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what's up praise the lord we're back i'm excited about being back i got my girl with me you want to say something i'm really excited praise the lord yes you should be excited you conquered covid thank god thank you for your prayers i'm just so ecstatic that pastor battle is back and he's healthy and it's because of you all praying for us and we're just so grateful for god's mercy yeah they thank you for your prayers cards gifts videos people kim townsend did a video that's big that was amazing yeah yeah we know kim spoke that was so we're just so grateful for all of your kind words grateful for all the pastors who preached and filled in over the last six weeks phenomenal job everybody we're just really grateful and i was away from my wife for 38 days so she is expecting now praise the lord now i'm just serious no this is just quarantine weight corn not baby weight yeah i ain't say that hey once you pray for our time in the word then we'll get into the message sure father in heaven we are so grateful for the opportunity to serve you lord we just pray that your word would just saturate us in our hearts lord god that we would be able to receive what you want to say to us and that whatever is said would bear fruit in our lives bear fruit in our christian witness bear fruit and how we treat one another how we treat our families how we treat ourselves and we just thank you for the opportunity to listen and to um just be a part of the people of god and we thank you and we love you and i pray in jesus name amen amen thank you hon appreciate that all right let's get into the word of god second kings chapter four is where i'd like to turn your attention today uh i spent a lot of time talking about second king chapter four during the cash app series and i was looking at different angles of that story in second kings chapter four but i want to look at it sermonically today and and highlight some things that i said before but really emphasize some things that i've not shared with you about that passage and for context i'm just gonna read verse one i'm gonna the message will cover verses one to seven but for context to set our our framework for the day i just wanna read verse one i'm reading from the new living translation and here's what it says one day the widow of a member of the group of prophets came to elisha and cried out my husband who served you is dead and you know he feared the lord but now a creditor has come threatening to take my two sons as slaves wow listen to that this this woman comes to the prophet elijah and says first of all my husband is dead the man that served you the man that feared the lord he's dead he's not sick he's not disabled he's gone my covering is gone the head of our household is gone our family is destroyed he is our patriarch he's gone and then to make matters worse prophet elijah on top of that now the creditors are coming to take my two sons because we're in debt and we can't pay off the debt what a what a mess how this is a significant problem she's facing she's got she's got one she's got a one situation she's dealing with the death of her husband and while she's trying to manage that and grieve her husband now she has a developing situation because of the debt that was left on her now there's danger because of the debt that's developing in her situation because now creditors who by law if you owe a creditor and you haven't paid them off they can take you in as a slave and make you work for them to pay off the debt so they're saying we're coming to get your two sons what a situation what do you do in a situation where you're already overwhelmed by one thing and here comes something else at you like what am i supposed to do that's what i want to talk about today my subject is stuck what do you do when you don't know what to do i can tell you this not only is this lady in this situation but one thing that 2020 has done to all of us in one way or another has left us stuck confused like i don't know what to do in this situation like with all of the uncertainty in our world all of the sadness all of the sorrow all of the danger all of the the racial tension the social injustice all that's going on in our world like we're like what are we what do we do with this the sudden deaths of young people of famous people out of nowhere unexpectedly hate crimes happening uh black people dying in in in police custody and and all of the tension is all around us and then to have a worldwide pandemic that none of us has ever seen in in the course of our life the worst in the last 100 years where over 8.7 million people have been infected with the coronavirus and over 227 000 people have died like what are we supposed to do how do we do church now how do how do we work now working remotely and and taking doing zoom with our pajama pants on and and how do we educate our kids now we're the faculty members and there's so much uncertainty around and and this past one of the reasons why this lady in this passage is stuck is because not only is she dealing with one situation but she's dealing with multiple situations she's not just dealing with the death of her husband she's dealing with the danger of having her son taken because of debt and i want to tell you something about about about how god works sometimes god will give you multiple situations to deal with so that you don't get stuck on one situation you can't change it's really a blessing in disguise it doesn't feel like it because i'm sure she was like lord this is just this is a lot and some of you who i'm talking to right now you're dealing with multiples you'd be happy to just have one thing to wrestle with but you got one thing you're wrestling with all day and you got another thing you're researching about at night you got multiples and what i want to tell you is sometimes god will bless you with multiple challenges so that you don't get focused on one thing that you can't change see if all she had to deal with was her husband's death she would be spending all her days wishing he would come back but because her son's at stake now now she's got to fight for them she ain't got time to be thinking about her husband she's got a fight on her hands and sometimes god will use another problem to distract us from the one we can't change and what i learned from this lady's life which is such a blessing in this situation is is that she used some strategies that i want to point out in this passage about seven strategies i want to give you in this passage that this lady used that i would call stuck strategies things we can use when you don't know what to do we don't know which way to go you don't know how to work your way out of a situation and you don't need to feel bad when you don't know what to do it just simply means you don't have the resources or the wherewithal to handle what you're currently facing maybe you've never faced it before maybe you face something like it but you never face something exactly like this and so here are the strategies that i want us to look at from this lady's life and the first one is right there in the first verse she says in verse one she goes to elijah and says one day she goes elijah and says my husband who serve you is dead the first stuck strategy i want to give you is she sought spiritual guidance she went to the man of god i think this is very important y'all like like outside of praying one of the most important things you can do when you don't know what to do is to go to somebody who's got wisdom somebody who can pray somebody whose character you can count on what are you going to watch what are you going to read where are you going to go to search for counsel when you need it i know in my own life i'm blessed we're all blessed to have somebody in our life who's wise and godly you got to have that because if you don't because just having somebody wise to talk to and experienced and spiritual to talk to when you don't know what to do can give you traction it's such a blessing like stuff you wouldn't even thought of can just make you feel like you know i can go with that i can work with that and i want to ask you a question who's in that circle in your life who can be the wisdom you need when you're stuck that's very important it was albert einstein that says you cannot solve a problem with the same level of thinking that created it see with your thinking and your ability to get you stuck in a problem you're going to need somebody else to get you out of it and the scripture says there's safety in the multitude of counsel who do you need to go to sometimes there are people that i don't even bother by calling them i i imagine myself in a room with them i imagine myself talking to them and i already know what they're going to say i can go through my mind and call pastor jenkins in my mind and say what should i do in this situation and i can hear his wisdom talking to me it's a blessing it's a blessing to have wise people you can go to so the first thing she did was she saw spiritual counsel she saw spiritual guidance the second thing she does is very interesting when she goes to elijah she starts running down her her deceased husband's resume she says elijah you know my husband he served you and you know he feared the lord now let me tell you why that's so important y'all because even though she's in a situation where she doesn't know what to do she's leaning on her husband's reputation to justify her demand for support i'm not coming to you you know who he was you know what kind of man he was he served you and the lord we need help you know what she's doing right there she's leaning on legacy she's name-dropping right now and i'll explain it in a moment but every now and then i'll give you uh i'll give you a quick homological bridge every now and then you got to tell people who you're connected to and who you're in covenant with because that might change the way they treat you and the way they help you in the situation he said you know who my husband was you know what kind of man he was and now now i'd be remiss if i didn't deal with the whole truth of the passage her husband feared the lord he was a man of faith he was a man of character but he left his family in bad shape financially that's not a good thing but it is possible to be a good person and bad with money it is possible to be spiritual and not and be in debt and so i must i must say to every father and every husband especially that it is our responsibility to take care of our families financially not just while we're alive but when we die we got to plan for our death so that our families are taken care of beyond our being here that's our responsibility this kind of reminds me of that song by the temptations that came out in september of 1972 called papa was a rolling stone and the song says wherever he laid his hat was his home and then the song goes on to say and when he died all he left us was alone and some of us men are leaving our families just like this prophet alone and some of us are leaving our family a loan loan and i'm saying that's not being responsible but i'm not going to stop there because the passage doesn't emphasize his financial instability defining the passage emphasizes his character because what he lacked in his financial portfolio he made up for with his reputation so now his character becomes the currency of his family and she can go in his in his reputation and say we need help see some of y'all listening to me right now know dag going well that the reason why you got that job was not because of your skills because somebody in management like your father they respected your mother they remembered your parents some of y'all got into college not because of your gpa and certainly not because of your s.a.t somebody opened that door for you because somebody you was related to and somebody they liked was in your family said come on let's give them a chance see we always talk about generational curses but how about generational hookups and generational blessings and generational favor and with that in mind i need to ask everybody listen to me a question here's the question what kind of legacy are you leaving behind because somebody's coming behind you that's a descendant of yours whether it's a niece a nephew child grandchild god child can they can they say they were connected to you in that matter for them in a good way legacy matters money matters but legacy matters as well she said you know what kind of man he was he served you and he served the lord and and watch this watch this proverbs 20 and 7 says a good man walks with integrity and his children are blessed after him so the next thing that happens is in verse two elijah says okay what kind of help do you need from me then he immediately says what do you have in your house flip it right back on her what do you have in your house so she says all i have in the house is a flask of olive oil that's it which lets me know stuff strategy number three the fact that she says all i have left in the house is a flask of oil means that she searched her house to find anything that she could throw up against this problem she's facing so she searched for hidden treasure that's that's stuck strategy number three when you don't know what to do and you're in a situation that's overwhelming you you gotta look around in your situation where's the good where's the good in this bad situation where's the treasure where's the ore where is the coal in this mine see there's always something good in a situation but sometimes we need to get spiritual guidance to see what we've been overlooking see she had some oil she had a little flask of oil she said that's all i got but she had to search for it and she didn't know as a see when she went to scout spiritual guys with it she found out you got you got a home-based oil business that's why you got to have somebody see what you cannot see and so she says that's all i've got you got to search what is it that you got you got to search for hidden treasures where's the blessing in all of this situation what's in your house i said that over and over again in the cash upstairs what's in your house what's in your house that you may be overlooking what's in your house that you can throw up against your pandemic in your situation let me tell you it could be your testimony that's in your house your testimony that says i've never been through this before but he did bring me out of that and if he's the same god that brought me out of that he can bring me through this because even though i've never been through this before what is on my resume is i am a survivor and so i can throw that up against this situation that's that's that's that's that's a hidden treasure it could be a talent that you have it could be a gift that you have a skill an idea that you have all of those things that you can throw up against your situation and even if it's not in your real estate in the house in your home it can be in this house because the bible says in second second corinthians chapter four that we have this treasure in earthen vessels what treasure has he put in you that he wants to use to help you fight against what you're fighting against you may remember there was a story in the new testament where jesus was teaching a group of 5 000 men not including women and children probably 15 20 000 people and it was getting late and his staff says you need to send these people home so they can get something to eat and jesus said you feed them and they're like where are we going how are we going to go where are we gonna go get groceries for all these people and she said don't go get no girls just find out what's in the house oh that's good found out what's in the house so they started scouring around they saw a certain searching for hidden treasure and guess what in a little boy's book bag he had a little lunch and with basically a five-piece nugget chick-fish nugget and two biscuits that was used by god to feed a multitude and they had leftovers because god doesn't need a lot he just needs you to use what you got that's how david was able to kill goliath david killed goliath not with war weapons those were his toys they would play with slingshots and rocks but god doesn't need much but whatever he gets access to he can work miracles with it what do you have in your house it's easy to overlook your oil so you got to say god say right put this in the chat lord don't let me miss my oil you got some oil in this pandemic you got some oil in this financial crisis you got some oil 30 million people are now working and you might be one of them what's your oil there is something you can do i'm going to talk about that a little later here's the fourth thing here's the fourth thing she did it's interesting when elijah said what you got left which you got in the house she didn't say hon she never mentioned her sons she said all i got is this all i got is a flask of oil but wait a minute you got two sons in the house but she never threw that up on the resource list she said i got a flash of oil and i'm saying wait wait when i look at the record god used those two sons and that oil to bring her out of it and this is the thing it is very easy when you're blind to be so blinded by your grief that you miss what you got left here's my next point here's the next point she used what she had left oh help me preach this y'all help me preach this put these five words into put these five words in the chat right now use what you got left use what you got left i said this to y'all over and over again in this church whatever god's going to do in your life he's going to do it with who's left not with who left he's going to do it with what's left not but what left and i you know what it really at the end of the day it hurts because somebody left you and maybe somebody left you be via death and somebody may have left you via divorce and somebody left you over a disagreement and somebody left you over a doctrinal issue and somebody left you because they were disappointed and somebody left you over some dumb stuff and then somebody left you because you voted democrat or you didn't vote democrat and all kinds of stuff going on but let me tell you what i can guarantee somebody didn't leave you god said i'll never leave you i'll never forsake you and i'm gonna leave you with enough left to keep fighting with i will always leave you watch this instead of focusing on what you don't have focus on what he left you with god i thank you for what's left i thank you that even though i'm a widow when i drove to the cemetery and i buried my husband when i got back in the limousine i had two sons in the car with me i thank you for what's left i don't somebody had to bury somebody you better look around the house and say but who he leave me with who leave me he will never leave you without everything you need to keep going to be unstuck work with what you got left work with what you got left work with what you got left i thank you for what i got left there was a lady in the bible named naomi she had a husband named elimelech they had two sons named maelon and kilian they were doing wonderful meilon and kilian married two ladies from moab called oprah and ruth and they were doing wonderful then life happened first thing that happened to naomi is her husband elimelech died then sometimes later her two sons died without having children so now she's bereft of a husband she has no sons and she has no grandchildren and she is so grieved over what she's lost she wants to get rid of what's left she tells orphan ruth go on with your life and oprah did but ruth says i'm not leaving you i'm committed to you and ruth was willing to do whatever it took to take care of naomi but listen to naomi when she got back to her hometown after she lost all of that she stood in front of people and said don't call me naomi which means pleasure call me mara which means bitter because the lord said she said she said because i left her full and i came back empty and she said that huh right in front of roof whoo i'm telling you it's possible that some of you have been so blinded by your loss that you don't see what's left because god is going to use was god used who was left in her life to bless her for the rest of her life god's going to use what's left use what you got left somebody's getting this just take a minute and thank god for what's left i know you lost a lot but i thank you for what's left i know you lost the ability to walk to run but can you still walk and maybe you lost the ability to do some things but you can still do another thing you got to thank god for what's left that he didn't leave you empty that's a the devil is a lie you ain't empty you got something left work with what you got left the next thing that happens is in verse three and verse three she says she says i ain't got nothing but a she says she says borrow as many here it is elijah says borrow as many empty jars as you can from your friends and neighbors uh oh this one's gonna be hard right here he says that's what you gotta do now notice when elijah she first came to elijah said you know my husband he said what you got you had to do something he says here's what you had to do go borrow jaws from your friends and neighbors she probably was what the what i ain't going on i ain't doing all that i ain't going over these neighbors house i ain't wanting people all in my business talking about what they doing and all that i to do all that i came to you for help my husband was full time on this staff in the ministry he was over here more than he was at home uh to be keeping 100 with you so i don't know why i got to go and go to my neighborhood and put people all in my business about my situation when i came i don't mind coming to you because you is our man and we tithe we tithe but listen y'all here's the fifth stuck strategy and this is for somebody because somebody listening to me is really going through something real deep and real dark and you know what not a lot of people know only the people closest to you know they can see beyond that smile but watch this now you're going to have to practice hard work and humility you're not going to get out of this situation without humility and hard work what do you mean by humility you're going to have to ask for help she first had to go ask elijah for help then she had to go have some friends and neighbors for help and she had to go do work she got to get the jaws then she got to bring the jobs back to the house then she got to fill the jars up then she got seller jobs she got seller oil that's some work right there humility hard work you ain't gonna be able to rebuke this one you can be able to just bind it and plead the blood because faith without works is dead it's going to take humility and hard work but what is difficult about this situation is is that i'm sure there was some pushback internally in her even though the text doesn't say it i'm sure naturally she was dis-eased by this process because here's the deal most of us don't like the pain we're in we just don't like the process god says you got to go through to get out of it so i don't want to have my sons taken but i also don't want to walk around this neighborhood let people all into my business let me ask you a question that's what i call a button every now and then god will hit a button in you and that button is when he tells you to do something and as soon as you everything and you jump up and say well you know what we're just going to lose the house then cause i ain't doing that we're just going to get a divorce then because i'm not doing all that it wasn't my fault anyway he didn't want to left us in this debt well i got to go through the neighborhood grabbing jars he should have been taking hand here see see everybody got a button and let me tell you when god hits that button you'll be like lord please make a way please make way he said go say you sorry go do this go apologize go ask that you know what then i'm just going to be unemployed then that's that button because we but here's the difference with her see the difference with her is the reason why she was willing to do whatever it takes because of what was at stake yeah see mama don't play that you ain't coming to get these kids so you can do a whole lot but you ain't messing with my kids when them people walk up in their house and say hey you know what you got 30 days to pay this bill or we taking your two sons you do what you call andre and devontre you ain't no you ain't what you ain't taking my boys i got how you start a gofundme page you you private as a boy let them come and after them kids any mothers listen to me right now say the game changes when you mess with my kids that's how my women who would sleep in the bed with sick kids put the husband out to bed slide over so devontre could sleep with us because he could have nightmares he pee in the bed he peeing on the husband now you just you don't care them your babies i don't dare too much to bring them to this way you ain't taking nobody see that's a gangster they're women who lift cars up over children women do not play about them kids so when it came down to that she said i know i don't want to have to do all that i don't want to have to go through all that but since his kids since my kids involved i'm gonna go through with it even if i gotta deal with these nosy neighbors i'm gonna go ahead and deal with it even i can deal with these nosy neighbors so she has to go through her neighborhood dealing with nosy neighbors you know it's always people in your neighborhood our neighborhood i grew up it was people to look through the window they'd be looking to see what you doing peeping through their blinds there's always somebody like that so she kind of she had to go around ask for jaws and so and she run up yeah yeah praise the praise of the lord and so i'm sure somebody's hey hey baby how you let me dial it number first i can't talk without god hey viola how you doing yeah i just want to know did you see the myrtle come by your house yeah she just came by here hold a minute yeah she just came over here answer for josh i don't understand why she needs jobs i mean it really strange requests do you know well you know early and her husband died really i didn't know that yeah you know the little sharp minister herman the hero's over the man's ministry used to pray and bowlegged and his right hand would shake when they pray you remember him don't you yeah yeah that's him he died oh lord he died oh oh hashtag i to the homie there so i didn't know was it expected no they wasn't expected early they caught and i was going to go to the service it was on thursday hold up here they should go over mabel's house yeah they were going lord what is she doing yeah you know i was going to the service on thursday but my little grandson took my covet mask and i couldn't go because i knew they weren't going to let me in there with no more masks going so i just watched it on facegram but i don't understand what's she doing over there let me oh let me go outside and see if i can hear hold on a minute early let me go see if i can hear what they're doing yes and why she got them she got oh she got a walmart cart pushing them jobs what is she doing earlier i don't know what's going on you know why she need them jobs because i gave her some good job you know lord i hope they ain't going to cremate the little man and put them in the jaws because i gave her some good jobs too you know and raymond might be mad when he get home because because he used jobs for moonshine but anyway girl i got to go i got to watch my story i'll talk to you later okay we pray for pray for our family amen see i'm saying y'all ain't nobody got time for all that all that would ear lean in them but sometimes god will call you to do something and you got to put your head down and do it even when people are talking about you no matter what people saying it ain't their business you know what i'll tell you about explain it later i got stuff i got to do because some of you are using that as an excuse not to do what you're supposed to do because you're worried about what people think but god will put you in a situation sometimes where it's too much at stake to be cute i gotta hurry up i got two more stuck strategies for you two more two more watch what happens in verse six it says in verse six let me get to the verse let me get the verse uh no verse four then go into your house with your sons verse four shut the door behind you pour olive oil from your flask into the jars and set aside each one when it is filled ooh watch this when the jaws are filled with oil set aside each one when it is filled set aside each one when it is filled here's stuck strategy number six do not waste your oil don't waste your oil when you when you go get a job and you feel that job with your little flask it's a miracle you set that jaw aside and you fill up another and you said that josh how you fill up another do not run do once it's full stop pouring go to the next job do not waste that oil whoo i'm gonna bless somebody right here what do you mean pastor what do you mean how does that apply to us well first of all first of all it can only apply to you if you know what your oil is you got to know what your oil is well what is my oil pastor your oil is your talent your treasure your ability it is that resource you have that could actually generate revenue for you to throw up against your financial situation it is pecuniary in nature it's your money maker it could be you could have the talent to design or direct or to produce it could be to teach or to educate it could be to write or to share it could be to counsel or to intervene it could be to organize or to strategize whatever it is it adds so much value that people will pay you for that oil and i'm saying don't waste it god gave it to you to use it do not waste that oil it's for it's reused and one of the ways you can waste it here's how you can waste it you waste it by not using it if you if it's just sitting as a decorative item in your house that ain't god ain't getting no he gave it to you to use it and some of you are not using your oil because you're intimidated about people being jealous of you or people rejecting you or somebody not liking you who cares you better stop wasting your oil because god gave you that oil and he's holding you responsible to be a steward over that oil another way we waste our oil is not by not just not just not using it but when we when we keep giving the oil away for free i declutter y'all i read this passage over and over again and that man did not say donate that oil he said sell it put that in the chat sell that oil sell that oil i don't know who i'm preaching to today but you need to start selling that oil it's time for you to sell that oil because you've been trying to give it away for free and here's the deal if she didn't sell at all she was gonna end up selling her kids and some of y'all are doing that right now in your family because you won't sell your oil and charge people what it's worth for your oil you're busy all the time and you're broke all the time and the only people paying for your oil is your spouse and your children while you're gone all the time and everybody else getting free oil i'm helping somebody right now sell that oil it's a just tell somebody this oil is for sale this oil is for sale you this this this is not discounted it ain't for free you got to buy this oil another way you can waste your oil is by using it only on one source some people yeah if she's he's saying pour all this oil into one guy said when this is you there's your oil there's your oil there's your oil there's your oil you got to be careful that you don't let people monopolize your oil and you got people paying for a 60-minute session and getting 90 out of it and don't want to pray extra for the extra so now they're monopolizing your time and your oil because you're allowing people to dominate now you run out of oil and you run out of time that's how you waste your oil by using it on people that don't respect it enough to have the boundaries around it that i got other people that this oil is for now this is good this is good let me give you something else about this oil in verse in verse four go back to verse four for a second in verse four says when you go into your house with your sons shut the door behind you then pour shut the door then pour shut the door then pour watch this somebody say behind closed doors behind closed doors so so watch this watch this watch this you sell the oil in public but you prepare your oil in private when nobody's looking see you don't have to tell me how hard you worked on your oil when the lights are up and you're on the stage i can tell i can tell what you did in private when it's public time and see what makes your oil great is not marketing and it's not promotion it's it's not even the president what makes the presentation awesome is the preparation what are you doing behind closed doors doors with the oil god gave you are you working on it are you perfecting it are you fine tuning it are you sharpening it are you making it it's best when nobody's looking then watch what also look at verse six look at verse six i hope i'm not boring y'all in verse six after she they kept bringing her her sons kept bringing her jaws and by the way for every young person wondering why we got to work why we gotta be involved in this because if you're old enough to eat grown folk food you're old enough to do grown food work and so they then they're bringing their jaws and then she says bring me another jaw and they and one of the son says we're all out and at that moment the oil stopped flowing the oil stopped flowing as soon as they ran out of jars what's the point right there god didn't stop the oil from flowing because he was out of oil he stopped the oil from flowing because they were out of jars and god don't waste oil god don't waste the lord look at look tell somebody in the chat room you better say acting like god god don't waste oil either in fact here's another encouragement for those of you who have oil on your life and have something of value that god is using god says i'll give you enough oil for every vessel i bring into your life you got vessels i got all for you your oil won't run out to the vessels run out you will have oil stamina i don't know who that's for but just send me an email tell me that was for me i got one more thing and i'm done she's down sought spiritual guidance she leaned on her husband's legacy she searched for hidden treasure she's work what she got left she's practicing humility and hard work she's not wasting that oil and then watch this verse seven at the end of the story she goes back to elijah and says to him watch this accountability it's accountability go back to elijah and says okay this is what happened uh we this is what went down that's accountability she goes back to her spiritual guidance and he says all right go sell the oil and watch this sell oil and pay your debt don't sell oil and start shouting and get a lexus sell oil and pay that debt cause that's how you got here so watch this here's the final stuck strategy she moved differently pay that all i mean sell that all then pay your debt why is this so important it was debt that got her in this situation this lets me know too by the way it wasn't just her husband she wasn't being responsible either god said yeah you should have been sure y'all weren't paying your bills before but this time i bless you make sure you do it right whoever this is for let me tell you something whatever god's pulling you out of or whatever he pulls you out of there things he pulls you out of that you aren't supposed to ever go back to don't ever go back to that don't stay in it don't stay in debt don't go back into debt make sure you're a person who's responsible financially now move differently i don't know what he pulled you out of i don't know what he rescued you out of i don't know what he's pulling you out of i know stuff he's pulled me out of and here's the lesson don't go back don't let me pull you out of something and rescue out of something that could have took you out it could have cost you your kids could it cost you everything you have do not go back to that move differently now you'll move you got to move differently now we can't go right to that now we pay debt we pay our bills on time so these are our stuck strategy today one more time see spiritual guidance who's in your network lean on legacy who you're connected to that you can use as a resource to help you through this time search for hidden treasures that's that oil you got to work with what you got left stop being focused on stop focusing on what you lost what's left your miracle is always and what's left number five you got to be humble you got to work hard do not waste your oil don't let nobody don't let nobody mistreat your oil either if they don't respect it i say all the time so this is for business people right here people are interested in you until they know how much you cost and that's okay they need to know how much you cost because everybody that likes you can't afford you who am i throw a sock at the screen or something let me know did you heard that then finally make sure you move differently let's pray father thank you for your word thank you for this opportunity to share your truth now may we be transformed by maybe not just be informed but transform may it make a difference in our life we pray in jesus name and don't forget to vote amen [Music]
Channel: Keith Battle
Views: 5,384
Rating: 4.9473686 out of 5
Id: YanI-67E6K0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 33sec (2373 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 02 2020
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