparisons, ball, speed, slice, hook, shaft, flex, lesson, callaway, titleist, ping, pxg, honma, mizuno, cobra, wilson, taylormade, srixon, draw, fade, straight, hit your driver straighter, stop your slice, turn your slice into a draw, how to hit a draw, hit more fairways, ali taylor golf, how to swing the golf club, This 2 SECOND Tip Will Add 30+ Yards To Your Drives, 2 second, tip, add, 30+, yards, drives, hitting, up
Id: x_DNY8c6KDw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 15sec (555 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 31 2022
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